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Center for Academic Success

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Mathematics Success Tips Series: !symptotes

"#arnin$" %he in&ormation $iven here is not $iven in technical mathematical de&initions and is not the complete 'nowled$e that yo need. (nstead it attempts to $ive a basic nderstandin$ o& the concept sin$ non-ri$oro s terms.

!n asymptote is a line that a $raph $ets closer and closer to) b t never to ches or crosses it. %here are three main types o& asymptotes that & nctions may have: hori*ontal) vertical) or obli+ e. ,sin$ the conditions set &orth) yo may be able to determine where the asymptotes e-ist.

Horizontal Asymptotes o (& the denominator has a hi$her de$ree than the n merator) then y.0 is yo r hori*ontal asymptote.
1 4- - 0 %he hi$hest de$ree o& the n merator is to the power o& 0. %he hi$hest de$ree o& the denominator is to the power o& /. %here&ore) the hori*ontal asymptote is y = 0. &(-) =

(& the de$rees o& both the n merator and denominator are the same) then the coe&&icients o& the two hi$hest de$rees will be where the hori*ontal asymptote e-ists.
2- / + - + 4 - / 6- + 3 %he hi$hest de$ree o& the n merator is to the power o& /. %he coe&&icient is 2. %he hi$hest de$ree o& the denominator is to the power o& /. %he coe&&icient is 1. 2 %here&ore) the hori*ontal asymptote is y = or y = 2. 1 &(-) =

(& the n merator has a hi$her de$ree than the denominator) then there is an nde&ined asymptote.
2- / + /- 1 - 7 %he hi$hest de$ree o& the n merator is to the power o& 2. &(-) = %he hi$hest de$ree o& the denominator is to the power o& 1. %here&ore) the hori*ontal asymptote is nde&ined.

4y 5ina 6ehmani on //10//01/

Vertical Asymptotes o 7et the denominator o& yo r & nction e+ al to *ero and solve. %he val e(s) yo $et will be where the vertical asymptote(s) e-ist.
2(- - /)(- +0) (& we set the denominator to *ero) then we wo ld $et : ( - - /)(- +0) = 0 &(-) = (& - - / = 0 then - = / (& - +0 = 0 then - = -0 %here&ore) the vertical asymptotes are at - = / and - = -0

Oblique or Slant Asymptotes o 7lant asymptotes only e-ist when the n merator has a hi$her de$ree than the denominator. 8ivide the n merator with the denominator with either lon$ division or synthetic division. %he + otient will be yo r slant asymptote (yo can i$nore the remainder).
2- / + /- 1 - / %he hi$hest de$ree o& the n merator is to the power o& /. &(-) = %he hi$hest de$ree o& the denominator is to the power o& 1. ,sin$ synthetic division) &ind the + otient. / 2 2 / 8 1 16 10 6

%he + otient is y = 2- +8 with a remainder o& 10. %here&ore) the slant asymptote is y = 2- +8.

4y 5ina 6ehmani on //10//01/

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