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A church with open arms, loving hearts, and a desire to bring glory to god

This Week: Sunday, January 5, 2014

9:30 Music Team Rehearsal 10:00 Worship

Faith Christian Church News

Weekly Devotional
Giving attention to our hearts is a necessity if we are going to successfully engaged in Gods Kingdom work. The condition of our heart is directly linked to the impact we have for our Lord. Study and pray over the passages below, asking God to speak to your heart.
Know God grieves over hardened and/or cold hearts Trust God to change our unbelieving hearts Allow God to search and purify our hearts Believe God will guard our hearts Serve God with all our hearts Depend on God to keep our hearts engaged Psalm 95:1-11 Romans 10:1-13 Psalm 139:1-24 Proverbs 4:23-27 1 Samuel 12:20-25 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 Psalm 51:1-12 Philippians 4:4-7 Hebrews 3:7-15

Volume 2, Issue 1

January 1, 2014

Whats in FCC News this week?

This Week: Sunday, January 5, 2014 Weekly Devotional

1 1

Happy Anniversary & Birthday!

Meeting place address:

4630 Blanchard Road Burlington NC 27217

Happy New Year from FCC 1 Prayer Concerns Message from Pastor Reid 2 2

Falling in Love with the 2 Word of God!! Thought for the week 2

Postal address: P. O. Box 1731 Burlington NC 27216 Church website:

Happy New Year from Faith Christian Church

Contact Information for Pastor Reid Home Telephone(336) 447-4445 Cell Phone(336) 214-1065

Have you liked our Facebook Page? Or checked out our website! Click on FCCs logo and Facebook icon to visit our page and website

Message from Pastor Reid

Happy New Year!!
I pray Gods richest blessings on you as we enter a new year at Faith Christian Church. We are celebrating the faithfulness of our Lord throughout the previous year. Now we are celebrating the promise of our Lord as we turn the page into 2014. The promise of blessing awaits our embrace. I am confident our best days are on the horizon. We are born to be blessed! It is my prayer Gods call on us as individuals, and as a congregation, will be realized to a greater degree. The blessings of God are always coming down. But as we realize and acknowledge them, life gets really good. We then transition from not only receiving blessings, but also passing them along to others! When the blessings are shared with others, Gods kingdom is advanced hearts are touched and lives are changed! The heart of blessing comes from knowing Christ has been resurrected from the grave. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade kept in heaven for us. (1 Peter 1:3-4) Lets enter this new year with a full awareness of the blessings of God. Lets position ourselves to receive the blessings and pass them along to others. God is smiling and favoring all who are living life knowing we are born to be blessed. Pastor Reid

Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns in the Congregation
John and Janet Hughes (812 Scott St. Burlington NC 27217) (227-7252) Continue to pray for John his physical health is up and down. Frances Woody (708 Kidd Drive Burlington NC 27217) Frances is doing wellshe has been able to return to work on a part-time basis. Becky Corbett (712 Jeffries Cross Rd. Burlington NC 27217 (421-9416) Becky is facing additional issues with pain and discomfort again. Joe Walters (C/O Blakey Hall 501 Blakey Hall Lane Elon NC 27244) Joe is continuing in therapy.

Happy Anniversary & Birthday!

C and Kristi Tejeda on December 30th Happy Birthday! Allison Kelley on January 1st! Wilbur Gordon on January 1st!

New Concerns Related to the Congregation

Elliot Faucette FamilyPastor Reid is the contact Jean Smith, Dwayne PenlandJoyce Moore is the contact Rowan and Laken WestbrooksHannah Rich is the contact Elizabeth CoppGary Honeycutt is the contact Pat Matkins Family, Eddie Matkins Donnie Scott is the contact

Falling in Love with the Word of God!!

The stage is being set for us to fall in love with the Word of God again in 2014. We will be using The Story, by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. It is a resource that presents the Bible as one continuing story of God and his people. The Story is the Bible condensed into 31 chapters that reads like a novel. Place your order for The Story (Adult - $8) (Teen - $8) (9-12 y/o $5) (4-8 y/o $10). Orders will be received through this coming Sunday, January 5, 2014.

Concerns Related to the Congregation

Pastor Dan FicklinPastor Reid is the contact Tim FarrellLinda Atkins is the contact Keith RoachHerbert Whitfield is the contact Taylor FosterTaylor Teer is the contact Waylin VaughnGreg Oakley is the contact
Ongoing Concerns Related to the Congregation are listed on the blue handout available for pickup each Sunday. To submit a prayer concern fill out a prayer card (yellow display at the entrance to the Venue) or contact Pastor Reid (336.447.4445), Greg & Lisa Oakley (336.229.9436) or Wilbur & Sandi Gordon (336.578.3533)

Thought for the Week

The healing of the heart by God comes when we give our hearts fully to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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