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Wyoming: The First State to Allow Women the Right to Vote

Taylor Dedmen Junior Division Individual Website

Process Paper While debating what my topi should be! I wondered! "What was a turning point #or women in Ameri a$ Well! women were never allowed to vote until %&'() Ah ha*+ I was hoo,ed on my topi ) First I was going to do Susan -) Anthony and the #ight #or women.s voting rights! but then my history tea her told me to dig deeper and #o us on one point! the #irst state to allow women the right to vote) That was my inspiration) I #inally rea hed to a on lusion on what my topi is going to be! Wyoming: The First State to Allow Women the Right to Vote) /ver sin e I #ound out my topi I ouldn.t stop resear hing) Time #or some resear h0 I started by reading up on some en y lopedias so that way I an get an overview on my topi ) I too, notes and reading the entries I was able to #ind primary sour es su h as some do uments to Wyoming.s law boo, to #ind the voting rights law) 1sing en y lopedias helped me #ind Susan -) Anthony.s spee h and some interviews women had while the #ight #or rights was happening) Sadly I was unable to do any interviews with people! but with the resear h that I have #ound I have a pretty strong viewing point on my topi ) Then ame the hard part! how was I going to present the pro2e t$ I pondered about it #or a little while! "A per#orman e would be too di##i ult! I don.t want to wor, in a group! and well I guess an e3hibit would be a good hoi e) 4h great! now I have to spend opious o# money in order to ma,e this happen) Why not a resear h paper$ 4h wait! I don.t li,e to write so that won.t be #un! how about a website$ I have my entire resour es write in #ront o# me and it won.t ost anything)+ That was the easiest hoi e #or me) Doing a single person pro2e t would be easy so I don.t have to rely on my partner to get things done) I li,e to wor, independently and ma,e my own de isions) I used the notes I too, earlier and typed them in to the a 5uired page) I made slideshows! uploaded videos and images I #ound di##erent websites) 1sing the website.s buttons was easy and made it simpler #or me to reate the website) 6y topi relates to the 78D theme! "Rights and Responsibilities+ be ause it involves women.s voting rights and how that ontributed to their responsibilities) As the #ight #or women.s rights progressed! Wyoming started to thin, that more women in the state would mean

a bigger population) When Wyoming.s governor John A) 9ampbell signed the bill! other states wanted to also allow women to vote) The west was the #irst ones and then the east 2oined in) From %':; every state in the 1S was allowing women to vote while Wyoming.s women were voting #or nearly hal# a entury) <Word 9ount: ='>?

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