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The Jesus Name Centennial by David K.

In 2013 we elebrated !ne hundred years !" the rest!rati!n !" water ba#tism in the name !" the $!rd Jesus Christ. %e "ind e&am#les !" this #ra ti e thr!u'h!ut hur h hist!ry( but )ey events in the early twentieth entury led t! the 'reatest revival !" this messa'e sin e the third entury. The Jesus Name messa'e was renewed in the m!dern *ente !stal m!vement( whi h !ri'inated with a Bible s h!!l in T!#e)a( Kansas( in January 1+01 led by Charles *arham and with the ,-usa .treet /evival in $!s ,n'eles( Cali"!rnia( "r!m 1+00 t! 1+01 led by %illiam .eym!ur. Based !n the e&am#les in , ts( s!me early *ente !stals be'an t! ba#ti-e in Jesus2 name( in ludin' *arham 31+014( s!me in $!s ,n'eles durin' the ,-usa .treet /evival 31+054( and ,ndrew 6rshan( a *ersian immi'rant in Chi a'! 31+104. The #ra ti e did n!t yet have str!n' d! trinal si'ni"i an e( h!wever. Tw! n!table events led t! the devel!#ment !" the Jesus Name messa'e as a distin t m!vement7 the %!rldwide Cam# 8eetin' in ,rr!y! .e ! in ,#ril 1+13 and the reba#tisms !" 9ran) :wart and ;lenn C!!) in ,#ril 1+1<. The %!rldwide ,#!st!li 9aith Cam# 8eetin' was !r'ani-ed by /.J. . !tt and ;e!r'e .tudd and held at ,rr!y! .e ! near $!s ,n'eles( !n a am#'r!und used by the ,-usa .treet 8issi!n. The m!nth=l!n' meetin' be'an !n ,#ril 1>( 1+13( and #erha#s tw! th!usand #e!#le attended. The main s#ea)er was 8aria %!!dw!rth=:tter( a well=)n!wn *ente !stal evan'elist. :&#e tati!ns were hi'h( and 30< #e!#le re eived the ?!ly .#irit. 8any mira ul!us healin's ! urred as %!!dw!rth=:tter #rayed @in the name !" Jesus.A ,t a ba#tismal servi e /!bert 8 ,lister( a Canadian minister( e&#lained that sin'le immersi!n was the #r!#er m!de "!r ba#tism( n!t tri#le immersi!n. ,s #r!!" he ited the ba#tismal a !unts in , ts. The a#!stles ba#ti-ed in the name !" the $!rd Jesus ChristB they never ba#ti-ed usin' the w!rds @9ather( .!n( and ?!ly ;h!st(A as tri#le immersi!n reCuires. 8 ,lister2s !bservati!n #lanted a seed in the minds !" several #e!#le. , man named J!hn . hae#e was s! ins#ired that he s#ent the ni'ht in #rayer. :arly the ne&t m!rnin' he be'an runnin' thr!u'h the am# sh!utin' that he had re eived a revelati!n !" the #!wer !" the name !" Jesus. Duite a "ew am#ers were 'reatly stirred as . hae#e "ervently e&#lained his new"!und understandin'. ,n!ther man wh! was dee#ly im#ressed was 9ran) :wart( !ri'inally "r!m ,ustralia( where he had been a Ba#tist bush missi!nary. In 1+03 he immi'rated t! Canada( in 1+01 he re eived the ?!ly .#irit in *!rtland( Ere'!n( and in 1+12 he be ame #ast!r !" a *ente !stal missi!n in $!s ,n'eles "!unded by %illiam Durham. :wart had been studyin' the name and !neness !" ;!d "!r s!me time( s! 8 ,lister2s !mments were es#e ially intri'uin' t! him. :wart invited him t! his

h!me( where they dis ussed the the!l!'i al im#li ati!ns !" usin' the name !" Jesus in water ba#tism. They !n luded that when the a#!stles ba#ti-ed in the name !" the $!rd Jesus Christ( they #r!#erly "ul"illed Christ2s !mmand t! ba#ti-e in the name !" the 9ather( .!n( and ?!ly ;h!st 38atthew 2171+4. ,"ter the am#( :wart be'an w!r)in' in $!s ,n'eles with 8 ,lister and ;lenn C!!)( a n!ted evan'elist wh! had been the "ull=time business mana'er !" the ,-usa .treet 8issi!n. These men !ntinued t! study the name !" Jesus and the d! trine !" ;!d. ,"ter several m!nths 8 ,lister returned t! Canada and shared their thin)in' with ministers there( #arti ularly 9ran)lin .mall. ,t s!me #!int they als! in luded in their dis ussi!ns ;.T. ?ayw!!d( a ministerial "riend and a #r!minent ,"ri an ,meri an #ast!r in Indiana#!lis. In N!vember 1+13 at a !nventi!n in %inni#e'( 8 ,lister #rea hed the "irst serm!n !n the name !" Jesus in water ba#tism. .mall had har'e !" the ba#tismal servi e and ba#ti-ed thirty new !nverts in the name !" Jesus Christ. These were the "irst Jesus Name ba#tisms t! result "r!m the ,rr!y! .e ! meetin'. Ba ) in $!s ,n'eles( :wart and C!!) !n luded that( "!ll!win' the a#!st!li #attern( water ba#tism sh!uld always ta)e #la e with the inv! ati!n !" the name !" Jesus. They als! !n luded that 9ather( .!n( and ?!ly ;h!st are n!t three distin t #ers!ns but three mani"estati!ns !" the !ne ;!d( and Jesus is the revelati!n !" the 9ather( .!n( and ?!ly ;h!st. The reas!n why there is su h #!wer when believers #rea h( #ray( and ba#ti-e in Jesus2 name is that the "ullness !" the ;!dhead dwells in Jesus. T! #r! laim this messa'e( :wart and C!!) #it hed a tent and be'an meetin's in Belvedere( Cali"!rnia( Fust !utside $!s ,n'eles. En ,#ril 1>( 1+1<( :wart #rea hed his "irst serm!n !n , ts 2731. ?e #r! laimed that the "ull messa'e !" salvati!n !nsists !" re#entan e( water ba#tism in the name !" Jesus Christ( and the ba#tism !" the ?!ly ;h!stB and he ass! iated Jesus Name ba#tism with the !neness !" ;!d in Christ. Then :wart ba#ti-ed C!!) in the name !" Jesus Christ( and C!!) ba#ti-ed :wart. This a ti!nGthe "irst reba#tisms in the name !" Jesus ChristGde isively identi"ied Eneness *ente !stalism as a distin t m!vement. ,s the Jesus Name messa'e was #rea hed( a 'reat revival br!)e !ut in $!s ,n'eles. 8any were mira ul!usly healed and many re eived the ?!ly ;h!st in the waters !" ba#tism. .!!n the Jesus Name messa'e be'an t! s#read ar!und the w!rld.

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