Who Broke The Idols

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Stories of the Prophets

for Children
Who Broke the Idols?
By Imm Ab al-Hasan Al al-Nadw

Translated By
.: Anna :.

:: Hadiyah ::

Abu Jaffar

Abu Musab





urban rose


Edited By


Dedicated to all the children of the members of Ummah Forum.

The Seller Of Idols

 ! .   

A long, long time ago.

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In a village there lived a very famous man.

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The name of this man was zar.


zar used to sell idols.

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In this village there was a very big house.

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/ 0 $%

And in this house there were idols, very many idols!


People used to prostrate to these idols.

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And zar used to prostate to these idols.

8 0 > .

And he used to worship these idols.

. /

zar's Son

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zar had a very good son.

.2  /' / 0 2 3
The name of this son was Ibrhm.

/  2  
Ibrhm used to watch people.

E/  <; /  2 

He saw them prostrating to idols.

And he saw them worshipping idols.

; G >
Ibrhm knew that idols were only stone.



And he knew that idols could not speak or hear.



And he knew that idols could neither harm nor benefit anyone.

% I R%
0O /

He saw that flies were sitting on the idols, and they could not even defend themselves
from that.

HI R% >
X XN/ 

And he saw that mice were eating the idols food and they could not prevent it.

/ <; H/ : @<NY $%
'7 2  

Ibrhm said to himself, Why are people prostrating to idols?

/ X< H/ :@<NY
X< 2  

And he asked himself, Why do people ask idols for things?

2 #^_Y

Ibrhms Advice

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'7 2  

Ibrhm said to his father,

8 0 > I  H/ ,$
Oh my father, why do you worship these idols?

80)/ ;<I H/ $ 
And Oh my father, why do you prostrate to these idols?

80 X<I H/ $
And Oh my father, why do you ask these idols for things?


 8 0
Indeed, these idols cannot speak or hear.


8 0
And indeed these idols cannot harm or benefit anyone!

*/> Qd/) / PI $?

Why are you giving them food and drink?

 *I J

8 0 Q
Oh my father, indeed these idols cannot eat or drink!

2 )N J
ePf . 
zar became angry and did not understand.

'H)N J

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 @+'7/ g
_ 2 

Ibrhm was advising his people, but the people became angry and did not understand.

Q/ 2)N 0 hG / e

 < Y 2  
Ibrhm said, I will break the idols when the people go, and then they will understand.

L 2

Ibrhm Breaks The Idols

 N% T ! '
A day of d arrived and the people became happy.


 l> K/
And the people went out to celebrate the d and the children went out too.

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: 2 m
 2 /
And Ibrhm's father went out and asked Ibrhm, Arent you going out with us?

273 Y :2  
Ibrhm replied, I am sick!

/ $% 2  $
Q/ e
The people went away and Ibrhm remained at home.

>' H<I J' HKLMI J :  E/

 S/ 2 ! 
Ibrhm came to the idols and said to them, Can't you speak? Can't you hear?

*'I J
' KXI J> ?! W 0
This is food and drink. Wont you eat? Wont you drink?

odI J
; G )Y

But the idols kept quiet because they were stones which cannot speak.


Ibrhm said, What is wrong with you? Why don't you speak? (37: 92)

67dY +
And the idols kept quiet and did not speak.

XN/ 0 l 2  e
Pp 0 hG
At that Ibrhm became angry and grabbed the axe.


2   q
He hit the idols with the axe and broke them.

@7T $%
XN/ o
  2 _/ 2  
But he left the biggest idol and hung the axe around its neck.

0> % s+

Who Did This?

 $% 'Kl / !
The people returned and entered the house of the idols.

T @ ' Y

/ <;
They wanted to prostrate to the idols, since it was a day of d.

Q/ e
Q;>I sL/
But the people were amazed and stunned.

Q/ u
And they felt sad and angry.

" !    :

They asked, Who did this to our gods? (21: 59)

 #$ (  & $  !* (+, :

They said, We heard a youngster called Ibrhm mentioning them. (21: 60)

#$    ( . ! 0 :

They asked, Are you the one who did this to our gods, Oh Ibrhm? (21: 62)

 ( 0 2,!  $#3 & . !  

He replied, No, rather the biggest one of them did it; so ask them if they can
speak. (21: 63)

;G '

But the people knew that the idols were only stones.

odI J
^; /
'% > 'Y
And they knew that stones cannot hear or speak.

;G P
2 _/
'%> 'Y
And they knew that the biggest idol was a stone too.

 ^M $
*H 7 J 
2 Q_/

And that it was not capable of walking or moving.

 L 7 J
2 _/
And that it was not capable of breaking the idols.

odI J

Q 2 K>I 6
Y :2 m
So they told Ibrhm, You know that the idols cannot speak.


> I u
L% 2  

Ibrhm responded, So how can you worship the idols while they cannot harm or benefit

< I J o
dI J )QY

'/X<I u

And how can you ask the idols for things when they cannot speak or hear?

'K7>I R
% h? 'H)NI J
Don't you understand anything!? Don't you think!?

/ 6
So the people were silenced and became aShmed.


A Cold Fire

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b/ HM!
The people gathered together and asked, What shall we do?


< 2  

Indeed, Ibrhm has broken the idols and insulted the gods.

2 w! + 2 
7T + : /
The people asked, What should Ibrhm's punishment be? What should his requital be?

4 $60 7$8 :


The answer was, Burn him, and help your gods. (21: 68)

2) % '7/ Y  :

And that is what happened: they lit a fire and threw Ibrhm into it.

 2 _ Y x sL/
But Allah helped Ibrhm and said to the fire,

 #$* .9  :, $ <0 0 (

Oh fire, be cool and peaceful for Ibrhm. (21: 69)

2  SKT +R3  Q/ 6

Y 0L
And that is what happened: the fire was cool and peaceful for him.

2   PI J  Q/
The people saw that the fire was not harming Ibrhm.

2/3 2 
<+ 2 
And they saw that Ibrhm was happy and that he was safe and healthy.

/ y
They were amazed and bewildered.

b s+

Who Is My Lord?

$b 0 :
7%  '2  #K/

That night Ibrhm saw a star and he said, This is my Lord.

$b  U
/ 0! J :2  
 e 'L/
p QH/
But when the star disappeared he said, No! This is not my Lord.

b  0 :
7%  H7/ 2  
Ibrhm saw the moon and he said, This is my Lord.

b  U/ 0! J
p H/
But when the moon disappeared he said, No! This is not my Lord.

$3  <  :2  
7% UH*/ 6
The sun rose and he said, This is my Lord; this is the greatest. (6: 78)

$  U
/ 0! J :2  
K/ $% U
HQ*/ 6
p H/
But when the sun set at night he said, No! This is not my Lord.

'H J $G x

Indeed, Allah is Ever-Living and never dies.

f J
Indeed, Allah is Eternal and never disappears.

$? @Kf J
| '  x

Indeed, Allah is the Most Powerful and nothing overpowers Him.

_/@ Kf u>q e'L/
The star is weak; it is overpowered by the morning.

UHQ*/@ KfI u>q  H7/

And the moon is weak; it is overpowered by the sun.

2 f/) Kf
K/) Kf #N>q UHQ*/
And the sun is weak; it is overpowered by the night and by the clouds.

u>q @Y

'L/ $Y_ J
The star cannot help me because it is weak.

u>q @Y

H7/ $Y_ J
And the moon cannot help me because it is weak.

#N>q )QY

UH*/ $Y_I J
And the sun cannot help me because it is weak.

x $Y_
But Allah helps me.

'H J $
| G x

Because Allah is Ever-Living and never dies.

ef J

And Eternal and never disappears.

$? @Kf J
| ' 
And the Most Powerful and nothing overpowers Him.

My Lord Is Allah

x $b
@O x


Ibrhm recognised that Allah is his Lord.

'H J $G x

Because Allah is Ever-Living and never dies.

f J

And Allah is Eternal and never disappears.

$? @Kf J
| '  x
And Allah is the Most Powerful and nothing overpowers Him.

O x
Ibrhm recognised that Allah is the Lord of the star!

O x

And that Allah is the Lord of the moon!

O x
And that Allah is the Lord of the sun!

O x

And that Allah is the Lord of the entire universe!

RKl QY @K>! 2  x

Allah guided Ibrhm and made him a Prophet and took him as a friend.

 T s+ 2)>H@ +' ' T  2 x  +
And Allah commanded Ibrhm to invite his people towards Allah and to forbid them
from worshiping idols.

2  ' T

Ibrhms Invitation

 T s+ 2)>+ x
/@ +' 2  T
Ibrhm invited his people towards Allah and forbade them from worshiping idols.

> I + :@+'7/ 2  

Ibrhm said to his people, What are you worshiping?

 >? 3 0 

They replied, We are worshiping idols. (26: 71)

9?  0 +A( :2 

Ibrhm asked, Can they hear you if you call on them? (26: 72)

$C(  0 B (
Can they benefit you or cause any harm? (26: 73)

. B( D
 04 0?F 
They replied, No, but we found our forefathers doing this. (26: 74)

 8 0  T J YX% : 2  

Ibrhm said, So I will not worship these idols.

80)/ T Y
Rather, I am an enemy to these idols.

Q  T Y.
I worship the Lord of the entire universe.

"(? (  ! < .G 

The One who created me and who guides me. (26: 78)

#A( < + (  
The One who feeds me and gives me to drink. (26: 79)

"#BI(  ! J$
And when I become sick, then He cures me. (26: 80)

"##K( L M < #+( 

The One who will cause me to die and then bring me back to life. (26: 81)

) I J o

Indeed, the idols cannot create and cannot guide.

$7<I J G 2>dI J
And indeed, they cannot feed anyone and cannot give him to drink.

$N*I J $)% G
And if anyone becomes sick then they cannot cure him.

$^I J G 6
And indeed, they cannot cause anyone to die and cannot bring him back to life.

~KH/ +

In Front Of The King

! 2/ ~  ! K+ # H/ $%

In the city, there was a very powerful king who was totally unjust.

KHK/ <;

People used to prostrate to the king.

. G

;< J x ;< 2  
Q ~
KH/ H3
The king heard that Ibrhm prostrates to Allah and does not prostrate to anyone else.

2 eKW~ KH/ e
So he became angry and called for Ibrhm.

x J G n J 2   2 ! 
Ibrhm came and he never used to fear anyone, except Allah.

O s+ :~

The king asked, Who is your Lord, Oh Ibrhm?

x $
Ibrhm replied, My Lord is Allah!

2  x
+ :~KH/

The king asked, Who is Allah, Oh Ibrhm?

-#+(< #K( :2  

Ibrhm replied, The One who gives life and causes death. (2: 258)

#< #8 0 :~KH/

The king said, I give life and cause death. (2: 258)

@KM R!~ KH/ T

The king called a man and killed him.

@ I l. R
! T
And he called another man and left him alive.

! 6
! 6
KM 6+ $G Y :

And he said, I give life and cause death; I killed a man and left a man alive.

 *+ ~
/0  ! K ~KH/

The king was very stupid, and so were all the polytheists.

@+' 2 )N ~KH/ 2 )N 2  

And Ibrhm wanted the king and his people to understand.

$ Q+"
$ I+"
+LI < 2( N
L O! :~
KHK/ 2  
So he said to the king, Indeed, Allah brings the sun from the East, so you bring it
from the West. (2: 258)

L3 ~ KH/ Q^M%
So the king was bewildered and silenced.

. ! !'+ ~KH/

And he became embarrassed and could not find a response.

/'/' T

The Invitation To The Father

7% P 8 / ' T  2 
Ibrhm also wanted to invite his father towards Allah, so he said to him,

$63(  U+A(   ?3   (

Oh my Father, why do you worship that which cannot hear and cannot see?
(19: 42)

 P J N J + >I 2 /
And why do you worship that which cannot benefit and cannot cause harm?

d*/> I J

Oh my Father, don't worship Shaytn. (19: 44)

HGQ / T 6

Oh my Father, worship al-Rahmn (the Most Merciful).

h? 7I J $I% ~q Y :

 2 / e
Ibrhm's father became angry and said, I will hit you, so leave me alone and don't say

#.9 :, :8 /'/ 7% HKG 2  

Ibrhm was gentle and forbearing, so he said to his father, Peace be upon you.
(19: 47)

b ' T  s+ e
 Y :@/

And he said to him, I will go from here and supplicate to my Lord.

/ ' T  @Q > l. K S/ e
0 ! 2  u
Ibrhm felt very sad and wanted to go to another place to worship his Lord and call
people towards Allah.

#L+ S/

To Makkah

2 / e
Pp~ KH/ e
Pp 2  ' e
Ibrhm's people became angry, the king became angry, and Ibrhm's father became

S/ / ' T  x
@ % >  l. K S/  %< 2  
And Ibrhm wanted to travel to another land, to worship Allah there and call people
towards Allah.

8 / 8 K s+ 2  l
So Ibrhm migrated from his country and said goodbye to his father.

!>@ !@ + #L+ 2_ 

He headed towards Makkah, and with him was his wife Hjar.

;? J
e*T )% U/ #QL+ 6Y
Makkah at that time did not have any plants or trees.

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 h )% U
/ #L+ 6Y
Nor did it have a well or a river.

* J
' G )% U
/ #QL+ 6Y
And Makkah did not have any animals or people.

w Y #L+ S/ 2  

Ibrhm arrived at Makkah and stopped over there.

.TH3 8 / !@ !  2 I

And he left his wife Hjar and his son Isml.

 !@ !@ / 6/ e
0 2 H/
When Ibrhm wanted to leave, his wife Hjar asked him,

$MI 3  s S/
Where are you going, my master? Are you leaving me here?

>W J
 +  U
/ $MI
Are you leaving me while there is no water here, nor any food?

0) x +
Has Allah commanded you to do this?

2>Y :2  

Ibrhm replied, Yes!

>P J
: ! 6/
Hjar responded, Then He will not forsake us.

The Zamzam Well

w+ h
Q + TH3 ydT

After a while, Isml became thirsty.

 H/ s
 sL/ + @7<I @ +
His mother wanted to give him water to drink; but where was the water?

h )% U
/ #L+
In Makkah there was no well.

!)Y )% U
/ #QL+
And in Makkah there was no river!

H/ e
KdI ! 6Y
Hjar was searching for water.

_/ S/ H/ s
+ H/ S/ N_/ s
+ ;I
And she ran from Saf to Marwah and from Marwah to Saf.

.+ H)/ oKn% TH3_  Y ! x_  Y

Allah helped Hjar and He helped Isml, so He created water for them.

.! 6? TH3

? s+ H/ l
The water came forth from the earth and Isml drank and Hjar drank.

,w+ h L% H/ $7

And the water remained there; it became the Zamzam well.

w+ $% x %
Allah blessed the Zamzam water.

2 K S/ w+ H 'IX^ / $% /) + *$M/ h/ $ 80

And this well is the same one from which people drink during the Hajj and from which
they take Zamzam water back to their countries.

w + + 6
Have you drunk Zamzam water?

Ibrhm's Dream

+ > #L+ S/ 2 T

Ibrhm returned to Makkah after a while.

TH3 8 /'  2  % ! $
TH3 $
He met Isml and Hjar and he was happy to be with his son Isml.

8 / + n e>K ;  f / TH3

Isml was a young boy; he ran and played and went out with his father.

TH3 e^ 2  

And Ibrhm used to love Isml a lot.

TH3 g0 @Y H/ $% 2 #K/

That night, Ibrhm saw in a dream that he was sacrificing Isml.

 ++ @++  Y 2  

Ibrhm was a true Prophet and his dreams were true dreams.

H/ $% x 8+ + >N X% x Kl 2 

And Ibrhm was the friend of Allah, so he wanted to carry out what Allah had ordered
him to do in the dream.

$ $Z0! D
K< 0  +< !< 0:2  
Ibrhm said, Indeed, I have seen in a dream that I am sacrificing you. So look, what
do you think? (37: 102)

s_/ s
+ x ? $Y ;M3  +I + >% 6
He said, O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills,
one of the patient ones. (37: 102)

L3 0 l>@ + 
TH3 2  0 l
Ibrhm took Isml with him and he also took a knife.

.TH3 g0 S+ 2  K H/

And when Ibrhm reached Mina, he intended to sacrifice Isml.

TH3; dq
And Isml lied down on the ground.

.TH3' 7KG SKT sL</ q' % g0 2 

And Ibrhm intended to sacrifice him; he placed the knife on Isml 's throat.

.8+X + @KKl >N   e

Q ^ x s
But Allah loved to see whether His friend would do what He commanded him to do.

. @ e^  x

And did he love Allah more, or his son.

^M+J $% 2  g
And Ibrhm succeeded in the test.

TH3 g0I J
0 g
 #;/ s
+ yL 
! x 3X%
So Allah sent Jibril with a ram from Paradise and said, Sacrifice this and do not sacrifice

 T $% g
0/ s
HK<H/  +X% 2 HT x eG
And Allah loved Ibrhm 's deed, so He commanded the Muslims to sacrifice something
on Id al-Adha.

2 QK3
Kn/ 2  SKT x SK
May Allah's peace and blessings be upon Ibrhm, the friend.

2 QK3
TH3 @ SKT x
And may Allah's peace and blessings upon his son Isml.

The Ka'bah

~/ > T 2  e

Ibrhm went away, and then later returned.

' / 6Y x M $
He wanted to build a house for Allah as there were lots of houses.

x@ %
> x 6
But there wasnt a house for Allah in which He was worshiped.

8 / + x M $
And Isml wanted to build a house for Allah with his father.

;/ s+ ^;/ TH3 2 7Y

So Ibrhm and Isml carried stones from the mountains.

8  #>L/ S
 8  #>L/ $ 2  

And Ibrhm built the Kabah by hand, and Isml built the Kabah by hand.

'T  x
 0 2  
And Ibrhm used to remember Allah and supplicate to Him.

'T  x
 0 TH3
And Isml used to remember Allah and supplicate to Him.

 #.  U #+LA 0 D
L0   3  

Our Lord! Accept from us (our deeds). Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, the
All-Knowing. (2: 127)

#>L/ $%
  TH3 2 s+ x
And Allah accepted from Ibrhm and Isml and blessed the Kabah.

 $% #>L/ S/'!@ MY s^Y
We face the Kabah in every Salh.

b ^/  $
% #>L/ S/' HK<H/ %<
And Muslims travel to the Kabah during the days of Hajj.

'K_ #>L/
And they make Tawf around the Kabah and perform Salh near it.

TH3 2  s+ 
7I #>L/ $
% x
Allah blessed the Kabah and accepted from Ibrhm and Isml.

2 QK3 2  SKT x SK
May Allah's peace and blessings be upon Ibrhm.

2QK3 TH3 SKT x SbK

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon Isml.

2K3 H^+ SKT x SK

And may Allah's peace and blessings be upon Muhammad.

7H/ 6

Bayt al-Maqdis

. 3 )H3 l 2 m 
Ibrhm had another wife. Her name was Srah.

^3@ H3 3 s+ l. / 2 m 
And he had another son from her whose name was Is-hq.

^3 s
L3 Q*/ $
% 2  s
Ibrhm and Is-hq lived in al-Shm.

#QL+ $
% M 8'l 8' S H */ $% x M ^3 $
And Is-hq built a house for Allah in al-Shm just as his father and brother had built a
house in Makkah.

7H/ 6
 '  Q*/ $
^3 8  0/<; H/ 0
This Masjid which Is-hq built in al-Shm is Bayt al-Maqdis.

@/'G x
 0/ S_
<; H/ '
It is Masjid al-Aqs, whose surroundings Allah has blessed.

  H^ 3 J
$% x

Allah blessed the children of Is-hq just as He blessed the children of Isml.

'KH/ Y 2)%

From them, there were Prophets and kings.


'7> @H3 /^ 3m 
Is-hq had a son whose name was Yaqb, and he was a Prophet.

'7> s u3' 2)+ , /* T @ / '7> 

Yaqb had twelve sons, one of them being Ysuf bin Yaqb.

.7/ $% #;T #_ @/ u3'

Ysuf has an amazing story in the Qurn.

#_7/ 80~ /
And this story is now presented to you!

x H^ 2I

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