TheSun 2009-09-03 Page02 Now PR Holds Sitting in Hotel

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2 theSun | THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3 2009

news without borders


Now PR holds
sitting in hotel

by Giam Say Khoon However, state Criminal Investigation
Department chief
IPOH: Six months ago, the Pakatan Rakyat Glenn Sinnapah told

(PR) assemblymen in Perak held their “state the assemblymen
assembly meeting” under a tree. Yesterday, they were gathering
they did it again – this time in a hotel – to illegally.
justify their claim that they are the rightful The police then
state government. began to disperse the
Former mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohamad crowd, which now
Nizar Jamaluddin and speaker V. Sivakumar included supporters
led 27 PR assemblymen who marched to from non-governmental The PR assemblymen approved an emer-
the State Secretariat building from the DAP organisation Kesatuan gency motion condemning the arrest of the
headquarters at 9.45am. Pemuda Melayu, who dis- the state assemblymen on Aug 13 to attend seven earlier in the morning.
However, the group was stop by the police played banners expressing the sitting. They also approved the membership for
outside a 30m radius of the building. Police support for Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Off “The meeting must be convened, so I will the privilege committee, public accounts
had obtained a court order to prohibit the Abdul Kadir. limits ... use the doctrine of necessity again to chair committee, and Standing Order committee.
public from going within 30m of the building, At a press conference, Mohamad Nizar the meeting at another place,” he said. After the sitting ended two hours later,
police Mohamad Nizar said Sivakumar will lodge a
except for the government officers who work said although the PR assemblymen accepted When the assemblymen gathered at
prevent police report “directing” the police to arrest
there, from 1am yesterday to 11am today. the court order to prohibit people from go- Heritage Hotel later in the morning, they
the PR Ganesan and Hee.
Police arrested seven people – Setiawan ing near the State Secretariat building, the “endorsed” the privilege committee’s report,
assemblymen However, he said, it is up to the police
assemblyman and state DAP chief Datuk elected representatives should not be ob- which recommended that the Speaker, Datuk
and their whether to act or not.
Ngeh Koo Ham, Malim Nawar assemblyman structed from carrying out their duties. R. Ganesan, and his deputy, Hee Yit Foong,
supporters In PUTRAJAYA, Datuk Seri Najib Razak
Keshvinder Singh, Simpang Pulai assembly- “The police stopped us from going to the be arrested and given a six months jail sen-
from going called on all quarters to respect the law to
man Chang Ming Kai, a press photographer, building, resulting in the arrest of the three tence.
within a ensure that public order is maintained at
who was arrested after he claimed he was assemblymen, for reasons unknown,” he Ganesan and Hee were also “fined”
30m radius all times.
pushed by the police, and three others. said. RM250,000 each for their roles in the state
of the State Commenting on attempts by opposition
They were released later on police bail. “The pro-Umno group was allowed to assembly sitting in May during which Ganesan
Secretariat parties in Perak to “convene” a state legisla-
When negotiating with the police, Ngeh gather without being harassed as if they had was appointed the speaker.
building. tive assembly sitting yesterday, the prime
had argued that the court order was not obtained a permit. This is a double stand- The seating arrangement in the hotel
legal as they had failed to prove the order ard.” included places for the Barisan Nasional as- minister said, “police have the power to
had been gazetted. Sivakumar said notices were issued to all semblymen, which were not occupied. ensure that public order is maintained”.

PKFZ lacked common

management skills, says Azmi
by Tan Yi Liang takes. Even for small businesses, the banks will ask for it.
“However, the project was completed. From
KUALA LUMPUR: The management of the Port the aspect of the developers and contractors,
Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) was “very weak” and it was completed quickly. But from a financial
lacking in common management skills, Public standpoint, it was very weak and because of this,
Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Datuk Seri we found such apparent cost escalations, which
Azmi Khalid said yesterday. became a problem.”
“Today, we can only draw a conclusion that the Azmi said Phang was cooperative and ad-
management of the project was very weak, and mitted her responsibility as the PKFZ general
many common practices of such large projects manager until May last year.
which should be there appeared to be absent,” he “She gave an explanation of her experiences,
said. and we asked her questions. She admitted that
Azmi, who spoke to reporters after the PAC she was responsible as the general manager,
questioned former Port Klang Authority general but the issue of who is at fault and who is not is
manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang, said the project another story,” he said.
lacked a cash flow projection to track incoming He did not query Phang about her trips overseas
and outgoing funds. as he felt it was part of marketing the project.
“Anyone who knows business or project Phang was also not questioned about the
management will prepare a projection of income allegations made by PKA chairman Datuk Lee
and expenditure. One important element is a Hwa Beng. “If there is any truth to the allegations,
cash flow projection to monitor the income. If you and it goes into a police report, we don’t want to
have no cash flow projection of your incoming interfere in case we prejudice her,” he said.
and outgoing funds, it is like walking in the dark,” Asked whether a conclusion could be drawn
he said. following yesterday’s inquiry, Azmi said they still
“It is an essential component of all businesses. needed to speak to former PKA chairmen Tan Sri
It allows you to keep track of your commitment Dr Ting Chew Peh and Datuk Yap Pian Hon today.
to pay the banks and the loans. If you have no He said the PAC hoped to finish its work by
projection, you do not know your financial mis- next week, and complete its report by October.

Tiong hopes for transparent probe

KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd CEO PKFZ, a trans-shipment hub built on 405ha site
Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing confirmed that the Port Klang, became embroiled in a controversy
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) after it was revealed that the development cost
had contacted him to facilitate investigations into had shot up from RM2.5 billion to RM 4.6 billion.
the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) controversy. Port Klang Authority (PKA) had bought the
Tiong, who is Barisan Nasional Backbenchers land from Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd at RM25 per
Club chairman, said: “I was asked to help facili- sq ft for the project, and later appointed the
tate the investigations by MACC twice, while a company to develop it.
few witnesses were also called to assist.” The MACC started investigations into PKFZ
Welcoming the investigation by the MACC, following reports lodged last month by PKA
Tiong, who is also Bintulu member of parliament, chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng who alleged that
said he hoped the investigations would be car- Kuala Dimensi, the turnkey contractor for the
ried out in a fair and transparent manner. construction of the PKFZ, was allegedly involved
He said this in an interview with the Chinese in possible fraud, unsubstantiated claims and
media yesterday, the transcript of which was overcharging amounting to hundreds of millions
faxed to Bernama. of ringgit.

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