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The First 10 Amendments to the Constitution as Ratified by the States

December 15, 1791


Congress OF THE United States

begun and held at the City of New York, on Wednesday the Fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.

THE Conventions of a number of t e States aving at t e time of t eir ado!ting t e

Constitution, e"!ressed a desire, in order to !revent misconstruction or abuse of its !o#ers, t at furt er dec$arator% and restrictive c$auses s ou$d be added& 'nd as e"tending t e ground of !ub$ic confidence in t e (overnment, #i$$ best insure t e beneficent ends of its institution

)ESO*+ED b% t e Senate and House of )e!resentatives of t e United States of

'merica, in Congress assemb$ed, t#o t irds of bot Houses concurring, t at t e fo$$o#ing 'rtic$es be !ro!osed to t e *egis$atures of t e severa$ States, as 'mendments to t e Constitution of t e United States, a$$ or an% of # ic 'rtic$es, # en ratified b% t ree fourt s of t e said *egis$atures, to be va$id to a$$ intents and !ur!oses, as !art of t e said Constitution, vi-.&

')T/C*ES in addition to, and 'mendment of t e Constitution of t e United States of

'merica, !ro!osed b% Congress, and ratified b% t e *egis$atures of t e severa$ States, !ursuant to t e fift 'rtic$e of t e origina$ Constitution.

Amendment I
Congress s a$$ ma0e no $a# res!ecting an estab$is ment of re$igion, or !ro ibiting t e free e"ercise t ereof, or abridging t e freedom of s!eec , or of t e !ress, or t e rig t of t e !eo!$e !eaceab$% to assemb$e, and to !etition t e (overnment for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
' #e$$ regu$ated 1i$itia, being necessar% to t e securit% of a free State, t e rig t of t e !eo!$e to 0ee! and bear 'rms, s a$$ not be infringed.

Amendment III
2o So$dier s a$$, in time of !eace be 3uartered in an% ouse, #it out t e consent of t e O#ner, nor in time of #ar, but in a manner to be !rescribed b% $a#.

Amendment IV
T e rig t of t e !eo!$e to be secure in t eir !ersons, ouses, !a!ers, and effects, against unreasonab$e searc es and sei-ures, s a$$ not be vio$ated, and no 4arrants s a$$ issue, but u!on !robab$e cause, su!!orted b% Oat or affirmation, and !articu$ar$% describing t e !$ace to be searc ed, and t e !ersons or t ings to be sei-ed.

Amendment V
2o !erson s a$$ be e$d to ans#er for a ca!ita$, or ot er#ise infamous crime, un$ess on a !resentment or indictment of a (rand 5ur%, e"ce!t in cases arising in t e $and or nava$ forces, or in t e 1i$itia, # en in actua$ service in time of 4ar or !ub$ic danger, nor s a$$ an% !erson be sub6ect for t e same offence to be t#ice !ut in 6eo!ard% of $ife or $imb, nor s a$$ be com!e$$ed in an% crimina$ case to be a #itness against imse$f, nor be de!rived of $ife, $ibert%, or !ro!ert%, #it out due !rocess of $a#, nor s a$$ !rivate !ro!ert% be ta0en for !ub$ic use, #it out 6ust com!ensation.

Amendment VI
/n a$$ crimina$ !rosecutions, t e accused s a$$ en6o% t e rig t to a s!eed% and !ub$ic tria$, b% an im!artia$ 6ur% of t e State and district # erein t e crime s a$$ ave been committed, # ic district s a$$ ave been !revious$% ascertained b% $a#, and to be informed of t e nature and cause of t e accusation, to be confronted #it t e #itnesses against im, to ave com!u$sor% !rocess for obtaining #itnesses in is favor, and to ave t e 'ssistance of Counse$ for is defence.

Amendment VII
/n suits at common $a#, # ere t e va$ue in controvers% s a$$ e"ceed t#ent% do$$ars, t e rig t of tria$ b% 6ur% s a$$ be !reserved, and no fact tried b% a 6ur%, s a$$ be ot er#ise ree"amined in an% Court of t e United States, t an according to t e ru$es of t e common $a#.

Amendment VIII
E"cessive bai$ s a$$ not be re3uired, nor e"cessive fines im!osed, nor crue$ and unusua$ !unis ments inf$icted.

Amendment IX
T e enumeration in t e Constitution, of certain rig ts, s a$$ not be construed to den% or dis!arage ot ers retained b% t e !eo!$e.

Amendment X
T e !o#ers not de$egated to t e United States b% t e Constitution, nor !ro ibited b% it to t e States, are reserved to t e States res!ective$%, or to t e !eo!$e.

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