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Tel (Editorial): 03-7784 6688

speak up! Managing Editor: Chong Cheng Hai
Consultant Editor: Zainon Ahmad
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General Manager, Advertising and Marketing: Charles Peters
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We must work at unity

Scene: Kudus Nasi Kandar, KL Zain: Don’t despair lah locked away under the ISA. I am In our efforts at nation- even nasi lemak. Of
AZMAN: There is hope yet for Mohan. There is hope. I am an no lover of the ISA but while it is building we can certainly course the Chinese
Malaysia. optimist. I am sure we will have still there these people should be do without them. still prefer Malay nasi
Mohan: Do you say that be- a truly multicultural nation soon. kept away from society. Chong: Now back to lemak to Chinese nasi
cause three mainstream newspa- Maybe we are not far from it. I Zain: I know how you feel. I the headlines. We cannot lemak. Everyone sells
pers called for us to tear down the have confidence Prime Minister feel the same way. As I have often just wish for the walls WhatTheySay goreng pisang these
walls that are keeping us apart? Datuk Seri Najib Razak will lead said I am optimistic we will be a to come down by them- days. The Malay goreng
Azman: Yes. And stories in us there, 1Malaysia. But for now truly united multicultural nation selves. We cannot bring by Zainon Ahmad pisang maker also tries
them talked about our past efforts the reality is as you have just one day. In the life of a nation 52 them down with just a to make char koay but
at nation-building. They also said. years is a short span. Fine if we blast of hot air like the the Malays prefer the
quoted a number of famous peo- Chong: Polarisation in schools are not there yet. We may be still walls of Jericho were brought down Chinese char koay to the Malay
ple attesting to the happy state we is still serious. sore with the Islamisation proc- by a long trumpet blast. We must ones. I have tried the Malay char
are in. There were also success Zain: Yes. But Mohan the ex- ess, we may be still sore that some work hard at it. koay everywhere but they are not
stories. And all praise our multi- ample of the reality you pointed constitutional provisions give a lot Mohan: Yes, we must work at the same thing, maybe not there
racialism. Having read all those out is nothing compared to other of advantages to others, we may it. We must continue to assure and yet.
stories would anyone say that we things. For instance just a few be still angry at the complaints reassure. The important thing is to Chong: Maybe you should be-
are not a united nation. Don’t you days before our national day a of some people, we may be still have a conscious effort to do it. gin to accept that Malay char koay
feel euphoric about it? group of people demonstrated angry at the school system and so Chong: More important is a con- as being just what it is, Malay char
Chong: That’s precisely against the government’s deci- on. But we are talking and that is scious effort not to do certain things. koay. And Malay vade as being just
what they are meant to do. Some sion to relocate a Hindu temple. good. But we must always be on Things that are sensitive to others. Malay vade, not Indian vade.
foreigners reading those stories Not too serious. But they carried guard against those people who Zain: There is hope. Looking Zain: Maybe you are right. I
might suspect otherwise. with them in their march from are out to create trouble, those around I see a lot of reasons to be have seen Chinese buying Malay
Azman: But they do give you a mosque to the state secretariat who have no regard for racial and hopeful. Just look at those eating in char koay and eating Malay fried
a sense that we are all one happy building a cow’s head. Now that religious sensitivities of others. Indian restaurants, the Chinese are mee hoon. But I have tasted Malay
family, don’t they? is serious. Surely they also there and so are the Malays. vade and some are just as good as
Chong: Yes. That’s why I said must know of the Chinese stalls sell putu piring and the ones made by Indians.
that was what they were meant sensitivity involved
to do. and it’s precisely for
Mohan: And then today, a
day after we celebrated our 52nd
that reason they car-
ried the head. letter
National Day, the reality is back Chong: Seems
with us again. For instance this they wanted trouble.
morning, like most mornings, I
watched the groups of pupils as
Zain: Precisely.
They and those who Commuters assured
they walked past my house to threw other heads
their schools. Malays in one group,
Chinese in another and Indians
into compounds of
Malay houses or
of clean trains
in another. It’s rare to see Malay mosques want to stir REFERENCE is made to “Scarred by to kill insects and pests. In response
and Chinese pupils together but up trouble. It is these train seat infection” (Letters, Aug 26) to the above complaints, RapidKL had
not so rare to see Chinese and people that we should and “Disinfect train seats” and “The immediately contracted the fumigators
Indians together. But you do get worry about. bugs got me too” (Aug 27). On behalf of to conduct a fumigation programme to
to see Malay girls walking with Mohan: These RapidKL, I would like to apologise for the eliminate bugs or mites to ensure that
non-Malays. What hope is there people once they are inconvenience caused. the passenger compartment is free of
lah for us, Cikgu? identified should be RapidKL cleans its trains based on a mites/ bugs, clean and customer friendly.
schedule as per below: The programme is expected to be com-
» interior cleaning – daily pleted within two weeks.
» exterior cleaning – once every two RapidKL will also conduct a thorough
days investigation to identify the real cause
» body polishing – every six months of the problem. While RapidKL takes its
» undercarriage cleaning – every six responsibility seriously, it is hoped that
Silat in months passengers will also help keep the trains
motion » pest control treatment – monthly and stations clean.
pg 25 The daily interior cleaning is done The complainants can call RapidKL
by appointed contractors supervised by at 03-78852585 or write to suggest@
RapidKL staff. Since May, the contractors to give us a full report.
have been tasked to remove all stains
on seats including the “black stuff on the Ebi Azly Abdullah
lining of the seats”. This was completed General Manager
satisfactorily by Aug 2. Communication Division
RapidKL regularly fumigates its trains RapidKL

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