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WebCam PC293

WebCam for PC (PC293) - User Manual

Thank you for purchasing the Logic3 WebCam for PC. As with all Logic3 products it has been built to the highest manufacturing standards and tested throughout its development to ensure you get the best possible product. Please read through and familiarise yourself with this manual before you use the WebCam for PC.

Product Overview

(nap (hot ?utton

Power "ndicator

6ocus &ing

Ad@ustable (tand

river !nstallation
!. "nsert the C# $#river% into your C# &om drive and open the driver directory. '. #ouble click (etup.e)e and the system will automatically run necessary files and display "nstall (hield Wi*ard. Click +,e)t-. 3. A .ardware "nstallation Window will pop up. Click +Continue Anyway-. /. A screen will be displayed 0(etup has enough information to start copying files click ,e)t to begin copying files1 Click +,e)t2. 3pon receiving the prompt +(etup has finished installing Logic3 45A WebCam on your computer- click +6inish-. 7. Connect your camera to your PC your system will locate search for your new hardware 06ind ,ew .ardware Wi*ard1 will pop up. 8. Click +9es this time only- to search for software. :. Click +,e)t- to continue. ;. <n the ne)t screen click +"nstall the software automatically $&ecommended%-. !=. Click +,e)t- to continue. !!. Click +6inish- to close the wi*ard. !'. 9our WebCam is now set up and ready to use. To use the WebCam you will need an application i.e. (kype >(, >essenger. Please follow the application set up instructions.

"ettin# U$
!. <pen the 0A>CAP1 software $Click the +(tart- icon from your desktop and then click +All Programs-. '. Click 0Logic3 45A WebCam and 0A>CAP1 3. (elect the 06ile1 Tab on your window and select 0Allocate file space1 $9ou can allocate how much space you can use on your PC to record and capture picturesAvideos1. /. (elect the 06ile1 Tab in your window and select the 0(et Capture file1 you can now select which directory you wish to save your videoApictures.

%ow to ta&e a Picture

!. 6ocus the camera on the image you wish to capture $turning the 6ocus &ing ClockwiseAAntiB Clockwise%. '. Press the (nap (hot button located on top of the WebCam. 3. <nce the image has been captured it will appear in another window on your PC. /. 9ou can save and rotate the picture by selecting the tabs in the window.

%ow to Ca$ture 'ideo

!. 6ocus the camera on the image you wish to capture $turning the 6ocus &ing ClockwiseAAntiB Clockwise%. '. (elect the 0<ption1 Tab in your window and select 04ideo Capture PinC1 $9ou can set the output picture si*e%. 3. "f you want to record Audio (elect the 0Capture1 Tab in your window and select 0Capture Audio1. /. (elect the 0Capture1 Tab in your window and select 0(tart Capture1 $A window will pop up which will inform you which directory the file will be saved in%. 2. (elect 0<D0 and the video will begin to record. 7. To stop recording select 0Capture1 Tab on your window and then select 0(top Capture1. 8. &etrieve your file from the selected directory.

%ow to create "$ecial (ffects

!. (elect the 0#evice1 Tab in your window and select 03(? Audio #evice1 '. (elect 0<ptions1 Tab in your windows and then click 04ideo Capture filterC.1. 3. A window will open containing 3 TA?( 0(tream Property1 06ace Tracking11 and 0Effect 6rame1 (elect your desired special effect from the TA?(.

")stem *e+uirements
PC with a 3(? port Windows ;:(E A >E A '===A FP A 4ista <ver '==>? free hard disc space C# &<> driver 3'>? or higher memory (upport #irectF 45A card PC platformG Pentium $&% B !.:5.*A &A>G '27>

Product "$ecifications
"mage (ensorG 45A C><( Effective pi)elsG 7/=)/:= >a). 6rame &ateG 3= fps H 45A 6ocus #istanceG 2cmI"nfinity ?uiltBin (napshot ?utton ?uiltBin >icrophone "nterfaceG 3(? Ad@ustable 6ocus &ing 6ace Tracking J "mage Control ?acklight Compensation 4ideo 6rame J over /= (pecial Effects Live 4ideo Chatting with >(, 9ahoo J Windows >essenger (kype Cautions - Avoid making contact with the lensK use a soft clean cloth for cleaning. - #o not use in hot cold dusty or humid areas. - Avoid dropping. (evere shock may cause damage or malfunction to the lens and may cause scratches to the surface.

,rouble "hootin# Problem

.ow do " select where to save my 4ideo " cannot select any special effects PictureA4ideo is blurred >y video1s have no sound WebCam not detected

What "hould ! do(ee how to Capture 4ideo (elect the 0#evice1 Tab in your window and select 0Logic3 WebCam1 Ensure you have ad@usted the focus on your WebCam $turning the 6ocus &ing ClockwiseAAntiBClockwise%. Ensure Capture Audio is checked B (elect the 0Capture1 Tab in your window and select 0Capture Audio1. "n the A>CAP window $#evice Tab% please ensure that the Logic3 WebCam and 3(? Audio #evice are selected.

(hould you have any connection or setup problems with the WebCam $PC';3% please contact our Technical (upport .otline on L// $=!;'3% /8! === National/International call rates apply or EBmail (pare parts are available for some models at our website

WA&,",5 6ollow all operating and usage instructions #o not submerge or use the WebCam in or near water #o not disassemble any part of the WebCam #o not place heavy ob@ects on top of the WebCam #o not allow small children to play with the WebCam unsupervised Deep WebCam away from e)treme temperatures and store away from dust and humidity 3nplug this product from the power source before cleaning #o not use liMuid or aerosol cleaner use only a damp cloth for cleaning

&hodes Way Watford W#'/ /9W 3D TelG L// $=% !;'3 /8! ===

Logic3 "nternational Ltd. <f Watford 3D is the owner of the Logic3 and iB(tation registered trademarks as well as registered and unregistered design rights and copyright subsisting in various products within its range. +>ade for iPod- means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. iPod is a trademark of Apple "nc. registered in the 3(. and other countries. All other trademarks copyrights and trade names are registered properties of their respective owners. Logic3 are continually updating their products in the interest of improving the Muality and design. As a result some features and the appearance of the product may vary from those shown on the packaging. Copyright in this manual is owned by Logic3 "nternational Ltd.

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