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Ministry of Healing

Wisdom of The Great Physician

PART 1 JESUS, TRUE MEDICAL MISSIONARY ...............................................................................................................2
OUR EXAMPLE..............................................................................................................................................................................2
DAYS OF MINISTRY ......................................................................................................................................................................2
WITH NATURE AND WITH GOD ....................................................................................................................................................2
THE TOUCH OF FAITH ...................................................................................................................................................................2
HEALING OF THE SOUL .................................................................................................................................................................3
SAVED TO SERVE ..........................................................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2 WORK OF MEDICAL MISSIONARIES I......................................................................................................5
TEACHING AND HEALING .............................................................................................................................................................5
HELPING THE TEMPTED ................................................................................................................................................................5
WORKING FOR THE INTEMPERATE ................................................................................................................................................5
PART 3 WORK OF MEDICAL MISSIONARIES II .............................................................................................................6
HELP FOR UNEMPLOYED AND HOMELESS ....................................................................................................................................6
HELPLESS POOR ...........................................................................................................................................................................6
MINISTRY TO THE RICH ................................................................................................................................................................6
PART 4 CARING FOR THE SICK..........................................................................................................................................7
IN THE SICKROOM.........................................................................................................................................................................7
PRAYER FOR THE SICK ..................................................................................................................................................................7
USE OF REMEDIES ........................................................................................................................................................................7
MIND CURE ..................................................................................................................................................................................7
IN CONTACT WITH NATURE ..........................................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 5 - HEALTH PRINCIPLES I...................................................................................................................................8
GENERAL HYGIENE ......................................................................................................................................................................8
HYGIENE AMONG THE ISRAELITES...............................................................................................................................................8
DRESS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................9
PART 6 - HEALTH PRINCIPLES II..........................................................................................................................................9
DIET AND HEALTH .......................................................................................................................................................................9
FLESH AS FOOD ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
EXTREMES IN DIET .....................................................................................................................................................................10
STIMULANTS AND NARCOTICS ...................................................................................................................................................10
LIQUOR TRAFFIC AND PROHIBITION ..........................................................................................................................................11
PART 7 THE WORKERS NEED ...........................................................................................................................................11
HELP IN DAILY LIVING ...............................................................................................................................................................11
IN CONTACT WITH OTHERS........................................................................................................................................................12
DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICE ....................................................................................................................................................12
A HIGHER EXPERIENCE ..............................................................................................................................................................12

Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician

Part 1 Jesus, True Medical Missionary

Our Example
1. What responsibility did Jesus carry while He sojourned on this earth? (18) (1.4 ASI)
2. How can we describe Christ's life? (19) (1.6 ASI)
3. During His ministry why did Jesus devote more time to healing the sick than to preaching? (19, 20) (2.2,4 ASI)

Days of Ministry
1. Why did the disciples turn away the mothers who brought their children to be blessed? (40, 41) (9.3,4 ASI)
2. How were the future lives of these children influenced by this one contact with Jesus? (41) (9.6 ASI)
3. Christ could have provided huge feast for the 5000. Why did He provide the kind of food He did? (47) (11.5 ASI)

With Nature and With God

1. What was the secret of the Saviour's life of power? (51) (13.1 ASI)
2. Why did Jesus like to teach the people outside? (54) (14.4 ASI)

3. How many of Gods servants need this quiet time with God? Why? (58) (15.6 ASI)

The Touch of Faith

Three people who through faith experience the healing touch of Christ. (Choose 1 or 2 of these examples)
A. The Woman With an Incurable Disease (Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48)
1. Why did Christ make His way to where the woman stood? (60) (16.4 ASI)
2. Why did He ask the question, "Who touched Me"? (60, 61) (17.1 ASI)
3. What was the difference between the woman's touch and that of the rest of the crowd? (62) (17.3 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician
B. The Centurion's Servant (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:2-10)
1. How did this centurion differ from most Romans? (63) (17, 18 ASI)
2. The Jewish elders urged Jesus that the centurion was worthy of help but what did he say of himself? (65) (18.6 ASI)
What was his only argument? (65) (18.6)

3. "It is _____ that connects us with heaven and brings us ______ for ______ with the powers of _______." (65) (18.8 ASI)
C. The Leper (Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45)
1. "Of all the diseases known in the East the leprosy was most dreaded." Why? (67) (19.4 ASI)
2. The Jews regarded leprosy as _________________________________." (67) (19.4 ASI)
3. What restrictions did Jewish society place upon a leper? (67) (19.5, 6 ASI)

Healing of the Soul

(Choose 1 or 2 of these examples)
A. Paralytic at Capernaum (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:3-12; Luke 5:17-26)
Background: His disease was the result of a sinful life, and his sufferings were embittered by remorse. In vain he had
appealed to the Pharisees and doctors for relief; they pronounced him incurable, they denounced him as a sinner and
declared that he would die under the wrath of God The palsied man had sunk into despair. MH 74.
1. What was the greatest desire of the paralytic? (74) (22.4 ASI)

2. "Before the __________ __________ could be healed, Christ must bring relief to the ________, and cleanse the
________ from sin." (77) (24.1 ASI)
3. Why do many people today suffer from disease? (77) (24.1 ASI)

B. Cripple at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-15)

1. Why didn't Christ heal all the sufferers at the pool? (81) (25.2 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician
2. What was the major reason for this mans suffering?
3. "The cripple's faith takes hold upon Christ's word. Without question he sets his ______ to obey, and, as he does this,
_______ whole body responds." (84) (25.5 ASI)
C. Woman Taken in Adultery (John 8:1-12)
1. The Pharisees and scribes brought an woman caught in adultery and asked Jesus if she should be stoned, how did Jesus
respond? (87, 88) (27.2-4 ASI)

2. How did Jesus response defeat the Jewish leaders? (88) (27.5 ASI)
3. What was the reaction of the woman? (89) (27.7, 8 ASI)

D. The "Madman" of Capernaum(Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37)

1. How had this man come under Satan's control? (91) (28.8 ASI)

2. Is this condition helpless?

3. Can someone become demon possessed when they are trusting fully in Jesus? (94) (29.7 ASI)

Saved to Serve
1. Describe the physical appearance of the two madmen before and after they encountered Jesus. (95, 97) (30.1, 2, 4, 5


2. The restored demoniacs had never heard Christ preach a sermon and could not instruct the people as the disciples
could. But what could they do? (99) (31.5 ASI)
3. When one comes to know the Saviour, what does he want to do? (102) (33.3, 4 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician

Chapter 2 Work of Medical Missionaries I

Teaching and Healing
1. What two aspects of the gospel work are never to be separated? (141) (50.2 ASI)
Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. (143) (51.4 ASI)
2. What should gospel workers know besides how to do Bible studies? (146) (52.5 ASI)
3. "Every church should be a training school for Christian workers." (149) (54.2 ASI)

Helping the Tempted

1. What is to be the standard of our service for the tempted and erring? (162) (60.5 ASI)

2. " The lost coin, in the Saviour's parable, though lying in the dirt and rubbish, was a piece of silver still. As the coin
bore the image and superscription of the reigning power, so man at his creation bore the __________ and superscription
of God. . . . God desires to __________ that soul and to retrace upon it His own image in righteousness and holiness."
(163) (60.7 ASI)
3. "No one was ever reclaimed by reproach; but many have thus been repelled and have been led to steel their hearts
against conviction. A tender spirit, a gentle, winning deportment, may save the erring and hide a multitude of sins." (166)
(62.3 ASI)

Working for the Intemperate

1. Especially does the temperance reform demand the support of Christian workers. Where do we find the
intemperate? (171) (64.2 ASI)
2. To which aspect of their problem must we give our first attention? (172) (64.4 ASI)
3. In showing the drunkard we are his friend, what must we not do? What should we do? (172, 173) (64.1, 2 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician

Part 3 Work of Medical Missionaries II

Help for Unemployed and Homeless
1. Where did God plan for Israelite families to live? (183, 184) (70.3 ASI)

2. How could we best help many poor families? (192) (73.5 ASI)
3. How can we really help those in need? (195) (75.2, 3 ASI)

Helpless Poor
1. Who has been given the responsibility of caring for the helpless poor? (201) (78.1, 3, 4 ASI)

2. Should we build large orphanages to help poor, helpless children? (205) (80.4, 5 ASI)

3. " How much means is expended for things that are mere idols, things that engross thought and time and strength which
should be put to a higher use! How much money is _________ on expensive houses and furniture, on selfish
pleasures, luxurious and unwholesome food, hurtful indulgences! How much is squandered on gifts that benefit no
one! For things that are needless, often harmful, professed Christians are today spending more, many times more,
than they spend in seeking to rescue souls from the tempter." (207) (81.2 ASI)

Ministry to the Rich

1. In spite of their riches and worldly honor, what are the rich longing for? (210) (83.1 ASI)

2. What kind of effort should we make to reach these precious people? (209) (82.3 ASI)

3. Because the rich often indulge in harmful habits, what message do the especially need? How should we share it with
them?(211) (83.3,4 ASI)

4. When the wealthy realize what the Lord expects of them, what will be the result? (216) (85.7, 8 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician

Part 4 Caring for the Sick

In the Sickroom
1. Describe the "favorable conditions" of a sickroom. (220) (87.4, 5 ASI)
2. What two extremes of diet should be avoided? (221) (87.6 ASI)
3. Nurses should study the Bible _________, that they may be able to speak words that will enlighten and help the
suffering nurses are to teach that he would be healed must cease to transgress the law of God.

Prayer for the Sick

1. What should be made clear to the sick who desire prayer? (228) (91.3-5 ASI)
2. Will everyone with true faith will be healed? (230) (93.3 ASI)

3. Should we continue medical treatment after special prayer? (231, 232) (93.2 ASI)

Use of Remedies
1. Does disease ever come without a cause? (234.1) (94.1)
2. What is the first thing someone should do if they are sick? (235.1) (94.4)
3. How many should understand how to do hydrotherapy? (237.2) (95.3)

Mind Cure
1. How would you describe the relationship between the mind and the body?

2. "It is not God's purpose that any human being should yield his _______ and ______ to the control of another,
becoming __________instrument his hands." (242) (98.2 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician
3. Why do many patients not recover from disease? (246) (99.5 ASI)

4. What are some of the Bible principles for dealing with mental ailments?
a. Ephesians 5:18
b. Matthew 11:28
c. John 14:27
d. Isaiah 27:5
_________ is a weapon that we can always use against discouragement." (254) (103.6 ASI)

In Contact with Nature

1. What influence does the city have on the sick? (262, 283) (107.5, 6 ASI)

2. What influences will nature have on the sick? (264) (107.7 ASI)

3. List some outdoor activities patients could engage in (265) (108.2-5 ASI)

Chapter 5 - Health Principles I

General Hygiene
1. "In order to have good health, we must have good blood..." What specific things does it do? (271) (110.2 ASI)
2. What must we do in order to have good blood? (272) (110.4 ASI)
3. When constructing a building, what two important provisions must be made? (274) (111.4 ASI)
4. What are the problems with accumulated garbage? (276) (112.7 ASI)

Hygiene Among The Israelites

1. Why did God give the Israelites such detailed health laws? (277) (113.1 ASI)
2. How was a contagious disease treated? (277) (113.2, 3; 114.1-3 ASI)
a) They were isolated from the camp

b) They had to thoroughly cleanse their clothes and body

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician
c) Anyone who touched the sick person or their clothes, bed or belongings had to wash his
clothes and body
d) contaminated earthenware pots were broken; wooden vessels were rinsed with water
e) A lepers clothes were burned
f) A contaminated house was torn down
3. "That which corrupts the ________ tends to corrupt the _______. It unfits the user for __________ with God, unfits
him for high and holy service." (280) (115.1 ASI)

1. Modesty in dress would exclude the use of "any device designed to __________ _____________ to the wearer or to
excite ________________." (287) (118.1 ASI)
2. What characterizes proper dress according to God? (288, 289) (118.5-119.3 ASI)
3. List some qualities of "healthful clothing." (293) (121.3 ASI)

Part 6 - Health Principles II

Diet And Health
1. In choosing a diet, what two guides are we not to follow? (295) (122.2 ASI)

2. What is the best diet? (296) (123.2 ASI)

3. Our diet should be suited to us in what three ways? (297) (123.3 ASI)
4. What foods then should take the place of meat? (298) (123.5 ASI)
"A great variety at any one meal" will encourage overeating and cause indigestion. (299) (124.6 ASI)
"It is a sacred duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare healthful food." (302) 125.6 ASI)
5. What precaution should be taken in the use of dairy foods? (302) (125.3, 4 ASI)
6. What is the result of eating just before bedtime? (303, 304) (126.2 ASI)

7. How much time should intervene between meals? (304) (126.3 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician
8. How should Sabbath meals differ from those on other days of the week? (307, 308) (127.6 ASI)

9. What about cooking on the Sabbath? How plain should the food be? (309) (127.7 ASI)

Flesh As Food
1. When did man first receive permission to eat flesh? (311) (129.1 ASI)
2. What are three reasons for discarding flesh foods? (313, 315) (130.3, 9 ASI)

3. What danger is there in eating fish? (314, 315) (130.7 ASI)

Consider abrupt change from flesh diet versus gradual. (317) (131.4-6 ASI)

Extremes In Diet
1. What are some of the extremes in so-called diet "reform"? (318) (132-134 ASI)
2. "Those who understand the laws of health and who are governed by principle, will shun the ______________, both of
indulgence and of restriction." (319) (133.2 ASI)
3. "As disease in animals increases, the use of ______ and _______ will become more and more unsafe." (320) (133.5
Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. Tell
them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in
animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men. 7 Testimonies, p. 135. 1902.
4. What advice is given to those who are constantly worried about their diet? (321) (133.7 ASI)

Stimulants And Narcotics

1. What three harmful things do stimulants and narcotics do? (325) (135.1 ASI)

2. What are the effects of condiments? (325) (135.2 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training


Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician
3. What about tea and coffee? (326) (135.3 ASI)
Long Term:
4. "Tobacco is a _______, insidious, but most malignant __________." (327) (136.1 ASI)

5. As a result of the use of tobacco what four problems are "transmitted as a legacy from parents to children"? (328)
(136.3 ASI)
6. ____________ drinking is the school in which men are educated for the drunkard's career." (332) (138.2 ASI)

Liquor Traffic And Prohibition

1. Where are the liquor seller's traps set? (338) (140.6 ASI)
2. What problems can result from drunken mothers? (339) (141.4 ASI)

3. Why are civilized nations hated in some parts of the earth? (339) (141.5,6 ASI)

Part 7 The Workers Need

Help In Daily Living
1. What is the "strongest argument in favor of the gospel"? (470) (203.4 ASI)

2. Why does God allow trials and obstacles? (471) (203.6 ASI)
3. Are we ever asked to make a real sacrifice in Gods service? (473) (205.3 ASI)
4. How much should we be concerned with a salary before taking a job? (480) (208.1 ASI)

Property of Lay Institute for Global Health Training


Ministry of Healing
Wisdom of The Great Physician

In Contact With Others

1. What should we remember when working with others? (483) (209.1,2 ASI)

2. Why is it "God often permits those in whom we place confidence to fail us"? (486) (211.6 ASI)

3. How are we to deal with discouragement or low feelings? (488) (211.10; 212.2 ASI)

4. If we dwell on the faults of others, how will it affect us? (492) (213.7 ASI)

Development And Service

1. What kind of people is God looking for to finish the work on earth? (497, 498) (216.1-4 ASI)

2. Why do many qualified people accomplish little? (498) (216.6 ASI)

3. "Stand in your God-given _____________. Be no other person's shadow. Expect that the Lord will work in and by and
through you." (499) (216.8 ASI)
4. When is our education in the school of Christ over? (499) (217.1 ASI)

A Higher Experience
1. Will we see the effect of our labors here? (504) (219.4 ASI)
2. Why do many seemingly faithful Adventist Christian fall to temptation? (511) (222.4 ASI)
3. "We must have less _______ in what we ourselves can do, and more _______ in what the Lord can do for and through
us." (513) (224.1 ASI)
4. What is even more important than listening to sermons and even studying the Bible? (514) (224.2 ASI)

Discuss the "twofold life" we are to live. (512) (223.3 ASI)

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