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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2014 Federal Office Candidates: 1.

Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? As a member of the LBGT Equality Caucus in the House of Representatives, I am fully committed to achieving the full enjoyment of human rights for LGBT people in the U.S. and around the world. This commitment includes working towards the extension of equal rights, the repeal of discriminatory laws, the elimination of hate-motivated violence, and the improved health and well-being for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. I believe that the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas have played an important part in that fight locally and want to work with this group locally as a strong ally. 2. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: a) your website b) your campaign literature and mailers c) your social media assets (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) d) your campaign advertisements In the past I have used democratic club endorsements on my website, social media, email blasts and on the stump while talking to voters and community leaders. Just as I have done in the past with other democratic club endorsements, if honored by the endorsement of the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, I would utilize the endorsement. 3. What are your plans to support or participate in a coordinated campaign in the general election in Dallas County? Last election cycle, the only election cycle in which I have been eligible to participate in the Dallas County Coordinated Campaign, I supported the countywide coordinated campaign by making a financial contribution and by hosting a countywide mega walk from my Dallas campaign office. Furthermore, my campaign engaged in direct action in the last general election by supporting straight ticket voting in both counties I represented through canvassing and phone banking efforts and via mail and radio communications. I will continue to support straight ticket voting again this election cycle. 4. When elected, how will you recruit, retain, and create a friendly environment for LGBT and LGBT-friendly staff? I already have a diverse staff that includes members of the LGBT community. However, I believe that all workplaces should be friendly towards all people which is why I am an Original Co-Sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA HR 1755) that prohibits discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity by civilian employers. 5. How would support or lead efforts to pass a resolution to support marriage equality? I am taking the lead on this issue by serving as Original Co-Sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act (HR 2523) that repeals DOMA and requires the U.S. Government to recognize the validity of same-sex marriage.

6. Would you be willing to appoint a liaison to meet with the LGBT community on a ongoing basis? If not, why? My door is always open to the LGBT community to discuss important issues. I have an assigned staff person that works on LGBT equality issues from a legislative standpoint as well as from a community outreach perspective. 7. Will you have a non-discrimination policy for employment and protection of LGBT residents and protection based on sexual orientation or gender identity? If not, why? My office already institutes a non-discrimination policy for employment and protection of all persons including members of the LGBT community. 8. How would you address the recent trend of state governments adding medically unnecessary procedures to the course of treatments pertaining to women's health (e.g. the requirement to require a sonogram prior to the legal termination of a pregnancy)? I am working to address this issue by Co-Sponsoring the Women's Health Protection Act (HR 3471) which makes it unlawful for government entities to enact a measure or action that restricts the provision of abortion services, or the facilities that provide them, in such a way that singles out abortion services or make abortion services more difficult to access and does not significantly advance women's health or the safety of abortion services. 9. How would you respond as an office holder to countries and regimes that enact laws and policies that specifically target LGBT citizens for detention or punishment based on their LGBT identity or the free expression of their LGBT identity?

I have responded to this saddening issue by being an Original Co-Sponsor of the Supporting the Goals and
Ideals of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia Resolution (HRes 221) which encourages the following initiatives: health care providers offering culturally and clinically competent care to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) community; schools supporting the creation of gay-straight alliances to achieve safer learning environments; individuals learning about national resources for those who identify as LGBT; and the federal government, states, international funding organizations, and U.S. bilateral and multilateral aid efforts prioritizing the health and human rights of LGBT people. Basic human rights should be accessible to all people and I am working aggressively to help make it happen. 10. How would lead or support efforts to craft legislation and/or constitutional amendments pertaining to: a) Repeal of Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA), or at least sections 1 & 2 b) Repeal of Federal Marriage Amendment c) Inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) As mentioned earlier, I am an Original Co-Sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act (HR 2523) that repeals DOMA and requires the U.S. Government to recognize the validity of same-sex marriage and an Original CoSponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA HR 1755) that prohibits discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity by civilian employers.

11. How will you combat Republican efforts to eliminate or severely reduce the programs below that are critical to the well being of many Texas residents? a) Ryan White FundingI am steadfastly opposed to any cuts to Ryan White funding. We have not won the fight against HIV/AIDs. For every success story, there is someone else who is not receiving the treatment they need. Furthermore, any success thus far is directly attributable to this funding. We therefore must maintain funding to ensure we do not erase any gains already made. b) Housing Programs I am committed to ensuring that everyone has safe and affordable housing. I have been pleased to support several local applications for grant funding for Housing and Urban Development projects in DFW and am excited that some of these applications have been successful. I hope to continue my work in this area and expand housing opportunities for low-income residents in the DFW area. c) Drug and Medical Assistance My congressional district has a higher percentage of uninsured than any other congressional district in the country. Although the Affordable Care Act is not perfect, and its rollout has not been smooth, I believe that in the end, ACA will be hugely beneficial to my constituents and our nation. It has already provided coverage for millions of children with pre-existing conditions, allowed for free preventative care, and allowed millions of young adults to stay on their parents insurance. I will continue working to make this law better, and to help my constituents enroll. In addition, I have been a vocal critic of our governors decision to refuse to expand Medicaid, and will continue to fight for that expansion. d) Food Assistance I have consistently voted to protect SNAP funding. Although I know we must balance our budget and reduce the current deficit, we cannot do so on the backs of our neediest residents. I took the SNAP challenge, living on the $4.50/day, and I can tell you from experience that you still go hungry on that budget, and that its impossible to eat healthy. We must maintain funding for the SNAP program in order to ensure that no one misses out on this most basic necessity. e) Utility Assistance As both a state legislator and in Congress, I have supported programs that provide utility assistance for residents in need. With Texass hot summers and cold winters, our energy costs can be overwhelming and difficult to budget for. It is imperative that we continue to assist those who need additional help to maintain these life-saving services. f) Community Development Block Grants I support community development block grant funding on the federal level. These grants, often awarded to municipalities, provide much needed funding for housing and other vital programs. On July 31st of this year, I spoke on the House Floor in opposition to cuts in this program in HR 2610. 12. How would you lead or support efforts to update the formula in Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 so that pre-clearance requirements can once again be enforced in regions of the USA where a pattern of discrimination and voter disenfranchisement has continued to be shown to disproportionately affect minorities? I am working with my colleagues in the House of Representatives to create a new formula for Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act which would allow Section 5 to be used to require states like Texas to have any voting changes pre-cleared before taking effect. We have seen all too recently that the state of Texas, and others, cannot be trusted to protect minority voting rights. Indeed, federal courts have ruled that recent Texas voting law changes have discriminated against minorities in both effect and intent. However, we cannot wait on legislative action. That is why I am a lead plaintiff in two Section 2 cases one, to overturn Texass discriminatory Voter I.D. law, and two, to re-draw Texass legislative districts so that they reflect our states growing minority population.

13. How will you lead or support legislation like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders constitutional amendment that declares corporations are not people? I support legislation to overrule the Supreme Courts decision that corporations are people, for purposes of political speech and contributions. I look forward to supporting these bills when they come before the House for a vote. 13. How will you lead or support efforts for comprehensive immigration reform, especially pertaining to: a) Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) legislation b) Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM) legislation The time for comprehensive immigration reform is now. As a member of the Congressional Black Caucuss Immigration Reform task force, and an original co-sponsor of the Reuniting American Families Act and the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM) Act, I am working hard every day to bring attention to the issues our immigrant families are facing. It is time to fix our broken immigration system, bring these hard-working Americans out of the shadows, and allow our economy to reach its full potential. I also believe that immigration reform must extend to the LGBT community. That is why I have Co-Sponsored HR 519, the Uniting American Families Act. 14. What specific ideas do you have and/or what current legislation would you support to improve our national economy and address the wealth disparity in our country? I am a Co-Sponsor of HR 1010, the Fair Minimum Wage Act, which would gradually increase the minimum wage until it reached $10.10/hr, and then index it to inflation. This is a vital first step in assuring that all Americans can earn a living wage. However, for true economic parity, I believe that we must improve our education system. I am a strong supporter of increased STEM training in middle school, high school, and beyond. This training, in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math, would give our young people the skills that are needed in todays economy. Having these skills, whether accompanied by a college degree or not, would allow our young people to get jobs that could support a family and a good quality of life.

I, Congressman Marc Veasey, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2012 elections.



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