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theSun | TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 2009 7

news without borders

Deadly California fire

doubles in size
LOS ANGELES: A deadly Cali- the mountaintop transmitters to
Japan’s Democrats
begin forming new govt
fornia wildfire doubled in size communicate in the field.
early yesterday, forcing 10,000 “These are extremely crucial to
residents to flee and threatening the infrastructure and public safety
a critical telecommunications protection, and the daily lives in
facility after claiming the lives of the LA basin,” US Forest Service
two firefighters. spokesman Mike Dietrich said.
The blaze raging out of con- Nearly all of the 22 television
trol in mountains above heavily stations based in Los Angeles TOKYO: Japan’s Democratic Party cording to collated official results. resign as party head, admitting that
populated areas of Los Angeles transmit from the site as well yesterday began talks on forming Hatoyama, 62, who is expected the “outcome of the election was
had ripped through more than as more than two-thirds of the a new government, faced with the to be confirmed by parliament extremely severe for the LDP.”
34,000ha of tinder-dry forest and region’s FM radio stations. challenge of reviving the struggling as prime minister in about two “We must start anew,” a stern-
was “spreading in every direc- So far more than 10,000 peo- economy and reshaping ties with weeks, is set to form a coalition faced Aso added. “To take back the
tion”, authorities said. ple have been evacuated from A firefighter key allies after its crushing election with smaller partners such as the government, I strongly feel that we
An army of 2,500 firefighters the fire, which has left two people sprays win. Yukio Hatoyama’s centre-left Social Democratic Party and the must regenerate the party.”
was deployed to tackle the blaze dead and injured four others. water on Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) People’s New Party. His right-hand-man, Chief Cabi-
in the Angeles National Forest, The two fatalities were fire- burning is under heavy pressure to get to The US-trained engineering net Secretary Takeo Kawamura,
known as the Station Fire, which fighters who died south of the trees in work quickly on addressing the scholar, the scion of a wealthy said the election defeat was a call
remained only 5% contained. town of Acton on Sunday when Acton, huge hurdles facing this fast-grey- political dynasty, promised to build for the LDP to change and an “ex-
The raging inferno was ripping their vehicle veered off the road California ing country and pulling it out of its consensus and avoid “arrogance” tremely harsh result for the ruling
towards Mount Wilson, threaten- and rolled down a mountainside. on Sunday. long economic malaise. in government after ousting Ja- party and the government,” while
ing communications antenna – AFP His team huddled to select pan’s conservative old guard. vowing a smooth transition.
belonging to numerous televi- cabinet ministers and work on “We will not just bulldoze our The DPJ has signalled a solid
sion, radio stations, cellphone a smooth transition from the policies,” he told public broadcaster but less subservient partnership
providers and numerous law- government of Prime Minis- NHK. “We must exercise patience with traditional ally the United
enforcement agencies. ter Taro Aso, who conceded and seek people’s understanding States and a desire to boost its re-
“It’s about a quarter-mile defeat and said he would because we have been given such gional ties, promoting a European
from Mount Wilson, which re- step down as president of latitude.” Union-style Asian community and
mains very much under threat,” the Liberal Democratic Party Japan’s usually risk-averse common currency.
a spokeswoman for the Califor- (LDP). electorate, frustrated with the In Washington, President Barack
nia Department of Forestry and The DPJ won 308 seats in country’s worst post-war reces- Obama’s White House said it ex-
Fire Protection told AFP. the powerful 480-member sion, punished Aso at the polls and pected a “strong alliance” with the
Loss of communications facili- lower house in the Sunday forced the business-friendly LDP DPJ and hoped to hold early con-
ties at Mount Wilson could cripple poll, ending more than half from office for only the second time sultations with Tokyo, including on
fire and police stations across a century of almost unbro- since 1955. the stand-off with nuclear-armed
southern California, which use ken conservative rule, ac- Aso said yesterday that he would North Korea. – AFP

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