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Module 1 1. In a P-type material, which is the minority carrier? electron 2. What is the most widely used semiconductor material?

silicon 3. Why is Gallium Arsenide is not commonly used as a semiconductor material? expensive 4. When there is a low o current, the diode is forward with respect to the cathode !. What element a ter input the output remain latch ". A #ul# is connected in parallel is #lown out connect or used of fuse or breaker $. What is the %alue o watt in horse power 746 hp &. 'he proportion o ener(y transmitted #y that o#)ect which can #e trans erred to another o#)ect. It is an alternatin( current wa%e orm form factor *. What primary cell which the electrodes are +inc and car#on with an acidic paste #etween them that ser%e as the electrolytic? Le Clanche cell 1,. What -ind o #attery in which the electrochemical is not re%ersi#le? primary cell 11. What is e.uals to 2$, de(rees lags signal by ! degrees 12. In /01', what element is similar to a (arden hose channel 13. A #leeder is place parallel in the circuit or the purpose o dischar(in( o what element capacitor 14. Where do we used #ypass capacitor feedback 1!. 0'P stands or "ile #ransfer $rotocol 1". 2 is low, what is 2 3A34 5 low 1$. 4rain current is ma6imum pinch off 1&. 789: stands or Complementary Metal %xide &emiconductor 1*. What I7 is commonly used in computers 7'((( 2,. 4ual in line or 4I; pac-a(e are desi(nated as #%)116 21. When a trans ormer is su#)ected to hi(h re.uency high core loss 22. What is the condition o ma6imum e iciency core loss is e*ual to constant loss 23. <=>

power factor ;east tor.ue +C shunt 2!. 4iode used in microwa%e transmitters ,M"-## diode 2". Ad%anta(e o ma(netic dis- to ma(netic tape faster retrieval 2$. When the ratio o trans ormer is .uadraupled 1.16 2&. Ad%anta(es o /? to <: lip lop there is always a predictable output 2*. Power output di%ided #y dri%en power maximum power efficiency 3,. 4isad%anta(e o trans ormer couplin( to capacitor couplin( expensive 31. An(le o three phase 1/! degrees 32. Where do we used lar(e trans ormers television $33. I7 used in computer common ,C 34. Push pull ampli ier class 0 3!. Ad%anta(e o %acuum tu#e can withstand high current 3". 'he use with nothin( #ut a strai(ht wire inside is pro#a#ly a *uick break type 3$. A use is #lown out, i the use is chan(e #y a much lower current, what will happen blows out immediately 3&. 389: @ 789: low drift 3*. 89: disad%anta(e can be damage by static discharge 4,. :ystem analysis &ystem -rchitecture 41. 7onnection in ;A3 network interface card 42. 'he output and inputs o datas ports 43. 8ost suscepti#le to noise #ransistor transistor logic1 ##L 44. Why car#on #rush is used instead o copper less arcing 4!. :tep up trans ormer small primary1 large secondary windings 4". :tep down trans ormer large primary1 small secondary 4$. Accessi#le #ut not written 2%M 24.

4&. 4*. !,. !1. !2. !3. !4. !!. -

A lip lop which inputs and outputs are coupled to(ether clocked Aeat re.uency oscillator detecting C3 8easurin( instrument which measure current without cuttin( o the source clamped probe Instrument or de%ice used to measure radiation in the atmosphere pyranometer What dampin( method is (enerally used in dynamometers? air friction 7haracteristic o 01' negative source 3e(ati%e eed#acreduce gain

gain e*uals to 1 !". Where ;14 usually used digital display !$. 'he three terminal %olta(e re(ulators, such as $&222 series has a typical current ratin( o 1.! amperes. I a hi(h current is re.uired, say 3, amperes, how you ma-e modi ications or this re(ulator in order to pro%ide the re.uired current? by the use of external pass transistor !&. 8o%in( permanent ma(net de%ice moving magnet instrument !*. 3o #rea- power trans er B3AP'C the transformer in line is not remove then the other transformer is connected ",. Area- power trans er BAP'C transformer in line is disconnected first before connecting the other transformer "1. 0ast mo%in( animation fast interlaced monitor "2. 16cessi%e current used of crowbar "3. Acti%e de%ices used in switchin( re(ulators may e6perience lar(e o%er-currents durin( conduction Bturn-on-stateC and lar(e o%er-%olta(es durin( turn-o . 'hese e6cessi%e currents and %olta(es may cause distraction or dama(e o the acti%e de%ices. Dow do we protect it? by installing a snubber circuit "4. 389: can #e interlaced to 789: #y pro%idin( a pull)up resistor "!. 'ime domain re.uency display oscilloscope "". <atio o ma(netic lu6 in secondary to primary coil coefficient of coupling "$. 8inimi+in( the capacitance in #oth ends o trans ormer by placing toroidal in both transformer winding "&. 4i erence o two arithmetic num#ers deviation "*. 7rystal oscillator on E79

placing a small variable capacitor Parameters are use in oscillation, e6cept current in the line $1. All o this are parameters that pre%ent on oscillatin(, e6cept in phase with current $2. 7onnection o di erent computers gateway $3. Graph o /01' near the center $4. Acti%e de%ices used in switchin( re(ulators may e6perience lar(e o%er-currents durin( conductionBturn-on-stateC and a lar(e o%er-%olta(es durin( turn-o . 'hese e6cessi%e currents and %olta(es may cause distraction or dama(e o the acti%e de%ices. Dow do we protect it? by installing a snubber circuit $!. <esponsi#le or :7< irin( trigger circuit $". 9peratin( at e6actly cuto or saturation class 0 $$. 3e(ati%e eed#acnot used in oscillators $&. Fsed in oscillators varactor $*. 7ore type trans ormer shorter magnetic field &,. <0 ampli ier is #est used o core type 4o5 air core type is best for 2" amplifier &1. ;imit the re.uency in the P3 )unction 6unction capacitance &2. 'he output has reactanceGs the impedances is mismatch1 no matter what &3. :ource ollower negative drain current with respect to source &4. Input o 1 to #e out o 1, decade scale &!. ;imitin( distortions, li-e hummin( in radio by regulation &". Power o the reactance imaginary &$. Aeat re.uency oscillator detecting C3 &&. 7rystal oscillator on E79 by placing a small variable capacitor &*. 4e%ice use to di erentiate di erent %alues comparator *,. When /01' is #ias, what happen to the channel skews *1. Ad%anta(e o crystal controlled oscillator on E09 low drift *2. :hell method provide maximum coupling $,.


<emo%in( #ypass capacitor will result decrease in gain *4. /01' characteristic cur%e is drain current with respect to source voltage *!. Impedance o +ener diode 7ener impedance *". 'o pre%ent 89:01' rom #ein( dama(e all of the above *$. Eolta(e doupler for circuits re*uiring low current but high voltage *&. 7apacitance parameter in computin( capacitor fre*uency8within reason9 **. Fsin( a #attery or power cells is e6pensi%e, the common solution is #y the use o household %olta(e 2ectification -

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