HRH in Africa Bibliography by Subject Headings

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30 September 2004

Liese, B., Blanchet, N., & Dussault, G. (2003). Background paper on the human resource crisis in health services. Washington, D.C.: World Ban . !"ull #e$t% &atsi o, C.W. & 'i(anu a, ). (2003). * re+ie( o, hu-an resource ,or health in .ganda. Health Policy and Development, 1 (/), /0120. !"ull #e$t% Narasi-han, 2., Bro(n, 3., 4a5los1&ende6, *., *da-s, 7., Dussault, G., 8l6inga, G., Nordstro-, *., 3a5te, D., )aco5s, &., 9oli-ano, G., 9e(an a-5o, N., Wi5ul:ol:rasert, 9., 8+ans, #., & Chen, L. (200;). <es:onding to the glo5al hu-an resources crisis. The Lancet, 363, /;=>1/;?2. !"ull #e$t% .9*@D 9u::ort ,or *nalAsis and <esearch in *,rica. (2003). The health sector human resource crisis in A rica! An issues paper" Washington, D.C.: Bureau ,or *,rica, 7,,ice o, 9ustaina5le De+elo:-ent, !"ull #e$t% W37. (200;). Cha:ter ; 3ealth sAste-s: "inding ne( strength. #orld Health $eport %&&' (::. 0?1?/). Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% W37B*"<7. (2002). Planning health (orkers at the heart o health services delivery in A rica! A synopsis" !Brochure%. Bra66a+ille: W37B*"<7. !"ull #e$t%


Dussault, G. & "ranceschini, &. (2003). )ot enough here, too many there! *nderstanding geographical im+alances in the distri+ution o health personnel" Washington, D.C.: World Ban @nstitute. 8gger, D. & *da-s, 7. (/>>>). ,m+alances in human resources or health! -an policy ormulation and planning make a di erence. Gene+a: World 3ealth 7rgani6ation. !"ull #e$t% Gu:ta, N., Curn, 4., Diallo, '., & Dal 4o6, &. (2003). .ses o, :o:ulation census data ,or -onitoring geogra:hical i-5alance in the health (or ,orce: 9na:shots ,ro- three de+elo:ing countries. ,nternational /ournal or 01uity in Health, %, (//). !"ull #e$t% &a an, B. (/>>D). Cha:ter ?: Distri5ution o, health :ersonnel. @n *. Ntuli (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1334 (::. =31D2). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% 4adarath, *., Cha-5erlain, C., &cCoA, D., Ntuli, *., <o(son, &., & Loe(enson, <. (2003). Health personnel in 2outhern A rica! -on ronting maldistri+ution and +rain drain" 8E.@N8# Discussion 4a:er No. 3. !"ull #e$t% <eid, 9. & Conco, D. (/>>>). Cha:ter /?: &onitoring the i-:le-entation o, co--unitA ser+ice. @n N. Cris: (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1333 (::. 23312;D). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% 9outhern *,rican <egional Net(or on 8FuitA in 3ealth (8E.@N8#) & 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust 9outh *,rica (39#). (200;). 01uity in the distri+ution o health personnel. <egional <esearch <e+ie( &eeting <e:ort, /01/? *:ril, )ohannes5urg, 9outh *,rica: 8E.@N8# & 39#. !"ull #e$t%

2an <ens5urg, D. & 2an <ens5urg, N. (/>>>). Cha:ter /=: Distri5ution o, hu-an resources. @n N. Cris: (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1333 (::. 20/1232). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% Wi5ul:ol:rasert, 9. (/>>>). @neFuita5le distri5ution o, doctors: Can it 5e sol+edG Human $esources Development /ournal, 1" !"ull #e$t% World 3ealth 7rgani6ation (W37). (2002). Technical consultation on im+alances in the health (ork orce. <e:ort o, a #echnical Consultation, /01/2 &arch, 7tta(a, Canada. Gene+a: 8+idence and @n,or-ation 4olicA De:art-ent o, 3ealth 9er+ice 4ro+ision, W37. !"ull #e$t% Curn, 4., Dal 4o6, &., 9til(ell, B., & *da-s, 7. (2002). ,m+alances in the health (ork orce! Brie ing paper. Gene+a: 8+idence and @n,or-ation ,or 4olicA, 3ealth 9er+ice 4ro+ision, W37. !"ull #e$t%

Chen, L. (200;). Harnessing the po(er o human resources or achieving the 5D6s. 4resentation at the 3igh Le+el "oru- on the 3ealth &DGs, 9ession on 3u-an <esources in 3ealth. Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% )ohnson, 9. (2000). Building capacity in human resources management or health sector re orm and the organi7ations and institutions comprising the sector" Boston: L*C 3ealth 9ector <e,or@nitiati+e, &anage-ent 9ciences in 3ealth./ !"ull #e$t% 'uro(s i, C., WAss, '., *5dulla, 9., HI-adJi, N., & &ills, *. (2003). Human resources or health! $e1uirements and availa+ility in the conte8t o scaling up priority interventions in lo(9income countries" -ase studies rom Tan7ania and -had" London: London 9chool o, 3Agiene and #ro:ical &edicine. 4ica6o, 7. (2002). Better health outcomes rom limited resources! :ocusing on priority services in 5ala(i . *,rica <egion 3u-an De+elo:-ent Wor ing 4a:er 9eries. Washington, D.C.: World Ban . !"ull #e$t% #he <oc e,eller "oundation. (2003). Human resources or health and development . Ne( Hor : <oc e,eller "oundation. !"ull #e$t% W37 & the World Ban Grou:. (2003). ,mproving health (ork orce per ormance" ,ssues or discussion! 2ession '" 3igh1le+el "oru- on the 3ealth &illenniu- De+elo:-ent Goals. Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% W37. (200/). #orkshop on glo+al health (ork orce strategy" *nnecA, "rance, >1/2 Dece-5er 2000" Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% WAss, '. (200;). *n a::roach to classi,Aing hu-an resources constraints to attaining health1related &illenniu- De+elo:-ent Goals. Human $esources o Health %&&', % (//). !"ull #e$t%


3arden, <. & 3art, @. (2002). *n international +irtual -edical school (@2@&8D9): #he ,uture ,or -edical educationG 5edical Technology, %' (3), 2=/12=?. 'a+alier, ". (/>>D). .ganda: Death is al(aAs Just around the corner. The Lancet, 3;%, /;/1/;2. !"ull #e$t%

4a:er includes a 3u-an <esource De+elo:-ent *ssess-ent #ool.

'orten5out, 8. (/>>D). Cha:ter =: 4roduction o, nurses in 9outh *,rica. @n *. Ntuli (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1334 (::. 0/1=2). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% 'una+it ti ul, W. (2003). Training o human resources or health! An integrative literature revie(. )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth and De+elo:-ent. )L@ Wor ing 4a:er 21D. !"ull #e$t% Leh-ann, .. & 9anders, D. (/>>>). Cha:ter /0: #he :roduction o, doctors. @n N. Cris: (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1333 (::. /D?1200). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% &aJoor, G. (200;). $ecent innovations in education o human resources or health" )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth and De+elo:-ent. )L@ Wor ing 4a:er 213. Dra,t +ersion K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t% &e (a, ). (2000). Cha:ter /3: #rans,or-ation in nursing education. @n *. Ntuli (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( %&&& (::. 2?/12D;). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% &oo-al, 3. & 4ic , W. (/>>D). Cha:ter 0: 4roduction o, doctors in 9outh *,rica. @n *. Ntuli (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1334 (::. ;0100). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% Ndu-5e, 4. (200;). The training o human resources or health in A rica. )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth, <oc e,eller "oundation, *,rica Wor ing Grou:. Ca-eroon: .ni+ersitA o, Haounde. !"ull #e$t% 9ohani, 9., 9hari,, 9., & "o$, ). (2002). Preparing nurses or acility management. *ga 'han 3ealth 9er+ices 'enAa, Co--unitA 3ealth De:art-ent, 4olicA Brie, No. 2. !"ull #e$t% 9trasser, 9. & G(ele, N. (/>>D). Cha:ter D: Nurse oriented :ri-arA health care. @n *. Ntuli (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1334 (::. D31>2). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% 9trehler, *. (2002). 5apping the capacity or technology9supported and technology9+ased distance learning in pu+lic health education in and or A rica. 9outh *,rica: *,ri3ealth. !"ull #e$t% 2ar e+isser, C. &., &(alu o, G. &., & Le Grand, *. (200/). <esearch in action: #he training a::roach o, the Joint health sAste-s research :roJect ,or the 9outhern *,rican <egion. Health Policy and Planning, 16 (3), 2D/12>/. !"ull #e$t% W37B*"<7. (2000). $eport o the consultative meeting on nursing and mid(i ery education and practice in A rica. Consultati+e &eeting on Nursing and &id(i,erA 8ducation and 4ractice in *,rica, 31? *:ril, Dur5an, 9outh *,rica. 9outh *,rica: W37. !"ull #e$t% W37 & the World Ban Grou:. (2002). Building strategic partnerships in education and health in A rica" <e:ort ,ro- the Consultati+e &eeting on @-:ro+ing Colla5oration 5et(een 3ealth 4ro,essionals, Go+ern-ents, and 7ther 9ta eholders in 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth De+elo:-ent, 2> )anuarA1/ "e5ruarA, *ddis *5a5a, 8thio:ia. 9outh *,rica: W37. !"ull #e$t%

Li+er:ool 9chool o, #ro:ical &edicine. (2000). 6ender ine1ualities and health sector re orm. 4olicA Brie,ings ,or 3ealth 9ector <e,or- No 2. .nited 'ingdo-: Li+er:ool 9chool o, #ro:ical &edicine & D"@D. !"ull #e$t%

<a-ire612alles, ). (/>>D). 4ro-oting health, :ro-oting (o-en: #he construction o, ,e-ale and :ro,essional identities in the discourse o, co--unitA health (or ers. 2ocial 2cience and 5edicine, '< (//), /?;>1/?=2. 9tanding, 3. (2000). Gender K * -issing di-ension in hu-an resource :olicA and :lanning ,or health re,or-s. Human $esources Development /ournal, ' (/). !"ull #e$t%

*it en, ).&. & 'e-:, ). (2003). H,=>A,D2, e1uity, and health sector personnel in 2outhern A rica. 8E.@N8# Discussion 4a:er No. /2. !"ull #e$t% Cohen, D. (2002). Human capital and the H,= epidemic in 2u+92aharan A rica. Wor ing 4a:er 2. Gene+a: @L7 4rogra--e on 3@2B*@D9 & the World o, Wor . !"ull #e$t% 3arries, *., Cachariah, <., Bergstro-, '., 9alani:oni, "., & 8l6inga, G. (2003). Human $esources or control o TB and H,=9associated TB. Glo5al 3ealth #rust Wor ing Grou: 0. Dra,t ,or- onlA K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t% 3uddart, )., "urth, <., & LAons, ). (200;). The ?am+ia H,=>A,D2 (ork orce study! Preparing to scale up. Bethesda, &D: EualitA *ssurance 4roJectB.9*@D. !"ull #e$t% 'e-:, )., *it en, ).&., LeGrand, 9., & &(ale, B. (2003). 01uity in health sector responses to H,=>A,D2 in 5ala(i. 8E.@N8# Discussion 4a:er No. 3. 3arare: 8E.@N8# & 7$,a-. !"ull #e$t% 'o5er, '. & 2an Da--e, W. (200;). 9caling u: access to antiretro+iral treat-ent in southern *,rica: Who (ill do the Jo5G The Lancet, 36' (>;2D), =1D. !"ull #e$t% 'ushner, *., &annion, 9., & &uAco, *. (200;). 9econdarA crisis in *,rican health care. The Lancet, 363, /;?D. !"ull #e$t% &uula, *. (200;). 8thical and :rogra--atic challenges in antiretro+iral scaling1u: in &ala(i: Challenges in -eeting the World 3ealth 7rgani6ationLs M#reating 3 &illion 5A 2000N initiati+e goals. -roatian 5edical /ournal, '; (;), ;/01;2/. !"ull #e$t% #a(,i , L. & 'inoti, 9. (2003). #he impact o H,=>A,D2 on health systems and the health (ork orce in 2u+92aharan A rica" Washington, D.C.: 9*<* 4roJect, .9*@D Bureau ,or *,rica. !"ull #e$t% .N*@D9. (2002). 3@2>A,D2! Human resources and sustaina+le development. World 9u--it on 9ustaina5le De+elo:-ent, 2002, )ohannes5urg. Gene+a: .N*@D9. !"ull #e$t% .N*@D9. (2000). Caring ,or carers: &anaging stress in those (ho care ,or :eo:le (ith 3@2 and *@D9. .N*@D9 Best 4ractice Collection. Gene+a: .N*@D9. !"ull #e$t% W37 9(a6iland. (200;). Averting a comple8 emergency in 2(a7iland! 2takeholders de+ate #H@ recommendations meeting trans orming health services delivery. 4ress <elease 30 )ulA 200;. <etrie+ed at htt::BB(((.sahi-s.netBdocli5rarAB200;B0DO*ugustB0;B9(a6ilandBW37O*+erting a co-:le$ e-ergencA in 9(a6iland.:d, !"ull #e$t% WAss, '. (200;). 2caling9up anti9retroviral treatment and human resources or health! #hat are the challenges in 2u+92aharan A rica" Basel: Centre ,or @nternational 3ealth, 9(iss #ro:ical @nstitute. !"ull #e$t%


*l(an, *. & 3orn5A, 4. (2002). #he i-:lications o, health sector re,or- ,or hu-an resources de+elo:-ent. Bulletin o the #orld Health @rgani7ation, 4& (/), 0=1=0. !"ull #e$t% Do+lo, D. (/>>D). Health sector re orm and deployment, training, and motivation o human resources to(ards e1uity in health care! ,ssues and concerns in 6hana. #hailand: 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth De+elo:-ent )ournal. !"ull #e$t% Dussault, G. & Du5ois, C. (2003). 3u-an resources ,or health :olicies: * critical co-:onent in health :olicies. Human $esources in Health %&&3, 1 (/). !"ull #e$t% &artineau, #. & Buchan, ). (2000). Human resources and the success o health sector re orm. 4resented at /2Dth *nnual &eeting o, the *-erican 4u5lic 3ealth *ssociation, /21/= No+e-5er 2000, Boston. !"ull #e$t% &artineau, #. & &artine6, ). (/>>=). Human resources and health sector re orms. Wor sho: on 3u-an <esources and 3ealth 9ector <e,or-s: <esearch and De+elo:-ent 4riorities in De+elo:ing Countries, /=1/D *:ril />>=. Li+er:ool: @nternational 3ealth Di+ision, Li+er:ool 9chool o, #ro:ical &edicine. !"ull #e$t% &uti6(a1&angi6a, D. (/>>D). The impact o health sector re orm on pu+lic sector health (orker motivation in ?im+a+(e" 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-, &aJor *::lied <esearch 4a:er No. ;. Bethesda, &D: *5t *ssociates @nc. !"ull #e$t% <igoli, ". & Dussault, G. (2003). #he inter,ace 5et(een health sector re,or- and hu-an resources in health. Human $esources in Health %&&3, 1 (>). !"ull #e$t%

Co--on(ealth 9ecretariat. (2002). -ommon(ealth code o practice or international recruitment o health (orkers" London: Co--on(ealth 9ecretariat. !"ull #e$t% @nternational La5or 7rgani6ation. (/>>D). Terms o employment and (orking conditions in health sector re orms" <e:ort ,or discussion at the )oint &eeting on #er-s o, 8-:loA-ent and Wor ing conditions in 3ealth 9ector <e,or-s. Gene+a: @L7. !"ull #e$t%

*nand, 9. & Baernighausen, #. (2003). Human resources and health outcomes. )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth and De+elo:-ent, )L@ Wor ing 4a:er ?12. !"ull #e$t% Beaglehole, <. & Dal 4o6, &. (2003). 4u5lic health (or ,orce: Challenges and :olicA issues. Human $esources or Health %&&3, 1 (;). !"ull #e$t% Buchan, ). (200;). What di,,erence does (MgoodN) 3<& -a eG Human $esources :or Health %&&', % (=). !"ull #e$t% Cor erA, ). (2000). 4u5lic ser+ice re,or-s and their i-:act on health sector :ersonnel in .ganda " ,mpact o Pu+lic 2ervice $e orms on Health Personnel" Gene+a: @L7 & W37. !"ull #e$t% "errinho, 4. & Dal 4o6, &. (2003). #o(ards a glo5al health (or ,orce strategA. 2tudies in Health @rgani7ation and Policy, %1. *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% 3usain, C. &. (/>>?). 3u-an resources de+elo:-ent: * ne( loo . Human $esources Development /ournal, 133<91334 (2). !"ull #e$t%

)ones, ). 9. (/>>>). 9* doctors s:ea on -igration. 2outh A rican 5edical /ournal, 43 (/). !"ull #e$t% 'lug-an, B. & &c@ntAre, D. (2000). :rom policy, through +udgets, to implementation! Delivering 1uality health care services" 9outh *,rica: Wo-enLs Budget @nitiati+e, @D*9*. !"ull #e$t% 'oleh-ainen1*it en, <1L. (2003). Decentrali7ationAs impact on the health (ork orce! Perspectives o managers, (orkers, and national leaders. )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth and De+elo:-ent. Wor ing Grou: 3. Dra,t +ersion K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t% 'oleh-ainen1*it en, <1L. (/>>D). Decentrali6ation and hu-an resources: @-:lications and i-:acts. Human $esources Development /ournal, % (/), /1/=. !"ull #e$t% Leth5ridge, ). (2003). Pu+lic sector re orm and H$H demand. 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth and De+elo:-ent: * )oint Learning @nitiati+e Wor ing Grou: 3. Dra,t +ersion K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t% Lo(ell, L. B. (200/). Policy responses to the international mo+ility o skilled la+or. @nternational &igration 4a:er ;0. Gene+a: @L7. !"ull #e$t% 7rgani6ation ,or 8cono-ic Co1o:eration and De+elo:-ent. (2002). ,nternational migration o physicians and nurses! -auses, conse1uences, and health policy interventions" 4a:er :resented at e$:ert -eeting ,or hu-an resources ,or healthcare o, the 78CD 3ealth 4roJect, 4aris, "rance. Not online K in dra,t ,or- onlA. &artineau, #. & Buchan, ). (2000). 3< and the success o, health sector re,or-: 8li-inating health dis:arities. Human $esources or Health Development /ournal, ' (3). !"ull #e$t% &artineau, #., & &artine6, ). (/>>D). <ethin ing hu-an resources: *n agenda ,or the -illenniu-. Health Policy and Planning, 13 (;), 3;0130D. !"ull #e$t% &artine6, ). & Collini, L. (/>>>). A revie( o the human resources issues in the health sector! A +rie ing paper" London: 3ealth 9Aste-s <esource Center, D"@D. !"ull #e$t% Ngu,or, G. (/>>>). 4u5lic ser+ice re,or-s and their i-:act on health sector :ersonnel in Ca-eroon. ,mpact o Pu+lic 2ervice $e orms on Health Personnel. Gene+a: @L7 & W37. !"ull #e$t% W37. (2002). Human resources or health! Developing policy options or change. Discussion 4a:er Dra,t. Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% W37, @L7, @nternational Council o, Nurses (@CN), & 4u5lic 9er+ices @nternational (49@). (200/). Pu+lic service re orms and their impact on health sector personnel 9 -ritical 1uestions! A tool or action . Gene+a: W37, @L7, @CN, & 49@. !"ull #e$t% WAss, '., &oto, D.D., & Calle(aert, B. (200/). -onstraints to scaling9up health related interventions! The case o -had. Co--ission on &acroecono-ics and 3ealth (C&3) Wor ing 4a:er 9eries, 4a:er No. WG0, /?. !"ull #e$t%

&eh-et, 7. (2002). The emerging glo+al la+or market! 2ome implications or international health. 4resentation at the Consultation on @-5alances in the 3ealth Wor ,orce, /01/2 &arch 2002, 7tta(a, Canada.

Wah5a, ). (2003). Health la+or markets! ,ncentives or institutions. Glo5al 3ealth #rust Wor ing Grou: ?. .': .ni+ersitA o, 9outha-:ton. Dra,t ,or- onlA K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t%


Glenngard, *. & *nell, *. (2003). ,nvestment in human resources or health B Pro+lems, approaches, and donor e8periences" )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth and De+elo:-ent. )L@ Wor ing 4a:er 21=. Dra,t +ersion K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t% W37. (200;). The health (ork orce! -urrent challenges. Gene+a: W37.


*da-s, <.3. (2003). ,nternational migration, remittances, and the +rain drain! A study o %' la+or9 e8porting countries" World Ban 4olicA <esearch Wor ing 4a:er 30=>. Washington, D.C.: World Ban .2 !"ull #e$t% *i en, L., Buchan, )., 9ochals i, )., Nichols, B., & 4o(ell, &. (200;). #rends in international nurse -igration. Health A airs, %3 (3), =>1??. !"ull #e$t% *l ire, 9. & Chen, L. (200;). C5edical e8ceptionalismD in international migration! 2hould doctors and nurses +e treated di erently. )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an <esources ,or 3ealth. Wor ing Grou: ?. Dra,t +ersion K not ,or citation. !"ull #e$t% *(ases, &., G5arA, *., NAoni, )., & Chatora, <. (200;). 5igration o health pro essionals in si8 countries! A synthesis report" Bra66a+ille: W371*"<7 D39. @n :ress. Buchan, )., 4ar in, #., & 9ochals i, ). (2003). ,nternational nurse mo+ility! Trends and policy implications. Gene+a: World 3ealth 7rgani6ation. !"ull #e$t% Bundred, 4. & Le+itt, C. (2000). &edical -igration: Who are the real losersG The Lancet, 3;6, 2;012;=. !"ull #e$t% Ca-:5ell, 8.'. (2002). 2kills and +rain drain and the movement o skilled migrants in 2outhern A rica. 4a:er :resented at 9*&4BL3<B39<C Wor sho: on <egional @ntegration, 4o+ertA, and 9outh *,ricaLs 4ro:osed &igration 4olicA, 23 *:ril 2002, 4retoria, 9outh *,rica. !"ull #e$t% Do+lo, D. (200;). -auses o health (orker migration! Perspectives rom 6hana. 4a:er :resented at the @nstitute o, "uture 9tudies Wor sho: on Glo5al &igration, //1/2 )une 200;, 9toc hol-, 9(eden. !"ull #e$t% Do+lo, D. (2003). The +rain drain and retention o health pro essionals in A rica. <egional #raining Con,erence on @-:ro+ing #ertiarA 8ducation in 9u519aharan *,rica: #hings #hat Wor P 23120 9e:te-5er 2003, *ccra, Ghana. !"ull #e$t% Do+lo, D. & NAonator, ". (/>>>). &igration 5A graduates o, the .ni+ersitA o, Ghana &edical 9chool: * :reli-inarA ra:id a::raisal. Human $esources or Health Development /ournal, 3 (/), ;010/. !"ull #e$t% "resta, 8., "resta, &.)., & "errinho, 4. (2000). #he internal 5rain drain in the *ngolan health sector. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions (::. ;31 02). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t%

#he :a:er re:orts on Nigeria and 9udan.

Gaid6an(a, <. (/>>>). =oting (ith their eet! 5igrant ?im+a+(ean nurses and doctors in the era o structural adEustment. <esearch <e:ort No. //. 9(eden: &otala Gra,is a. !"ull #e$t% @nternational 7rgani6ation o, &igration. (200;). The ,@5As Activities in Human $esource Development including $eversing the Brain Drain" 9e-inar on 3ealth and &igration, >1// )une 200;, Gene+a, 9(it6erland. !"ull #e$t% @nternational 7rgani6ation o, &igration. (200;). The migration o health care (orkers! -reative solutions o manage health (ork orce migration. 9e-inar on 3ealth and &igration, >1// )une 200;, Gene+a, 9(it6erland. !"ull #e$t% @nternational 7rgani6ation ,or &igration. (2003). Cha:ter /2: Lin ages 5et(een 5rain drain, la5our -igration and re-ittances in *,rica. #orld 5igration %&&3 (::.2/0123D). Gene+a: @7&. !"ull #e$t% 'u:,er, L., 3o,-an, '., )ara(an, <., &cDer-ott, )., & Brid5ord, '. (200;). 9trategies to discourage 5rain drain. The #orld Health Bulletin, 4% (D), =/?1=23. !"ull #e$t% Leh-ann, .. (2003). 5igration o health personnel and its impact on health service delivery BThe 2outh A rican case" G#C &igration Con,erence, 2012/ 7cto5er 2003, Berlin. !"ull #e$t% Lo(ell, L. & "indlaA, *. (200/). 5igration o highly skilled persons rom developing countries! ,mpact and policy responses" @nternational &igration 4a:ers, No. ;;. Gene+a: @nternational La5our 7,,ice.3 !"ull #e$t% &a,u5elu, D. (200;). *sing +ilateral arrangements to manage migration o health care (orkers! The case o 2outh A rica and the *nited Fingdom. 9e-inar on 3ealth and &igration, >1// )une 200;, Gene+a, 9(it6erland. !4o(er4oint :resentation% &artineau, #., Dec er, '., & Bundred, 4. (2002). Brie ing note on international migration o health pro essionals! Leveling the playing ield or developing country health systems. Li+er:ool: Li+er:ool 9chool o, #ro:ical &edicine. !"ull #e$t% &eJia, *. (200;). &igration o, :hAsicians and nurses: * (orld (ide :icture. Bulletin o the #orld Health @rgani7ation, 4% (D), =2=1=30. (7riginal (or :u5lished />?D). !"ull #e$t% 7Jo, '. (/>>0). @nternational -igration o, health -an:o(er in 9u519aharan *,rica. 2ocial 2cience and 5edicine, 31 (=), =3/1=3?. 4ang, #., Lansang, &., & 3aines, *. (2002). Brain drain and health :ro,essionals. British 5edical /ournal, 3%', ;>>1000. !"ull #e$t% 9agoe, '. (200;). 5igration o health care providers B *sing the Diaspora to strengthen health (ork orce capacity" 9e-inar on 3ealth and &igration, >1// )une 200;, Gene+a, 9(it6erland. !4o(er4oint 4resentation% ; 9til(ell, B., Diallo, '., Curn, 4., 2uJicic, &., *da-s, 7., & Dal 4o6, &. (200;). &igration o, health1care (or ers ,ro- de+elo:ing countries: 9trategic a::roaches to its -anage-ent. Bulletin o the #orld Health @rgani7ation,, 4% (D), 00>1=3=. !"ull #e$t% Wadda, <. (2000). Brain drain and capacity +uilding in A rica! The 6am+ian e8perience . 4a:er :resented at the )oint 8C*B@7&B@D<C <egional Con,erence on Brain Drain and Ca:acitA Building in *,rica, 2212; "e5 2000, *ddis *5a5a, 8thio:ia. !"ull #e$t%
3 ;

@ncludes s:eci,ic data ,ro- 9outh *,rica. Case studA on Ghana :ro+ided.


W37. (200;c). $ecruitment o health (orkers rom the developing (orld. <e:ort 5A the 9ecretariat, /> *:ril 200;. 8$ecuti+e Board //;th 9ession, 4ro+isional agenda ite- ;.3. !"ull #e$t%


Bennett, 9. & "ranco, L. (2000). Health (orker motivation and health sector re orm" 43< 4ri-er ,or 4olicA &a ers. Washington, D.C.: 43< 4roJect. !"ull #e$t% Bennett, 9. & "ranco, L. (/>>>). Pu+lic sector health (orker motivation and health sector re orm! A conceptual rame(ork" 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-, &aJor *::lied <esearch 0, #echnical 4a:er No. /. Bethesda, &D: *5t *ssociates @nc. !"ull #e$t% Bennett, 9. & "ranco, L. (/>>D). 2ummary proceedings! #orkshop on health (orker motivation and health sector re orm" 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-, &aJor *::lied <esearch 0, Wor ing 4a:er 2. Bethesda, &D: *5t *ssociates @nc.0 !"ull #e$t% Bennett, 9., "ranco, L., 'an,er, <., & 9tu55le5ine, 4. (200/). The development o tools to measure the determinants and conse1uences o health (orker motivation in developing countries" 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-, &aJor *::lied <esearch 0, #echnical 4a:er No. 2. Bethesda, &D: *5t *ssociates @nc. !"ull #e$t% CodJia, L. & Bah, *. (2002). 5otivation de pro essionnels du secteur privG au 2GnGgal. Da ar : Centre *,ricain dL8tudes 9u:Irieures en Gestion. .n:u5lished :a:er. 3ic s, 2. & *da-s, 7. (200/). Pay and non9pay incentives, per ormance and motivation. 4re:ared ,or the Glo5al 3ealth Wor ,orce 9trategA Grou:. Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% &udAara5i (a, 7. & &adhina, D. (2000). An assessment o incentive setting or participation o private or9pro it health care providers in ?im+a+(e" 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-, 9-all *::lied <esearch No. /0. Bethesda, &D: *5t *ssociates @nc. !"ull #e$t% &u herJee, <. & &anning, N. (2000). Administrative and civil service re orm! $e(ards and incentives . Washington, D.C.: World Ban Grou:. !"ull #e$t% 2an Ler5erghe, W., Conceicao, C., 2an Da--e, W., & "errinho, 4. (2002). When sta,, is under:aid: Dealing (ith the indi+idual co:ing strategies o, health :ersonnel. Bulletin o the #orld Health @rgani7ation, 4& (?), 0D/10D;. !"ull #e$t%

3a--er, ). & )ac , W. (200/). The design incentives or health care providers in developing countries! -ontracts, competition and cost9control. World Ban CountrA 8cono-ics De:art-ent 4a:er 9eries No. 20;?. Washington, D.C.: World Ban . !"ull #e$t% 2uJicic, &., Curn, 4., Diallo, '., *da-s, 7., & Dal 4o6, &. (200;). #he role o, (ages in the -igration o, health care :ro,essionals ,ro- de+elo:ing countries. Human $esources or Health, %, (3). !"ull #e$t%


@ncludes 4o(er4oint slides ,ro- case studies in Ci-5a5(e and 9enegal.

Bchir, *. & De Brou(ere, 2. (2000). #he :er,or-ance o, -edical doctors in #unisia. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. 3/1;2). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% Da-asceno, *., 2an Ler5erghe, W., & "errinho, 4. (2000). Co:ing through :ri+ate :ractice: * cardiologist in &a:uto, &o6a-5iFue. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. /0/1/0=). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% De2illiers, &. <. & De2illiers, 4.).#. (200;). DoctorLs +ie(s o, (or ing conditions in rural hos:itals in the Western Ca:e. 2A :amily Practice. <etrie+ed 9e:te-5er >, 200;, ,rohtt::BB(((,ileQarticle&sidQ02/. !"ull #e$t% De2ries, 8.&. & &arinco(it6, G.&. (200;). #he :erce:tions o, rural (o-en doctors a5out their (or . 2outh A rican :amily Practice. <etrie+ed 9e:te-5er >, 200;, ,rohtt::BB(((,ileQarticle&sidQ022 !"ull #e$t% Do+lo, D. (2000). &easuring and -onitoring sta,, :er,or-ance in Ghana. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. >>1/0;). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% "ehrsen, 9. 7gun5anJo, G., & 9ha(, 2. (2000). Co:ing strategies o, health :ersonnel: 8$:eriences ,ro9outh *,rica. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. 2231230). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% "errinho, 4., 7-ar, &.C., de )esus "ernandes, &., Blaise, 4., Bugalho, *.&., & 2an Ler5erghe, W. (200;). 4il,ering ,or sur+i+al: 3o( health (or ers use access to drugs as a co:ing strategA. Human $esources or Health %&&', %" !"ull #e$t% "errinho, 4., & 2an Ler5erghe, W., 8ds. (2000). 4ro+iding health care under ad+erse conditions: 3ealth :ersonal :er,or-ance and indi+idual co:ing strategies" 2tudies in Health 2ervices @rgani7ation and Policy, 16" *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% @srar, 9.&., <a6u-, 7., Ndi,orchu, 2., & &artinA, 4. (2000). Co:ing strategies o, health :ersonnel during econo-ic crisis: * case studA ,ro- Ca-eroon. Tropical 5edicine and ,nternational Health, ;, (;), 2DD12>2. !"ull #e$t% Luc , &., de )esus "ernandes, &., & "errinho, 4. (2000). *t the other end o, the 5rain1drain: *,rican nurses li+ing in Lis5on. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. /0?1 /=>). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% &acF, ). & 2an Ler5erghe, W. (2000). &anaging health ser+ices in de+elo:ing countries: &oonlighting to ser+e the :u5licG @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. /?/1 /D0). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% &c4a e, B., *sii-(e, D., &(esigAe, "., 7,u-5i, &., 9tree,land, 4., & #urinde, *. (2000). Co:ing strategies o, health (or ers in .ganda. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. /3/1/00). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% Noor-oha-ed, *.<. (2000. Co:ing (ith the conseFuences o, re,or-: Challenges ,or :olicA -a ers in &o6a-5iFue. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse

-onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. /D31/D>). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% 4angu, '. (2000). 3ealth (or ers -oti+ation in decentrali6ed settings: Waiting ,or 5etter ti-esG @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. />130). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t% 9ch(al5ach, )., *5dula, &., *da-, H., & 'han, C. (2000). Good 9a-aritan or e$:loiter o, illnessG Co:ing strategies o, &o6a-5ican health care :ro+iders. @n 4. "errinho & W. 2an Ler5erghe (8ds.), Providing Health -are *nder Adverse -onditions! Health Personal Per ormance and ,ndividual -oping 2trategies (::. //?1/30). *nt(er:: @#G 4ress. !"ull #e$t%


De(dneA, ). (200/). #P$@>$T- health (ork orce planning (ork+ook" *ustralia: Center ,or 4u5lic 3ealth, .ni+ersitA o, Ne( 9outh Wales. !"ull #e$t% Diallo, '., Curn, 4., Gu:ta, N., & Dal 4o6, &. (2003). &onitoring and e+aluation o, hu-an resources ,or health: *n international :ers:ecti+e. Human $esources or Health, 1 (3). !"ull #e$t% Dussault, G. (/>>>). Human resources development! The challenge o health sector re orm" Washington, D.C.: Latin *-erica and the Cari55ean <egion, 3u-an De+elo:-ent De:art-ent, World Ban . !"ull #e$t% Green, *. (/>>2). Planning human resources! An introduction to health planning in developing countries. 7$,ord .ni+ersitA 4ress: 7$,ord. 3all, #. L. (/>>D). WhA :lan hu-an resources ,or healthG Human $esources Development /ournal, % (2), ??1D=. !"ull #e$t% 'oleh-ainen1*it en, <1L. (/>>3). Human resources planning! ,ssues and 5ethods" Boston: Data ,or Decision &a ing 4roJect, De:art-ent o, 4o:ulation and @nternational 3ealth, 3ar+ard 9chool o, 4u5lic 3ealth. !"ull #e$t% &artineau, #. & &artine6, ). (/>>?). Human resources in the health sector! 6uidelines or appraisal and strategic development" 3ealth and De+elo:-ent 9eries, Wor ing 4a:er No. /. Brussels: 8uro:ean Co--ission Directorate General ,or De+elo:-ent. !"ull #e$t% World 3ealth 7rgani6ation. (200/). Human resources or health! A toolkit or planning, training, and management. Gene+a: World 3ealth 7rgani6ation. !"ull #e$t%


Brugha, <. & C(i, *. (/>>D). @-:ro+ing the FualitA o, :ri+ate sector deli+erA o, :u5lic health ser+ices: Challenges and strategies. Health Policy and PlannningR13 (2), /0?1/20. !"ull #e$t% "errinho, 4., 2an Ler5erghe, W., )ulien, &.<., "resta, 8., Go-es, *., Dias, "., Goncal+es, & Bac strS-, B. (/>>D). 3o( and (hA :u5lic sector doctors engage in :ri+ate :ractice in 4ortuguese1s:ea ing *,rican countries. Health Policy and Planning, 13 (3), 332133D. !"ull #e$t% Goudge, ). (/>>>). Cha:ter =: #he :u5lic1:ri+ate -i$. @n N. Cris: (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $eport 1333 (::. =>1D2). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t%

3anson, '. & Ber-an, 4. (/>>?). Private health care provision in developing countries! A preliminary analysis o levels and composition" Boston: Data ,or Decision &a ing 4roJect, De:art-ent o, 4o:ulation and @nternational 3ealth, 3ar+ard 9chool o, 4u5lic 3ealth. !"ull #e$t% 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-. (200/). #orking (ith private providers to improve the delivery o priority services" 43< 4ri-er ,or 4olicA-a ers, 4artnershi:s ,or 3ealth <e,or-. Bethesda, &D: *5t *ssociates, @nc. !"ull #e$t% 4retorius, 8. (/>>>). Cha:ter /D: #raditional 3ealers. @n N. Cris: (8d.), 2outh A rican Health $evie( 1333 (::. 2;>120=). 9outh *,rica: 3ealth 9Aste-s #rust. !"ull #e$t% #a(,i , H., Northru:, <., & 4rAsor1)ones, 9. (2002). *tili7ing the potential o ormal and in ormal private practitioners in child survival! 2ituation analysis and summary o promising interventions . Washington, D.C.: 9*<* 4roJect, .9*@D, 7,,ice o, 9ustaina5le De+elo:-ent. !"ull #e$t%

W37 9tatistical @n,or-ation 9Aste- (W379@9). #H@ estimates o health personnel! Physicians, nurses, dentists, and pharmacists Haround 1334I" !"ull #e$t%

Buchan, ). & Dal 4o6, &. (2002). 9 ill -i$ in the health care (or ,orce: <e+ie(ing the e+idence. Bulletin o the #orld Health @rgani7ation, 4& (?). Gene+a: W37. !"ull #e$t% Do+lo, D. (200;). .sing -id1le+el cadres as su5stitutes ,or internationallA -o5ile health :ro,essionals in *,rica. * des re+ie(. Human resources or health %&&', % (?). !"ull #e$t% )ohnson, B.*. & 'hanna, 9.'. (200;). Co--unitA health (or ers and ho-e15ased care :rogra-s ,or 3@2 clients. /ournal o the )ational 5edical Association, 36 (;), ;>=1002. !*5stract% Leh-ann, .., "ried-an, @., & 9anders, D. (200;). $evie( o the utili7ation and e ectiveness o community9 +ased health (orkers in A rica" )oint Learning @nitiati+e on 3u-an resources ,or health and de+elo:-ent. )L@ Wor ing 4a:er ;1/. !"ull #e$t% W37. (2000). What resources are neededG #orld Health $eport %&&&. Gene+a: World 3ealth 7rgani6ation. !"ull #e$t%

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