DeLuca Portfolio

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Erik DeLuca Portfolio of three works and an article I. [in] (2010) - For 5.

1 channels of pre-recorded sound - Duration: 41-minutes - Published by everglade records with forwards by Alvin Lucier and David Dunn - Link to the liner notes: - Link to a stereo reduction of the album (compressed MP3): Building on the work of The World Soundscape composers and David Dunn, I spent a year gathering underwater field recordings off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of Southern Florida. These recordings are used as materials in this underwater sound composition.

II. Fieldworks: a Path to Composing (2013) This dissertation explores fieldwork as an interdisciplinary theory and practice for making music and sonic ethnography. The project began with seven months of research in the United States National Park System as a permit-holding social science researcher and invited Artist-InResidence at Isle Royale, Grand Canyon, Denali, North Cascades, Acadia, Wrangell-St. Elias, and Crater Lake. My orchestral piece Winter, and the multi-media sonic ethnography, Community Listening in Isle Royale National Park, together form the thrust of this dissertation. Winter (2013) - For chamber orchestra, voice, and recordings of silence - Duration: 14-minutes - Commissioned by the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival and Denali National Park - Premiered on July 20, 2013 in Denali National Park, conducted by Robert Franz - Link to the score: - Link to a live recording of the premier (compressed MP3): Using ecoacoustic processes, my piece Winter is an expression of fieldwork conducted at Denali National Park as the 2011-12 Artist-inResidence. The work is concerned with musical borrowing, producer-as-composer, and the collaborative process. The text was synthesized from my field notes and deals largely with notions of confinement. This chamber orchestra version of Winter is being expanded into a piece for full orchestra that will include two songs that were written for the Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival. Community Listening in Isle Royale National Park (2013) - For the radio and the web - Duration: variable - This work was presented at the Society for Ethnomusicology Conference last November on a panel entitled Digital Ethnomusicology: the affordances, limitations, and sociopolitical implications of digital methodology. - Link to information and a trailer: This multi-media sonic ethnography traces how I became part of a dialogue among a team of wolf biologists and park-explorers who share a particular deep listening relationship that I call Community Listening. III. DEN (2013) - For cassette tape - Duration: 30-minutes - This work will be released on the Brooklyn based cassette label crackletimesfavor this spring. - Link to compressed MP3s: DEN makes slow electronic music. They are based in the mountains of Virginia. IV. On Composing Place: An analysis of Clusters on a Quadrilateral Grid by John Luther Adams (2010) - Link to article: This visual analysis decodes musical mappings of fractal forms found in John Luther Adamss musical place percussion quartet entitled Clusters on a Quadrilateral Grid from Strange and Sacred Noise (1991-97). Adams sonified fractal forms as a way to point to the noise he deals with in Alaska. This article is under review for publication in Perspectives of New Music.

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