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FR It EEs !





Nei Hou Singapore! Happy Eid & Diwali

NaTURopaThIc MEDICINE & TIps To coMbaT sTRess

LalbaUG cha RaJa

In The MooD

InDIa The lanD of fesTIVals

BOHOL A VIsIT To The sUbMeRGeD WoRlD ShaDoW TRIbe of The ORIenT




MCI(P) : 107/03/2013

What else you have on the platter?

Tues - Sun : 11am - Till Late night Mondays we snooze


Oct Nov 2013

In the Mood
Neih Hou Diwali. . . . . 4 Party time for the world. . . . . 5

Cover Story
Events Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Gaurav & Neha Dear Readers, We are super excited and charged-up with our first launch of A-Desiflava magazine in Singapore. It took us over six months of hard work to put this issue together. With the blessings of God, our parents, well-wishers and friends we have extended our Hong Kong initiative to the grounds of Singapore. Hopefully, there will be no looking back now and Singapore will see a great innings from our star, better known as 'A-DESIFLAVA SINGAPORE'. 'Videsh Mein Desi Tadka' our tagline is a perfect fit for Singapore, keeping in mind the huge population of south Asians and the amount of desi flavor we will add in every issue for that special tadka. Speaking of tadka, this is the month we celebrate Diwali. A festival of lights, colours and loud bangs. Its a festival that weve grown up with and come to associate with happiness and joy. Its also a festival where you come together as a family, no matter how far apart you are. And thats the thing with festivals, theyre a connection that you share with your culture, an intangible link that an outsider will find really hard to understand. Therefore, our cover story this month talks about India-the land of festivals. During the recent lord Ganesh festival I'm sure many of the Mumbaikars living in Singapore must have missed their visit to The Emperor of Lalbaug a popular Ganesh Idol put up by the Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal. Friends, this is the magazine that you need to make your Singaporean friends read to learn about the King of Mumbai! Read this article in our Spirituality section. This month weve also focussed on the Hijra community of India very famous and well known for their blessings and curses. In our 'feature' section, read about these transvestites and eunuchs as they go about hoping to live the lives of women. The Escape section is a must read for sea divers who are looking for that one submerged paradise - Bohol. It doesnt stop there, also packaged are other interesting articles that promise to entertain, enlighten and engage the SouthAsians of Singapore. This is just a taste of what is yet to come, we have much more to offer you and with your well wishes and support, we can take this magazine places. If you really like this magazine and enjoy what you read here, we would really appreciate it if you could extend your support by recommending A-DESIFLAVA Magazine to your friends, family and relatives. Happy Diwali & Eid Mubarak to all our first time readers. Thanks, Gaurav & Neha (All the way from Hong Kong) & Mohit & Reema (Your local mates in Singapore)

The Land of Festivals. . . . . . . . . .

Lalbaghcha Raja. . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Visit the submerged world. . . . . 12

Kiran Deshpande. . . . . . . . . . . .


Hijra Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bandwidth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dream Catchers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Beauty & Health

Indian Western Fashion . . . . . . .22 Naturopathic Medicine. . . . . . . .


Love & Relationship

Ek Choti Si Love Story. . . . . . . . . 26 Enhance Your Love. . . . . . . . . . . 28

Buzz in town
Singapore Indoor Cricket. . . . . .


South Asians Faces of SG. . . . . . 34 Astrology, Bejan Daruwala. . . . . 36 Contests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

FR It EEs !



In the mood



Nei Hou Singapore! Happy Diwali!

Neih hou Diwali

Happy Diwali
by Aparna Sachar We left home decades back As life changed track I still remember That first disoriented morning When Singapore said neih hou without warning, From That day on Various eye openers I have stumbled upon I marvel at the Prosperity of illusions And some additional confusions The narrow roads Are adorned by big cars, The path from small houses Leads to palatial mall And also to stars Rushing to work every day, I see the lazy sea sprawled out, Serving jealousy in an expansive tray With Eid and Chinese New Year Breathing Singapore routinely Along with the pomp and cheer. My cells underwent a change Kung hei fat choi is said definitely With the devoutness I see samosas in dim sum Of Jo bole so nihaal Janpath in Mustafa The peak hour SMRT rush With ardour Reflects the flavour of On this Diwali, like every year, Mumbai locals crush Goddess Lakshmi will smile at me The aroma of Chinese food, Tickles Chola Bhatura taste buds And say Vatsa, I created the earth And you made divisions And the accompanying mood On land, and in your heart The chicken claws invite intersections The fervor of chicken curry delight. Open the gates And let the stream of love flow The Chinese festivals, Nurture it and let it grow Celebrate their success in my psyche Youve embraced Singapore, Life lights up twice, Now embrace the world and its song Of course, at double the price Remember my presence in your Once on Diwali and home Once on mid- autumn festival Will always be as big as your heart, Like happiness dished out And as deep as your OM . In a double decker trolley. Feasting doubles,


In the Mood





What else you have on the platter?

On the Cover Family celebrating Diwali Shutterstock Images Chief Group Editor : Gaurav Pardeshi Editor: Chaitali Patne (Singapore) Publishers Neha Pathak ( HongKong ) Chaitali Patne ( Singapore ) Patne Chaitali Chandan Advertising : Menka Sharma Pinnacle Events & Marketing Solutions Design Consultant : Vijay Padaya Contributors Smita Uchil, Shalima Motial Bejan Daruwala, Aparna Sachar Merlyn Dsilva, Deepak Deshpande Kiran Deshpande, Sangeeta Shanker, Tim & Pooja, Pdt. Gopal Sharma Aunty Poonam Mehta, Vaibhavi Deshpande, Deepak Deshpande Special Thanks to Mohit Gangan Sreyashi Sen : Darpan - Bengali Film Festival (Singapore) Sashi : Namaste Singapore Shalima Motial : Deam Catchers, Bandwidth Event, Sanjeev Langarkhande Parmod Verma Permit No MCI(P) 107/03/2013 ADESIFLAVA SINGAPORE : Block 702, Unit 03-05 Upper Changi Road East, Changi Court Singapore - 486832 T :+65 8432 2310 /+65 6650 7632 Email: ADESIFLAVA HONG KONG Suite 20, 13 Floor, Eldex Industrial Building, 21B Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong T :+852-23631786 E-mail : For advertisements contact Singapore Menka Sharma: T +65 91832313 Email: Pinnacle Events & Marketing Solutions Smita Uchil: T +65 91131667 Email: Hong Kong Neha Pathak: T +852 56399963 Email : Printed By Print & Print Pte Ltd Blk 3011 Bedok Industrial Park E #03-2000/2002/2004/2006/2008 Singapore 489977
Disclaimer: No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without permission. The publisher, layout designer, contributors, their employees and partners are not responsible for the results of any actions, errors or omissions taken on the basis of information contained in this publication and expressly disclaim all and any liability for any such action of any person. The views expressed in A-Desiflava are not necessarily those of the publisher, editor, layout designer or contributors. The publisher, layout designer and editor cannot be held responsible for differences of opinion or statements published in good faith. The mention of specific companies or products in articles or advertisements does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by this magazine or its publisher in preference to others of a similar nature which are not mentioned or advertised.

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Model : Resham Sadhwani

In the mood
that I can only cope with the excitement in small doses, such as once per century. And when I say right here on Earth, I should make it clear I am talking in physical terms only. Figuratively speaking, several members of my family have never been on this planet at all. My late Uncle Ernie believed that aliens were using mind control rays to force world leaders to make bizarre decisions. We all used to laugh until 2004 when the world got so weird that his version of events suddenly became the only logical one. Job four: Celebrate your traditions while respecting other peoples. My kids are modern and multicultural. Theyll happily carry Diwali candles and suck Chinese winter-festival sweets while sitting on Santa Clauss knee at a shopping mall. And what are you hoping for this Christmas? Santa once asked my youngest. Didnt you get my email? she replied sourly. Even my bigger kids cling to traditions, but only where the receiving of gifts or cash is an element. After I told them that they stop believing in Santa Claus is the year they start getting clothes for Christmas, they instantly regained their faith in the fat guy with questionable clothing choices (I mean, red velour for an adult male?). The festive season in Asia rocks. Everybodys celebrating something, and all the parties share one goal: to consume obscene amounts of food. I once went straight from a Chinese winter solstice meal to an American turkey-and-trimmings feast. By 10 pm my width equaled my height. Had I fallen over, I would have rolled several kilometers. This year, my kids have been telling me to consume less, spend less and try to remember that its really about peace and goodwill to all. In the distance, I hear my conscience banging on a locked door. Or it may be my accountant.

Party time for the world

The festive season is here! This is a time when we step back from our busy lives and ask ourselves key questions about our core values: Are we shopping enough? Are we stuffing enough food into our mouths? Yes, yes, way too much already, comes the reply from a tiny voice, which may be my conscience, or possibly my accountant. But years of training have given me the ability to instantly beat my conscience into submission. And my accountant, come to that. A quick right hook to the side of the head drops either one of them to the floor, after which they can be dragged to the spare room and locked up. We cannot be distracted from vital tasks! Job one: buy over-priced cards and send them to people to throw away. At the greeting card shop, I saw a beautiful card which said: You have a new baby, which I bought in case I meet someone who has given birth without noticing. (You never know.) There was also a card which said: You have passed your driving test which I bought for my son. It will be much cheaper than paying for driving lessons. He can show it to police officers who stop him on the road:

Under all that shopping and eating, the festive season has a hidden message, reports Nury Vittachi

Look, I have this card, see? Job two:Organize festive meals with family members. This is challenging. My clan spans different cultures, religions and countries. Getting them together is a bit like organizing a G20 international summit but with fewer rocket-proof limousines (possibly). Usually I remember to give the right greeting to each family member but occasionally I forget, and have to say: Happy whatever-it-is-that-you-celebrate! Hope youre having a good thing! Job three: Exchange long-distance greetings with far-flung family members. This involves various methods of cross-border communication, including international phone calls, internet video links, voodoo, black magic and the chanting of names while chicken blood is splashed around. Some of my family members are in Asia, some are in the West, and some, we desperately wish, were on an ice planet a billion light years beyond Sedna. But sadly they are right here on Earth. Now when I say sadly, I dont mean to imply that I am not fond of them. Indeed, I am so fond of them

Nury Vittachi writes a regular humor column at

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In the Mood

Model : Resham Sadhwani

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In the Mood
Model : Aliza Hussein Photography by Deepak Deshpande

ndia is known for its cultural heritage and traditional values. These values are expressed with full enjoyment and enthusiasm while celebrating any of the festivals here. It cannot be denied that the festivals in India are religious celebrations and have a special existence. Almost every month, we have at least one festival to celebrate. Some of the months have even two big festivals in a month. India is a land of festivals. For a predominantly agriculture based country like India, generally the second half of a year has more festivals when the farmers are relaxing after a busy sowing period. Monsoon brings along the month of Shravan as per the Hindu calendar which marks the beginning of the season of festival. India with its huge dynamic cultural diversity, celebrates festivals of all religions and castes throughout the year. The festive seasons beginning is marked with Rakhi, continuing with Janmashtami and the Parsi New Years Day Pateti, Eid-al-fitr , Ganesh Chaturthi, Dassera, Eid-al-Adha , Diwali, Guru Nanakjis Birthday , Christmas, Holi, Sankranti etc. These are few major festivals celebrated across India with a great zeal through the festive season. No doubt, India is at times in news for Hindu Muslim issues. However, we should not forget that it also represents the largest and most vibrant democracy in the world. It is the only country that witnesses and showcases HinduMuslim bhai bhai (brotherhood) sentiments and celebrates each others festivals with equal enthusiasm. Muslims donating huge amounts to temples or even bringing Ganesha idol home to worship or Hindus having immense faith in and visiting various dargahs and mosques is one sample proof of the prevalent brotherhood. The festive season reaches its crescendo for Indian Hindus and Muslims

with the Diwali and Eid celebrations respectively which are celebrated all over India. This season, we wish to welcome these two important festivals, Eid in October and Diwali in November in Hongkong. EID-AL-ADHA (BAQRIEID) Eid-al-Adha & Eid-al-Fitr are two main festivals celebrated by Muslims. Eid-alAdha is one of the most important festivals of Muslims. It comes two months after Eid-al-fitr. This year, the festival will be celebrated on around 14 - 15 October 2013. Eid-al-Adha( Baqri-Eid) is celebrated exactly two months and 10 days after Eid-al-fitr. Eid-al-Adha( BAQRIEID) is based on a spiritual background. It signifies the willingness to make sacrifices, first made by Prophet HAZRAT IBRAHEEM to show his love for GOD. HAZRAT IBRAHEEM sacrificed his own son at the order of GOD. Islam believes that HAZRAT IBRAHEEM was one of the prophets of GOD who was sent to the earth with the message of peace and existence of only one GOD. This sacrifice set an example to all the believers of Islam that they should be to ready to sacrifice even their dearest possessions for the sake of ALLAH (GOD). To commemorate the day on which this sacrifice was made by Prophet HAZRAT IBRAHEEM, a goat is sacrificed and thus, it is also called as Festival of sacrifice. The sacrificed meat is the divided in to three parts and shared among the family, relatives and the poor people. Ceremonial prayers and feasts are part of this festival. Huge meals with lot of non-vegetarian items and variety of sweets are prepared on this day. Sheer khurma is a special sweet that is savored on this day. It is made of vermicelli and loads of dry fruits. One can also say that the celebration of this auspicious day is incomplete without this delicious sweet. Women enjoy by making creative designs of mehendi on each others hands and getting dressed in ornamented salwar suits. Men wear pathanis (traditional wear of muslims). Wishes of Eid are exchanged by hugging each other and exchanging gifts. This festival is celebrated with a great zeal.

DIWALI Diwali is a very special festival for Indians and is celebrated in every corner of India and in every corner of the world where an Indian resides. There are several stories behind the celebration of the festival. One of the widely believed one is that once there was a King named Dashrath, who ruled over the kingdom of Ayodhya located in the northern part of present day India. Dashrath had three wives. His youngest wife saved his life during a war when he was fatally injured. Dashrath rewarded her with a vow for saving his life. Ram, Dashraths son with his eldest wife, was declared as his successor to the throne. The youngest wife asked Dashrath to send Ram to the forest for 14 years on exile to fulfill his vow. She does this so that her son Bharat could become the King. Ram being the obedient son, goes on exile to the forest. After 14 years, he returns to Ayodhya, and becomes the King. The people of Ayodhya are overjoyed by their Kings return and light up lamps in celebration. This is one of the many, but widely accepted origin of the Indian festival of Diwali. Ram is believed to be an incarnation of the Hindu God Vishnu and hence is widely worshipped. Just like there is a Christian New Year, a Chinese New Year, for several Hindu communities Diwali marks the start of the Business New Year. In Sanskrit, a row of lamps is called as Deepavali and hence the biggest Indian festival, called the festival of lights, is named Deepavali or Diwali. Diwali is celebrated around October, November, according to the Hindu calendar, based on the position of the moon. The festival starts with Dhanteras, which is considered by some as the beginning of the financial year. Dhan means wealth in Hindi and hence on Dhanteras people worship currency notes, silver or gold coins with Gods and Goddesses engraved on them, books, computers, etc. anything that represents wealth for them. The third day from Dhanteras, called Amavasya (no moon day), is the most important day of the festival and is considered as the most auspicious day. On this day, people worship Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of wealth by performing the ritual of Lakshmi Pujan. It is believed that the Goddess is most | 16

In the Mood
generous on this day and fulfills the devotees wishes for wealth. Devotees illuminate their houses with oil lamps, paper lanterns and decorative lights. They make sure that their doorsteps are brightly lighted and attractively decorated so that the Goddess Lakshmi visits them. Some women use powdered color to make beautiful patterns called Rangoli at their doorstep. People dress up in new clothes; savor Indian delicacies made at home and burst crackers as part of the celebration. Bhai Dooj is celebrated on the second day after Amavsya. Bhai stands for brother in Hindi and so on Bhai Dooj, men buy gifts for their sisters. Dev Diwali, celebrated on the 15th day from Dhanteras marks the end of Diwali. People keep their houses illuminated with lamps till Dev Diwali. This year Diwali begins on 3rd of November and goes on for a week. Different communities and different regions add their own rituals and traditions to the celebrations of Diwali. This festival also has significance in other religions like Jainism and Buddhism. As such Diwali is a celebration of the diversity in India. The lamps of Diwali represent joy as they light up peoples lives with happiness. Diwali reiterates the moral truth of Good always wins against evil by giving hope to the people of India that their Gods will reincarnate in every era and defeat the evil forces thereby restoring happiness and peace in to their lives.


1 gallon of whole milk 1 cup sugar 8 dried dates 6-8 whole cardamoms 1/4 cup ghee 7 seeds of cardamom (crushed). 1 cup of vermicelli (savaiya) 1/4 cup chopped pistachios 1/2 cup dried coconut 1/2 cup chopped almond 1/4 cup raisins 1tsp kewera essence, diluted or 1\/ tsp., if concentrated little saffron for garnish

How to: 1. Soak 3 dried dates and coconut in water for 1hour, until soft. Then thinly slice them. 2. In a pot add milk, water, 5 dried dates and cardamoms and simmer on low heat for about 2 hours or until about 3/4th of the milk is left. Strain milk through a fine sieve. Discard the dates and cardamoms and reserve milk. 3. Heat ghee (pure Indian butter) in pan add crushed cardamom seeds, when they pop and splutter add vermicelli and fry for 3-4 minutes. Add pistachios, coconut, almond, raisins and dates and fry for 2 more minutes. 4. Add warm milk to it, bring to boil and cook for 5-8 minutes, until cooked through. 5. Add sugar and cook until sugar has completely dissolved. Just before removing from heat add kevera essence and garnish with saffron.

So what can you plan to do this Diwali in Singapore?

Go shopping. It is customary to buy utensils and ornaments on the first day of Diwali. Clean the house and business premises thoroughly before Diwali day. Its like a spring cleaning of sorts, a cleansing ritual, traditionally carried out during Diwali to rid yourself of any unnecessary elements in your environment. Draw small rangoli patterns using rice flour or vermillion powder in front of your house; this has traditionally been assumed to indicate that youre awaiting the arrival of the Goddess Laxmi to your home. Welcome the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity by making the entrance of home or business colorful using the traditional motifs of Rangoli designs, bells, flower garlands, wall hangings, etc. Light lamps every night throughout the festival days. In the evening, light small oil lamps (called diyas) and place them around the home. Turn all the lights on and light some candles. The lamps symbolize knowledge or ones inner light, which brings about inner peace and fights off any traces of darkness and ignorance. Paper lanterns bought or made at home are a must for this celebration. They are generally hanged at the entrance. Wear new clothes and jewels. If you are a woman, try and obtain a saree, a traditional Indian dress of Indian women. Men normally wear kurta pyjamas, the traditional dress for Indian men. Bake sweets, snacks, and savories. These are traditional offerings for Diwali and are offered as gifts to everyone. Go vegetarian. For many Indians, Diwali is a meatless day. There arent any set dishes, so the choices can be varied but it is important to include sweets, as Diwali is about sweets. Salted mixture, chakli, gujjiya, shakkar pari are a few to name. Play games. Games are a part of the Diwali Festival, including card games, Rummy, charades, pass the parcel, musical chairs, scavenger hunt, hide and seek, etc. Its not just for kids but for everyone! Express love towards your sibling. Brothers and sisters affirm sibling love and vow to look after one another on bhai dooj. Give your sisters presents, and tell your brother you love him and wish him a long life. Both Eid-al-Adha and Diwali are the symbols of obedience which are sure to be present in all other cultures too. These two festivals truly represent the unity in diversity of India. Let us all, irrespective to which nationality or religion we belong to, come together as Singaporeans and enjoy some delicious feasts of Eid and light the lamps of Diwali. WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY EID (EID MUBARAQ!) AND A SAFE AND POSPEROUS DIWALI!!!

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Events Calendar
Join us in a Marathon Madness right in the middle of the financial district for Match for Life and the Bone Marrow Donation Programme on 10 and 11 October 2013. Highlights: Crazy Singapore marathon personality Ah Siao running 2 marathon distances on a treadmill right at Raffles Place  Public event on 10 and 11 October to promote youth volunteerism and support the fight against leukaemia, lymphoma, and other blood diseases  Participation by corporate running teams, students, and the public Donors and patients will grace the events Media event THU, 10 Oct 2013, 11:15am, Chevron House, Raffles Place Event with the CEO of Courts and senior management of Greenfield Milk  Participation from the Singapore Young Lions Venue: Chevron House, 30 Raffles Place, Singapore ,048622 Contact: Melody Email: Phone: +65 3151 4760

Whisky Live Singapore is South-East Asias largest and most exciting annual whisky and spirits event that attracts a wide range of both international and domestic trade clients and consumers. Over the past 3 years, Singapore has seen a huge increase in the demand for premium spirits, driven by an influx of increasingly hedonistic, discerning drinkers from emerging whisky markets based in the city and the surrounding region. Whisky Live is regarded as the platform for showcasing and launching new and established premium spirits, as well as promoting the appreciation of approachable ways in which to enjoy them. When:Sat Oct 19, 4:00pm Where: Raffles Hotel, 1 Beach Road, Singapore Restrictions: R18 Ticket Information: Standard: $80.00 Standard + Masterclass: $110.00 Buy Tickets 6348 5555 Nirvaana The Great Bollywood Raas 2013 Its time to swirl, jump, clap, snap, sway and twirl once again with Singapores biggest Dandiya Event year after year!

Register here: http://joinstartupz.eventbrite. com/ Thursday, 14 November, 2013 02:00 PM - 08:00 PM Venue: Microsoft Auditorium - 21st Floor 1 Marina Boulevard, Singapore, 018989 Contact: Melissa Goh Email:


The international smash hit The Merchants of Bollywood returns to Singapore after its triumphant world tour and sold- out Singapore Season in 2010! Where: MARINA BAY SANDS GRAND THEATRE When: Tuesday November 5th, 2013 to Sunday November 10th, 2013 Organized By Arte Compass Pte Ltd | www. Details @


Event supported by local businesses and associations! Festive Bazaar Stalls Kids under 6 require no ticket Buy your tickets online at: https://vindus. Email or call 90221210 for bulk bookings.


Organised by UBM Asia, the inaugural Singapore Jewellery & Gem Fair features a stellar cast of prominent jewellers from close to 30 countries including Singapores own AMTC, Jade Culture, Jaipore, Flower Diamond Boutique, Kim Keat, On Cheong and Taka Jewellery. They will showcase exquisite collections of fine jewellery, from lustrous pearls to precious gemstones, rare diamonds and antique pieces. While the Fair is targeted at international trade visitors, the public is also welcomed to feast their eyes on these fine jewellery pieces. Visitors must register online at for entry to the Fair. The Singapore Jewellery & Gem Fair is backed by both the Singapore Jewellers Association and the Diamond Exchange of Singapore. When : Saturday, 12 October, 2013 Time : 10:30 AM - 07:00 PM Venue: Sands Expo & Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, 1 Bayfront Ave, Singapore, 018971


OIN STARTUPz! is the first ever career event hosted by Startup Jobs Asia in Singapore! One of the objectives of this event is to enable Startups to meet their potential Talents and vice versa. Students/Jobseekers can get to learn and connect with our speakers during their interesting talks as well. The career event will be the bridge where Startups and Potential Talents will be CONNECTED. If you are a Startup... For startups, participate in this offline event and position yourself as Employer of choice among startup community and get connected to talents from all levels. Interested, please submit your interests via http://www. Who Should Attend? (FREE ADMISSION) For employees (currently working in startup) Come forward, and check out whats in store for you! For the experienced workforce - you should come forth and seek new opportunities if you are interested to check out interesting career with emerging startups. For students/undergraduates - you are highly encourage to check out internship and postgraduate employment opportunities! *Food & Beverages provided

Dr. Rahat Inori, Great Shyar will be performing with Hasya Kavi Surender Sharma in CHAAR LAAINA on 10th Nov 2013...Limited Seats available....grab your tickets at www.charkula. com Tickets category: S$100 (VIP) & S$50 VIP Tickets (S$100) includes meet & Greet with Artists along with Delicious dinner from Copper Chimney.... Come and Enjoy Family Day Diwali Celebration with us | 9


Lalbaugcha Raja The Emperor of Lalbaug !

The Magic of Ganpati
With great pomp and show And with the beats of dhols You enter our souls. Your presence can be seen In eyes that radiate devotional sheen, In houses that echo your glory, In hearts that are full of love In hands that serve And in the land that lights up. You, who are the remover of obstacles You, who are lovingly called the elephant god Illuminate the entity of humanity Giving them a reason to celebrate To love, serve and dedicate. When your greatness arrives Colours thrive Artistry comes alive Music pulsates with a newfound drive The dance of people Matches the ecstasy of their souls Their devotion ows freely Without dams and controls You may come and go as a festival But your eternal presence resides forever equable.

Jai Dev Dai Dev Jai Mangalmoorti, O Shree Mangalmoorti, Darshanamathre Manh Kaamna Purti Jai Dev Jai Dev

Aparna Sachar

very year the red curtain goes up amidst cheering and chanting by hundredodd devotees who throng the lanes of Lalbaug to catch the first glimpse of Mumbais most beloved deity. An eager crowd gathers to welcome their deity by greeting aloud, Ganpati Bappa Morya, as they set their sight on the magnificent Lalbaugcha Raja. No amount of traffic, inflation, recession or the biggest security hurdle can stop the devotees who come to seek the blessings of the visiting Lord Ganesha. After all in a time of despair it is Bappa who would take away their sorrows (Vighna Vinashaka) and fulfill all their wishes (Varaprada) no matter how big or small

they may seem. Lalbaugcha Raja meaning The Emperor of Lalbaug is the popular Ganesh Idol of Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal. Lalbaug is located at the center of Mumbai. Dressed up in all his grandeur Pitambar yellow clothing, jewelry, et al., he looks royal as he is seated in much opulence. One look and you know why he is Lalbaugcha Raja! More than 1.5 million people visit this Ganesh Pandal during the 10 day Ganeshotsav festival and the count is ever growing. Reportedly, it took nearly 90 hours of waiting time in order to touch Ganeshas feet in 2012. A wait that the devotees say had been worth every second stood in the queue! Bollywood celebs right from Amitabh Bhachan to Ranbir Kapoor and politicians alike flock to seek blessings during the evening aarti

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at Lalbaugcha Raja. Asha Bhosle, who made her acting debut in Hindi cinema with Maee, launched a song from the film at Lalbaugcha Raja Ganesh mandal last year in September. Also, Jackky Bhagnani as a part of promoting Rangrezz, performed at the venue on one of the songs from the film. Lets find out where this Idol derived the name from and why it has gained so much popularity.

Story behind Mumbais Lalbaugcha Raja.

The Lalbaug market was shutdown in 1932 due to various reasons of the then existing issues before freedom. The closing down of the market left the fishermen community, locally known as Kolis, no place else to go. With much devotion they formed a group known as Saarvajanik Ganesha Utsav Mandal Lalbaug in 1934. This was in the era when the freedom struggle was at its peak. This mandal took a vow to build a permanent market place and consecrated this to their deity Ganesha. With the consistent efforts and support of the then local municipal authorities along with the local residents, the landlord Rajabai Tayyabali agreed to give a plot for construction of a market. The resultant of the Mandals efffort is the current standing renowned Lalbaug Market in Mumbai, Maharashtra. As fulfillment of their wish, the fishers, vendors and traders installed a Ganesh Idol on 12th Sep, 1934 and called it Lalbaugcha Raja. The idol back then was decorated in ethnic

fishermen costume. Since then Lalbaugcha Raja has become popular with time and has millions of visitors each year. The Mandal launched its website www. in 2000. Information and photos related to Lalbaugcha Raja and the Mandal is available on this website to update devotees worldwide. Donations run into crores, with nearly 50 trust employees taking part in the counting under tight security. Offerings of 1kg bar of gold worth Rs28 lakh (USD 45K), a 610g gold necklace worth nearly Rs17 lakh (USD 27K) and a 1kg golden football worth Rs35 lakhs (USD 56K), have been the past highlights. These are usually auctioned to devotees. Nana Vedak, the trusts official jeweler, said, Gold prices have gone up, but devotees obviously are not deterred by the high cost. The Mandal has been contributing to various funds like the National Fund during floods at Bihar in 1959 and the Army Central Welfare Fund, in 1999 for the families of the soldiers at Kargil. The Mandal is also working towards providing many facilities to the underprivileged. The Mandal including the devotees, the pandal and the deitys jewelry are insured in case of any contingency.

The work of making the idol starts with Ganesh Muhurt Poojan. This year it was done by the Mandals President Shri Ashok Maruti Pawar on 11th June, 2013. The sculptor Ratnakar Kambli says proudly, Since the inception of the Lalbaug mandal in 1934, we have provided the idols on more than 50 occasions. Not to forget that Kambli Arts sculpted the first idol of the Mandal in 1934. As is for most other idols, this too is kept for public display for Eleven days and immersed on the auspicious day of Anant Chaturdashi. The Mandal takes precautions to carry out the visarjan in a manner fit for the Raja. Experts have constructed a TARAFA (Iron Raft) to help dissolve the idol of Lalbaugcha Raja in deep sea water conveniently. This Ganesha idol is NavSacha Ganesha which implies one who fulfills all wishes. May this year too Lord Ganesha, send prosperity to all his devotees and fulfill all their wishes.

Merlyn DSilva, a Mumbai based Freelance Writer. My articles on myriad topics for clients globally, thrive on making a connection with the readers. A Post-Graduate from Mumbai University, I have experience in the Insurance and Banking sector. Other than juggling my tasks as a writer and a homemaker, I love to explore the world through travel and reading. | 11


Bohol - a visit to the submerged word

Know why lord Ganesha chose to live under the waters than in the skies....
Written and photographed by Deepak Deshpande

fter getting my NAUI scuba diving license, I was nothing but excited to travel to the tropical islands near to Singapore. I had heard good things about diving in Bali, Cebu, Sipadan, and Similan Islands etc. I got my first opportunity to dive outside of SG when my diving instructor Simon organized a diving trip to Bohol, in the Philippines. Bohol is a first class island province of the Philippines located in the Central Visayas region, consisting of Bohol Island and 75 minor surrounding islands. Its capital is Tagbilaran City. To the west of Bohol is Cebu, to the northeast is the island of Leyte and to the south, across the Bohol Sea is Mindanao. The province is a popular tourist destination with its beaches and resorts. Panglao Island, located just in the southwest of Tagbilaran

City, is famous for its diving locations and listed as one of the top ten diving locations in the world. Numerous tourist resorts dot the southern beaches and cater to divers from around the world. The Philippine Tarsier, considered the second-smallest primate in the world, is indigenous to the island. Boholanos refer to their island homeland as the Republic of Bohol with both conviction and pride. A narrow strait separates the island of Cebu and Bohol and both share a common language, but the Boholanos retain a conscious distinction from the Cebuanos. Bohol is one of the top 10 diving destinations of Asia, firstly because of the huge variety of marine life and corals that it carries and second is the cost. We planned for a 5 day trip with 3 days of diving, which included around 9 dives in total. I had already

bought the fins, mask and snorkel during my training in SG, my only purchase for the trip was a wet suit to help me retain body heat during consecutive dives. I decided to rent the rest of the diving gear including the BCD (Buoyancy Compensator device) and the regulators from the dive shop in the resort. Now the question is how to get to Bohol? There is no direct flight available from Singapore to Tagbilaran city, which is the capital of Bohol. There are two ways to reach Bohol, either a 1.5 hrs ferry from Cebu or 1 hrs flight from Manila; direct flights to both Cebu and Manila are available from Singapore. We chose the latter option via Manila as we had no plans to dive in Cebu, which is another great diving destination. We were a group of 10 divers to board an early morning flight to Manila on the 28th of July 2013, reached

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Bohol by late afternoon due to some transit delays in Manila. Were tired but the smiles of the staff at Dive Buddy, our diving resort at Alona beach, changed the moods. The rooms were basic but clean and had windows. I was sharing room with an Indian friend Sugeet, a great guy indeed. By the time we unpacked our backpacks, it was dinner time and we were off to the beach which was just a minute away from the resort. Food at the Alona beach front shacks is fresh and extremely cheap as compared to that in Singapore (of course). You can have a huge crab, juicy and fresh, just as big as a fresh coconut for aroound 7 SGD. We had a long dinner and then were off to some bar to grab some beers and enjoy some local music. Later that night while we were returning back to the hotel rooms, we witnessed gusty winds and the huge waves crushing the shores. Things dint seem good considering that we had an early morning dive the next day. Next morning was a little better; however, the winds were still very strong from the south. We met our local dive master Mookz, who was going to lead us on all the dives for the next three days. He was calm with a smile on his face, doing his regular checks on all the

gears and matching the BCD sizes to that of the divers. I couldnt resist from asking him if we were diving in that angry ocean which didnt look very friendly, he replied, we go north face. I wondered if that was going to be much different that the Alona beach as it was only a 45 minutes ride to the other side. We went started to walk, along the beach, towards the van which was parked at the other end at the last permissible accessible point by cars. There were many wrecked fishing boats and diving boats at the shore, the impact of the typhoon that passed us last night was quite visible. A 40 mins ride got us to the Doljo beach which is the Northern coast of the Panglao island. It was a paradise, no strong winds, calm sea, white sand and clear waters. We got onto our diving boat which was already equipped with air tanks and our diving gear was transported and organized by the porters. We got into our wetsuits and started off with some snorkeling as a warm-up and to let our bodies adapt to the water temperatures. I couldnt believe when I put my face in the water, it was an aquarium down there. I could already spot the clown fish and the lion fish from the surface. Many huge star fishes sticking at the bottom of the sea. Water was crystal clear and unexpectedly warm too. We finally got our BCDs attached to our air tanks and were set for our first dive, we dived in two groups and each one had a dive buddy to pair up for safe diving. The job of a dive buddy is to keep an eye on his buddy and

assist or report to the dive master in case of anything that was not normal with the buddy. My assigned buddy was Lauren and we did all our dives together. We all deflated our BCDs and started our descend along the anchor lines. You need to equalize your ears and sinuses continuously while descending with the increasing pressure of the water to avoid ear squeeze. Ear squeeze is something quite similar to what we encounter during takeoffs and landings of flights due to sudden change in the outside pressures. We were 5 meters under the water and had hit the sea bed. The dive master, Mookz, now started moving east in reference to the face of the ship and soon we reached something which looked like a cliff of a mountain under the water, now once we crossed over the cliff all we could see is deep blue waters and no bottom anymore. The only way to measure our depth now was with our depth gauge. The plan was to go down the cliff, around 20-25m, and then just swim along the cliff, which was actually a coral reef. You have to take extra precautions while diving beyond 10m as your dive time reduces by half with each interval of 10m you descend, here onwards. Also your movement in the Y coordinates is now handled by your lungs, so in simple words to go up, you take a deep breath and your lungs filled with air would make you move up with no movement of your arms or legs. Similarly, to descend, you breathe out completely and soon you start to sink. Your diving course would train you with the basic skills of buoyancy, so should you know them | 34

and have practiced before with you dive master. Our depth gauge now measured 25m and that was the deepest for todays dive. The corals were on our right and it looked like a submerged kingdom of sea jewels. Its a whole different world down there, still and quiet. Sometimes, you see small fish schools with thousands of fishes of your nail size. You see caves, natural bridges crossing over two mountains. Once you feel comfortable under the water, its a whole new world to be explored down there. Our dive lasted for 40 mins and we surfaced, quite far from our dive boat, we flagged the boat crew with inflatable SOS flags about our location, had to inflate the BCD and wait for our boat to come and get us. 1st day we made 3 dives, each time a different experience, discovered something new. The next 2 days were also packed with 3 dives each, the last dive being a shore exit. When we surfaced and swam to the beach, we had surprised faces on the beach, a few flashes going here and there, no doubt, I enjoyed that moment of celebrity status. Some of us even posed with the tourists as a memory for them to take home. On our last evening in Bohol, we went to have dinner in a place run by a Korean couple, which means, guaranteed authentic

Important facts and gures:

1. For diving trips, carrying your own snorkel, fins and mask is advisable from hygienic point of view. Rest of the gear you can rent at $20 USD per day (includes BCD and regulator). 2. Contact the diving resort for the package including the dive masters and air tanks. For us the prices were as below. Price: SGD 2000 including: Return flight tickets -SG/MNL/TAG/MNL/SG - Economy Class 9 day-dives - boat, weight belt, air tank and DM Accommodation - min. 2 persons sharing Breakfast Transportation - airport pick-up/drop-off 3. For scuba diving and diving license: or you can send me an email on getdd7@ if interested. 4. Mask, fins and snorkels: ~ SGD 70 5. Wet suit ~SGD 120-130

Korean food. We shared our pictures that we had managed to take in these 3 days in and out of the ocean. We went out for drinks later and beers and cocktails gushed all over the place that night. We were to leave next afternoon and everyone had already started to miss the place. It had been a great experience to witness the fish and the sea creatures in their natural habitat, an opportunity to see

them in their own homes, in their own world. We left for the airport saying goodbye to our dive master Mookz and the very friendly resort staff. It felt like the return from another world, a kingdom of mermaids and nemos, a submerged paradise.Now I know why lord Ganesha chose to live under the waters than in the skies. I discovered that the heavens could not only be in the skies. Butshhhhh

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Kiran Deshpande

An ofcer & a gentleman

r. Kiran Malhar Deshpande, is a global citizen, who migrated from India in late Eighties. His journey till today has spanned various global Financial Institutes such as Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Credit Suisse & Deutsche Bank assuming senior level of roles. He currently holds the position of a regional director in one of the major Multi-National Corporation. Apart from contributing his management skills and leadership in the corporate world, as an intensely sports loving person, he has been actively involved with invaluable contribution to the development of cricket as a popular sport in Singapore. He represented the Singapores national cricket team for over a decade, which included participation in International Cricket Council (ICC) held world-cup qualifying

tournament on three occasions. He also assumed the responsibility of leading the National team as the Captain; winning some of the prestigious tournaments in the region. After retiring as a player, Kiran served the Singapore Cricket Association as a President, working closely with the worlds leading Cricket Associations. A committed person on all fronts, with an acute sense of social and civic responsibility, Kiran firmly believes that the successful global citizen must strive to find ways to contribute towards repaying the debt of the society the live and thrive in, to the best of their abilities by touching lives and connecting generations to create memories for a life time. Solariz International Pte. Ltd was incorporated by Kiran as a Media Entertainment

company to provide a platform this purpose. SOlariz considers the world as its stage and shall strive to be a trusted name in original presentations. The ultimate goal of Solariz is to provide Event Extraordinaire, Entertainment unlimited with Creativity at its Finest. RELIVE PANCHAM, a purely Instrumental Musical Concert, featuring the finest of the compositions of Pancham, performed by none other than the Original Musicians from his own Troupe at The Esplanade in Singapore was the pioneer event, which led the strong foundation towards this endeavor. Sporting his own cricket team in Singapore Premier League with some prominent international cricketers and legendary Mr. Sunil Gavaskar, Kiran is continuing with his passion, contributing to the development of cricket in Singapore, an iconic destination in South East Asia. Owns a team Eastern Riders who were the champions in the inaugural tournament in 2011. Sanath Jayasurya and Upul Tharana are the players. Producing LAGNA PAHAVE KARUN is

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another feather in Kiran s cap. In Kirans own words LPK is a classic example of drawing a synergy of all likeminded team members towards a common goal of presenting a musical romantic movie for all generations! Lagna Pahave karun, Ek Abhinav Drishtikon

Chase your dream with total conviction. Be adaptive to ever changing environment and be 100 % sincere in your efforts.
Living in Singapore for 25 years. (Citibank transferred me here). We gelled quickly with local culture. Cricket connected me with people with diverse culture and this game has taught me a lot (I,e sportsmanship, leadership, team building etc). Family Wife Vibha, love marriage - in relationship for 35 years. Daughter Devanshi, a final year medical student in UK and a son Sanat, doing NS. As president of sCa- focus on youth development. Singapore has a great potential to reach to a world class level in cricket. Great infrastructure, cricket in grass roots, parents support.. etc Support of SCA and Singapore Sports Council alone is not sufficient, we need MNCs to support, encourage the youth. Written and photographed by Deepak Deshpande | 17

hijras, who are unable to reproduce, have the power to bestow fertility blessings on brides.

A privileged past
Hijras have a recorded history in south-east Asia since the Kama Sutra period, colored with legends, part spiritual and part survival. During Moghal times, hijras were kept as guards to protect royal females, without any risk of sexual overtures towards them. They held sanctioned positions in royal courts and in the homes of the nobility. Nizams and nawabs patronized the hijras by giving them land near the royal palace. Two of the most prestigious families among the hijras are called the Badshahwallas and Wazirwallas - the kings men and the ministers men, respectively. Hindu society found another purpose for hijras, based on the lore about their spiritual powers; male transvestism became a part of several esoteric Hindu ritual practices. Hijras were now welcomed to ceremonies and celebrations as entertainers and good luck charms in south-east Asian families. Hijras are mentioned in the Kama Sutra, which contains an entire chapter on how to receive pleasure from a eunuch. Hijras clearly had an accepted status within Hindu mythology and Islamic culture.

The Last Tinsel Warriors Hijras

Shadow tribe of the Orient

A decayed reminder of Lucknows past, were the transvestites and eunuchs of the ghetto, in womens clothes and with cheap jewelry, making lewd jokes, and begging; the darkness of the sexual urge nding this ritual, semi-grotesque, safe public expression.
VS Naipaul: A million mutinies now

The myth and lore

The hijra lore goes back a long way back. One can trace their origins to myths in Ramayana and Mahabharata. Rama, while leaving for the forest for 14 years, asked his followers, all the `men and women to return to the city. Hijras alone decide to stay with him. Impressed with their devotion, Rama sanctions them the power to confer blessings on auspicious occasions. Many Hindu deities are linked to hijras; such as Arjun, who lived for a year as eunuch, Vishnu, who transformed himself into the most beautiful woman in the world in order to defeat a demon by seducing him, Shiva, who is both male and female, and Krishnas son Samba, who was a homosexual and cross dresser. A dubious present One walks into the impoverished, dark bylanes behind flea markets in glam cities of Bombay and Bangkok, and comes across these old discolored doorways opening into cobbled courtyards. This is where one sees the real person behind the tinsel. Its a tight, secretive community. All hijras are part of one of seven houses which function as a sub continental jointfamily system. Each house has a guru who represents them, is a teacher, as well as a mother. These communities have sustained themselves over generations by adopting young boys who are

ave you experienced them? They always come in a flurry of vibrant color and tinsel, a big, bawdy bunch. Chiffon saris, indiscreet sequined blouses, cheap lipstick, hair oiled and coiled. A cacophony of claps and the rhythmic beat of the Dhol usually mark their arrival. They are the Hijras. Stranger than any elixir, with more secretive myths than any other urban tribe, hijras are a sight generally unique to South-east Asia.Dressed like erratic caricatures, they sing jocular raunchy songs, tell erotic jokes and carry the license to be generally lewd. They walk with a grace hard to fathom and to tell you honestly, if you arent prepared, youre in for quite an experience! Hijras are physiological males who have feminine sex identity. Often perceived as the

THIRD SEX, they are marked by distinctly feminine gestures and clothing. Their presence in society is justified by many Hindu myths. The word hijra is Hindustani, derived from the Arabic root hjr meaning leaving ones tribe. Translated into English as Eunuch or Hermaphrodite where the irregularity of the male genitalia is central to the definition. Considered the harbingers of joy and good luck, their traditional occupation is begging for alms when bestowing blessings on male babies and weddings. Welcomed in homes, to drive away the evil-eye at auspicious occasions of a new birth, marriage or housewarmings, they are handed large quantities of cash for their services as the Devil-Damners, they are nevertheless kept at a safe hands distance. It seems ironic that the

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maintenance of their community. With changing times and gated-dwellings it is increasingly difficult for hijras to earn their livelihood the traditional way. Prejudice makes it difficult for them to get mainstream jobs. More and more of them are turning to human trafficking and drugs. The gravest threat this community faces today is AIDS. It is estimated that one in three hijras in Bombay is HIV positive. Because of their indiscriminate sexual lives, they are like ticking time-bombs. However, around the world, human rights activists are beginning to recognize the rights of transgender people. Gender Identity has to be recognized as a legitimate concept. Strong hate-crime laws, hygienic housing, education and employment opportunities, Legal gender reassignment surgeries, along with strict nondiscrimination laws have to be established. In a landmark judgment in the United Kingdom, 2002, the European Court of Human Rights declared that the U.K. governments failure to alter birth certificates of transsexual people was a breach of the European Convention on

rejected by society. Despite the golden past, hijras have an ambivalent place in society today. They are seen as having the power to confer fertility. However, this power is a doubleedged sword. Apparently, they also have the power to curse a family with infertility and other misfortunes, topped with a generous dash of indecent verbal abuse if forbidden to perform or not paid for their performance. This explains why their social treatment is laced with fear, stigma and distaste. Ostracized by friends and family, they have formed a mysterious parallel universe of sorts. Hijras also earn their living as homosexual prostitutes, essential to the economic

attractive. The potential femme fatale was born!

Human Rights.
Of late the Asian hijra community has begun to mobilize themselves by forming a collective Sangam an organisation working with hijras, kothis and sex workers in Bangalore. Its services include organizing a drop-in centre for hijras and kothis, conducting a series of public rallies and marches, using legal assistance in case of police harassment, and establishing links with other social movements.

Once employed by the sultans, the hijras live today on the fringes of society. They are now among groups with high risk of spreading HIV/ AIDS. They have no safe spaces, where they are protected from prejudice and abuse. This prejudice is translated into violence, often of a brutal nature, in public spaces, police stations, prisons and even in their homes. They have few sources of eking out a livelihood. Yes, it is difficult to warm up to this strange tinsel warrior who blocks our way with exaggerated gestures, a voice so raucous attire so obscene that our immediate response is to shy away. We mutely seethe at this persons audacity in demanding not requesting not begging, mind you but demanding money in lieu of a package deal in blessings. But each one of this strange species of humanity, has a story to share. The story goes that after a eunuch dies the others of the group gives the dead body 27 beatings with their slippers so that the person is never again born as a eunuch.

Are Hijras born or made?

The typical hijra is a man and undergoes ritual removal of the genitals to become a hijra. However, some have other sexually ambiguous backgrounds: they may be born intersexed, fail to develop fully at puberty, have non-functioning reproductive systems. In some cases, children are sold by their parents for money or young boys are kidnapped and castrated. Castration is a grim reality within the structure of the hijra sect. After the Arab attack in the eighth century, castration of males in order to put them on specific jobs began on a large scale. This led to the creation of the third sex the castrated eunuchs. Usually, castration is a crude surgery done in the most unhygienic conditions, threatening health of the patient. It is not permitted by the Indian legal statutes so is done in absolute secrecy by dais. These sexless wonders realized that perversions did exist in society. Many males found them distractingly

The writer is a Graduate in Design, a Creative Entrepreneur, an Artist, a Military Wife and Mother to two lovely daughters. Writing is a passion which she pursues with zeal and loves to mold into words her enriching experience as an Urban Indian, a home-maker, a busy mom, a travel addict and a contemporary woman. Written by Sumati Prabhakaran | 19


Some people have lives, some people have music

you saw these guys on a regular day, at a party, at the park, at the kopitiam or even at work, they would surely pass off as the regular desi expat in Singapore. But there is nothing regular about them when they are together and on stage for that one night it is pure magic! A group of friends got together nine years ago and wondered how they could give utterance to their varied musical talents. They got into a studio and the outcome was the first ever Bandwidth concert. And then year after year for the last nine years Bandwidth has rocked out audiences starting from as small as 80 people in 2004 to a sellout 1400 people in 2012.


Bandwidth owes their success to their unique connect with their audience. They connect through music - music that spans many generations - from Pink Floyd to Maroon 5, from Led Zeppelin to Green day, RD Burman to Shankar Ehsan Loy, and from AR Rahman to..well, it just stops with AR Rahman! They also connect by being just the average person a group of guys with regular day jobs, families, the hopes and the worries and everyday issues and successes donning their rock gear and transcending the ordinary for that one night. The Bandwidth concert night is the big Desi community catch-up night in Singapore. With Old Monk, Johnnie Walker, Wada Pav, and Chicken Tikka Rolls to keep you company, you head into the glass dome venue to Rock to the tunes belted out by Bandwidth. Meet,

mingle, drink and dance with the whos who of Singapore while Bandwidth plays for over 3 hours of non-stop hits. Bandwidth is getting together for their biggest concert to date on the 5th of October 2013 at The Pavilion, Far East Square. Its their 10th Anniversary Concert and it promises to be a night to remember. For an unforgettable night of Sax, Hugs and RocknRoll Bandwidth 2013! See you there! For Tickets: call Dream Catchers at 91855177, or Book Online at Know Your BANDWIDTH (and meet them too) If you know bandwidth, you can even put it on your resume for the next techie job!

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Bipin Balakrishnan Yawn job: Lawyer Rock job: Lead Vocalist Stage Quirk: Costumes BW Laughs at: Bips sorry jokes on stage! Vish Srinivasan Yawn job: Engineer Rock job: Lead Vocalist Stage Quirk: Latin percussion instruments BW Laughs at: Vishy being on Conf calls even during practice! Sameer Dev Yawn job: Banker Rock job: Lead Guitarist Stage Quirk: Multiple branded guitars BW Laughs at: Sam guzzling a carton of milk on stage! Shireesh Joshi Yawn job: Chief Marketing Officer Rock job: Keyboardist Stage Quirk: A strap on keyboard a Keytar BW Laughs at: Strange sounds from Shireeshs keyboards at practice!

Your Dreams, Our Stage

ream Catchers is the only Online Arvind Sankaran Talent discovery platform in Yawn job: Banker Singapore, and perhaps in South Rock job: Drummer/Percussionist East Asia. Find them at www. Stage Quirk: Hands in pocket/ears while In April 2011, singing BW Laughs at: Arvind eating fruit Founder & CEO Shalima Motial came up medley on stage! with the idea of promoting local performing artists on a global basis by using the power of Satchit Joglekar todays Online and Social Media. This is how Yawn job: Sales Director she came up with the innovative idea of Dream Rock job: Drummer/Percussionist Catchers, an online platform to discover and Stage Quirk: Bevy of drumsticks promote artists. BW Laughs at: Satchits attachment to his If you have a desire to Get Global, From phone between songs! Home, all you need to do is submit your talent video online. A panel of judges combined Turjo Mukherjee with popular votes, will surface Top Artists in Yawn job: Business Process each country, in each genre. This way Dream Consultant Catchers aims to accelerate your journey to Rock job: Bass Guitarist fame and discovery. Find this quarters top Stage Quirk: Leftie bass/Bandanas talent on their Top-10 page. The company BW Laughs at: Turjo-isms such as runs cool online contests frequently with minimalistic bass! Ankur Samtaney Yawn job: Business Intelligence Analyst (!!) Rock job: Rhythm Guitarist Stage Quirk: Yet to be discovered BW Laughs at: Ankurs Chinese guitars!

cash prizes to add some fun and immediate ratification. Looking back at the last TWO years since launch, Shalima is proud of her companys achievements helping over 500 artists who are supported by over 13,000 fans on social media. These artists are across various ethnic groups, viz., Chinese, Malay, Indians. In this way she hopes to have made a humble contribution to society by discovering & promoting arts at the grassroots levels. The company has Automated Contest Management to run third party online contests for any Brand within a days notice, with branding, online voting and secure online judging. Dream Catchers have partnered and powered online auditions for SingTel Mio, MediaCorps Radio Masti 96.3FM and NUS. Recently she has expanded the company to Concert Management for great local Bands. The first concert being managed and promoted by Dream Catchers is Bandwidths 10th Anniversary show on 5th Oct 2013. As the team at Dream Catchers say Your Dreams, Our Stage! Heres what some of the artists have to say. Shalima is one of the Finalists for Most Promising Entrepreneur Award by SICCI(Singapores Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. | 21

Beauty and Health

The Opulence of India in Western Fashion

Marches & Chanel go with Indian Inspiration
Through out history, Indias timeless style has effortlessly influenced designers and transformed western fashion. The archetypal sari has graced the bodies of Asian women for centuries, creating an ageless silhouette that is prominently in fashion. Nowadays, saris are infamous for their ability to display more than they conceal; nevertheless, they still radiate femininity, modesty and elegance.

Marchesa previewed their spring 2013 designs at New York Fashion Week this September, their pieces were inspired by the Beatles 1960s experience with the Maharishi. Their collection distinctly captures the essence of India by using the traditional sari/ghagra skirt, heavy embroidery, jewelled embellishments, choli-style tops and kurtas paired with tight pants. The colours ranged from majestic white to regal fuchsia, burgundy and plum. However, it was the Indian 60s elements, the paisley and floral brocades and fringes that refreshed the classic Bollywood style and made it catwalk worthy. The designers Georgia Chapman and Keren Craig expressed that India has a warm place in their hearts and their collection has achieved successful reviews from the press.

Last year, the French fashion house Chanel also showcased an Indian inspired collection. Karl Lagerfelds Paris and Mumbai fusion exuded exotic luxury. This summer, Peter Philips, Creative Director of makeup at Chanel, designed a makeup line entitled Bombay Express. Its purpose is to invoke the image of surreal princesses from an idealised empire. The collection includes dark kohls, shimmering powders and a gold nail colour dubbed Diwali by Peter Philips as a homage to the celebration of light that takes place in India. Indian makeup is iconic enhancing and extending the shape of eyes coupled with a golden glow emulates true Eastern allure. And by using Chanels Noir Le Crayon Khl and smoky Illusion Dombre to enlarge and dramatise the eyes and illuminating the cheeks with Routes Des Indes De Chanel creates the Indian beauty ideal.

Born and bought up in England, UK, Sangeeta has graduated from Queen Mary, University of London with a degree in Literature. A budding writer, she enjoys reading, be it the literary canons or the less intense pages of Cosmopolitan magazine. And after travelling the Far East, USA and Europe she has found the different cultures, traditions and ideas that she has experienced both inspiring and life changing.

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Beauty & Health

Naturopathic Medicine and some tips to combat stress/fatigue

An ancient healing system
are in harmony with natural processes. Second: first do no harm, Naturopaths prefer noninvasive treatments that minimize the risks of harmful side effects. We are trained to know which patients we can treat safely and which ones must be referred to other health care practitioners. Third: Identify and treat the cause, Every illness has an underlying cause, often in aspects of lifestyle, diet, habits of the individual/environmental or emotional. Naturopaths strive to find and remove the underlying cause of disease. We also consider that we are all individuals, 10 people with anxiety, may have 10 different causes and require 10 different treatment strategies. The fourth: Doctor as teacher: A principal part of our medicine is to educate the patient and emphasize self-responsibility for health. Fifth: Treat the whole person, health or disease comes from a complex interaction of physical, emotional, dietary, genetic, environmental, lifestyle and other factors. As naturopaths we treat the whole person, taking all these factors into account. Lastly: emphasize prevention, the naturopathic approach to health care can prevent minor illnesses from developing into more serious or chronic degenerative diseases. It also teaches a healthy lifestyle which can prevent many diseases from developing. In treatment too, there are clear steps in the way we think. The first step is always to remove obstacles to cure. Here we consider many lifestyles factors: sleep, water intake, exercise, diet, exposure to sunshine, stress and maintaining elimination. We look to see if there are certain foods aggravating a patient condition through food intolerance testing, we consider work and relationship stress, and look at environmental toxin exposure. The aim then is to institute a more healthful regimen. If that is not enough, then the second step is to stimulate the body to heal itself. This is done through homeopathy, acupuncture and hydrotherapy. However, some systems require more than just stimulation, some organs are weakened or damaged (e.g. adrenal fatigue) and some systems are blocked or congested (e.g. hepatic detox system). We need to then: Strengthen the immune system, Decrease toxicity, Normalize inflammatory function, Optimize metabolic function, Balance regulatory systems, Enhance regeneration and Harmonize with your life force. This is accomplished through the use of herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation. At other times we need to correct structural integrity. Many structural problems are actually the result from stress on the internal systems e.g. digestive. So no matter how much manipulation or massage is done, the problem will not improve until the underlying condition is treated. However, sometimes the problem is simply structural e.g. due to trauma then Osteopathy, chiropractic and massage is needed. Lastly in more serious conditions, often a combination of natural medicine, pharmaceuticals and surgery is necessary. In this way we can think of how best to combat stress and fatigue. Primary steps which can help are consuming natural unrefined foods, eating a whole foods well balanced diet; high in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, good quality chicken, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds and low in sugar, animal fats, fried foods and white grains. Just changing the way you eat, takes huge stress off the body and helps it cope better with external

Naturopathic medicineblends centuries-old knowledge of natural therapies with current scientific advances in health and human systems. It has its roots in all ancient healing systems. There are six defined principles of Naturopathic medicine which underlie the philosophy. First and the most important: the vis medicatrix naturae or the healing power of nature. Naturopathic medicine believes that the body has the ability to heal itself. Naturopaths work to restore and support these inherent healing systems when they have broken down by using methods, medicines and techniques that

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Beauty & Health

stresses that are harder to control. Furthermore get adequate amounts of good quality water to help the body detox and stay hydrated. Getting adequate amounts of exercise and rest is essential to coping with stress. If you have a stressful job and lifestyle then some of the best forms of exercise are walking, swimming, yoga, pilates or tai chi. Simple rest and living a moderately paced lifestyle is completely underestimated. Give yourself two rest periods a day of 5 to 10 minutes each. Close your eyes and just breathe. Alternatively join a meditation class or buy a visualization CD. Give your body and mind time out. Furthermore cultivate positive feelings and experiences. Listen to music that you love on the way to and from work to relax your mind and enjoy. Watch movies and read books that bring joy to your life. Wake up each day and remember the things you are grateful for. Sleep alot, many people are chronically sleep deprived. Six hours is seen as an acceptable amount of sleep though most people are likely to need more. Research suggests that most people need an average of eight hours a night. Also from a naturopathic perspective every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after midnight. Sleep is the time during which the body rests, regenerates, rejuvenates and processes the day. Even the most insurmountable task can seem easy after a good nights sleep. Connecting to other people socially can help to combat stress, hence the term letting off steam. Being present to the spiritual aspects of life can also help to give perspective to situations. Sometimes though these changes as mentioned are not enough and the body needs extra help. Homeopathy can help to heal the body and help change ones perspective to various stresses. Acupuncture too is a useful treatment to help with relaxation and combat fatigue. After long term stress though sometimes the body needs even more. There are many nutrients that are effective in combating stress and helping with energy. The most important are Vitaminc C and B vitamins. Other energy boosting nutrients are co-enzyme q 10 and l-carinitine. Herbs too are extremely effective. Examples here include Siberian ginseng, rhodiola, gotu kola and ashwaghanda to name a few. But it is also best to get an individualized assessDr Benita Perch is a Naturopathic Physician practicing at IMI in Central and at Discovery Bay Medical Centre in DB on Tuesday afternoons. IMI is Hong Kongs leading holistic health clinic with wide ranges of natural therapies via an integrated approach. She is a general family practitioner and treats all acute and chronic diseases with her own unique mix of homeopathy, herbal medicine and clinical nutrition. E-mail her at for more information.

ment to see which herbs would be most effective for you personally. Naturopathic medicine is a beautiful and effective system of healing for everything to help the body to cope up with stress to cold/ flus to more serious conditions like autoimmune disease and even cancer.

Phenomenal Designs
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Designer-Saira Shafi +65 81681854 | 25

Love & Relationship

Ek Choti si Love Story

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Love & Relationship

Love beyond boundaries

Founders of Dolma Development Fund

Tim and Pooja

Tim was a British investment banker. Pooja was a teacher at the Highland Boarding School in the remote Himalayan town of Dhunche, Nepal. Two worlds that seldom meet. But in 2003, Tim travelled to Nepal, trekking through the mountains. He met a poor girl from a mountain village called Dolma, and decided to sponsor her education. In searching for the best nearby school, he came across the Highland Boarding School and particularly Pooja who managed the boarding hostel. That meeting deeply affected them both but they said nothing to each other. In Nepal's conservative culture of arranged marriages, dating was out of the question. It was only two years later, when Pooja got a job teaching in Singapore, that Tim flew from New York where he was living, and they finally professed their feelings for each other for the first time. Tim moved to Singapore immediately and got a job. Eighteen months later they were married in a spectacular Himalayan ceremony,

with the full blessings of both sets of parents. They now live in Kuala Lumpur where they live in happiness with their two children, Daniel and Benjamin, speaking mostly English with a little Nepali. They consider their totally different cultures as asset for their children that gives them a broader view of the world. Their tip for other cross-cultural couples is to use the diversity as a never-ending source of exploration in each other, rather than an excuse to build barriers. But Daniel and Benjamin weren't the only children to benefit from the union. Tim and Pooja founded the Dolma Development Fund, named after the girl responsible for their meeting. The Dolma Fund (www.dolmafund. org) now provides full education scholarships for thirty five of the poorest children in Nepal. In the future, they plan to bring happiness and success to their own children's lives, while growing the Dolma scholarships to over a hundreds. | 27

Love & Relationship Xxxxx

Enhance your love using the cRYsTal

he crystal or the quartz is considered to be a good source of positive energy. Therefore, it is used for enhancing positive energy. In the Reiki treatment, the crystal is used extensively. The crystal has an important place in feng-shui too. The crystal is a splendid medium of enhancing the energy of the earth-element of house: The crystal, when kept in the southwestern corner of the house, maintain love and understanding among the different members of the family. The crystal kept in this direction of the house makes the chi energy of this area extremely effective and positive which leads to an enhancement of love between the husband and the wife or the lovers. If any young woman is not being able to get married, she must bring this remedy in use. In this way, she can definitely get a good lifepartner under the effect of the chi energy. For this, it is necessary that the south-western corner of the house should be energized by putting up many big crystal &Rose Quartz Grapes etc. On a table in the south-western corner of the house, keep big crystals, crystal balls, crystal grapes and heart- shaped crystals/ rose quartz. Directly over these crystals, keep a table-lamp or a lighted-up bulb. This will help to constant flow of the chi energy of love.

If the crystals are small, then arrange them in the shape of a necklace and wear them round the neck. Remember that small crystals are meant to be worn in the form of a necklace and not for keeping in a corner of the house. Never allow anybody to touch your crystals. Remember that you should always think positively when you are close to the crystals. If you fight, quarrel or talk negatively in the room in wwhich the crystals have been kept, then they begin to give off negative energy and in such a situation, it becomes necessary to make the crystals pure again. To do this, was the crystals properly in salt-water and then, keep them in the sunlight for 3-4 hours If the rainy season is going on at such a time, then keep the crystals in a deep thali and keep them on the roof. The lightning flashing across the sky will fill these crystals with living energy. This is the best way to

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Love & Relationship Xxxxx

energise the crystals. By keeping the crystals & rose quartz in the south-western corner of the house, you definitely make the land-energy of your house very effective and this increases the feelings of brotherhood, unity and understanding among the various members of the family. Make the main Entrance of the House Auspicious Every good or bad energy enters the house through the main entrance only. If the main entrance of your house is in the right direction, at the right angle and built in the proper manner, then everything remains all right. But if it is not so, the inauspicious chi energy can give adverse re results. The adverse atmosphere around the hose also has a bad consequence on your main entrance. The imbalance of elements and of yin as well as yang energies can also cause these bad results. If this happens, it can have an adverse effect on your familys peace, affection, happiness and prosperity, besides leading to bitterness in the relationship. Therefore, to make your life secure, loving, happy and peaceful, have the direction of your house activated and made effective according to the feng-shui. If the main entrance of your house faces the east, then Put up a yellow/golden wind-chime in the northwestern area of the hose. Take car not to have a water-source or a bright in this direction. If the main entrance of your house faces the west, then --Keep a heavy thing made of metal in the western part of your house. It will be good to put up a silver wind chime or stereo system in this direction. This will increase the moments of love in your life. If the main entrance of your house faces the north, then--Make an arrangement of a bright light toward the south-western area of your house. Also, keep a pair of mandarin ducks, rose quartz, heart and picture of loving couples in this zone. If the main entrance of house faces the south, then----Keep auspicious symbols like the crystal, om, swastika, holy cross, etc. To make the chi energy more effective towards the northeastern (Ishan) zone of your house. If main entrance of house faces the south-

east, then---Put up bulbs of light in this zone of the house to make this direction effective. If main entrance of house faces the southwest, then---Keep some natural rock crystals of a big size in this direction to make the familial relationship deeper and more affectionate. If main entrance of house face the north-east (Ishan) then---In the northern direction of the house, keep a water-vessel or have a underground tank or

a reservoir of water made to balance the chi energy in this direction. Also, keep natural rock crystals in the south-western direction. If the main entrance of your house faces the north-west, then To do away with the adverse characteristics of this direction, put up plants and trees in the eastern directions. Source of Article:108 Golden Tips by Pt. Gopal Sharma Compiled by Raju B. Pardeshi | 29

Love & Relationship

Dear Yogita, Dear Amit,

t appears even though your in-laws had initially given consent for an inter-caste marriage; deep down they have not been able to accept you. In retrospect, you have tried your best to keep them happy; you have played your part dutifully. However, when you are not invited to any family functions it matters to you. You are hurt because your husband is not sensitive to your feelings. This is understandable. Yogita let your husband know that you admire him for his love and respect towards his parents. Furthermore, share with your husband the joy of having children, but your fear is if and when you have children they too may not be accepted by the family.

ou have learnt a great and big lesson from your mistakes; consider yourself very fortunate, that your friend has forgiven you. Although, she is back with you she needs some space. In your situation please allow her time to build trust in you. You appear to be impatient and insecure. Sometimes words are meaningless, your actions should speak louder than the words. There are outside things to back up the inside feelings: look in the eye, tender notes in the voice, do little favours and demonstrate kindness; this is all real evidence of love. Stay honest and if it is meant to be it will happen. Best wishes Amit Hi aunty, do you think its ever a good idea to tell someone that you like them if they are already in a relationship? I like someone but he has a girlfriend. But he seems like hes in a relationship with her more out of habit at this point. Im not sure whether even approaching the subject would be good though. Thanks From : Rishita ( pasir ris ) Dear Rishita,

Aunty MVP
Share your love and relationship problems with Aunty, she knows it all!

On the other hand if he has accepted his parents way of them keeping you at bay then, respect his views and be happy with your husband. At the end of the day what really matters is your healthy and happy relationship with your spouse. Remember that men cant always identify emotions as quickly as women can. In time, he will begin to see things from your perspective. Therefore, dont deprive yourself of his love and attention towards you. In addition, this should not stop you from having a child. A child may bring the family together, start planning and enjoy your motherhood. Best wishes Hi aunty, Im Amit. there is this girl who I met over the internet 3 years ago but at that time I have lied her about my identification (Name, Age & Shown others pics), day passed & I started to like her but I had no guts to tell her who I am but once I have send her e-mail from my Main ID & she found out my name and all, she shattered very bad & we loss touch, I begged her to forgive me but she didnt stay. Now, she has finally forgive me & We are good friends only till today I love her only no one else, but I dont know how to make her believe that how much she means to me, sometimes I tell her but she gets mad, I want her in my life aunty, please help me. I cant live without her, tell me what to do. I will do anything to make her mine no matter what it takes Amit (Serangoon)

sk yourself how would you feel if someone grabbed your boyfriend. You are absolutely right it is not a good idea to approach him. Dont label yourself as boyfriend grabber. Just move on, someone special will walk into your life.

Hello Aunty, Im married to a dysfunctional family who does not accept me. Its has been years & every year is a huge acknowledgement not being a part of any function nor invited by my in-laws, because we are not from the same caste although it was arrange marriage. I have done everything to keep my in-laws happy but they were seems to be happy. My husband finds nothing wrong in it & he ends up saying they have their own life for him his family comes first & I feel Im no where near his priorities. I want to have kids one day but the reality is I have been married to a family like this & I dont want my kids to grow up with such atmosphere Please help me, what to do. Yogita (name changed on request) Ang mo kio

Aunty, My name is Niti. I belong to a very strong family background but recently I have got married to a guy back in india. Everything was going good but the thing is I get anger very quick im very short temper girl, I want to fix everything between me & my in-laws but I left their house and came back saying Get your son married somewhere else which my divorce paper are issued I want to live a normal life I know nothing can be fixed but is there any way this could be solved then pls do help me out. I would be so glad to you. Thank you aunty from:Niti(Punggol) Dear Niti, olding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

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Love & Relationship

You have to remember anger is a completely normal, usually healthy human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to various problems personally and professionally it can make you feel as though youre at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. When youre angry, your thinking can get very exaggerated and overly dramatic. You have admitted that you are a shorttempered person. Simple relaxation tools, such as deep breathing and relaxing imagery, can help calm down angry feelings. There are books and courses that can teach you relaxation techniques. Therefore, first you need to take control of yourself. Secondly, does your family support your drastic step? If yes, then what is your long-term plan? Stay single or get married? If you wish to remain single, you perhaps need to work and support yourself or maybe you come from an affluent household; then too it is your loss, your anger may be a hindrance at work or home front. DEFINITELY YOU NEED TO WORK ON IT! In addition, do you want to save your marriage? If so, please swallow your ego and try to work on your marriage it is never too late. If you choose to remarry dont expect anyone to tolerate your anger. My suggestion to you is that rethink all the odds and list them; when you are in a calm mood, ponder on them and see what your inner voice says. You will find solution within you. Best of luck! Namestey Aunty, I have been married for a while now & my wife wants to move out and doesnt want to live with my parents but I cant think of leaving my mom behind just like that. Pls let me know how can I explain to my wife about this. From : Navinkumar(Kovan) Dear Navinkumar, n todays time most married women want to live separately, it is sad but true. I am not sure how is your wifes relationship with your parents. Is it you are worried about both your parents or is it just your MOM. I suggest sit and reason with your wife. Try to take an approach that is diplomatic and not critical Discuss about your finance, your duty towards your parents their emotions. Advantages and disadvantages of living separately, remind her that she may be soon the grandmother of your children. To maintain a cordial, amicable relationship is important to your own off springs. But if there are major issues between both the women then you have to reconsider. Hi aunty, Im in love with a girl over the internet but I have never met her. I am soon going to meet her next month & it will be our first meeting and we have decided to tell our families after that. I wanted to know if I am rushing? Because I believe she is the right girl for me & Im willing to do anything for her. Our mutual understanding is very strong but as long distance required lots of patience but she get angry very fast as she has short temper and says things she doesnt mean it. I wanted to know how to keep her clam & happy and what should I do when I see her? Because we are meeting first time but know each other since a very long time. Really confuse Komal(Bedok) Dear Komal,

nger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. - Mark Twain A person who is short tempered can create major problems in your life. However, healthy anger is completely normal. Take time to get to know her better. Find out what makes her angry? Is her anger valid? Reason with her. You can very politely and respectfully let her know that her anger disturbs you and she should work on it. Besides, getting to know someone on the Internet; constructs a different perception than in person. I think you shouldnt rush into any kind of commitment. Remember a man cant eat anger for breakfast and sleep with it at night and not suffer damage to his soul. - Garrison Keillor Aunty MVP is an imaginery gure created by the editor. Answers to all the questions are given by a professional counsellor who helps several families around the world to gure out their problems with love and relations. The respected person does not wish to disclose her identity for personal reasons. | 31

Buzz in Town

Singapore Indoor Cricket

3 teams to the Masters World Cup of Indoor Cricket in Johannesburg, South Africa from 20-26th October.
Singapores small community of Indoor cricketers received a massive boost in February 2013 when the country was accepted as an affiliated member of the World Indoor Cricket Federation (WICF). This means the island state are now eligible to compete in all WICF events from 2013 onwards. Due to the overwhelming response and a good pool of talent, Singapore Indoor Cricket, under the auspices of the Singapore Cricket Association (SCA), have decided to send 3 teams to the Masters World Cup of Indoor Cricket in Johannesburg, South Africa from 20-26th October. Singapore will have their work cut out for them, competing with the likes of World Champions Australia, along with seasoned campaigners, New Zealand, England and South Africa. Fellow Asians, India and Sri Lanka complete the line-up. More than 35 cricketers representing the over 30s, 35s and 40s teams have been training hard for months now in preparation for Singapores first foray into international indoor cricket since being accepted as an affiliated member of the World Indoor Cricket Federation (WICF) in early 2013. Indoor Cricket is a smaller, more compact version of its outdoor cousin. The game is played in a tightly tensioned rectangular court in either an 8 or 6-a-side format with players scoring by hitting various zones in the court. The game is played in a fast and furious tempo with every player mandated to bat and bowl. One of those selected is Shehzad Haque, founder and Managing Director of Seasoned Pro, the sports events and marketing firm that effectively started indoor cricket in Singapore with the countrys first and only indoor cricket leagues back in 2009. Haque is part of the over 35s team and will create history as the first Singaporean to represent his country in both indoor and outdoor cricket. Its incredibly exciting to be playing international cricket again after a 12-year break. Im so proud of how far indoor cricket has come in such a small space of time and we aim to keep the momentum going. Our entry into the WICF gives this sport so much more credibility and importantly shows kids theres a pathway to play at the highest level, he added. Other future WICF events include the 2014 World Cup in New Zealand and 2015 Junior World Series (U16, U14, U12 boys and girls) and the aim is for Singapore to participate regularly in all these tournaments as well as play bilateral series against neighbours India and Sri Lanka who themselves have a burgeoning Indoor Cricket scene. Singapore currently only has about 350 indoor cricketers, no dedicated training/playing facility and the prohibitive cost of approximately $4000 per player to participate in South Africa so their drawn-out search for a sponsor continues. Despite all this, the players are very keen to embark upon a once-ina-lifetime opportunity. "How often can you say you've played against the likes of Sri Lanka, India and Australia? That's a great story and something you'll never forget. Certainly I can see myself talking about it with my grandkids one day, " said Balaji Manoharan, vice-captain of the over 35s team. While the odds are heavily stacked against Singapore, they are bolstered by the presence of a top-class coach, Paul Botterill, who coached New Zealand in 3 World Cups. He is now a resident here and it was his connections with the WICF that started the World Cup dream. Having previously been to three World Cup Finals with New Zealand, I am looking forward to this as the greatest challenge. Can the little island without a purpose-built venue beat one of the sports super powers in an Indoor Cricket match? Its truly a David vs Goliath scenario and one that will require all the efforts and support we can muster to achieve. I know the local players are determined to learn quickly and to try and create a

first International cricket victory for Singapore over one of these countries, said Botterill. Singapore is further boosted by the presence of High Performance Director, Mark Cini, who not only is a former WICF President, but he also captained New Zealand in 3 Masters World Cups and the players will be banking on his 30 years of experience in Indoor Cricket. Cini flies in to Singapore once a month to conduct camps and, like everyone else going to South Africa, will be self-funded. "These guys have come on in leaps and bounds in such a short space of time. We have to remember that only a handful of them have ever played competitive indoor cricket, let alone at an international standard. They'll be up against guys who've been playing the sport since they were 8 years old! So what they lack in experience, they're more than making up in enthusiasm and hopefully what I've imparted to them will help them during the tournament," said Cini. As a sign of solidarity in welcoming the newest member of the Indoor fraternity, the Australian National Indoor Cricket Teams (Mens and Womens) were in Singapore from September 25-27th to give training tips and words of advice to the players. It proved invaluable in the preparations for the Masters World Cup tournament. All of this will culminate in a special sendoff dinner with jersey presentation for the players on Oct 7th at OLearys Sports Bar and Grill. The latest development is that the story of this fairy-tale story is being filmed by award-winning documentarian Avi Mohla who hopes to show this on various platforms including Fox Sports and Super Sports Arena as well as film festivals. The unprecedented exposure will be a massive boost for the sport. "Indoor Cricket is tailor made for the busy people of Singapore. An average game takes about an hour, the weather will never be an issue and it's inexpensive to play. We're hoping our World Cup adventure inspires more people, especially kids, to play the sport." For more information on Singapore Indoor Cricket and the Australian Team training camp, please contact Team Manager, Neeraj Sundarajoo by either email: or phone 91914138. If you would like to join the Indoor Cricket League, please contact Karthick karthick.s@seasonedprosg,com

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Buzz in Town

Namastaey India
Bringing you different avors of India under one roof

e see, define and present Namastaey India as a traditionally rich potpourri labeled as authentic North Indian Food, Jain Food, Marwari cuisine, Gujarati delicacies, Satvik Food. Here, your taste is our priority. This potpourri surely whiffs out mouthwatering aroma of true Indian spices, recipes of delicious south Indian dishes, seasons and flavors from the traditional roots of cooking in northern part of India. And, we never forget to put LOVE in this potpourri. Famous for its savory flavors, rich authentic food and professional serving, Namastaey India has manifested its presence in Singapore. But, the introduction of this elite food chain doesnt stop here because it is more than just a food joint. It is the mirror of north Indian culture. Greeting the guests with Namastaey, a great salute in Indian style to the visitors is the theme of this food joint. That certainly justifies its brand name. You are in the right place and you will definitely going to enjoy your meal.. Live your passion for food genuinely & vividly at Namastaey India because its the passion that boosts you up to enjoy every mouthful of lifes taste. Faithful & professional CATERING SERVICES is heart of every event being organized. Whenever people leave a party, its the savor of delicious dining experience they had on their tongues, which tells how successful the party was. Occasion might be any, house warming, birthday, anniversary, wedding, kitty party, corporate event, personal event or communal event; caterers need to be hired smartly and neatly to ensure grand success of the party. Namastaey Indias reliable and smart catering solutions can live up to your expectations and turn your party into a huge gastronomy experience. Specialized in delicious and genuine North Indian vegetarian food, we ensure rich essence of north India in the platters we serve. This will let your invited guests have a great dining experience of rich and extravagant Indian cuisine, which has aroma of scintillating spices and secret of traditional cooking dissolved in it. We have experienced and trained workforce working on professional standards to cook and serve food to your valued guests.

Call us to cater your following events with our mouthwatering and rich Indian taste: House warming event Birthday / Anniversary celebrations Chef at your own kitchen Kitty party / Private events Corporate meets, launches & conferences Seminars / Training events etc. We unfold multiple choices in terms of major food items, trending north Indian dishes and sweets. Timeliness, professionalism and quality excellence are our specialties to serve our clientele perfectly. | 33


South Asian Faces of Singapore

Show yourself

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Faces | 35


October 2013
ARIES:- Ganesha says Events move at a furious pace and you have to cover a lot of ground. This is a very productive period and you will be busier than ever. You exhibit great skills at work and bond with loved ones. There is travel and mounting costs and many visitors. There may be shortcomings in your plans and a financial crunch. It may be a good idea to be discreet and low-key in your activities, particularly with financial matters. Dont trust others too much. TAuRuS:- You pass through several testing emotional moments. The new love interest keeps you on your toes. There is melodrama in your life. From money and material assets, the focus shifts to the domestic set-up. You are keen to enhance and improve your family and social interactions in a big way. There are partnerships, religious ceremonies, meetings and interviews and you come out with flying colours. If interested in any sort of partnership or business /collaborations / connections, this is the right time. GEmINI:- You come out with guns blazing.
There is a lot on your plate and you will have a lot to cope with, especially continued pressure at work. There could be many changes on the domestic scene; what these are likely to be, I am not in a position to say in a general forecast. I will need personal details for that. But there will be growth in parental ties and duties, and a new attitude of pooling, caring and sharing. There will be deep bonding.

LEO:- You move to more stable ground. You have gained belief in yourself and faith in those you care for. You learn to take setbacks calmly, especially when plans dont quite work out the way you had anticipated and friends dont live up to your hopes and dreams. You have the ability to change the situation with your own efforts and dont allow delays, problems or snags to hold you back. You have the vision and perseverance to achieve magical results at work. There is applause and you spruce up your persona. VIRGO:- Life now is large and fabulous.
You think big and plan big. You also execute big. You recently embarked on a programme of self-improvement and now you are ready to claim your treasure chest. There is a great desire to work harder, earn more and build assets. You are satisfied with life and there are massive gains in business. You meet up with old and new friends, and social and family activities will be most pleasurable as both, work and pleasure come together beautifully for you.

SAGITTARIuS:- This is a period of ideas

and growth. There is harmony at home and accolades, rewards and awards at work. You can pull a rabbit out of the hat. This is a magical period and Ganesha hopes that you make the most of it. Mercury, the mighty planet, is all-powerful. It favours travels/ meetings/conferences/ interviews/ trips/ more brain power/ contacts/ communication/ correspondence/contracts. Mercury has a special connection with the circuits of the brain. Chess, crossword and other such games belong to Mercury.

CAPRICORN:- You are in full flow and

there is rampant progress in your affairs. The time has come for you to look at new decisions at work and play. You realise the necessity of steady work and income and look for new ways to augment earnings. You have a burning desire to achieve at the highest levels and you seriously look at new lines of business, a crash course, higher study and research, even accessing the internet to forge fresh links with the world. You understand well the great uses of technology and social networking and make the most of it.

LIBRA:- There is passion and new liaisons.

You play the field as though tomorrow would never come by. You look back in satisfaction at the growth in every sphere of your life and there is a glow of contentment. You experience the pleasure of a bright, new image, feelings of self-worth, gains in money matters and personal assets. You realise that success is valid only if it apparent and visible. You revamp your finances and it leads to greater prosperity.

AQuARIuS:- There is travel on the cards

and you will be meeting many new people and making several profitable associations. In your decision-making, you have to focus on determining the right directions for the future. There are happy times at home with greater bonding with relatives, family members, parents and children. New enterprises and projects will materialize, but you will have to work hard and see to their completion. Some relationships and/ or professional interactions could turn sour. People you interact with will blow hot and cold.

CANCER:- You are in a whirl of new ideas.

Having experienced the joys of togetherness and closeness with people, you will focus now on group and shared activities, visits to amusement parks, clubs, even the disco and the races. There will be congenial and pleasant company. Your own changed persona will contribute greatly to the happy atmosphere. You have come a long way emotionally and discarded old opinions and dogmatic attitudes. You have become a much easier person to get along with. You find the time to relax, take a breather, entertain and be amused.

SCORPIO:- There are several soft and

emotional moments and deep, intimate bonding with your special partner. If newly married, this will be a blissful period. You realise that life needs the sweet smell of money to enhance and enrich it. Therefore, finances, funding, capitalraising, investments come to the fore and you are aware of the need to handle them imaginatively and well. You will also focus on building strong family ties, bonds of love and caring. You know that both areas can be interdependent and so you turn your attention and efforts to the house, home and property once again. Buying and selling is all important.

PISCES:- You know quite clearly the

activities that will lead you to progress and happiness, and so focus all your attention on them. You fix your mind on much higher levels now as you look at vistas far removed from the mundane chores of work and family. Education and research will draw you like a magnet, and travel will be a great education broadening your horizons literally and figuratively. You want to expand your mind and grow as a human being.

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November 2013
Very special thanks to Bejan Daruwalla Sir for his continued support and blessings towards A-Desiava Magazine.

ARIES:- Ganesha says this is an emotional period and many maudlin thoughts travel through your mind. But this phase is a great one as there will be gains on many fronts and happiness in love. There will be marvellous results at work too. You are much more sympathetic, warm and caring, and make it a point to understand your own limitations and the other persons point of view. There is money to be made and your mood is upbeat and euphoric. TAuRuS:- You look for peace of mind amidst all this frenzy. Your spiritual strength will stand you in good stead as you cope with the world. There could be some health challenges and it will be necessary to take adequate rest. You could check out a health resort or yoga, meditation and deep breathing. You have been pushing too hard. Once again, this can be an expensive and demanding phase. There will be postponements and cancellations and delays along with compromises. GEmINI:- These are grand times and you
must seize every opportunity. You may be swept off your feet by a potential lover. You are not excited by the person per se but by something within yourself that you are projecting upon him or her. When you finally learn the truth about the other person, you may have difficulty accepting the person and your fatal attraction. But that is how life is with its many mysteries and surprises. They just never seem to stop. These are exciting times and you must savour each mouthful to the fullest.

this period. You live a lot in a fantasy world. By avoiding confrontations with real people, you also avoid a confrontation with yourself. You do this precisely because you fear that you will be the loser. Yet a real confrontation is just what you need. If you persist in any of these relationships, you will have to confront both yourself and your partner as real individuals. That will be the real test of the relationship.

good move as you are tired of the boring and the mundane which has dominated most of the recent past. You may have got into a rut and this is the time to get out of it and make new forays into the big, wide world. There will be new opportunities or a piece of good luck that seems to have emerged out of the blue and taken you by surprise.

CAPRICORN:- Your partner and you

have a holiday together at some exotic location. You love the bonding and take the relationship to the next level if you are not already married. There is a lot of work too, it is not all love and play, and all your actions are governed by a strong sense of integrity. You are ambitious but also very ethical and set high standards. Loosely translated this means that you will not accept bribes, haftas, chai paani, baksheesh or under the table rewards.

VIRGO:- There will be many types of

meetings that make you wiser and more mature and have a broader understanding of the world. You will reach out consciously and unconsciously and ask more of the world; along with this, you are also prepared to give more of yourself to the world. This trend makes you feel either more demanding or more giving towards others. According to the law of conservation of energy in the universe, you can transform the energies in your life from one form to another.

AQuARIuS:- There is profitable travel and

new business associations. But there could be some trouble on the domestic front. There may be a bitter divorce or the termination of a long and meaningful relationship. There could be messy litigation and a loss of money and prestige. You will be in deep stress and it is time to look after your health. The domestic scene will take up most of your time.

LIBRA:- There is travel on the cards and

new ideas and people to flirt with. Many old flames and friends from the past come into your life. There will be new circumstances that give you increased freedom or an opportunity to do something that you have never done before. There will be opportunities for higher education and travel. Sometimes this influence also brings about financial gains.

PISCES:- You feel trapped and in several

minds wondering what to do and how to move ahead and in which direction. There are many changes happening in your life now and there is an enormous revolution in your consciousness. You are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. Many new vistas open up magically and suddenly before you and may include the occult or metaphysics, astrology, magic and altered states of consciousness.

SCORPIO:- There is stability but along with

it are many new influences. You have a strong need to express yourself by doing something that is different from your normal routine. It is not that you want to rebel but you definitely do not want the status quo to continue. You need to experience a new kind of freedom in your life and to discover dimensions of living that you have not known before. You are keen on taking risks but just make sure that they are calculated ones. You may search for higher realities, for inner truth on the metaphysical or philosophical level.

CANCER:- You live large and attract many

liaisons, some of which can be dangerous. You could be attracted to an unattainable person. You may be setting yourself up for a situation in which you cannot win as the person you have set your sights on appears to be an unrealisable dream. You will be torn by several emotions. Should you continue and push ahead or should you withdraw? You attract attention with your actions and become the source of wonderment and, maybe, even envy.

SAGITTARIuS:- This is moon time and

you should make the most of it. You are much more receptive to new ideas now. You look for more novelty, more originality, and this is a

LEO:- Relationships are the central theme of | 37


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