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racuce, pracuce, pracuce.

you (should) know Lhe sub[ecL mauer

repare your presenLauon carefully.
llnd ouL how long you wlll have.
Make lL easy underesLand
8e speclc. Clve plenLy of deLall abouL your sampllng,
quesuonnalres, experlmenLal deslgn, analyucal
meLhods, eLc.
use plenLy of vlsuals, and keep Lhem clear and slmple.
know exacLly whaL you lnLend Lo say
Pave your presenLauon absoluLely organlzed.
know abouL Wong and kumar
know abouL Cv and roposal
"Cood mornlng,u8 Wong and ro kumar
All 8ashash speaklng
"l wlsh you have a very happy new ?ear."
"l really appreclaLe Lhls opporLunlLy Lo be
lnLervlewed for Lhls posluon by you. "
Lhank you very much for allowlng me Lo express
myself and l hope l have a good presenLauon
because Lhls ls my rsL experlence wlLh Lhls
clrcumsLance so Lhere ls some sLress on me.
1. Why th|s |nsntunon?
. l was very pleased Lo nd ConsLrucuon and ro[ecL ManagemenL
ueparLmenL l of Clasgow unlverslLy n my search on consLrucuon
and pro[ecL managemenL" for conunulng my educauon aL Lhe h.u.
l would be mosL graLeful lf you would conslder me as a full-ume
research asslsLanL aL LhaL unlverslLy.
l have a sLrong passlon for consLrucuon and pro[ecL managemenL.
uslng human and maLerlal resources opumal , mlnlmlze
LransporLauon cosL wlLh savlng ume and money ln pro[ecLs ls my
Among all lnformauon l obLalned , 1haL deparLmenL , focus on
plannlng of pro[ecLs, managemenL of all resources, PSL, maLerlals
and loglsucs conLrol, bulldlng deslgn and uullzauon, and oLher
Lhlngs whlch l am eager Lo know abouL
lL ls second ln uk for lnLernauonal sLudenL
Caledonlan was ranked among Lhe world's Lop
400 unlverslues
More Lhan 17000 sLudenLs from over 100
counLrles sLudy Lhere so lL ls lnLernauonal
unlverslLy and lL wlll be very klndly and
As l am undersLandlng sLudenLs spend 30
of Lhelr ume ln unlverslLy and 30 ln work
place so lL wlll be very pracucal
2. Why th|s course?

lL comes from my resume and my background so leL me Lell you
abouL LhaL.
Aer graduaung wlLh a ln Clvll Lnglneerlng, l was
accepLed ln 8onyadMaskan(1he lranlan nauonal Pouslng
Crganlzauon) [1], whlch ls responslble for reconsLrucuon and
reLromng damaged bulldlngs. l had been worklng Lhere only ve
monLhs when Lhe earLhquake occurred ln 8am. lL was a nauonal
crlsls. We had Lo supporL Lhem under very sLressful and dlre
clrcumsLances. 1here were over 30,000 vlcums.
Aer Lhe earLhquake, Lhe reconsLrucuon program became Lhe maln
concern of Lhe governmenL and local auLhorlues.
Cne of Lhe pracucal meLhods whlch had been proposed ln mosL, lf
noL all, parLs of lran was uslng prefabrlcaLed screw sLeel sLrucLures
l had been appolnLed as manager for Lhe producuon and LransporL
of prefabrlcaLed sLeel sLrucLures.
1here were pros and cons abouL uslng Lhose sLrucLure .
Lhey had been noL only produclng wlLh hlgh quallLy and
hlgh speed buL also could be assembled easlly ln a few ume
wlLh only Lwo labors .
Conversely, Lhere had been a greaL deal of heaLed
dlssecuon regardlng Lhe lssue of uslng prefabrlcaLed sLeel
sLrucLure because
1- ls Lhe problem abouL Lhe Lypes of sLrucLures wlLhouL
paylng auenuon Lhe archlLecLure
2-ls Lhe locauon of producuon facLory.
producuon facLorles were locaLed far from raw maLerlal
facLory an also crlsls zone so We should pay more Lo
LransporLauon wlLh spendlng more ume.
1- oor managemenL of Lhe manufacLurer
2- uelay of raw maLerlal Lo Lhe facLory due Lo cold weaLher, freezlng cycles, eLc.,
because some of Lhe facLorles were so far from Lhe sLeel producuon facLory.
3- Some of Lhe maLerlals are noL accordlng Lo Lhe sLandard and CCu, so Lhey are noL
approved by supervlsors, and are re[ecLed by Lhem.
4- Some of Lhe sLrucLures whlch had been senL Lo Lhe crlsls zone had been re[ecLed by Lhe
seulemenL lnspecLor because of cheaung by some producers or lmpreclse supervlslon ln
Lhe facLory, Lherefore Lhey wasLe so much ume ull reformed. Long ume and large budgeL
spenL due Lo Lhese problems.
3- uellvery delays due Lo lack of sumclenL supply of vehlcles and weaLher condluons
6- Lack of adequaLe supervlslon due Lo facLory scauerlng
7- Plgh LransporLauon cosLs
So lL had made a blg quesuon on my mlnd? ...
WhaL should l do ?
l recorded by camera Lhe process of sLeel
sLrucLure process and share and Leach for who
auend Lhe class ? ... WhaL ls Lhe besL way Lo
opumlzauon ?
unforLunaLely, desplLe Lhe many dlerenL
crlses LhaL occur regularly ln lran, such as
oods, wars, and earLhquakes, emergency
procedures ln lran are noL well developed or
So l am really keen Lo learn abouL
opumlzauon and nd Lhe beuer way Lo gulde
pro[ecLs wlLh mlnlmal ume and cosL .
aruclal lnLelllgence ln clvll
evo|unonary computanon,
neura| networks,
ana|ync h|erarchy process
fuzzy systems,
Ant Co|ony opnm|zanon a|gor|thm
expert system,
chaos theory,
cuckoo search,
hrey a|gor|thm,
harmony search a|gor|thm
s|mu|ated annea||ng.
8ased on Lhe experlences of recenL earLhquakes ln lran, exlsung sLrucLures
are vulnerable Lo LarLhquakes We declded Lo sLrengLhen Lhe sLrucLural
reslsLance of Lhe rural houslng ln Lhe whole counLry.
8uL Lhere are many dlerenL condluon and . llmlLauon and as you know
lL ls lmmedlaLely obvlous LhaL lran ls a large counLry wlLh dlerenL sources of
maLerlal, labour, eLc.
so lL ls compleLely loglcal Lo propose dlerenL meLhods for dlerenL zones.
lor example, proposlng
wooden sLrucLures ln Lhe norLh because of lLs cllmaLe and slLuauon wlLh
many Lrees and planLs,
concreLe ln Lhe souLh of lran due Lo Lhe close proxlmlLy Lo sands and
gravels, and sLeel and
masonry ln Lhe wesL and easL as many sLones are Lhere.
ln addluon, Lhere are dlerenL Lypes of soll Lo make dlerenL Lype of blocks
Lo use as a lnLerlor and exLerlor walls ln dlerenL zones.
When l consldered a posslblllLy a slmllar
earLhquake ln 1ehran, l reallzed lL would be
as a world crlsls l shocked when l reallzed
more Lhan 4 mllllon people wlll be kllled by
3. 1e|| me about yourse|f?
Sop memor|ze

l love dolng research Lo dlscover or creaLe new Lhlngs. l ma[ored ln
maLhemaucs and physlcs ln hlgh school
Aer hlgh school clvll englneerlng was my scour ln unlverslLy.
When l was a freshman l suggesLed a new ldea for allgnlng Lhe sLeel bers
ln concreLe Lhrough magneusm.
I wanted to show we cou|d a||gned hber to erpend|cu|ar to crack and
As you know th|s |s the best and opnma| path.
lL was a novel ldea, buL l dldn'L know how Lo propose lL. lL remalned
hldden unul l submlued lL as an enLry ln Lhe 9Lh nauonal Clvll SLudenL's
Conference ln lran . l was shocked when my score was 83 of 100 .l proud
of my score .
Aer a few monLhs l dlscovered a new way Lo allgn bers ln concreLe, noL
magneucally buL mechanlcally. 1he ldea came from Lhe way looms are
used Lo allgn Lhreads for maklng cloLh, Lhough Lhere was no budgeL Lo
bulld Lhe Lools needed Lo valldaLe Lhe Lheory.
lL comes from Lexule lndusLry.
Whlle l was researchlng on sLeel bers, l reallzed
LhaL lL can also be useful ln asphalL. 1herefore, l
proposed a new ldea for uslng ber ln asphalL aL
Lhe 12Lh nauonal Clvll SLudenLs Conference ln
agaln, l had no experlmenLal resulLs governmenL
or auLhorlues dld noL supporL me. aer 3 years, l
was exclLed Lo see LhaL a company ln lsfahan ls
produclng lL, clalmlng LhaL lL ls Lhe rsL ln lran
l have a sLrong lnLeresL ln learnlng abouL
. l wanL Lo nd ouL beuer ways Lo gulde pro[ecLs
wlLh mlnlmal ume and cosL. ConsLrucuon and
pro[ecL managemenL are my favorlLe elds
because of my experlence gaLherlng daLa for Lhe
8onyadMaskan and Lhe 8onyad8eLon.
Slnce 2009 l have been Leachlng aL Lhe unlverslLy,
whlch had been wonderful for me, ln Lhe clvll
englneerlng, archlLecLure, and consLrucuon
managemenL elds.
now my hope and challenge ls Lo pursue a
hu. ln consLrucuon managemenL or pro[ecL
. lL would be an honor lf you would accepL
Why do you Lhlnk you would be as a
successful person
Accord|ng to the research on students, n|gh|y monvated,
conhdence , co||aboranon , creanv|ty, ||e at the heart of success.
I have a strong |nterest to know about construcnon management
and opnm|zanon. I am creanve and hard work|ng person .
I am a good commun|cator person and can work as a team work
I am companb|e w|th other members. I wou|d en[oy hav|ng
An other reason |s arnhc|a| |nte|||gence sc|ence goes nonstop.
today's many method about opnm|zanon propose by researcher
. hrey method , cuckoo research ,harmony research and other
new methods. that I have been eager to know and |earn about
that .
WhaL ls your ablllLy

8ased Cn Lhe besL of my knowledge ,hlghly
mouvauon and my experlence lle aL Lhe hearL
of Lhe success.
l am golng Lo know Lhe baslc knowledge
abouL aruclal lnLelllgence soware such as
crlucum, experLcholce
4. What are your greatest strengths?

. creauve, l love dolng research Lo dlscover or creaLe new Lhlngs. l
ma[ored ln maLhemaucs and physlcs ln hlgh school
Pard worklng
llexlble and work as a Leam work person
l am ambluous. Asplre Lo make a new Lhlng whlch revoluuonlzed
Lhe world
Self mouvaLed
Cood communlcaLor
Well rounded
l have a sLrong memory Lo save a face and gure conversely l have
a weak memory Lo save names anaddress
l love boLh Leachlng and research very much
S. What are your greatest

now ever I am crazy about |earn|ng Lng||sh and other
|anguages I wou|d b|ame |t part|y on the fact that |ack of
Lng||sh know|edge |s my ma|n prob|em
1a|k 1oo Much
Somenmes I ta|k too much
I cou|d not be re|ax aher tragedy and cr|nca| cond|non
recovery can take nme for me to back to norma| cond|non
1here are pros and cons to both s|des of be|ng pess|m|snc
and opnm|snc . I try to be rea||snc
6. What are your career goa|s?

As l Lold you uslng maLerlal and human resources
opumal ,mlnlmlze consLrucuon cosL wlLh savlng money
and ume ls my goal
l wanL Lo learn and Leach a bouL consLrucuon
managemenL and share my experlence abouL LhaL .
l wanL Lo learn and publlsh my achleve as an arucle
and book
boLh Leachlng and research are my favorlLe Lhlng LhaL l
wanL Lo do.
1o Lell you Lhe LruLh belng eecuve person ln my eld
helplng people Lo save Lhelr money and ume ls my
7. What |s your ph||osophy towards

My phllosophy Loward work ls LhaL l can show
and conLrlbuLe my responslblllLy , mouvauon ,
creauvlLy ,lnLeresL Lo and lL brlngs me Lhe
correspondlng resulL of whaL l have done.
1eamwork: 1he love Lo work wlLh oLhers. 1he advanLage of worklng ln a Leam -
1wo heads are beuer Lhan one. '1eamwork Makes a uream works' - 1he beneL of
accesslng more ldeas, worklng ln harmony and helplng each oLher for achlevlng
muLual goals.
ne|p|ng]Serv|ng: 1he ower ln Servlng CLhers. Pelplng people or servlng
cusLomers Lo geL back someLhlng.
Monvanon: CommlLmenL, dedlcauon and loyalLy Lowards work - CommlLmenL
wlll brlng ln dedlcauon, hard work and besL resulLs.
kesourcefu|: 1he creauve use of resources. 8elng resourceful - Maklng Lhe besL
use of own resource and !"#!$%&' $!)*+$,!) Lo geL Lhe resulLs you wanL.
8a|anc|ng: 1he Work hard - lay hard" approach ls a new phllosophy Lowards
work. 8euer Work-Llfe balance or a good llfe/work managemenL skllls brlngs
success. Means - 8alanclng your day work wlLh lnLeresung fullllng personal llfe,
for example - leasure aer work, sporL, hobbles, playlng wlLh your klds, rlch
famlly llfe and speclal lnLeresLs. l suggesL seelng Lhls vldeo -
now to make work-||fe ba|ance work. uon'L mlss lL - lL ls one of Lhe greaLesL l
have seen laLely.
Un|que: 1he 'Maklng a dlerence aL work' approach - Addlng value and
unlqueness Lo Lhe [ob. 8elng a LalenL. lL ls noL Lhe CLC LhaL makes Lhe dlerence
buL Lhe company LalenLs.
100 Lort: 1he do your besL" phllosophy - ConLrlbuLe your besL skllls,
experlence and eorL for Lhe opumal producuvlLy. 1wo good quoLes: Much good
work ls losL for Lhe lack of a llule more" and l'm a greaL bellever ln luck, and l nd
Lhe harder l work Lhe more l have of lL".
Iocused: locus of 8elng locused Lo nd success - belng deLermlned. CeL Lhe
work/[ob done on ume and no mauer Lhe clrcumsLances.
Leadersh|p: 1aklng responslblllues - Leadlng by example.
Creanv|ty: lnluauon, creauve plannlng, acuve llsLenlng and crlucal Lhlnklng
approach. lnLuluon and lmaglnauon brlngs creauvlLy and Lhe ablllLy Lo explore new
Lhlnklng - lf you don'L exerclse creauve ways you geL Lo no where sooner or laLer.
Learn from m|stakes: Learn from mlsLake and accepung Lhem Lo lmprove nexL
ume" phllosophy. An error doesn'L become a mlsLake unul you refuse Lo correcL lL.
V|s|onary: An lnsplred person (a dreamer.. ) who Lrles Lo follow a vlslon as much as
s/he can. Whlch means Lhey mlghL change careers suddenly, begln learnlng new
skllls or sLarL Lhelr own buslness, and generally prefer less lucrauve [obs, lf LhaL's
where Lhelr dream Lakes Lhem.
8. Are you app|y|ng for other courses?
?es , crlsls managemenL ls oLher sub[ecL LhaL l
am lnLeresL Lo know abouL LhaL .
9. What Wou|d 8e our Dream Iob?

8esearch and Leachlng are my favorlLe and
dream [ob .Leachlng and research are Lhe besL
Lhlngs LhaL l love Lo do.
10. What sk|||s do you have that w|||
he|p you succeed on th|s course?

As my underesLanlg ,knowlng problems and quesuon ls Lhe
maln parL of solvlng .buL aL rsL l wanL Lo Lell you l have so
much mouvauon Lo learn abouL consLrucuon managemenL
2- l gaLher so much lnformauon abouL LhaL problem LhaL l
nouced ln my proposal
3-l have sLudled aruclal lnLelllgenL sysLem
4-ldenucauon eecuve facLors on declslon and sorung Lhe
daLa ls very lmporLanL ln deslgnlng and chooslng Lhe opumum
archlLecLure of neural neLwork
l am golng Lo learnlng CrlLerlum and experLcholse soware

why you wanL Lo Lhls parucular hu and whaL
has led you down Lhe paLh Lo academlc
1ell me abouL yourself.
WhaL are your sLrengLhs and weaknesses?
lf you're noL accepLed lnLo graduaLe school,
whaL are your plans?
Why dld you choose Lhls career?
WhaL do you know abouL our program?
Why dld you choose Lo apply Lo our program?
WhaL oLher schools are you conslderlng?
ln whaL ways have your prevlous experlence
prepared you for graduaLe sLudy ln our
Any quesuons?
WhaL do you belleve your greaLesL challenge
wlll be lf you are accepLed lnLo Lhls program?
ln college, whaL courses dld you en[oy Lhe mosL? 1he leasL?
uescrlbe any research pro[ecL you've worked on. WhaL was
Lhe purpose of Lhe pro[ecL and whaL was your role ln Lhe
Pow would your professors descrlbe you?
Pow wlll you be able Lo make a conLrlbuuon Lo Lhls eld?
WhaL are your hobbles?
Lxplaln a slLuauon ln whlch you had a conlcL and how you
resolved lL. WhaL would you do dlerenLly? Why?
uescrlbe your greaLesL accompllshmenL.
1ell me abouL your experlence ln Lhls eld. WhaL was challenglng?
WhaL was your conLrlbuuon?
WhaL are your career goals? Pow wlll Lhls program help you
achleve your goals?
Pow do you lnLend Lo nance your educauon?
WhaL skllls do you brlng Lo Lhe program? Pow wlll you help your
menLor ln hls or her research?
Are you mouvaLed? Lxplaln and provlde examples.
Why should we Lake you and noL someone else?
WhaL do you plan Lo speclallze ln?
WhaL do you do ln your spare ume?
WhaL can be deLermlned abouL an appllcanL aL an lnLervlew?
Why do you wanL Lo come Lo [Lhls school]?
- 1ell me abouL your dlsserLauon.
- Pow far along ls your dlsserLauon?
- When do you expecL Lo defend your dlsserLauon?
- WhaL classes do you llke Lo Leach?
- WhaL are Lhe sLrengLhs/weaknesses of you h.u. program?
- WhaL do you Lhlnk of our currlculum?
- uo you know, or whaL do you Lhlnk of, [a speclc professor] aL Lhls unlverslLy?
- WhaL do you Lhlnk of quallLauve/quanuLauve research?
- 1ell me abouL your Leachlng Lechnlques (e.g., group pro[ecLs, case meLhod, eLc.).
- Pow would you Leach [a speclc class, e.g., medla]?
- Are you lnLeresLed ln worklng wlLh Lhe [Academlc] Club (or Laklng aLeam Lo Lhe
WhaL speclc ldeas do you have for lmprovlng
our [Academlc] Club?
- WhaL do you Lhlnk of "lnLegraLed Markeung
Communlcauons" (or lnLeracuve Medla, or
currenL "hoL" Loplc ln your dlsclpllne)?
- WhaL ls your favorlLelecLure, and why?
- WhaL research do you wanL Lo do ln Lhe
nexL 3 years?
ln whaL [ournals do you expecL Lo publlsh?
- 1ell me abouL your lndusLry experlence (lf you have any)? Pow would you brlng LhaL lndusLry
experlence Lo Lhe classroom?
- Pow lmporLanL do youfeel lndusLry experlence ls for a [adveruslng, compuLer sclence, chemlsLry,
hlsLory, Lngllsh, eLc.] professor?
- lf you have no lndusLry experlence: Pow do you expecL Lo be able Lo Leach sLudenLs abouL Lhe
lf you've never worked ln lL?
- WhaL ls your favorlLe Lheory or LheorlsL?
- WhaL do you conslder your Leachlng sLrengLhs/weaknesses?
- WhaL do you conslder your research sLrengLhs/weaknesses?
- ln addluon, you should expecL quesuons abouL anyLhlng and everyLhlng on your currlculum
And lL ls qulLe common Lo geL Lhe same Lype of lnLervlew quesuons LhaL you mlghL when seeklng
any Lype of [ob, such as "WhaL ls Lhe lasL book you read for fun?" or "WhaL are your hobbles?"
SCML CuLS1lCnS ?Cu CAn (C8
- WhaL are you looklng for ln lllng Lhls posluon? (l.e.,
whaL quallcauons?)
- uo oLher faculLy members have dlerenL
expecLauons/deslres regardlng whaL Lhey are looklng
- Are Lhere any "land mlnes" of whlch l should be
aware (e.g., any Loplcs Lo avold dlscusslng, any
faculLy members who mlghL be dlmculL)?
- WhaL courses are mosL/leasL ln need of lnsLrucLors?
- ls Lhere anyLhlng l should expecL when Lalklng Lo Lhe
uean? 1o Lhe Chalr?
uean of College
Pow much lnLeracuon wlll an asslsLanL professor have wlLh Lhe uean?
- WhaL research funds are avallable aL dlerenL levels of Lhe unlverslLy?
- 1ell me abouL Lhe healLh plan.
- 1ell me abouL Lhe reuremenL plan.
- ls Lhls posluon fully funded (or mlghL lL dlsappear before anyone ls hlred)?
- WhaL are Lhe mosL dramauc changes you expecL for Lhe college lnLhe nexL 3 years? Pow abouL
- Where do you expecL Lhe deparLmenL/program Lo be ln 3 years? 10 years?
- WhaL ls Lhe nanclal sLaLe of Lhe college? Cf Lhe deparLmenL?
- Pow ls Lenure approved aL dlerenL levels of Lhe unlverslLy admlnlsLrauon?
- ls Lhere an annual revlew of performance for asslsLanL professors, so Lhey know wheLher or noL
Lhey are maklng adequaLe progress Loward Lenure?
- As uean, you are ln Lhe posluon Lo see many Lenure declslons. WhaL pracucal advlce would you
glve Lo a new asslsLanLprofessor abouL securlng Lenure?
- Pow mlghL you descrlbe Lhe [adveruslng, compuLer sclence, chemlsLry, hlsLory, Lngllsh, eLc.]
deparLmenL/program Lo a fellow admlnlsLraLor (l.e., Lry Lo assess Lhelr amLudes Loward Lhe
- erhaps lL goes wlLhouL saylng, buL show a denlLe
lnLeresL ln each of Lhese people and ln Lhe
research/Leachlng/pro[ecLs Lhey are dolng. eople
Lend Lo be more posluvely dlsposed Lo someone
who ls lnLeresLed ln Lhelr work Lhan someone who
shows no lnLeresL ln lL. Where posslble, polnL
ouL how Lhelr work mlghL doveLall wlLh your own, and
how Lhere mlghL be an opporLunlLy for [olnL
research laLer.
- Show a slncere lnLeresL ln Lhelr program/deparLmenL. l've seen candldaLes come Lo our
compuLer sclence, chemlsLry, hlsLory, Lngllsh, eLc.] ueparLmenL Lo lnLervlew, and all Lhey Lalk
abouL ls Lhelr research & Leachlng of [ournallsm classes, wlLhouL ever menuonlng how LhaL
experlence would Lransfer Lo, or beneL, our deparLmenL. 1hey seemed Lo forgeL whaL deparLmenL
Lhey were ln! lf you're noL really lnLeresLed ln Lhelr program, don'L lnLervlew Lhere.
- Menuon ways LhaL you could see yourself conLrlbuung Lo Lhelr currenL eorLs. 1alk as lf you
see yourself worklng Lhere, Lo help Lhem vlsuallze you worklng Lhere.
- 1acL! 8emember LhaL dlerenL faculLy members have dlerenL oplnlons and agendas. lor
some feel LhaL classes should focus on glvlng sLudenLs useful skllls, whlle oLhers feel classes
should help sLudenLs learn Lo Lhlnk wlLhouL any need Lo Leach Lhem pracucal skllls. 8e honesL, buL
don'L unnecessarlly oend.
- 1hlnk before you answer a quesuon.
- 8e a good llsLener. uon'L Lalk when someone else ls Lalklng.
- uon'L call a faculLy member by LhelrrsL name unless Lhey lnvlLe you Lo do so.
- 8e condenL and show your knowledge, buL avold arrogance.
- 8e nlce Lo everyone.
l Lhlnk aruclal lnLelllgence ls a new sclence
lL ls maklng a machlne LhaL can Lhlnk and
Aruclal lnLelllgence ls a sclence on Lhe
research and appllcauon of Lhe law of Lhe
acuvlues of human lnLelllgence.
regresslon analysls
Analyuc hlerarchy process
Cr|ter|um " Lxpertcho|ce
A neura| network ls a sysLem LhaL auempLs
Lo |m|tate Lhe behav|or of Lhe humanbraln.
A neura| network can learn by Lrlal and error.
Lhere are sull some problems, especlally ln Lhe
comblnauon meLhod of Lhe neural
neLwork, fuzzy loglc geneuc algorlLhm, and
experL sysLem, and lL wlll be a very auracuve
research eld.
Parmony search
lL ls also posslble Lo comblne Lhe harmony
search algorlLhm wlLh oLher heurlsuc
algorlLhms, llke geneuc algorlLhm (CA), anL
colony (ACC), arucle Swarm Cpumlzauon
(SC) or slmulaLed anneallng (SA) are also
8oulelmen and Lecocq descrlbed new
slmulaLed anneallng SA algorlLhms for Lhe
resource-consLralned pro[ecL schedullng
problem8CSand lLs muluple mode
Pow Lo handle a Lelephone lnLervlew
assess wheLher you are a serlous appllcanL
and declde wheLher or noL Lo Lake you furLher
Lhrough Lhe appllcauon process.
1he quesuons are more llkely Lo focus more
on your general compeLences and sklll.
?our alm ls Lo Lry Lo show your enLhuslasm
and commlLmenL ln a shorL conversauon.
Make sure you nd ouL as much as you can
abouL Lhe recrulLer.
8ead Lhe [ob descrlpuon carefully and Lhlnk
abouL how you maLch Lhe selecuon crlLerla.
racnce makes perfect.
record yourself so LhaL you can llsLen back and
ldenufy any problems, such as speaklng Loo
quleLly or qulckly.
Lurn o 1v
Lurn o hone
Lurn o l phone
Ask all Lo leave home and MlLra chlldren
our appllcauon or Cv, Lhe lnLervlew deLalls
and a pen and paper Lo hand.
Stay ca|m

Lake a couple of deep breaLhs... and smlle
Speak clearly and aL a reasonable pace
lf you're asked a Lrlcky quesuon, Lake ume Lo
Lhlnk - you can always say someLhlng llke, 'LeL
me [usL reecL on LhaL for a momenL,' Lo buy
auses are Ck, [usL as ln any lnLervlew. lf you
couldn'L hear or dldn'L undersLand a quesuon,
lL's ne Lo ask for clarlcauon.

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