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Company Profile April 2008 Hoa NghiaWard , Duong Kinh District Hai Phong ietnam !

"#$ % 8& '(' 8()2*+ ,A-$ % 8& '(' 8()'). "/mail$

(0 Company History Truong Son Garment joint stock Company was founded in 2008 by Mr. Lang !am " and Mrs. #uyen $guyen wit! e%perience as senior garment e%ecuti&es in t!e 'ietnamese garment industry. (ur factory is 20.000 s)uare meters in area wit! two big works!op " (ne sewing works!op is *.+00M2 and anot!er one is 2.200M2 for cutting and ware!ouse . T!e Company )uick,y became recogni-ed for !ig! )ua,ity workmans!ip and capab,e management and !as produced for internationa, brands suc! as. /01 " M0T0L0$ 234 5 " S6L6CT " 78M074 " 6'6$ " /#S " 7obbin 7oya, " M0$G( ... wit! t!e produce as 9acket " trouser " Skirt " Coats " /,ouse : 20 1ission 2tatement 3!o consistently deli4er 5ell made garments 5ith the shortest possi6le lead times7 ;e understand t!at our c,ients are in t!e fas!ion industry and t!at getting new designs to market in )uick,y and to t!e e%pected )ua,ity standards is critica, to success. ;e are committed to continuous impro&ement in our production ,ead times w!i,e maintaining consistent !ig! )ua,ity standards. ' 8ur !eam

(ur peop,e are t!e key to our success and our management p!i,osop!y is to create a !armonious working en&ironment t!at encourages eac! indi&idua, to work for t!e mutua, benefit of a,,.
Board of Directors

Business Dev. Director

Managing Director

HR Director

Admin. Director

Financial Director

System Development

#ec$nical % Sampling

"orporate Responsi'ility







"as$flow Management

New Services Development


&orkforce Relations




!uality "ontrol


&0 8ur Wor9force T!e factory f,oor is organi-ed into production units" to a,,ow greater f,e%ibi,ity and s!orter production ,ead times. Current,y Truong Son !as se&enteen production units . Tota, factory f,oor workforce is.
Production Cutting Per Line 1 Lines 3 51 Sewing 25 !25 Helpers 2 3! Quality Control 1,5 2" Packing 1 1 Total 32.5 553

8n addition to our key asset" our ski,,ed workforce" we !a&e as support staff.
Support #nco$ing %are&ouse + (utgoing %are&ouse 5 ())ice * Tec&nical 2,

Cleaning +

'aintenance 1,

Security 1,

Total "1

)0 Product :ange and ";uipment ;e are a manufacturer of wo&en garments for t!e retai, fas!ion market and for a,, seasons. (ur e)uipment is from t!e best names in sewing mac!ines for current t!irteen ,ines and inc,ude
Mac$ine #ype Maker "utting -a.ric C&ecking Circular Cutter Cutting Ta.le -using 'ac&ine /*0 /*0 /*0 (s&i$a , 1eit Sewing Single /eedle 4ou.le /eedle 5 (5erstitc& 1, (5erstitc& 6artacking 6utton&ole 6uttoning 2uki, 3e$sy 2uki, 3e$sy 3e$sy 3e$sy 3e$sy 2uki , 3e$sy 2uki , 3e$sy acking 7oller Press #roning Stations 1acuu$ Ta.le 3e$sy /a$ato 2uki, /a$ato 2 1+ 2 3!, 2, +, 1, 12 12 13 1 2 3 !uantity

+,,kg 6oiler Sealing 'ac&ine (t$er C04 syste$

/*0 /*0

1 2 , #n5estronica

T!e sub<di&ision of t!e factory into se,f<contained production units reduces production ,ead times and a,,ows e)ua, efficiency on &arious order si-es. *0 Production Capacity and #ead !imes ;e specia,i-e in wo&en garment for a,, seasons and our a&erage mont!,y output at t!e moment for current t!irteen ,ines is.
Daily per *ine 15, 3,, #otal mont$ly "apacity 38,,,, 5!,",,

)tem +acket , "oats #rouser , Skirt , Blouse

Minimum (rder. 2"000 pieces per sty,e Lead times per 2"000 pieces. Two week from recei&ed trimming = 1abric )0 Contact <s

8f you are interested in Truong Son as your garment supp,y partner in 'ietnam" p,ease contact us at. Sa,es and Marketing. Mrs. $guyen t!i /ic! #uyen 6<mai,. #uyen>nguyen? Te,. @ 8A B0* 2BCDAA

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