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Collective Nouns
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&ump to' navigation( search A Collective Noun is a noun used to descri$e a group of o$%ects )things( people( etc*+ or e,ample( we can talk a$out A murder of crows A group of men A fleet of ships A $unch of $ananas A clutch of eggs

In "nglish there are special terms for collections of animals+ -his dates $ack to the great hunting tradition of "ngland from the .iddle Ages onwards+ -hese words are often evocative and poetic+ /ome e,amples include' A sedge of cranes A convocation of eagles A flight of swallows A mo$ of kangaroos A leash of greyhounds A clew of worms A clutter of spiders A $ike of hornets A shoal of pilchards A herd of dinosaurs An army of frogs A posse of police A school of clerks A flock of tourists A $oard of trustees !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title1Collective23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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A!/ectives as Nouns
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&ump to' navigation( search :e can use an ad%ective as a noun $y using this pattern' EtheF G Ead%ectiveF :e use this to talk a$out a group of people' -he rich get richer while the poor get poorer+ :e can also use it to talk a$out an a$stract idea'

the new( the old( the infinite :e can also put two nouns together+ :hen we do this( the first noun acts like an ad%ective and gives us more information a$out the second noun' HdeterminerI G EnounF G EnounF computer programs some record players !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title1Ad%ectives2as23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 Ad%ectives 5 3ouns
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&ump to' navigation( search :hen we use two noun phrases together( this is called A00osition' Enoun phraseF G Enoun phraseF 6iane( doyen of the peripatetic world( got on her $ike+ Ace reporter Clark Kent leapt into a phone $ooth+ In the first e,ample( we do not need doyen of the peripatetic world to understand Diane( so we use commas to separate the two phrases+ -he sentence would still $e accepta$le without the second phrase'

6iane got on her $ike+ In the second e,ample( ace reporter needs Clark Kent to make the sentence understood so no commas are used+ -he sentence would not make sense without the second phrase' L Ace reporter leapt into a phone $ooth+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title1Apposition0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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Common Nouns
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&ump to' navigation( search A common noun is a noun which is used to talk a$out an o$%ect or concept+ ob/ects events feelings time conce0ts ta$le( hill( water( atom( elephant lesson( revolution fear( hate( love year( minute( millennium warfare( $rotherhood( causation

3ote( when we talk a$out people or placenames then we use a 9roper 3oun+ Common nouns can $e divided into two main groups' concrete and a$stract+ A concrete noun refers to an o$%ect which we can see( taste( smell( hear or touch+ An a$stract noun refers to a concept which canNt $e seen or seen( tasted( smelt( heard or touched as such+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title1Common23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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Concrete1Abstract Nouns
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&ump to' navigation( search 3ouns are words used to name o$%ects( concepts( ideas( things and so on+ :e can classify nouns in different ways including Concrete and Abstract+

:hether a noun is concrete or a$stract depends on whether we can sense it using our ? main senses+ :ith a concrete noun we can do one or more of the following'

see it hear it smell it touch it taste it

If we canNt do any of those five things with a noun it is known as an abstract noun+ or e,ample( take a look at the following sentence where the nouns are highlighted+ ric walked to the sho0 and $ought some brea! and water+ All the nouns can $e sensed in some way+ 8owever( in this ne,t e,ample some of the nouns cannot $e sensed in the usual way' Love is like a roseO it has beaut2 $ut( if handled wrongly( causes 0ain+ Pnly rose is a concrete noun which can $e sensedO the other nouns have no colour( taste( smell( touch or sound+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php? title1Concrete/A$stract23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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Countable an! Non3Countable Nouns

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/paghetti with -omato /auce -here are two main groups of nouns in "nglish+ It is important to know the difference $etween these two groups as there are different grammar rules for each+ -hese groups are known as countable and non3countable+

3ote' nonQcounta$le nouns are sometimes known as mass nouns+ .ost nouns are counta$leO this means we can count the o$%ect )or concept* they refer to+ :e can( for e,ample( stand in a field and count' four goats and three cows A counta$le noun has two forms' singular and plural+ :e use the singular form when we talk a$out one o$%ect )or concept*( and we use the plural form when we talk a$out more than one o$%ect )or concept*+ :e can say' -here is one book on the ta$le( and three books on the chair+ I have one house( $ut the Rueen has fifteen houses+ :hen the counta$le noun is the su$%ect of the sentence( the ver$ is singular or plural( depending on the noun )this is called su$%ectQver$ agreement*' -he $ook is on the ta$le+ -he cars are in the garage+ /ome o$%ects )or concepts* cannot $e counted+ :e cannot stand on the $each and count' L four sands and three waters sand and water are e,amples of nonQcounta$le nouns and they only have a singular form' -he sand is hot+ -he water is cold+ Common nonQcounta$le nouns include' li4ui!s foo!stuffs $eer( cola( %uice( lemonade( milk( tea( water( whiskey( wine $utter( cheese( grain( meat( pepper( rice( salt( sugar( wheat advice( furniture( hair( knowledge( luggage( money( news( pasta( progress( miscellaneous research( spaghetti( toothpaste If the nonQcounta$le noun is the su$%ect of a sentence( we use it with a singular ver$' .y money is in my wallet+ .ilk is very good for $a$ies+ -his $utter has melted+ -his whiskey tastes awful< /tudents often make mistakes with these nonQcounta$le nouns' furniture( hair( money( news( research( spaghetti

!emem$er( nonQcounta$le nouns have a singular ver$ and do not have a plural form' 8e gave me some information a$out flights to !ome+ -he news is not good+ -he spaghetti is ready now+ INve got a lot of work to do+

Non-Countable Expressions
:hen we use nonQcounta$le nouns( we often use them in e,pressions' three cups of tea two glasses of whiskey :ith some common e,pressions( we can delete the container and make the nonQcounta$le noun( counta$le' three teas two whiskies /ome nouns are counta$le and nonQcounta$le $ut with different meanings' 8e suffers $adly from the cold+ I have a cold+ In the first e,ample( cold is nonQcounta$le and refers to cold weather and low temperatureO in the second e,ample( a cold refers to a $locked nose and lots of sneeSing+ Pften when we talk a$out an e,ample of a nonQcounta$le noun then we make the noun counta$le' INd like some wine( please+ -his is a fine wine+ In the first e,ample we are talking a$out wine in generalO in the second we are talking a$out a specific wine( an e,ample of the whole+

:hen we talk a$out quantity with counta$le and nonQcounta$le nouns( there are a num$er of different ways we can do this+ -o e,press quantity with a counta$le noun( we can use a num$er and a plural noun'

-here are three bananas on the ta$le+ 8e had twent23seven shee0 on the farm+ If the num$er is one( we usually use an article instead' 8e has a col!+ Pr we can $e nonQspecific and talk a$out appro,imate num$ers' -here are some 0eo0le in the office+ -here are a few 0roblems+ -o e,press quantity with a nonQcounta$le noun( we cannot use a num$er and a plural form' L -here are three rices in the $owl+ L Can you give me four informations? Instead( we must use some, any, much, little and a singular form' 8ere is some sugar+ -here isnNt much wine in the $ottle+ :hen we talk a$out a nonQcounta$le noun( we can use an e,pression which shows an amount or a container' EquantityF G Eamount/containerF G EofF -here is one box of rice in the cup$oard+ 8e drank three glasses of wine+ INd like a 0oun! of cheese( please+ /ome other common e,pressions include' bar, bottle, box, cup, jar, kilo, l oaf, meter, mile, packet, piece, pound, sheet, slice, tin, ton, tube, yard+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title1Counta$le2and23onQ Counta$le23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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Noun Phrases
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&ump to' navigation( search :hen we use nouns( we often use them with one or more other words to make a noun 0hrase+ A noun phrase is a group of words which acts %ust like a single noun in a sentence+ All these sentences follow the same pattern' Enoun phraseF G Ever$ phraseF 8e -he man -he man in the $ig hat -he man in the $ig white hat -he old man in the $ig white hat smiled+ smiled+ smiled+ smiled+ smiled+

7ery often we put a determiner in front of the noun to make a noun phrase' EdeterminerF G EnounF a $anana

the house some people And we often add ad%ectives to tell us more a$out the noun' EdeterminerF G Ead%ectiveF G EnounF a $ig $anana the old house some angry people

-he simplest pattern for a noun phrase is the noun standing alone' I "ric cats 7ery often we use a determiner with a noun+ 6eterminers are added to the front of the phrase' EdeterminerF G EnounF the man a dog some people EdeterminerF G Enoun phraseF the old man a dog and a $one some fifty thousand people :e can add ad%ectives to a nounO they usually come $efore the noun' HdeterminerI G Ead%ectiveHsIF G EnounF the old gray whistle happy people good work :e can put two nouns togetherO the first noun acts like an ad%ective and gives us more information a$out the second noun' HdeterminerI G EnounF G EnounF computer programs some record players

:hen we put two nouns together )apposition* to make a noun phrase we can use this pattern' EnounF G Hnoun)s*I G EandF G EnounF :hen the noun phrase has and then it is plu ral and takes a plural ver$' &immy( "ric and 9ete are friends+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title13oun29hrases0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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&ump to' navigation( search A noun is one of the ma%or 9arts of /peech+ It is used to name an o$%ect or thing+


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Countable Nouns 3 Non3Countable Nouns
/ome nouns can $e countedO you can count the num$er of $ooks in the room and the num$er of words on a page( etc+ -hese are counta$le nouns' -here are fifteen $ooks in the room+ -here are one hundred and fifty words on this page+ 8owever( some nouns cannot $e counted+ Tou cannot( for e,ample( count water' L -here is one water in the sea+ L -here are two waters in the sea+ -his is $ecause water is a nonQcounta$le nounO we cannot put a num$er in front of it+ 3onQcounta$le nouns are sometimes known as uncountable nouns or mass nouns+

/ometimes we use a pronoun to replace a noun in a sentence+ :e do this so we do not have to repeat the same words again and again' Urian opened the door( Urian paused $y the door( and then Urian closed the door quietly+ $ecomes' Urian opened the door( he paused $y it( and then he closed it quietly+ In this case( he and it are pronounsO they mean Brian and the door+V/divW

Concrete1Abstract Nouns

It is easy to see a $ookO $ecause we can see it( we call it a concrete noun+ /ometimes it is impossi$le to see a nounO for e,ample these are also nouns $ut you cannot see them' love( happiness( life -hese are abstract nouns and they refer to concepts rather than o$%ects+

Pro0er Nouns
:e also talk a$out proper nouns which are peopleNs names' 9eter( Uuddha

Noun Phrases
Look at these sentences' -he man ate the cake+ -he $ig man ate the cake+ -he very $ig man ate the cake+ -he very $ig Australian man ate the cake+ :e have taken a simple noun( man( and added other words to it to make a noun phrase+ A noun phrase works in the same way as a single noun+

:hen we have a ver$ which we want to use as a noun( we can use a gerund )a ver$al noun*+ -his is made using the Qing form of the ver$' /kiing is fun+ 8e liked walking and cycling+

-here are only two forms of nouns' singular or plural+ Book is a singular noun( this means it refers only to one $ook+ If we want to talk a$out more than one $ook( we must use a plural noun' books, telephones, airplanes, teachers, waves -o make a plural noun( we usually add 3s to the end of the singular noun+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title13ouns0

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&ump to' navigation( search 5rammatical Number is the term used to descri$e whether something is singular )%ust one* or 0lural )more than one*+ In "nglish this applies to nouns( ver$s and determiners and depending on the num$er the form of these may change+


B 3ouns @ 7er$s J 6eterminers M /ee Also

-he usual way to change a noun from singular to plural is $y adding -s or -es+ Pne chair+ -wo hundred chairs+ Pne box+ ifteen boxes+ or a full look at forms of plural and singular nouns( see here+

3um$er is important in ver$s as a ver$ must agree with the su$%ect+ If the su$%ect is singular so must the ver$ $eO if the su$%ect is plural( so must the ver$ $e+ 8e is coming+ :e are coming+ /he !oesn6t like it+ -hey !on6t like it+

6epening on how many we are talking a$out( determiners can change' A person+ The people+

See Also
/u$%ectQ7er$ Agreement !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title13um$er0 Categories' 4rammar 5 Linguistics 5 3ouns 5 7er$s 5 6eterminers 5 Articles

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7b/ect Com0lement
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&ump to' navigation( search An ob/ect com0lement is a word )often an ad%ective( noun or pronoun* or a phrase which follows an o$%ect in a sentence to add more information to it or to descri$e its recent condition+ An o$%ect complement is often found with ver$s of perceptions( thinking( or ver$s that denote a change+ .any people consider Churchill the greatest 8ritish statesman+ :e decided to paint our house re!< -hey named their child Thomas+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title1P$%ect2Complement0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns

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Pro0er Nouns
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&ump to' navigation( search A Pro0er Noun is mem$er of a group of nouns which refer to a person or place )and sometimes a title*+ 9roper nouns always $egin with a capital letter+ Rueen 7ictoria( Cleopatra( Uuddha( London( Australia( .ars( Asia( reddie Kruger :hen we talk a$out a place which does not have a name( we use a common nounO if it has a name we use a 0ro0er noun+ or e,ample( we say' prison( hospital( house $ut we talk a$out :andsworth 9rison( /t 4uyNs 8ospital( -he :hite 8ouse !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php?title19roper23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns

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Singular an! Plural Nouns

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A noun is the name of a person( place or thing+ A singular noun refers to B only+ A plural noun refers to @ or more+ A singular noun takes a singular ver$ and a plural noun takes a plural ver$ )see $elow*+ -he car is in the garage+

-he cars are in the garage+


B !egular 3ouns @ Irregular 3ouns o @+B 6ifferent :ords o @+@ /ame :ords o @+J Alternative 9lurals J .iscellaneous

Regular Nouns
.ost nouns in "nglish are regular+ -o make them plural we add 3s to the end' singular B $ook B car B house 0lural @ $ooks M cars A houses

Irregular Nouns
'ifferent 9or!s
/ome nouns have two very different words for the singular and the plural' singular B tooth B goose B foot B child B o, B oasis B a,is B man B woman B mouse B medium 0lural @ teeth M geese @ feet C children @ o,en J oases @ a,es @ men @ women @ mice @ media

Same 9or!s
Alternatively( some nouns are the same whether they are singular or plural' singular B sheep B salmon B aircraft 0lural @ sheep M salmon A aircraft

Alternative Plurals
inally( some nouns have alternative plurals+ /ometimes these have different meanings and are used in different conte,ts' singular B penny B person B fish 0lural @ pence/pennies M persons/people A fish/fishes

Mis ellaneous
/ome nouns have a plural $ut no singular( for e,ample' clothes( contents( earnings( goods( riches( savings( thanks( troops -hese nouns take a plural ver$' -he contents are la$eled on the %ar+ 8is savings were wiped out in the crash+ /ome nouns look plural $ut are( in fact( singular( for e,ample' athletics( gymnastics( mathematics( measles( news( politics -he ver$ is singular here' 8is measles is spreading+ 9olitics is $oring< /ome words are either plural or singular( for e,ample' headquarters( means( works )1 factory/workshop( etc+*

-he ver$ can $e either singular or pluralO there is no real difference' -heir headquarters are situated in central London+ -heir headquarters is situated in central London+ A collective noun descri$es a group of nouns descri$ing the same thing( for e,ample' army( Arsenal( audience( class( clu$( committee( company( crowd( gang( group( .icrosoft( pu$lic( team( the UUC :e use singular ver$ if we think of the group as a whole' Arsenal is playing well today+ Pr plural if we are thinking of the individuals' Arsenal are a mi,ed $unch of players+ /ome groups( however( are always plural' -he police are coming< -he cattle are lowing+ :hen we have a noun phrase of measurement( we use a singular ver$' -wenty kilos is the ma,imum weight for suitcases+ /i, feet si, inches is tall for a man+ :hen we talk a$out a pair of things( we always use the plural( for e,ample' a pair of' glasses( %eans( scissors( trousers :e use a plural ver$' Tour %eans are ripped+ !etrieved from 0http'//www+icalwe$+com/wiki/inde,+php? title1/ingular2and29lural23ouns0 Categories' 4rammar 5 3ouns
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