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COMMISSIONING, COMPLETION AND HANDOVER There are two main aspects of commissioning prior to the completion of a building:

a. Operational Commissioning - carried out by the Commissioning. Officer,

preparing for the commencement of services. b. Technical Commissioning - carried out by the Management Contractor for engineering and environmental services installations. Issues regarding the completion and commissioning of a pro ect are addressed during pre-construction and construction phases. In each specific case, re!uirements will need to be built into contract specifications prior to tenders being let. Commissioning of the pro ect is vested with one individual, The Commissioning Officer, who is accountable to the client for co-ordinating the programme of activities that constitute the commissioning se!uence. This will include liaison with the "ro ect Manager, to ensure that the commissioning se!uence is carried out in accordance with the MC". COMMISSIONING A. Client Commissioning

The ob ective of commissioning is to ensure that the facility is e!uipped and operated in accordance with the guidelines laid down. #or this purpose, a Commissioning Team is to be formed under the guidance of the "ro ect Manager, so that the team members can participate in the design process. The main tas$s of the Commissioning Team are to:


iii. iv.
v. vi. B.

%stablish the commissioning ob ectives in time, cost, !uality and performance terms "repare and co-ordinate a commissioning programme and chec$list &rrange appropriate access for the Commissioning Team &rrange the co-ordination between the 'esign Team and Management Contractor to plan and supervise the engineering commissioning Monitor commissioning progress and costs against the MC" and Cost "lan %nsure that the contract documents ma$e ade!uate provision for commissioning Engineering Ser i!es

The commissioning of the engineering services mar$s the transition from a static installation to a dynamic one, with the purpose of demonstrating that the e!uipment as installed functions in accordance with the design intent the final commissioning and balancing of the system is not normally complete until one year after handover. The main ob ective is to see that the commissioning of the separate systems is properly planned and e(ecuted, so that the installation as a whole is fully operational at handover. It is intended that the commissioning of specialist installations will ta$e place after the commissioning of the services installation,

The procedure to be followed is as under: i. ii. iii. One person is responsible for commissioning of services - the Commissioning Officer The 'esign Team are to identify the engineering services to be commissioned and define the roles and responsibilities between the Management Contractor, the manufacturer and the 'esign Team &ll relevant contract programmes are to ta$e due cognisance of the commissioning activities Commissioning records, calibration results, certificates and chec$ lists are to be mounted and bound into the Operating and Maintenance )O*M+ Manuals O*M Manuals, installed record drawings and maintenance staff training are provided in accordance with the management contract Monitoring commissioning progress will be carried out, and corrective action initiated as necessary COMPLETION " HANDOVER

v. vi. C.

Completion and handover of a pro ect are interlin$ed. The ob ective is to programme the re!uired activities to achieve a co-ordinated and satisfactory completion of wor$ phases within the Cost "lan. If the pro ect is sub ect to phased or sectioned handovers, practical completion for the specific phase is given. In these cases, the end user is responsible for insuring that the wor$s have been handed over. The procedures to be followed are under: i. "reparation of a list by the ,ead 'esigner, identifying unfinished wor$, defects and wor$manship not in accordance with the specification -pecified time limits for carrying out remedial wor$s "rovision of the re!uired number of: - .&s-built. and .installed. record drawings, plans, schedules, specifications and performance data - Commissioning and Test /eports, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. - "lanned maintenance schedules. "roposals for the training of engineering and other services related staff. "rocedures for monitoring and supervising post-contract wor$s, which do not form part of the main contract %nsuring that all statutory approvals and inspections have ta$en place, commissioning is complete and that the Client can have beneficial occupation of the building Initiating any Client-change measures when completing defect wor$s


iv. v. vi. vii.

Monitoring progress of wor$s contract #inal &ccounts or disputes and ascertaining draft final accounts are available on time

Occupation may form part of the main contract or stand as a separate entity. Occupation will involve employees of the user departments and the culture and style of management of the users0 organisation. The procedure for Migration is divided into four distinct stages: A. STR%CT%RE 'OR IMPLEMENTATION

The "M 'ivision along with the Client appoints individuals or groups to carry out the necessary actions. i. ii. iii. iv. B. "ro ect %(ecutive )Client representatives+ Occupation Co-ordinator )"M 'ivision+ Occupation -teering 1roup consisting of a chairman and functional representatives ,egal representative groups, concerned with consultation at departmental level to ensure correct procedures for communication SCOPE O' OB(ECTIVES

& scope of ob ectives is determined considering restraints and based on the type of pro ect, decisions are ta$en about what is to be done. i. ii. iii. iv. Identify those departments that are moving )"ro ect %(ecutive+ Organisation of move 2 setting separate dates for individual departments /eview time constraints - moving company, holidays Identification of ris$ areas: - 'elays in construction - &ccess problems. - Information Technology re!uirements - #urniture deliveries. METHODOLOG)


3ased on the type of pro ect4 assignment, the "M 'ivision sets a specific methodology for the whole process as under: i. ii. ,isting of activities to be carried out ,isting communications necessary during move "rovision of necessary services and move support "rocedures for /emoval administration #urniture procurement )1roup 5 items+ ORGANISATION AND CONTROL



This phase consists of the actual carrying out of the process, adhering to the commissioning programme and reporting to the Client on the activities



a. &s areas of wor$ near completion, "M 'ivision carries out an initial inspection and produce remedial sheets of outstanding items. b. 6hen, in the opinion of "M 'ivision, these areas are sufficiently complete, a oint inspection is carried out with the &rchitect and relevant 'esign Consultants as re!uired, and a formal list of snagging items is produced. "M 'ivision then issues a detailed list to the Trade Contractors concerned to enable them to ma$e good any outstanding items. c. &t the end of the 'efects ,iability "eriod )prescribed period after "ractical Completion+, "M 'ivision, in consultation with the &rchitect and relevant 'esign Consultants, produces and issues a -chedule of 'efects to the Trade Contractors, within 78 days of the end of the 'efects ,iability "eriod. d. The Trade Contractor is re!uired to complete any defects listed within 78 days after the receipt of this -chedule. e. On completion of these defects, to the satisfaction of the &rchitect, "M 'ivision issues a certificate of completion in consultation with the &rchitect.

-. ISS%ING CERTI'ICATES TO THE TRADE CONTRACTORS. a. "M 'ivision issues #inal Certificates to Trade Contractors after confirming and agreeing to the contents with the Client and &rchitect who will both sign the Certificate. b. & copy of the same is forwarded to the Cost &dviser for information. c. "M 'ivision issues two copies of the Certificate to the Trade Contractor out of which one copy is returned to the "M 'ivision after the ac$nowledgement )sign+ of the Trade Contractor. d. "M 'ivision then forwards the Certificate to the Client arranges for the balance payment on either of the given conditions )whichever is later+: )i+ )ii+ )iii+ 6ithin three months of the end of the 'efects ,iability "eriod. 6ithin three months of the issue of the Certificate of Ma$ing 1ood 'efects in the 6or$s 6ithin three months of receiving, the Trade Contractor has fully priced and detailed #inal &ccount.



&nne( II c:'esign Management &nne( II d:"rocurement Management &nne( II e:Commercial Management &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats.


A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

6P 7.8 7.1

A9ministr5tion De:5rtment P2r:ose

The &dministration )&dmin+ 'epartment of M&-T%/- is responsible for safety and maintenance of Office "remises, e!uipments and property. It acts as a support service provider to the sites in various ways. Its front office operations involve ta$ing care of reception, attending to telephone calls, maintaining and updating files. <owever, it=s most important role is to maintain office infrastructure li$e computers, printers, &ir conditioners, fa(, etc, and find out areas where the company can control costs and improve its facilities to the employees at the same time. 7.# S!o:e

The activities of the &dmin 'epartment are divided into the following categories: a. #ront office and related functions b. Maintenance and house $eeping c. Co-ordinating with sites for their re!uirements. d. "urchasing e. Chec$ing, surveillance and preventive maintenance of property and office infrastructure. 7.* Res:onsi;ilit< 7. Masters Management Consultants )I+ "vt. ,td is a lean organi>ation with &ccounts Manager4 /eceptionists doubling for &dmin Managers, reporting to the ?" or office incharge. @. The 'epartment co-ordinates with the </, &ccounts and "ro ect Managers4 Aey &ccount Managers for implementation of rules, policies, operating procedures and internal audits.



The activities of the &dministration department are listed as under: I. #ront office and related functions

1. The reception 4 front office is responsible for the following functions: 2. &ddress incoming visitors and loo$ after their needs. 3. &ct as the despatch cum receiving center for all correspondence and couriers
and further passing all the received documents to the 'ocument Controller. 4. 3oo$ing for travel arrangements local or outside as well as for the office car 5. Maintain register for attendance, correspondence despatch, employee=s outside visits. II. Maintenance &ctivity and house $eeping 7. The &dmin 'epartment has been entrusted with a ma or activity of the maintenance of the infrastructure of the organi>ation. @. The &dmin department is responsible for the maintenance of the following and shall ensure the regularly chec$ing as per the given schedule: -r. Bo a. b. c. d. "articulars4 "arameters -chedule for inspection Office premises Once every wee$. #a( Machines and %"&3C Once a month. Telephone lines and instruments. Once a month. &ir conditioners, fans and other electrical Once a month. fittings.

5. The /eceptionist is responsible for the smooth functioning and the proper wor$ing of the office e!uipments such as telephones, fa( machines, %"&3C, etc. who reports to the &dmin Manager or the office in charge on a regular basis. 8. The &dmin Manager regularly chec$s the discipline maintained for cleanliness and house $eeping. ;. The receptionist and &dmin Manager are also responsible to chec$ if the unior staff has attended wor$ in a proper turn out and in proper uniform. D. Maintenance of IT and networ$ is being carried out by outside vendors, who are contacted if there is a problem in the networ$ or a "C.


"urchasing 7. The &dmin department is responsible for assessing the re!uirement for a product, service, e!uipment or facility before it is purchased. @. & re!uisition slip is filled by the <o'4 employee and is handed over to the &dmin Manager, initiating the process of purchasing. 5. The ?"4 /egion <ead approves all re!uisitions for purchase under /s. ;, 9994-. The re!uisitions e(ceeding /s. ;, 9994- are approved by the C%O of the company. 8. &fter getting a confirmation for purchase, the &dmin Manager calls for !uotations from at least three different vendors. ;. The &ccounts 'ept issues a "urchase order to the selected vendor as per the re!uirement specified, with e(act !uantities and target date for the supply of the purchased product4 item. D. &fter the delivery of the item, the &dmin Manager4 /eceptionist is responsible for chec$ing the !uantity, !uality and components of the item supplied and fill up the "urchase ?erification Chec$list, failing which the &ccounts 'epartment shall not issue the payment to the vendor. :. The &dmin Manager is responsible for $eeping the 6arranty card or any other related document in safe custody, for future use. E. #or items such as stationery, letterheads, visiting cards, etc., the Company has short listed specific vendors4 printers who have details of the e(act re!uirements of the company. F. The &dmin Manager gives orders to the printers as and how the need arises. 79. The /eceptionist verifies the printed materials after the printer delivers them. 77. The &dmin department co-ordinates with the &ccounts 'epartment for issuing payments to the vendors on proper completion of the purchase process.


Co-ordinating tic$ets boo$ing for any employee. 7. &n employee is responsible for filling up and submitting a Travel /e!uisition #orm for boo$ing outstation travel tic$ets from the office. @. The employee has to ensure that the Travel /e!uisition #orm is handed over to the &dmin department well in advance. 5. The &dmin department chec$s if the re!uisition is duly signed by the employee and approved by the /egion <ead4 ?". 8. If the travel re!uisition is beyond the limits set as per the travel policy of the Company, the employee has to see$ an approval of the C%O. ;. In e(ceptional cases, the &dmin 'epartment may consider a verbal approval from the ?"4 /egion <ead. D. Travel /e!uisition #orms are stored by the &dmin 'epartment before the tic$ets are boo$ed and are later $ept in the &ccounts )%(penses+ file with the ?oucher and corresponding tic$ets.


Control on stationery and Office -upplies: 7. The &dmin 'epartment purchases different office supplies from the list of its selected vendors. The list of the vendors is maintained with the department and any changes are updated with the consent of the head of the department. @. & register is being maintained by the /eceptionist, containing related details. 5. This record is maintained on a daily basis. 8. 6henever an employee is supplied with an office supply or a stationery item, the receptionist ma$es an entry in the register with the e(act !uantity, the name and the initials of the employee. ;. In case the site submits a re!uisition for any stationery item, the &dmin department places an order with the selected vendor for directly supplying the re!uired stationery to the site. If the re!uired stationery is delivered at the office, the &dmin Manager4 /eceptionist chec$s the !uantity and !uality of the stationery supplied and arranges to deliver the same to the site. D. The receptionist conducts a thorough chec$ of the balance stoc$ of stationery every five days with the help of the unior staff. &n entry is made in the register with the details of the remaining stoc$ of each item, duly signed by the receptionist or the unior staff.


"reventive maintenance at office: 7. The &dmin 'epartment chec$s the following documents on a regular basis for analy>ing the e(penses of a month: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. . Mobile bills. Telephone bills. %lectricity bills. Travel e(penses. )In city and out station+ 6ater bill )if applicable+ -tationery e(penses. %(penses on consumables such as tea and coffee. %(penses on guest of the company. <ouse$eeping and sanitation e(penses. %(penses incurred for purchase of new e!uipment.

@. The &dmin department is responsible to maintain the following reports and documents: a. &MC reports for office e!uipments with due dates. )&ir Conditioners, Computers, "rinters, fa( machines, %"&3C, telephone instruments, photocopiers etc+ b. &MC cards4 contracts for every single product4 e!uipment under warranty. 5. The &dmin department carries out the following preventive maintenance activities as per a given schedule: a. Chec$ing the validity of &MC for each and every e!uipment under &MC and renewing it before the due date.

b. Ma$ing sure that all bills for telephones and electricity are paid before due date to avoid disconnection. c. Chec$ing if the e(isting fire e(tinguishers are in wor$ing condition and have not crossed their e(piry dates. 7./ Re0eren!e

GM :.8 of the Guality -ystem Manual. &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. 7.1 A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

6P =.8 =.1

'in5n!e " A!!o2nts De:5rtment P2r:ose

To establish, implement and adhere to the guidelines for # * & Management within all offices to result in better functional efficiency and meet I-O F997- @999 re!uirements. =.# S!o:e

The scope of activities of the &ccounts -ection is categori>ed as follows:a. ?oucher entry and "etty Cash. b. Che!ue Issues. c. /aising Invoices. d. Management of &ccounts e. &nnual 3udgets f. <andling of -tatutory 4 Internal &udits =.* Res:onsi;ilit< a. The company has outsourced its accounting function to a !ualified Chartered &ccountant, who controls the overall activities of the &ccounts 'ivision. b. The &ccounts Manager is responsible to the C%O for monitoring the overall finances of the organi>ation, dealing with the Chartered &ccountant and report on regular basis. c. "M and &ccounts %(ecutives posted at client sites record the day-to-day accounting activities and report to the ?"4 C%O.


Pro!e92re /eimbursement of e(penses: a. &ll employees are responsible for preparing an %(penses -tatement for general e(penses, including food, and all other reimbursements e(cept In-city travel. b. &n employee returning from an official trip has to submit a brea$ up of e(penses incurred within a wee$ from return, for appropriate reimbursement. The &ccounts Manager chec$s the statement and reimburses actual e(penses only as per the Company policy. c. In all cases, the &ccounts Manager chec$s the e(penses entered by the employee and cash is reimbursed to the employee as per the policy laid down.


&dvances towards Outstation Travel: a. &ll %mployees of the Company are given advances as per the Travel "olicy of the Company and any employee, see$ing advance from the company has to fill up and submit &pplication for &dvances. b. &ccounts Manager ensures that the application is properly filled up, stating e(act purpose of travel and approved by the C%O. c. &ny advance e(ceeding the amount stipulated in the Travel "olicy of the company can be given only after the due sanction of the C%O. d. In e(ceptional cases, advance may be given on the verbal approval of the C%O. e. The employee is responsible for giving an account of the advance ta$en from the office within a wee$ from return from an outstation tour4 trip.


Imprest &ccount: a. Imprest &ccount is maintained by all /egional offices under respective /egional <eads. Till the time an &ccounts Officer is positioned at /egional Offices, advances from Imprest &ccount will sanctioned against a re!uisition voucher duly approved by <ead - </. b. These vouchers will be settled within seven wor$ing days failing which debit will be raised against the individual drawing the advance. c. #resh advance will be sanctioned only after the previous one has been settled.


Maintenance of Cash 3oo$s * ,edgers: a. Manual Cash 3oo$s and ledgers will be maintained by the &ccountant on double entry system, in addition to computeri>ed records in %(cel and Tally. b. #inancial &ccounts are entered daily on Tally, which is installed in the office. The &ccounts Manager submits the monthly accounts4 statements to the Chartered &ccountant on or by the ;th )fifth day+ of every month.


"etty Cash: a. & file must be maintained which reconciles the petty cash account with the cash in hand. The petty cash ledger must always reconcile to cash in hand and pending reimbursements. b. Only original receipts for e(penditures can be reimbursed. The petty cash account must be reconciled on monthly basis.


3an$ "ayments: a. &s per the company=s policy, all payments will be made by &ccount "ayee che!ues only. b. &ll vendor bills will be accounted on Hournal ?ouchers for which records will be maintained. c. Cancelled che!ues will be scored across its face with a cutting and stapled with the counterfoil of the che!ue boo$. d. & separate Che!ue 'eposit /egister will be opened and maintained.


Invoice /egister. a. &ll invoices raised are numbered serially in the e(cel file maintained by the &ccounts Manager.


3oo$ing of -alaries of %mployees. a. &ll cases on which there are no !ueries whatsoever and are clear cut will be paid by 7st of every month. b. Inder no circumstances will any salary bill remain with &ccounts -ection without payment or observation not being raised.


-chedule of Other "ayments:

&ccounts -ection in consultation of the </ 'epartment ma$es the other monthly payments of bills as follows: a. b. c. d. e. Courier -ervices bills. 6ithin one month of the date of receipt of the invoice. "ostage. Immediately, by cash -tationery 3ills. 6ithin one month of the date of issue of invoice. "etrol bills. 6ithin seven days of date of submission of bills4 statement. Telephone bills: &tleast 5 days prior to the respective due date.

f. %lectricity bills. %very alternate month atleast three days prior to the due date. g. "rofessional Ta(. &s applicable .3y the ;th of each month. h. -undry bills and vendor payments. 6ithin fifteen days from the date of receipt of related payment from the client.


Bormal "ayments of ?endors. a. &ccounts Manager chec$s the bills received and sends them to the ?" for approval. b. Bormally, vendors 4 contractors 4 suppliers bills are cleared within a month=s time from the date of submission of the invoice4 bill. c. &ccounts -ection accepts the bill4 invoice only after the <ead of -ection passing the re!uisition for purchase of an item, confirms the proper delivery and wor$ing of the delivered item through ,ocal "urchase Order. d. The &ccounts Manager chec$s the re!uisition slip and4 or the ,ocal "urchase Order along with the bill, before it is passed for payment. e. &ll vendors of the company are paid on days decided by the &ccounts Manager. In all cases, che!ues are issued only after ?"4 C%O authori>e it.


/aising Invoice and /eceipt of "ayments. a. The &ccounts -ection raises invoices on the client companies, on the instructions of the A&M4 "M. b. The process of raising an invoice has been elaborated in the flow chart J/aising of InvoiceK, anne(ed to the Guality "rocedure Manual.



&nne(ure II f: Invoicing and "ayment #ollow up flowchart &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. =.1 A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

6P 18.8 18.1

De:5rtment o0 H2m5n Reso2r!es


The <uman /esource 'epartment of Masters Management Consultants )I+ "vt. ,td is responsible for formulating and adhering to a standard system for recruitment, training and development of suitable personnel for all ob profiles. 18.# S!o:e

Masters Management Consultants )I+ "vt. ,td rates human resources, as one of the main components of the Company and it always believes that people are the $ey to success and their development should receive top priority. The following activities are carried out by the </ 'epartment:

1. /ecruitment of new employee 2. Conducting Interview 3. Offer to a successful candidate

8. &ppointment letter to new employee 5. #ormalities on the 'ay of Hoining: Induction "rogramme D. Confirmation of employee 7. ,eave "olicy 8. Travel "olicy 9. Office timings, late coming rules and &bsenteeism. 79. "rocedure for Misconduct and 'isciplinary behavior 77. 1rievance /edressal 12. "erformance and 'evelopment &ppraisal 75. Training and 'evelopment 14. -taff 6elfare 15. -eparation 4 discontinuation of staff 4 trainee 4 retainer 18.* Res:onsi;ilit<

7. The &ccounts Manager4 &dmin Manager act as the </ Manager and perform </ related functions on a day-to-day basis under the supervision of the ?"4 Office Managers. 2. The %(ecutives from all sites report to the &ccounts4 &dmin Manager located at head office. In case of any re!uest for recruitment, training or any other changes in policies, the %(ecutives send their re!uisitions to the &dmin4 &ccounts after due consent of the ?"4 Office Manager.


Pro!e92re "rocedures for appointing new employee:

#or the appointment of a new candidate the respective head provides a re!uisition to the </ Manager for further action. The employee provides the following information:

a. "osition 4 designation vacant.

b. 'epartment c. 6or$ profile. d. 6or$ -tatus )/etainer4 /egular+ e. "referred candidate profile )e(perience+. f. 'esired candidate profile )!ualification+. g. Aey /esult &reas and Measurement Indices. h. "osition based at. i. /eporting authority. II. /ecruitment process: Conducting Interview a. The short listed candidates have to undergo a methodical and comprehensive interview conducted by the <o' or the </ manager. b. &fter the successful completion of an interview the <o' puts remar$s about the candidate hence approving4 re ecting the candidate. c. The interview outputs are submitted to the </ Manager and in case of successful appointmentL the </ Manager ta$es up the terms of service. III. Offer to a successful candidate:

&fter a <o' confirms to appoint a new employee the following procedure is followed: a. The resume is forwarded to the </ department with the Interview outputs. b. The </ Manager issues an offer letter to the successful candidate as per the specified format. c. The oining employee has to furnish the following documents to the </ department on the day of oining: 'ate of 3irth Certificate copy. <ighest 'egree Certificate copy. 5 coloured photographs. /elieving letter from a previous employee. )if any+ Medical Certificate from /egistered Medical "ractioner

d. The </ Manager files the received documents in a separate employee file and subse!uent entries are made on the %mployee #ile Chec$list. e. The employee has to furnish the basic details needed on the "ersonnel profile form.


"rocedures for the 'ay of Hoining:

On the day of oining the following procedures are carried out by the </ Manager: 7. </ Manager4 <o' chec$s for copies of the following documents: a. 3irth Certificate, b. <ighest 'egree4 Gualification Certificate, c. /elieving letter from the previous employer, d. 5 passport si>ed photographs. e. Medical Certificate from /egistered Medical "ractioner

2. On the basis of the documents provided, employee is handed over an

appointment letter with details of his4 her appointment and salary brea$ ups are e(plained. 3. &n entry is made in the Muster. 4. & form is filled up with the details of the ban$ account of the employee. 5. ,eave card is prepared. 6. ?isiting cards are ordered to be printed. 7. MI- entry is made in the payroll software4 spreadsheet. 8. The candidate is then inducted by providing induction training. 9. Candidate is introduced to the office staff. 10. #or senior posts, a welcome note is sent to all office managers. 11. Candidate is issued basic stationery and assigned wor$station space. 7@. The <o' ensures that the new employee is appraised of the following information: a. Office timings, b. ,eave policy and method of filling leave application form, c. Informed about -aturday half day and second -aturday as an off day, d. Told about the relevance and importance of -aturday training sessions, e. Informed about the procedure of filling of e(pense statements and attaching bills and vouchers to claim money, f. Informed about procedure for recovering the medical and entertainment reimbursement amount through e(pense statements )if reimbursement component is applicable+, g. #illing up a form for opening a new salary account, h. <anded list of holidays, i. <anded list of telephone numbers, . <anded list of email ids, $. & copy of the Guality "rocedure Manual of the relevant department for study. @. On receiving the appointment letter and after undergoing induction, the new oinee must sit with the <o'4 Office 'irector to fill up the A/& form to ensure that after understanding the company and regional office wor$, the oinee is clear about his4 her own daily wor$ing, wor$ targets for performance review.


,eave "olicy

The company has defined the following set of policies for the entitlement of leave to an employee:

1. GENERAL R%LES a. #or the purpose of leave, accounting period shall be calendar year, ie from Hanuary to 'ecember. b. %ach year in the month of Hanuary, all confirmed employees will be credited with 59 days leave, without any brea$ up for types of leaves. c. In case a new employee oins during the calendar year, he 4 she will be credited with proportional leave. <owever, the new employee will be encouraged to ta$e leave only after confirmation e(cept in cases of personal emergencies. d. -undays 4 holidays wherever applicable are permitted to be prefi(ed or suffi(ed or both prefi(ed and suffi(ed, such holidays prefi(ed and 4 or suffi(ed shall not be debited. e. -undays or holidays which fall in the course of leave shall be counted as part of the leave.

#. PROCED%RE 'OR SANCTION O' LEAVE a. &n employee shall apply for leave to the immediate superior 4 department heads for sanction. -uch applications should normally be made atleast @ days before the date of commencement of short leaves up to 8 days and atleast 7; days before long leaves of more than 8 days, e(cept in case of dire emergency or unforeseen circumstances, when it is not possible to do so. &fter receiving the application, the respective <O' should scrutinise the same and sanction 4 refuse the leave and inform the employee accordingly . ,eave card4 register duly completed shall be submitted to <ead </ for necessary action. b. 6hen leave applied for is not sanctioned by the Company due to e(igencies of wor$, the Company would as far as possible endeavour to grant leave to the employee concerned as soon as it is possible. c. If leave is ta$en due to unforeseen circumstances li$e ill health, etc. the employee must fill up the leave application and submit it to the immediate superior, on the day of oining. d. The employee may telephonically inform the receptionist 4 office manager in case of leave on medical grounds and may submit an approved sic$ leave application to the receptionist 4 office manager immediately on oining duty.

*. E>TENSION O' LEAVE a. If employees desire an e(tension of leave, while on leave, they shall ma$e an application specifically mentioning the reasons by $eeping a time margin of @ wor$ing days for receiving a reply. The same may be communicated through email or telephonically with the <o' who in turn should report to the A&M4 "M. b. & reply in writing4 email, either of the grant or refusal of e(tension of leave, shall be sent to the employees at the address given by them. &s far as possible, such applications will not be considered unless the circumstances for e(tension are beyond the control of the employees.

-. LEAVE 'OR TRAINEES a. Trainees will be entitled to leave as applicable to other employees e(cept that they will be granted leave on pro rata basis from the day they oin as in the case of probationers.


Office timings * late coming rules.

The company practices the following rules for office timings and late coming as prescribed by the company: 7. The office timings for each office are to be strictly adhered to by all the staff members. @. Those coming late must specifically put in the time of arrival, failing which the receptionist4 office manager is authori>ed to put the same down against the latecomer=s name. & third late coming in a month would be treated as a half day of absence, leading to a cut in half day=s salary. 5. & register is maintained with the /eceptionist4 office manager for maintaining all attendance records, apart from the ,eave Cards maintained by each employee. 8. The following are to be observed by all the staff members at the reception itself: a. Mar$ing attendance, b. #illing the Jon-dutyK register, c. -ubmitting an on-duty slip )when out of office for company wor$+, d. -ubmission of written note of tour plan )itinerary+ after due signature of the <O', e. Telephonically informing the receptionist 4 office manager in case of any delay in reaching office, in case of any unforeseen circumstances. @. Inmar$ed registers with no intimation of whereabouts would be treated as absence from duty. 3. Twice in a month an employee may, out of necessity, with due approval of <O' ta$e an early off or late coming. This is however viewed as recourse at times of e(igency with intimation to the office head and not an entitlement.


Misconduct and 'isciplinary "rocedure

The company has laid down the following charter for employees to maintain proper discipline in the organi>ation:

1. &ny misconduct, misbehavior or unethical wor$ practices to be brought to the

notice of the <ead - </ in writing. 2. #or any complaint made, the employee is responsible to provide a written e(planation to the <ead - </. 5. The <ead - </ to issue a suggestive remedy or a warning for the problem based on the remar$s4 reports of the <o'. 8. /epeated misconduct or no response to the previous warnings would compel the <ead - </ to issue a notice to the employee for any disciplinary action. & detailed list of procedures for 'isciplinary measures and 1rievance /edressal of employees has been listed in the 1eneral Terms * Conditions of the Company. IC. A/&4 &ppraisal.

The company follows the following methods for the appraisal of an employee:

1. &n employee is appraised once a year, for the period between 7 st &pril and 57st
March. The review period is from Hanuary to 'ecember. @. The performance appraisal is conducted annually to review the performance of an employee. 5. The </ department has specifically designed a "erformance &ppraisal #orm for Office %(ecutives and designations above. 8. "erformance &ppraisal #orm has to be filled by the Hunior -taff of the Company. 5. The employee himself first fills the form as a method of self-assessment and then the <o' puts remar$s on the same. The forms are returned to </ D. The #orms are then reviewed by the Office <ead in consultation with the <o' for deciding the promotions, Increments etc.


Training 7. The Company is committed to maintaining and e(tending the !uality of its service to clients through developing the s$ills of its wor$force. &s individuals are appointed to roles and as they progress in those roles systems are in place to ensure that training and development need are identified and met. @. & comprehensive action plan has been developed by the </ Manager for measuring Competencies for employees at a regular interval, as decided by the Top Management. 3ased on the outputs of the competence mapping e(ercise, new training needs shall be established. 5. The </ department chec$s the need for providing training to the staff of the company at all times. 8. The </ Manager is responsible for arranging and co-ordinating training programmes to meet needs identified by <o' or Office 'irector. &ll employees are eligible to participate in programmes relevant to their roles and personal development. ;. M&-T%/- conducts an annual performance appraisal, which gives the staff a formal opportunity to review performance, set and agree ob ectives for the forthcoming year and identify training needs. D. & schedule for delivery of the training needs is accordingly prepared after see$ing an approval of the C%O of the Company. 7. The </ 'epartment conducts or ensures induction training for the newly oined recruits in the company. E. /ecords of attendance on training courses are held by the </ Manager. F. The employee is e(pected to fill up the Training #eedbac$ #orm and submit to the </ Manager within one wee$ of returning from the training programme. 79. &fter appro(imately one month from the date of completion of training, the </ Manger hands over the Training #eedbac$ #orm to the <o' of that particular employee for detailing the effectiveness of the training provided. 77. The </ Manager is responsible for assessing the effectiveness of the training provided to the employee on the basis of the Training #eedbac$ #orm and reporting to the C%O of the Company.


-taff 6elfare

The company plans to wor$ as a cohesive family. -taff health and happiness is central to the </ policy of the company. In view of the same, the company has ta$en positive measures and provided the following:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Iniforms for support staff. -afety leather shoes, wind cheaters for the support staff. Inoculation drive throughout four offices for prevention against <epatitis 3. &nnual health chec$ ups for all staff members. Insurance cover for all staff members. </ department issues birthday cards, congratulatory letters and felicitates staff to build M&-T%/- as a family. 7. Company and Office get-togethers for building a team spirit.


-eparation 4 discontinuation of staff 4 trainee 4 retainer:

The company follows the following standard procedures for separation or discontinuation of a staff member4 trainee4 retainer:

1. <o' accepts the resignation letter. 2. <o' puts his comment for the date of relieving and is sent to </.
5. %mployee is issued &cceptance of /esignation by the </ 8. The employee has to fill up the Clearance #orm and %(it -urvey. %(it Interview is ta$en by </ Manager 5. The </ Manager informs about the resignation to accounts4 administration * front des$. 6. 'ues clearing chec$-list includes: a. I-card hand over. b. Corporate account closing intimation. c. Muster entry change. d. "ayroll pac$age change. @. On clearing dues and giving written no-dues to accounts, #ull and #inal settlement is prepared. 5. /elieving letter cum e(perience letter issued by the C%O4 <ead-</ of the Company.



GM D.@.@ of Guality Manual. &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. 18.1 A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

Amen9ment o0 Re!or9s.
7. &ny changes or amendments made in the e(isting manual shall be approved by the Managing 'irector C%O of CMM&-T%/- and shall be recorded in the &mendment /ecord -heet. The /evised Manual will be issued whenever the Management deems fit. @. 3y virtue of amendment of any of the clauses, if a new page is re!uired to be appended, the same shall be done by adding a new page and giving a suffi( number to the relevant page, to maintain the continuity of the pages. &n indication of such amendment including the date of the same shall be made on the relevant page.









T5;le o0 Contents? SECTION NO. G" 9.7. G" 7.9 G" @.9 G" 5.9 G" 8.9 G" ;.9 G" D.9 G" :.9. DEPARTMENT NAME. Inde( and Table of Contents Control of 'ocuments Control of /ecords Internal Guality &udit Control on non-conforming product, Corrective * "reventive &ctions "rocedure for Management /eview Meetings 3usiness 'evelopment &ctivities of "ro ect Management Consultancy O00i!e 02n!tions: G" E.9. G" F.9. G" 79.9. &dministration 'epartment &ccounts 'epartment 'epartment of <uman /esources &mendment of /ecords: Anne@2res? &nne( I: &nne( II: &nne( II a: &nne( II b: &nne( II c: &nne( II d: &nne( II e: &nne( II f: &nne( III: %nvironment, <ealth * -afety Management "lan * "rocedures "rocess flow charts 3usiness 'evelopment 'ocument Control 'esign Management "rocurement Management Commercial Management Invoicing and "ayment follow up ,ist of forms, formats and chec$lists ;: of :; D@ of :; DD of :; :; of :; ;. 8. F. 7. PAGE NO. 7 of :; 5 of :; D of :; F of :; 7@ of :; 7; of :; 7E of :; 7F of :; NO. O' PAGES. @. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 7. 5:.

6P 1.8 1.1

Control o0 Do!2ments P2r:ose

To ensure that the appropriate and correct information pertaining to pro ect management is available for use 4 issue and to ensure that obsolete information is prevented from use. 1.# S!o:e

This procedure applies to all Guality Management -ervices documents including Guality Control, "rocedures Manual, -ystems Manual, #low Charts, -tandard #orms and e(ternal documents. These procedures apply to preparation, review, revision, approval, distribution and recall of all documentation and data essential to the accomplishment of wor$ and relate to the re!uirements of the International -tandards 1.* Res:onsi;ilit<

7. M/ has the main responsibility of controlling Guality Management -ystem documents and data. @. The 'ocument Controller is responsible for logging relevant details of the e(ternal documents 4 data received on behalf of the employees and, for distributing updated information and removing 4 destroying 4 returning previous versions as applicable. 5. C%O4 ?" is responsible for approving all processes, formats and contents of all documents and data prior to formal issue.



The Management /epresentative of M&-T%/- along with the employees shall ensure that: 7. &ll documents and 'ata are reviewed and approved for authenticity by authori>ed personnel prior to issue. @. 'ocuments and data preparation, review, approval, update, amendment and distribution are conducted in accordance with re!uirements of this procedure. 5. The updated and latest documents are available at all locations where operations, are performed. 8. & single hard controlled copy file of all GM- documents is retained for approval by the C%O. ;. 6henever any procedure is repealed, the documents of earlier procedure )Obsolete documents+ are promptly removed from all points of issue or use, or otherwise assured for unintended use. D. &ny document, though not in use, but retained for legal and 4 or $nowledge purpose, shall be preserved separately with suitable identification. :. The documents, which are relevant for operations, received from e(ternal sources, are inde(ed, preserved and controlled, properly. E. /ecords pertaining to services shall be preserved and maintained as per the prevalent guidelines for preservation of records. F. &ll documents4 correspondences dispatched to the Client, shall be filed departmentwise and reference number-wise. 79. %ach <o', with assistance of the 'ocument Controller shall be responsible for storage of the documents. 77. The company may issue and maintain instructions either on electronic media or in the form of hard copy. 6henever, any instruction is given in an electronic form, the same may be reproduced in document form, as re!uired and be approved by the appropriate authority. 7@. The correspondence and documents received from Clients are processed and later on stored for future references4 actions. 'epending on the nature of the document, it is destroyed on a half yearly4 yearly basis or handed over to the Client at the end of the pro ect 75. The outputs of the &ccounts department and Invoices to the Clients are ade!uately chec$ed by authori>ed personnel before sending them to the Client as described in the Guality "rocedure Manual. 78. The 'epartmental head4 Manager shall be the authori>ed person for control of documents related to a procedure unless another person authori>ed by the C%O has been deputed.



GM 8.@.5 of the Guality Manual. &nne(ure II b: #low chart for document control &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. 1.1 A2t3ori45tion

6P #.8 #.1 P2r:ose

Control o0 625lit< Re!or9s

To control the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, circulation and disposition of the Guality records and to ensure the use of correct 4 updated versions, and preventing unauthori>ed changes in them. #.# S!o:e

Control on Guality /ecords can be defined as a process wherein documents and data relating to the international standards re!uirements are reviewed and controlled. Guality records include:
7. Guality -ystem Manual. @. Guality "rocedure Manual. 5. Internal Guality &udit /eport. 8. Bon-Conformity /eport. ;. Corrective &ctions /eport. D. "reventive &ctions /eports. :. Management /eview /eports. E. ,ist of acceptable4 approved contractors, vendors and consultants. F. Becessary procurement information and related documents. 79. Inspection4 test results and calibration results. 77. ?arious /eports sent to the Clients.



7 @ 5

The Management /epresentative is responsible for control, distribution and implementation of Guality /ecords, as re!uired by the organi>ations to meet with the re!uirements of the International -tandards. The respective "ro ect Managers are responsible to $eep Guality records legible, readily identifiable and retrievable at all levels of activities. The C%O is responsible for approval and reviewing Guality /ecord information at the end of the retention period and deciding on further retention or disposal.


Pro!e92re 7. The company has established and maintains Guality /ecords to provide evidence of conformity to re!uirements and the effective operation of the Guality Management -ystems. @. The said Guality records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable at re!uired levels of operations. 5. 'ocumented procedures have been established and communicated to control the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and proper disposition of the Guality records of the company. 8. The "M at respective pro ects have a copy of the procedures, records and manuals and shall ma$e it available to the pro ect team members for reference. ;. Changes to the records, shall be reviewed and approved by the same authority that has approved the original document, or the authority higher than the approving authorities. The nature of the change shall be identified in the document or in appropriate attachments. D. &ll personnel responsible for the completion of Guality /ecords shall complete all records in full on the appropriate forms as directed within procedure, and ensure legibility and accuracy. :. Inless stated otherwise or re!uired for legal reference, !uality records shall be maintained for a period of one year and destroyed as decided appropriate by the "M or returned to the client=s management

N2m;ering Con ention 0or 5ll Di isions?

#./ Re0eren!e GM 8.@.8 of Guality Manual. &nne(ure II b: #low chart for document control &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. #.1 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y

6P *.8 *.1

Intern5l 625lit< A29its P2r:ose

To formulate and control the procedure of conducting Internal Guality &udits in every department of the organi>ation towards continual improvement with an aim to increase in !uality of services. *.# S!o:e

The procedures of Internal Guality &udit cover all the departments of M&-T%/-. Internal Guality &udits are conducted every two months, as decided by the M/ and the Top Management or as re!uired. *.* Res:onsi;ilit<

The M/ has responsibility for scheduling, coordinating and following-up audit activities to ensure each branch is audited once in two months. &udit fre!uency may vary as per the importance of /egion 4area 4 function to be audited, previous audit results, findings raised. Internal auditors are responsible for: &greeing dates4times of audit with relevant staff4departments. "reparing for audit by reviewing relevant documents and familiari>ing themselves with the area4activities to be audited and creating relevant, useful audit chec$lists. Conducting audits in an open, constructive manner. "reparing Internal Observation /eport 4 Internal &udit and technical audit reports #ollowing-up4verifying the effectiveness of improvement actions. ,iaising with M/ on the status of audits. The <ead of -ection 4 /egion sub ect to audit is responsible for the identification * timely implementation or improvement action agreed, as a result of audits conducted.


Pro!e92re 7. The M/ prepares an annual audit calendar based on status and importance of activities. Consideration is also given to any change in the Company and to open non conformities )BC+. The schedule is $ept under review and updated as necessary throughout the year. @. &udits may also be carried out on an activity or procedural basis by auditors who are independent of the function being audited. 5. In planning an audit, the M/ or his representative )hereafter referred to as auditor+ should contact the <ead of the -ection 4 Aey &ccount Manager )hereafter referred to as auditee+ of the area4 activity being audited to agree a day4 time, as far as possible convenient to wor$ activities. 8. Conducting the audit:


Opening In opening an audit, the M/ or his representative confirms its purpose and scope with the auditee and outlines the methods and program to be employed during the audit, Conducting The role of the auditor is to critically e(amine whether C%O=s vision, mission, values and ob ectives are being met after satisfying all re!uirements of I-O F997:@999 and GM- documentation is being followed. This is done by observation, discussions with relevant staff, as$ing !uestion as prepared during review, re!uesting information and reviewing available records. In the absence of evidence proving conformity with re!uirements, clear specific details are recorded and Corrective &ction /e!uest )C&/+ is raised. Observations may also be made and internal auditors will aim to identify opportunities for improvements. Closing #indings are discussed with respective <eads to ensure that they are clearly understood and accepted. /esponsibilities are assigned for identifying the root cause of the deficiency and for ta$ing subse!uent improvement action)s+. /esponse times for actions and follow-up arrangement to chec$ effectiveness are also agreed. The auditor shall obtain signature of the auditee indicating acceptance of BC=s reported, and agreed corrective actions. If a finding is deemed so serious that immediate corrective action is necessary, the concerned <ead shall arrange to do so and inform C%O accordingly. /eporting &n audit report is prepared and distributed to concerned auditee * to M/, if audit has been done by any of his representative. #ollow up &s re!uired, auditors follow-up to verify effectiveness of corrective actions. #ollow-up4verification is carried out as soon as practicable. The status of audits4actions is monitored by the M/ until actions are complete and the audit can be closed out.






/eview M/ to review audit reports, ensuring all details are complete, where necessary, review and update internal Guality &udit -chedule, to reflect of audits obtained. %nsure all Internal Guality &udit /eports are collated analy>ed and presented at Management /eview Meetings. ;. The M/ maintains a separate file for recording the non conformities found in the IG&. &n BC/ log is maintained by the M/ to $eep trac$ of the number of open and closed BC=s.



GM E.@.@ of the Guality Manual 2 Internal &udits. IG& and M/M Calendar. &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. *.1 A2t3ori45tion M/ 77 49:4 9; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

6P -.8 -.1

Control on NonACon0orming Pro92!t, Corre!ti e " Pre enti e A!tion P2r:ose

To ensure situations are controlled to prevent them from impacting on !uality and to ensure that opportunities for improvement to the processes and the overall GM- are identified and responded to. -.# S!o:e

&ll the processes of the company have to be in conformity with the documented Guality Management -ystems and any deviation from the -tandard would be termed as nonconformity. &de!uate steps shall be ta$en to resolve problems in service and prevent problems from reoccurring in future, hence avoiding deviation from the Guality Ob ectives set by the Top Management of the Organi>ation. -.* Res:onsi;ilities 7. C%O. -pells out overall policy for implementation @. M/, <o'=s and A&M=s are responsible for: Corre!ti e A!tions? Ta$ing action to eliminate the !52se o0 nonA!on0ormities to prevent re!2rren!e. Corrective actions to be appropriate to the effects of the non-conformities encountered. /eviewing non-conformities )including customer complaints+, 'etermining the cause of non-conformities. %valuating the need for action to ensure that non-conformities do not recur. 'etermining and implementing action needed. /ecording results of action ta$en. /eviewing corrective action ta$en. Pre enti e A!tions? 'etermining action to eliminate the causes of :otenti5l nonA!on0ormities in order to prevent their o!!2rren!e. "reventive actions to be appropriate to the effect of the potential problems. 'etermining potential non-conformities and their causes. %valuating the need for action to preventive occurrence of non-conformities. 'etermining and implementing action needed. /ecording result of action ta$en. /eviewing preventive action ta$en.

5. MR? Coordinates all corrective * preventive actions and $eeps C%O informed. <e is responsible for reviewing preventive action ta$en. 8. St500? &ll staff is responsible for early reporting non-conformities to respective -ite #M4 "M as appropriate, to their <eads and M/.



I9enti0i!5tion 5n9 !5tegori45tion Customers, staff or auditors may identify negative situations that in turn, are processed as nonconformities through inspection4 chec$s4internal4e(ternal audits or day-to-day activities. Bon-conformities are categori>ed as follows: Ma or C&/: /aised where: There is total brea$down of a process or procedure critical to services !ualityL There is a total absence of a re!uirement demanded by the standard or the organi>ation=s !uality system. There are number of minor lapses in a process, which when ta$en together, collectively suggest a total or important brea$down in the process The non-conformity is li$ely to result in an immediate ris$ to the !uality of product or service being offered. /aised when a deficiency )or deficiencies+ has been identified in a process in the operation of the organi>ation=s Guality system, but which are less severe than warrants a Ma or C&/. Observations are the point on which the auditors may wish to comment but one or more reason or another, are not reported as C&/s. Observation may include: 1ood practical which could benefit other processes within the organi>ationL &reas of concern which are not yet serious enough to warrant C&/sL -ituations which if not addressed may give rise to C&/s at a later stageL The suggestions for actions to improve the effectiveness of the !uality system. 7. On discovering non-conformity, the member of staff must ta$e the following action: Bon-conformities identified during day to day activity including customer complaints4 feedbac$ and internal audit are properly documented. Bonconformities are reported to prompt action to improve the situation, investigate the cause of the situation and to ensure corrective action is ta$en to prevent recurrence or occurrence.

Minor C&/:


@. Complaints raised by customers )customer complaints+ will be recorded and acted upon, as appropriate. 5. Bon-conformities are reviewed as appropriate by concerned <o'4 A&M who will assume responsibility for investigation and decide on action to be ta$en or assign responsibility to an appropriate individual, agree a target date for corrective

8. ;. D. :. E. F.

action completion and record the details against the relevant corrective action report. &lso non-conformities data analysis will be reviewed in management review meeting. Bon-conformities are investigation by concerned line management staff to identify the root cause and potential solutions. Corrective action is ta$en in response to an actual or potential deviation that has been identified in accordance with the processes laid down by the company. &ctions ta$en are reviewed as appropriate by the concerned <o'4 A&M to ensure that they have addressed the problem and cause of the problem effectively. The M/ and <o'4 A&M are ointly responsible for ensuring that any action ta$en has effectively addressed the situation and will prevent recurrence4occurrence. Corrective action )s+ data is analy>ed by the M/. The results are presented at Management /eview Meeting for discussion.

-./ Re0eren!e GM E.5 of the Guality Manual. Corrective &ction /e!uest )C&/+ Bon Conformity report )BC/+ Internal &udit /eport Management /eview Meetings /eports &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. -.1 A2t3ori45tion M/ 77 4 9:4 9; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

6P /.8 /.1

Pro!e92res 0or M5n5gement Re ieB. P2r:ose

& Management /eview Meeting )M/M+ is conducted to review the implementation of Guality Management -ystems in the operations of the Company, to observe the wea$ness in the internal control system and evaluate the possible proposals for improvement. /.# S!o:e

Management /eview includes the review of the Guality -ystem, Guality "olicy and Ob ectives, changes in -tatutory and /egulatory re!uirements, Internal &udit Observations and compliancesL "reventive * Corrective actions and Customer #eed 3ac$ summaries. /.* Res:onsi;ilit< 7. The Management shall review the Guality Management -ystem at least once in two months to ensure its ade!uacy and effectiveness in meeting the re!uirements of the International -tandards, the Company=s Guality policy and Ob ectives. @. The M/ shall be responsible to schedule review meetings and maintain the agenda and record the output of the M/M. 5. The Co-ordinators and Core Team Members are responsible to provide ade!uate information to the M/ about the respective area4 site for conducting the M/M. 8. Management /eview Meetings will normally be attended by : C%O M/ <o' <ead - Ops <ead - 3' A&M /espective "ro ect Manager )if needed+



7. /eview Meeting will be held after an interval of one month. &dditional review meeting may be organi>ed at the discretion of the C%O as necessary. @. &n agenda is prepared for each review, including but not limited to the following items for discussion: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. &ction arising from previous meeting -tatus and performance of Guality Management -ystems Internal and e(ternal !uality audit findings Bon-Conformity and corrective and preventive action and status "roduct conformance #eedbac$ on customer satisfaction4 dissatisfaction /eview of training needs "rogress and status of current !uality ob ective Identification, review and approval of new !uality ob ective and associated management programs . /eview of the !uality policy $. &nticipated changes )technology, regulatory re!uirement, mar$et changes, product availability, company structure and resources, etc.+ l. 'ate and time of ne(t meeting 5. The data in each category will be reviewed and discussed with particular emphasis on any identified trends that may suggest of wea$ness with the system. 8. & set of action items4minutes for each review meeting are prepared and distributed to all attendees. ;. &s the focus of each management review is to identify and assess opportunities for improvement, each opportunity or area of wea$ness will be raised as a nonconformance to prompt root cause investigation and identify suitable corrective4preventive action. D. /esponsibilities )including follow-up4verification+ and a timeframe for each one will also be agreed during the meeting as described in the control of Bon-conformances, Corrective and preventive &ction procedure.



GM ;.D of the Guality Manual. Internal &udit /eport Management /eview Meeting /eports IG& and M/M Calendar. &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats.


A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved 3y 'ate -ignature

QP 6.0

Procedures for Business Development


To e(plore new avenues for business growth and mar$et M&-T%/- as a brand name to target clients in the domestic and international mar$ets. 1.# S!o:e

3usiness 'evelopment includes generation of leads, maintaining database of leads, understanding client re!uirements, negotiating with clients for services and planning management of new contracts and pro ects with the "M 'ivision of M&-T%/-. 1.* Res:onsi;ilit< 7. The <ead-3' has the overall responsibility of controlling the 3usiness 'evelopment activities. @. <e is assisted by the 3usiness -ystem &nalyst who is responsible for collecting necessary information from a prospective client, arranging and storing the same in the company=s database. 5. It is the responsibility of A&Ms to obtain repeat business from the e(isting client or venturing into new relationship under guidance of C%O4 <ead - 3' 8. %ach employee at M&-T%/- is responsible for generation of new leads, which are systematically forwarded to the 3usiness -ystem &nalyst4 <ead 2 3' for further action. 1.Pro!e92re

The procedure of 3usiness 'evelopment has been e(plained in &nne(ure II a, anne(ed with the Guality "rocedure Manual. 1./ Re0eren!e

&nne(ure II a: 3usiness 'evelopment #low chart. &nne(ure III: ,ist of forms * formats. 1.1 A2t3ori45tion M/ 7749:49; C%O

"repared 3y 'ate -ignature &pproved by 'ate -ignature

6P ..8 ..1

Pro!e92res 0or ProCe!t M5n5gement Di ision P2r:ose

The M&-T%/- "ro ect Management 'ivision has been established as a one stop solution provider for "ro ect Management &ssignments that includes the pro ect delivery from concept to completion involving services of architects, consultants, vendors and contractors The "ro ect Management 'ivision guarantees to e(ercise the performance of the "ro ect Management -ervices with the reasonable s$ill and care shall be ta$en as is e(pected of a competent "ro ect Manager e(perienced in the carrying out of wor$ of a similar si>e, scope and comple(ity as the 'evelopment. The "M team shall perform the "ro ect Management -ervices fully and faithfully in the best interests of - under the terms and conditions set out in the &greement and shall use all reasonable endeavors to achieve completion of the 'evelopment in accordance within the approved cost and time The company has laid down guidelines and made procedures involving the various third parties in detail, to ensure the parties involved operate to the re!uirements of the contract in an organi>ed and efficient manner, with out deviating from the set standards of the company and hence fulfilling the re!uirements of the Clients. ..# S!o:e 7. The "ro ect Management 'ivision is involved in providing onsite "ro ect Management services to its wide range of clients. @. #or each pro ect, the company dedicates its %(ecutives to form a Team and ensure that the following activities are carried out: a. b. c. d. e. f. "lanning and programming, -ite Management and G.C, Controlling and reporting on performance, Monitoring offsite preparation, 6or$ing in association with other site staffs, Instituting effective cost control and payment disciplines, g. Monitoring off site preparation, h. Installation and commissioning of e!uipments needed at site. i. /eporting snags and getting the defects rectified within the stipulated time frame. . %nsuring absolute adherence to the plan and competing pro ect in the given time frame and in the given budget. $. %nsuring absolute adherence to the safety policy under contractual obligations

5. The above activities are categori>ed and described in the following procedures: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. "lanning Management 'esign Management "rocurement Management Cost Management Construction Management Guality Control %nvironment <ealth and -afety Management



The 'epartment acts as a "ro ect Manager to a pro ect4 contract4 assignment and its roles and responsibilities are generally summarised as follows:

7. "ro ect Manager is responsible for basic activities of the pro ect, the controls and
planning. A&M is responsible for delivery of the pro ect as per client=s re!uirements @. On the consent of the Client, the "M division appoints or advises the client to appoint: a. The ,ead &rchitect b. -tructural Consultant c. -ervices Consultant d. Guantity -urveyor e. &coustic Consultant4 specialist consultant f. Contractors4 vendors

5. The A&M, "M and the respective Team Members are involved in planning the
pre pro ect and post pro ect activities for any contract.

8. The deputed Team Member4 %(ec is responsible for maintaining the set !uality
standard in the respective assignment and reports to the <o' on a regular basis )daily4 wee$ly+. ;. The A&M4 <ead - Ops based at Mumbai co-ordinates with the different sites and reports to the C%O of the Company, based at Mumbai. D. %ach A&M is responsible for sending the Client #eedbac$ #orm and collecting feedbac$ from the Customer with his comments4 remar$s, as a part of the process for continual improvement.




7. On the approval of the Client the company signs an agreement, listing the following details clearly:

a. b. c. d.

Bature of services offered and the scope of wor$ to be done by "M 'ivision. The activity chart4 pro ect schedule. The fee structure and schedule for payment. 'eliverables as per agreement.

@. If a formal agreement is not signed between the Client and the "M 'ivision, the A&M
ensures that the Award Letter is collected from the Client prior to the start of the pro ect. 5. The 'ocument Controller based at Mumbai assigns a new si( digit pro ect code to every assignment, in the following format:

a. MMMMHH, where MM stands for the geographical >one, MM stands for months
)from 97 to 7@+, while HH stands for the two digit ob no. derived in continuity.

8. The pro ect code is uni!ue and is used as a primary $ey to identify the activities of
the particular assignment. ;. & team is created internally and scope of wor$ is defined for each member of the team. The A&M prepares a Team -tructure sheet with the following points:

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Bame of the Team Member, "roposed scope of wor$4 domain of activities to be entrusted, Aey Gualification, "roposed "osition in the team, Type of association with the company, )employee4 retainer+ "eriod of association with the company, Ma or pro ects handled in the past.

D. The Team ,eader ensures that there is an agreement on the division of wor$
between the team members, before the pro ect starts.

PRE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 1. "lanning and programming 2. 'esign Team 3. ,ead Consultants4 &rchitects 4. Guantity -urveyor 5. -ervices Consultant 6. -tructural Consultant 7. -pecialist Consultant 8. Contractor 9. "rocurement

1. PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING Once a team for handling a pro ect is ready, the "M under guidance of A&M prepares a "ro ect %(ecution "lan, setting the following $ey activities: a. Ma$ing provision for the functioning of departments to remain on the site during construction operations b. "reparing, maintaining and regularly up-dating the detailed Construction "rogramme for the said pro ect c. -etting methods for regularly reviewing the performance of all participants4 parties involved d. "reparing and regularly updating material and component flows and advising on priorities for ordering and processing e. 'iscussing and advising on the need for other Consultants0 services. f. "reparing briefs, fee bid documents, interviewing Consultants in con unction with the Client and reporting bac$ to Client for ta$ing decisions. g. /eceiving a 3rief from the Client describing the possible options together with the restraints applying to the pro ect, establishing contact with members of the "ro ect Team and agreeing to the lines of communication h. /esponding to the 3rief giving specific advice as to the options available and investigate options i. Co-ordinating the preparation of a Control "lan to include location of main services supplying site. & report is then produced to include records and agreements reached with utilities4local authority on behalf of the Client . Co-ordinating with other Team members and with -tatutory &uthorities as re!uired. $. %nsuring compliance with all local directives l. &dvising the Client on "rocurement -trategy for the "ro ect. m. Co-ordinating the preparation of "roduction Information to including the 'rawings, -pecifications, 3ills of Guantities for the wor$ pac$age in order to maintain the Control "lan

#. DESIGN TEAM On getting consent of the Client, the "M team participates in the design development process. & separate 'esign Team may be appointed with responsibilities as described in the -tandard Operating "rocedures of the Company or as per the contract between the 'esign Team and the Client. The "M 'ivision ensures that the appointed 'esign Team carries out the following pre construction activities: a. "reparing outline time tables and schedule with members of the 'esign Team b. "reparing and maintaining detailed programme of wor$ for all the 'esign Team in accordance with the Master "rogramme. c. Managing the preparation of design information and procurement of direct contracts d. Co-ordinating a scheme design ta$ing into account specific arrangements, user department re!uirements and input from other Consultants e. Co-ordinating with the 'esign Team for developing the design in appropriate scale f. -etting a system for reporting any specific problems from the 'esign Team which remain to be resolved at a later stage g. The 'ivision discusses and may recommend economies in terms of cost and time, which may be made, provided they are consistent with - ob ectives and re!uirements by reference to the approved 'esign Intent Memorandum and sound construction practice. h. On behalf of the Client, the "M 'ivision comments on the outline specification and on all drawings, including s$etch drawings. i. The 'epartment reviews for compliance with safe and sound construction practice and with 'esign Intent Memorandum the outline specification, the outline and s$etch drawings, pro ect drawings and their further development, as applicable, to wor$ing drawings and all performance and detailed specifications. . The 'epartment advises upon the selection, availability and price of materials, methods of wor$ing, building systems and e!uipment. &dvise upon the re!uirements for Trade Contractors to carry out off-site design and off-site manufacture of components. The "M team is entrusted with the responsibility to advise on all aspects of Jbuild abilityK in relation to the proposed design and on the feasibility of construction tolerances and suggest any design changes, which could be made to effect cost economies. The procedure for the same is described in the -tandard Operating "rocedure of the Company and is briefly modified from pro ect to pro ect.

*. LEAD CONS%LTANTSD ARCHITECTS On consent of the Client, the "M team shortlists and appoints ,ead Consultants4 &rchitects. The roles and responsibilities of the ,ead Consultant are generally defined in the appropriate &greement as entered into between the &rchitect and Client. "M team ensures that the ,ead Consultant carries out the following pre construction activities: a. /eceive a 3rief from the Client describing the possible options together with the restraints applying to the pro ect, establish contact with members of the "ro ect Team and agree lines of communication b. /espond to the 3rief giving specific advice as to the options available and investigate options c. "repare outline time tables and schedules with other members of the 'esign Team d. Co-ordinate the preparation of a Control "lan to include location of main services supplying site. "roduce a report to include records and agreements reached with utilities4local authority on behalf of the Client e. Co-ordinate with other Team members, such consultations as are necessary with -tatutory &uthorities f. "repare and maintain detailed programme of wor$ for all the 'esign Team in accordance with the Master "rogramme and agree with the "ro ect Manager g. 'evelop outline proposals based on Client0s 3rief, ta$ing into account specific factors of the pro ect and report to "ro ect Manager h. Co-ordinate a scheme design ta$ing into account specific arrangements, user department re!uirements and input from other Consultants i. &dvise the "ro ect Manager on "rocurement -trategy for the "ro ect. . "rovide input to the Guantity -urveyor on the cost plan preparation $. /eport to the "ro ect Manager any specific problems from the 'esign Team which remain to be resolved at a later stage l. %nsure compliance with all local directives m. Co-ordinate the 'esign Team in developing the 7: ;9 scheme design and prepare a detailed report for the "ro ect Manager defining the design proposals, including general standards of construction and wor$manship. Co-ordinate the selection of fi(ed Client fittings n. Co-ordinate the preparation of "roduction Information to include 'rawings, -pecifications, 3ills of Guantities for the wor$ pac$age and Contracts in order to maintain the Control "lan o. %(amine Consultants0 "rofessional Indemnity insurance for compliance p. "repare a detailed report for the "ro ect Manager defining the design proposals, including general standards of construction and wor$manship.

-. THE 6%ANTIT) S%RVE)OR On consent of the Client, the "M team shortlists and appoints Guantity -urveyors, who has overall responsibility for cost control and reporting with assistance and input from other members of the Team. The roles and responsibilities of the Guantity -urveyor are generally defined in the appropriate &greement as entered into between the Guantity -urveyor and Client. "M team ensures that the ,ead Consultant carries out the following pre construction activities: a. /eceive a 3rief from the ,ead Consultant detailing the constraints relating to the pro ect and agree upon lines of communication b. -etting and agreeing upon control budget with "M 'ivision c. %stablishing wor$ content and budget costs d. "roviding broad guidelines on li$ely cost of meeting plant e. Collaborating with other team members in developing the cost plan f. &dvising on alternative design options g. "reparing a Cost "lan based on the budget costs h. &dvising on alternative costs and constructing methods based on design i. %nsuring compliance with local directives . "roducing cost advise relating to ,ocal &uthority and other statutory bodies $. Ipdating Cost "lan in line with design changes and Client changes l. &dvising on contractual implications of Consultant &ppointments

/. THE SERVICES CONS%LTANT On consent of the Client, the "M team shortlists and appoints -ervice %ngineers. The roles and responsibilities of the -ervice %ngineer are generally defined in the appropriate &greement entered into between the -ervices %ngineer and Client. "M 'ivision ensures that the ,ead Consultant carries out the following pre construction activities: a. /eceive a 3rief from the ,ead Consultant describing possible options and constraints establish contact with Team members and agree lines of communication b. /esponding to 3rief giving specific advice or options c. Carrying out initial appraisal, advising on routing of e(isting services supplying the sites and other sites. /eport on any agreements with utilities and local authorities d. "reparing written reports for the ,ead Consultant for the selection of Contractors, structural re!uirements, spatial arrangements for services, phasing and commissioning e. &dvising on si>e and location of ma or engineering plant f. Contributing to the outline design scheme advising on co-ordination of services within the building and advising on engineering services for sitting, form, shape, cooling towers, effluent discharges, fire strategy, structure, energy sources etc, and specific re!uirements of user departments within the overall scheme g. &dvising on the engineering service aspect within the overall Control "lan h. Consulting with ,ocal &uthority and -tatutory &uthority including #ire &uthorities and providing input for planning approval i. Maintaining services to any departments remaining in occupation during the construction phase . "articipating in the production of a Cost "lan for the "ro ect with particular emphasis on optimum design solutions for the engineering services having investigated all options $. #inali>ing capital and revenues cost estimates for the pro ect l. Considering alternative procurement routes for the engineering services and advising the 'esign Team accordingly m. /eviewing and completing the engineering services sections of the &ctivity and /oom 'ata -heets, if re!uired n. 'eveloping the design of the engineering services in collaboration with the Team, preparing "roduction Information to include calculations, drawings and specifications o. Co-ordinating the engineering services design with other members of the 'esign Team with particular reference to the acoustic consultant and4or other if appropriate p. &ssisting in formulating operational policies for the various re!uirements of the user departments !. %nsuring that the engineering design is proceeding in accordance with the Control "lan and the Cost "lan. /eport to the "ro ect Manager on any variations from these documents r. &dvising on procurement with specific reference of any long lead delivery times for materials s. &dvising the ,ead Consultant on the re!uirements of site inspection staff

t. u. v. w. (. y.


"reparing tender documentation for the contract for issue to those firms selected for tender Contributing with other members of the Team to regular financial reports until the issue of the final certificate Inspecting progress and !uality of wor$s on the site and monitor the performance as wor$ proceeds ensuring compliance with ,ocal &uthority and other -tatutory procedures Initiating instructions for variations to the -ervices %ngineering Installation for issue by the ,ead 'esigner, &dvise on cost and time implications of the instruction &ssisting the ,ead Consultant with settling any dispute relating to the services installation "roviding advice on the preparation of a #inal &ccount %nsuring compliance with all local directives


On consent of the Client, the "M team shortlists and appoints the -tructural %ngineer. The roles and responsibilities of the -tructural %ngineer are generally defined in the appropriate &greement between the -tructural %ngineer and Client. "M 'ivision ensures that the -tructural %ngineer carries out the following pre construction activities: a. /eceive a 3rief from the ,ead Consultant describing possible options and constraints establish contact with Team members and agree lines of communication b. /esponding to 3rief giving specific advice on options c. &dvising the ,ead Consultant on the need to carry out special surveys, geotechnical investigations which may be necessary and advising on the results of such investigations d. Contributing to the outline design scheme advising on structural concepts showing location, heights and sittings based upon investigation and ensuring compliance with ,ocal and -tatutory &uthorities including fire authorities e. /ecommending to the Team the preferred structural option f. &dvising on the scheme0s structural re!uirements within the overall Control "lan g. Ta$ing due cogni>ance of any departments remaining in occupation during the construction phase h. "articipating in the production of a Cost "lan for the scheme with particular emphasis on optimum design solutions for the structural elements having investigated all options i. Considering alternative procurement routes for the structural elements and advise the 'esign Team . 'eveloping the design of the structural engineering wor$s in collaboration with the Team. "reparing "roduction Information to include calculations, drawings and specifications for wor$s pac$age contracts $. Co-ordinating the structural engineering wor$s with other members of the 'esign Team with particular reference to the acoustic and4or other consultants. l. Confirming to the ,ead Consultant that the design solutions, comply with the current Cost "lan m. %nsuring that the design is proceeding in accordance with the Master Control "lan )MC"+. /eport to the "ro ect Manager on any variations from this document n. &dvising the ,ead Consultant on the re!uirements for site inspection staff. o. &ssisting in the preparation of tender documentation for issue to those firms selected for tender p. 6ith other members of the Team, contribute to regular financial reports until the issue of the #inal Certificate. !. Inspecting progress and !uality of the wor$s on site and monitor the performance as wor$ proceeds ensuring compliance with the design, ,ocal &uthority and other statutory procedures r. Initiating Instructions for ?ariations to the structural engineering wor$s for issue by the ,ead 'esigner. &dvise on cost and time implications of the Instruction, s. &ssisting the ,ead Consultant with settling any dispute relating to the structural engineering element t. "roviding advice on the preparation of a #inal &ccount. .. THE SPECILAIST CONS%LTANT

On consent of the Client, the "M 'ivision shortlists and appoints -pecialist Consultant. The roles and responsibilities of the specialist Consultant are generally defined in the appropriate &greement between the -pecialist Consultant and Client. The "M 'ivision briefs the appointed specialist Consultant of the following pre construction activities: a. /eceive a 3rief from the ,ead Consultant describing possible options and constraints and establish contact with Team members and agree lines of communication b. /esponding to 3rief giving specific advice on options c. &dvising the ,ead Consultant for the need to carry out special surveys which may be necessary and advise on the results of such investigations d. Contributing to the outline design scheme advising on specialist concepts based upon investigation and re!uirements of user departments, ,ocal &uthority and other statutory bodies. /ecommending to the Team the preferred design option e. &dvising on the scheme re!uirements within the overall Control "lan f. Ta$ing due cogni>ance of any departments remaining in occupation during the construction phase g. "articipating in the production of a Cost "lan for the scheme with particular emphasis on optimum design solutions for the acoustic or specialist re!uirements having investigated all options h. Considering alternative procurement routes for the acoustic or specialist elements and advising the 'esign Team accordingly i. 'eveloping the design of the acoustic or specialist re!uirements in collaboration with the Team . "reparing "roduction Information to include calculations, drawings and specifications for the contract $. Co-ordinating the acoustic or specialist re!uirements with other members of the 'esign Team Confirm to the ,ead Consultant that the design solutions comply with the current Cost "lan l. %nsuring that the design is proceeding in accordance with the Master Control "lan )MC"+. /eport to the "ro ect Manager on any variations from this document m. &dvising the ,ead Consultant on the re!uirements for -ite Inspection -taff n. &ssisting in the preparation of tender documentation to be issued to the firms selected for tender o. Contributing to regular financial reports with other members of the Team till the issue of the #inal Certificate p. Inspecting progress and !uality of the wor$s on site and monitor performance as wor$ proceeds, ensuring compliance with the design, ,ocal &uthority and other statutory procedures !. Initiating Instructions for ?ariations to the acoustic or specialist element for issue by the ,ead 'esigner. &dvise on cost and time implications of the Instruction r. &ssisting the ,ead Consultant with settling any dispute relating to the acoustic or specialist element s. "rovide advise on the preparation of a #inal &ccount t. %nsure compliance with all local directives 7. THE CONTRACTOR On consent of the Client, the "M team shortlists and appoints the Contractor. The roles and responsibilities of the Contractor are generally defined in the appropriate

&greement between the Contractor and Client. "M 'ivision ensures that the Contractor carries out the following pre construction activities: a. Ma$ing ade!uate provision for those departments remaining in-situ during construction wor$s if re!uired b. "reparing the "ro ect "rogramme for acceptance by the "rofessional Team c. "reparing material and component flows and identifying those which re!uire advance ordering and processing d. &dvising on the practical implications of proposed drawings and specifications e. #ormulating and agreeing construction methods with the "rofessional Team and advising on 0build ability0 f. &dvising on the provision and layout of site facilities and services to be provided or secured by the Contractor g. "reparing lists of any -ub- Contractors for tendering and investigating and reporting on their capabilities and financial standing. h. "reparing a detailed construction programme for the "ro ect. Obtaining tenders from -ub- Contractors and -uppliers i. &greeing the terms of the Hoint "ro ect Insurance with the Client and the "rofessional Team

=. PROC%REMENT PROCED%RES "ro ect Management 'ivision, in con unction with the ,ead Consultant, allocates the construction activities to 6or$s "ac$ages. The overall construction - budget is apportioned to the appropriate 6or$s Contract pac$ages and budgets formed for each pac$age. It is against this budget that all procurement and construction activities are controlled. 5. +OR, PAC,AGE DIVISION AND CONTENTS The construction activities and budgets are analysed in detail and allocated to appropriate 6or$s Contract pac$ages. This is done in con unction with the Team, and is amended during the course of the "ro ect to reflect variations, additional wor$s and pac$age transfers. ;. SELECTION O' TENDERERS The "M 'ivision formulates an initial list of tenderers they consider suitable for the 6or$s Contract pac$age. This list is distributed to the Team for comment and or any additions they may wish to ma$e. The "M 'ivision collates the responses to the list and a final list is drawn up after consultation with the Team. This list is then distributed to the Team for information and sufficient number of companies are shortlisted for pre-tender interview. !. PREATENDER INTERVIE+ Companies selected to tender for the 6or$s Contract wor$s are re!uested to attend a meeting held at the "ro ect Offices. The potential tenderers is re!uested to ensure that a director or a senior member of the staff, whom would be involved in the pro ect, attends this meeting The <o'4 Team ,eader of "M 'ivision chairs these interviews and all members of the Team have a standing invitation to attend. & pro-forma is completed following this meeting. &fter assessing the ability of the 6or$s Contractors and e(plaining them the overall concept of the "ro ect and pac$age, the "M 'ivision establishes a list normally comprised of minimum four or five companies. This final list is distributed to the Team and unsuccessful companies notified accordingly. M&-T%/- then formally notifies the Client of the list of tenderers for each pac$age. 9. PREPARATION O' +OR, CONTRACT DOC%MENTATIONS Collation and preparation of the 6or$s Contract 'ocuments is underta$en by the "M 'ivision. Trade 'ocumentation generally comprises of the following: )a+ Invitation to Tender )b+ #orm of Tender )c+ 6or$s Contract Conditions incorporating:)i+ -pecification )ii+ "ricing -chedule )iii+ -ite "reliminaries 3ill )iv+ 6or$s Contract Time -chedule )v+ Temporary #acilities 'rawings )vi+ 'rawings

The 'esign Team prepares specifications and drawings, and the Cost &dviser prepares the pricing schedule. The ,ead Consultant forwards drawings and specifications to the "M 'ivision. The Team ,eader collates and prepares the tender document on behalf of the Client. The tender documents are then dispatched to tenderers with a covering letter, Copies of the completed documentation are also sent to the Team, for information. e. TENDER PERIOD %ach tenderer is as$ed to ac$nowledge receipt of the tender documents and confirm that they are preparing a tender. If no ac$nowledgement is received, the tenderers are contacted by telephone. & standard pro-forma !uery4 answer sheet is enclosed with each tender document. &ll such !ueries4answers are notified to all tenderers. 0. RET%RN TENDERS Tenders are returned to and opened by the "M 'ivision in the presence of the Client. & report of the tenders received is prepared. This report sets out the bids received. TENDER ANAL)SIS EVAL%ATION 6ithin two days of receiving the filled tender, the Team provides comments on the bids received. The "M 'ivision collates these comments with their own findings and, if the comple(ity value of the pac$age warrants, arranges meetings with the Team to assess the bids, which are of the most interest. POST TENDER MEETINGS "ost-tender meetings are held with tenderers to confirm the overall validity of the bid and resolve any tender !ualifications. These meetings are held at the "ro ect Office and chaired by the <o' from "M 'ivision. 'epending on the pac$age, appropriate Team members also attend these meetings.



i. TENDER PLACEMENT REPORT Immediately following the post-tender meeting, the team prepares a recommendation with regard to the placement of the 6or$s contract. If the Client is in agreement with the recommendation, the contract is awarded

7. &CTI?ITI%- C&//I%' OIT 3N "M 'I?I-IOB @. CO-T COBT/O, "/OC%'I/%5. '%-I1B M&B&1%M%BT 8. '/&6IB1 &""/O?&, &B' I--I% "/OC%'I/%;. GI&,ITN COBT/O, "/OC%'I/%D. -IT% "/OC%'I/%:. -IT% -&#%TN E. CO//%-"OB'%BC%-, M%%TIB1- &B' /%"O/TIB1

1. ACTIVITIES CARRIED O%T B) PM DIVISION The "M 'ivision carries out the following activities in the construction phase of a pro ect4 assignment:

a. Management, control, administration and planning of the wor$ of Trade

b. c. Contractors in order to ensure compliance by the Trade Contractors with the provisions of the Trade Contracts. Conducting regular meetings with Trade Contractors to monitor all aspects of progress )on and off site+, in accordance with the set Construction "rogramme. /eviewing information re!uirements, providing regular reports thereon /ecommending and ta$ing actions as necessary to maintain the re!uirements of the Construction "rogramme. /egularly monitoring and revising the Construction "rogramme to ta$e account of variances therefore, any e(tensions of time under Trade Contracts and reporting as necessary on any e(pansion updating or adaptation of the Construction "rogramme. -cheduling and conducting "re-construction, "rogress and other related meetings as necessary for discussing matters with the 'esign Team relating to the developments and progress. &ssisting the 'esign Team in the preparation of reports for proposed design changes and associated cost and time implications with regards to the Construction "rogramme. Monitoring actual e(penditure in relation to the "ro ect Management -ervices and by Trade Contractors against the 'evelopment Cost "lan and advice and consult with - in respect of deviations, on a regular basis but not less fre!uent than monthly. /evising and adapting the 'rawing and Information -chedules as necessary in accordance with progress of the 6or$s on site and e(pedite and co-ordinating the supply of information, to be provided by the 'esign Team and by the Trade Contractors. Co-ordinate the submission of applications for payment by Trade Contractors and the preparation of valuations together with certification and issue certificates at such times as are re!uired by the Trade Contracts. Issuing instructions and directions to the Trade Contractors as may be re!uired and ta$e such actions as may be appropriate to correct defects in wor$manship and4or materials in accordance with the instructions of the &rchitect. %(pediting final commissioning and issue the certificates signed by the &rchitect relating to practical completion and satisfactory remedying of defects. Obtain operating and maintenance manuals, record and as-built drawings as appropriate. "reparing the final statements of accounts for each Trade Contract and obtaining the agreement of each Trade Contractor to the relevant final statement of account. &dapting and revising the cash flow forecasts in respect of the construction of each element of the 6or$s and preparing cost and progress reports for consideration by - at monthly intervals.

d. e.

f. g.





m. n.


$i& Intro92!tion The cost management of the pro ect incorporates cost reporting and cost control procedures. These procedures will ensure the construction cost is accurately !uantified and the Client can be provided with an up to date construction cost at any time. $ii& B29getDCost Pl5n The initial Construction 3udget and Cost "lan derived from the budget are prepared by the Cost &dviser. "M 'ivision analyses the Cost "lan and confirms that construction can be underta$en within the overall budget. The construction costs contained within the initial Cost "lan are apportioned into Trade Contracts and site preliminaries pac$ages by the "M 'ivision. The pac$age Cost "lan becomes the master document against which construction costs are monitored through out the duration of the "ro ect. $iii& Constr2!tion Cost Re:ort & fully detailed Construction Cost /eport will be prepared each month. This will set out, amongst other things, a detailed analysis of the forecast construction cost, construction cost to date and comparisons with the initial budget. The report will be discussed and agreed with the Client and other appropriate Team members. The constituent of the Construction Cost /eport are:a. Intro92!tion? The introduction sets out the overall position of the construction cost. It will amongst other things identify the current budget, estimate the total anticipated "ro ect cost, state the value of wor$s procured and value of the construction wor$ e(ecuted at the time of the /eport. b. A9 5n!e +5rning S3eet? This identifies areas of potential cost that have not been incorporated within the construction report. These can occur when items have been discussed informally at meetings or the Team may be considering a number of options but have not decided upon a definite course of action. The purpose of this sheet is to advise the Team at an early date that costs could or are li$ely to be incurred by a particular course of action, and to give the Team time to consider options and arrive at a most economical solution. The intention is to loo$ forward and obtain the ma(imum time possible to enable all options to be fully considered in terms of both design and cost. c. O er5ll Constr2!tion Cost S2mm5r< S3eet? This sets out the construction wor$ in pac$ages and compares the construction budget with the "ro ect costs. This document is also incorporated in the "olicy /eport, together with a brief summary of the contents of the summary.

d. Tr59e Contr5!t S2mm5r< S3eets? These provide detailed cost information on each Trade Contract "ac$age. %(penditure is set against instructions issued or anticipated items. e. Site Prelimin5ries Monitor? The total site estimated "reliminaries costs contained within the construction Cost "lan are allocated to the appropriate cost heads. The allocated costs then become the budget against which the e(penditure is controlled. The monitor will incorporate agreed ad ustments to the budget and show estimates against actual e(penditure. B. COST CONTROL

$i& Intro92!tion The cost control of the "ro ect re!uires co-operation of all members of the Team. &ny area of cost change $nown by the Team should be brought to the attention of "M 'ivision. In particular, drawing revisions and additions should be highlighted by .clouding. and revisions to other documents and schedules should be clearly identified. Cost control will be achieved by the implementation of the procedures e(plained below. $ii& Cost A9 i!e Notes Cost &dvice Botes are used by "M 'ivision to identify areas of cost variation. The Cost &dvice Bote is used to bring to the attention of the Managing -urveyor any additional wor$s, re-programming, prolongation costs and any other events giving rise to a variation in cost. It is completed by any member of the Team who identifies any event, which may rise due to additions or variations. The Team member completing the note then passes it to the "ro ect &dministrator who logs and notes and allocates a reference number to it. & copy is then distributed in the internal post for information and a copy is forwarded to the Managing -urveyor for action. The Cost &dvice Bote is evaluated and incorporated in the "ro ect cost. If applicable, the Managing -urveyor in con unction with the "ro ect Manager will use the evaluation 0when preparing a "ro ect Instruction. $iii& Dr5Bings, S:e!i0i!5tions 5n9 S!3e92les "M 'ivision reviews all drawings, specifications and schedules for cost and programme implications. 6henever possible during the construction process, drawings are not be issued for construction until they have been assessed. This will not be possible in severe cases, giving the time, constraints imposed by events ta$ing place on site. 6hen this is the case, the drawing will be reviewed as soon as possible after issue.

$i & +orEs Contr5!t Time S!3e92les 5n9 Constr2!tion Progr5mmes -chedules and programmes are closely monitored by the "M 'ivision to identify prolongation and disturbance costs. &ny such resulting cost is incorporated within the Construction Cost /eport. $ i& Corres:on9en!e 5n9 Min2tes

The "M 'ivision assesses correspondence and meeting minutes for items giving rise to additional cost and internal copies are highlighted for such items in order that they are brought to the attention of the Managing -urveyor by means of Cost &dvice Botes. $ ii& Instr2!tions to +orEs Contr5!tors &s per the 6or$s Contract, the respective 6or$s Contractors are re!uired to provide an evaluation of additional variations contained within an Instruction. This evaluation is to be provided within ; days of the issue of the Instruction. &ll 6or$s Contractors are re!uired to comply with this re!uirement, which enables initial cost evaluations to be tested at an early date. It also assists in the resolution of the Trade Contractor0s account. C. B%DGET AND COST PLAN The 3udget and Cost "lans for the pro ect must be developed within the overall constraints of the MC". The budget cost comprises separate cost limits for both capital costs and revenue costs or running costs. The capital budget should be firmly based, as it is the basis of capital cost control throughout the pro ect. In general, if the Team can demonstrate, based on appraisal, that a scheme can be designed and built to enhanced standards, which will lead to direct savings in running costs, then cost allowances may be e(ceeded provided that the scheme has been efficiently and economically designed. The budget for the pro ect may be defined as the limit of e(penditure for a pro ect whereas the cost plan is the best estimate of final cost of the pro ect. The Cost "lan should therefore include the best possible estimate covering all stages of a pro ect and should set targets for the future running costs of the facility. The Client is responsible for setting the budget cost of a pro ect. The Guantity -urveyor will be responsible for compiling the Cost "lan that should include construction cost, general contingency, allowance for professional fees, direct costs and Client contingency or reserves. The Cost "lan total, which should include a contingency within each section+ is the target within which the pro ect should be completed. &ll Team members should ta$e due cognisance of the Cost "lan allowances and design and commission the pro ect within these constraints. & financial management document, based on the MC", is produced by the Guantity -urveyor, allocating cash flow and out-turns costs for the Client0s financial year with the Cost "lan in place, this then serves as a .yardstic$. by which control and monitoring of costs can be compared throughout the pro ect duration. D. COST CONTROL The ob ect of cost control is to allow the pro ect to be completed within the approved budget. Cost reporting facilitates the best possible estimate of the following:

The final cost of the pro ect #uture cash flow

Cost in-use of the completed facility

Monitoring costs does not facilitate and e(ert control over future e(penditure. %ffective Cost Control is obtained when the whole of the "ro ect Team has the correct attitude, which will fulfill the client=s ob ectives. E00e!ti e Cost Control Bill reF2ire t3e 0olloBing? %stablishment of all decisions ta$en by the 'esign Team are based on a forecast of cost implications for alternatives being considered and that no decisions are ta$en which could cause the budget to be e(ceeded 'evelopment of the Cost "lan and #inancial -tatement with the 'esign Team as the design and construction progresses. 'evelopment includes detailing e(penditure committed, future contingencies and variations for each trades pac$age contract %nsuring that the management contractor is given the correct production information at the correct time in order to minimise claims &d usting cash flow forecasts resulting from alterations in the MC" and target costs Instituting variation control procedures through all stages of the pro ect %nsuring that regular, up-to-date and accurate Cost /eports are issued to the Client Contingency sums should be used for unforeseen events, not to cover changes in the specification or Client changes E. VARIATION COST CONTROL PROCED%RE The procedure outlined is used to control the pro ect development from design brief to placing of 06or$s contracts and includes the following:

&ddressing issues in the 'esign 3rief and developing details consistent with the 'esign 3rief ?ariations of $ey design development stages i.e. scheme design and detailed design Individual 'esign Team members addressing each design issue in the development of the 3rief co-ordinated by the 'esign Team ,eader

'esign Team ,eader prepares a "ro ect 'esign Control -heet to be signed by the 'esign Team member responsible. The Control -heet is then forwarded to the "M 'ivision who obtains Client approval

*. DESIGN MANAGEMENT Management of 'esign is done as per M&-T%/- -tandard "rocedures covering the following services: %valuation of Client=s 'esign re!uirement A. "reparation of Client=s 3rief &ssistance with the compatibility of the design with the Client=s brief, plan and 3udget "reparation of 'esign Intent Memorandum "resent Client=s 3rief to 'esign Consultant Orientation of 'esigner to the Client=s 3rief, design schedule and cost budget /egular monitoring of the design development DESIGN BRIE'

The 'esign 3rief must e(plain the basic programme, planning, operational and cost criteria. and must cover all the essential design re!uirements. )i+ )ii+ & firm and detailed statement of Client re!uirements The information necessary for the 'esign Team to proceed in accordance with the MC"

<owever, Management Contract forms of procurement preclude a design free>e until later on in the pro ect. 'uring design development, the "M 'ivision acts as the intermediary for the flow of information between the Team and the Client. There should be recognition by the Team that as the design develops, fundamental decisions, which have been made, should not be overturned. /elevant procedures should be applied by the 'esign Team ,eader to produce a complete and integrated design solution that provides a satisfactory standard of accommodation in accordance with the 3rief. 3efore proceeding with the pro ect, the ,ead 'esigner should have consulted with the "lanning &uthority and have lodged a planning application in line with the Control "lan. Pl5nning Permission 5n9 Cons2lt5tion 3efore proceeding to the construction phase, pre-tender chec$s and assurances from the 'esign Team must be in place. The Client must be satisfied that the scheme can reasonably proceed to completion without any foreseeable delay due to inappropriate or insufficient design4production information.



The ,ead 'esigner, in con unction with the 'esign Team, is responsible for the pro ect re!uirements and ensuring that all relevant issues have been considered. These include: a. %nvironmental re!uirements b. ,oading considerations c. -pace and spatial accommodations )in con unction with the user departments+ d. -tandards and schedule of finishes e. -ite investigations f. "lanning consents and statutory approvals g. 'etails of internal and e(ternal constraints h. &rranging for presentations to the Client at the appropriate stages i. Obtaining Client approval for detailed design . &mplifying the 'esign 3rief as necessary during design development $. Monitoring progress of the design and providing regular reports against the pro ect Cost "lan l. %valuating changes in client re!uirements for cost and time implications and incorporating into the design process The ,ead 'esigner will be specifically responsible for drawings and specifications in: a. %stablishing si>es and distribution b. Issuing pac$age tender information c. Co-ordinating the drawing production activities of the "ro ect Team to d. ensure that they are produced in accordance with the MC" e. "reparing detailed and specialist designs for wor$s contract pac$ages C. 'LOOR PLANS

The Management of 'esign for a #loor "lan is pro ect specific and has to be re drafted as per the re!uirements of the Client. The basic specifications4 guidelines are as follows: a. & set of floor plans indicating room layouts and circulation areas is produced by the ,ead 'esigner, initially to a 7:@99 scale. b. The plans will be drawn in accordance with the Client0s 3rief and individual user re!uirements. c. &llowances should be made for consultation with the heads of user departments to ensure that their individual needs are catered for. d. These plans are then .signed off0 by the individual heads of departments as agreed to proceed to the ne(t stage of production information, which are designated 7:;9 plans. e. These detail individual department re!uirements including circulation and common areas. f. The layouts are developed from the 7: @99 plans with details of fi(tures and fittings ta$en from the /oom 'ata -heets.

g. Once completed, the 7: ;9 scale plans are .signed off' as agreed by the user departments. h. & Certificate of /eadiness to proceed to tender is then signed by the 'esign Team and "ro ect Manager. D. ROOM DATA SHEETS

/oom 'ata -heet is a pro ect specific detailed brief and specification of a user department0s re!uirements in written form. They are produced by the client in consultation with individual heads of department on a room-by-room basis. 'etails contained in the -heets are: the room functionsL si>e and its relationship with other roomsL environment and services re!uirementsL floor and wall finishesL door and window finishes. %!uipment is to be supplied as designated into the following categories: 1roup 7 1roup @ 1roup 5 supply and fi( by Management Contractor client purchaseL fi(ed by Management Contractor Items purchased and supplied in position by the client

Once completed, the /oom 'ata -heets are .signed off' as agreed with the department heads and a copy distributed to each department head. Ideally, where time permitsL the /oom 'ata -heets should be produced prior to the room layouts. If there is insufficient time at the pre-construction stage to allow this to happen, the 7: @99 floor plans may be completed in con unction with the /oom 'ata -heets The ,ead designer receives a copy of /oom 'ata -heets to incorporate into the 7 :;9 scale layouts.


The 'esign Team is re!uired to reproduce and issue all necessary drawings and maintain a drawing register for the purposes of construction and receive, review, log and distribute shop drawings, catalogues, samples and other li$e matters. &dapt and revise the cash flow forecasts in respect of the construction of each element of the 6or$s and prepare cost and progress reports for consideration by - at monthly intervals. The Trade Contractor drawing issues will consist of a negative if the drawing is larger than &5 si>e or a paper print for si>e of &5 or less. This will be issued to M&-T%/- who will forward the re!uired number of paper prints to the ,ead Consultant and any other Consultant who may have design input. The same process will be underta$en with any other form of written material issued by Trade Contractors for comment, including calculations, specifications etc. B. ASSESSMENT PERIOD

6ithin the 78 days )79 wor$ing days+ allowed for the approval process, seven days )five wor$ing days+ are available to enable each of the Team members issued with the drawing to ma$e an assessment concerning the acceptability or otherwise of the design. &n issue of drawings by a Trade Contractor should have no cost or programme implications, provided the Trade Contractor is only developing the initial design concept. C. DESIGN INTENT MEMORAND%M $DIM&

& wee$ly meeting is held at the "ro ect Offices, which will be attended by the "M 'ivision of M&-T%/-, ,ead Consultant, the Client and other Consultants. The purpose of this meeting is to review any comment on the drawing or document and incorporate all comments on the negative or paper print in the case of smaller drawings or other documents. "M 'ivision approves the drawing or document only after programme cost chec$s have been found to be satisfactory. The division ta$es prints and circulates to the Consultants concerned, the 6or$s Contractor and other affected Contractor)s+ as appropriate to the re!uirements of the "ro ect. The procedure for reviewing a drawing or design varies from pro ect to pro ect.



Guality Control of the "ro ect is defined by the drawings and specifications produced by the 'esign Team. It is the responsibility of the design team to specify that goods, materials and services incorporated into the pro ect are to current Codes of "ractice Guality Control is implemented in the construction process by the M C, and will ensure that the production conforms to the re!uired standards. "M 'ivision and the ,ead Consultant re!uire a copy of the M C Guality &ssurance "lan, together with monthly audit records The "M 'ivision, with the assistance of the 'esign Team, assures that Trade Contractors achieve the !uality standards re!uired by the Trade Contracts for wor$s e(ecuted both on site and at wor$. "M 'ivision=s site supervisory staffs are trained to demand this from the Trade Contractors. $ii& ON SITE

On site, "M 'ivision initially controls !uality by ensuring that only Trade Contractors with a proven history of obs completed to the re!uired standards and !uality are invited to tender for this wor$. The following functions in respect of !uality control are carried out by "M 'ivision: a. %nsure that the drawing and specifications are correctly interpreted and that construction follows the drawings and specifications. b. -et standards, where possible, using sample areas of wor$ as a yardstic$ c. Chec$ all wor$ prior to the ne(t activity being carried out. d. %nsure that wor$ se!uencing allows the correct !uality standards are maintained. e. Chec$ sections of wor$ at completion f. %nsure correct measures are ta$en to protect wor$ once completed. g. Guality control procedure will be re!uested from each Trade Contractor before any wor$ )manufactured or site wor$s+ commence. This statement will be commented on by the Team and the 6or$s Contractor will be re!uested to introduce additional controls if their proposals do not meet the specification re!uirements. h. 6ee$ly site inspections will ta$e place-attended by the Construction4"ro ect Manager and the &rchitect to inspect the !uality of the site wor$s. $iii& O'' SITE

?isits are made by "M 'ivision and the ,ead Consultant in line with the programme re!uirements, to chec$ the !uality of components being produced off-site, and to witness tests of e!uipment to ensure that they conform to specification. The details of the findings are listed in the GI&,ITN COBT/O, -<%%T.


& site diary is completed on a daily basis summarising pertinent occurrences and conditions on site during that day. The -ite Manager is responsible for completing this diary. B. DA) +OR, SHEET

'ay wor$ -heets submitted by Trade Contractors must specifically refer to the -ite Instruction number authori>ing the variation and must clearly in detail describe the wor$ underta$en, specifying the following:)i+ )ii+ )iii+ )iv+ ,ocation on site and s$etch if necessary of wor$ underta$en, including any dimensions Bames and designation of labour underta$ing the wor$s with hours individually allocated. The type and number of plant items or e!uipment used to carry out the wor$ and the number of hours each item was used for The !uantity of materials used for the wor$.

The -heets are consecutively numbered and submitted before the end of the wee$, following the wee$ in which the wor$ was carried out, and must be signed only by the -ite Manager or the Construction Manager. C. TRADE CONTRACTOR SITE REPORT

& daily -ite /eport showing the number of operatives on site, their names and designation is issued by each Trade Contractor wor$ing on site. This report is handed to the -ite Manager before 79.99 am each day. D. PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORDS

& photographic record of site progress is maintained on a defined wee$ly basis through the contract. The photographs are ta$en from the same viewpoints on each occasion. "hotographs are also ta$en to record specific items or incidents as re!uired E. LABO%R ALLOCATION SHEETS

,abour &llocation sheets detail the wor$ underta$en by different sub contractors. The sheets cover one wee$ and are completed at the end of each day by the -ite Manager. <ours are allocated to wor$ activities, which are described in detail. It should be noted whether the wor$ was carried out on behalf of a Trade Contractor to allow the costs to be contra-charged at a later date. &t the end of each wee$, the sheets are to be signed by the -ite Manager and chec$ed and approved by the "ro ect Manager.

.. SITE SA'ET) The standardi>ed M&-T%/- -afety "olicy and 1uidelines are contained in a separate document anne(ed to the Guality "rocedure Manual, entitled JEn ironment5l, He5lt3 " S50et< M5n5gement Pl5n " Pro!e92resG. The Company has laid down several guidelines in appointing competent staff, providing awareness and induction training and ma$ing them responsible for its implementation and for the provision of financial and physical resources. ,ine management on all sites is accountable for its practical application at the wor$ place, supported by e(pert advice, audits, systems and consultation. The "M 'ivision ensures that the employees, wor$ers and laborers are inducted as per the -afety "rocedure Manual. The Contractor is responsible for absolute adherence to the -afety "rocedure Manual on site and the <ead - "M 'ivision monitors the same


Corres:on9en!es? The "M 'ivision maintains a copy of all relevant correspondences wherever originated in a master file on site, suitably filed for ease of reference. The "M 'ivision has laid down the following guidelines for all parties )including "M 'ivision+ to follow for written correspondences: )i+ &ll correspondences are addressed to the prime mover for each Consultant who is responsible for ta$ing necessary actions, answering letters and ensuring ade!uate consultation ta$es place. )ii+ &ll correspondences to "M 'ivision are addressed to the "ro ect Manager at the pro ect address. )iii+ &ll correspondences to the &rchitect are mar$ed for the attention of the appointed "ro ect &rchitect. )iv+ &ll correspondences to the Client0s /epresentative are mar$ed for the attention of the appointed Individual. )v+ &ll correspondences to the -tructural %ngineer are mar$ed for the attention of the appointed "ro ect %ngineer. )vi+ &ll correspondences to the -ervices Consultant are mar$ed for the attention of the appointed %ngineer. )vii+ The following is the list of correspondences, which should be copied to the "ro ect Manager. T<:e o0 Corres:on9en!e Botes of "ro ect "olicy Meetings Botes of 'esign Meetings Monthly Cost /eports -ummary of tenders to be received by fa( within @8 hours of tender opening and any correspondence between members of the 'esign and Construction Team, which can be clearly understood to vary the construction costs. &ny revision of the Construction "rogramme 'raft list of prospective tenderers and final list of approved tenderers for each 6or$s Contract pac$age 'esign "rogramme Management 'ocument &ny other correspondence of which the Client should be aware MEETING STR%CT%RES ACTION "M 'ivision "M 'ivision "M 'ivision "M 'ivision &ll "arties &ll "arties &ll "arties The &rchitect &ll "arties

The main ob ective behind meetings is to ensure that the relevant sub ect matter pertaining to an assignment4 pro ect is discussed, to either update the client with the latest situation4 status of the pro ect or to ta$e decisions pertaining to any changes in the pro ect4 assignment. The different types of Meeting held are: a. "rinciple Meetings. b. 'esign Team Meetings4-ite Meetings c. Trade Contractor Meetings. 5. Prin!i:le Meetings Monthly. to be agreed to be agreed. - 'esign "lanning - Construction "lanning - Information /e!uired - Cost "lanning and Control - &nticipated "roblems - Ipdate the Client on decisions needing his input. - /eview overall ob ectives set by M&-T%/- /eview overall progress of design. - /eview overall construction progress - /eview cost control

#re!uency ,ocation Time "M 'ivision will produce a detailed "olicy /eport prior to the meeting, to contain the following sections: &genda:


Design ProCe!t Te5m Meetings fortnightly "ro ect offices to be agreed

#re!uency ,ocation Time Site Te5m Meetings &genda.

-Monitor 'esign "rogramme against Tender -chedule -Monitor construction progress agreed Contract "rogramme --tatement by M&-T%/- indicating the overall position -Table Information /e!uired -chedule by all parties - Co-ordinate outstanding design

Meeting notes made "M 'ivision by Meeting attended by &ll parties involved directly in design and build ability.


Tr59e Contr5!t Meetings

#re!uency ,ocation &genda:

a ma(imum of fortnightly intervals with every Trade I Contractor. "ro ect Offices, or at the manufacture or design base of Trade Contractor. - "rogramme - ,abour - Information /e!uired - Materials - -afety and 6elfare "M 'ivision - "M 'ivision - Trade Contractor - The relevant Consultant /epresentative - Client /epresentative, if re!uired. ProCe!t St5t2s Re:ort 0or Client

Meeting notes made by Meeting attended by

The "M 'ivision generates reports in accordance with M&-T%/- -tandard "ro ect "rocedure for /eports. The following /eports are produced during the "rogress of a pro ect, normally issued on a monthly basis: Type of /eport %(ecutive -ummary /eport 'esign -tatus /eport - 1eneral overview - "rogress - 1eneral Overview - Milestone summary - "rogress - Critical &ctivities - &nticipated Cost "lan - ?ariation 4 Change Orders Contents of /eport

Construction -tatus /eport

Cost /eport

-afety /eport

Guality /eport Outstanding &pprovals Information 4 &pproval re!uired

Pro!e92res 0or re:orting Ins2r5n!e Cl5ims The "ro ect Insurance "olicy is arranged by the Client to cover the Client, Construction Manager, Trade Contractors and their -ub Contractors in respect of all wor$ being carried out on site. If an accident occurs and if the accident leads to an insurance claim under the "ro ect Insurance, the "M 'ivision follows the following procedure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. The 6or$s Contractor must notify "M 'ivision immediately of the incident. "M 'ivision then issues an appropriate claim form to the trade contactor, which is to be completed and returned promptly to "M 'ivision. "M 'ivision notifies the Client0s representative immediately in writing and forwards the completed claim form when received from the Trade Contractor. "M 'ivision advises the Trade Contractor to inform their own insurers of the incident. "M 'ivision will also complete an Incident /eport #orm and issue to M&-T%/-= <ead Office for the benefit of their own insurers.


7. COMMI--IOBIB1, COM",%TIOB &B' <&B'O?%/ @. MI1/&TIOB )OCCI"&TIOB+ 5. -B&11IB1, '%#%CT- &B' /%M%'I&, M%&-I/%8. I--IIB1 C%/TI#IC&T%- TO T/&'% COBT/&CTO/-

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