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Proper and Common

Read the sentences given below: I am a girl. My name is Mary. Both girl and Mary are nouns. When we say girl, it can be any girl. However when we say Mary, we say about one particular girl. So girl is a ommon noun. Mary is a !roper noun. Remember:" # proper noun always begins with a capital. $ohn, %ine, &rance. # common noun begins with a capital only i' it is the 'irst word o' a sentence. Click on the following links to download the exercises : ( re)uires #dobe #crobat reader * %ouns " !roper" common " + " ,-th $ul, ,... #nswers to %ouns " !roper"common " + " ,-th $ul, ,... /inds o' %ouns " !roper nouns and

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ommon nouns " 0 " ,,nd $un, ,... /inds o' %ouns " !roper nouns and ommon nouns " , " ,,nd $un, ,...

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Collective 4ouns
# group o' people " crowd # group o' sheep " 'loc1 # noun which denotes a set o' persons, animals, birds or things is called a ollective noun" rowd, &loc1 etc. are collective nouns. Click on the following Web
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ollective nouns " + " ,-th $ul, ,... #nswers to ollective nouns " + " ,-th $ul, ,... /inds o' %ouns " ollective nouns " 0 " ,,nd $un, ,... /inds o' %ouns " ollective nouns " , " ,,nd $un, ,...

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+bstract 4ouns

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2his beggar is a small child. His childhood is steeped in poverty

2his is a poor beggar. !overty ma1es him beg.

2he child laughs when the man gives him money. His laughter will ma1e the man happy.

In the 'irst picture we can see that the beggar is a small child. What is the state o' the child3 hildhood. %ouns, which show the states o' people li1e childhood, slavery etc. are called #bstract %ouns. Here abstract nouns are 'ormed 'rom common nouns li1e child and slave. In the second picture, the beggar is described as poor. What ma1es him beg3 !overty. %ouns, which show )ualities li1e poverty, 1indness etc. are also, #bstract %ouns. #bstract nouns are 'ormed here 'rom ad4ectives li1e poor and 1ind. In the third picture the child laughs when it gets the money. What action does the child show3 5aughter. %ouns, which show actions li1e laughter, movement etc., are #bstract %ouns too. Here abstract nouns are 'ormed 'rom verb li1e" laugh and move.

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/inds o' %ouns " #bstract " + " ,-th $ul, ,... #nswers to /inds o' %ouns " #bstract " + " ,-th $ul, ,... /inds o' %ouns " #bstract " , " ,,nd $un, ,... /inds o' %ouns " #bstract " 0 " ,,nd $un, ,...

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#aterial 4ouns

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Miss 1itty has a bag in her hand.

2he bag is made o' cloth. Which material is used to ma1e Miss /itty6s bag3 2he material used to ma1e Miss /itty6s bag is cloth. So cloth is a Material noun. Click on the following links to download the exercises : ( re)uires #dobe #crobat reader * /inds o' %ouns " Material %ouns " 0 " ,,nd $un, ,...

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#aterial and Common


7ou have learnt about both material and common nouns. Some nouns can be used both as material and common nouns. &or e.g. 0. Bowbow plays on the sand. ,. Bowbow6s castle is made o' sand. In the 'irst sentence, we are tal1ing about sand as a thing (ob4ect* and not a material. Here sand is a common noun. In the second sentence, sand is the material used to ma1e Bowbow6s castle. Here sand is a material noun. Remember: " # material noun becomes a common noun i' there is an article be'ore it (e.g. the sand* or i' the noun is in the plural. Click on the following links to download the exercises : ( re)uires #dobe #crobat reader *

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/inds o' %ouns " Material and ommon %ouns " ,,nd $un, ,...

nouns | verbs | pronouns | adjectives | adverbs | prepositions | conjunctions | interjections | singular/plural | genders | opposites | puzzles

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Countable and 5ncountable

%ouns li1e girl, pen etc can be counted. We can say two girls and 'our pens. However we cannot count nouns li1e water, sand etc. We cannot say 'our waters or three sands. %ouns which can be counted are called ountable %ouns. %ouns which cannot be counted are called 8ncountable %ouns.

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#nswers to %ouns " ountable

8ncountable " 9 " ,-th $ul, ,... %ouns " ountable 8ncountable " 9 " ,-th $ul, ,... %ouns " ountable 8ncountable " + " ,,nd $un, ,... %ouns " ountable 8ncountable " , " ,,nd $un, ,... %ouns " ountable 8ncountable " 0 " ,,nd $un, ,...

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Gender 0 #asculine6 7eminine6 4euter

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Both nouns and pronouns have three genders " masculine, 'eminine neuter. In the 'irst picture we see a man. # man belongs to masculine gender. In the second picture we see a woman. # woman belongs to 'eminine gender. In the third picture we see a chair. # chair belong to neuter gender. "he table below shows some nouns which belong to the three genders3 masculine 'eminine neuter gender gender gender aunt, neice, uncle, table, mother, nephew, boo1, grand 'ather, grand pen, mother, 'ather, lion, pencil, lioness, she" elephant, chair, elephant, peacoc1. car peahen.

"he table below shows the pronouns which are part of the three genders3 masculine 'eminine neuter gender gender gender he, his, him she, her it, its

#ll plants, trees and 'lowers belong to the neuter gender. 2he pronouns it and its which belong to the neuter gender are o'ten used to re'er to animals and birds. eg 2his is a dog. It bar1s loudly. #ll non"living beings are part o' the neuter gender.

Click on the following links to download the exercises : ( re)uires #dobe #crobat reader * :enders :enders :enders :enders :enders :enders " " " " " " ; 0 , + 9 < " " " " " " ,,nd ,,nd ,,nd ,,nd ,,nd ,,nd $un, $un, $un, $un, $un, $un, ,... ,... ,... ,... ,... ,...

Click on the links below to learn more about Genders:0 2he ommon :ender

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