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20 Nov 2010 Persistent Systems Gangaram Dhanvat path, Pune Placement Paper Candidate Experiences

First of all, if you are good at technical skills, this company is one of the best company for you. The selection process comprises of 5 stages:

1) Technical objective paper 2) Technical subjective paper 3) Technical interview 1 4) Technical interview 2 5) HR interview The technical paper will not be tough if you have taken your subjects in engineering seriously or if you have prepared for GATE previously, its an advantage for you. Main subjects of concern were: * Data Structure * DBMS * Software Engg * Concepts of C * OS This is the order of priority too. First written paper comprises of 60 questions to be attempted in 60 mins 5 from data structures 5 from C 5 from s/w engg 5 from dbms 5 from OS and computer system architecture and 5 from general aptitude. Your basics must be clear in all these subjects. Next, the second written test is taken consecutively so be prepared. It has two questions, one from english prose wri

2011 Persistent Placement Papers - I, Pune

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IT Placement Papers

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Pune Persistent Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Here are the details of 2011 Persistent Placement Papers - I job in Persistent

Welcome to Persistent Placement Paper 2011. Here you will find Persistent Placement Paper Pattern and Download questions of Persistent Placement Paper 2011 with Answers & Solutions. 2011 Persistent Placement Papers:1. Which of the following cannot be implemented efficiently in Linear Linked List 1. Quicksort 2. Radix Sort 3. Polynomials 4. Insertion Sort 5. Binary Search 2. In binary search tree , n=nodes, h=height of tree. What's complexity? 1. o(h) 2. o(n*h)

3. o(nLogn) 4. o(n*n) 5. None

3. Printf("%d%d",i++,i++); 1. Compiler Dependent 2. 4 4 3. 4 3 4. 3 4 5. None of Above 4. void main() { printf("persistent"); main(); } 1. Till stack overflows 2. Infinite 3. 65535 4. 34423 5. None 5. If table A has m rows and table B has n rows then how many rows will the following query return SELECT A.A1,B.B1 FROM A,B WHERE A.A3=B.B3 1. <=(m*n) 2. m*n 3. <=(m+n) 4. >=(m+n) and <=(m*n) 5. m+n 6. A Query optimizer optimizes according to which of the following criteria 1. Execution time 2. Disk access 3. CPU usage 4. Communication time 5. None 7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a transaction

1. Atomicity 2. Consistency 3. Normalization 4. Isolation 5. Durability 8. The def. of Foreign key is there to support 1. Referential integrity 2. Constraint 3. None 9. Problem Process A Process B WRITELOCK(X) WRITELOCK(Y) READ(X) READ(Y) ... ... 1. The problem is serializable 2. The problem is not serializable 3. It can be run in parallel 4. None 10. There was a question on automata ans the resultant string will have even no of c 6. CFG was given S -> 1 S 1 S-> 0 S 0 S -> 1 1 S -> 0 0 Find out the string 11. One singly circular ordered list is there if M elements are to be inserted what will be the complexity of time a) O(M*N) b) O(M*(M+N)) c) O ((M+N) * log(M+N)) d)none of these 12. find postfix and prefix of A + B * ( C + D ) / E + F 13. Find out shortest path from A to B ABCDE

A0m Bm022m C05 D06 E0 14. From the following when 43 will not be found by binary search (a series was given with last element 43 in each) 15. From 100 999 find the prob. Of getting 3 digit no with no 7 in any of its digit a) 18/25 b) 10/25 c) 729/1000 d) none 16. oid main() { for (a=1;a<=100;a++) for(b=a;b<=100;b++) foo(); } foo() {} how many times foo will be called. a) 5050 b) 1010 c) d) 17. A hash table has a sie of 11 and data filled in its position like{3,5,7,9,6}how many comparisons have to be made if data is not found in the list in worst case a) 2 b) 6 c) 11 d)

About Persistent:Persistent work with its customers to help them proficiently deliver products to their end-users and ultimately, to maximize their core business. Persistent's outsourced software product

development services allow its customers to minimize Time-To-Market, perk up the quality of their products, trim down risk of failure during the engineering development process, improve predictability and reliability of the engineering process while helping them minimize their overall product engineering costs. Persistent has invested in structuring a gigantic team of software engineers, veterans in product development culture. Persistent's team of industry specialists has an understanding of the industries in which its customers operate and the competencies that they necessitate. It has competency centers in telecom and wireless, life sciences, analytics and data infrastructure, embedded systems domains, product engineering and Microsoft and Java platforms. Why Persistent - Why shoul i join Persistent?:Persistent extremely cohesive and close-knit. It open communication promotes an easy exchange of views and information. Seniors and juniors share a good rapport and transparency, and the entire organization works together as a single, large team. At Persistent, you will come face to face with a vault of opportunities, the key to which will be the various projects assigned to you. Your tasks will challenge your abilities and force you to break out of the mold, constantly pushing you to achieve more. Contact Details Address of Persistent:-

Persistent Systems Limited Persistent Systems, Inc. Bhageerath, 402, Senapati Bapat Road Pune 411016. Tel: +91 (20) 2570 2000 Fax: +91 (20) 2567 8901 (Disclaimer : This Job has been sourced from various sources like printmedia, Job consultants, our users and/ or Company website. The posted date above means the date on which the Job was posted on our site and not on the company site. Users are advised to check with the company for latest requirements before applying for the job. We have no relation with the company and are not responsible for the validity of this Job.)

PERSISTENT - Placement Paper - 29 July 2006 - Pune

Hi I have attended the persistent written test. The paper consists of 2 test. Test 1 -- consists of only technicalobjective questions, It has six sections & each have 5 Qns. The sections are -1. C Programming 2. Theory 3. Genera 4. OS 5. Database 6. Data Structures

1st SECTION(Data structures and Alogorithm.) 1)From the following when 43 will not be found by binary search (a series was given with last element 43 in each) 2)On which maximum operations cannot be performed .Something like that a)Array b)Hash Table c)Linked List d)Heap e)Binary Tree 3)A hash table has a sie of 11 and data filled in its position like{3,5,7,9,6}how many comparisons have to be made if data is not found in the list in worst case a) 2 b) 6 c) 11 d) ANS:- 2 4)Forest with n Trees and having p edges then a)n(1-p) b) n = p +2 c) n-p+1 d) e) 5)Find the shortest path from B to E ANS: 7 one Question on Postfix.

2ndSECTION (C LANGAUGE) 1) what is int(*(*ptr (int))(void) a)Pointer to function with no arguments(void) and return pointer to integer. b)---c) 2)func(char *s1,char * s2) { char *t; t=s1; s1=s2; s2=t; } void main() { char *s1=jack, *s2=jill; func(s1,s2);

printf(%s %s ,s1,s2);

OUTPUT jack jill 3) void main() { int a[5] ={1,2,3,4,5},i,j=2,b; for (i =0;i<5;i++ ) func(j,a); for (i =0;i<5;i++ ) printf(%d,a); } func(int j,int *a) { j=j+1; a=a+j; b= b+2; } OUTPUT: 12345 4) void main() { for (a=1;a<=100;a++) for(b=a;b<=100;b++) foo(); } foo() {} how many times foo will be called. a) 5050 b) 1010 c) d) ANS: 5050 5)A tree was given with nodes assigned clours red, blue, yellow, green and more that one node is having colour red.They have asked that how many times the output will be red if the total number of evaluation is 11. some code was given--I don't remember that.

3rd Section(O.S) 1) If there are n proceses and each process waits p time in waiting state then cpu utilization is-: a) n(1-p) b) n*p 2)No. of pages are given and using LRU algorithm we have to find the number of page faults. a)2 b)6 c)5 d)7 3)There is a file server which provides locking for mutual exclusion . if any procees locks the file and abruptly terminated this will result in indefinitely locking .The solution they found is to implement a timer for locking of file i.e. if time outs then server assumes that file is indefinitely locked and terminate the process a) this solution is perfect for mutual exclausion b) this will solve indefinite locking c) this will result in interleaving of file between processes d) will allow the concurrent process to access the file. 4)A critical Section is a)for mutual exclusion b)a set of shared resources c) d)

5)Match the following. 1)Critical Section 2)Wait/signal 3)Working set 4)Semaphore a)Mutual exclusion b)Deadlock c)Hoare's Monitor d)

4th Section(TOC) 1)There was a question on automata 2)CFG was given S -> 1 S 1 S-> 0 S 0 S -> 1 1 S -> 0 0 Find out the string 3) 5th section General 1)Probability to find digits which not contain 7 between 100 to 999 Ans=18/25 2)Difference between Packet switching & Circuit Switching. Ans= CS take more time to established circuit. 3)in cache memory 100ns an in main memory 1200ns what is the cache hit ratio(Question is not exactly the same,but something related to cache hit ratio) 4)From the set {a,b,c,d,e,f} find no. of arrangements for 3 alphabets with no data repeated. ANS=360. OR for 4 alpha ANS=720. 5) 6th section (DBMS) 1)employee(eno,ename) works_on(eno,pno,ename) project(pno, project) select ename from employee where eno in(select eno from works_on where pno =(select *from project) what is the output ? a)Employee who works on all project. b)Employee who works one project . c) name of employee who works on more than one project. d) 2)Select ename from employee where salary = salary 3)what is the use of B-tree a) has fixed index file size b) is better for queries like < <= > >= c) searching will be easy d) 4)Question on inner Join returning N- tuples & Full outer Join returns M- tuples. For both Variables are given & in options relationship is given to find whichever have greater tuples.And variable D is given-----a)then N= M b) N = M + D c) d)

5) To save space which option is better a) write all join operation then select then project b) write all join operation then projects then select c)write all join operation then select between project

Test 2- Consist of Two Questions. In this we have to make a C program. Q.1) Inward-spiral order matrix. i.e you have to traverse the matrix in clockwise manner and display the elements, for eg. 1 8 9 2 2 9 7 3 5 7 6 5 4 1 3 8

output should be 1, 2, 5, 4, 1, 3, 8, 5, 3, 2, 9, 8, 9, 7, 6, 7 Q.2) consider a two dimensional array A[N][N] of the order n x n.Then you find the sub-squares and display the largest sum of the sub-square.Sub- squares are the contigious elements in the array.Largest sum can be find out by summing the elements in the sub-square.


Persistent Systems
Country Category India Information-Technology


College: Hitech institute of technology,Aurangabad, Maharashtra Hi, Mayur is here to share his experience of PSPL campus interview. I waited 3 years in my college just to get into and finally I got it. It's the best thing you can get from your college.The Campus Selection of Persistent Systems Limited, pune was scheduled on 29th feb and criteria was 1. 58% aggregate upto V Semester B.E. 2. No Current Backlogs. this was an open campus for all the eligible( CSE / IT/ ETC ) engineering students of aurangabad. the number of candidates eligible for PSPL was 636. But, I wasn't troubled with this.Then, the Day came, 29th feb.nearly 600 candidates were appeared for aptitude test. There are two categories for PSPL. 1. CS/IT People 2. Non CS/IT People.(ECT) They have different procedures of selection and different papers for two categories of people.As, I am from ECT I'll tell you about my experience plus I'll also tell you about CS/IT guys.

For ECT. 45 questions, 45 marks, 1 hour duration. 2. APTITUDE - 30(easy), C PROGRAMMING - 15. 3. No sectional cut-off. No negative marking For CS/IT
There was two aptitude tests


Pattern 1st round was technical aptitude (duration: - 1hr) It basically contain 40 questions 15 general aptitudes like logical deduction from RS aggarwal (simple one) 35 technical questions from C, C++, DBMS OPERATING SYSTEM

Overall it was a simple round and cutoff was I think 50-55%. Test -2 In this, candidates were given with the 3 programs of DS and it was compulsory to solve atleast 2 programs for cracking apti.the programs were based on the linked list , arrays etc.The HR's were giving more preperance to the logic than syntax. The paper was quite good, c questions were tricky.mostly they asked questions based on output and error finding . Aptitude was simple but some questions were confusing. They gave PREPLACEMENT TALK after exam, just two of them handled us. Rest of the team was busy in checking papers. In PPT they shared lots of information regarding company's market value, their international partners, company locations, orgin of persistance, and salary offered to the freshers. The PPT lasted for 1hour. Then, CSE / IT Candidates were told to move to class room for second test in just 5 minutes. there was a technical programming paper ready for them.and students of ECT waited till then. after 2nd test within 30 min the short listed candidates list was out. 58 out of 600 candidates had made it !!

for ECT CANDIDATES 3rd round was TECH-1( verbal duration 45min to 1hr 15min) . In this round they asked technical question from c, microprocessor and basic electronics concepts ,theorems besides two or three puzzles. they mostly asked simple programs in c and microprocessor It was quite difficult round. One thing I would like to say that they were not looking for definitions but they wanted deep knowledge of concepts and generally asked How this can be implemented in real life. so be prepare with ur technical. Note:- In the beginning they said that there will be two technical rounds. Then depending upon the candidate 1st tech . they take 2nd tech round

we are the only 2 students who were directly send from tech-1 to hr round for CSE/IT CANDIDATES

3rd round was TECH-1( verbal duration 45min to 1hr 15min) In this round they will ask technical question from c, c++, dbms , operating system microprocessor. It was quite difficult round. One thing I would to say that that were not looking for definitions but they want depth knowledge of concepts and generally asked How this can be implemented in real life so be prepare with ur technical.

Note:- In the beginning they will said that there will be two technical rounds. Then depending upon the candidate 1st tech . they take 2nd tech round . They were some cutoff in tech-1.
4th round was HR ROUND( duration 45 min to 1hrs)common for all candidates.

it was completely based on ur resume. I will suggest u to be honest to hr officer as they ask next questions from what u have said in the last questions . pls dont take it lightly . it was the main elimination round many students were rejected in hr round. Note:- there were giving full time to each student in every round whether they have to reject or select the student . Suggestions :1) They are looking for technical guys. They are not looking ur communication skills so try to explain the logics in what ever language u r comfortable. SO dont worry abt the communication skills . 2) Be honest in ur resume write only those subjects in resume on which u have full command because ur technical starts from ur favorite subjects so dont try to impress with ur resume because both technical and hr round goes around resume. 3) Try to be honest in hr round because there is a cross questioning after ur each answer. 4) Company simply looks for concepts not for definition so try to have depth knowledge in each subjects mentioned above.

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