Thesun 2009-09-02 Page06 Libyas Biggest Bash

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6 theSun | WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 2009

news without borders

White House battles Cheney on national security

WASHINGTON: The White House or killing more terrorists than under agencies, said Jones. “We are seeing is prepared to do what needs to be and is fearful that today’s legal ques-
fought back fiercely on Monday George W. Bush. “This type of radical results that indicate more captures, done to defend the nation.” tioning could turn into tomorrow’s
against former vice-president Dick fundamentalism or terrorism is a more deaths of radical leaders and Cheney notably slammed US At- criminal jeopardy – a warning that
Cheney’s charges that President threat not only to the United States a kind of a global coming-together by torney-General Eric Holder’s decision Jones flatly rejected.
Barack Obama has hurt US national but to the global community,” Jones the fact that this is a threat to not only to open an investigation into whether “People that were acting within
security, as a feud over CIA interroga- told ABC television. the United States but to the world at- CIA interrogators may have broken the law don’t have anything to worry
tions deepened. “The world is coming together large and the world is moving toward US law in using tactics widely seen about,” said Jones, who described
US national security adviser Jim on this matter now that President doing something about it,” he said. as torture on “war on terrorism” himself as “surprised and disap-
Jones, a gruff retired US Marine Corps Obama has taken the leadership on Jones’s comments came after detainees. pointed” when the harsh CIA practices
general, said Obama’s approach it” to foster better teamwork among Cheney told Fox News Channel on Cheney charged that the probe came to light, adding that the United
had fostered better cooperation governments and notably national Sunday he had “serious doubts” about was an “outrageous political act” that States isn’t “known as a country that
worldwide and resulted in capturing and international law-enforcement how much Obama “understands and would demoralise intelligence officers tortures people.” – AFP

of a Buenos Aires Jewish cen-

Libya’s biggest bash

tre that killed 85 people.
briefs One MP, Hadi Qavami, inter-
rupted a speech by defence
minister-designate Ahmad
Designer gets Vahidi to say he had initially
opposed Vahidi’s nomination
59 years for rape but he changed his mind after
LOS ANGELES: An Indian-born “the Zionists’ allegations”. TRIPOLI: Military bands, 400 danc- summit. “Libya is opening up to the foreigners. Lights adorn buildings
fashion designer convicted of Buenos Aires has formally ers, aerobatic planes and fireworks world – that is the basic message,” across the city, walls in the old town
sexually abusing a string of accused Iran of masterminding began to electrify a hot and drowsy said Philippe Skaff, who heads the have been freshly whitewashed and
teenage girls and women was the bombing and is seeking Tripoli yesterday as Muammar team coordinating the centrepiece rows of green Libyan flags flutter
on Monday sentenced to a the arrest of high-ranking gov- Gaddafi (pix) threw Libya’s biggest celebration event. It includes com- over its dusty streets.
minimum of 59 years in jail by ernment officials. – Reuters party to mark four decades since panies from France and Britain. Portraits of Gaddafi adorn bill-
a Los Angeles judge. Anand Jon taking power. “This is the first time they boards and buildings across the city,
Alexander, 35, whose clothes Indonesian satellite The six days of celebrations actually received thousands of for- his features sometimes traced out
had reportedly been worn by across the north African country eigners with open arms. They are in colourful neon lights. Two new
celebrities including Paris Hilton misses orbit were designed to get the message granting visas for this like they’ve oil tankers loom over the corniche
and Mary J. Blige, was found BEIJING: An Indonesian com- across to the world that the long- never done before,” he said. in a statement of Libya’s growing
guilty of 16 sex crimes, including munications satellite launched isolated oil exporter was open again Libya has cut support for armed might as an energy producer.
forcible rape and sexual battery, from China failed to enter a From the for business after years of heavy revolutionary groups around the The organisers say hundreds
at a trial in November. preset orbit, state media re- sanctions, organisers said. world and made peace with Wash- of thousands are expected in the
Alexander represented ported, in another setback in fires of But controversy still stalks Gadd- ington by scrapping a programme capital for a three-hour show trac-
himself at Monday’s sentencing China’s efforts to market its adversity afi, with the United States and Brit- to build nuclear weapons and ing Libya’s history and offering a
hearing, where he broke down in space launch capability. China is pg 16 ain angry at the “hero’s welcome” paying compensation for bombings glimpse of the future. They say its
tears as he requested a new trial. rapidly expanding its own space that Tripoli gave a former Libyan and other attacks for which it was scale will rival an Olympic opening
The judge rejected his request. capability and plans to land a agent who was freed by Scotland blamed by the West. ceremony.
Nine women testified against vehicle on the moon in 2012. last month from a life sentence for At home, political parties remain In the following days, hot air
Alexander during his trial. Most The Palapa D satellite, owned the Lockerbie bombing that killed banned and Gaddafi staunchly balloons will rise over the desert
of the designer’s victims were by Indonesian satellite commu- 270 people. defends his system of grass roots and there will be a festival featur-
aspiring models lured into meet- nications company Indosat, was Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, the government by town-hall commit- ing 1,000 camels. The coastal cit-
ings with Alexander and forced launched by a Chinese-made only person convicted of the 1988 tee, rejected by critics as a cloak for ies of Leptis Magna and Sabratha
into sex, prosecutors said. – AFP Long March 3B rocket from the bombing of a Pan Am airliner, was authoritarianism. will come right up to date
Xichang launch site in Sichuan released on compassionate grounds But foreign companies are with sound and light
Strong quake province, southwestern China because he is dying of cancer. back searching for oil or vying for displays. Gaddafi has
on Monday. “The first and sec- Libya has invited dozens of contracts to build roads, railways, made Africa the focal
hits New Zealand ond stages of the rocket entered Western heads of state but Eu- phone networks and schools as point of his return to
WELLINGTON: A strong earth- space normally, but the third ropean leaders are expected to Libya tries to make up for lost the international stage,
quake measuring 6.0 on the stage failed during its ignition,” stay away, including Italy’s Silvio time. giving generous aid to
Richter scale struck off the Chinese news agency Xinhua Berlusconi who visited Libya on As Tripoli counts down to its poorer African
east of New Zealand’s North reported. – Reuters Sunday to mark the first anniver- six-day party, lasers beam countries.
Island yesterday but there sary of a Libyan-Italian friendship out into the Mediter- – Reuters
were no immediate reports of North Korea lifts agreement. ranean through the
damage, seismologists said. President Hugo Chavez of Ven- hot, humid night air
The earthquake that struck curbs on border ezuela will attend and a bevy of Af- from the roofs
at 12.18pm (8.18am in Malay- SEOUL: North Korea yester- rican leaders including Zimbabwe’s of new hotels
sia) was centred 60km north day lifted tough restrictions Robert Mugabe and Sudan’s Omar built to cater
of White Island, off the east on cross-border traffic with Hassan al-Bashir, are expected to for the
coast of the North Island, at a South Korea, the government be in town for an African Union influx of
depth of 250km, government- here said, its latest apparent
owned GNS Science said. The goodwill gesture after months
quake was felt throughout of hostility.
the lower North Island and As of yesterday the North
the north of the South Island,
GNS Science said. – AFP
was allowing 12 northbound
crossings and 11 return trips
a day, the unification ministry
Thousands flee as fierce
World’s first
cloned wolf dies
said, compared to just three
daily crossings each way un-
der curbs imposed last Decem-
California fire spreads
SEOUL: One of the world’s first ber. Pyongyang, protesting at LOS ANGELES: A giant white cloud ices fought scorching heat to rescue More than 3,655 firefighters bat-
two cloned wolves has died the tougher policy of Seoul’s Fire crews engulfed Los Angeles yesterday as a five people trapped by flames. About tled the fire in the Angeles National
from an apparent infection, a conservative government, work to deadly massive wildfire spread above 10,000 people have already been Forest, which sent a huge mushroom
professor who produced the last December also expelled contain the the city, and authorities warned it could evacuated from their homes. cloud of smoke billowing across the
clones almost four years ago hundreds of South Korean Station fire take two weeks to bring under control. Flames have ripped through city and east toward Las Vegas.
said yesterday. Snuwolf (Seoul staff from a joint industrial in California The huge blaze has already killed 42,612ha of tinder-dry forest north of The inferno threatened communica-
National University wolf) was estate at Kaesong just north on Monday. two firefighters and emergency serv- Los Angeles and were still spreading. tions antennas for numerous television
found dead on Aug 26 at Seoul of the frontier. They have now and radio stations, cell phone providers
Zoo, Professor Shin Nam-Shik of been allowed to return. – AFP and law enforcement agencies on Mount
the university told journalists. Wilson in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Snuwolf apparently died of Hurricane hones in A squadron of aircraft, including eight
an infection and had no other air tankers and 13 helicopters, have
health problems, Shin said. on Mexico resort been deployed to bombard the blaze, al-
He denied the death might be LOS CABOS (Mexico): Hurricane though vast plumes of smoke hampered
linked to a faulty cloning tech- Jimena, an extremely dangerous the aerial attack, officials said.
nique. “Sudden deaths among Category Four storm, barrelled As the fire showed no sign of easing,
dogs and wild animals always toward Mexico’s Baja California authorities pushed back an estimate for
happen. This death must not be peninsula yesterday, forcing tour- when it would be contained, saying the
blown out of proportion,” Shin ists to flee the Los Cabos resort. blaze was now unlikely to be brought
stressed. – AFP Carrying winds of nearly 250 under control before Sept 15.
kph, Jimena was due to brush Police went door to door ordering
MPs back minister past the tip of the peninsula, residents to leave affected areas as
home to world class golf courses some 12,000 homes were threatened
wanted by Argentina and yachting marinas, later in by the roaring blaze.
TEHERAN: Iran’s parliament the day before making landfall Officials revealed they were trying
signalled support yesterday in a sparsely populated area. to reach five people who ignored an
for the hardline president’s Residents huddled into shelters evacuation order. Fire captain Mark Sav-
choice of new defence minis- and US tourists sought early flights age said no firefighters would be risked

ter, a man Argentina says was home to avoid the howling winds if conditions surrounding the trapped
involved in the 1994 bombing and torrential rain. – Reuters people were too dangerous. – AFP

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