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Studio 3 Selection Control Bars

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Studio 3 Control Bars Using Studio 3's Control bars to browse and access project data.

Studio 3 Control Bars

Studio 3 uses a number of control bars for navigating data. Each serves a distinct purpose; some relate to the project as a whole whilst others relate to specific windows or to data which is loaded into memory. Each of the control bars may be hidden, docked or floated, and may be grouped with other control bars according to requirements and taste (more...) Not all tabs may be visible on your system. To enable and disable tabs, either use the context menu commands (see Hiding and Showing tabs) or select View | Customization | Control Bars to toggle a tab on or off.

Understanding Control Bars

It is important to understand the nature of the data to which each bar provides access, and the control and functionality afforded by each. The items described on this page relate to control bars that deal with the selection of data, and the accessing of data related functions using context menus. Generally, these bars are found on the left of your Studio 3 data window in a default configuration:

Project Files Control Bar

The Project File browser lists all the files in the project folder and categorizes them according to the nature of the data: points, strings, block models etc. This is the tool for performing basic file functions such as opening (in the table editor), loading into memory, copying and exporting. All these commands are available through the right-click context menu.

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More about the Project Files control bar Loaded Data Control Bar

The Loaded Data control bar provides a view of current loaded data as a listing of tables with field names (column headings).

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More about the Loaded Data Control Bar Sheets Browser

The Sheets browser can be used to control 3D objects. It expands the trees under all windows to reveal the 3D objects and their overlays. It provides the means to show or hide overlays (using the check boxes) and it provides access to display formatting through the context (right-click) menus.

Customization Control Bar

The Customization control bar is used to display links to commonly-used tasks such as import and export options, for example. In essence, it is an HTML page through which Datamine scripts and customized solutions can be run. The window has a number of tabs which may vary according to preferences but there will always be a Script tab and a File Edit tab. More about the Customization control bar Holes Control Bar

The Holes control bar is used to access loaded drillhole-specific information.

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You can rearrange the order that the tabs appear in on the screen by dragging them (hold down the left mouse button when over a tab) to a new position in the tab group.

Related Topics Customizing and organizing your workspace Hiding, showing and docking tabs Data Control Bars Accessing information about objects

Data Control Bars

Control bars provide context-sensitive information relating to the selected object or component. Another series of dockable and floatable panels exist in Studio 3 - Control bars. These components are used to control and view the state and display of loaded and in-memory data. This information is categorized and presented on one of the following tabs (note that not all tabs may be displayed. To enable or disabled a control bar select View | Customization | Control Bars to set a control bar's status). The items described on this page relate to the context-sensitive control bars normally found on the right of the data window(s) in a default setup. These control bars are used to view and (optionally) amend data relating to items selected in a data window. The contents of these bars will be updated automatically depending on the data that is selected:

Compositor Control Bar

The Compositor control bar displays the values associated with the drillhole segment currently selected.

Properties Control Bar

The Properties control bar is used to display context-sensitive information relating to the object selected. This bar does not represent the database values that are associated with the object, only the object properties. Depending on the object selected, some, none or all of the properties may be editable.

Data Properties Control Bar

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The Data Properties control bar is used to display the database values associated with the selected object. Depending on the object selected, some, none or all of the data properties may be editable. You can rearrange the order that the tabs appear in on the screen by dragging them (hold down the left mouse button when over a tab) to a new position in the tab group.

Related Topics Customizing your Studio 3 interface Output Windows Using the Command, Output and Desurvey Report tabs

Using the Output Windows

This section of the Studio 3 interface deals with commands, messages and process results. There are three possible tabs available in this section (although not all may be visible - to make a tab visible select View | Customization | Control Bars to toggle a tab on or off. The output window is a scrollable, dockable window that displays any text output from commands and processes. The output may be cut or copied to the clipboard, or it may be sent to the printer.

Docking the output window

To dock the output window: 1. Right-click the window border to display the popup menu. 2. Clear the Float in Main Window check box and select Allow Docking. 3. The window can be dragged by its title bar to the desired docking position. It will dock automatically when close to the top, bottom or either side of the main window. Undocking the window requires the Allow Docking check box to be cleared.

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The following tabs are available in this part of the application:

The Output Tab

The Output tab is used by Studio 3 to display useful information about Studio 3 data objects. For exampe, selecting a drillhole in the Design view will automatically add information to the Output window about the selected hole, including dimensions, length, zone information e.g:

The Command Tab

The Command tab allows you to enter commands or values into Studio 3 either as part of a multi-stage process (e.g. adding sub-cell values when creating a prototype model) or to instigate a Studio 3 command directly (e.g. ESTIMATE).

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The command line acts as a direct input device, and if you are aware of the command syntax required, it can often act as a shortcut.

The Desurvey Report Tab

The Desurvey Report window displays information relating to the validation/evaluation of drillhole data, for example, as a result of using the Define Holes command in the Design window, or accessing Tools | Validate e.g.:

You can rearrange the order that the tabs appear in on the screen by dragging them (hold down the left mouse button when over a tab) to a new position in the tab group.

The context menu

Right-clicking any of the output windows displays a context menu allowing you to do the following things: Field details: Use subtext if required, but remember to apply the FieldSub class. Copy: copies the currently highlighted text to the clipboard. Clear: clears the current window contents. Select All: selects all available text. Save As...: you can save the contents of the window to an external file using this command. Font...: selecting this option displays a font browser allowing you to change the appearance of text in the current window. Go To Tag: goes to the tag.

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Hide: to hide the current window from view, select this option. To enable a hidden window, you will need to set its status using the View | Customization | Control Bars menu.

Related Topics Hiding, showing and docking tabs Customizing browsers Customization Window Template to be used where a more specific topic does not exist

Using this template

The Customization Window is, in essence, an HTML page through which Studio 3 scripts and customized solutions can be run. It can be configured for your needs by editing the underlying html code:

This page is stored in your Studio 3 release directory, and if the default installation path is used, the location will be: C:\Program Files\Datamine\Studio3\Html\customization\default.htm Alternatively, as the file is local, you can right-click the Customization window and select View Source from the context menu. Edit your file and save it.

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Unless you are familiar with constructing html topics, JavaScript and object model requirements, it is not recommended that you edit this page. In all cases, make a backup copy of your file before modifying it. Related Topics Studio 3 Control Bars

Project Files Using the Project Files Control Bar

The Project Files Control Bar

The Project File browser lists all the files in the project folder and categorizes them according to the nature of the data: points, strings, block models etc. This is the tool for performing basic file functions such as opening (in the table editor), loading into memory, copying and exporting. All these commands are available through the right-click context menu.

Using the Project Files Browser

There are several functions available in the Project Files bar:

Load data into memory See which file is the current object. The current object is always shown with a blue title font in the tree menu. If using a MineTrust-aware project, to check data in and out of the database and perform other related functions. To see the type of project file that is currently available. For a full list of project file icons and their meanings, see Project Icon Reference. File-specific commands (via a context menu), such as file properties, previewing (before or after loading into memory) and other general file management functions (for more information, see 'The Project Files Context Menu' below). Accessing version-control functions (MineTrust-Aware systems only) Note that all file paths that are referenced by your Studio 3 system cannot exceed 128 characters in length

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"Standard" and "MineTrust-Aware" Projects

Adding managed files to a MineTrust-aware project If licensed, you will be able to create a MineTrust-Aware project using the Studio 3 Project Wizard. You will also be able to upgrade your current Studio 3 projects to a MineTrust-Aware status. Older projects can be upgraded using a simple wizard when an attempt is made to load them into a MineTrustAware system. Once upgraded, any file within that project can be checked into and out of a secure database (either local or remote) and all of the other useful functions that MineTrust has to offer. When MineTrust functions are enabled you will find that your Project Files control bar does a lot more than it used to; you will then have the opportunity to perform the following tasks on any project files, regardless of their format;

Check files into a secure MineTrust database for sharing with other task collaborators. Retrieve files by checking them out to your local system, preventing corruption by other users. View a history of any file according to check-in and/or check-out comments. Compare the contents of one file with another, including differences between same-file versions. Upgrade your current project files to "managed" status. Determine which server(s) are managing your files. Once licensed, you will also have access to the new MineTrust toolbar, containing a series of project/file functions.

Note that the context menu options for MineTrust-aware project files will differ depending on the type (managed or monitored) and status (checked in or out if managed) of each file. See below for more information about Project Files Control Bar context menus). Icon Color Coding In addition to the above, all MineTrust-aware project icons are color-coded to indicate their status (please note that this coding is not relevant for unmanaged projects). A full list of MineTrust project color codes is available here. Find out more about MineTrust-aware projects...

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Loading Data

Loading Data into Memory: unless a file has been loaded into memory, it cannot be viewed in the Studio 3 data windows (providing the file contains viewable data). The Project Files control bar supports a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to load a file (thus making it an 'object) by left clicking a file, holding the button down and dragging it into either the Plots, VR, Design or Visualizer windows. When a file has been loaded into the VR, Plots or Design windows, the view of the data will be automatically updated. If loaded into the Visualizer window, you will need to redraw the data manually using the icon on the Visualizer toolbar (if this is not displayed, select the Visualizer window tab, then select View | Customization | Toolbars | Visualizer).

Loading Filtered Files: it is possible to filter data as part of the loading process by holding down the <CTRL> key before releasing the mouse button on a data window. In this situation, a Filter dialog, appropriate to the data type(s) being loaded will be displayed, allowing you to select the aspects of the data that will be loaded on a field-by-field basis, or according to a series of logical statements (for example, to load wireframe data only above a specified Z value). Loading Multiple Files: it is possible to select more than one file from the Project Files bar, and drag them simultaneously into a data window to load all selected files. If an object fails to load, for example, if you elect to filter incoming data using the <CTRL> key (see above) and you Cancel the filter dialog for a particular file, you will be given the option to load the remaining files, e.g.:

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Using <CTRL> and <DELETE> to Delete files

You can also use the shortcut keys <CTRL> and <DELETE> to delete project files from your system. To do this, ensure that a file is highlighted in the Project Files control bar, and select both keys on your keyboard. Note that this action will REMOVE THE FILE FROM DISK, not just remove it from the project, so care should be taken when using this command as it cannot be undone.

You will be presented with a confirmation dialog before this action is performed.

Project Files Buttons

The following icons are available at the top of the Project Files control bar: Description Collapse all items in the Project Files view. Refresh the view of files in this control bar. Note that this will also update the icons representing each file type. Add new files to the project. Add existing files to the project. Import files from a Data Source. Add Files from MineTrust... (MineTrust-aware Projects only)

You will also see the MineTrust toolbar, enabled for MineTrustaware projects... The Project Files Context Menus
Right-clicking a file in the Project Files bar will display one of three possible context menus:

A project-level context menu (if the top-level project icon is selected). A folder-level context menu (if a folder is selected). A file-level context menu (if a file is selected).

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Project-Level Context Menu

This menu is displayed if the project icon at the top of the tree menu is right-clicked. Field Details: Please note that any option that is exclusive to MineTrust-aware systems is shown in a green font: Add: this option is used to add files to the current project, and cascades the following options:

New File: selecting this option opens the Add a New File dialog, where a new table or file can be added to the current project. More... Existing Files: add existing Datamine binary files (.dm) to the current project using this option, which initiates a standard file browser. Note that files will be analyzed when added and sorted into the corresponding data type folder according to the information each file contains. Import Files: add a file to the current project using the Datamine Data Source Drivers utility. These files will be converted for use within Datamine, but a link to the original file will be maintained. Files From MineTrust: if you have a MineTrust-aware project, and a licensed system, you will be able to view the contents of the currently active MineTrust database, and add managed files to that project. Note that this operation will involve listing the selected file(s), but those files will need to be checked-out from version control if you wish to edit them (and, subsequently, to be checked-in to update the database). More about MineTrust-aware Studio 3...

Save: saves the current project file. Close: closes the current project file, and if changes have been made to any loaded files, a prompt will be displayed to allow you to save each qualifying file. Check Out For Edit: check a project file out of MineTrust's database. This option is only available if the project file has been previously added to managed storage, using the Add | Project to MineTrust context menu option (see above). This allows the project to be edited as required. Once a file is checked out, it will be unavailable for check out by any other user accessing the same database server. Get Latest Version...: the action that is performed when this command is selected depends on whether the file is managed or monitored:

Managed Project Files: if you wish to get a local copy of a project file in the database, without affecting its current status (either checked-in or checked-out), you can use this command to retrieve the last saved state for editing. Note that, if file date is retrieved in this manner, the only way to update the server-side file with subsequent edits will be to make use of the Check Out For Edit command in conjunction with the Don't get local copy option. Monitored Project Files: if you have retrieved a copy of a Monitored project file on a remote server, selecting this option will update your local project file according to the state of the original file, providing it is possible to access the remote database.

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Monitored File Overview Undo Check Out...: for project files that have been checked out - this command will revert the file to a checked-in status without changing it from it's previous state. Please note that this option is hidden if the file in question is already checked out. Check In...: only available for project files that you have checked out. Checking a file into the MineTrust database will make it available to other users of the same database (access-rights permitting). Please note that this option is hidden if the file in question is already checked out. Compare...: compare the selected file with another, using MineTrust File Compare utility. View History: for project files that have been checked in or out with comments, this function allows you to list all distinct version-control operations and their respective reported comments. You will also have the opportunity to access any previously recorded version of a file using this facility. Paste: if file data has been copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into the selected project using this command. Rename...: rename the current project file. Properties: Shows overview information for the currently active project in the Properties control bar.

Folder-Level Context Menu

This following menu is displayed if a folder icon is right-clicked:

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Field Details: The following fields are available: Add: this option is used to add files to the current project, and cascades the following options:

New File...: create a new table or macro file using the Add New File dialog. More... Existing Files...: opens a file browser dialog to allow you to select a file (or files) to add to the current project. Import Files...: displays the Studio 3 Data Import dialog to permit import of file data from nonDatamine sources, using Datamine's Data Source Driver facility.

Properties: Shows overview information for the selected folder in the Properties control bar.

Item-Level Context Menu

This following menu is displayed if an individual file is right-clicked (note that not all commands may be available - for instance, the Re-import option is only available if the data was originally imported using Data Source Drivers). Note that this list represents all available commands; the commands that are actually available is dependent on the license configuration that is currently in force - MineTrust-Aware systems will have access to all commands but unlicensed systems will only be available to access a subset of these commands. Field Details: Please note that any option that is exclusive to MineTrust-aware systems is shown in a green font: Open: opens the selected file in the Studio 3 Table Editor. From here, you can view and/or edit the file's contents. Load: load the selected file into memory. You can also drag-and-drop the file into a data window to achieve the same effect. Another useful feature of this command is that it can be used in conjunction with the <Ctrl> key held down to initiate a pre-filter of loaded data. Preview: launches the Studio 3 File Previewer utility, allowing you to see a preview of a 2D or 3D data file before or after it is loaded into memory. Display: this option is only available if a Plots file has been selected. Running this command launches the Studio 3 DISPLA process, allowing you to view your Plots file. The output of this process is shown in the Graphics window. Re-Import: if the select file was imported using data source drivers, this information will be associated with the file in question. Selecting the re-import option reloads the data on disk, using the associated

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drivers, reinstating its originally loaded state. Export...: export the file in a variety of formats with this option. The Export Data dialog is displayed.

Add File(s) to MineTrust...: only available for licensed MineTrust-enabled Studio 3 systems, this option is used to add selected files to the current MineTrust database. Once a file has been added to the MineTrust database as a managed file (version-controlled) subsequent uses of the context menu will reveal additional functions:

Check Out For Edit...: check a file out of MineTrust's database. This allows the file to be edited as required. Once a file is checked out, it will be unavailable for check out by any other user accessing the same database server. Undo Check Out: for files that have been checked out - this command will revert the file to a checked-in status without changing it from it's previous state. Check In: only available for files that you have checked out. Checking a file into the MineTrust database will make it available to other users of the same database (access-rights permitting). Get Latest Version: if you wish to get a local copy of a file in the database, without affecting its current status (either checked-in or checked-out), you can use this command to take a 'snapshot' of the last saved state for your local use. Note that the only way to update the server-side file with any subsequent edits will be to make use of the Don't get local copy command. Compare: compare the selected file with another, using MineTrust File Compare utility. View History: for files that have been checked in or out with comments, this function allows you to list all distinct version-control operations and their respective reported comments. You will also have the opportunity to access any previously recorded version of a file using this facility. More information can be found by pressing <F1> when the dialog is in view.

More about MineTrust-aware Studio 3...

Remove From Project: remove the selected file from the project file with this option. Note that this is not the same process as unloading data, which merely removes data from resident memory. Removing a file from the project, and saving the project file, will 'break' the association between the project files and the selected file. Cut: cut the contents of the selected file to the clipboard. Copy: copy the contents of the selected file to the clipboard. Delete: delete the selected file from disk. This action is not reversible - you should not perform this operation on files that you are unsure about removing.

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Rename...: rename the selected file, on disk and in the Project Files bar. Properties: Shows overview information for the selected item in the Properties control bar.

Related Topics Studio 3 Control Bars Studio 3 Data Windows Studio 3 Interface Introduction Studio 3 Browser Bars Project Icon Reference MineTrust & Studio 3 Overview

Loaded Data Using the Loaded Data Browser Bar

The Loaded Data Bar

The Loaded Data bar is a floatable or dockable aspect of the Studio 3 interface. It allows you to see all data that is currently 'in-memory' and available for viewing/editing using Studio 3's range of functions.

Files? Objects?
Files that have been loaded into memory are referred to throughout this Help file as 'objects', whereas if they are merely associated with the project (and shown only in the Project Files control bar) they are referred to as 'files'. In summary:

Objects that have been loaded into memory are known as 'objects'. Objects that have been imported, or loaded into the project file, but not yet into memory, are referred to as 'files'.

Loaded data is both part of the project file, but also 'active'. Data is loaded into memory by a variety of methods (see Loading Data) using both drop-down menus, context menus and the Project Files bar. When a file has been loaded, it will appear in the list shown in the Loaded Data bar.

Context Menus
Studio 3 makes extensive use of context menus. The Loaded Data bar is no exception and can also be used to access object-specific commands that allow you to manage the contents of memory. There are

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three 'levels' of context menu available in this area, depending on the type of tree item in question:

A top-level, project-specific menu. An object-level menu. A data column-level menu.

Select a link above for more information on a menu.

Reloading vs. Refreshing Data

The important point to remember with reloading is that data is reloaded from the original source - for example, if an AutoCad is imported using the Data Source Drivers, and a .dm file is created, the link between the Datamine file and the original source is maintained. In this situation, when data is reloaded, the Datamine file will be reloaded into Studio 3 in whichever state it was last left when last refreshed, hence, if the original source data file (AutoCad) has changed, these changes will not be reflected in the associated Datamine file. Refreshing data is slightly different. When data is refreshed, the original data source is accessed (the non-Datamine file). Then, the associated .dm file is updated in line with the original source using the Data Source Drivers, and then loaded into Studio 3. This process ensures that the data viewed in Studio 3 is synonymous with the non-Datamine format file.

Top Level Menu

Right-clicking the project icon in the Loaded Data control bar reveals the following context menu: This menu is also available by right-clicking the project icon in the Sheets control bar.

Field Details: Load: allows you to load data from a variety of sources. The following options are cascaded:

From Project: load a file into memory from the current list of available project files (these will be the items listed in the Project Files control bar). Selecting any of the cascaded options will launch the Project Browser, from where you can select an existing project file or load a datamine file from an external location (note that this can also be achieved by the From File option shown below). For more information on loading project files, see Loading Data. From File: Load an external datamine (.dm) file using a standard file browser with this option. Files loaded in this manner will automatically show the Object Filter dialog prior to loaded, to allow you to filter incoming data if required. For more information on filter data, see Loading and Saving Filtered Data. The important difference between this action, and loading a file with Data | Load, is that by using

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the Loaded Data function, data is automatically loaded into the Project and into memory meaning it will be shown in the Loaded Data bar straight away.

From Data Source: Similar to the above, this function is used to access an external data file. However,this option displays the Data Import dialog, to allow you to load non-datamine files using the Data Source Drivers. As above, this function will, on importing the file(s), load the data into memory straight away, and show the imported item in the Loaded Data list. For more information on importing data into Studio 3, see Importing Project Data, Importing and Exporting Data and Loading Data.

Unload...: unloads selected data from memory (but does not remove the Project file association, nor remove the file from disk). Reload...: reloads a data file using the associated data source drivers into memory. This effectively synchronizes the data that is held on disk with the data held in memory. Select this option to display the Data Reload dialog, which is used to select a loaded object prior to reloading it from its data source. Note that reloading data will run the import process interactively, allowing import settings to be changed from the previous import/load (as opposed to refreshing data - see below) Create Table...: allows you to create a new, empty table. Selecting this option displays the Select Table Type dialog. Select the type of data table you wish to create (Strings, Drillholes, Wireframes etc.) and click OK. A new entry will be added to the Loaded Data list. Refresh...: displays the Data Refresh Dialog. Note that refreshing data is different from reloading data. When data is refreshed, all current settings for import (Driver Type and Data Category) are maintained from the previous import/load, whereas with the Reload option, the import process is run interactively, allowing filter and other import settings to be changed. Refresh All: automatically refreshes all objects in memory. Export...: displays the Object to Export dialog. Select an object from this list to initiate the Data Export dialog, allowing you to export the selected file using Data Source Drivers. Set Conversions...: imported data tables may contain special values to signify absent, not recorded, trace or below detection limit values. Selecting this option displays the Data Conversions dialog, which can be used (from this menu) to set the data conversion rules for all loaded data. Data Object Manager...: displays the Data Object Manager dialog, allowing you to perform various object-related functions on loaded data. Properties: shows summary properties for the project, via the Project Properties dialog.

Object Level Menu

This functionality is provided via the context menu available by right-clicking an object in this area, as shown in the initial image. Field Details: Save: if the object in memory has been previously saved to a physical file (see Data Menu, below), this

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option will be enabled to allow you to update the associated physical file on disk. Data: allows you to perform several object-specific functions, and cascades the following further options:

Reload...: reloads the selected data file using the associated data source drivers into memory. You will be asked to confirm your actions if this option is selected as it can be undone. The import process is run interactively. Refresh...: refreshes the selected data item, following confirmation. Previous import/load settings will be used. Save As...: allows you to save the state of the currently loaded object data to a new file name. Export...: export the data in memory for the selected object using the Data Export dialog. To Excel...: quickly transfer the contents of the selected object's database to excel. This provides an excellent method for rapidly exporting data in .XLS format. Microsoft Excel only supports 65535 data rows, therefore, this option is not suitable for larger data sets that have more data rows than this. If such a situation occurs, only the first 65535 rows of data will be displayed. Unload...: unload the selected object data from memory. This process does not remove the file from disk, not break the association with the current project file.

Extract: displays the Extract Data Object dialog, which is used to create new objects based on the values contained within a selected field of the selected object. Wireframe Properties (Wireframe objects only): shows the Properties dialog for the selected wireframe data in memory. Rename (Wireframe objects only): rename the current object in memory. Send to Stereonet (Wireframe objects only): sends the current wireframe object data to the Stereonet Viewer. Add Column: add a data column to an object with this function, using the Add Column dialog. The Add Column option is also available in the Data Object Manager, by right-clicking an object in the Loaded Objects list.

Object Properties (not wireframes): displays the Object Summary dialog, showing summary information for the selected object. Data Object Manager...: displays the Data Object Manager dialog, allowing you to perform various object-related functions on loaded data.

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Verify (Wireframe objects only): verify the selected wireframe object using the wireframe-verify command. Decimate (Wireframe objects only): reduce the resolution of the loaded wireframe object using the Wireframe Decimate dialog. Calculate Volume (Wireframe objects only): calculate the volume of the loaded wireframe object using the Wireframe Calculate Volume dialog. Boolean Operations (Wireframe objects only): cascades the same options available for boolean interactions as shown in the Wireframes menu. Plane Operations (Wireframe objects only): cascades the same options available for boolean interactions as shown in the Wireframes menu. Translate Wireframe (Wireframe objects only): transpose the current object in virtual 3D space using the translate-wireframe command. Rotate Wireframe (Wireframe objects only): rotate the wireframe using the rotate-wireframe command. Scale Wireframe (Wireframe objects only): scale the wireframe using the scale-wireframe command.

Data Column Level Menu

Each item in the tree menu can be expanded to see a list of data columns that comprise the selected object, e.g.:

Note that not all items will be available for all objects, for example, if an essential field is selected, such as an X Coordinate for a point, you will not be able to delete it as this will void the definition of the location in 3D space. Field Details: Delete: if the select data column is not one of the required default fields for the type of object selected, you can delete the data column from the object in memory with this option. Note that to proliferate this change to the Project file you will need to save your project file using File | Save. Set Conversions...: imported data tables may contain special values to signify absent, not recorded, trace or below detection limit values. Selecting this option displays the Data Conversions dialog to allow you to manage this conversion process. Object Properties: opens the Object Summary dialog, allowing you to view and (optionally) amend data

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column-specific fields.

Related Topics Loading Data Project Files Control Bar Overview Data Conversions Dialog Object Summary Dialog Sheets Control Bar Controlling Data Display using the Sheets Control Bar

Sheets Control Bar

The Sheets control bar is used to view all sheets, projections, views and overlays related to a particular data window.

For more information on the viewing hierarchy in studio 3, see Studio 3 View Hierarchy.

The Sheets control bar is situated on the left of the data window area on a default system. It can be docked or floated, shown or hidden as any other control bar (see Customizing Studio 3 Control Bars). Making extensive use of the right-click (context) menu system, the Sheets control bar can be used to access commands and functions related to both individual items, and groups of items, depending at which point in the data hierarchy a menu is selected. The data window to which the selected item(s) relate (VR, Plots etc.) will also determine the functions that are available in a given menu. For example, you can access the VR Strings Properties dialog by right-clicking a string object (in the Strings sub-folder of the main VR folder) and selecting Properties, e.g.:

However, if the same object is accessed under the Design folder (and subsequently expanding the Design View, Design Project and Overlays view hierarchy tree options), a right-click shows the Format... option. When selected, the Format Display dialog is shown, allowing the overlay for that object (in the Design window) to be controlled, e.g.:

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Context Menus
A wide variety of functions can be accessed using the Sheets control bar; data overlays can be switched on or off, object properties amended, new objects created and positioned, and new files can be loaded into the project. In summary, the menu that is produced depends on:

The data window folder that the selection is made in. The 'level' in that folder that is selected.

Generally, the options available can also be accessed using alternative methods such as the drop-down menu system, or icon toolbars, however, the sheets menu provides a quick, context-sensitive way of managing components of the Studio 3 View Hierarchy. For more information on the available menus, select a link from below:

Top-Level Project Icon Menu

Design Folder Menus

Plots Folder Menus

Logs Folder Menus

Tables Folder Menus

Reports Folder Menus

VR Folder Menus

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Related Topics Loading Data Importing Project Data Project Files Control Bar Overview Introduction to VR Holes Control Bar Using the Holes control bar to manage loaded drillhole data.

Holes Control Bar

The Holes control bar displays a list of currently loaded drillholes by their Borehole Identifier (desurveyed from drillhole tables). The Holes control bar reports on dynamic drillhole data, known throughout Studio 3 as 'Dynamic Drillholes', containing a series of XYZ sample centre points, lengths and directions representing hole traces. The Holes control bar shows all currently loaded dynamic drillhole objects, and a list of the borehole identifiers. The list displayed represents the drillhole data that is currently in-memory. For more information on building drillholes, see Defining and Building Drillholes.

The Holes control bar, like all Studio 3 control bars, makes extensive use of the right-click context menus to access functions. The options available depends on which part of the tree menu is currently highlighted when the menu is displayed:

The Top-Level Project Icon: this context menu is used to create/update hole sets, and to set which hole set is the default. The Hole Set folder icons: used to add holes to a specific hole set. The Borehole Identifier icons: used to view borehole properties, and amend desurvey settings.

Top Level Project Icon Menu

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Right-clicking the project icon shows the following options:

Field Details: The following fields are available: New Set...: used to create a new hole set in memory, and displays the New Hole Set dialog. Paste: if data has been previously copied from the Hole Set folder right-click menu, this option will be available. Selecting it will transfer the contents of the clipboard to Holes list, creating a new, duplicate hole set. Default...: select this option to define which hole set is to be the default (the set from which data will be copied), via the Default Hole Set dialog.

Hole Set Folder Menu

Right-clicking the project icon shows the following options providing the hole set is not the 'All Holes' variety. This folder is reserved to display all holes from all sets:

Field Details: The following fields are available (although if the 'All Holes' folder is selected, some will be disabled you will only be able to copy and view the hole set properties): Add hole(s)...: used to add holes to the current set, via the New Hole Set dialog. Insert...: if a drillhole has been copied to the clipboard (using the right-click menu at Borehole Identifier level), this menu option will allow you to insert it into the selected hole set, providing it does not already exist (all borehole identifiers must be unique throughout a set). Delete: remove the hole set from memory with this option. Note that this option is not available via the 'All Holes' folder menu.

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Copy: copy the contents of the hole set folder to the clipboard. You can now insert a copy of the hole set by right-clicking the top-level project icon and selecting Paste. Set 1 Properties...: displays an Object Summary dialog showing summary properties for the selected object. Default Set: make the selected hole set the default with this option.

Borehole Identifier Menu

Right-clicking a borehole identifier within a hole set sub-folder displays the following options (although if the identifiers are within the 'All Holes' folder, functionality will be restricted to Properties, Exclude, Copy and Synchronize options):

Field Details: The following fields are available: Properties...: displays the Drillhole Properties dialog, which can be used to view the drillhole settings and edit desurvey settings. Exclude...: exclude or include the selected drillhole from the current drillhole set. This is a toggle button. Delete...: remove the selected borehole from the set, after confirmation. Please note that you cannot undo this command. Copy...: copy the current drillhole to the clipboard. After copying, the item can be inserted using the Paste option accessed by right-clicking a Hole Set Folder, or the Insert Item option (see below). Insert...: used to add holes to the current set, via the New Hole Set dialog. Insert Item: if drillhole data has been copied using the above option, this command will insert it into the currently selected hole set. Synchronize...: holes or intervals selected in one view can be displayed in any other using this option. The action of other views when a selection is synchronized is determined by the status of the Linked and Live settings.

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Further hole management functions are found in the Format Display dialog. Right-clicking a drillholes overlay in the Design window of the Sheets control bar allows you to access a wide range of hole settings, including the Hole Manager dialog. This gives you alternative access to some of the functions mentioned here, such as adding holes to a set and other editing options. It also allows you to access the Hole Set dialog, which allows you to add holes from the full list available.

Also, you can use the Holes control bar in conjunction with the Compositor control bar - selecting a hole identifier automatically updates the contents of the Compositor window, showing data relevant to the selected borehole. Related Topics Compositor Control Bar Overview Hole Set Dialog Hole Set Name Dialog New Hole Set Dialog Defining and Building Drillholes

Properties Control Bar Using the Properties control bar.

Properties Control Bar

The Properties control bar is a context sensitive settings table, updated on selection of data in the Design, Plots, Tables, Logs and Reports windows.

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Fig 1. Example of a Properties control bar This control bar offers methods of formatting the selected property, using an object-browser style interface. The menu displayed depends on the type of object selected, and in which window:

Design/Plots window data object selections Plot item selections Full section/plan selections Table Cell/Report selections

In all cases, the following top bar icons are available: Icon Command Description Categorize Sort the list of properties into categories. Note that you can either select this option or the A to Z option (see below). A to Z Show all properties in an alphabetical, non-categorized list. You can either select this option or the Categorize toggle (see above). Auto This option is only relevant if the Categorize toggle is selected. Selecting this option Collapse will automatically collapse a section as another is expanded (using the '+' symbol). With this active, you cannot expand more than one category. Dynamic Select this toggle to automatically update the contents of the data window when Update changes are made to an object's properties. If inactive, setting changes will not be applied until the next display redraw (see below). Redraw Redraw the contents of the data window. More If extended properties exist for an object, select this button to access them. For Properties example, if a string object is in focus, selecting this button displays the Format Display dialog, showing overlay settings for the selected object.

Design/Plots Window Data Selections:

The following fields are displayed when object data (not a plot item) or annotation is selected (highlighted) in the Design or Plots windows: 3D Object: this read-only field displays the name of the currently selected object, and its associated data type (in brackets). Share: in a multi-sheet data window (Plots, Logs, Tables or Reports - for an overview of how sheets, projections and overlays are handled in Studio 3, see Studio 3 View Hierarchy) you can elect to make the current object available to all sheets (and corresponding projections and overlays), the current sheet (only sharing the data across the projections and overlays relevant to the current sheet) or not shared (meaning the object data will only be available to the current sheet/projection/overlay combination. The following fields relate to the color(s) associated with the current object:

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Column: this drop-down list contains descriptions of the data columns from which the selected object is comprised. You can assign the currently selected Legend (see below) to this data column to interpret the display properties of the object. Use Legend: if [Yes] is selected, the Legend specified (see above) will be applied to the Column specified (see below), for display purposes. If [No] is selected, the currently selected solid color will be used to display the object. Legend: this drop-down list contains descriptions of all available legends (system and user-defined) that can be applied to the selected data column, providing the Use Legend field is set to [Yes].

For more information on creating and applying legends, please refer to your Legends online Help. For more information on applying legends to overlays, see Format Display Dialog.

The following field relates to the general appearance of the object: Show Bounding Box: by default, this is set to [No]. A 'bounding box' in CAD terms, refers to a cube surrounding the data extremities of the selected object. If enabled, this box can be seen on screen, e.g.:

The bounding box is always orthogonal to the view axes, so can act as a useful guide to the orientation of the viewplane in the Design window, and the orientation of a section, for example, in the Plots window. Can select: select [Yes] (default) to allow this data object to be selected with the mouse, or [No] to exclude it from data selection. Snap: if you do not wish the selected object to be 'snapped to' when snap mode is on, select [No], otherwise select [Yes] (default).

Plot Item Selections:

Selecting a plot item in the Plots window shows some, or all, of the following options (note that the actual menu order and contents will depend on the type of plot item that is selected - only fields relevant to the plot item will be displayed):

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Use log/section filtering (Table Plot Items only): Select or deselect the options to include records from holes off section and include records from the selected hole only. X/Y: the XY origin of the selected plot item, with 0,0 being the bottom-left corner of the plot sheet. Width/Height: the width and height of the selected plot item in millimeters. Fixed Size (Table Plot Items only): select [Yes] to maintain the overall dimensions of the table on resizing individual elements, or [No] to allow the table dimensions to scale when individual table items are scaled. Border: select [Yes] to display a border for the selected item, or [No] to disable borders. Grid: Show a grid lattice within the plot item, or hide grid lines. Outside/Inside Width: change the inner/outer dimensions of the selected item. Color: select a color from the drop-down list with which to display the plot item. Font: select a font from the drop-down list to use when displaying text/annotation. Height: specify the font height. Bold/Underline/Italic: add font formatting settings. Minimum Height: specify the minimum height of the font, regardless of the scaling of the plot item.

Projection Item Selections

The following options are shown when a projection is highlighted on a Plot Sheet: View Direction: this section contains the following items: Share: share the selected projection's view direction with other projections on the sheet. To activate this facility, more than one projection (at least) will need to have a [Yes] value specified for this property. Then, whenever the view direction is changed for any one of those projections, the direction will be updated in all other qualifying view areas. View Direction: set the view direction by selecting a predefined description from the dropdown list. Azimuth: set the azimuth of the projection's view direction. Dip: set the dip of the projection's view direction. Align with Section: you can set this to [Yes] to force the view direction of the projection window to line up with that of the current section definition. View Center: this section contains the following items:

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Share: share the selected projection's view center setting with other projections on the sheet. All projections with a [Yes] value - on the same sheet - will be updated if the view center is changed in any of those sections. X/Y/Z: specify the center point of the view in 3D space. Use section mid point: if set to [Yes] the center point as currently established by the section definition will be used to center the data view. Section Mid Point: set the Easting, Northing and Level (elevation) for the mid point of the data section that passes through the current view. Section Orientation: the orientation of a section is set initially when a new sheet is added (Insert | Sheet | ...), but you can change it here at any time; you can either select a predefined alignment using a description from the drop-down list, or set a custom Azimuth and Dip value. Note that these values are automatically populated if a predefined orientation is selected. Section Definition: the following options are available: Share: share the section definition with other projections on the sheet. The section definition can be [Shared], in which case any other projection that has the same [Shared] value will be updated whenever the section definition changes in any qualify projection (for example, making the section 'corridor' wider in one will make it wider in all shared projections). Conversely, if set to [Not Shared], the section definition will not be updated if other projections are subjected to a section definition change. The additional settings in this drop-down menu are important; [Consecutive] is a method by which a projection is automatically assigned a unique section number, normally one higher than the highest thus recorded on the sheet. For example, if all projections were set to this value, they could be set to section definitions 1,2 and 3 (or 2,3 and 4 etc.) - subsequent alterations to section 1 would affect 2 and 3, but consecutive sections would still be shown. (This is a useful way of showing sections either side of a selected central slice in multiprojection sheets) Finally, [Locked] will do just that; if set to [Yes], it will prevent any changes to the current section definition for the selected section, regardless of any commands run from the menu or command bar. Note that it is also possible to lock other aspects of a projection. Section Number: the number of the section according to the current definition. Title: an automatically generated (and non-editable) name for the currently active section. Sections Table: if a section definition file is to be used but is not already loaded, select [Yes] and you will be prompted for the location of a file. If a section definition file is already in use, this field will automatically read [Yes]; this loaded file can be disabled by selecting [No]. Section Clipping: if data clipping is to be relevant to the selected projection, it can be enabled here. If enabled, you are able to share the current clipping values with the remaining projections on

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the sheet. Position: the position of the selected projection on the sheet. As plot sheets are 2D entities, this can be defined by setting the required X and Y values to set the bottom left corner location. The resulting Height and Width settings are then used to define the overall size of the projection window. General: this area deals with view (projection) synchronization; whether data that is selected in one projection is also selected in other projections. The concept of "Linked" and "Live" is important here;

Linked: this refers to how data selection is performed in multiple projections. If two (or more) projections are linked, when you select data in one, it becomes selected in the other(s). Live: this refers to whether the view of data is automatically updated to show selected data.

One or both of these settings can be activated. For example, if both Linked and Live settings are enabled, if data is selected in one projection, it will be selected in any other projection on the sheet that has a positive Linked setting, and will also force all linked views to update (if required) in order to show the selected data. By default, all projections are linked, but are not live, meaning that data selection is performed in all projections, but the view scale and direction is not updated. Scale: you can share the same value for scale across all projections. Note that all projections where the Scale - Share setting is set to [Yes] will be synchronized when any scaling operation is performed in any of those projections View Exaggeration: you can alter the exaggeration (distortion) of the selected projection in X, Y and/or Z directions, using these fields. By default, data will not be exaggerated (that is, it will be represented in a 1:1:1 ratio, maintaining the aspect ratio of the original data).

Full Section / Plan Selections

The following options are shown when a full plot sheet is in focus (i.e. not an individual item): Auto name sheet: if enabled, sheets will be automatically named on creation. Name: the name of the current section sheet. Auto size plot: if enabled, the plot sheet view will be automatically scaled to view all plot items, regardless of their size, fitting everything into the viewing area. Size: the print media currently emulated in the Plots window. Select the drop-down list for more options. Page orientation: specify portrait or landscape. Draw margins: if selected, the margins of the selected media will be shown on the screen as guidelines, e.g.:

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(margins shown by grey slatted line). Show printable area: displays or hides a slashed line denoting the limiits of the printable area for the selected media. Data falling outside these limits will not be printed, and may result in printing errors. Width/Height: the overall width and height of the selected sheet. Margins: set the margins of the selected sheet in mm. All four margins are independently configurable.

Table Cell/Report Selections:

Selecting a table cell in the Tables or Reports view shows the following property options: Data Table: this read-only field denotes the database table that the selected data belongs to. The data type (strings, wireframe etc.) is shown in brackets. Data Field: the object's data column that the selected cell takes its data from. You can use the drop-down list to change the name of the table column (and corresponding data values). Note that changing this setting will affect the whole data column, not just the selected cell. Use Legend: if selected, a legend will be used to display the data in the selected table or report column. If no legend is selected, the Color (see below) will be used instead. Color: specify a fixed color to display the contents of the selected table column. This setting is only relevant if the data is not being displayed using a legend (see above). Legend: if the Use Legend option is selected (see above), this drop-down list is used to select a system or user-defined legend with which to display the contents of the table or report column.

Related Topics Customizing Studio 3 Control Bars Data Properties Control Bar Overview Data Properties Control Bar Using the Data Properties control bar

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Data Properties Control Bar

The Data Properties control bar is a context-sensitive data browser that allows you to see the data values associated with a selected (clicked) object in the Design, Plots, Tables, Logs and Reports windows. The contents of this window will be relevant to the data selected and the window in use. For example, to view the XYZ coordinates of all points on a digitized string, select the string (left-click) in the Design window and a list of points and corresponding values will be displayed, along with string display properties and other general values. However, if you select the contents of a cell in the Tables view (for more information on creating table views, see Working with Tables), the Data Properties window reveals only data relevant to the selected data row, e.g.:

Display Properties
The display style relating to the selected object, in all cases, will be reported if such information exists, and a color preview bar will be shown to the left of these display items. In the above image, editable fields exist representing display formatting; LSTYLE, SYMBOL, and BLOCKID. Selecting one of these fields presents a drop down arrow, used to display a drop-down list from which a value can be selected, e.g.:

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The top of this list displays the standard Studio 'special values', used throughout the system to denote standard, non-numerical data values. Below this, numeric values relevant to the selection will be displayed, e.g. for the drop-down list, all available color values will be displayed. Selecting a colour value will update the color of the selected object, and the color bar preview. Note that the number and type of editable fields available depends on the type of data selected, and in which window. As with all control bars, the Data Properties window can be shown or hidden, docked or floated. For more information on customizing your Studio 3 interface, see Customizing Studio 3 Control Bars.

Related Topics Customizing Studio 3 Control Bars Studio 3 Data Control Bars Compositor Control Bar Using the Compositor control bar.

Compositor Control Bar

The Compositor displays the values associated with the Drillhole segment currently selected. Extra values such as horizontal and vertical thickness are also displayed:

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The Compositor control bar is a powerful tool for investigating and navigating your way around project data.

Use the compositor in conjunction with any Table, Section, Design window or Log view. Select intervals interactively and display composite results. Slide composite or composite limits up and down the hole and observe composite values. Select intervals by Hole Name and From - To depth and display composite results. Locate any interval on any hole on any section by synchronizing views from the compositor. Save composited intervals to the intersections table with any selection of composite result fields. Composite samples over Lithological domains. Composite drillholes over fixed downhole lengths.

Composite results may include:

length weighted grades length @ grade length x grade dominant lithology specific gravity vertical and horizontal thickness from-to depths start, mid and end coordinates azimuth, inclination and declination. By default, the data represented by the Compositor window relates to the entire hole. You can change the context of the Compositor control bar using the right-click (context menu), which is described below. The easiest way to update the Compositor window with data relevant to a specific drillhole is to expand the relevant hole set folder in the Holes control bar. Selecting a borehole identifier will automatically update the contents of the Compositor.

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Context Menu Details: Right-clicking a blank area of the Compositor control bar reveals the following options (select a section of the image for more information:

Synchronize: Holes or intervals selected in one view can be displayed in any other view using Edit | Synchronize from the menu. The action of other views when a selection is synchronized is determined by the status of the Linked and Live settings. Choose Format | Properties tab to display the status of the Linked and Live settings for the current view: When view is Linked only Synchronizing a selection in another view will Select and display the same selection. The data selected will not always be visible. Linked and Live Select and display the same selection and modify the view so that the selected data is visible. Live only Modify the view so that the selected data is visible but not selected.

You can synchronize views in many ways

Choose the method which best suits the way you work:

Select the sample interval or hole in any table, log or section view and choose Edit | Synchronize, or Click Synchronize on the Selection toolbar. Select a hole interval then right click to display the context menu. Select Synchronize.

The view in which the data was originally selected does not need to be Linked or Live to permit

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synchronizing other views. Data can be selected in any table, section, 3D or log view and synchronized with all other linked table, section, 3D and log views. Save Selection: Creates a new, default (empty) intersections table using the default Zone Label, on confirmation.

To change the table definition

1. Select the table view you wish to edit. 2. In the Sheets control bar, expand the Tables folder and right-click the Intersections table. 3. Select Format to display the Format Columns Display dialog. 4. The fields currently defined in this table view are displayed in the Columns in View box. The intersections table must at least contain the fields Hole Name, From, To and Zone. 5. To remove a field from the table, select the field name in the Columns in View box and click Delete. 6. To add a field to the table, select a field type (Data Columns, Hole Data Fields, Length Weighted Averages or Dominant Text Values), select one of the available fields, then click Add. 7. The order of columns in the table can be adjusted using the Up and Down buttons. 8. Click OK to apply the changes and view the table. Whenever an intersection is saved, a record is added to the top of this table and all the defined fields are computed. For more information on intersection tables, see Display intersections, Select, name and save intersections Select Collar: Updates the data in the compositor window for the selected borehole to show data relevant to the collar XYZ position, Azimuth, Inclination and Declination, among other properties, e.g.:

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Select End of Hole: Updates the data in the compositor window for the selected borehole to show data relevant to the drillhole's end of hole position. The fields shown will be identical to those of the Select by Collar version (see above), but the contents of the field, particularly the mineral grade sections, will be updated. Select Entire Hole: Shows the full view of the Compositor table, denoting the mineral grade for the entire hole, start and end positions in 3D space, drillhole orientation and the current desurvey status. Select By Table: Allows you to update the contents of the Compositor control bar according to a selection from a table. To utilize this facility you will need to ensure the following criteria are met:

A table sheet has been created (using Insert | Plot | Sheet - see Working with Tables). The Tables window is in view (select the tab on the top of the data window area, or if the tab is not shown, enable it using View | Windows | Tables).

When a table is in view, clicking a table cell updates the compositor to show the composite data relevant to the selection:

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You can change tables in the Tables window, and subsequent cell selections will change the Compositor context automatically. For more information on the Tables window, see Window Overview: Tables. Change Table: Displays the Select Table dialog, allowing you to change the table the Compositor tool currently relates to.

Related Topics Holes Control Bar Overview Select Tables Working with Tables

Command Control Bar Using the Command Control Bar

Command Control Bar

The Command Control Bar is used to record the progress of Studio 3 commands, and supply prompts for additional user input:

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Situated below the data window area (with the Desurvey Report and Output control bars) on a default system setup, the Command control bar displays information that is relevant to the process(es) being run. Commands are entered into the Command Line, at the bottom of the Studio 3 interface:

Activating the Command Line

To activate the Command Line (i.e. to give the control 'focus' if it is already displayed, or to show it if hidden), press <F2>. You can now enter data directly into the command line (for example, the name of a Studio 3 process). Alternatively, click inside the Command Line to activate it. For a full list of Studio 3 commands and processes, see the Studio 3 Command Table.

Finding Commands
To the left of the command line, the Find Command can be used to show a list of all available commands:

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Select a command from the list (double-click or select and Run) and the command will be executed. Alternatively you can type the command description into the Command Line from where it can be run either by pressing <ENTER> or by clicking Execute Command as shown below:

To cancel a command in progress, click Cancel Command, as shown below:

If a process or command requires additional user input, the Command Line will show a prompt, and the input field will be highlighted. This indicates that the information required must be entered before the next step is accessed. Text added to the command line is 'remembered' for subsequent uses of the command line, allowing you to press <Enter> to re-submit the command. However, this may not always be required, so it is wise to check the contents of the command line before pressing <Enter>.


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1. Run the PROTOM command (used to generate a model prototype) by entering 'protom' into the Command Line. 2. The PROTOM dialog is displayed, and on entering an Ouput filename and clicking OK to dismiss the dialog, the command Line updates to show the following prompt:

3. Enter 'y' and the prompt and response is now copied to the Command window:

4. The command line now prompts you to define if sub-cells are to be used. Enter 'y' into the command line and press <Enter>. 5. The next step uses a slightly different approach. The Command window now displays the message 'PLEASE SUPPLY COORDINATES OF MODEL ORIGIN', and the command Line prompt changes to 'X'. Enter '0' into the Command Line and press <ENTER>. 6. Enter '0' values for the following prompts ('Y' and 'Z'). As you press <ENTER> the values of the coordinates are added to the Command window:

7. The next phase of the command is similar to that for entering coordinates, but is for cell dimensions. The Command window shows the message 'PLEASE SUPPLY CELL DIMENSIONS'. Follow a similar procedure to above, enter '10' for the X dimension, '29' for the Y dimension, and '30' for the Z value. 8. The final phase asks you to define the NUMBER OF CELLS IN EACH DIRECTION? - enter '50' for each coordinate. 9. The Command window now shows the '>>>Protom Complete<<<' message, and a prototype model has been created with the Output file name specified in step 2. 10. The Command window shows a full history of entered commands and responses. In this case, the following data is shown:

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Studio 3 Selection Control Bars

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You can restore your Studio 3 application to the default layout by selecting View | Customization | Customization State | Restore Defaults. You should save your existing profile before doing this using View | Customization | Cusomization State | Save. For more information on managing profiles, see Saving and Loading Profiles. Related Topics Studio 3 Data Control Bars Studio 3 Selection Control Bars Command Table Compositor Control Bar Desurvey Report Control Bar Output Control Bar The PROTOM Process Output Control Bar Viewing the results of Studio 3 processes

Output Control Bar

The Output control bar is used to view the results and reports of some Studio 3 processes, such as querying the current filters used, or querying a specific item of data using the Design | Query menu options.

Examples: 1. Select the Output control bar tab. If this tab is not currently visible, select View | Customization | Control Bars | Output. 2. Select the menu command Format | Filter All Objects | Show All Filters.

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Studio 3 Selection Control Bars

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3. Each loaded object is now listed in the Output control bar along with any associated filter expressions that may exist, e.g.:

As another example: 1. Select the Output control bar tab. If this tab is not currently visible, select View | Customization | Control Bars | Output. 2. Select the menu command Design | Query | Points. 3. Information relating to the selected point is now listed in the Output control bar, e.g.:

Desurvey Report Control Bar Dynamic Desurveying Report

Dynamic Desurveying Report

As processes report progress to the Command control bar (window) and interactive commands and actions report to the Output control bar (window), so dynamic desurveying reports to the Desurvey Report control bar. When the Define Drillholes dialog is used to define which of all the tables loaded into memory is to be the Collars table, the surveys and the samples tables, each is validated instantly and the results are output to the Desurvey Report control bar. Not only does it report on the validation of each of the tables but it also reports on the desurveying process itself.

Related Topics Command Control Bar Overview Output Control Bar Overview

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