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Egyptian Activities (Art Project)

Select one of the following activities that matches your own individual interest. If there is an idea that you have for an activity that is not listed, please check with me before starting to work. Each activity is worth 25 points. Individual rubrics will be given for each activity.

Fashion Show: Research and present (or videotape) a show reflecting ancient Egyptian jewelry and clothing styles of various Egyptians. Model of a Pyramid: Create a realistic 3-D pyramid with the various sections labeled. Your model should clearly describe the parts and functions of the pyramid. Only a limited number of students will be permitted to do this choice. Please see your teacher before you begin. Artistic presentation of a god/goddess: Choose an artistic format (sculpture, poster, drawing, or painting) to illustrate a particular god/goddess. A paragraph describing the god or goddess must accompany the artwork. Egyptian Times Newspaper: Create a daily newspaper either on the computer or by hand which has 3 believable articles of what might have happened in 3000 BCE. Think about the weather, new building projects, possible wars with neighbors, taxes, or farming that might have occurred in Ancient Egypt. PowerPoint of a famous Egyptian: Choose a famous Egyptian to create a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation. Include who they were, when they lived, what they did that was important, their achievements, and how the person impacts us today. Possible subjects could be Cleopatra, King Tut, Nefertiti, Ramsesses, and Akhenaton. Only a limited number of students will be permitted to do this choice. Please see your teacher before you begin. Egyptian Picture Book with Hieroglyphics: Create a picture book containing an example for each letter of the Egyptian alphabet. In the beginning of the book list a couple of grammar rules for hieroglyphics. Be sure to have a front and back cover and include the authors name. Mummification Reenactment: Research the process of mummification. What were the steps and materials needed? Then plan a reenactment for the class (or videotape it!) using an object such as a doll.


1. Introduce the Activities/ Art Projects --- this is the same day the focus question writing part is due ODD: October 7 EVEN: October 8

2. Activities/ Art Projects Due date: EVEN: October 21 ODD: October 22

The deadline date for the Activities/ Art Projects is Wednesday, October 23 even and Thursday, October 24 odd It is understood that students will work on the activities/ art projects outside of class.

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