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Chemistry, 6e (McMurry/Fay) Chapter 13 Chemical Equilibrium 13.

1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Which one of the following statements does not describe the equilibrium state? ) !quilibrium is d"namic and there is no net con#ersion to reactants and products. $) %he concentration of the reactants is equal to the concentration of the products. C) %he concentration of the reactants and products reach a constant le#el. &) %he rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the re#erse reaction. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.1 %he !quilibrium (tate )) %he equilibrium equation is also *nown as the law of ) coefficients. $) constant concentration. C) d"namic equilibrium. &) mass action. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 3) Which of the following statements is false regarding the equilibrium constant, Kc? ) Kc for a reaction at a particular temperature alwa"s has the same #alue. $) Kc for the re#erse reaction is the negati#e of Kc for the forward reaction. C) %he numerical #alue of Kc depends on the form of the balanced equation. &) When quoting Kc it is customar" to omit units. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c -) Which statement about the equilibrium constant is true? %he #alue of Kc ) changes as product concentration changes. $) changes as reactant concentration changes. C) changes as temperature changes. &) ne#er changes. nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c .) /f Kc is the equilibrium constant for a forward reaction what is +c0 for the re#erse reaction? ) - Kc $) Kc C) 1Kc)-1 &) none of these nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c

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5) /f Kc is the equilibrium constant for a forward reaction, ) $, what is +c0 for the reaction - )$? 1 ) Kc ) $) Kc C) ) Kc &) 1Kc)) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 6) Write the equilibrium equation for the forward reaction' ) C7- 1g) 8 3 9) 1g) ) C9 1g) 8 - 7)9 1g) );C9< 8 -;7 )9< ) Kc : );C7 - < 8 3;9) < );C7 - < 8 3;9) < $) Kc : );C9< 8 -;7 )9< ;C9<);7 )9<C) Kc : ;C7 - <) ;9) <3 ;C7 - <) 8 ;9) <3 &) Kc : ;C9<) 8 ;7 )9<nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c =) Write the equilibrium equation for the reverse reaction' ) C7- 1g) 8 3 9) 1g) ) C9 1g) 8 - 7)9 1g) );C9< 8 -;7 )9< ) +c0 : );C7 - < 8 3;9) < );C9- < 8 3;9) < $) +c0 : );C9< 8 -;7 )9< ;C9<) ;7 )9<C) +c0 : ;C7 - <) ;7 )9<;C7 - <) 8 ;9) <3 &) +c0 : ;C9<) 8 ;7 )9<nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c

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>) ?itric o@ide reacts with o@"gen to form nitrogen dio@ide' ) ?91g) 8 9)1g) ) ?9)1g) What is Kc for the forward reaction if the equilibrium concentration of ?9 is 3.)33 M, 9) is 3.133 M, and ?9) is 3.).3 M at ).AC? ) =.33 B 13-) $) 5.-1 B 13-) C) 1).. &) 1..5 nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 13) ?itric o@ide reacts with o@"gen to form nitrogen dio@ide' ) ?91g) 8 9)1g) ) ?9)1g) What is KcC for the re#erse reaction if the equilibrium concentration of ?9 is 3.333 M, 9) is 3.)33 M, and ?9) is 3..33 M at ).AC? ) 3.33-3 $) 3.35-1 C) 3.5)&) 1..5 nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 11) mi@ture of carbon mono@ide, h"drogen, and methanol is at equilibrium. %he balanced chemical equation is' C91g) 8 )7)1g) C73971g). t ).3AC, the mi@ture contains 3.3>53 M C9, 3.1>1 M 7), and 3.1.3 M C7397. What is the #alue for Kc? ) ).33 B 13-) $) 3.)-C) -.3> &) -).= nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 1)) Di#en the reaction' ) 7/ 7) 8 /). /f KcC for the re#erse reaction is 1.=. B 13-) at -).AC, what is +c for the forward reaction at the same temperature? ) -1.=. B 13-) $) 1.=. B 13-) C) 3.63 B 13-) &) .-.1 nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c

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13) Eor the reaction' ?)1g) 8 ) 9)1g) ) ?9)1g), Kc : =.3 B 13-13 at ).AC. What is the concentration of ?) gas at equilibrium when the concentration of ?9) is twice the concentration of 9) gas? ) ).1 B 13-13 M $) -.) B 13-13 M C) ).- B 13> M &) -.= B 13> M nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 1-) /f +c : 6.3- B 13-) for the reaction' ) 7$r1g) 7)1g) 8 $r)1g), what is the #alue of Kc for the reaction' 1F) 7)1g) 8 1F) $r)1g) :: 7$r1g)? ) 3..) B 13-) $) 3.)5. C) 3.66 &) )=.nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 1.) /f +c equals 3.11 at ).AC for the reaction' ?)9-1g) ) ?9)1g), what is Kc for the reaction' ?9)1g) 1F) ?)9-1g)? ) 3.33 $) 3.3 C) -.. &) >.1 nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c 15) Which one of the following statements about the equilibrium constant, Kp, is false? ) Gn is equal to the sum of the coefficients of the gaseous products minus the sum of the coefficients of the gaseous reactants. $) %he relationship between Kp and Kc is' Kp : Kc 1RT)Gn C) %he units for Kp are usuall" omitted. &) %otal pressures are used in the equilibrium equation in place of molar concentrations. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 16) Kp is related to Kc b" the equation Kp : Kc 1H%)n. What is the #alue of n for the reaction below? ?7-?931s) ?)91g) 8 ) 7)91g) ) -) $) -1 C) 81 &) 8) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p
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1=) What is the equilibrium equation for the reaction' ?7-?931s) ?)91g) 8 ) 7)91g)? ) Kp : ;?)9< $) Kp : ;?)9<;7)9< C) Kp : ;?)9<;7)9<) ) &) Kp : ;? )9<;7 )9< ;?7 - ?93 < nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 1>) Write the equilibrium equation for the forward reaction' ) C7-1g) 8 3 9)1g) ) C91g) 8 - 7)91g) ;PC7 <) ;P9 <3 ) ) Kp : ) ;PC9 < ;P7 9 <) ) ;PC9 < ;P7 9 <) $) Kp: ) ;PC7 < ;P9 <3

C) Kp : &) Kp :

);PC9 < 8 -;P7 9 < ) );PC7 < 8 3;P9 <


);PC7 < 8 3;P9 <


);PC9 < 8 -;P7 9 < ) nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p )3) Write the equilibrium equation for the reverse reaction' ) C7-1g) 8 3 9)1g) ) C91g) 8 - 7)91g) ;PC7 <) ;P9 <3 ) C ) Kp : ) ;PC9 < ;P7 9 <) ;PC9 <);P7 9 <) $) KpC : ) ;PC7 < ;P9 <3 ) );PC9 < 8 -;P7 9 < ) C) KpC : );PC7 < 8 3;P9 < ) );PC7 < 8 3;P9 < ) &) KpC : );PC9 < 8 -;P7 9 < ) nswer' %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p
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)1) Kp : 1.. 133 at -33AC for the reaction ) ?731g) ?)1g) 8 3 7)1g). What is the #alue of Kp for the reaction' ) ?)1g) 8 5 7)1g) - ?731g)? ) -.- 13-6 $) 3.3 13-C) 5.6 13-&) ).3 135 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p ))) What is true about the relationship of Kp and Kc for the reaction' ) C7-1g) 8 3 9)1g) ) C91g) 8 - 7)91g)? ) Kp I Kc $) Kp : Kc C) Kp J Kc &) Kp and Kc are not related. nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p )3) %he o@idation of sulfur dio@ide b" o@"gen to sulfur trio@ide has been implicated as an important step in the formation of acid rain' ) (9)1g) 8 9)1g) ) (931g). /f the equilibrium partial pressures of (9), 9), and (93 are 3..5- atm, 3.13) atm, and 3.333 atm respecti#el" at 1333 +, what is Kp at that temperature? ) 3.)>) $) 3.-) C) ..6> &) =.11 nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p )-) Di#en the reaction at a certain temperature' ) 7/1g) 7)1g) 8 /)1g). t equilibrium, the partial pressure of 7/ is 1.= B 13-3 atm, and the partial pressures for 7) and /) are 3.13 atm each. Eind Kp at that temperature. ) 3.) B 13-$) ..5 B 131 C) 3.1 B 133 &) 3.1 B 13nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p

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).) /f Kc : ).3 @ 1333 at ).AC, for the following reaction' 7)1g) 8 Cl)1g) ) 7Cl1g), then find Kp at the same temperature. ) =.) B 1331 $) >.6 B 133) C) ).3 B 1333 &) -.> B 133nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p )5) 4hosphorus pentachloride decomposes to phosphorus trichloride and chlorine gas at ele#ated temperatures b" the following reaction' 4Cl.1g) 4Cl31g) 8 Cl)1g). /f Kc : 1.= at ).3AC. What is the #alue of Kp at the same temperature? ) -.) B 13-) $) =.= B 13-) C) 5. &) 66 nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p )6) %he decomposition of ammonia is' ) ?731g) : ?)1g) 8 3 7)1g). /f Kp is 1.. B 133 at -33AC, what is the partial pressure of ammonia at equilibrium when ?) is 3.13 atm and 7) is 3.1. atm? ) ).) B 13-6 atm $) -.6 B 13-- atm C) ).1 B 133 atm &) -.- B 135 atm nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p )=) %he decomposition of ammonia is' ) ?731g) ?)1g) 8 3 7)1g). /f the partial pressure of ammonia is 1.5 B 13-3 atm and the partial pressures of ?) and 7) are each 3.). atm at equilibrium, what is the #alue for Kc at -33AC for the forward reaction? ) 3..3 $) 1.C) 1.. B 133 &) -.5 B 135 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p

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)>) %he decomposition of ammonia is' ) ?731g) ?)1g) 8 3 7)1g). /f the pressure of ammonia is 1.3 B 13-3 atm, and the pressures of ?) and 7) are each 3.)3 atm, what is the #alue for KpC at -33AC for the re#erse reaction? ) -5.) B 13-$) -1.5 B 133 C) 5.) B 13-&) 1.5 B 133 nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 33) 1..3 K #essel contains an equilibrium mi@ture of 3.133 mol of ?9, 3.1.3 mol of $r), and 3.).3 mol of ?9$r at ).AC. What is the #alue of Kp for the reaction below? ) ?91g) 8 $r)1g) ) ?9$r1g) ) )..5 $) 5).. C) 1.)= B 13) &) 1..3 B 133 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 31) s a rule, which of the following phases are not included in the equilibrium constant e@pression? /. pure liquids //. pure solids ///. aqueous solutions /L. gases ) /, // $) /, /L C) ///, /L &) //, /// nswer' %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria 3)) Which equilibrium below is homogeneous? ) $a(9-1s) $a)81aq) 8 (9-)-1aq) $) ) 7)9)1l) ) 7)91l) 8 9)1g) C) ?7-?931s) ?)91g) 8 ) 7)91g) &) ) C91g) 8 9)1g) ) C9)1g) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria

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33) What is the equilibrium equation for the dissociation of formic acid in water? 7C997 1aq) 8 7)9 1l) 7398 1aq) 8 7C99- 1aq) ;7 98 <;7C99- < ) +c : 3 ;7C997<;7 )9< ;7C997<;7 )9< $) +c : ;7398 <;7C99- < 8 C) +c : ;739 <;7C99 < ;7C997< ;7C997< &) +c : ;7398 <;7C99- < nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria 3-) What is the equilibrium equation for the following reaction? C)7- 1g) 8 3 9) 1g) ) C9) 1g) 8 ) 7)9 1l) ;PC9 <);P7 9 <) ) ) ) Kp : ;PC 7 <;P9 <3 ) ) ;PC 7 <;P9 <3 ) ) $) Kp : ;PC9 <) ) ;PC 7 <;P9 <3 ) ) C) Kp : ) ;PC9 < ;P7 9 <) ) ) ;PC9 <) ) &) Kp : ;PC 7 <;P9 <3 ) ) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria

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3.) What is the equilibrium equation for the following reaction? Ee(1s) 8 ) 7398 1aq) Ee)81aq) 8 7)( 1aq) 8 ) 7)9 1l) ;Ee)8 <;7 )(<;7 )9<) ) Kc : ;Ee(<;7398 <) ;Ee)8 <;7 )(<;7 )9<) $) Kc : ;7398 <) ;Ee)8 <;7 )(< C) Kc : ;Ee(<;7398 <) ;Ee)8 <;7 )(< &) Kc : ;739 8 <) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria 35) What is the equilibrium equation for the following reaction? ) 7)9 1l) 7398 1aq) 8 97M 1aq) ;7 98 <;97- < ) Kc : 3 ;7 )9< ;7 98 <;97- < $) Kc : 3 ;7 )9<) ;7 )9<) C) Kc : ;7398 <;97- < &) Kc : ;7398< ;97M< nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria 36) What is the #alue for Kc for the following reaction' 4bCl)1s) 4b)81aq) 8 ) Cl-1aq), if 4bCl)1s) : 1..3 grams, ;4b)8< : 1.5 B 13-) M and ;Cl-< : 3.) B 13-) M at equilibrium? 1%he molar mass of 4bCl)1s) is )6= gFmol and its densit" is ..=. gFcm3.) ) 6.5 B 13-6 $) 1.5 B 13-. C) 5.) B 13&) 1.3 B 135 nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria

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3=) What is the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the reaction' ) 7g1l) 8 9)1g) ) 7g91s) if the amounts of reactants and products at equilibrium are' 1.33 g of 7g91s), ).33 mK of 7g1l), and 1.53 M 9)1g)? 1%he molar mass and densit" of 7g91s) is )16 gFmol, and 1.13 gFcm3. %he molar mass and densit" of 7g1l) is )31 gFmol, and 13.5 gFmK.) ) 5.=. B 13-$) -.55 B 13-) C) 3.5). &) 1.-5 B 133 nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria 3>) Eor which one of the following reactions will Kc : Kp? ) C91g) 8 ) 7)1g) C73971g) $) Nn91s) 8 C91g) Nn1s) 8 C9)1g) C) ) 931g) 3 9)1g) &) C9Cl)1g) C91g) 8 Cl)1g) nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria -3) /f Kc : 3.>33, and Kp : .3= for a h"pothetical reaction, which of the equations below could represent the reaction at ).AC? ) 1g) 8 $1s) 3 C1g) $) 1l) 8 ) $1g) ) C1g) C) $1g) C1l) 8 &1l) &) 1g) ) C1s) 8 &1g) nswer' %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria -1) Di#en the h"pothetical reaction' ) 1s) 8 @ $1g) 3 C1g), Kp : 3.313. and Kc : 3.-. at ).3AC. What is the #alue of the coefficient @? )1 $) ) C) 3 &) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria -)) Eor the reaction, 1g) 8 ) $1g) ) C1g), Kc : 1 B 13-13 at ).AC. Which of the following statements is true? ) Gn : 81 $) %he concentration of the products is greater than the concentration of the reactants. C) %he reaction is fa#ored in the re#erse direction. &) %he #alue of Kp will be larger than the #alue for Kc. nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant
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-3) Which statement is true for a reaction with Kc equal to ).-3 B 13-1)? ) /ncreasing the temperature will not change the #alue of Kc. $) %here are appreciable concentrations of both reactants and products. C) %he reaction proceeds hardl" at all towards completion. &) %he reaction proceeds nearl" all the wa" to completion. nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant --) Eor the reaction' - 7Cl1g) 8 9)1g) ) Cl)1g) 8 ) 7)91l), the equilibrium constant is 3.353 at -33 +. /f the reaction quotient is 3.133, which of the following statements is not correct? ) ;7Cl< will increase. $) ;9)< will increase. C) ;Cl)< will decrease. &) ;7)9< will increase. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant -.) %he equilibrium constant is equal to ..33 at 1333 + for the reaction' ) (9)1g) 8 9)1g) ) (931g). /f initial concentrations are ;(9)< : 1.)3 M, ;9)< : 3.-. M, and ;(93< : 1.=3 M, the s"stem is ) at equilibrium. $) not at equilibrium and will remain in an unequilibrated state. C) not at equilibrium and will shift to the left to achie#e an equilibrium state. &) not at equilibrium and will shift to the right to achie#e an equilibrium state. nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant -5) %he equilibrium constant, Kp, equals 3.-3 at ).AC for the isomeriPation reaction' cis-)-butene trans-)-butene. /f a flas* initiall" contains 1.33 atm of each gas, in what direction will the s"stem shift to reach equilibrium? ) /t will shift left. $) /t will shift right. C) %he s"stem is alread" at equilibrium. &) %he s"stem is not at equilibrium and will remain in an unequilibrated state. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

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-6) C"clohe@ane 1C571)) undergoes a molecular rearrangement in the presence of lCl3 to form meth"lc"clopentane 1MC4) according to the equation' C571) MC4 /f Kc : 3.1-3 at ).AC for this reaction, predict the direction the reaction will shift if the initial concentrations of C571) and MC4 are 3.)33 M and 3.133 M, respecti#el". %he s"stem ) will shift left. $) will shift right. C) is alread" at equilibrium. &) is not at equilibrium and will remain in an unequilibrated state. nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant -=) t a certain temperature, bromine and nitric o@ide react to form nitros"l bromide' $r)1g) 8 ) ?91g) ) ?9$r1g). When initial amounts of $r), ?9, and ?9$r are mi@ed, the concentration of ?9$r increases. Which statement below is true? ) Kc I Q $) Kc J Q C) Kc : Q &) More information is needed to ma*e a statement about +c. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant ->) t a certain temperature, bromine and nitric o@ide react to form nitros"l bromide' $r)1g) 8 ) ?91g) ) ?9$r1g). When 3.313 mol $r) is mi@ed with 3.3). mol ?9 and 3.31. mol ?9$r in a )..3 K flas*, the concentration of ?9$r decreases. Which statement below is true? ) Kc I 35 $) Kc J 35 C) Kc I >3 &) Kc J >3 nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .3) n equilibrium mi@ture of C9, 9) and C9) at a certain temperature contains 3.3313 M C9) and 3.331. M 9). t this temperature, Kc, equals 1.- B 13) for the reaction' ) C91g) 8 9)1g) ) C9)1g). What is the equilibrium concentration of C9? ) -.= B 13-5 M $) ).) B 13-3 M C) >.3 B 13-) M &) 3.1 B 13-1 M nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

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.1) t a certain temperature, Kc equals 1.- B 13) for the reaction' ) C91g) 8 9)1g) ) C9)1g). /f a )..3-K flas* contains 3.-33 mol of C9) and 3.133 mol of 9) at equilibrium, how man" moles of C9 are also present in the flas*? ) 3.-)) mol $) 3.15> mol C) 3.136 mol &) 3.311- mol nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .)) Eor the isomeriPation reaction' butane isobutane Kp equals ). at .33AC. /f the initial pressures of butane and isobutane are 13. atm and 3.3 atm, respecti#el", what are the pressures of the two gases at equilibrium? ) P1butane) : 3.3= atm and P1isobutane) : >.5 atm $) P1butane) : 3.-3 atm and P1isobutane) : 13. atm C) P1butane) : >.5 atm and P1isobutane) : 3.3= atm &) P1butane) : 13 atm and P1isobutane) : 3.-3 atm nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .3) %he following two isomers of C376?9 e@ist in equilibrium with each other in solution'

/f Kc : 3..6 at ).AC and the initial concentration of the reactant is 3..3 M and the product is 3.63 M, what are the concentrations at equilibrium? ) ;reactant< : 3.-3 M and ;product< : 3.)- M $) ;reactant< : 3.56 M and ;product< : 3.3= M C) ;reactant< : 3.65 M and ;product< : 3.-- M &) ;reactant< : 3.=) M and ;product< : 3.-6 M nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

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.-) C"clohe@ane 1C571)) undergoes a molecular rearrangement in the presence of lCl3 to form meth"lc"clopentane 1C73C.7>) according to the equation' C571) C73C.7> /f Kc : 3.1-3 at ).AC for this reaction, find the equilibrium concentrations of C571) and C73C.7> if the initial concentrations are 3.)33 M and 3.133 M, respecti#el". ) ;C571)< : 3.35). and ;C73C.7>< : 3.35) M $) ;C571)< : 3.13= and ;C73C.7>< : 3.15) M C) ;C571)< : 3.)5) M and ;C73C.7>< : 3.33= M &) ;C571)< : 3.)=) and ;C73C.7>< : 3.31= M nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant ..) t a certain temperature the equilibrium constant, Kc, equals 3.11 for the reaction' ) /Cl1g) /)1g) 8 Cl)1g). What is the equilibrium concentration of /Cl if 3.6. mol of /) and 3.6. mol of Cl) are initiall" mi@ed in a ).3-K flas*? ) 3.)3 M $) 3.)= M C) 3.-. M &) 3..5 nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .5) %he equilibrium constant, Kp, equals 3.-3 for the isomeriPation reaction' cis-)-butene trans-)-butene. /f a flas* initiall" contains 3.).3 atm of cis-)-butene and 3.1). atm of trans-)-butene, what is the equilibrium pressure of each gas? ) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.336 atm, P1trans-)-butene) : 3.1). atm $) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.3-= atm, P1trans-)-butene) : 3.15. atm C) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.36- atm, P1trans-)-butene) : 3.).3 atm &) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.3=. atm, P1trans-)-butene) : 3.)>3 atm nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .6) 4hosphorus pentachloride decomposes to phosphorus trichloride at high temperatures according to the reaction' 4Cl.1g) 4Cl31g) 8 Cl)1g) t ).3AC, 3.).3 M 4Cl. is added to a flas*. /f Kc : 1.=3, what are the equilibrium concentrations of each gas? ) ;4Cl.< : 3.3)=3 M, ;4Cl3< : 3.))) M, ;Cl)< : 3.))) M $) ;4Cl.< : 1.). M, ;4Cl3< : 3.-6- M, ;Cl)< : 3.-6- M C) ;4Cl.< : 1.=3 M, ;4Cl3< : 1.=3 M, ;Cl)< : 1.=3 M &) ;4Cl.< : ).)6 M, ;4Cl3< : ).3) M, ;Cl)< : ).3) M nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant
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.=) %he esterification of acetic acid and ethanol is gi#en b" the reaction below' C)7.971aq) 8 C73C9971aq) C73C99C)7.1aq) 8 7)91l) When 1.33 mol of ethanol was mi@ed with ).33 mol of acid in a 1.33 K flas*, 3.=5 mol of ester was formed at room temperature. What is the #alue of the equilibrium constant, Kc? ) 3.-3 $) ).3 C) -.5 &) ..nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .>) Kp is equal to -=.63 at 631 + for the reaction' 7)1g) 8 /)1g) ) 7/1g). /nitiall" the mi@ture contains 3.3=.>) atm each of 7) and /) and 1.3333 atm of 7/. What is the pressure of 7/ at equilibrium? ) 3.6>.. atm $) 3.>13= atm C) 3.>1-3 atm &) 3.>->= atm nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 53) When ba*ing soda is heated it decomposes according to the following reaction' ) ?a7C931s) ?a)C931s) 8 7)91g) 8 C9)1g) /f sufficient ba*ing soda is placed in a container and heated to >3AC, the total pressure of the gases is 3..-.1 atm. What is the #alue of Kp at that temperature? ) 3.36-)= $) 3.)>63 C) 3.-))= &) 1.3>1 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 51) mmonium carbamate can dissociate into gases at ).AC according to the reaction' ?7)C99?7-1s) ) ?731g) 8 C9)1g) /f sufficient ammonium carbamate is sealed in a flas*, the total pressure will be 3.116 atm at equilibrium. What is the #alue of Kp at ).AC? ) ).36 B 13-$) ).33 B 13-C) 1.53 B 13-3 &) 3.-) B 13-1 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

15 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

5)) Daseous h"drogen bromide decomposes at ele#ated temperatures according to the following equation' ) 7$r1g) 7)1g) 8 $r)1g). t a certain temperature a ).33 K flas* is initiall" filled onl" with 3.533 mol of 7$r. What is the #alue of Kc at that temperature if the flas* contains 3.13- mol of 7) at equilibrium? ) 6.3- B 13-) $) -.-3 B 13-) C) 3.33 B 13-) &) ).13 B 13-1 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 53) When reaction 11) and 1)) below are added together, the result is reaction 13). 1) 7)91l) 8 7?9)1aq) 73981aq) 8 ?9)-1aq) )) 73981aq) 8 97-1aq) ) 7)91l) 3) 7?9)1aq) 8 97-1aq) ?9)-1aq) 8 7)91l) /f K1 : -..3 B 13--, and K) : 1.33 B 131-, find the equilibrium constant, K3. ) -..3 B 13-1= $) -..3 B 1313 C) 1.33 B 131&) ).)) B 1316 nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 5-) 9@alic acid can donate two protons to water in successi#e reactions' 11) 7)C)9-1aq) 8 7)91l) 73981aq) 8 7C)9--1aq) 1)) 7C)9--1aq) 8 7)91l) 73981aq) 8 C)9-)-1aq) /f Kc1 : ..> B 13-) and Kc) : 5.- B 13-. at ).AC, what is the #alue of Kc for reaction 13)? 13) 7)C)9-1aq) 8 ) 7)91l) ) 73981aq) 8 C)9-)-1aq) ) 3.= B 13-5 $) 1.1 B 13-3 C) ..> B 13-) &) >.) B 13) nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

16 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

5.) cids donate protons to water according to the general equation' 7 1aq) 8 7)91l) 73981aq) 8 -1aq) Consider the following acids and their equilibrium constants for reaction with water at ).AC. /f all the acids ha#e the same initial concentration, which is the strongest acid 1i.e. which donates the most protons to water)? ) 7$r9, Kc : ).3 B 13-> $) 7?9), Kc : -.. B 13-C) 7E, Kc : 3.. B 13-&) 7/93, Kc : 1.6 B 13-1 nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 55) Eor acid solutions of the same molarit" acid strength is proportional to the equilibrium concentration of 7398. Eor equimolar solutions of acids, which equilibrium e@pression below corresponds to the strongest acid? 8 ) Kc : ;739 <;E < : 3.. B 13M;7E< 8 $) Kc : ;739 <;9Cl < : 3.. B 13M= ;79Cl< ;7 98 <;?9)- < C) Kc : 3 : -.. B 13M;7?9) < 8 &) Kc : ;739 <;C? < : -.> B 13M13 ;7C?< nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 56) The equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction 7E1aq) 8 7)91l) 73981aq) 8E-1aq) is 3.. B 13--. What is the equilibrium concentration of 7398 if the initial concentration of 7E is 1.3 M? ) 1.3 M $) 3.. B 13M) M C) 1.> B 13M) M &) 1.> B 13-- M nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

1= Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

5=) %he solubilit" of 1'1 salts is measured b" the equilibrium constant for the general reaction' MQ1s) : Mn81aq) 8 Qn-1aq). Di#en the following salts and their equilibrium constants for the reaction abo#e at ).AC, which salt is the least soluble? ) MgC93, Kc : 5.= B 13-5 $) CaC93, Kc : ..3 B 13-> C) (rC93, Kc : ..5 B 13-13 &) $aC93, Kc : ).5 B 13-> nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 5>) (alt solubilities can be compared b" the concentration of cation formed when the salt dissol#es in the general reaction' MaQb1s) a Mb81aq) 8 b Qa-1aq). Di#en the following salts and their equilibrium constants for the reaction abo#e at ).AC, which salt is the least soluble? ) gCl, Kc : 1.= B 13-13 $) g)(9-, Kc : 1.) B 13-. C) CaC93, Kc : ).5 B 13-> &) CaE), Kc : 1.. B 13M13 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 63) R/f a stress is applied to a reaction mi@ture at equilibrium, the reaction occurs in the direction that will relie#e the stress.R %his statement is called ) the Eirst Kaw of %hermod"namics. $) the Kaw of Combining Lolumes. C) the Kaw of Mass ction. &) Ke ChStelierCs principle. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.5 Eactors %hat lter the Composition of an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Ke ChatelierCs 4rinciple 61) Which of the following changes in reaction conditions will alter the composition of an equilibrium mi@ture of gases for a reaction ha#ing unequal moles of gaseous products and gaseous reactants? ) addition of reactants or products $) decreasing the pressure or #olume C) increasing the temperature &) ll of these will alter the equilibrium concentrations. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.5 Eactors %hat lter the Composition of an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Ke ChatelierCs 4rinciple

1> Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

6)) Eor a homogeneous equilibrium of gases, which of the following changes in reaction conditions will not alter the equilibrium concentrations? ) addition of an inert gas to the reaction mi@ture $) addition of reactants or products C) decreasing the pressure or #olume &) increasing the temperature nswer' %opic' (ection 13.5 Eactors %hat lter the Composition of an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Ke ChatelierCs 4rinciple 63) Eor the reaction shown below, which change in conditions made to the s"stem at equilibrium will result in a net reaction to the right to form more product? C1s) 8 ) 7)1g) C7-1g) GHA : M6-.= *T ) adding more C $) decreasing the concentration of 7) C) increasing the concentration of 7) &) increasing the concentration of C7nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration 6-) %he pin* and blue species below form a #iolet colored mi@ture at equilibrium' ;Co17)9)5<)8 1aq) 8 - Cl- 1aq) ;CoCl-<)- 1aq) 8 5 7)9 1l) 1pin*) 1blue) )8 /f the concentration of ;Co17)9)5< is increased, what happens to the solution? ) %he concentration of ;CoCl-<)- increases. $) %he concentration of ;CoCl-<)- decreases. C) %he solution becomes colorless. &) ?o color change is obser#ed. nswer' %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration 6.) /ron o@ide ores are reduced to iron metal b" e@othermic reaction with carbon mono@ide' Ee91s) 8 C91g) Ee1s) 8 C9)1g) Which of the following changes in condition will cause the equilibrium to shift to the right? ) add Ee9 $) add C9 C) add C9) &) raise the temperature nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration

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65) %he enthalp" for the following reaction is 135 *T. /f the reaction ta*es place in a closed container, which one of the following reaction conditions will not decrease the concentration of water #apor? ) ?a7C931s) ?a)C931s) 8 C9)1g) 8 7)91g) ) add C9) $) cool the container C) decrease the #olume of the container &) remo#e some ?a7C93 nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration 66) crude t"pe of disappearing in* is based on the following endothermic equilibrium' ;Co17)9)5<Cl) 1aq) ;CoCl)17)9)-< 1aq) 8 ) 7)9 1l) 1colorless) 1blue) /f the reactant solution is used to write on a piece of paper and the paper is allowed to partiall" dr", what can be done to bring out the colored handwriting? ) add water $) decrease the #olume C) put the paper in a freePer &) put the paper in an o#en nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration 6=) Eor the reaction shown below, which change in conditions made to the s"stem at equilibrium will result in a net reaction to the right to form more product? C1s) 8 ) 7)1g) C7-1g) GHA : M 6-.= *T ) adding 7e $) adding more C C) decreasing the #olume &) increasing the #olume nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.= ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in 4ressure and Lolume 6>) Which change in the s"stem will dri#e equilibrium to the left in the reaction below? ?)9.1g) ?9)1g) 8 ?931g) ) decrease the amount of ?93 $) increase the amount of ?)9. C) increase the pressure &) increase the #olume nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.= ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in 4ressure and Lolume

)1 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

=3) mmonium bromide is a cr"stalline solid that decomposes endothermicall" when heated' ?7-$r1s) ?731g) 8 7$r1g). When solid ?7-$r is added to an e#acuated flas* at 333AC, which change in reaction conditions below will cause the equilibrium to shift to the right? ) add more ?73 $) add more ?7-$r C) decrease the temperature &) double the #olume of the container nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.= ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in 4ressure and Lolume =1) Eor the reaction shown below, which change in conditions made to the s"stem at equilibrium will result in a net reaction to the right to form more product? C1s) 8 ) 7)1g) C7-1g) GHA : M6-.= *T ) adding more C $) increasing the #olume C) lowering the temperature &) raising the temperature nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature =)) What effect will a change in temperature ha#e on the #alue of Kp? ) /t will ha#e no effect on the #alue of Kp. $) %he #alue of Kp alwa"s decreases with an increase in temperature. C) %he #alue of Kp alwa"s increases with an increase in temperature. &) %he #alue of Kp will decrease or increase with an increase in temperature, depending on whether the reaction is e@othermic or endothermic. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature =3) %he o#erall reaction for photos"nthesis can be represented b" the following equation' 5 C9)1g) 8 5 7)91l) C571)951s) 8 5 9)1g) %he enthalp" change for this reaction is )=3) *T. Which of the following changes in condition will shift the equilibrium to the right? ) increase the pressure of 9) $) increase the temperature C) remo#e C9) b" reaction with Ca91s) &) remo#e one-half of C571)951s) nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature

)) Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

=-) %he dissolution of calcium h"dro@ide is e@othermic. Ca197))1s) Ca)81aq) 8 ) 97-1aq) What happens when the solution of Ca197)) is heated? ) %he amount of Ca197))1s) decreases. $) %he amount of Ca197))1s) increases. C) %he amount of Ca197))1s) remains unchanged. &) %he Ca197))1s) completel" dissol#es. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature =.) Calcium carbonate is relati#el" insoluble and the dissolution reaction is endothermic' CaC931s) Ca)81aq) 8 C93)-1aq). Which change in reaction condition below will shift the equilibrium to the right? ) add an acid to react with C93)- ion $) add an anion with which Ca)8 is e#en less soluble than calcium carbonate C) increase the temperature &) ll of these will shift reaction to the right. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature =5) %he decomposition of nitros"l bromide is e@othermic' ) ?9$r1g) ) ?91g) 8 $r)1g). Which of the following changes in reaction condition will shift the reaction to the left? ) add more ?9$r $) decrease the temperature C) increase the container #olume &) ?one of these nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature =6) Which will not alter the composition of an equilibrium mi@ture? ) addition of a catal"st $) addition of heat C) addition of more product &) addition of more reactant nswer' %opic' (ection 13.13 %he !ffect of a Catal"st on !quilibrium ==) Which of the following changes in reaction conditions will not alter the composition of a homogeneous equilibrium mi@ture of gases in a reaction ha#ing unequal moles of gaseous products and reactants? ) addition of a catal"st $) addition of reactants or products C) decreasing the temperature &) increasing the pressure or #olume nswer' %opic' (ection 13.13 %he !ffect of a Catal"st on !quilibrium

)3 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

=>) Which of the following statements about a catal"st is true? ) catal"st changes the position of the equilibrium in a reaction. $) catal"st increases the temperature of a reaction. C) catal"st is consumed in a chemical reaction. &) catal"st pro#ides a lower energ" pathwa" for a reaction. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.13 %he !ffect of a Catal"st on !quilibrium >3) catal"st increases the o#erall rate of reaction b" lowering the acti#ation energ", Ea, for ) both the forward reaction and the re#erse reaction. $) neither the forward reaction nor the re#erse reaction. C) onl" the forward reaction. &) onl" the re#erse reaction. nswer' %opic' (ection 13.13 %he !ffect of a Catal"st on !quilibrium >1) catal"st increases the rate of a chemical reaction b" pro#iding a lower-energ" mechanism for the reaction. When this occurs, which one of the following is not affected? ) acti#ation energ" for the forward reaction $) acti#ation energ" for the re#erse reaction C) equilibrium constant &) rate of the re#erse reaction nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.13 %he !ffect of a Catal"st on !quilibrium >)) reaction reaches d"namic equilibrium at a gi#en temperature when ) the amount of products e@ceeds the amount of reactants. $) kfwd equals kre#. C) opposing reactions cease and the s"stem is static. &) the relati#e amounts of reactants and products are constant and ratefwd : ratere#. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.11 %he Kin* $etween Chemical !quilibrium and Chemical +inetics >3) Eind the equilibrium constant for the reaction' 1g) 8 $1g) )C1g) at ).AC when * equals 1.- B 131) M-1s-1 for the reaction 1g) 8 $1g) )C1g) at ).AC and * equals ).6 B 13-13 M-1s-1 for the reaction' ) C1g) 1g) 8 $1g) at ).AC. ) 3.= B 13-). $) 1.6 B 13-1) C) 1.1 B 13-1) &) ..) nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.11 %he Kin* $etween Chemical !quilibrium and Chemical +inetics

)Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

>-) t ).AC, a certain first order reaction has a rate constant equal to 1.33 B 13-3 s-1 and an equilibrium constant, Kc, equal to -.1=. What is the rate constant for the re#erse reaction? ) ).3> B 13-- s-1 $) -.1= B 13-3 s-1 C) ).3> B 13) s-1 &) -.1= B 133 s-1 nswer' %opic' (ection 13.11 %he Kin* $etween Chemical !quilibrium and Chemical +inetics >.) ?ic*el metal can be prepared b" the reduction of nic*el o@ide' ?i91s) 8 C91g) C9)1g) 8 ?i1s) t >35 +, Kp : -..- B 133 and at 11). +, Kp : 1..= B 133. Which statement is true? ) %he acti#ation energ" decreases with increasing temperature. $) %he acti#ation energ" increases with increasing temperature. C) %he reaction is endothermic. &) %he reaction is e@othermic. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.11 %he Kin* $etween Chemical !quilibrium and Chemical +inetics >5) %he he@aammine cobalt1///) ion is #er" unstable in acidic aqueous solution' ;Co1?73)5<381aq) 8 5 73981aq) U ;Co17)9)5<-81aq) 8 5 ?7-81aq) 7owe#er, solutions of he@aammine cobalt1///) can be stored in acidic solution for months without noticeable decomposition. Which statement below about the equilibrium constant and the acti#ation energ" for the reaction is true? ) Keq I 133 and Ea is #er" small. $) Keq J 133 and Ea is #er" small. C) Keq I 133 and Ea is #er" large. &) Keq J 133 and Ea is #er" large. nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.11 %he Kin* $etween Chemical !quilibrium and Chemical +inetics >6) %he reaction below #irtuall" goes to completion because c"anide ion forms #er" stable comple@es with ?i)8 ion' ;?i17)9)5<)81aq) 8 - C?-1aq) U ;?i1C?)-<)-1aq) 8 5 7)91l) t the same time, incorporation of 1-C labelled c"anide ion 11-C?-) is #er" rapid' ;?i1C?)-<)-1aq) 8 - 1-C?-1aq) : ;?i11-C?)-<)-1aq) 8 - C?-1aq) Which statement below is correct with regard to stabilit" and rate of reaction? ) !quilibrium is static. $) (table species can react rapidl". C) (table species do not react rapidl". &) Onstable species react rapidl". nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.11 %he Kin* $etween Chemical !quilibrium and Chemical +inetics

). Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

Consider the intercon#ersion of molecules 1shaded spheres) and $ molecules 1unshaded spheres) according to the reaction $. !ach of the following series of pictures represents a separate e@periment in which time increases from left to right.

>=) Which of these e@periments has resulted in an equilibrium state? ) all of the e@periments e@cept e@periment 11) $) all of the e@periments e@cept e@periment 1)) C) all of the e@periments e@cept e@periment 13) &) all of the e@periments e@cept e@periment 1-) nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems >>) What is the #alue of the equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction ) Kc : 3.33 $) Kc : 3.3 C) Kc : 1) &) Kc : )6 nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems $?

)5 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

%he following pictures represent the equilibrium state for four different reactions of the t"pe ) 8 Q) ) Q 1Q : $, C, &, !). atoms are unshaded. Q atoms are shaded.

133) Which reaction has the largest equilibrium constant? ) ) 8 $) ) $ $) ) 8 C) ) C C) ) 8 &) ) & &) ) 8 !) ) ! nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 131) Which reaction has the smallest equilibrium constant? ) ) 8 $) ) $ $) ) 8 C) ) C C) ) 8 &) ) & &) ) 8 !) ) ! nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 13)) %he reaction ) 8 $) ) $ has an equilibrium constant +c : 1.=. %he following pictures represent reaction mi@tures that contain ) molecules 1shaded) and $) molecules 1unshaded), and $ molecules. Which reaction mi@ture is at equilibrium?

) reaction mi@ture 11) $) reaction mi@ture 1)) C) reaction mi@ture 13) &) reaction mi@ture 1-) nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

)6 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

133) %he following pictures represent mi@tures of cis-C)7)Q) molecules and trans-C)7)Q) molecules, which intercon#ert according to the equation cis-C)7)Q) trans-C)7)Q). /f mi@ture 11) is at equilibrium, which of the other mi@tures are also at equilibrium?

) mi@ture 1)) $) mi@ture 13) C) mi@ture 1-) &) ?one of the other mi@tures are at equilibrium. nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 13-) %he following pictures represent mi@tures of cis-C)7)Q) molecules and trans-C)7)Q) molecules, which intercon#ert according to the equation cis-C)7)Q) trans-C)7)Q). /f mi@ture 11) is at equilibrium, which of the other mi@tures are also at equilibrium?

) mi@ture 1)) $) mi@ture 13) C) mi@ture 1-) &) ?one of the other mi@tures are at equilibrium. nswer' & %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

)= Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

13.) %he following pictures represent mi@tures of )$- molecules and $) molecules, which intercon#ert according to the equation )$- ) $). /f mi@ture 11) is at equilibrium, which of the other mi@tures are also at equilibrium?

) mi@ture 1)) $) mi@ture 13) C) mi@ture 1-) &) ?one of the other mi@tures are at equilibrium. nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 135) %he following pictures represent mi@tures of )$- molecules and $) molecules, which intercon#ert according to the equation )$- ) $). /f mi@ture 11) is at equilibrium, which of the other mi@tures are also at equilibrium?

) mi@ture 1)) $) mi@ture 13) C) mi@ture 1-) &) ?one of the other mi@tures are at equilibrium. nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

)> Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

136) (hown below is a concentration #s. time plot for the reaction the equilibrium constant is

$. Eor this reaction the #alue of

) Kc I 1. $) Kc : 3. C) Kc : 1. &) Kc J 1. nswer' & %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 13=) (hown below is a concentration #s. time plot for the reaction the equilibrium constant is )$. Eor this reaction the #alue of

) Kc I 1. $) Kc : 3. C) Kc : 1. &) Kc J 1. nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

33 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

13>) (hown below is a concentration #s. time plot for the reaction the equilibrium constant is

$. Eor this reaction the #alue of

) Kc I 1. $) Kc : 3. C) Kc : 1. &) Kc J 1. nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 113) (hown below is a concentration #s. time plot for the reaction the equilibrium constant is )$. Eor this reaction the #alue of

) Kc I 1. $) Kc : 3. C) Kc : 1. &) Kc J 1. nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

31 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

111) (hown below is a concentration #s. time plot for the reaction the equilibrium constant is

$. Eor this reaction the #alue of

) Kc I 1. $) Kc : 3. C) Kc : 1. &) Kc J 1. nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 11)) (hown below is a concentration #s. time plot for the reaction the equilibrium constant is )$. Eor this reaction the #alue of

) Kc I 1. $) Kc : 3. C) Kc : 1. &) Kc J 1. nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

3) Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

113) %he following picture represents the equilibrium state for the reaction ) 8 $) ) $. What is the relationship between the rate constant for the forward reaction, kf, and the rate constant for the re#erse reaction kr?

) kf I kr $) kf : kr : 3 C) kf : kr &) kf J kr nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 11-) %he following picture represents the equilibrium state for the reaction ) 8 $) ) $. What is the relationship between the rate constant for the forward reaction, kf, and the rate constant for the re#erse reaction kr?

) kf I kr $) kf : kr : 3 C) kf : kr &) kf J kr nswer' & %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

33 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

11.) %he following picture represents the equilibrium state for the reaction ) 8 $) ) $. What is the relationship between the rate constant for the forward reaction, kf, and the rate constant for the re#erse reaction kr?

) kf I kr $) kf : kr : 3 C) kf : kr &) kf J kr nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems %he reaction ) 8 $) ) $ has an equilibrium constant Kc : 1.=. %he following pictures represent reaction mi@tures that contain ) molecules 1shaded) and $) molecules 1unshaded), and $ molecules.

115) Which nonequilibrium mi@ture will react in the forward direction to reach equilibrium? ) reaction mi@ture 11) $) reaction mi@ture 1)) C) reaction mi@ture 13) &) reaction mi@ture 1-) nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 116) Which nonequilibrium mi@tures will react in the re#erse direction to reach equilibrium? ) reaction mi@tures 11) and 1)) $) reaction mi@tures 11) and 1-) C) reaction mi@tures 1)) and 13) &) reaction mi@tures 13) and 1-) nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

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%he following pictures represent the initial state and the equilibrium state for the gaseous state reaction of ) molecules 1shaded spheres) with $ atoms 1unshaded spheres) to gi#e $ molecules.

11=) What is the best balanced chemical equation for the reaction? ) ) 8 $ )$ $) ) 8 ) $ )$) C) ) 8 ) $ ) $ &) 5 ) 8 > $ 3 ) 8 3$ 8 5 $ nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 11>) /f the #olume of the equilibrium mi@ture is decreased, what will happen to the number of $ molecules and the number of $ atoms? ) %he number of $ molecules and the number of $ atoms will both decrease. $) %he number of $ molecules will increaseV the number of $ atoms will decrease. C) %he number of $ molecules will decreaseV the number of $ atoms will increase. &) %he number of $ molecules and the number of $ atoms will both increase. nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

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Consider the reaction 8 $ ) $. %he #essel on the right contains an equilibrium mi@ture of 1shaded spheres), $ atoms 1unshaded spheres), and $ molecules.


1)3) /f the barrier between the two #essels is remo#ed and the contents of the two #essels are allowed to mi@, what will be obser#ed? ) %he reaction will go in the forward direction decreasing the number of atoms and $ atoms and increasing the number of $ molecules. $) %he reaction will go in the forward direction increasing the number of atoms and $ atoms and decreasing the number of $ molecules. C) %he reaction will go in the re#erse direction decreasing the number of atoms and $ atoms and increasing the number of $ molecules. &) %he reaction will go in the re#erse direction increasing the number of atoms and $ atoms and decreasing the number of $ molecules. nswer' & %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 4icture 11) represents the equilibrium mi@ture for the reaction 8 $ ) $ at )>= +.

1)1) /f this reaction is e@othermic, which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture at -33 +? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ?one of these nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 1))) /f this reaction is endothermic, which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture at -33 +? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ?one of these nswer' $ %opic' Conceptual 4roblems
35 Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

1)3) 4icture 11) represents the equilibrium mi@ture for the gas-phase reaction 8 $ ) $ at )>= +. /f the #olume of the equilibrium mi@ture is decreased, which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium at the reduced #olume?

) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ?one of these nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 4icture 11) represents an equilibrium mi@ture of solid CaC93, solid Ca9, and gaseous C9), obtained as a result of the endothermic decomposition of CaC93.

1)-) Which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture after addition of four more C9) molecules? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ?one of these nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 1).) Which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture at a higher temperature? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ?one of these nswer' C %opic' Conceptual 4roblems

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1)5) Which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture when a catal"st is added? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ll of these nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 1)6) Which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture when more solid CaC93 is added? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ll of these nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 1)=) Which picture 1))-1-) represents the equilibrium mi@ture when more solid Ca9 is added? ) picture 1)) $) picture 13) C) picture 1-) &) ll of these nswer' %opic' Conceptual 4roblems 13.) lgorithmic Questions

1) Eor the reaction' ?)1g) 8 ) 9)1g) ) ?9)1g), Kc : =.3 B 13-13 at ).AC. What is the concentration of ?) gas at equilibrium when the concentration of ?9) is fi#e times the concentration of 9) gas? ) 3.3 B 13- 11 M $) 1.6 B 13-13 M C) 5.3 B 13> M &) 3.3 B 1313 M nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c )) %he decomposition of ammonia is' ) ?731g) : ?)1g) 8 3 7)1g). /f Kp is 1.. B 133 at -33AC, what is the partial pressure of ammonia at equilibrium when ?) is 3. 13 atm and 7) is 3.1. atm? ) ).) B 13- 6 atm $) -.6 B 13- - atm C) ).1 B 133 atm &) -.- B 135 atm nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p

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3) %he equilibrium constant is equal to ..33 at 1333 + for the reaction' ) (9)1g) 8 9)1g) ) (931g). /f initial concentrations are ;(9)< : 5.33 M, ;9)< : 3.-. M, and ;(93< : >.33 M, the s"stem is ) at equilibrium. $) not at equilibrium and will remain in an unequilibrated state. C) not at equilibrium and will shift to the left to achie#e an equilibrium state. &) not at equilibrium and will shift to the right to achie#e an equilibrium state. nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant -) %he equilibrium constant, Kp, equals 3.-3 at ).AC for the isomeriPation reaction' cis-)-butene trans-)-butene. /f a flas* initiall" contains ..33 atm of each gas, in what direction will the s"stem shift to reach equilibrium? ) /t will shift left. $) /t will shift right. C) %he s"stem is alread" at equilibrium. &) %he s"stem is not at equilibrium and will remain in an unequilibrated state. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant .) C"clohe@ane 1C571)) undergoes a molecular rearrangement in the presence of lCl3 to form meth"lc"clopentane 1MC4) according to the equation' C571) MC4 /f Kc : 3.1-3 at ).AC for this reaction, predict the direction in which the s"stem will shift if the initial concentrations of C571) and MC4 are 3. 3-33 M and 3. 3)33 M, respecti#el". %he s"stem ) will shift left. $) will shift right. C) is alread" at equilibrium. &) is not at equilibrium and will remain in an unequilibrated state. nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 5) t a certain temperature, nitrogen and h"drogen react to form ammonia' ?)1g) 8 3 7)1g) ) ?731g). When initial amounts of ?), 7), and ?73 are mi@ed, the concentration of ?73 increases. Which statement below is true? ) Kc I Q $) Kc J Q C) Kc : Q &) More information is needed to ma*e a statement about +c. nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

3> Cop"right 2 )31) 4earson !ducation, /nc.

6) n equilibrium mi@ture of C9, 9) and C9) at a certain temperature contains 3.3313 M C9) and 3. 3133 M 9). t this temperature, Kc equals 1.- B 13) for the reaction' ) C91g) 8 9)1g) ) C9)1g). What is the equilibrium concentration of C9? ) 6.1 B 13- 6 M $) =.- B 13- - M C) 1.- B 13-) M &) 1.) B 13-1 M nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

=) t a certain temperature, Kc equals 1.- B 13) for the reaction' ) C91g) 8 9)1g) ) C9)1g). /f a 3.33-K flas* contains 3.-33 mol of C9) and 3.133 mol of 9) at equilibrium, how man" moles of C9 are also present in the flas*? ) 3.... mol $) 3. 1=. mol C) 3.136 mol &) 3.311- mol nswer' $ %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant >) Eor the isomeriPation reaction' butane isobutane Kp equals ). at .33AC. /f the initial pressures of butane and isobutane are )3. atm and 3.3 atm, respecti#el", what are the pressures of the two gases at equilibrium? ) P1butane) : 3.66 atm and P1isobutane) : 1>.) atm $) P1butane) : 3.=3 atm and P1isobutane) : )3. atm C) P1butane) : 1>.) atm and P1isobutane) : 3.66 atm &) P1butane) : )3 atm and P1isobutane) : 3.=3 atm nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 13) C"clohe@ane, C571), undergoes a molecular rearrangement in the presence of lCl3 to form meth"lc"clopentane, C73C.7>, according to the equation' C571) C73C.7> /f Kc : 3.1-3 at ).AC for this reaction, find the equilibrium concentrations of C571) and C73C.7> if the initial concentrations are 3.)33 M and 3. 36. M, respecti#el". ) ;C571)< : 3. 3-1 M, ;C73C.7>< : 3. 3-1 M $) ;C571)< : 3. 1.> M, ;C73C.7>< : 3. 115 M C) ;C571)< : 3. )-1 M, ;C73C.7>< : 3. 33- M &) ;C571)< : 3. ).3 M, ;C73C.7>< : 3. 3)) M nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant
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11) t a certain temperature the equilibrium constant, Kc, equals 3.11 for the reaction' ) /Cl1g) /)1g) 8 Cl)1g). What is the equilibrium concentration of /Cl if 3. 6. mol of /) and 3. 6. mol of Cl) are initiall" mi@ed in a ).3-K flas*? ) 3. )) M $) 3. )= M C) 3. -. M &) 3. .5 M nswer' C %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 1)) %he equilibrium constant, Kp, equals 3.-3 for the isomeriPation reaction' cis-)-butene trans-)-butene. /f a flas* initiall" contains 3.).3 atm of cis-)-butene and 3. 1-. atm of trans-)-butene, what is the equilibrium pressure of each gas? ) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.3 -)5 atm and P1trans-)-butene) : 3. 1-. atm $) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.3 -61 atm and P1trans-)-butene) : 3. 153 atm C) P1cis-)-butene) : 3.3 63. atm and P1trans-)-butene) : 3.).3 atm &) P1cis-)-butene) : 3. 3=>= atm and P1trans-)-butene) : 3. 33. atm nswer' & %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 13) 4hosphorus pentachloride decomposes to phosphorus trichloride at high temperatures according to the equation' 4Cl.1g) 4Cl31g) 8 Cl)1g) t ).3A 3. 1). M 4Cl. is added to the flas*. /f Kc : 1.=3, what are the equilibrium concentrations of each gas? ) ;4Cl.< : 3.3 365. M, ;4Cl3< : 3. 116 M, and ;Cl)< : 3. 116 M $) ;4Cl.< : 3. 35). M, ;4Cl3< : 3. 33. M, and ;Cl)< : 3. 33. M C) ;4Cl.< : 1.=3 M, ;4Cl3< : 1.=3 M, and ;Cl)< : 1.=3 M &) ;4Cl.< : 3.>5 M, ;4Cl3< : 3.=3 M, and ;Cl)< : 3.=3 M nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 1-) Kc is 1.56 B 13)3 at ).AC for the formation of iron1///) o@alate comple@ ion' Ee381aq) 8 3 C)9-)-1aq) ;Ee1C)9-)3<3-1aq). /f 3. 3)33 M Ee38 is initiall" mi@ed with 1.33 M o@alate ion, what is the concentration of Ee38 ion at equilibrium? ) 1.-- B 13-)) M $) 3.3133 M C) =.3. B 131> M &) 5.>- B 13)1 M nswer' %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

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13.3 (hort nswer Questions 1) reaction in which reactants form products in the forward reaction and products simultaneousl" form reactants in the re#erse reaction is said to be WWWWWWWW. nswer' re#ersible %opic' (ection 13.1 %he !quilibrium (tate )) /n a re#ersible reaction, when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the re#erse reaction, the reaction is at WWWWWWWW. nswer' equilibrium %opic' (ection 13.1 %he !quilibrium (tate 3) Eor the reaction 7)1g) 8 (1s) 7)(1g), if the rate constant for the forward reaction is greater than the rate constant for the re#erse reaction, the #alue of Kc must be WWWWWWWW 1equal to, greater than, less than) 1. nswer' greater than %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c -) Eor the reaction shown below, ?)9- and ?9) ha#e equilibrium concentrations, ;?)9-<eq : ).153 B 13-- and ;?9)<eq : 1.331 B 13-3, respecti#el". %he equilibrium constant, Kc, for this reaction equals WWWWWWWW. ?)9-1g) ) ?9)1g)

nswer' -.5- B 13M3 %opic' (ection 13.) %he !quilibrium Constant +c .) Eor the reaction CaC931s) Ca91s) 8 9)1g) the equilibrium e@pression is Kp : WWWWWWWW. nswer' 49) %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 5) Eor the reaction shown below the #alue of Kp is WWWWWWWW than the #alue of Kc, because Gn : WWWWWWWW. ?)9-1g) ) ?9)1g) nswer' greater, 1 %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 6) t )>= +, Kp : ).1 13- for the reaction C91g) 8 ) 7)1g) C73971g). What is the #alue of Kc at this temperature? nswer' 1.3 136 %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p =) t )>= +, Kc : 1.6 13-.5 for the reaction 3 9)1g) ) 931g). What is the #alue of Kp at this temperature? nswer' 5.> 13-.6 %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p

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>) t 1333 +, Kp : 1>.> for the reaction Ee)931s) 8 3 C91g) ) Ee1s) 8 3 C9)1g). What is the #alue of Kp for the reaction ) Ee1s) 8 3 C9)1g) Ee)931s) 8 3 C91g)? nswer' 3.3.33 %opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 13) t 1333 +, Kp : 1>.> for the reaction Ee)931s) 8 3 C91g) ) Ee1s) 8 3 C9)1g). What is the #alue of Kp for the reaction 5 Ee1s) 8 > C9)1g) 3 Ee)931s) 8 > C91g)? nswer' 1.)6 13-%opic' (ection 13.3 %he !quilibrium Constant +p 11) Eor the reaction shown below the equilibrium constant e@pression for Kc : WWWWWWWW. 7E1aq) 8 7)91l) 73981aq) 8 EM1aq) nswer'

%opic' (ection 13.- 7eterogeneous !quilibria 1)) Kc : .6.3 at 633 + for the reaction shown below. 7)1g) 8 /)1g) ) 7/1g) /f ;7)1g)< : ;/)1g)< : 3.)33 M at equilibrium, the molar concentration ;7/11g)< : WWWWWWWW at equilibrium. nswer' 1..1 %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 13) Kc : 1.) B 13--) at .33 + for the reaction shown below. 7)1g) ) 71g) /f ;7)< : 1 B 13-) M and ;7< : 1.) B 13M)) M, in order to achie#e equilibrium a net reaction must occur from WWWWWWWW to WWWWWWWW until Qc : WWWWWWWW. nswer' right, left, Kc %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 1-) t an ele#ated temperature, Kp : 3.1> for the reaction ) ?9Cl1g) ) ?91g) 8 Cl)1g). /f the initial partial pressures of ?9Cl, ?9, and Cl) are 3..3 atm, 3.). atm, and 3.-. atm, respecti#el", a net WWWWWWWW 1forward, re#erse) reaction must occur in order to achie#e equilibrium. nswer' forward %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 1.) t an ele#ated temperature, Kp : -.) 13-> for the reaction ) 7$r1g) 7)1g) 8 $r)1g). /f the initial partial pressures of 7$r, 7), and $r) are 1.3 13-) atm, ).3 13-- atm, and ).3 13-- atm, respecti#el", what is the equilibrium partial pressure of 7)? nswer' 5.6 13-6 %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant

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15) Eor the reaction ) 8 $) ) $, the rate of the forward reaction is 3.6. MFs and the rate of the re#erse reaction is 3.). MFs. %he reaction is not at equilibrium. /n order to attain equilibrium the reaction must proceed in the WWWWWWWW 1forward, re#erse) direction in order to achie#e equilibrium. nswer' re#erse %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 16) Eor the reaction ) 8 ) $3 ) $3, the rate of the forward reaction is 3.). MFs and the rate of the re#erse reaction is 3.6. MFs. %he reaction is not at equilibrium. /n order to attain equilibrium the reaction must proceed in the WWWWWWWW 1forward, re#erse) direction in order to achie#e equilibrium. nswer' forward %opic' (ection 13.. Osing the !quilibrium Constant 1=) /f additional (C?M is added to the equilibrium s"stem shown below, Ke ChStelierCs principle predicts a net reaction from WWWWWWWW to WWWWWWWW, causing the red color to become WWWWWWWW. Ee381aq) 8 (C?-1aq) Ee(C?)81aq) "ellow colorless red nswer' left, right, dar*er %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration 1>) %he reaction CaC931s) Ca91s) 8 9)1g) is endothermic )>= +. %he effect of adding additional Ca9 to the s"stem at equilibrium will WWWWWWWW 1decrease, increase, ha#e no effect on) the total quantit" of CaC93 once equilibrium is reestablished. nswer' ha#e no effect on %opic' (ection 13.6 ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in Concentration )3) ccording to Ke ChStelierCs principle, if the #olume of the #essel containing the equilibrium s"stem shown below is decreased, there will be an increase in the concentration of WWWWWWWW and a decrease in the concentration of WWWWWWWW. 7)1g) ) 71g) nswer' 7), 7 %opic' (ection 13.= ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in 4ressure and Lolume )1) %he reaction CaC931s) Ca91s) 8 9)1g) is endothermic )>= +. %he effect of increasing the partial pressure of 9) in the s"stem at equilibrium will WWWWWWWW 1decrease, increase, ha#e no effect on) the total quantit" of CaC93 once equilibrium is reestablished. nswer' increase %opic' (ection 13.= ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in 4ressure and Lolume ))) %he reaction CaC931s) Ca91s) 8 9)1g) is endothermic )>= +. %he effect of increasing the total #olume of the s"stem at equilibrium will WWWWWWWW 1decrease, increase, ha#e no effect on) the total quantit" of CaC93 once equilibrium is reestablished. nswer' decrease %opic' (ection 13.= ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in 4ressure and Lolume

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)3) %he reaction below is heated from )3AC to >3AC, according to Ke ChStelierCs principle, there will be a net reaction from WWWWWWWW to WWWWWWWW, and the brown color will become WWWWWWWW. ?)9-1g) ) ?9)1g) GHA: 8 .6.) *T colorless brown nswer' left, right, dar*er %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature )-) %he reaction CaC931s) Ca91s) 8 9)1g) is endothermic )>= +. %he effect of increasing the temperature of the s"stem at equilibrium will WWWWWWWW 1decrease, increase, ha#e no effect on) the total quantit" of CaC93 once equilibrium is reestablished. nswer' decrease %opic' (ection 13.> ltering an !quilibrium Mi@ture' Changes in %emperature ).) %he reaction CaC931s) Ca91s) 8 9)1g) is endothermic )>= +. %he effect of adding a catal"st to the s"stem at equilibrium will WWWWWWWW 1decrease, increase, ha#e no effect on) the total quantit" of CaC93 once equilibrium is reestablished. nswer' ha#e no effect on %opic' (ection 13.13 %he !ffect of a Catal"st on !quilibrium

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