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California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Degree Curriculum Sheet CIVIL ENGINEERING Plan (Major) ________________________________________________ Subplan/Option _____________________________________________

General Civil Engineering Required Core Courses Course

Civil Engineering CAD I CE 127/127L Civil Engineering CAD II Lab CE 128L Elementary Surveying CE 134/134L Civil Engineering Materials CE 221/221L Structural Analysis I CE 304 Structural Analysis II CE 305 Structural Design Lab CE 305L Structural Testing Lab CE 306L Geotechnical Engineering I CE 325 Geotechnical Engineering II CE 326 Geotechnical Engineering Lab CE 327L Hydraulic Engineering CE 332/332L Technical Communication & Documentation CE 362/362A Structural Design - Reinforced Concrete CE 421 Engineering Hydrology CE 451 Analytic Geometry/Calculus II MAT 115 Analytic Geometry/Calculus III MAT 116 Calculus of Several Variables I MAT 214 Elementary Linear Algebra & Differential Equations MAT 224 Vector Statics ME 214 Vector Dynamics ME 215 Strength of Materials I ME 218 Fluid Mechanics I ME 311

2013-2014 Catalog Year _______________________ Name____________________________________________ Minimum Units Required ______________ Student ID ________________________________________ 198 Required Support Courses Course
General Chemistry CHM 121 General Chemistry Lab (B3) CHM 121L General Chemistry CHM 122/122L Ethical Considerations in Technology and Applied Science (C4) EGR 402 Roles of Design Professionals (D4) EGR 445 Engineering Geology (B5) GSC 321/321L Application of Statistics in Engineering IME 301 or Statistical Methods STA 309 Analytic Geometry/Calculus I (B4) MAT 114 General Physics (B1, B3) PHY 131/131L General Physics PHY 132/132L General Physics PHY 133/133L

TGA__________________________ GWT Satisfied _____Yes ____No

1/1 1 2/2 2/1 4 4 1 1 2 3 1 3/1 2/1 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3

3 1 3/1 4 4 3/1 3 (3) 4 3/1 3/1 3/1

General Education Requirements Area

Area A Communication & Critical Thinking 1 Oral Communication 2 Written Communication 3 Critical Thinking Area B Mathematics & Natural Sciences Select at least one lab course from sub-area 1 or 2. 1 Physical Science 2 Biological Science 3 Laboratory Activity 4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning 5 Science & Technology Synthesis Area C Humanities 1 Visual and Performing Arts 2 Philosophy and Civilization 3 Literature and Foreign Language 4 Humanities Synthesis Area D Social Sciences 1 U.S. History, Constitution, American Ideals 2 History, Economics and Political Science 3 Sociology, Anthropology, Ethnic & Gender Studies 4 Social Science Synthesis Area E Lifelong Understanding & Self Development


IGE (G.E. Alternative)

IGE 120 4 IGE 121 4 IGE 122 4 IGE 220 4 IGE 221 4 IGE 222 4 IGE 223 4 IGE 224 4 Area A1 4 Area A3 4 Area B 16 Area C1, C2 or C3 4 Area C4 4 Area D4 4 See University Catalog for information on how IGE meets G.E. requirements.



Total Units



Elective Subplan/Option Core Courses Course

Technical Electives** CE XXX **Upper Division Civil Engineering Courses approved in advance by advisor.

Total Units Units

11 American Institutions Courses that satisfy this requirement may also satisfy G.E. Area D1 American Cultural Perspectives Requirement Refer to catalog for list of courses that satisfy this requirement. Course may also satisfy major, minor, GE, or unrestricted elective requirements.


Total Units


Total Units Required Subplan/Option Core Courses Course

Introduction to Civil Engineering Advanced Surveying Highway Engineering Transportation Engineering Engineering Economics Computer Programming & Numerical Methods Structural Design-Steel Water Treatment Engineering Comprehensive C.E. Design I, II, III CE 122 CE 220/220L CE 222/222L CE 223/223L CE 301 CE 303/303A CE 406 CE 431/431L CE 491, 492, 493


1 3/1 3/1 3/1 4 2/1 4 3/1 4

The following required support courses should be taken to satisfy the indicated GE Requirements to achieve the minimum units to degree listed at the top of this sheet.

General Physics and General Chemistry Lab Analytic Geometry/Calculus I Engineering Geology Ethical Cons. in Tech. & Appl. Science Roles of Design Professionals PHY 131/131L CHM 121L MAT 114 GSC 321/321L EGR 402 EGR 445

GE Area
B1, B3 B3 B4 B5 C4 D4

Total Units


The remaining GE requirements may be satisfied by any course approved for that area.

No more than 105 community college quarter units or 36 extension credit quarter units may be applied toward a Bachelors degree. A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is required in core (including option) courses, Cal Poly Pomona courses, and overall work completed in order to receive a degree in this major.

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Civil Engineering Department Curriculum

CE 122 Intro to Civil Engr

2013-2014 NAME: ________________________ DATE: _________

CE 362/362A Technical Comm. 2/1 CE 223/223L Transportation Engineering 3/1


CE 134/134L Elementary Surveying 2/2

CE 220/220L Advanced Surveying 3/1



CE 222/222L Highway Engineering 2/2

CE 301 Engineering Economics 4




1 CE 127/127L CAD 1/1

CE 128L CAD 1 ME 218 Strength of Materials

CE 303/303A Programming & Num. Meth. 2/1 CE 221/221L CE Materials 2/1 CE 304 Structural Analysis I

CE 491 Comp. CE Design I

CE 492 Comp. CE Design II

CE 493 Comp. CE Design III

CHM 121/121L General Chemistry 3/1

CHM 122/122L General Chemistry 3/1 ME 214 Vector Statics

CE 305 Structural Analysis II

CE 406 Structural Steel Design 4 CE 306L Structural Testing Lab

CE 421 Structural Conc. Design 4 EGR 445 Design Professionals 4 CE xxx U.D. Tech. Elective

3 MAT 224 Diff. Eq. & Linear Alg. CE 325 Geotechnical Engineering I 2 ME 311 Fluid Mechanics

CE 305L Structural Design Lab

MAT 114 Anal. Geom. & Calculus 4

MAT 115 Anal. Geom. & Calculus 4 PHY 131/131L General Physics 3/1

MAT 116 Anal. Geom. & Calculus 4 PHY 132/132L General Physics 3/1

MAT 214 Calculus of Several Var. 3 PHY 133/133L General Physics 3/1 GE Area A1

CE 326 Geotechnical Engineering II 3 CE 332/332L Hydraulic Engineering 3/1

CE 327L Geotechnical Engr. Lab 1 CE 431/431L Water Treatment Engr 3/1 CE 451 Engineering Hydrology 4 CE xxx U.D. Tech. Elective GE Area C3 3 4 CE xxx U.D. Tech. Elective

ME 215 Vector Dynamics

3 IME 301 or STA 309

GE Area B2 BIO 110 3

4 GE Area D1a HST 202 * 4 GE Area A3 4 * 4 GE Area C2 4

GE Area A2 ENG 104 * 4 *

GE Area E 4

GE Area C1

GSC 321/321L Engineering Geology 3/1

GE Area D1b PLS 201 * 4 *

GE Area D2 4 *

GE Area D3 4

EGR 402 Ethics 4












Not all prerequisites are shown. Students are responsible for checking current University Catalog to determine specific prerequisites. * IGE sequence replaces these courses plus two of GE Areas C1, C2, and C3. See University Catalog for details.

13 Total = 198 units

Corequisite Prerequisite

Civil Engineering Department General Civil Engineering Major Curriculum Year: 2013-2014 Your department has developed this road plan, taking into account prerequisites and schedule restrictions. You should pay attention to these concerns when deviating from this plan.
Fall Units Winter Units Spring Units Comment Students in this major are expected to maintain a GPA of at least 2.00 in all core courses. MAT 114, PHY 131/131L and PHY 132L satisfy both major and general education requirements

CE 122
Major Core

1 3 1 4

CHM 121
Major Support CHM 121L
Year 1

Area E Any approved course in Area E CHM 122/122L

Major Support MAT 115 Major Core

4 4 4

CE 134/134L
Major Core

4 4 4

MAT 116
Major Core

GE Area B3 MAT 114

GE Area B4

PHY 132/132L Major Support GE Area C1 Any approved course in area C1

CE 128L

ENG 104 GE Area A2 GE Area B2

Any approved course in area B2
Total Units

PHY 131/131L 4 3

GE Area B1, B3

CE 127/127L

Major Core
Total Units


Major Core
Total Units Total Units for Year Spring

17 51 Units Comment Upper division CE courses must be approved in advance by your advisor. One course must be completed in each of the GE areas A2-3, B1-3, C1-3, D3, and E.





CE 220/220L
Major Core

4 3 3 4

ME 218
Major Core

3 4 4 4

CE 221/221L
Major Core

3 3 4 3

ME 214
Year 2

ME 215
Major Core

CE 303/303A
Major Core GE Area A3 Any approved course in area A3

Major Core

MAT 214
Major Core

MAT 224 Major Core GE Area D1a

Any approved course in area D1a

PHY 133/133L
Major Support

ME 311
Major Core

GE Area A1
Any approved course in GE Area A1
Total Units

18 Total Units 15

GE Area C2 Any approved course in area C2

Total Units Total Units for Year

17 50








CE 304
Major Core

4 2 4 3 4

CE 362/362A
Major Core

3 5 4 4 3

CE 301
Major Core

4 1 1 4 4 4

CE 325
Major Core

CE 305/305L
Major Core

CE 306L
Major Core

CE 222/222L Major Core

Year 3

CE 323/323L
Major Core

CE 327L
Major Core

IME 301 or STA 309 Major Support

CE 332/332L
Major Core

CE 406
Major Core

GSC 321/321L
GE Area B5

CE 326
Major Core

CE 431/431L
Major Core

GE Area D1b Any approved course in area D1b

Take the Graduation Writing Test Total Units 17 Total Units 19 Total Units Total Units for Year Spring

18 54 Units Comment All GE Area A courses and all lower division GE courses in a GE area must be completed before taking the GE Synthesis course in that area.





CE 421
Major Core

4 1 4 3 4

CE 492
Major Core

2 4 4

CE 493
Major Core

1 4 4

CE 491
Major Core

EGR 445
GE Area D4

Major Core

GE Area D2 Any approved course in area D2 CE XXX

Major Core

Year 4

GE Area C3
Any approved course in area C3

EGR 402
GE Area C4

GE Area D3
Any approved course in area D3

CE 451
Major Core

CE XXX Major Core

Total Units


Request a graduation check Total Units


File an application to graduate Total Units 13 Total Units for Year 43 198 112 18 68 0

Total Units on Plan Major Core Units Major Support Units General Education Units Unrestricted Elective Units

21 GE units counted also as Major Support for a total of 39 Major Support units

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