Soalan Pasca sn2009

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Each question is followed by four questions,A ,B , C and D. Choose the correct answer. 1.

Which of the following fruits is dispersed by animals A C


Among the following e"ents, which is repeated uniformly

# &



# and $ only % and & only #, % and $ only %, & and $ only


(he diagram below shows two ob)ects.

Which of the following e*plain why synthetic cloth is used to ma+e part P of the ob)ects A B C D -. Conductor of heat Doest not absorb water (ransparent ,nsulator of head

(he diagram below shows the groups of constellation.

(he constellation means a group of... A B C D stars that forms a pattern of a hunter. stars that forms a certain pattern in the s+y. four bright stars that forms a pattern of a cross. se"en bright stars that forms a bowl and handle.


(he human cannot go to the "ery far place and wal+ "ery fast. Which de"ice can help to o"ercome this problem

, A B C D , and ,, , and ,,, ,, and ,0 ,,, and ,0





(able shows the number of long beans seed planted in containers #, %, & and $. All containers are same si2e and has same type of soil.

Container # % & $

Number of seeds 1 3 ' 1-

After ! wee+s, in which container will the seedling grow taller A B C D # & % $


Diagram below shows an electrical appliance.

What energy transformation happens in the appliance in 5igure 4 A B C D Electrical energy 6666667 +inetic energy 8eat energy 6666667 Electrical energy Electrical energy 6666667 8eat energy 9inetic energy 6666667 8eat energy


(he diagram below shows an ob)ect IV I III II

Which part of the ob)ect is transparent material A B C D , ,, ,,, ,0


Diagram below shows the position of planet #, planet % and Earth from the $un.

# sunlight


What are planets # and % P A B C D 0enus ;ars ;ercury ;ercury :ranus 0enus 0enus ;ars Q


Amir=s eyes are red and swollen. 8e feels the urge to scratch them all the time. What is he suffering from A B C D $cabies ;umps Chic+enpo* Con)uncti"itis


Diagrams below show three different shapes. >ame the shapes.

? ? A B C D Cone Cube Cuboid #yramid @

@ A

Cylinder $phere Cylinder Cube

#yramid Cylinder $phere Cone


Diagram below shows an in"estigation. A leaf of a plant is co"ered by a piece of blac+ paper .

b lac+ paper (he in"estigation is carried out to show that BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. A B C D plants need air plants need food plants need water plants need sunlight


Diagram below shows the tools used to measure


mass area length "olume


(he figure below shows the same amount of water being filled in three different containers. (he containers are e*posed to the $un at the same place.

Which of the following shows the decreasing order of the e"aporation rate of the water A B C D 1/. C, 9, D 9, C, D D, 9, C 9, D, C

(he following information is about planet A.

(a+es the shortest time to mo"e around the $un Cannot support life because it is too hot (here is no water there

What is planet A A Cupiter B ;ercury C $aturn D #luto Diagram below shows a de"ice that was in"ented to o"ercome the human limitation.


What is the use of this de"ice A B C D 14. Dift hea"y ob)ects. $ee far away ob)ects. 8ear "ery soft sound. Count faster and accurately.

(he diagram below shows an e*periment.

Which of the following may happen after fi"e days A B C D (he mouse will increase. (he mouse will die. (he mouse will grow. (he mouse will compete to get food.


(he diagram below shows some substances.

Dime J

shampoo K

toothpaste L

tamarind M

Which of the following shows the correct group from the following substances A B C D ACID C,9 9,D,; C C,; ALKALINE D,; C 9,D,; 9, D


Diagram below shows two instruments.

Which property of light is used in both of the abo"e instruments A B C D Dight has spread Dight can be refracted Dight can be reflected Dight tra"els through "acuum


Diagram below shows some animals.

Which of the following animals is the most stable A B C D !1. (urtle Firaffe 8en Cow

(he bar chart below shows the number of eggs produced by animal W ,?,@ and A.

What is the aim of the in"estigation A B C D (o study the relationship between the eggs and the animal (o study the relationship number of eggs and type of animal (o study the relationship between type of animal and number of eggs produced (o study the about type of animal and number of eggs produced


Diagram below shows the length of the shadows of a "ertical pole in the

middle of the field from E.<< a.m to 1.<< p. m.

"#00 am 10#00am 11#00am 1!#00pm 1#00pm !#00pm

3#00 pm

What must be +ept the same throughout the in"estigation A B C D !'. (ype of pole Dength of shadow (ime Direction of the shadow

Diagram below shows two ice cubes of different si2es are put into two bea+ers. (he temperature of water in bea+er in bea+er # and % is recorded in the table gi"en.


Initial Temperature (C) 30 30


Temperature of water after the melting of ice (C) 1 !

What is obser"ed in the in"estigation A B C D !-. (emperature of water after the melting ice ,nitial temperature of water (ype of bea+er $i2e of ice

,mran carried out an e*periment to in"estigate the relationship between the number of watermelons and its total weight.(he result of his e*periment were recorded in a table below. >umber of watermelons (otal weight G+gH ' !./ 1 -.E 3 4.1 1/ 1<.3

What is the trend of change in the total weight of the watermelons A B C D !/. ,ncreases Decreases ,ncreases and decreases Decreases and increases

(he table below shows the result of an in"estigation concerning the shadow of an ob)ect ? Distance of the torch from the ob ect !"cm#) 1 1! 1E !What conclusion can be made from the in"estigation A B C D As the length of the shadow increases the distance of the torch from the ob)ect increases As the distance of the torch from the ob)ect increases length of the shadow decreases As the distance of the torch from the ob)ect decreases length of the shadow decreases (o study the relationship between the distance of the torch from the ob)ect and the length of the shadow of ob)ect Len$th of the shado% of the ob ect ! "cm# 'E ''< !1


Which of the following are li"ing things , ;icrochips ,, ;icrowa"es ,,, ;icrophones ,0 ;icroorganisms A B C D , only ,0 only , and ,0 only ,, ,,, ,,, and ,0


Which of the following is microorganisms A B C D pupa lar"a peacoc+ proto2oa


$yafi+ah=s mother boils the water before drin+ing it. Why does she do so A B C D (o pre"ent the family from getting A,D$ (o +ill microorganisms (o coo+ fish curry (o ma+e the water taste better


Which of the following is not true about microorganism A B C D (hey are all harmful (hey can breathe (hey can mo"e (hey can grow


Which of the following animals does not ta+e care of their eggs A B C D $na+e Istrich $parrow 5rog


Which of the following animals ta+es care of its young A B C D Elephant (ortoise ;osquito Butterfly


(he figure below shows four li"ing things. #addy Eagle Caterpillar $na+e Which of the following is the correct order of a food chain formed from the abo"e li"ing things A B C D #addy Eagle Caterpillar $na+e #addy $na+e Eagle Caterpillar #addy Caterpillar Eagle $na+e #addy Caterpillar $na+e Eagle


(he figure below shows a food web.

8ow many food chains are there A (wo B (hree C $i* D Eight '-. Which animal below eats only one type of food A B C D Chic+en Bird Caterpillar Bear


Which of the following shows the correct grouping of animals based on their reproduction Day eggs A B C D Whale $quirrel 5ish Chic+en gi"ing birth Cow (iger Cat Iwl


Which answer below shows the correct arrangement from the smallest to the biggest length A B C D metre, milimetre, centimeter, +ilometer +ilometer, metre, centimeter, millimeter centimeter, metre, +ilometer, millmetre millimeter, centimeter, metre, +ilometer


,n our $olar system, Earth=s nearest neighbour is the .... A B C D $un ;oon #lanet ;ars #lanet 0enus


Which of the following statements is true A B C D #luto is the biggest planet in the $olar $ystem (he sun is nearer to Earth as compared to the moon (he position of earth in the $olar $ystem is the most suitable to support life Comets can be considered as moons in the $olar $ystem.


(hese de"ices are e*amples of technology in communication e*ceptJ A B C D tele"ision computer satellite monorail


Which of the following e*amples is a solid A B C 5ruit )uice Coo+ing oil I*ygen


Questions &' and &( are based on the $ra)h be*o%. Aufa did an in"estigation on e"aporation of water. 8e put !<ml of water in three different containers and left them under the sun. (he time ta+en for the water in each container to e"aporate completely is shown.

-/ minutes -1.

'< minutes

1/ minutes

,n this in"estigation, what is changed A B C D (he times (he surface area (he type of a cup (he place of the in"estigation


What is the relationship between Aufa changed and the time ta+en for the water to e"aporate A B C D As the surface area increase the time ta+en for the water to e"aporate increase As the surface area increase the time ta+en for the water to e"aporate decrease As the surface area decrease the time ta+en for the water to e"aporate increase As the surface area decrease the time ta+en for the water to e"aporate decrease

Questions &+ and && are based on the )icture be*o%. Diagram 1 shows information gathered in an in"estigation. Apai=s estate Cohan=s estate

'm 4m

'm 4m

A"erage J !<< mangoes per tree

A"erage J '<< manggoes per tree Diagram 1


What is the aim of the in"estigation A B C D (o study the relationship between the Apai=s estate and Cohan=s estate (o study the relationship between number of maggoes tree and the distance of mangoes tree (o study the relationship between distance of mangoes tree and A"erage mangoes per tree (o study the relationship between si2e of mangoes tree and A"erage mangoes per tree


$tate one must be +ept the same in the in"estigation A B D D Distance between the mangoes tree (he si2e of mangoes tree (he estate (he human

Questions &, and &- are based on the $ra)h be*o%. (he bar chart shows the number of pitcher plants in a highland from !<</ to !<<E Number of )itcher )*ant !<< 1$0 1!< E< -< .
!<</ !<<1 !<<4 !<<E


-/. What can you infer the number of pitcher plant A. B. C. D. -1 Due to illegal logging. (he replanting of the pitcher plant. >o de"elopment of the highland area. (he enforcement of the laws.

#redict the number of pitcher plants in !<<3. A. B. C. D. -< /< 1< 4<


What is the trend number of pitcher plants in !<<3. A. B C increase decrease does not change

D -E

increase and decrease

(he Diagram 1 shows a few goldfish in an aquarium.

Diagram 1

What will happen to the goldfish after two wee+s A. B. C. -3 Decrease in weight ,ncrease in weight >ot changed

Which of the following situations shows the greatest competition A B


(he Diagram 1 shows a money plant climb the rubber tree.

;oney plant

&ubber tree

Diagram -

What can the money plant gets when its climb the rubber tree A. B. C. D. Air Water. $unlight. >utrient.

%&'(E) 'C*E+E 1# % 11# C !# C 1!# / 3# B 13# C ,# B 1,# B # C 1 #B $# B 1$# / -# % 1-# B .# C 1.# / "# C 1"# C 10# C !0# %

!1# C !!# % !3# % !,# % ! #B !$# B !-# / !.# B !"# % 30# /

31# % 3!# / 33# B 3,# C 3 #C 3$# / 3-# 000 3.# C 3"# / ,0# /

,1# B ,!# B ,3# C ,,# B , #% ,$# % ,-# B ,.# % ,"# % 0# C

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