Short Test

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SHORT TEST 18: 17 Let me tell you something important. You must receive God as a child does. If you do not, God will never rule in your life. 17: 33 Whoever wants to save his life will lose it. But if he loses his life for me, he will save it. 17:6 If it was as big as that, you could say to this tree, Pull yourself out of the ground and plant yourself in the sea. And the tree would obey you. 16:13 God and money are like masters. You cannot work for both of them. 15:22 Hurry! he said. Fetch the most beautiful coat that we have. Put it on him and put a ring on one of his fingers. Put shoes on his feet. 14:21 Then the master of the house was very angry. Go out quickly to every street in the town, he said to his servant. Bring the poor people here. Bring those that have lost an arm or a leg. And bring those that cannot walk well. And bring those that cannot see. 11: v9 So I tell you this. Continue to ask for what you need. And you will receive it. Continue to look for what you need. And then you will find it. Continue to knock at the door and God will open it for you. 12:24 Think about the birds. They do not plant seeds in the ground, nor cut down plants to eat. They have no buildings to store food. But they do not go hungry. God gives them food. You are of much more value than the birds. 13:12-13 Jesus saw her. Woman, come here, he said. You are better from your illness. He put his hands on her and immediately she could stand up straight. How great you are! she said to God. How good and powerful you are! 13:20-21 The place where God rules is like this, he went on to say.It is like *yeast. A woman takes some and she puts it in three large bowls of flour. Then the *yeast grows and it goes through all the flour.

SHORT TEST 1. 18: 17 Let me tell you something important. You must receive God as a child does. If you do not, God will never rule in your life. 2. 17: 33 Whoever wants to save his life will lose it. But if he loses his life for me, he will save it. 3. 17:6 If it was as big as that, you could say to this tree, Pull yourself out of the ground and plant yourself in the sea. And the tree would obey you. 4. 16:13 God and money are like masters. You cannot work for both of them. 5. 15:22 Hurry! he said. Fetch the most beautiful coat that we have. Put it on him and put a ring on one of his fingers. Put shoes on his feet. 6. 14:21 Then the master of the house was very angry. Go out quickly to every street in the town, he said to his servant. Bring the poor people here. Bring those that have lost an arm or a leg. And bring those that cannot walk well. And bring those that cannot see. 7. 11: v9 So I tell you this. Continue to ask for what you need. And you will receive it. Continue to look for what you need. And then you will find it. Continue to knock at the door and God will open it for you. 8. 12:24 Think about the birds. They do not plant seeds in the ground, nor cut down plants to eat. They have no buildings to store food. But they do not go hungry. God gives them food. You are of much more value than the birds. 9. 13:12-13 Jesus saw her. Woman, come here, he said. You are better from your illness. He put his hands on her and immediately she could stand up straight. How great you are! she said to God. How good and powerful you are! 10. 13:20-21 The place where God rules is like this, he went on to say.It is like *yeast. A woman takes some and she puts it in three large bowls of flour. Then the *yeast grows and it goes through all the flour.

SHORT TEST 11. 18: 17 Let me tell you something important. You must receive God as a child does. If you do not, God will never rule in your life. 12. 17: 33 Whoever wants to save his life will lose it. But if he loses his life for me, he will save it. 13. 17:6 If it was as big as that, you could say to this tree, Pull yourself out of the ground and plant yourself in the sea. And the tree would obey you. 14. 16:13 God and money are like masters. You cannot work for both of them. 15. 15:22 Hurry! he said. Fetch the most beautiful coat that we have. Put it on him and put a ring on one of his fingers. Put shoes on his feet. 16. 14:21 Then the master of the house was very angry. Go out quickly to every street in the town, he said to his servant. Bring the poor people here. Bring those that have lost an arm or a leg. And bring those that cannot walk well. And bring those that cannot see. 17. 11: v9 So I tell you this. Continue to ask for what you need. And you will receive it. Continue to look for what you need. And then you will find it. Continue to knock at the door and God will open it for you. 18. 12:24 Think about the birds. They do not plant seeds in the ground, nor cut down plants to eat. They have no buildings to store food. But they do not go hungry. God gives them food. You are of much more value than the birds. 19. 13:12-13 Jesus saw her. Woman, come here, he said. You are better from your illness. He put his hands on her and immediately she could stand up straight. How great you are! she said to God. How good and powerful you are! 20. 13:20-21 The place where God rules is like this, he went on to say.It is like *yeast. A woman takes some and she puts it in three large bowls of flour. Then the *yeast grows and it goes through all the flour.

SHORT TEST 11. 18: 17 Let me tell you something important. You must receive God as a child does. If you do not, God will never rule in your life. 12. 17: 33 Whoever wants to save his life will lose it. But if he loses his life for me, he will save it. 13. 17:6 If it was as big as that, you could say to this tree, Pull yourself out of the ground and plant yourself in the sea. And the tree would obey you. 14. 16:13 God and money are like masters. You cannot work for both of them. 15. 15:22 Hurry! he said. Fetch the most beautiful coat that we have. Put it on him and put a ring on one of his fingers. Put shoes on his feet. 16. 14:21 Then the master of the house was very angry. Go out quickly to every street in the town, he said to his servant. Bring the poor people here. Bring those that have lost an arm or a leg. And bring those that cannot walk well. And bring those that cannot see. 17. 11: v9 So I tell you this. Continue to ask for what you need. And you will receive it. Continue to look for what you need. And then you will find it. Continue to knock at the door and God will open it for you. 18. 12:24 Think about the birds. They do not plant seeds in the ground, nor cut down plants to eat. They have no buildings to store food. But they do not go hungry. God gives them food. You are of much more value than the birds. 19. 13:12-13 Jesus saw her. Woman, come here, he said. You are better from your illness. He put his hands on her and immediately she could stand up straight. How great you are! she said to God. How good and powerful you are! 20. 13:20-21 The place where God rules is like this, he went on to say.It is like *yeast. A woman takes some and she puts it in three large bowls of flour. Then the *yeast grows and it goes through all the flour.

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