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AP Psychology: Midterm Exam Review

UNIT ONE: Theorists, Approaches, Research MethodsPrologue, Ch. 1.Biological Bases of Behavior Ch. 2.

People Contributions and theories of each person. B.F. Skinner Charles Darwin John B. Watson Max Wertheimer Sigmund Freud Wilhelm Wundt William James Wolfgang Kohler Approaches how each school addresses issues. Behavioral Biological Cognitive Evolutionary Humanism Psychoanalytical Sociocultural Terms explanations Case Study Control Group Correlational Study Dependent Variable Double Blind Design Experiment Experimenter Bias Experimental Group Hypothesis Independent Variable Naturalistic Observation Negative Correlation Placebo Effect Population Positive Correlation Random Sample Reliability Samples Survey Validity Biological Terms explain how message travels through a neuron, including potentials Action Potential Afferent Neuron Axon Dendrites Efferent Neuron Glial Cells Myelin Sheath Neuron

Plasticity Receptor Sites Refractory Period Resting Potential Reuptake Soma Synapse Terminal Branches Interneuron Vesicles-Neurotransmitters role of each & problems that occur when an imbalance exists Acetlycholine Agonists Antagonists Dopamine GABA Glutamate Neuropeptides Norepinephrine Opiod Peptides Serotonin -Nervous system how messages travel through nervous system Autonomic Central Neural Networks Parasympathetic Peripheral Reflex Somatic Sympathetic Parts of the Brain role of each part of brain; problems that can occur if malfunction Amygdala Brocas area Cerebellum Cerebral Cortex Corpus Callosum Frontal Lobe Hippocampus Hypothalamus Left Hemisphere Limbic System Medulla Occipital Lobe Parietal Lobe Pons Reticular Formation Right Hemisphere Split-Brain Operation Temporal Lobe Thalamus Wernickes area Endocrine System how influences body

Adrenal Gland Diabetes Dwarfism/Giantism Gonads Hormones Hypothalamus Pituitary Gland Thyroid Gland

UNIT 3 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION CH. 5 AND 6 Terms/Concepts--Sensation Absolution Threshold Acuity Auditory Canal Auditory Nerve Blind Spot Cornea Cochlea Difference Threshold Eardrum Feature Detectors Fovea Frequency Theory Gate Control Theory Hammer Hue Intensity Iris Kinesthesis Lens Light Nearsightedness Nociceptors Olfaction Olfactory bulb Opponent Process Theory Optic Nerve Parallel Processing Perception of food Perceptive Deafness Pheromones Pitch Place Theory Semicircular Canals Sensory Adaptation Sensory Interaction Skin Senses Stirrup Subliminal Perception Volley Theory Wavelength Weber's Law

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