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ISSN: 2053-4426

1 JANUARY 2014



#1,000 silver symbol will mark spiritual seekers brave battle against cancer
A POIGNANT New Year memorial to a keep-fit f a natic a nd spiritual seeker is to become a reality thanks to the efforts of an FG reader, his friends and supporters.
Entrepreneur Luke Iliffe died of leukemia just a few days after his 40th birthday. He was cared for at the St Johns Hospice, in St Johns Wood, north west London. Now a silver leaf will be added to a Giving Tree in memory of Lukes battle against the condition. The touching tribute is the end result of the Herculean efforts of FG reader and friend of Luke, Robin Tait, who trekked for 23 days across America on a section of the John Muir Trail, (see separate story on our Travel Pages) raising more than 1,000 into the bargain. The money was donated by Robins and Lukes friends as well as Friends Gazette readers, many of whom didnt even know Luke. It will go towards helping others in a similar plight as Luke who are cared for in their last memory of a friend or family days by the dedicated staff, many of m e m b e r i t j u s t m a ke s i t a l l whom are volunteers, at St Johns. worthwhile. Said Robin: Luke and I planned on And she concluded: It means we doing this Trail together but he are able to do something and thats passed away before we could get fantastic. ! started. So I went ahead In memory of Luke ! Robin and Anna at the Tre" anyway and decided to use it to raise money for St Johns who cared for him for long periods during his illness. A n n a F o l e y, community and events fundraiser at St Johns, told FG: It is amazing. When people give 10 or 1,000 it really does make a world of difference because we wouldnt be able to open our doors otherwise. We wouldnt be able to offer the things that we do. Especially when people give something in


y of emor m n ! i Il i f f Lu k e

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"

The Giving Tree, designed by Bristol based artist Sam Bailey, is a 2m by 2m hand carved metalwork sculpture with branches and gold, silver and bronze leaves. The leaves are engraved with the supporters name or that of their loved ones. The Giving Tree is situated along the main corridor of the hospice making it available to patients, relatives, visitors and staff to visit anytime as a remembrance of their loved ones. Donations of 500+ are awarded a bronze leaf, 1,000+ gets a silver one and 5,000+ acquires a gold leaf. Silver leaves remain on the tree for two years after which they are returned to the people who raised the funds. These fund raisers are then given the option to raise more money or keep the leaf themselves. Robin, who handed over the cash recently (see pic above) has yet to decide whether to boost the total in two years or keep the leaf himself or hand it over to Lukes family. St Johns Hospice was founded in 1856 by the Sisters of Mercy an order of nuns who worked with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. It is an independent charity, part of the Hospital of St Johns and St Elizabeth in St Johns Wood, north west London. It provides specialised palliative care to more than 2,000 terminally-ill patients and their families every year. This is paid for partly by voluntary donations from the public and friends and relatives of patients of around 1.2m a year. Luke was a member of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas group and a strict lacto-vegetarian. He met Robin, also a member of the same group at a London meeting. Luke went to Durham University in 1990 when he was 20. He was reputed to be a member of Mensa the high IQ society. After university he forged a career in the burgeoning computer industry. He went on to become a company director of Anduramba Consulting in Templars Avenue, Golders Green, London in June 2006 until July 2009 when the company was dissolved. He moved on to head up Bunyas, another IT company based in Brighton, east Sussex which was dissolved in June 2011. St Johns inpatient unit has 19 beds where a team of qualified medical staff provide roundthe-clock care to patients during their final days. More than 78 per cent of patients admitted to the unit in 2012 were diagnosed with terminal cancer including leukemia, lymphoma and other blood related cancers. The Hospice has over 120 vo l u n t e e r s w h o give freely of their time in a variety of roles. !

1 JANUARY 2014

Above: the late Luke Iliff" "courtesy: Claudine Bjorklund# Below: Templars Avenue, NW11 "courtesy: Google Maps#

Schumacher in second op hope

PHILANTHROPIST racing driver, Michael Schumacher, has undergone a second operation as doctors battle to save his life.

The legendary German driver, who lifted the coveted Formula 1 trophy seven times, was in a coma after he hit his head on a rock while skiing in the French Alps on Sunday. His 14-year-old son, Mick, was with him. He has given $50m to charities in the last four years and is a UNESCO rep. Hopeful doctors said last night there was a slight improvement in his condition but he remained critical. Schumacher, 44, retired from motor racing in September, 2006. !

Michael Schumacher

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


1 JANUARY 2014

Mexican miracle seeds set for British 2014 debut

THE secret of the long distance Mexican runner could soon become available here thanks to a British company.
Nutrisure, of Laura Place, Bath wants to source chia seeds grown in South America for sale in health stores and other outlets in the UK. Currently The Chia Company is the market leader with seeds which are grown in Australia. Approval was granted in the spring of 2013. But if the British company has its way the South American seeds could soon also be available here challenging the present status quo. Endangered " a Tarahumaras runner Government food watchdog the Food Another well-known author, Wayne Standards Agency has already given C o a t e s , w h o c o - w ro t e C h i a : Nutrisure the thumbs up but full Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the permission cant be granted until Aztecs, told the BBC in a recent results of public consultation which interview: I hate to call it a miracle ended on Christmas Eve are known. food because there are too many An FSA spokesman told FG: It is miracles that turn out not to be, but important [Nutrisures] application it almost is. goes to consultation. The approval is Literally, you could live on this in draft and it can be changed. stuff because its pretty much Nutrisures seeds will come in everything you need. packages or mixed into bread, cereals Chia is a summer annual and fruit, or in nut and seed mixes. herbaceous plant belonging to the Chia seeds are reputed to reduce labiatae family. inflammation, improve heart health The plant grows from a seedling to and stabilise blood sugar levels. develop lush green foliage before it A few spoonfuls can cure just produces long flowers, which are about anything, say enthusiasts. either purple or, less commonly, A Mexican tribe called the white. Tarahumaras which some say are an These develop into seed pods to endangered species apparently use produce chia seeds which are then locally grown chia seeds to fuel their harvested and brought to market. ! epic jaunts across the country. Christopher McDougall, in his book Born to Run, says: If you had to pick just one desert-island food, you couldnt go much better than chia, at least if you were interested in building muscle, lowering cholesterol and reducing your risk of heart disease; after a few months on the chia diet you could probably swim Chia seeds home.

The chia plan#

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


1 JANUARY 2014

Disciples in tears as leader reveals he has throat cancer

Gurus frank words end speculation and rumour about his medical conditio!
DISCIPLES of an Indian guru howled openly after he revealed he had throat cancer and was feeling weak due to treatment.
The revelation came at a gathering (satsang) in the Radha Soami Beas centre in Punjab, India in December. According to a widely-leaked email sent to FG, Gurinder Singh Dhillon told his followers: As you know for a few months I have been feeling a little unwell and therefore have undergone some tests and the doctors have diagnosed the early stages of throat cancer, lymphoma. The report then reads: The whole sangat (congregation) started howling. He comforted them saying: Stop crying, this is curable. I will be fine. Doctors have given an assurance that all will be fine. Nothing is going to change by crying. And he pulled no punches when he continued: I am going through chemo (therapy) and that makes me weak. The gurus frank words put an end to rumour and speculation about his condition after a tour of Bangkok, in Thailand was cancelled last November causing shock and disbelief amongst devoted followers. (Gurus visit cancelled - FG November 2013). An official statement at the time failed to say exactly what was wrong. It is expected the guru will return to his programme in India in February. It remains to be seen whether a planned visit to Malaga in Spain will go ahead in March. !

A typical Beas satsang or gathering. for our on-line menu and information

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Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela" 4



1 JANUARY 2014

Helenas an Amazon hit!

A Friends Gazette contributor is set to make it big after a lovely review of her novel appeared on Amazon, the online bookshop. Now, Helena Abrahams, a wife, mother and grandmother, has vowed to press on with another volume so readers can enjoy more of her rich and descriptive prose. In an email to FG she said: I am so thrilled and gob-smacked to get this lovely review. Thats it! Have to get the final novels of the trilogy online. Mayas Journey is fiction, with the flavour of cold London winters, hot Cape Town summers and Irish winds all telling their own story. It is the first of a trilogy. In his on-line comments, Stephen Martin, a seasoned reviewer, said: Helena Abrahams writes with an acute eye for human emotions, and her prose is rich and descriptive. re l a t i o n s h i p a n d c h a n g e s h e r understanding of her family history and her place in society. At her most vulnerable she must dig deep inside herself for the courage to face a new world stripped of familiar certainties. Helena, an Irish woman, is a follower of RSSBI. She was a member of the London group in the late 70s and 80s. She met and married her husband Richard, who hails from Cape Town, South Africa in London and both attended Sunday group meetings r e g u l a r l y, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t h e Westbourne Grove area. They tied the knot in Marylebone town hall in summer 1980 followed by a rave-up in the nearby flat of Ken and Judy Maine, local group organisers in Talbot Road. The couple, who now live in Galway, have three children, Sean, Ruairi and Orla and two grandchildren. !

Richard and Helena in sunny South Africa

I bought [Mayas Journey] some time ago and have only just read it. Set in post-apartheid Cape Town, London and Ireland, it is the story of an Englishwoman's shocking discovery of her true identity. Suddenly her life, which seemed to be going so well, is thrown into chaos and she must find the courage to reevaluate everything she thought about herself. The discovery has a catastrophic effect upon her romantic

Methodist Mandela always in our hearts

NELSON MANDELA, the iconic figure and first black president of South Africa, who died last month aged 95 has been praised by Methodist leaders.
Mandela went to Methodist missionary schools and was attended by a Methodist chaplain during his years of imprisonment on Robben Island. A memorial service attended by more than 90 world leaders was held at the FNB stadium in Johannesburg where Mandela spoke on his release in 1990. Later his body was laid to rest in his home town of Qunu. The Revd. Ruth Gee, President of the Methodist Conference, said: He will always remain loved and honoured in our hearts. And Roy Crowder, Africa Secretary for the Methodist Church in Britain from 1999 to 2009, said Mandela had purposely risked alienating supporters to make a point. One such occasion was when he famously donned a Springbok rugby jersey when the team was still banned from international competition and another was when he had tea with Betsie Verwoerd, the widow of the man who jailed him. Crowder, who met Mandela when working in Cape Town as a lecturer, said: Such iconic actions instilled a spirit of unity into the politics of a tragically divided country. !

Singer$songwriter from Paris with a distinctive style. Her performances are unique and moving.



Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


1 JANUARY 2014


have said: I don't think Ill ever get over it. I just dont think like that; I believe in embracing emotions fully in the moment, but not in holding on to them; thats when they can become toxic rather than enabling a healing release. ! Shenpen Chokyi Eskdalemuir Dear Shenpen, IM SORRY you feel upset by the report about the death of Dr Chje Akong Rinpoche. (Grief and sorrow as founder murdered FG November 13) This was a tragic event which reverberated around the world. Rest assured you are not alone in your grief and shock. In a statement on the official website of Tibetan Buddhist leader the Karmapa Lama he said he was shocked by the news. An ordained nun Tsultrim Zangmo told the Cumberland News and Star: Were all in shock, and everyone here [in Samye Ling] is devastated.! On a blog about the subject a Scottish Buddhist called Ian says: His violent death will create anguish and deep grief among those who knew him and, indeed, among all followers of Tibetan Buddhism. Regarding Renaldburn I have had a number of friends and readers of FG enquire as to possibly staying with you, so I think you will find some bookings coming your way, despite some predicted bad weather. Your cottage is such a nice place set in such a great environment. I think people will love it, especially knowing that you have a vegan/ vegetarian/non-violent ethos and that hunters and the like are not accommodated. Please accept my sincere and very best wishes at all times. ! ED

Hey ma, hey ma. . .

WELL done mum, beautifully written. (Missed the bus? Its not my f . . . ailte! FG November 13) I imagined every bit of that short story. ! Orla Abrahams xxx Galway, Republic of Ireland

New Year resolve

2014 is the year the mobile phone ends up in the dustbin of history - experts say!

Were free!

THANK you so much for setting up the Friends Gazette. Marie Michele sent us a couple of copies and weve really enjoyed them. How do we subscribe? ! Carol Rudd Aylsham, Norfolk Happy to say, Carol, were free! ED

Not comfortable

Dear Stephen, I HAVE to say that I dont feel comfortable with how the piece (Grief and sorrow as founder murdered FG November 13) starts, with my personal grief for Rinpoches death - in bold though he had many thousands of devout students and supporters worldwide; the impression given is that I'm a particularly prominent/important devotee, which is, of course, far from the truth. If I did say, when we were talking informally at the Royal Academy, that you could quote me (which I dont remember), it was not with the understanding that my words would be taken out of context, giving the impression that I gave an interview about Rinpoches death. I know I told you that I was shocked at the news and that I cried a lot afterwards, but dont believe I said: I sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed. I may have said I found it hard to get over, but I know I wouldn't

With Samsungs watch-computer already with us (thank you Kevin Bacon - see below) and Googles computer glasses round the corner - they could well be right. But as the Zuckerbergs and Dorseys discovered, without advertising, the likes of Facebook and Twitter are dead meat (sorry). The same, sadly, applies to us. FGs steady cohort of advertisers is seeing a good return on investments as this free publication is an enjoyable read (see left). But we need to build on this feedback for the future. Extra revenue could then be used to reward contributors, snappers and researchers too. So please continue to pick up the phone to make a booking, buy an item or just make an enquiry and join our virtuous circle! And dont forget to pass FG on to a friend or tell them to go to and download directly. In fact, why not put it on your resolutions list for 2014 - go on! Happy New Year to all. ! ED
Bringing hom" the bacon! Kevi# i# Foot$ loose, 1984

Published by Stephen Ward Publications, London, England. ISSN: 2053-4426

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


1 JANUARY 2014

Happy New Year

Friends Gazette is a year old " heres a taste of our coverage over the last 12 months
FOR SIX years hed given unstintingly of his time and effort, helping others way beyond the call of duty. Now he was bowing out. [David Reids] reward, doubtless, may be in the hands of the master on a higher plane, but it was time for members and others to show their gratitude at a surprise party here on earth - actually at the smashing Indian Zing restaurant in W6. Asked afterwards about the event, UK rep Narinder Johal, who has known David for many years, said: From the courtesy point of view I think it was well-placed. FEBRUARY
David R e id


Naked snack is bloomin tasty!

PRET-A-MANGER, the High Street sandwich giant, has launched an egg-free product after feedback from customers, including satsangis. The Naked Avocado Bloomer (pictured left) comes without the ubiquitous yolk-laced mayo which can be found on so many other items. A Pret spokesman said: Pret has listened to consumer feedback and is looking into potentially other [egg-free] products. We are now doing sandwiches without mayonaise
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Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"

il o m r u so" t s u o i g i ed ! l r H a e C c s r R MA ee nsecure and l f s t Paren fortable, i

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1 JANUARY 2014

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Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


End of the arrangement

AN INDIAN guru has poured cold water on his followers pleas for help in arranging a marriage for their sons and daughters.
In a bold move Gurinder Singh, head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas India, turned aside repeated pleas from disciples to ease the marriage path for their offspring. Gurus or spiritual teachers in India are often seen as helping secure a traditional future for Indian families, especially in modern times when love and/or mixed marriages are becoming more and more commonplace. In what could be seen as a risky move, given the main purpose of a spiritual teacher, Gurinder jested with the enquiring crowd: Maybe I should give up the spirituality and just start a
A traditional Sikh bride and groo!


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som eth I k ing ab was now he out this ju wasn st a se r very w . ns t ell Fell quite e (that s ... and it ome Potg ow See right. thin g) beds er visite kers me dD id m e b e said last T urha m r Ke the she was hursday at her ith pair re m Dur had a sting co orning wou ham w long c mfort and h ably ld LON days proba ould hav at. as ,P bly e sen DON She otger sa go on tests wh t b Frie fo id s est Jud n r . A d abou ich oing ustr ith wis ds ha a t 10 Dur f am hes ve Th lian As well, h read e Londo sociated e told who ous 60 ham, t to Judit diall t h s ed a h Du Best : We ar n Friend Press. he hos was a folk s e n r a ea ha! dvic s w eme d p i e r suff ital la mitte nger, Du ishes fr ll thin messa Du line fo gency s d e to fa rham a om us king of y ge hem ring a t wee to mas rham w r help. medica all. me in n Au ou. k af ter C l bra or r a 1 s s t 9 rali 64 th ter a bh ha in Th hara a follo a Find the See e 60s. In an nativ Sund e mess ge . Wes ndara s n Singh wer of Anoth e sh kers a Nov RSSB atsa . She tmin S ot hear ay lunch ge was p e e r rin ele m rY ng g ster I atte d Th time sent iv Sprin gfield, B ou comp ased I'll ber by Du of her aft Aus e Seeke in Lond en by h nded osed Neve gfield ritish trali r after rham, 7 plight. er the g email on im o s n r In s s b G in a in in th y post roup b The she pe 0 in July e7 po n Tour olden reac Februar rother. ger Dus Tom r y hed ty Spea ned unt has bee Jubilee 0s. Melb Seekers formed , was ta num 1965 t il ke king n ourn w in he r ber to th further e, A Hamm ith the n ill e one cord n g ustr e e r o r A in o t H up ic ustr alia. the all, situation. IMAGINE the alian e. UK and pres Youre a bad-boy former s




I dont believ! it!

follower of a spiritual path. You spend your time rubbishing it, big-time, on the Internet. Then, lo and behold, a famous Bollywood star takes a step which could bring him to the path youve quit, and he says its because of you!


UK plays host to the
SATSANGIS and seekers from all over the globe and across the UK gathered in Bedford last week to sit at the feet of their beloved master - despite some rainy weather. An audience of more than 20,000 listened to Gurinder Singh, the current


To put names to these reported facts, the former disciple is Brian Hines, once a follower of the Radha Soami Beas path, now a vociferous anti-blogger. world as thousands flock to Dera of the West Bollywood actor, is celebrity heartthrob Shahid Kapoor, who turned One of his favourite words seemed Some had booked months in advance veggie after reading Hines book on to be channelize which popped up using train, boat, plane and car to make the morality of time and again. According to the the pilgrimage to Haynes Park, which is vegetarianism, Life is Fair . dictionary this means to straighten by fast becoming known affectionately as Kapoor had even rejected advice means of a channel. the Dera of the West - a reference to RSSB headquarters from in Beas, India. his own Radha Soami follower So keen was the master to ram home his spiritual message that at one point Hotels, B&Bs and dad, guest Pankaj houses were Kapoor, on the same he began speaking in English instead of packed to the rafters as whole topic; butfamilies it seems the book reached

Bollywood star turns !egetaria" after he reads a book by a rebel blogger

Special report by Steve Ward

to him by his father Pankaj Kapoor)

writing it other than the satisfaction


Get back copies free from friendsgazette@gmail .co$


HUNGRY vegetarians and vegans could soon be tucking into forgotten f avourities like pa nc a ke s, s p o n g e s a n d muffins - even scrambled eggs - if an egg-citing new product takes off.
Beyond Eggs aims to replace eggs with its concotion of ground peas and starches. And it hopes to do it so well that the difference is virtually undetectable. Top-level talks with a large food company are already underway but these are being kept secret in case the idea gets poached. And the likes of Bill Gates, Tony Blair and Indian entrepreneur Vinod Khosla are poised to cash in on what could become an egg-straordinary opportunity. Rejecting eggs can present huge difficulties in the West where egg-free eating is wholly foreign to the culture - even for vegetarians. Bread, cakes and mayonaise usually contain eggs which lacto-veggies and vegans cant eat because they cant be sure of the eggs-act ingredients. And breakfast favourites like scrambled eggs have to be shunned, causing looks of eggs-asperation from hotel waiters. But now a new era is dawning as California-based company Hampton

Vinod Khosla, Bill Gates and Tony Blair keen to support bid to crack egg-free market
large food company but details are UK eggs!clusive by FG reporter being kept under wraps. Creek Foods tackles the issue from a According to the health, environmental and ethical angle. company is just one of a new type of The welcome news has been eco-food innovators that is being greeted by one American follower of incubated in Silicon Valley, USA. RSSBI, whose adherents follow a It is backed by heavy weight strict lacto-vegetarian diet, simply as financier and risk taker Vinod Khosla Yummie! Founder and CEO of Hampton through his firm, Sand Hill Road. Bill Gates - an investor in Khoslas firm Creek Foods Josh Tetrick, 32, a vegan, said: Were trying to take the animal gave Hamptons muffins a taste test last year and couldnt tell the totally out of the equation. A n d h e s t re s s e s : T h i s i s a difference between a muffin made mainstream project for everyone with eggs and a muffin made with egg around the world to enjoy. substitute, Beyond Eggs. Tetrick says about 1.3 trillion eggs are l a i d eve r y ye a r worldwide and 99% are from battery cage birds. Tetricks visionary mixture , set to launch in February, is made from bits of ground-up peas, sorghum, sunflower lecithin, canola and a few other ingredients. It is cheaper and lasts longer on the shelf and, Tetrick claims, Hampton Creek Foods is on the verge of a Bill Gates !right" takes a bite of a Beyond Eggs muffin with major deal with a Hampton Creek Foods founder, Josh Tetrick !left".


Scandal that rocked India gets Edinburgh airing despite government concern
Exclusive by Stephen Ward
of India, and the countrys first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. A movie on the same subject starring Cate Blanchett which showed the couple in bed, kissing and dancing was pulled after pressure from the Indian government. Deborah Antoinette, who plays Lady Mountbatten in the latest version, told FG: [This play] portrays [Lady Mountbatten] as a sexy flirt. Some say Lord Luis Mountbatten was inexperienced in love and preferred the company of men, which drove his wife into others arms. Nehru, His Inner Story, is on at the world-renowned Edinburgh Fringe starting on Saturday. It has already toured India and London to critical acclaim. It is written and produced by Pramila le Hunt, a Tory candidate in the 83 UK election and one of the first women of Asian origin to stand for Parliament for the Conservatives. The plays publicity states: [Nehru], the first prime minister the countrys first prime minister has been shelved after Indian officials tried to pressure the director to tone down the script. Indian Summer, which was set to star Cate Blanchett and Hugh Grant was based on a non-fiction book about Lord Mountbatten. Dilip Shankar, a prominent Indian actor and personality, was a casting director on the movie four years ago when it was scrapped. He takes the title role in the new stage play and modestly goes about the business of the play, including the affair, without any fanfare.


Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


1 JANUARY 2014


HER grandfather may have been a butcher, but when it comes to lunching in town it seems Oscar winning actress Helen Mirren (pictured right) forsakes convention and chooses a veggie eatery.
Known as one of the most fashionable haunts in central London, Mirren was recently spotted in Tibits in Heddon Street, just off Regents Street, in London's West End enjoying Sunday lunch with the locals. Mirren who won an Oscar for her part as the Queen in the eponymous movie was born Helen Lydia Mironoff on July 26, 1945 in Chiswick, England. She was raised in Ilford and Southend-on-Sea by her Russian migr father, Peter. Her mother, Kathleen, was a housewife and a butchers daughter. A Tibits manager, Magdalena, 29, originally from Poland and a vegetarian since she was 14, said: I'm pleased but not surprised. We get a lot of stars in here. They come after shopping in Regent Street. Helen usually comes in after clothes shopping in Gap. (dont tell M&S - ED) Tibits has recently introduced extra vegan puddings like sticky toffee, panna cotta and lemon drizzle cake
picture courtesy Google Images


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Curry Capital Tesco and Fentimans in watchdog warning goes vegetarian

cript Wh audie y d e s c r Wis nce can s ib e w h e at t that. h more w e? he riter Shaw s wo uld g as e 's road et to x -p stard olice expe om m r TV c t Raymo an and began la n Since ssic The d Doyle karate P AN strin then he rofessio ! in 70s g of n AW hits tele has star als. tele ARD w and inning a vision an red in a visio -WI a Dram Tony n d stag n is NNI a bo best e o a m u N s G o r actor for Desk aw ination ma t Russi et to a G star Marti prod i n g i n his role ard for an g hepoint n Sha p break, the Food Standards Agency returned to t the AN ORGANIC drinks p o u mat of purchase a e c f a s ti w Ide a ng ar i ical al H on of O B r o a d Lord in the UK says. n a fi l m , s for a fullM refund. ar company and a high geni sters, ta g He usband. scar Wild w a y ne a lo us. Gevo t i n And Tesco is recalling a number es A A spokesman said: h aw st m w indie e and classic cis currentl street giant are pulling rkianforSFentimans n ou of its own brand products including y Angr adddoing a nu We b are Tigra w i l l p mov ie, w absolutely y Me rtroom starring some products fromof shop s THE CURRY capital the world set to Curry because the n c l , i a n d r Baltiis Vegetable e it r fi y H i in pt a h a lm b we can everything in orderatoRu is ro Birm ama Tw in w a t Special report by le K c s p in get it s firste v e r p u re v rice ege t a ri a n ased A spokesman elve nd a layed shelves amidst fears G (juro gha element can go mouldy during b o o risk. eradicate for sian and hful eye on t B pas Holly by He r numbe m. t in act of k unavailable restaurant, thanks to the determination Stephen Ward Tesco h about breaking glass and storage. and n e enFG when Everwas Plans ress Deb casting by th wood 50 ry Fond r 8) was igma a ywhe N o t h vision of rice. a local restaurateur. e leg a in d s o a ir In an official statement the r r e m t a e t i mouldy went to press. ic r h c S Gord ovie a end easer ng e by tor the h aw wh foot to m Ward. o an N w a s ary Sidne directe Brick Lane, in east end is watchdog says: Fentimans is fu Gor igelFood The Bottles ofLondons Fentimans Ginger d Cast n. y Lu att ap do Le m d s nds for a ich will be ake a trail well known for its Indian restaurants. recalling some of its Ginger Beer, er or m ended a n w h e p r o a c h met. oir- hot ea club ing began StandardssAgency full-b used Beer, Curiosity Cola, But, until this weekend, everyand one of e e n d r d lo ly m it to ra last wn m ation they eetin a C set up in next by Curiosity Cola, and Dandelion & In a them was meat orientated. s is Dandelion & Burdock, have been p a g Thur twas helse e y r ovie ing. T l grou n ear. both of Now, for the first time, a brave and sda2001. to b Burdock, because some 750ml glass ! I y un a's 606 The syn email Sha found to display signs of weakness e the grou hey have p in Bed an India D R accomplished restaurateur is bringing w op ford der n an ATH bo bottles have been found to display Othe p since It has an tannual ER E awhich pure vegetarian menu to the palates may cause some bottles to he ec d t h e w sis looks tells Gor r acto the 7 th belon in the ND t h d o o ged 0 v UP W o of diners, who can rest assured that nom signs of weakness, which may cause budget of to ical, w r d s fo r ery orig n: hea e m o v rs being s. ISH their tastes are being catered for. ING i in r c e h tt a o t some bottles to break. ic l, h n h I h I lik 159.7mHAD e te a s r As vegetarianism becomes more e. a s e r said to b obs Shah r e B o idered fo NT And it continues: Tesco is THA llyw popular amongst Westerners young r id K e loo (2009-2010) and over NW ap o k and old Guljar Khan hopes the eatery ISH Sharm to weste ing to m oor wh o d recalling various own-brand ING is headquartered a will take off if God wills it. I HA k r a e n m (Life the c o is D " o ambient meals, because a in Kingsway, v o Khan already owns or part-owns a r ies, a COU f Pi). o NTE nd S ss! number of restaurants in the capital SS V London. ! uraj production fault means the rice in RON and elsewhere and is set to bring his S
after requests from customers. We are getting more and more requests for vegan options, said Magdelana. The restaurant operates as an up-market self-service cafe where items are laid out on a central buffet-style island. Customers are charged by weight of helpings rather than per item. !
considerable expertise and aplomb to running his fist vegetarian venture. He is putting his money where his mouth is with an investment of around 200,000 in the new eatery. will make sure dishes are suitable to

some packs could become mouldy during storage. These products Brick Lan! should not be consumed but$
See warning on fat burners on page 7.







Onion rings with eggs in? Its no yolk!

HIGH street giant, Sainsburys, has pulled two signature products containing eggs, not shown on the label. The embarrassing move comes as more and more items, which used to be egg-free, now contain traces of egg, egg-albumen or powdered or pasteurised whole-egg. Eggs are not taken by a number of health and spiritually conscious lactovegetarians who prefer not to imbibe ingredients so closely associated with the animal kingdom. These people, many of them FG readers, are facing an up-hill task deciphering the small-print in a bid to find out what is and what isnt safe. Many sandwiches have become offlimits because mayonnaise is being used instead of butter. And the highly popular Stollen cake, once a firm favourite with vegans and others during the festive season, now often contains eggs. In an official statement issued last month UK foods watchdog the FSA said: Sainsburys is withdrawing all date codes of By Sainsburys Onion Rings & Garlic Dip and By Sainsburys Share Onion Rings & Garlic Dip because a small number of products contain egg, which is not mentioned on the label due to a packaging error. The product can be returned to the store for a full refund. A Sainsburys spokesperson was unable to confirm whether the eggfree versions would be returning to stores any time soon. !

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"



1 JANUARY 2014

Get away to bonnie Scotland!

Rennaldburn self-catering farmhouse

Rennaldburn is a 17th century farmhouse which sleeps seven to eight. We also rent individual rooms ~ and can provide a veggie or vegan breakfast if requested the previous day. We are Buddhists and revere all life - so we do not take hunters or anglers. Best rates. Reductions for FG readers. Find us on: Eskdalemuir, Langholm. Tel: 01387 373277

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"



1 JANUARY 2014

I picked it up as I went along ...

Im laying him off for the next couple of performances, so says a West End theatre boss as a sick actors sore throat takes its toll.
We dont want you getting infected, Martin. Martin Shaw is the star of one of the West Ends top shows. He takes the news stoically. He [the actor] really couldnt go on, it was difficult for the audience to hear his lines, he explains. Shaw is speaking to FG in his spacious and comfortable dressing room at The Garrick, in the Charing Cross Road, in the heart of Londons theatre land, after a performance of 12 Angry Men in which he stars. Hes exhausted and its obvious. An actor uses his diaphragm to project his voice, he explains. This makes you very, very tired; much more than filming or doing television, he reveals. He graciously signs a pile of autograph books which an assistant carries in - but only the ones for named individuals. He doesnt do anonymous ones because theyre going straight on eBay, and I dont see why I should feather their nests. Shaw is a household name with British audiences. He made his name as Ray Doyle in 70s television series The Professionals. However, his acting career began way before that. His first stage appearance was at age three, during an amateur show in which his parents were performing. To date he has made some of the most coveted roles his own, from Stanley Kowalski in Williams Streetcar Named Desire; to Lord Goring in Wildes An Ideal Husband. Hes also on TV in Inspector George Gently as the eponymous hero. However, when push comes to shove he prefers stage to screen, small or big, partly because he never trained for anything else. They do film training these days, but they didnt used to. I just picked it up as I went along, he reveals. In a profession where wine, women and song are the norm Shaws spiritual leanings are not hidden. He candidly displays a picture of his guru, Charan Singh and successor Gurinder Singh and has never faltered from the teetotal, non-druggie, morally upright path to the point where he joins his hands in the Indian namaste at the end of each and every show. Angry Men is set to run till March, after that Shaw plans a short holiday to an undisclosed location. Later he aims to help fellow Sant Mat follower, film maker Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon, shoot a teaser for an upcoming movie called Nothing and Everywhere (see front page FG October 2013). But in between I must have a holiday. After all, that diaphragm will be needing a rest! ! SW

Minority of one . . . juror no 8 refuses to join the guilty votes

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"



1 JANUARY 2014

Incredible journey!
WITH energy levels drained, food stocks at rock bottom and vision rapidly fading ROBIN TAIT was ready to quit his epic 23-day US hike. It was only a chance meeting that got him back on track to raise more than 1,000 for charity (see front page story). Read his account, in his own words, here in Friends Gazette - the paper that puts people first!

THE JOHN Muir Trail is the premier hiking trail in the United States.
It starts in Americas treasure,Yosemite National Park and continues 215 miles through the Ansel Adams Wilderness, Sequoia National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, and ends at the highest peak in the continental United States, Mount Whitney at 14,496 ft. There is another 15 miles from the top, to get back to civilisation, making it 230 miles in total. My wilderness permit started in Yosemite on the 1st August last year and finished on the 24th August - giving me 23 days in all. This was a major undertaking mainly because of the remoteness of the territory and the supplies you have to send on ahead. One part of the trail requires a pack weighing 24 kilos (53 pounds) enough for 10 days. In all there are three pick-up points providing three, nine and ten days supplies and you carry these along with your tent, sleeping and cooking equipment. The food has to be dehydrated ahead of time to make it easy to carry.
Mclure of the outdoors . . . Mclure Meadow

I had trained for six months to get the strength and stamina required for the John Muir Trail. Part of my training was to test out the food supplies and equipment. To do this I walked in Scotland, my home country. I used an 84-mile section of the Southern Upland way from Stranraer to Sanquar. On arriving mid-day at the backpackers campsite in Yosemite village I saw my first and only bear - something which doesnt usually happen at home. It was a two year old female cub rummaging through the garbage - as they do! Early next day I started the climb up to Yosemite to avoid the heat of the day. I made my first camp and unloaded my pack to go and climb Half Dome before ending day one on the Trail. The next 22 days were filled with incredible scenery, insanely blue skies, contacts with fellow hikers and physically tougher work than I had ever imagined. Eleven passes between 11,000 -13,200ft were climbed which ate into my bodys precious fat reserves. !

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"



1 JANUARY 2014
Time for reflection . . . Banner Peak, Thousand Island Lak"

My days routine typically started at first light, 6am quite often in around freezing temperatures; bringing the tent down, packing all the gear followed by breakfast of heated granola, before setting off at 8 oclock. It was important to walk in the cool of the morning and if possible do most of the days ascent then. By 4 oclock the walking is done and camp is made. Once the backpack was unpacked, the tent up then the tasks of cleaning, water filtering and food preparation start. On day 15, the second day out of Muir Trail Ranch with nine days supply of food in my pack, my blood sugar got extremely low. It is not possible to eat or take enough food for the calories you are burning so you are reliant on burning body fat. This is especially true late in the day on ascent. My peripheral vision went as my body shut down brain function. I struggled to complete the day and was glad to make camp. I had to take a day off in LeConte Canyon, a deep narrow gorge, just to rest and eat food My energy levels just popped up after this rest. But this meant I had eaten a days supply of food which I would have needed to complete the Trail.
An amazing encounter saves the day . . .

So the question was - should I go on risking further food and energy issues? I decided the sensible thing was to exit the trail. A two-day hike over the 11,970ft Bishops Pass still awaited me. So with some regrets I headed for an exit the very next day. But then something amazing happened! Just after leaving the Trail I met a family of four (see pic below) who I had talked to three days earlier. They were quitting the Trail as the father had a bad back and the rest of the family had had enough. They offered me as much food as I needed as they didnt want to carry it any more. So I took it and carried on, by now on my own, although I was constantly meeting people. Along the way my big fear had always been rattle snakes. But the Americans laughed at this. They said the real fear was lightning strikes. I soon found out why! As I was climbing Foresters Pass (13,180ft) there was a direct hit in front of me. What to do? I waited to see what the weather would do and realised the storms were passing through. I had met two others by then and the three of us waited for a break, then moved as fast as the oxygen levels at that altitude would allow. The combination of Glen Pass and Forrester were exhausting but luckily there was an easy day before Mount Whitney from Guitar Lake and the end of my incredible journey. !
Words and pictures by Robin Tait. For more information on how to take part in the John Muir Trail yourself simply click here.

s relative nds and ntation i% e i r f y k e Luc nal pres hs hom! a perso t enjoyed nd David Smi a e utum% i a d t d s Fre don la n o L t s in we

Hullo Elizabeth, hows the duke? ! Nelson Mandela"


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