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The story of the ziggurat, the precursor of the Egyptian pyramids The story begins with the Sumerian

compound [ZALAG2 , !Z!"GA# $ %n"& which is in fact an artificia' creation of a Semitic scribe" The word ZALAG is an agg'utinated phrase !Z!"GA#" The 'etters # (ersus L are in fact a''ophones in A))adian" The process of metathesis has ta)en p'ace as we''" The noun !Z! [fire$ became *ust Z!+ and then the word GA# [p'ace$ was added in the end" ,ina''y for the sa)e of (owe' harmony Z!+ became *ust ZA+ -e need se(era' tab'ets and four types of 'anguage transformations in order to proceed from the word !Z!"GA# . /ZA#AG . ZALAG" !t is impossib'e that such a change cou'd ha(e ta)en p'ace in the natura' wor'd" These transformations were recorded in a 'anguage 'aboratory of a writer" They are artificia' instruments for creating fa)e words" 0eop'e in the rea' wor'd don1t use tab'ets and fo''ow+up 'anguage tric)s to create new words" E(ery Sumerian word goes se(era' 'ayers deep in the 'abyrinth of the tab'ets whi'e a(erage i''iterate fo') 'ac) the basic means that can enab'e them create artificia' words" 2ypothetica''y Sumerian 'anguage was much o'der than A))adian whi'e in fact Sumerian 'anguage is basica''y an e3p'anatory instrument of A))adian idiom" 2ow can an o'der 'anguage create e3p'anatory phrases for a younger 'anguage" This does not add up" 2ence A))adian n4ru ['ight$ is the p'ace of fire in Sumerian which is a metaphor" That means that the writer created Sumerian and A))adian words simu'taneous'y" The conc'usion is that Sumerian peop'e ha(e ne(er e3isted" The story goes a bit furthur si)i' [05#E$ %6783 E9 !!!a, E9 !!!b, :'d A))adian, Lagash !!, 5r !!!, Ear'y :'d ;aby'onian, :'d ;aby'onian, un)nown& wr" si)i' <%to be& pure< A))" ebbu= e''u za'ag [S2!>E$ %?@73 E9 !!!b, :'d A))adian, 5r !!!, :'d ;aby'onian& wr" za'ag= za'ag2= su+ 'u+ug= su'ug <%to be& pure= %fire& 'ight= %to be& bright, to shine< A))" ebbu= namAru= nBru Sumerian !Z!"GA# . /ZA#AG . ZALAG . S!C!L <%to be& pure< The Semitic scribe again has used metathesis to create an artificia' word ZALAG [shine$ . S!C!L [pure$" GDC are a''ophones in Semitic" E(ery 'anguage uses metathesis as a way of creating new words but Semitic scribes used metathesis on a regu'ar basis" They used it on purpose to create artifia''y new words" !t was not a random act of a natura' 'anguage but an instrument for creating fa)e words" nannartu %n" f" = 'ight of the s)y Ef" nawru nannaru * 'uminary , 'ight &

See a'so nru, numru, tu nannru %n"& 'ight of the s)y = moon = nawru [ZALAG2 a )ind of bird , ;5 $ %(b" iDi&

G. to be bright, shine = to be g'ad, cheerfu' = stat" to be fa(ourab'e, e3ce''ent D. to ma)e bright, en'ighten, i''uminate = to e3pose, unco(er = to ignite = to c'arify = to en'ighten s"o" Dt. to be made bright . to ma)e shine, become bright = to po'ish= to ignite = to g'adden D F 9 = to 'ighten = to g'adden N. Gariants namru Eomparison with other Semitic 'anguages 0roto+Semitic

to brighten %eyes&

nawAr Hto shineI

Arabic nawwara J KL MN K Syriac nhar 2ebrew nAhar O PQ Rr 5garitic nyr numru %n" = torch = Ef" nawru See a'so nru, tu, nannaru, dipru, zqtu, gizil, muanmirtu, ikrtu dipru , numru , zqtu a torch , a f'ambeau , a 'uminary = See a'so gizil nannaru * 'uminary , 'ight See a'so nru, numru, tu &

nru [ZALAG2 [2uman S Senses$

, !Z!"GA#

$ %n"&

'ight = day'ight D daybrea) = 'amp = bTt n4ri a 'antern = mu)U' n4ri a 'amppost = n4ru amAru to see the 'ight , to be freed D set free D re'eased from *ai' = n4ru )u''umu to free = ina n4ru at dawn = VA%t& n4ru D Vann4ri%m& D Vann4ru a 'amp D 'antern = 'amp = 2& the shine D g'eam of stones = @& %a type of song& = Ef" nawru, nuwwurum Eomparison with other Semitic 'anguages 0roto+Semitic

VAt n4rAtum a

n4r HfireI

Arabic noor JLN Syriac n4rA HfireI 2ebrew n4r WX YQ HfireI 5garitic nr H'ampI

nru %n" = 'ight Ef" nawru nuwwurum [#e'igion$


bri''iance D sp'endor D radiance D resp'endence %di(ine name& = Ef" nawru, nru nawru [ZALAG2 , ;5 $ %(b" iDi&

G. to be bright, shine = to be g'ad, cheerfu' = stat" to be fa(ourab'e, e3ce''ent D. to ma)e bright, en'ighten, i''uminate = to e3pose, unco(er = to ignite = to c'arify = to en'ighten s"o" Dt. to be made bright . to ma)e shine, become bright = to po'ish= to ignite = to g'adden D F 9 = to 'ighten = to g'adden N. to brighten %eyes&

Gariants namru Eomparison with other Semitic 'anguages 0roto+Semitic


nawAr Hto shineI

Arabic nawwara J KL MN K Syriac nhar 2ebrew nAhar O PQ Rr 5garitic nyr

namru S nawAru

ziqqurratu [5Z">!# [Eity S ;ui'dings$

$ %n" f"&

a ziggurat , a temp'e tower = 2& a wedding+ca)e = Ef" zaqru, siqqurrutu, ziqquratu Gariants siqqurrutu, ziqratu See a'so rikbu, nuar, pennigu, lablbu, pennigu, gartu, kamnu, mutqtu

unir [Z!GG5#AT$ %?23 :'d ;aby'onian& wr" uZ+nir <ziggurat< [?$ uZ+nir

2 distinct forms attested= c'ic) to (iew forms tab'e" 1. ziggurat (12x/100% [ LE\D:'d ;aby'onianD>ippur [[uZ+nir$$ F F !G!"E2">!# F zi+qu2+ra+tum :; 9iri >ippur ?7Z" un)nownD:'d ;aby'onianDun)nown uZ+nir F zi+qu2+ra+tum ]SLSS!, ?8+28 i( 6?"

nuar [#e'igion$ a high temp'e , a ziggurat = See a'so ziqquratu, ziqqurratu, zuqru, rikbu The name nuar in A))adian and Sumerian deri(ed from 2ebrew nAhar O PQ Rr The Sumerian A))adian name ziqquratu is in fact a feminine noun with t! feminine particle" #he base root of the noun is the $umerian phrase izi %fire& gar %place& ' !t! feminine ending in $emitic" (iqquratu was a matriarchal word to $emitic priests"

The phonetic (a'ue of the compound 5Z">!# $ %n" f"& F 5G">!# is in fact a rebus representation of the 2ebrew nAharD A))adian nuar [a high temp'e$ This is the reason why Semitic scribes created sing'e 'etter words in Sumerian" They needed to represent (owe's as we'' as consonants in the writing system" The entire Sumerian 'anguage ser(es as a )ind of secret 'anguage of the priests as we'' as an a'phabet for Semitic tongues in genera'" The Sumerian phonetic (a'ues for each respecti(e ideogram 5G">!# are by design arbitrary" They were added up on the f'y by Sumerian scribes to ideograms as they tried to represent Semitic (owe's in the process" A))adian A))adian n4ru ['ight$ became nir [L:#9L^$, nir [T#5ST$ in Sumerian" N!N"N!N

nir (nur ninir ner nira) nir [L:#9L^$" nir [T#5ST$" nir [-!>>:-$" er7 Ver [:;_EET$ %Ve@Ver8, `eVVer8&" ,u'' 'isting" A'so 'ir, nar@, 'ara3%a>5>b>5>a&, nemer3%a>5>b>5>a&, ri7, tir3%a>5>b>5>a&"

A))adian namru/ nawruD nru # $um%rian nar@, nemer3, nur, ninir, ner, nira The Sumerian name for ashes deri(ed from the A))adian word for 'ight which means both cognates were created simu'taneous'y by the same Semitic writer" Sumerian nimur [AS2ES$ %2Z3 5r !!!, :'d ;aby'onian, un)nown& wr" ne+mur= nimur <a')a'i, potash= coa'= ashes= charcoa'< A))" idrnu= tumru [? $ [2 $ ne+mur nimur c distinct forms attested= c'ic) to (iew forms tab'e" 1. a&'a&i, p(ta)* (2+x/100% [ LE\D:'d ;aby'onianD>ippur dugn%,mur,ra :; >ippur 5ra 2 2c7" ELAD5r !!!D9rehem n%, mur,ta -a,.%+ ;!> d@, d86 2= n%,mur,.%/ ;!> d@, @Ze 8= n%,mur,ta -a,.%+ #A de, d6c SA ?d8 %p'"@& 8= n%,mur,ta -a,.%+ T#5 @28 2" ELAD5r !!!DGirsu n%,mur &u2 g%.tu'u& gu, &a2SS d6, dZ2 2= nam,.u- n%,mur !TT 7, dZe?8 @" ELAD5r !!!D5mma 1(di. 2//(di. ma, na0(di. gin2 n%,mur g%.a)a&2 SA ?67 ?= 2(di. 2//(di. ma,na n%,mur SA ?67 6"un)nownD5r !!!DGirsu 0(di. )i&a/ 'a. 0(di. )i&a/ zi/ 1(di. id,gur2 i/ n%,mur )u''a& a, dam,dun'i,ta g%n,na ;] ]essenger ?8? e" See ninda nimur" 2. 1(a& /. a)*%) 2. 1*ar1(a& A))" idrnu <potash, sa't<= tumru <%g'owing& charcoa', ashes<" [?ece$ 0" ]icha'ows)i, Lamentation o(er Sumer and 5r ec" $%% 345$67 ne+murF%g'owing& charcoa'" -e can see that Semitic and A))adian cognates ha(e e(o'(ed phonetica''y at the same time" This wou'd ha(e been impossib'e to happen un'ess they were creations of the same person, a Semitic person" ;ut the story of the first mound does not end there" !t seems that modern man has become ashamed of his mascu'inity" !t is imposib'e to separate the name of the high temp'e F A))adian zi+qu2+ra+tum F zaqru, siqqurrutu, ziqquratu, siqqurrutu, ziqratu

from the name of penis in Semitic 'anguages 8r(t(,$%miti17 /dfi)ar+ 9:r(a)iati1 %t;m(&(g;7 Afroasiatic etymo'ogy <%aning7 man ?, ma'e 2, pha''us @ 9''adian7 zi)ar+, za)%a&r+ !gariti17 d)r 2 =%-r%w7 zA)Ar >i-&i1a& 9ramai17 p'" di)rUn gramg ?udai1 9ramai17 di)r+ 2 $;rian 9ramai17 de)r+ 2 <(d%rn 9ramai17 dara @ 9ra-i17 dfa)ar+ 3pigrap*i1 $(ut* 9ra-ian7 Sab df)r 2ence an erected bui'ding, the first pyramid, the first mound is an euphemism for the symbo' of (iri'ity and ferti'ity" The noun zi+qu2+ra+tum was initiall) and ad*ecti+e then it became a feminine noun which deri+ed form the name of penis, man in $emitic religious s)stem" #he re is solid proof that $umerian in fact is an entire euphemisitic language, `eV [0E>!S$ %683 :'d ;aby'onian& wr" e3= mu <penis= ma'e< A))" iaru= zikaru See `eV du[copu'ate$, `eV dug[copu'ate$, `eV sur[urinate$, `eV zig[ha(e an erection$" [1] [2] `eV@ %geV@& mu %ES&

e distinct forms attested= c'ic) to (iew forms tab'e" 1. p%ni) (2@x/100% [ LE\D:'d ;aby'onianD>ippur i3 gig-bi dug4-ga :; >ippur Lu 86c" [ gu[eat$LE\D:'d ;aby'onianD>ippur i3 gu7 :; >ippur Lu 28d= i3 gu7 :; >ippur Lu 28?" [ zig[rise$LE\D:'d ;aby'onianD>ippur i3 zi-zi :; >ippur Lu 86ca" See ab `eV zu= aVgar `eV zu= eme `eV zu= munus `eV bad= munus `eV zu= u `eV zu= uzu `eV= uzud `eV zu" 2. ma&% A))" iaru <penis<= zikaru <ma'e, (iri'e<" $%% 345$67 `iV@Fpenis" Sumerian `eV zig[ha(e an erection$ has actua''y deri(ed from A))adian zikaru <ma'e, (iri'e<"

A))adian name for penis was truncated to produce the Sumerian (erb zig [#!SE$ %c7863 Lagash !!, 5r !!!& wr" zig3 <to issue= to 'e(y, raise, muster= to swe''= to e3pend= to rise< A))" dek= gapu= teb= -tu Then the Sumerian [Semitic scribe$ transferred another A))adian phantic (a'ue to another Sumerian one sa` zig [#A!SE$ %?63 :'d ;aby'onian& wr" sa zig3 <gto raise the headg< A))" aq a ri A))adian aq %raise& became the $umerian word sa` [head$ from A))adian phrase aq a ri %raising of the head&

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