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A Prophet, A Calling, and the Cry of the Human Heart. Ezekiel 2:1-3:15 I dig the prophets.

Men of old who had awesome experiences and callings on their lives. These prophets were normal guys filled with the Spirit and called individually by the Lord God. They werent a high and lofty special breed from lineages of kings and queens. And they didnt typically come from a long line of priests who served in the ministry for eons either. These were men, who were surprised no doubt, when a voice from on high told them clearly and concisely; There is a call on your life. A purpose that is bigger than you. You will know me and you will speak on my behalf. This is epic. This is something that we can touch as individuals. We all want to know God like this. Some will readily admit it, others may bury it deep in the core of their consciences, but people want to know God in a real and experiential way. We want to know HIM. Not just religious tangents that help us feel better or more holy on our own merits. This is the cry of the human heart. The cool thing is that God wants us to know HIM just as deeply. This is why He called prophets in the first place. That average people would hear His voice thru his servants, mend their ways and turn to the Living God. I believe as scripture says, He has called some teachers, prophets, pastors and evangelists (1 Cor 12:7-11, Eph 4:11-14) Now, prophecy is NOT something that only existed at times past. It is a gift of the Spirit new covenant style - and something that we should not despise or reject. Now, 2 short things I want to touch on. First, Ezekiel was not called to everyone. He was called to the rebellious children of Israel who had hardened their hearts. He was not called to people of a foreign speech and a hard language though he was in captivity in the land of foreigners the Chaldeans. He was called to this elect remnant of stubborn hearted people.

Second, he was told to eat the scroll! He saw a vision of a hand with a scroll in it and the Lord told him to eat it. We are told that the words in it were full of mourning and lamentation but yet, when he ate them it was as sweet as honey in his mouth. Sometimes what God speaks to us is hard. It may even cause sadness or mourning. But when we receive them, and digest them, we find them sweet because no matter their content they are given from a God who loves us and desires us to be in right relationship with Him. Practical Application: 1. Embrace your calling and embrace your God. He wants you to know Him and He will speak if you will listen. 2. Know your calling. Dont try to push into things you were never intended to push into. Ezekiel was called to a specific group for a specific time. Who is the Lord calling you to? Engage. 3. Eat the word. Devour it. Hunger for it and then chew on it all day long. The word is alive and powerful. His words are wonderful. May we enter a deeper understanding of who He is, of prophecy, and the calling that He puts on average mens lives. Amen

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