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JUNE 23, 1938.

The new Mentor-type magnesium alloy tail wheel unit of the Monarch. -

ventional, and the recommended safe limit of loading should be adhered to as far as possible. This loading, however, permits two people to carry more luggage than they could possibly require on any reasonably protracted tour. The standard equipment of the three-seater includes a metal airscrew. For the benefit of this third occupant an extra window has been fitted on the starboard side, from which, for the same reason, the upward-folding door now opens. This door has its hinges well beyond the centre line of the roof so that there need be no contortions while entering or leaving the machine. For emergency exits a quick-release catch has been fitted so that the major part of the door can be dropped away ; additionally, the rear roof window can be used, and it should be mentioned that the part of the door which falls out would not be in contact with the ground in case of a nose-over. The sliding side windows are held in the closed position by means of a lockertype catch, and this fact, coupled with that of greater thickness for the materials of the windows themselves, has some bearing on the additional measure of silence which has been obtained in the Monarch. The only appreciable amount of noise in its forerunnerand that inoffensivewas caused by airflow and its resulting vibrations. A slight but nevertheless important change in the onepiece windscreen has also been made. This is now deeper and the scuttle has been slightly lowered in relation to the

seats, with the result that the view both on the ground and in the air is very much improved. Although the cabin design as a whole appears to be almost unchanged, the amount of headroom has also been increased. A point which should really have been mentioned while the awful possibility of emergency departures was being considered is that the tubular seats have been designed to take, by the removal of the rear cushions, the standard Irvin back-type parachutes. Alternatively, the chair-type can be installed without modification. Those who have discovered exactly how hot a low-wing cabin machine can become under a normal sun; and even when flying in air which is a good deal below zero in temperature, will approve of the simple louvre-type ventilator in the scuttle ; this can be adjusted to provide anything from a whiff of cool air to a blast of icy wind which is, nevertheless, directed and dissipated in such a way that no discomfort is involved. Altogether I spent about three hours in the air with the Monarchhardly enough for one to feel justified in saying that all the best and the worst has been discovered, but quite enough to make one realise that these light aeroplanes really are improving and becoming more and more easy and foolproof in their general performance. Despite quite prodigious orders for the Kestrel Trainer and the Magister, Phillips and Powis are going to turn out the Monarch in the sort of numbers that should cover the comparatively small present market for such a machine ; which is at least the way to retain a name in the almost forgotten world of civil aeroplanes. To-morrow the name will be needed, and in the meantime here is something outstanding for the private owner, the club or the charter operator.



The Gipsy Major engine has either a wooden airscrew by the Airscrew Co., Ltd., or a Fairey metal airscrew, and is fitted with a Claudel-Hobson carburettor, B.T.-H. magnetos and K.L.G. sparking plugs; ignition cable is by Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., and Superflexit petrol piping is used. Filters are by Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., and fuel cocks by Vickers (Aviation), Ltd.. Smiths instruments are used, while Reid and Sigrist turn-and-bank indicator and Sperry blind-flying instrument? can be fitted. Saro plywood and Bamberger's spruce are used in the fuselage, which is covered with Titantne de luxe finish. The cabin is upholstered by Rumbold, and Perspex windscreen and Rhodoid windows are fitted Various items in the airframe are supplied by J. Stone and Co. (alloy fittings), British Aluminium Co., Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd. (steel tubing), Herbert Terry and Co. (springs), and the British Aluminium Co. (aluminium). Simmonds elastic stop nuts are used, while A.G.S. parts are supplied by Brown Brothers (Aircraft), Ltd. Sir George Godfrey and Partners make the flap gear. Control cables are by Bruntons (Musselburgh), and ball bearings by Skefko and Hoffmann. Automotive Products, Ltd., are responsible for the undercarriage legs, and the Bendix Co. the brakes, while the wheels and tyre= are Dunlop. Airwork, Ltd., are the sole agents in Great Britain.
unairmanW. Lindsay Everard, M.P. Vice-Cnairman *'. llandley Page, C.B.K. Committee Members.A. J. A. Wallace Barr; James Bird, O.B.E.; Fit. Lt C. Clarkson; Lt. Col. M. O. Darby, O.B.E.; S. Kenneth Davies; The Marquess of Clydesdale, A.F.C., M.P.; Major A. Ooodfellow; A. C. S. Irwin; C'apt. A. U. Limpliigh; Major R. H. Mayo, O.B.E.; Lt. Col. Sir Francis McClean, A.F.C.; W. K. I). Perkins, M.P.; Major II. A. Petre. D.S.O , M.C.; Capt. R. L. Preston; U. H. Wilson-Fox. SUB-COMMITTEES Finance.A. J. A. Wallace Barr, Cdr. James Bird, Lt. Col. M. O. Darby. Major K. a . Mayo, *'. Uandley Page, U. H. Wilson-Fox. House.K. A. Brahner, A. .1. A. Wallace Barr, P. J. H. lleycock, ("apt A. U. Lamplugh, H. K. Law, W. H. Murray, Major J. Stewart, W. R. Taylor. Racing.Copt. H. 8. Broad, Major J. S. Buchanan, Fit. Lt. P. W. S. liulman, K. Kenneth Davie. Major A. Ooodlellow, R. Ashley Hall, Capt. K. L. Preston, 1'. y. Keiss, Major K. H. Thornton. Private Owners and Air Touring Lord Apsley, A. V-M. A. F.. Borton. D. P. Cameron, Fit. Jit. C. Clarkson, J. 0 . Crammond, R. Inee, W. p. Macpherson, W. R. D. Perkins, M.I'., Major H. A. Petre, O. (J. K. Roberts, lion. W. L. Kunciman, (J. H. Wilson-Fox. K.Ae.u. and A.A joint Standing Committee.Major A. Ooodfellow Major H. A. Petre. General CounoilR.Ae.C. Representatives.Major R. M. Beaumont. 8. Kenneth Davies, Major A Uoodfetlow, C'apt. A. (5. Lamplugli, Major J. E. I). Khaw. R.Ae.C. and S.B.A.C. Joint Standing Committee.W. Lindfay Everarrt. M.P.. W. K. I). Perkins, M.P. H.Ae.C, R.Ae.S. and Air League Lt. Col. Sir Francis K. McClean. Lt. Col. J. T. C. Moore-Brahazon, Major 11. A. Petre. Representatives on Air LeagueCapt. K. L. Preston, Lt. Col. L. A. Strange. The chairman. Mr. W Lindsay Kverard, is an ex offlcio member of every committee ami .subcommittee.

GI.'s Debate
IFTY-THREE members of the Aircraft Engineers' Association attended that organisation's first lecture, which took F place on June 10 in the library of the R.Ae.S. The subject was " T h e Sperry Gyropilot." During the discussion afterwards it was apparent that the G.E. is a capable debater and only too anxious to have opportunities for improving his knowledgethus, incidentally, gaining a deeper insight into the whys and wherefores of his everyday duties. The lecture is to be repeated at 7.30 p.m. to-night, June 23, at the Star Hotel, Southampton, engineers of Imperial Airways having shown a keen interest in the subject. Members of the Association have been invited to visit the Sperry Works. Capt. A. T. Patterson (5, High Street, Brentford, Middlesex) is the A.E.A. secretary.

R.Ae.C. Committees
*X*HE constitutions of the Royal Aero Club committee and -*- sub-committees for 1938-1939 are announced as follows:
COMMITTEE President Brig. (Jen. The Duke of Atholl, K.T., O.C.V.O.. D.S.O. Vice-Pi-esidents.Lord Uorell, C.B.K., MX'.; The Marquess of London derry, K.U., P C . M.V.O.: Lt. Col. J T. C. Moore Krahazon, M.C., M.P.; Lt. Col. M. O'Uorman, C.B.; The Duke of Sutherland; Viscount WakeSeld of llythe C.B.K . O.L.. J.I'., li.C.V.ll.

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