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theSun | TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 2009 9

speak up!

Making sense
of cow sense
DURING my vaca- ice is improving” or
tion in the UK, I “I have met several
promised myself standout personali-
that I would try for ties in the anti-cor-
the first time in 10 ruption agency” or
years to have a real “in spite of what
break. That meant you hear, there are
no phones, no col- many good people
umns, no peeking in Umno” or “not
into the office email everyone in Pakatan
and disengaging Rakyat are angels”.
myself from what Down2Earth In spite of having
was going on back heated arguments
home. by Terence Fernandez over pints and nuts I
But, as John Len- cannot blame them
non says, “life is what as long as there are
happens to you when you are individuals back home who go
busy making other plans”. With out of their way to take us to
a coterie of Malaysian friends the dark ages and God forbid,
and relatives in London, the a system of government that
topic of conversation was always only the likes of Robert Mugabe
Malaysian politics, the new lead- and Myanmar’s military junta
ership and ethnic relations. The would approve.
goings-on back home were too Now with the latest contro-
serious to ignore, starting with versy over the proposed temple
the Teoh Beng Hock tragedy in relocation, one can already
my second week there. Even guess what the headlines are
when I tried to keep away from going to be: “Malaysia celebrates
Malaysian news portals as part 52nd Independence Day amid
of my “detox” regime, I could simmering racial tensions.”
rely on my drinking buddies to I am told about this village in
keep me abreast of what was Lombok, Indonesia, dominated
happening. by Muslims and Christians
Flicking through the British where the locals have been liv-
dailies, Malaysia kept popping ing in harmony for generations.
up. Three weeks ago the UK’s During Christmas and Easter
Tourism Office released its when their Christian neigh-
2009 summer holidays figures, bours attend mass, the Muslims
where arrivals from Malaysia there are entrusted to keep an
ranked No 1 with a massive 59%. eye on their homes. The favour
However, if we had something is returned during Ramadan
to boast about, it ended there, as and Aidil Adha.
a week later UK dailies carried The need for this sort of
the case of model Kartika Shu- watching each other’s back
karno who was sentenced to is necessary according to the
whipping by the Syariah court villagers as there are elements
for consuming alcohol – a first from outside the village who
for the nation. have been trying to cause ethnic
Malaysia is still very much in tensions by setting fire to homes
the news in the UK, no thanks and places of worship.
to the “cow protesters” with Not to say that this is the case
their antics while demonstrat- in Shah Alam, but it would not
ing against the relocation of a be inaccurate to say that judg-
Hindu temple in Shah Alam. ing by the hatred displayed at
What was also mentioned was the gates of the state secretariat
the uncharacteristically sedate last Friday, there are many ele-
riot police who had decided to ments who are not on the same
allow the protesters to exercise page as the majority of Malay-
their right to protest – an impor- sians who have embraced the
tant tenet for any democracy. premier’s 1Malaysia outreach.
Unfortunately, the UK media And for a temple that has
did not report on the prime been in existence for over 100
minister’s strong condemnation years, it is intriguing why the
of the provocation. Neither were relocation has suddenly become
his instructions to the inspector- an issue. The authorities must
general of police to book those nip this in the bud. The police’s
responsible. apology for not acting swiftly to
The message here is that stop the illegal gathering is un-
bad news sells but good news acceptable especially when they
seldom makes the pages. Our are ever ready to manhandle
image abroad is taking a beat- peaceful candlelight protesters.
ing and Malaysians like myself More importantly it is in-
who in effect are ambassadors cumbent upon the more level-
of our country when we are headed among us not to stoop
overseas find it tough to defend to the level of those who want to
our nation’s image. divide rather than unite. Play-
Outsiders as well as Malay- ing football with any form of
sians who have been abroad for livestock is not how we want to
decades have a pre-conceived mark 52 years as a nation and
notion about this country, no allow elements to crush all that
thanks to what they read on the we have built over the past five
Internet as well as their own ex- decades.
periences and the experiences
of those close to them.
The condemnation of the Terence wishes all readers a
civil service, especially the happy Merdeka Day but feels
police and political parties from that we have not achieved true
the ruling coalition, are com- freedom if we are still shackled
mon fodder for much of the by bigotry and intolerance. He is
50,000 Malaysians in the UK at deputy editor (special reports &
least. I get dirty looks as though investigations) and can be con-
I have been compromised when tacted at terence@thesundaily.
I say things like “the civil serv- com

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