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Public perception of index crime now top priority

By Amin Iskandar Assistant News Editor October 02, 2012 KUALA LUMPU , Oct 2 ! P"b#ic $erce$tion wi## be t%e &o'ernment(s new $riority in its on&oin& batt#e to red"ce t%e contro'ersy o'er Ma#aysia(s crime rate, )at"k *eri +is%amm"ddin +"ssein said today, -%e %ome minister said t%e &o'ernment was switc%in& its .oc"s to mana&in& $"b#ic $erce$tion in t%e second $%ase o. its Nationa# Key es"#t Area /NK A0 to #ower &rowin& concern, 1-%e iss"e now is not t%e inde2, -%at we are 3"ite con.ident, 1-%e iss"e is not .rom t%e $oint o. tar&etin& street crime b"t t%e &oa# $ost %as c%an&ed accordin& to c"rrent demands, -%is wi## a## be disc"ssed and anno"nced in t%e second $%ase o. o"r NK A,4 +is%amm"ddin (picture) to#d a news con.erence a.ter c#osin& a s$ecia# meetin& wit% t%e men in b#"e at t%e oya# Ma#aysian Po#ice 5o##e&e %ere, +e said t%at des$ite t%e dro$ in t%e crime rate, t%ere were sti## sections o. t%e $"b#ic w%o .e#t "nsa.e, +e said t%e new a$$roac% was to mana&e t%e $erce$tion amon& residents, addin& t%at t%e &o'ernment %ad &i'en ta2 incenti'es and one6o.. &rants to s%o$$in& centre owners as $art o. its new .oc"s, +e said t%e &o'ernment(s $ro$osa# to increase t%e +ome Ministry(s a##ocation by 7,7 $er cent and to t%e crime red"ction NK A by 89,9 $er cent in B"d&et 201: re.#ected its commitment, +is%amm"ddin said t%e &o'ernment %ad a#so inc#"ded a $ro$osa# to increase its $o#ice o..icer intake in t%e B"d&et, +e said t%e time t%e #ast s"c% increase was mentioned as a $riority was a.ter t%e May 1:, 1;8; racia# riots,

In Ma#aysia, t%e $o#ice di'ide crime into two cate&ories, inde2 and non6inde2 ! t%e .ormer de.ined as crime t%at is re$orted wit% s"..icient re&"#arity and si&ni.icance to be a meanin&."# indicator o. t%e crime sit"ation w%i#e t%e #atter is re&arded as minor in nat"re, -%e &o'ernment %as %ad to de.end itse#. .rom $"b#ic criticism a.ter a s$ate o. crime incidents t%at seemed to contradict t%e ima&e $ainted by its crime statistics, -%e $o#ice and +ome Ministry contin"e to stand by P"tra<aya(s c#aim t%at t%e co"ntry(s crime rate %as di$$ed considerab#y since initiati'es "nder t%e =o'ernment -rans.ormation Pro&ramme /=-P0 were $"t in $#ace two years a&o, -%e &o'ernment(s e..iciency "nit PEMAN)U %ad in >"#y re#eased .i&"res to s%ow t%at inde2 crime in Ma#aysia dro$$ed by 10,1 $er cent .rom >an"ary to May t%is year com$ared to t%e same $eriod #ast year,

Crime fears go viral in Malaysia


2012609610 1:@:0

A sec"rity &"ard $atro##in& at a $edestrian wa#kway brid&e in K"a#a L"m$"r, P%oto co"rtesy@ A?P

1 o. :

by >"#ia Aa$$ei KUALA LUMPU , A"& 10, 2012 /A?P0 6 -%e .ear o. crime is soarin& in Ma#aysia as $ersona# ta#es o. abd"ction, assa"#t and robbery &o 'ira# on#ine, "$$in& $ress"re on a"t%orities to res$ond and tri&&erin& scr"tiny o. o..icia# c#aims t%at o..ences are down, *%o$$in& ma##s and residentsB &ro"$s %a'e #a"nc%ed $atro#s, sa#es o. sec"rity e3"i$ment are s"r&in&, news$a$ers ti$s on %ow to a'oid becomin& a 'ictim and socia# media are ab"CC wit% an&"is% o'er t%e sit"ation, esidents o. t%e m"#ti6et%nic M"s#im6ma<ority co"ntry 66 one o. t%e most de'e#o$ed and stab#e in *o"t%east Asia 66 %a'e #on& com$#ained abo"t ba&6snatc%in& and ot%er $etty crime, B"t more serio"s recent incidents %a'e &ained wide attention on t%e Internet, c%anne#in& $"b#ic concern in a co"ntry w%ere near#y %a#. t%e $o$"#ation o. 29 mi##ion is on ?acebook,

A day a.ter two men tried to abd"ct 5%in Din65i at kni.e$oint in %er car at an "$sca#e K"a#a L"m$"r ma## in May, s%e wrote abo"t t%e ordea# on t%e socia# networkin& site, a $ost t%at was s%ared more t%an E1,000 times, ?earin& ra$e, s%e esca$ed by <"m$in& .rom t%e 'e%ic#e as it s#owed to e2it t%e car$ark, -%e attackers 66 as in many cases 66 &ot away, F-o me, it .e#t #ike one #on& ni&%tmare, Ge ne'er t%ink itBs &oin& to %a$$en to "s,,, and t%en it does,F t%e 276year6o#d wrote, Prime Minister Na<ib aCak $#ed&ed to red"ce crime a.ter takin& $ower in 200; and, wit% .res% e#ections d"e ne2t year, %is &o'ernment c#aims $ro&ress, sayin& t%e crime $rob#em is bein& %y$ed on#ine, It said t%e n"mber o. re$orted crimes .e## 11,1 $ercent in 2011 and was down 10 $ercent in t%e .irst %a#. o. 2012, creditin& ste$$ed6"$ $atro#s in crime6%it areas and increased #i&%tin& in $"b#ic, B"t many 'ictims say o..icers te## t%em t%ere is #itt#e t%ey can do to catc% ba&6snatc%ers and m"&&ers, and critics say t%e dro$ in re$orted crimes co"#d be d"e to t%e res"#tin& a$at%y abo"t seekin& $o#ice %e#$, +ome Minister +is%amm"ddin +"ssein admitted a"t%orities were #osin& t%e F$erce$tionF batt#e, FIBm not in denia#, -%is is somet%in& t%at needs to be addressed,F %e said #ast mont%, Ma#aysiaBs o..icia# crime rate a$$ears re#ati'e#y #ow w%en com$ared internationa##y, Accordin& to t%e most recent &o'ernment data, H70 crimes were re$orted $er 100,000 $eo$#e in 200;, com$ared to 88E in .amo"s#y #ow6crime *in&a$ore, b"t di..erin& met%ods o. data com$i#ation make s"c% com$arisons im$recise, *ce$ticism o'er t%e .i&"res is ri.e, &i'en t%at near#y e'ery resident o. K"a#a L"m$"r %as been a 'ictim 66 or knows at #east one 66 o. ba&6snatc%in& or Fsmas%F t%e.ts, In t%e #atter case, $er$etrators on motorcyc#es wi## s%atter a car window at a red #i&%t, snatc% be#on&in&s, and "ti#ise t%e ca$ita#Bs notorio"s tra..ic <ams to s$eed o.. "n$"rs"ed, F-%ere %as been a s$ike o'er t%e $ast co"$#e o. weeks wit% re&ard to es$ecia##y t%is snatc% t%e.t and crimes a&ainst women,F said Lee Lam -%ye, 'ice6c%airman o. t%e &o'ernment6 #inked Ma#aysian 5rime Pre'ention ?o"ndation, FG%en t%is &oes on t%e Internet and Io"-"be t%e im$act is 'ery &reat,F *ome b#ame i##e&a# immi&rants 66 Ma#aysia %as an estimated two mi##ion "ndoc"mented workers .rom its $oorer nei&%bo"rs in t%e re&ion 66 b"t 'ictims o. some o. t%e most braCen crimes say t%e $er$etrators were Ma#aysians,

G%ate'er t%e ca"ses, ?acebook "sers are tradin& stories o. women assa"#ted in ma## car$arks, and kni.e6wie#din& robbers tyin& "$ .ami#ies, In A$ri#, a 126year6o#d )"tc% boy was kidna$$ed in broad day#i&%t enterin& %is internationa# sc%oo# in an "$market K"a#a L"m$"r area, $rom$tin& ot%er sc%oo#s to ram$ "$ sec"rity, +e was .reed a week #ater a.ter a ransom was $aid, Ma##s, o.ten <ammed wit% $eo$#e esca$in& t%e tro$ica# %eat, %a'e seen a wa'e o. re$orted car $ark attacks a&ainst women, $rom$tin& s%o$$in& centers to insta## F$anic b"ttonsF, Nationa# $o#ice c%ie. Ismai# Omar insisted #ast mont% t%at incidents were .ew, b"t conceded t%at $eo$#e were becomin& o. 'isitin& s%o$$in& com$#e2es, =ated comm"nities wit% &"ards are common, B"t "n&"arded nei&%bo"r%oods are a#so now increasin&#y takin& sec"rity into t%eir own %ands amid t%e wide#y %e#d 'iew t%at Ma#aysian $o#ice are ine..ecti'e and corr"$t, etiree -eo% Ian *in&, 8E, and %is nei&%bo"rs %a'e %ired a sec"rity &"ard, started ni&%t#y wa#kin& $atro#s o. t%eir nei&%bo"r%ood in a K"a#a L"m$"r s"b"rb, and recent#y be&an b#ockin& o.. streets at ni&%t, One nei&%bo"r rin&ed %is %ome wit% barbed wire a.ter a robbery, F-%e statistics donBt matter at a##, -%e .ear is t%ere, My wi.e and I, e'ery time we want to &o o"t, we #ook #e.t and ri&%t,F said -eo%, w%ose wi.e s"..ered a smas%6and6&rab attack ear#ier t%is year, >e..rey -an, &enera# mana&er o. 5entri2 *ec"rity, said sa#es o. c#osed6circ"it te#e'ision cameras 66 w%ic% %omeowners can monitor 'ia mobi#e $%ones 66 %a'e <"m$ed 70 $ercent in t%e #ast t%ree mont%s, ?ed6"$ citiCens %a'e #a"nc%ed on#ine $etitions demandin& &reater $o#ice action, and t%e $o#itica# o$$osition %as $o"nced, $"b#ic#y 3"estionin& t%e o..icia# crime data, F-%e n"mber o. cases may %a'e &one down, b"t t%e $erce$tion is t%at it is sti## a serio"s $rob#em,F said Ibra%im *"..ian, %ead o. to$ $o##in& .irm Merdeka 5enter,

Ma#aysia is c"rrent#y e2$eriencin& a crime $andemic and anybody w%o says ot%erwise is not #i'in& in t%e same rea#ity as t%e rest o. "s are, Ge %ear and read o. 'ario"s crimes bein& committed on a dai#y basis, 5rimina#s in.#ict considerab#e dama&e not <"st on t%e 'ictims( $ersons and $ossessions b"t on t%eir $syc%e as we##, )"e to t%e increasin& n"mber o. crimes, too many are e'en o. ste$$in& o"tside t%eir res$ecti'e %omes now,, Un.ort"nate#y, one is not sa.e in t%eir own %ome eit%er nowadays,

-%e .o"r robbers w%o bent t%e &ri##e door in a matter o. seconds, as s%own be#ow, did so at a$$ro2imate#y 10$m knowin& t%at t%e residents were inside t%e %o"se, -%e scary $art was t%at t%ey %ad neit%er .ear nor care o. t%e .act t%at t%e residents were sti## awake eit%er,

+ome a#arms may be a "se."# deterrent b"t it(s "se#ess i. t%e $er$etrator a#ready %a'e yo" at ransom, -%e %ome owner may be .orced to disarm t%e a#arm w%en %e#d at kni.e$oint or i. .ami#y members t%reatened, A#so, many don(t seem to take a rin&in& %o"se a#arm as serio"s#y now, 55-J is a#so not 'ery "se."# es$ecia##y w%en t%e crimina#s are wearin& a ca$ or .ace masks or a %e#met wit% 'isor,, e2ce$t to #et yo" know w%en and %ow it %a$$ened,, ?"rt%ermore, many b"r&#ars %a'e #earned to seek o"t t%e 55-Js and attem$t to destroy, co'er "$, $"s% away or e'en s$ray $aint t%e 55-J,

Many $eo$#e were "$set w%en a 216year6o#d nationa# bow#er esca$ed im$risonment recent#y .or stat"tory ra$e, a.ter t%e a$$ea#s co"rt bo"nd %im o'er .or .i'e years instead .or &ood be%a'io"r, -%e a$$ea#s co"rt %ad set aside a .i'e6year <ai# term by t%e %i&% co"rt in #ie" o. t%e &ood be%a'io"r bond, -%e bow#er committed t%e o..ence a&ainst a 1:6year6o#d &ir# in >"ne 200;, accordin& to Bernama, w%ic% means t%at %e was on#y 19 at t%at time, Accordin& to a re$ort by -%e *tar in 2011, bot% o. t%em were #o'ers at t%e time o. t%e incident, Bernama re$orted t%e a$$ea#s co"rt as sayin& t%at t%e consens"a# se2"a# re#ations%i$ between t%e two was considered, as we## as t%e .act t%at t%e bow#er %ad a 1bri&%t ."t"re4, *ome $eo$#e 3"estioned i. %e was &i'en a #i&%ter sentence d"e to %is .ame as a nationa# ten$in bow#in& ace, at%er t%an condemn t%e <"diciary .or s"$$osed#y #ettin& o.. a yo"n& man beca"se o. %is stat"s, we s%o"#d commend t%em .or im$osin& on a 216year6o#d an a#ternati'e $"nis%ment to im$risonment, A.ter a##, %e was on#y 19 w%en %e %ad se2 wit% t%e 1:6year6o#d &ir#, )oes %e deser'e to &o to <ai# .or %a'in& se2 wit% %is &ir#.riendK A## we know .rom t%e media is t%at t%ey were #o'ers at t%at time, Ge don(t know i. %e knew s%e was 1:, or i. %e knew t%at it was i##e&a# to %a'e se2 wit% a &ir# be#ow t%e a&e o. 18, -%e <"diciary m"st rea#ise, %owe'er, t%at e'ery yo"t% %as a bri&%t ."t"re, re&ard#ess o. w%et%er t%ey are a bow#er or a re&"#ar <oe $#ayin& Garcra.t a## day, +ence, t%is case s%o"#d be a $recedent .or simi#ar cases in'o#'in& a## sorts o. yo"t%s, not <"st .amo"s at%#etes, An 196year6o#d man %a'in& se2 wit% a 1:6year6o#d &ir#.riend is 'ast#y di..erent .rom a 706 year6o#d man &ettin& it on wit% a &ir# #ess t%an %a#. %is a&e, or a &ir# bein& .orced into %a'in& se2,

I am a .eminist and be#ie'e t%at a## c%i#dren s%o"#d be $rotected, es$ecia##y .rom se2"a# ab"se, Per$etrators in t%e #ast two cases deser'e t%e %ars%est $"nis%ment #ike im$risonment as t%ey are c#ear e2am$#es o. se2"a# ab"se, B"t in t%e bow#er(s case, %e may not %a'e intended to se2"a##y ab"se %is &ir#.riend, Bot% boys and &ir#s be#ow t%e a&e o. 18 are #ike#y not mat"re eno"&% to "nderstand t%e $%ysica# and emotiona# e..ects o. %a'in& se2, amon& ot%er t%in&s, +ence, t%e a&e o. consent is necessary to $rotect t%em, Gi## consens"a# se2 amon& teena&ers be deterred by sendin& t%is bow#er, w%o is bare#y an ad"#t and can(t e'en 'ote yet, to <ai#K I don(t t%ink so, -eena&ers wi## sim$#y kee$ t%eir se2 #i'es a secret, -eena&e &ir#s may #ie abo"t t%eir a&e, or e'en %a'e abortions to sa'e t%eir $artners .rom bein& <ai#ed, Ge s%o"#d not be askin& o"rse#'es w%et%er a yo"n& man s%o"#d be sent to <ai# .or %a'in& se2 wit% %is teena&e &ir#.riend, Instead, we s%o"#d ask o"rse#'es w%y a 1:6year6o#d &ir# %ad se2 at s"c% a tender a&e, Gas it $eer $ress"reK )id %er $artner $ress"re %er into %a'in& se2 beca"se t%ey were in #o'eK )id s%e see some -J s%ows and want to e2$erimentK -eena&ers need to be ta"&%t t%at it is not okay to %a'e se2 be#ow t%e a&e o. 18 beca"se t%ey may sim$#y not be mat"re eno"&% to %and#e se2, es$ecia##y w%en "nwanted $re&nancies occ"r, -%ey need to know %ow to %and#e romantic re#ations%i$s in t%eir ear#y teena&e years, as we## as t%eir se2"a# desires, *endin& yo"n& $eo$#e to <ai# is not &oin& to teac% teena&ers anyt%in&, e2ce$t to %a'e se2 wit%o"t &ettin& ca"&%t,

Father seeks justice after young daughter s rapist escapes jail

By O$a#yn Mok and Lisa >, A"&"st :0, 2012

-%e .at%er .ears t%at ot%er c%i#dren may .a## 'ictim to %is 126year6o#d da"&%ter(s ra$ist, ! e"ters $ic =EO =E -OGN, A"& :0 L As $"b#ic $rosec"tors $re$ared to .i#e an a$$ea# %ere, t%e .at%er o. t%e 126year6o#d &ir# ra$ed by tec%nician 5%"a% ="an >i" is demandin& <"stice .o##owin& a *essions 5o"rt decision to .ree %im on a M2E,000 bond instead o. sendin& %im to <ai#,

1I am rea##y disa$$ointed wit% t%is decision, +e /5%"a%0 s%o"#d %a'e been sent to $rison and #ocked "$ so t%at %e can(t $rey on ot%er yo"n& &ir#s,4 said t%e distra"&%t 7H6year6o#d odd6<ob worker yesterday, +e said e'en t%o"&% %is da"&%ter was sti## a c%i#d and 5%"a%, 22, %ad r"ined %er ."t"re, t%e co"rt did not take t%is into consideration w%en im$osin& its sentence, Instead, t%e co"rt %ad on#y considered t%e ."t"re o. t%e $er$etrator, t%e man added, 1I t%ink it is rea##y wron& to #et %im &o <"st #ike t%is, Now, %e is .ree to $rey on ot%er yo"n& &ir#s,4 %e said,

K%a#id@ Jictims were too yo"n& to "nderstand t%e conse3"ences o. t%eir acts, +e a#so wanted to know i. t%e co"rt %ad %anded o"t its decision beca"se o. t%e recent $recedent w%ere .ormer nationa# bow#er Noor A.iCa# ACiCan was a#so re#eased on a M2E,000 &ood be%a'io"r bond, -%e .at%er, w%o may not be named to $rotect t%e identity o. t%e 'ictim, is now workin& wit% Gomen(s 5entre ?or 5%an&e /G550 to seek ."rt%er redress and <"stice .or %is da"&%ter, 5%i#d ri&%ts &ro"$s, G55 and socia# acti'ists %a'e criticised t%ese two co"rt decisions t%at %a'e a#so created $"b#ic "$roar, In K"a#a L"m$"r, Barisan Nasiona# /BN0 and Pakatan akyat /P 0 #awmakers bot% s#ammed t%e co"rts .or .reein& t%e two yo"n& men con'icted o. ra$in& 1:6 and 126year6o#d &ir#s, w%i#e $syc%iatrists %ere a#so s"&&ested t%e <"diciary may %a'e .reed se2"a# $redators w%o mi&%t re$eat t%eir crime, Lawmakers .rom bot% sides o. t%e ais#e were commentin& on 5%"a%(s case L t%e second recent case o. stat"tory ra$e t%at %as ended wit% t%e $er$etrator wa#kin& .ree, -%e decision ."rt%er stoked e2istin& $"b#ic o"tra&e .o##owin& t%e case o. nationa# bow#er Noor A.iCa# L con'icted o. ra$in& a 1:6year6o#d &ir# L w%o was #et o.. .rom ser'in& <ai#

time a.ter a 5o"rt o. A$$ea# decision re'ersed an ear#ier +i&% 5o"rt r"#in& and bo"nd %im o'er .or &ood be%a'io"r, G%en contacted by The Malaysian Insider, *%a% A#am MP K%a#id *amad said t%e co"rts( decision to .ree bot% ra$ists was 1com$#ete#y "nsatis.actory and "nacce$tab#e4, 1I am 'ery s"r$rised %ow t%e <"d&e considered t%e interests o. t%e c"#$rit and $er$etrator and not o. t%e 'ictim, -%e &ir#(s ."t"re may a#so been dama&ed,4 K%a#id said, +e e2$#ained t%at bot% cases were o. two indi'id"a#s 1takin& ad'anta&e o. &ir#s w%o may not ."##y "nderstand t%e im$#ication o. t%eir acts by a&reein& to %a'e se24 and 1a#t%o"&% it was consens"a#, it was done at a 'ery yo"n& a&e be.ore t%eir abi#ity to reason and t%ink .or t%emse#'es4,

Gee@ *entence .or stat"tory ra$e is mandatory <ai# time, K%a#id(s co##ea&"e and PK Ganita c%ie. A"raida Kamar"ddin ec%oed %is sentiments, sayin& t%e <"diciary 1s%o"#d not consider t%e ."t"re o. t%e $er$etrator /as0 more im$ortant t%an t%e s"..erin& and tra"ma t%e &ir# %as to &o t%ro"&%4, e.errin& to Noor A.iCa#, s%e said t%e sentencin& 1was not &ood .or %im a#so4, 1+e s%o"#d be $"nis%ed accordin&#y, -%is wo"#d be more di&ni.ied .or %im to .ace t%e ."t"re rat%er t%an t%is %an&in& aro"nd %im,4 s%e to#d The Malaysian Insider, 1Best %e ser'es %is sentence and be a &ent#eman and &et it o'er wit%, -%is wi## a#so do <"stice to t%e &ir#,4 s%e added, Ayer +itam MP and )e$"ty Ed"cation Minister )at"k )r Gee Ka *ion& said 1e'eryone %ad e2$ected a %ea'ier sentence4,

1-%e sentence .or stat"tory ra$e is mandatory <ai# sentence, I t%ink t%ere s%o"#d be mandatory <ai# sentence .or t%e ra$ists more so w%en it(s wit% minors4, MP .or P"#ai )at"k N"r >aC#an Mo%amed mirrored %is co##ea&"e, sayin&@ 1Accordin& to t%e #aw t%ey s%o"#d ser'e time,4 1*o I t%ink t%e co"rt s%o"#d be ob<ecti'e abo"t it and not ab"se t%e #aw,4 %e said, 1-%ey s%o"#d a$$#y t%e #aw as written and #ater on t%ey can #i&%ten t%e sentence, and not w%en sentence yo" <"sti.y w%y yo" didn(t a$$#y t%e sentence o. #aw, Beca"se #aw is sti## t%e #aw,4 )AP nationa# $"b#icity c%ie. -ony P"a said t%e immediate iss"e at %and are <"d&es w%o are 1takin& #aws into t%eir own %ands and settin& aside #aws $assed in $ar#iament4, 1-%ey are i&norin& w%at is stated in t%e #aw, w%ic% states <ai# sentence, -%is is not e'en inter$retation o. #aw, it(s rewritten,4 t%e .edera# #awmaker said, addin& <"d&es 1%a'e no $ower to write t%eir own #aw,4

P"a@ >"d&es are rewritin& #aw wit% s"c% decisions, 1Laws can be c%an&ed, b"t by t%e ri&%t instit"tion #ike Par#iament, and not by t%e <"diciary, I do not "nderstand w%y s"c% <"d&ment %as been $"t "$,4 %e added, -%e a&es o. t%e ra$ists and t%eir 'ictims a#so meet t%e criteria to c#assi.y t%e acts as $aedo$%i#ia, $ossib#y e2acerbatin& t%e e..ects o. t%e two men(s re#ease, -%e Gor#d +ea#t% Or&anisation(s Internationa# 5#assi.ication o. )iseases /I5)0 cate&orises $aedo$%i#ia as 1a se2"a# $re.erence .or c%i#dren, boys or &ir#s or bot%, "s"a##y o. $re6$"berta# or ear#y $"berta# a&e,4

And accordin& to t%e )ia&nostic and *tatistica# Man"a# o. Menta# )isorders /)*M0 "sed by menta# %ea#t% $ro.essiona#s &#oba##y, $aedo$%i#ia is t%e se2"a# attraction to $"bescent or $re6 $"bescents a&ed 1: or yo"n&er, and t%e s"b<ect m"st be 18 or o#der wit% t%e c%i#d at #east .i'e years yo"n&er, Noor A.iCa# was 1; w%en %e committed t%e o..ence w%i#e t%e &ir# %e ra$ed was 1:, or si2 years %is <"nior, In t%e case o. 5%"a%, %e was 21 at t%e time o. t%e o..ence, w%i#e %is 'ictim was 12 66 a nine6 year &a$ between t%e two, -%e a&e di..erences between t%e $er$etrators and t%e 'ictims in bot% cases satis.y t%e I5) and )*M criteria .or $aedo$%i#ia, Menta# %ea#t% $ro.essiona#s w%om The Malaysian Insider s$oke to %ere said t%at w%i#e it was im$ossib#e to dia&nose bot% Noor A.iCa# and 5%"a% wit%o"t meetin& t%em, t%ey a&reed t%at t%e o..enders( a&e di..erence wit% t%eir 'ictims and t%e a&es o. t%e two &ir#s met t%e de.inition o. $aedo$%i#ia,

NOG t%at t%eir tria#s are o'er, .ormer nationa# yo"t% s3"ad bow#er Noor A.iCa# ACiCan can &o on to ."#.i# t%e $romise o. %is bri&%t ."t"re and e#ectrician 5%"a% ="an >i" can .oc"s on %is .i2ed <ob and many years a%ead, -%ro"&% it a##, no one s$oke o. t%e 1:6year6o#d &ir# Noor A.iCa# took to a %ote# to s$end t%e ni&%t wit%, or t%e 126year6o#d sc%oo#&ir# w%o was 1coa2ed4 to &o to %er 216year6o#d e#ectrician boy.riend(s .#at instead o. to sc%oo# beca"se %e said %e was too sick to take %er, -%ese were $re$"bescent &ir#s w%o were deemed to %a'e consented to se2 wit% t%e o#der boys t%ey were datin& and 5o"rt o. A$$ea# $resident >"stice a"s *%ari. wrote in %is written <"d&ment t%at Noor A.iCa# %ad not 1tricked t%e &ir# into s"bmittin& to %im4, In t%e e#ectrician(s case, *essions <"d&e *itar"n Nisa Abd"# ACiC a#so t%o"&%t t%e 1se2"a# act was consens"a#4, e'en t%o"&% )PP Lim 5%ea% Iit reco"nted %ow t%e &ir# %ad re$eated#y asked 5%"a% to take %er to sc%oo#, I. s%e did &i'e consent, t%ere was certain#y trickery and .ra"d in'o#'ed, -%e .act remains t%at t%e &ir#s were 12 and 1:, c%i#dren bare#y o"t o. $rimary sc%oo#, -%ey are not o#d eno"&% to be ab#e to #e&a##y b"y ci&arettes, or e'en obtain medica# treatment i. t%ey %ad contracted se2"a# transmitted diseases, -%e #aw on stat"tory ra$e was meant to $rotect t%ese 'ery &ir#s, *ection :HE/&0 o. t%e Pena# 5ode states "ne3"i'oca##y t%at a man %as committed stat"tory ra$e i. %e %as se2"a# interco"rse wit% a &ir# "nder 18 years o. a&e, wit% or wit%o"t %er consent, It is rooted in t%e $res"m$tion t%at &ir#s be#ow 18 %a'e not attained t%e menta# mat"rity to consent to se2, and t%is #aw was enacted to $rotect c%i#dren .rom ab"se, It $#aces t%e on"s on t%ose aro"nd %er to not %a'e se2"a# interco"rse wit% %er, e'en i. s%e &i'es consent, beca"se s%e is not deemed mat"re eno"&% to &i'e consent, In ot%er words, t%e o#der &"ys s%o"#d %a'e known better, Noor A.iCa# and 5%"a% were .o"nd &"i#ty o. ra$in& t%e "ndera&ed &ir#s, b"t were not <ai#ed, -%ey were bo"nd o'er .or .i'e years and t%ree years res$ecti'e#y on a M2E,000 &ood be%a'io"r bond, -%e $"b#ic "$roar %as been o'er %ow t%ese yo"n& men &ot away wit% a s#a$ on t%e wrist, and %ow t%e em$%asis %as been on not b#i&%tin& t%eir ."t"re,

O"r teena&ers are &rowin& "$ in"ndated wit% o'ert se2"a# messa&es .rom t%e media and t%e Internet, wit%o"t t%e o. a ."##6.#ed&ed se2 ed"cation c"rric"#"m, or a'en"es to &et answers, 5#ear#y, o"r yo"n& $eo$#e are %a'in& se2 wit% eac% ot%er b"t t%ere is a #ine drawn by t%e #aw, And t%at is se2 wit% &ir#s be#ow 18 M c%i#dren M is o.. #imits, e'en to t%eir $eers, By #ettin& Noor A.iCa# and 5%"a% o.. #i&%t#y, are t%e co"rts sendin& o"t mi2ed si&na#sK Are t%ey sayin& t%ese two &ir#s M a&ed 12 and 1: M are ca$ab#e o. &i'in& consent .or se2, and are t%ey sayin& ."t"re &ood be%a'io"r is s"..icient $"nis%ment .or %a'in& se2 wit% minorsK G%at is t%e messa&e t%at teena&e boys and yo"n&er men are &ettin&K At t%e root o. it a##, t%is is abo"t $rotectin& o"r c%i#dren M boys and &ir#s, A 126year6o#d &ir# was #"red by a man twice %er a&e into %is .#at, and coa2ed into %a'in& se2 wit% %im, and %e &ot away wit% a $romise to be%a'e %imse#. .or t%e ne2t t%ree years, G%ere does t%at #ea'e %erK G%at abo"t %er wort%K G%at are we doin& .or t%ese two &ir#sK +ow do we $rotect ot%er nai'e yo"n& &ir#s .rom bein& sweet6ta#ked by an o#der teen into a se2"a# re#ations%i$ i. %e knows %e co"#d be .o"nd &"i#ty o. stat"tory ra$e b"t wa#k away wit% a $romise to be%a'eK I. we do not "$%o#d "ne3"i'oca##y o"r into#erance o. se2 wit% "ndera&ed &ir#s, w%at does t%at say abo"t "sK !elated "tories# Prosec"tor to ar&"e decision to bind e#ectrician .or t%ree years =ro"$s disa$$ointed o'er #i&%t sentences E2$erts s$#it o'er re'iew o. consent a&e No coercion or 'io#ence "sed 5o"rt re#eases written <"d&ment on bow#erBs ra$e case decision



"$C%!&'( F$)'%!$" &* '+$ ,)'$- C.MM%*&'( +.%"&*, -$/$0.PM$*'

Zurinah bt Tahir and Khadijah bt Hussin Department of Land Administration and Development Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Malaysia
P"b#ic sa.ety, an im$ortant nationa# a&enda, %as .eat"red $rominent#y in t%e 10t% Ma#aysia P#an, Jario"s strate&ies %a'e been .orm"#ated towards creatin& a en'ironment in w%ic% to #i'e and work, 5rime a..ects not on#y t%e $"b#ic b"t a#so t%e economy, -akin& co&niCance o. t%is .act, t%e =o'ernment %as im$#emented 'ario"s $ro&rammes to red"ce t%e crime rate, and to create a and more sec"re #i'in& en'ironment, -%e de'e#o$ment o. residentia# $ro$erties "nder t%e =ated 5omm"nity conce$t is considered as one o. t%e most e..ecti'e met%ods to ens"re t%e sa.ety o. residents, E3"i$$ed wit% sec"rity contro#s at a## t%e times, t%is ty$e o. de'e#o$ment co"#d com$#ement t%e *a.e -owns%i$ conce$t, -%is seminar $a$er disc"sses t%e sec"rity .eat"res in t%e =ated 5omm"nity %o"sin& de'e#o$ment as meas"res to combat crime in #ine wit% t%e im$#ementation o. t%e *a.e -owns%i$ conce$t, Field of !esearch# Crime; Gated Community; Preventive Measures; Safe Township Concept; Safety; Security. &*'!.-%C'&.* -%e *a.e -owns%i$ conce$t in crime $re'ention $ro&rammes $#aces m"c% em$%asis on t%e sec"rity and sa.ety as$ects o. dai#y #i.e, Urban sa.ety iss"es in'o#'e stake%o#ders s"c% as $o#ice, #oca# a"t%orities, residents and #oca# N=Os, Not

on#y are t%e crime rate statistics t%e main indicator .or meas"rin& t%e sa.ety #e'e# o. a town, b"t t%ey can a#so ser'e to red"ce an2iety or .ear o. crime amon& t%e residents, A *a.e -owns%i$ is created a#on& t%e $rinci$#es o. s"stainab#e de'e#o$ment, and .oc"ses on t%e N$eo$#ecentered s"stainab#e de'e#o$ment(mode#, -%e $#annin& o. a sa.e %o"sin& de'e#o$ment in'o#'es a tri$artite re#ations%i$ between t%e de'e#o$er, residents and t%e en'ironment, *a.e towns%i$s not on#y sa.e&"ard t%e economy, b"t t%ey a#so %e#$ to ens"re "nity and socia# we##6bein& />ama#"din M"sta..a, 200H0, -%is seminar $a$er disc"sses t%e sec"rity .eat"res .o"nd in t%e =ated 5omm"nity %o"sin& de'e#o$ment t%at are ado$ted to meet t%e criteria and $rinci$#es o. t%e *a.e -owns%i$ conce$t,
O A"rina% -a%ir and K%adi<a% +"ssin, Land Administration and )e'e#o$ment )e$artment, Uni'ersity o. -ec%no#o&y Ma#aysia, *k"dai, Ma#aysia1 E6mai# address@

QUALITY OF LIFE AND THE CONCEPT OF A SAFE TOWNSHIP Arisin& .rom t%e Ma#aysia P"a#ity o. Li.e e$ort /1;;;0, t%e conce$t o. t%e 3"a#ity o. #i.e entai#s c%an&es in society and t%e socia# system .rom an ar&"ab#y "nsatis.actory state to an im$ro'ed sit"ation, Accordin&#y, t%e 3"a#ity o. #i.e encom$asses not on#y economic de'e#o$ment, b"t a#so ot%er as$ects s"c% as socia#, $syc%o#o&ica#, c"#t"ra#, $o#itica# and en'ironmenta# de'e#o$ment, -%e 3"a#ity o. #i.e in Ma#aysia embraces se#.6de'e#o$ment, a %ea#t%y #i.esty#e, access to know#ed&e and t%e .reedom to ac3"ire it, It may a#so be re&arded as a standard o. #i'in& t%at e2ceeds t%e basic indi'id"a# needs, -%e 3"a#ity o. #i.e s%o"#d ."#.i# t%e $syc%o#o&ica# need .or socia# we##6bein& matc%in& t%e nationa# as$iration, Mas#ow /1;E70 stated t%at 3"a#ity #i.e wi## be ac%ie'ed w%en a## needs o. #i.e are met, ?erran /1;;00 s"&&ested t%at t%e 3"a#ity o. #i.e encom$assed 'ario"s conce$ts and iss"es t%at co"#d be di'ided into .i'e cate&ories, -%ese cate&ories .oc"ssed on /i0 t%e abi#ity to #i'e a norma# #i.e, /ii0 %a$$iness and contentment, /iii0 &oa# ac%ie'ement, /i'0 abi#ity to stri'e .or a "se."# and meanin&."# socia# #i.e and /'0 $%ysica# and

menta# ca$acity, -%e st"dy o. =rant et a#, /1;;70 a#so stressed t%e necessity .or 'ario"s de.initions o. a 3"a#ity #i.e, -%is st"dy estab#is%ed t%at a 3"a#ity #i.e arose .rom .o"r dimensions or domains, name#y, /i0 $%ysica# we##6 bein&, /ii0 $syc%o#o&ica# we##6bein&, /iii0 socia# we##6bein& and /i'0 s$irit"a# we##6bein&, -%e socia# 3"a#ity o. #i.e re.#ects t%e de'e#o$ment o. a co"ntry, -%e $eo$#e %a'e t%e ri&%t to a 3"a#ity #i.e, -%e "nderstandin& o. t%e conce$t and meanin& o. a 3"a#ity society may 'ary accordin& to 'ario"s indices o. a co"ntry, G%i#e a 'ariety o. meanin&s and inter$retations e2ist, t%e 3"a#ity o. #i.e, accordin& to t%e $resent disc"ssion, re.ers essentia##y to t%e basic minim"m needs t%at s%o"#d be a'ai#ab#e to t%e resident o. a towns%i$ /Gan oCa#i, 20020, -%ese basic needs are im$ortant in t%e ac3"isition o. a 3"a#ity #i.e and s"stainab#e de'e#o$ment, G%ee#er /1;;90 contended t%at t%e iss"es o. basic needs t%at were o.ten raised in t%e conte2t o. s"stainab#e de'e#o$ment were no #on&er a $rimary &oa# in t%e attainment o. 3"a#ity #i.e, Ain"r Aaireeen /20080 in %er st"dy disc"ssed t%e iss"es o. s"stainab#e de'e#o$ment, and t%e iss"es t%at $osed t%e main 3"estions as to %ow a towns%i$ t%at was &reener, and more com.ortab#e mi&%t be ac%ie'ed, +ow mi&%t t%e #andsca$e o. a towns%i$ be s%a$ed to ac%ie'e its own identity w%i#e $rotectin& its comm"nityK A## t%ese iss"es $ose a c%a##en&e to makin& a towns%i$ or city #i'eab#e in t%e #on& r"n, in kee$in& wit% t%e conce$t o. livea le cities. Strategy for the Developme t of !ate" Comm# $ty Ho#%$ g $ the Co te&t of a Safe To' %h$p In recent times, wa##ed comm"nities estab#is%ed as (&ated and &"arded comm"nities( %a'e become increasin&#y $o$"#ar, Besides %i&% rise condomini"ms, t%is conce$t is bein& &rad"a##y e2tended to (#anded &ated comm"nities( in many $#aces, inc#"din& t%e United *tates, =ated 5omm"niites %a'e since emer&ed in E"ro$e, .rom Port"&a# to Po#and and *candina'ia /NoraCmin, 200H0, As t%e conce$t o. a %o"sin& sc%eme be%ind wa##s is re#ati'e#y new in Ma#aysia, t%ere are no statistics to s%ow t%e act"a# n"mber o. &ated comm"nities in Ma#aysia, Ne'ert%e#ess, t%e recent e2$ansion o. &ated comm"nity %o"sin& in Ma#aysia %as been notab#e, es$ecia##y in t%e #ar&e cities s"c% as K"a#a L"m$"r, Penan&, >o%or Ba%r" and ot%er areas t%at command $remi"m $ro$erty $rices,

In !uala "umpur# there are Gated Community housin$ pro%ects such as Sierramas in Sun$ei &uloh# !a%an$ 5o"ntry +omes in Ka<an&, -ro$icana and )amansara Inda% esort +omes in )amansara, *"ban& Ji##a in *"ban& >aya and -%e Mines in *erdan& /AC#inor, 200E0, In >o%or Ba%r", simi#ar %o"sin& sc%emes inc#"de Leis"re ?arm =e#an& Pata% in =e#an& Pata%, -aman B"kit Inda% in P"#ai, *ri P"#ai Utama in *k"dai and *ierra Perdana in -ebra", -%e =ated 5omm"nity conce$t %as .o"nd a $#ace in t%e %eart o. $ro$erty b"yers, es$ecia##y in t%e "rban areas, A #ot o. t%em $ not on#y to %a'e t%eir %o"ses #ocated wit%in t%e =ated 5omm"nity, b"t t%ey a#so want t%eir recreationa# s$aces, and $#ay&ro"nds to be $rotected be%ind sec"re wa##s, and t%e entrances and e2its o. t%e %o"sin& area to be contro##ed by sec"rity &"ards, -%e #i'in& en'ironment, w%et%er $romoted as 'r an "ivin$ or as (atural Scenery and )nvironment# %as a $ower."# draw w%en de$icted as a =ated 5omm"nity #i.esty#e, es$ecia##y one t%at connotes a $resti&eo"s comm"nity or a recreationa# #i.esty#e /Ismar, 200H0, -%ese reasons notwit%standin&, t%e main attaction o. t%e =ated 5omm"nity conce$t is t%e as$ect o. sec"rity, #andsca$ed s"rro"ndin&s and t%e 'ariety o. .aci#ities t%at are a'ai#ab#e to residents /5#arke, 20070, -%e =ated 5omm"nity #i.esty#e t%at %as won so many admirers is essentia##y a %o"sin& de'e#o$ment $rotected by .ences or wa##s, -%is %o"sin& conce$t restricts access o. t%e $"b#ic into t%e %o"sin& area, and it re.#ects a c%oice o. #i'in&, identity and stat"s o. t%e resident, It is ar&"ab#y a#so a res$onse to t%e increasin& crime rates in "rban areas, +ence, t%is seminar $a$er disc"sses t%e conce$t o. =ated 5omm"nities t%at 'ario"s sec"rity .eat"res t%at mi&%t $ro'ide an answer to t%e c"rrent s$ate o. crimes, and t%at .its in we## wit% t%e *a.e -owns%i$ conce$t, -%e st"dies t%at wi## be "ndertaken in se'era# se#ected #ocations s"c% as >o%or Ba%r" 5ity can ser'e as case st"dies t%at .oc"s on t%e sec"rity as$ects o. comm"nity sec"rity, C.*C$P' .F "$C%!&'( &* ) ")F$ '.2*"+&P -%e iss"e o. $ersona# sa.ety is an as$ect o. t%e nationa# a&enda t%at is 'ery im$ortant and is, accordin&#y, &i'en d"e

em$%asis in t%e 10t% Ma#aysia P#an, Jario"s strate&ies %a'e been drawn "$ to s%a$e a #i'in& en'ironment and comm"nity t%at is, and t%ere.ore more attracti'e, -%e &o'ernment is aware t%at t%e e..ect o. crime %as not on#y a..ected society ad'erse#y, it is a#so endan&erin& t%e nationa# economy, In 'iew o. t%is, t%e &o'ernment %as initiated 'ario"s $ro&rammes towards red"cin& t%e crime rate and creatin& a #i'in& en'ironment t%at is and more $#easant, -%e +ierarc%y -%eory o. Mas#ow dec#ares t%at t%e e#ement o. sec"rity as t%e second re3"irement w%ic% is so"&%t in #i.e /?i&"re 10, -%e im$ortance o. sec"rity in #i.e attains $rominence once an indi'id"a# %as ."#.i##ed %is or %er $%ysio#o&ica# needs, s"c% as s%e#ter, .ood, c#ot%in& and so .ort% /Mas#ow, 1;E70,


400 ?i&"re 1@ Mas#ow(s +ierarc%y o. Needs -%eory s%owin& t%e more basic needs at t%e bottom *o"rce@ Mas#ow, 1;E7 Step% $ Cr$me Preve t$o $ the Safe To' %h$p Programme -%ere are 2: ste$s in t%e t%ree strate&ies o. t%e *a.e -owns%i$ Pro&ramme .or im$#ementation by t%e #oca# a"t%orities, de$artments and tec%nica# a&encies, and t%e pu lic. The steps are as follows* 'able 3# "teps in Crime Prevention in the "afe 'ownship Program
"'!)'$,( "'$P" F.! C!&M$ P!$/$*'&.* Strategy () De%$g $ g the Phy%$*al E v$ro me t *te$16*e$arate $edestrian wa#kways .rom motorways *te$26Pre$are bo##ards *te$:65ontro# $#ants "sed in #andsca$in& aro"nd $edestrian wa#kways *te$76 esearc% in crime $re'ention t%ro"&% en'ironmenta# )esi&nin&

*te$E6*%arin& o. crime in.ormation t%ro"&% =I*6based ma$$in& *te$86 e'iew o. &"ide#ines .or %o"sin& #ayo"t Strategy +) Stre gthe $ g the target area ,target har"e $ g*te$H6*et "$ Po#ice Pondo+ *te$96Insta## crime reminder notice boards *te$;6Insta## sa.ety mirrors *te$106Insta## sec"rity a#arm Need .or se#. act"a#isation Need .or esteem Basic $%ysio#o&ica# needs Need .or sa.ety Need .or #o'eQbe#on&in& *$irit"a# needs *ocia# needs P%ysio#o&ica# needs


*te$116-idy "$ o'er&rown s%r"bbery and areas %idden .rom 'iew *te$126Pro'ide #ocked motorcyc#e $ark *te$1:6Insta## c#osed circ"it te#e'ision /55-J0 *te$176Insta## #i&%tin& a#on& .i'e6.oot ways /wa#kways0 o. commercia# areas *te$1E6Ens"re wa#kways are not %idden .rom 'iew o. $assersby *te$186Bri&%ten "$ areas w%ere $eo$#e con&re&ate *te$1H6)isa##ow %awkers and 'e%ic#e $arkin& a#on& .i'e6.oot ways and $edestrian wa#kways *te$196Estab#is% 'ario"s tradin& acti'ities *te$1;6En&a&e commercia# sec"rity ser'ice Strategy .) Impleme t So*$al / Comm# $ty A*t$v$t$e% a " P#0l$* A'are e%% Lear $ g

*te$206?aci#itate #earnin& *te$216Insta## #i&%tin& in side#anes and in t%e .ront and rear o. %o"ses *te$226Pre$are a 5omm"nity 5rime +andbook *te$2:6Increase $o#ice $atro# in %o"sin& areas

*o"rce* )e$artment o. -own and 5o"ntry P#annin&, Ma#aysia 2010 C.*C$P'%)0 F!)M$2.!4
Positive paradigm 5asic belief Focus Methodology Meas"rab#e conce$ts P"antitati'e met%ods ?oc"s on t%e .acts )etermine ca"see..ect re#ations%i$s between t%e 'ariab#es Use t%e ded"cti'e a$$roac% -%e obser'er is "nrestricted -%e wor#d is ob<ecti'e

1ETHODOLO!Y Ca%e St#"y A 5ase *t"dy a$$roac% was ado$ted .or t%is st"dy, -%e com$i#ation o. data was made t%ro"&% #iterat"re searc%, inter'iews wit% re$resentati'es .rom t%e -own P#annin& )e$artment and a#so .rom secondary so"rces, inc#"din& <o"rna#s, seminar $a$ers and re$orts, Besides t%is, data were a#so co##ected t%ro"&% obser'ations o. =ated 5omm"nity %o"sin& sc%emes in >o%or Ba%r", -&"C%""&.* .F F&*-&*," Se*#r$ty A%pe*t% $ !ate" Comm# $ty Ho#%$ g esidents in a =ated 5omm"nity en<oy re#ati'e#y ti&%ter sec"rity as com$ared wit% t%ose #i'in& in ot%er ty$es o. %o"sin& sc%emes, *i2 $rinci$a# e#ements in =ated 5omm"nity +o"sin& viz. re&"#ated entry, intercom system,

sec"rity cameras /c#osed circ"it te#e'ision M 55-J0, sec"rity &"ard $atro#, 27 %o"r sec"rity contro# and &"ard6 %o"se,
)"P$C' C.MP.*$*'6 7%"'&F&C)'&.* i 5oundary fence =ated 5omm"nity %o"sin& is desi&ned wit% $erimeter .encin& and #andsca$in& t%at restricts 'iew .rom t%e o"tside,-%e .ence or wa## restricts entry into t%e =ated 5omm"nity and contro#s t%e incidence o. crime wit%in t%e comm"nity,Entrances wit% boom barriers are $o$"#ar in .aci#itatin& t%e screenin& o. 'isitors to t%e =ated 5omm"nity, esidents are iss"ed entry $asses by t%e comm"nity or sec"rity mana&ement .or t%e $"r$ose o. sec"rity contro#, esidents wit% access $asses t%at are a$$ro$riate#y e#ectronica##y encoded %a'e access into t%e =ated 5omm"nity,5ertain =ated 5omm"nities contro# entry t%ro"&% t%e "se o. stickers .or residents( cars or motorcyc#es, ii1 "ecurity guardhouse -%e &"ard%o"se is b"i#t near t%e a"tomatic boom barrier at t%e main road o. t%e =ated 5omm"nity to .aci#itate t%e d"ties o. t%e sec"rity &"ards, iii1 &ntercom system -%e intercom system is a means by w%ic% to re&"#ate and $re'ent o"tsiders .rom enterin& t%e =ated 5omm"nity, Eac% %o"sin& "nit is .itted wit% an intercom system connected to t%e &"ard%o"se .or t%e con'enience o. t%e residents, -%e intercom system enab#es residents to comm"nicate wit% t%e sec"rity &"ard%o"se to 'a#idate t%eir 'isitors and to re3"est assistance in t%e case o. emer&encies, wit%o"t %a'in& to &o to t%e &"ard%o"se, iv1 CC'/ system -%e 55-J system is insta##ed to en%ance t%e e..ecti'eness o. sec"rity contro#, -%e sec"rity &"ard needs on#y to 'iew t%e ima&es on t%e 55-J monitor wit%o"t t%e need .or .re3"ent $atro#s in t%e %o"sin& area, -%is system is insta##ed at eac% entrance and e2it in t%e %o"sin& area, as we## as at ot%er strate&ic #ocations to monitor and record $ersons enterin& or e2itin&, -%is indirect#y %e#$s t%e $o#ice in identi.yin& s"s$ects in t%e e'ent o. any "ndesired incidents, s"c% as t%e.t or %o"sebreakin&


v1 "ecurity guard patrol

Patro#s in t%e =ated 5omm"nity are sti## re3"ired e'en w%en intercom and 55-J .aci#ities are insta##ed, -%e sec"rity &"ard on $atro# sees .or %imse#. t%e sit"ation in t%e act"a# s"rro"ndin&s, *ec"rity &"ards norma##y $atro# t%e =ated 5omm"nity in s%i.ts, Eac% $atro# session may #ast : %o"rs, -%e $atro#s are aimed at ens"rin& sec"rity wit%in t%e =ated 5omm"nity, vi1 89 hour security control -%e sec"rity ser'ice o$erates 27 %o"rs a day, *ec"rity &"ards norma##y work in s%i.ts,-%e sec"rity &"ard "s"a##y assists in attendin& to t%e 55-J monitor t%at is #oacted at t%e entrance,*ec"rity &"ards are re3"ired to be re&istered wit% t%e Ministry o. +ome A..airs and re#ated a&encies,

C.*C0%"&.* -%e conce$t o. =ated 5omm"nity %o"sin& in $ro$erty de'e#o$ment is considered one o. t%e most e..ecti'e meas"res to maintain $ersona# sa.ety in a residentia# area, =ated 5omm"nities t%at .eat"re ."##6time sec"rity ser'ices reconci#e wit% t%e as$irations o. t%e *a.e -owns%i$ conce$t t%at is based on t%e tenet t%at Ncrime $re'ention is better t%an crime eradication(, -%is a$$roac% to crime $re'ention $rom"#&ates t%e sa.e en'ironment as bein& t%e key to crime red"ction, )C4*.20$-,$M$*'" esearc% on t%e sec"rity .eat"res in t%e &ated comm"nity %o"sin& de'e#o$ment is s"$$orted by a Aama#a% and Instit"tiona# *c%o#ars%i$ o. Uni'ersiti -ekno#o&i Ma#aysia, -%e a"t%ors t%ank )r, K%adi<a% +"ssin and Kamar"Caman Abd asid .or 'ita# researc% assistance, and anonymo"s re.erees .or insi&%t."# s"&&estions on a t%is $a$er, !$FF$!$*C$" Ain"r Aaireen Aain"din, /20080, Keberkesanan Pro$ram &andar Selamat ,ari Persepsi Pendudu+. -esis *ar<ana, Uni'ersiti Keban&saan Ma#aysia,

AC#inor *".ian dan A%mad Ibra%im, /200E0, - "e$al Perspective .n Gated Communities In Malaysia, Internationa# 5on.erence o. -%e Asian P#annin& *c%oo# Association, Uni'ersity =#as&#ow, 5#arke, P, /20070, ,evelopin$ a Gated Community, *eminar =ated and ="arded 5omm"nities, 1H A$ri# 2007, +ote# Istana in K"a#a L"m$"r, ?errans, 5, 5, /1;;00, /uality of life* Conceptual issues. *eminars in Onco#ody N"rsin& 8@ 27962E7, =rant, M,, ?erre##, B, ,, R *ak"rai, 5, /1;;70, ,efinin$ the spiritul dimension of 0uality of life assessment in one marrow transplant survivors. Onco#ody N"rsin& ?or"m 21 /20@ :H86:99, >ama#"din M"sta..a, /200H0, -spe+ !eselamatan -wam ,alam Pem entu+an &andar Selamat ,i Malaysia. B"k" -esis P%), Uni'ersiti *ains Ma#aysia, Mas#ow, A, /1;E70, Motivation and Personality. New Iork@ +ar$er R ow, Ma#aysia P"a#ity o. Li.e e$ort , /1;;;0,

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) GATED COMMUNITY AND GUARDED NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING GUIDELINES THE DEFINITION OF GATED AND GUARDED COMMUNITY 1. Gated Commun t!" #GC$ de% n t on& GC is defined as a group of residents or community who live in a guarded fenced area whether in high-rise property such as apartment, condominium and town-house or in landed property such as bungalow, terrace or detached houses. However, the understanding of gated community in Malaysia is more focused on groups of residents or community who live in landed property with strata title. The development of GC is consistent with the provisions of section 6 (1A) of the Strata Titles Act 1985 (Act 318) '. Gua(ded Ne )*+ou(*ood" #GN$ de% n t on& GN is defined as a residential area controlled in whole or in part in the scheme of the existing housing or new land holdings with individual land title. GN scheme provides with or without guard security services. In terms of the law, it cannot have physical barriers on public streets and enforce any entry and exit restrictions to the residents and the public. The presence of GN is not based on the provisions of any law or regulation. It

only exists on an 'ad-hoc' basis with the agreement of residents in a neighbourhood to make their neighbourhood a guarded area. USE OF GUARD AND RESTRICTIONS AT THE ENTRANCE ,. I- t an o%%en.e to u-e a -e.u( t! )ua(d at t*e ent(an.e o% (e- dent a/ a(ea-& The use of guards to regulate the safety of individual home or certain residential areas in some housing schemes is not contrary to the law, provided that they comply with the requirements / conditions set by the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN). There was a special circular formulated in 2006 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, ie Private Agency Circular Bil. 1 Year 2006 and Private Agency Circular Bil. 2 Year 2006. (Please refer to: 0. 1*at .an +e done to add(e-- t*e 2 de-3(ead 3(o+/em o% (e-t( .t on- to 3(e4ent t*e 3u+/ . %(om ente( n) *ou- n) a(ea- 2* .* a(e not de4e/o3ed unde( t*e St(ata T t/e- A.t 1567 #A.t ,16$& The existing laws of the Road Transport Act 1987 (section 80) and the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (section 46 (1)) explicitly prevents the installation of barriers at the entrance or in public access areas, including the lane edge and alley behind the residence. The only obstacle allowed is in the form of temporary physical restrictions, such as 'manual boom gate', safety cones and signs that can be considered to be installed or placed in a specific location at the entrance facing the guard, provided there are security guards on duty for 24 hours.

At the same time, security guards who are appointed shall not restrict or prevent the entry of occupants or the public to the housing scheme which is not 'landed strata'. The current practice of requiring the public to submit identification documents (especially the driving license and identity card) is not consistent with the provisions of the law. In this case, the occupants or the public should report to the authorities, especially the police. 7. 1*at - t*e a.t on ta8en a)a n-t Re- dent- A--o. at on %o( ./o- n) t*e -t(eet- and +a.8 /ane- n (e- dent a/ a(ea- t*at a%%e.t t*e mo4ement o% 3eo3/e a- 2e// a- am+u/an.e9 3o/ .e 3at(o/ and % (e % )*te(-& As described, the closure of the back alley / lane edge is an offence under the Road Transport Act 1987 and the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974. In this case, the occupants or the public should report to the local authorities concerned. :. Doe- t*e Go4e(nment *a4e a 3o/ .! to dea/ 2 t* (e-t( .t on- on 3u+/ . (oad- t*at a(e e;.e-- 4e and a)a n-t t*e /a2& To address this problem in the long term, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) has suggested that local authorities formulate By-Laws (By-Laws) to facilitate enforcement carried out on neighbourhood resident associations that operate or act against the provisions of the By-Laws or the provisions of other laws in place. CONTROL OF ESTABLISHMENT FOR GUARDED NEIGHBOURHOOD #GN$ <. Cu((ent/!9 t*e(e a(e GN -.*eme- o3e(at n) at 3u+/ . %a. / t eand

+u- ne-- a(ea-. I- t a//o2ed& The draft guidelines strictly do not authorise the establishment and operation of GN in a neighbourhood where there are components of public facilities such as schools, mosques, community halls and so on, and if it is the public bus transportation routes. 6. 1*at % t*e(e a(e 3eo3/e 2*o d -a)(ee 2 t* t*e e-ta+/ -*ment o% t*e GN -.*eme. Can t*e (e- dent-= a--o. at on 3(e4ent t*e ( ent(! nto t*e ( (e- dent a/ 3(o3e(t!& The draft guidelines have outlined that any proposal to establish GN has to obtain the approval of majority of people (heads of households), subject to no coercion and pressure on people who do not agree. In this case, people who disagree should not be forced to pay maintenance fees or for security guards. PROBLEM BUILDING THE GUARD HOUSE 5. Can t*e )ua(d *ou-e +e +u /t on a 3u+/ . a..e-- (oad9 e-3e. a//! n t*e m dd/e o% t*e ma n ent(an.e9 n t*e GN -.*eme& The draft guidelines do not allow the construction of guard houses in the middle of the main entrance of the GN scheme area. Guard houses are only allowed to be built at road shoulder and should not obstruct traffic. If the proposed guard house building is a permanent structure, applicants (residents association) need to apply for approval of the Temporary Occupation License (TOL) from the District Land Office (PTD) concerned. This rule is consistent with the provisions of section 65, the National Land Code 1965 (Act 56).

Guard house size must not exceed 1.8 meters X 2.4 meters. The proposed guard house designs must be submitted to the Local Authority (Building Division) for a temporary permit or approval for the construction of a guard house. Guardhouse can be built only after obtaining a temporary construction permit or approval from local authorities. PERIMETER FENCING 1>. I- 3e( mete( %en. n) a//o2ed at a(ea- 2 t* n t*e GN -.*eme& The guidelines do not allow the construction of the fence (perimeter fencing) around the boundary of the GN scheme neighbourhood. This is because the installation of fences in the area of GN involves public road reserves, unlike the GC scheme which is built on private land (the main lot of 'landed strata'). ENFORCEMENT ON E?ISTING GN SCHEME 11. 1 // a.t on +e ta8en on e; -t n) )ua(ded ne )*+ou(*ood -.*eme- t*at a(e o3e(at n) a)a n-t t*e d(a%t )u de/ ne-& The guidelines for Gated Community and Guarded Neighbourhood approved by the Cabinet and MNKT, are generally applicable to the new GN schemes. For the old scheme, action such as the demolition of fences, guard houses and automated boom gate will not be done immediately and in a hurry. Action will be carried out selectively on the existing GN scheme that install barriers to obstruct the movement of residents and to prevent the entry of authorities vehicles, particularly fire fighters and ambulance. In this case, local authorities need to play an effective role effectively so that the current issues will not cause further difficulties or affect the publics safety and peace.

1'. 1*en 2 // t*e /a2- o( (e)u/at on- (e/at n) to )ated and )ua(ded .ommun t e- n (e- dent a/ a(ea- +e e%%e.t 4e& So far, the federal government does not intend to enact a special law relating to the GN scheme. The drafting of the guidelines is seen to be sufficient to drive the State Authority, local authorities, relevant agencies, developers and residents' associations in developing the GC scheme and establishing the GN scheme. However, the government (through KPKT) will refine the matters relating to the drafting of by-law (By-laws) by the local authorities to ensure that the processes, procedures and enforcement actions can be made more effective. At the federal level, the draft guidelines are to be enforced on the date of approval by the National Council for Local Government (MNKT) which is on 2nd September 2010. However, it will involve a process of gradual adoption by the state authorities in Peninsular Malaysia and the authorities in the Federal Territory. At the state level, these guidelines will be presented at the Meeting of the State Planning Committee in each state to be adopted and enforced at the state level and the local authorities. PROBLEM 1ITH MAINTENANCE FEES 1,. I- t*e(e a -!-tem to en-u(e t(an-3a(en.! and Re- dent-" A--o. at on and Gated Commun t! a- 2e// a- to 3(e4ent em+e@@/ement o% Re- dent-= A--o. at on" %und- and t*e a+u-e o% 3o2e( +! .omm ttee mem+e(-& Matters relating to the transparency of Residents Association of 'Gated

Community' and prevention of embezzlement of residents association funds are not outlined in the guidelines that have been enacted. However, some of the issues raised have been dealt with in the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663) which apply legislatively to the development and management of the 'gated community' that is developed under the Strata Titles Act 1985 (Act 318 ). In this case, members of residents association can lodge a complaint or report to the relevant authorities according to existing law, if there is evidence of fraud and abuse of power by the appointed residents' association. NoteA The list of FAQs above refers to questions that are frequently asked by the public, residents' associations and the media as well as questions raised in the House of Representatives and the Senate during the years 2009-2010. For any questions, please contact: Director Research and Development Town and Country Planning Department Peninsular Malaysia Tel: 03-2699 2172 Fax: 03-2693 3964 E-mail: Website:

+ere we take a #ook at %ow to mana&e yo"r time e..ecti'e#y, -%e 3"otes are .rom st"dents at Midd#ese2 Uni'ersity w%o %a'e been t%ro"&% t%e same e2$erience,

Make a timetable
I. yo"('e come to "ni'ersity .rom sc%oo#, it can be a s%ock to .ind t%at yo" a#one are res$onsib#e .or or&anisin& yo"r st"dy time M t%ere(s no one now to na& yo" abo"t %omeworkS It(s a#so easy .or t%e day to &et swa##owed "$ by ot%er commitments, Makin& a timetab#e %e#$s yo" identi.y $eriods o. $otentia# st"dy time, 1It can o.ten be di..ic"#t to se#.6moti'ate, so a &ood strate&y may be to make "$ a ro"&% timetab#e o. yo"r week, w%ic% a##ocates s$eci.ic time s#ots w%ere yo" s%o"#d sit down and do some st"dyin&, Ens"re t%at t%is time is 3"a#ity time w%ere yo" can rea##y concentrate, away .rom .ami#y and .riends, t%e -J or t%e radio,4

'hink ahead
It(s tem$tin& to a'oid an assi&nment "nti# <"st be.ore it(s d"e, -%is #ea'es yo" wit% #itt#e time to "nderstand t%e s"b<ect or disc"ss $rob#ems wit% yo"r t"tor, "s%in& to meet a dead#ine #eads to stress, and yo"r %ea#t% and ot%er commitments can s" as a res"#t, 1-%e best $iece o. ad'ice, based on my e2$erience, is start work as ear#y as $ossib#e, By $#annin& a%ead, wit% time to s$are, %ad t%e ad'anta&e t%at I co"#d #ook o'er work in ad'ance to disco'er some o. t%e $rob#ems, make a$$ointments wit% t"tors .or %e#$, and meet "$ wit% ot%er st"dents w%o mi&%t %a'e t%e same di..ic"#ties,4

Plan around family commitments

*t"dyin& .or a de&ree w%i#e carin& .or c%i#dren or re#ati'es can $resent a c%a##en&e, E..ecti'e time mana&ement, %owe'er, can %e#$ yo" make t%e most o. yo"r st"dy time wit%o"t im$actin& on t%e 3"a#ity o. yo"r .ami#y #i.e, 1-o &et t%e best o"t o. my st"dyin& as t%e mot%er o. two sc%oo# c%i#dren, I $#an my sc%ed"#e eac% week and s#ot in t%e tasks I intend to com$#ete, At t%e be&innin& o. eac% semester I work o"t a## my dead#ines and ba#ance t%ese in wit% my c%i#drenBs %a#.6terms etc, I &enera##y do not work in t%e e'enin&s and rare#y at weekends as I consider t%ese to be .ami#y times, I. I am $"s%ed .or time I do st"dy ear#y in t%e mornin&s, *o .ar t%is %as worked we## .or me,4

5alance study and paid work

Git% t%e cost o. a "ni'ersity de&ree risin&, many st"dents take on a $aid <ob, Paid work can &i'e yo" 'a#"ab#e ski##s, b"t it(s im$ortant t%at yo" don(t work too many %o"rs or it co"#d %a'e a ne&ati'e im$act on yo"r st"dies and $ersona# #i.e, I. yo"(re in .inancia# di..ic"#ty, o"r st"dent .inance section %as some "se."# ti$s, 1G%en I .irst started "ni'ersity I was workin& ."##6time, As time went by I rea#ised t%at I <"st co"#d not co$e, so I decided to work $art6time w%i#e st"dyin&, I can now co$e better wit% my sc%oo# work #oad and can $rod"ce a better o"t$"t, I .ee# more re#a2ed and rea#ise %ow m"c% I am takin& in,4

Find a study method that works for you

*ome st"dents .ind makin& notes is t%e best way to retain in.ormation abo"t w%at t%ey read, Ot%ers $ 'is"a# met%ods s"c% as dia&rams, .#ow c%arts and mind ma$s, E2$eriment and .ind w%at works .or yo", 1I .ee# t%at t%e best way to st"dy is to read t%e te2t and t%en read a&ain and make notes, I tend to mo'e t%ro"&% two or t%ree books at t%e same time #ookin& .or simi#ar $oints, w%ic% are $%rased in a di..erent way, G%en IBm doin& t%is I tend to .ind t%at I wi## come across di..erent b"t sti## re#e'ant materia# to "se,4

'ake breaks
+owe'er m"c% yo" %a'e to do, st"dyin& .or %o"rs wit%o"t a break won(t %e#$ yo" in t%e #on& r"n, Io"(## sim$#y #ose yo"r concentration and remember #ess, 1-ake breaks, #ots o. breaks, ea##y c%i## o"t, -ake it a## in yo"r stride, I. yo" are "$ti&%t or stressed t%is wi## s%ow in yo"r work, *o carry on meetin& .riends and &oin& o"t as yo" wo"#d norma##y, Io" mi&%t start doin& more t%in&s, new t%in&s, It wi## a## %e#$ yo" in yo"r st"dyin&,4

T$me 1a ageme t For U $ver%$ty St#"e t%

-%e &rand to"r o. yo"r time be&ins %ere and now, Io" as a st"dent %a'e s$ecia# time concerns and "ni3"e $ers$ecti'es on 'ario"s as$ects o. time mana&ement, Many o. yo"r acti'ities are sc%ed"#ed .or yo" as #ect"res, t"toria#s and #ab times are, Io" may .ind t%o"&%, a s"bstantia# c%"nk o. yo"r time is .#e2ib#e b"t m"st sti## be a##ocated to t%in&s #ike %omework, comm"tin&, a $art6time <ob, some recreationa# time and some socia# time wit% .riends, A.ter a## is said and done, many o. "s .ind o"rse#'es disa$$ointed wit% o"r abi#ity to $#an, stay on track and &et t%in&s done, -o address t%is and ot%er concerns re&ardin& yo"r time we wo"#d #ike yo" to consider t%e .o##owin& 3"estions@ +ave you set your goals: Git%in t%is .irst 3"estion we wo"#d #ike yo" to consider t%in&s #ike@ w%y are yo" %ereK w%at do yo" want to #earnK and w%at do yo" want to do a.ter yo" &rad"ateK -%e second main 3"estion is 2hat is your time perspective: Git%in t%is 3"estion consider t%in&s #ike do yo" $rocrastinateK I. yo" do, w%yK )o yo" do t%in&s beca"se t%ey are easy or beca"se t%ey are necessaryK And, %ow m"c% time are yo" rea##y "sin& we##K A t%ird main 3"estion to consider is 2hat sort of planning is involved: 5onsider t%in&s #ike %ow do yo" $#anK )o yo" &et t%in&s done on timeK Are t%ey done to yo"r satis.actionK )o yo" .ee# com.ortab#e wit% t%e $ace o. yo"r work, or do yo" .ee# r"s%edK -%e .o"rt% consideration is +ave you ever had a time shift: -%is 3"estion entai#s t%in&s #ike %a'e yo" e'er been en&a&ed in an acti'ity w%ere time seemed to <"st .#y by, or t%e o$$osite w%ere time <"st dra&&ed on and on, Or, %a'e yo" e'er .o"nd yo"rse#. doin& one t%in& w%i#e t%inkin& abo"t %ow yo" rea##y s%o"#d be doin& somet%in& e#seK I. yo" %a'e e'er asked yo"rse#. any o. t%ese .o"r 3"estions yo" a#ready know %ow

$er$#e2in& &ood time mana&ement can rea##y be, Not to worry, we wi## be workin& t%ro"&% a## .o"r o. t%ese 3"estions t%ro"&%o"t t%e co"rse o. t%e %ando"t startin& wit% F+a'e yo" set yo"r &oa#sKF

Have You Set Your Goals?

By en&a&in& in a $ro&ram o. st"dy in a "ni'ersity yo" are embarkin& on a <o"rney o. disco'ery, B"t "n#ike a <o"rney across distances yo"r <o"rney is t%ro"&% time, )"rin& t%e co"rse o. yo"r <o"rney yo" wi## be man".act"rin& yo"r own rea#ity, Io"r ."t"re de$ends on yo"r decisions and actions o. today more t%an anyt%in& e#se, -%atBs w%y it is so im$ortant to c#ear#y determine w%at yo" are tryin& to accom$#is%, -%e more c#ear and s$eci.ic yo" are abo"t yo"r ."t"re $#ans and t%e acti'ities o. today t%at wi## &et yo" t%ere, t%e more #ike#y it is t%at yo" wi## make t%em %a$$en, *o, to start yo"rse#. o.. wit% moment"m, take a .ew min"tes to write down yo"r to$ t%ree s%ort term &oa#s, -%ese are &oa#s t%at yo" s%o"#d be ab#e to accom$#is% wit%in a year, G%i#e yo" consider t%ese t%ink abo"t some o. t%e t%in&s t%at yo" wo"#d %a'e to c%an&e in yo"r #i.e to make t%em work, -o %e#$ yo" in c#ari.yin& yo"r &oa#s we %a'e $ro'ided a &oa# settin& s%eet .or t%is e2ercise toward t%e end o. t%is $acka&e, Once yo" %a'e com$#eted writin& o"t yo"r to$ t%ree s%ort term &oa#s, write o"t yo"r to$ t%ree #on& term &oa#s, G%i#e yo" write kee$ in mind t%at t%e more c#ear and detai#ed yo"r &oa# statements are, t%e more #ike#y it is t%at yo"B## s"cceed, Be warned t%at i. yo" %a'e not com$#eted t%e &oa# settin& e2ercise t%e remainder o. t%e e2ercises wi## be m"c% #ess e..ecti'e, A.ter a## %ow can yo" mana&e time w%en yo" donBt know w%at yo" want to be doin&K ,oal 5reakdown Now t%at yo" %a'e taken t%e time to write o"t yo"r s%ort and #on& term &oa#s, consider a## o. t%e com$onent $arts t%at t%e &oa#s are made o., P"ite o.ten &oa#s can be

con'er&ent $rob#emsT t%at is, t%ey re3"ire yo" to work on a w%o#e b"nc% o. acti'ities t%at e'ent"a##y con'er&e as yo" reac% t%e &oa#, 5onsider .or instance t%e &oa# o. obtainin& yo"r de&ree, -%is &oa# can be broken down into .o"r s"b6&oa#s, Eac% s"b6&oa# is t%e s"ccess."# com$#etion o. one year o. yo"r $ro&ram, -%ese s"b6&oa#s can be ."rt%er broken down into indi'id"a# co"rses wit%in eac% year, -%e co"rses can be broken down into tests, e2ams, term $a$ers and s"c% wit%in t%e co"rse, and .ina##y down to yo"r %omework .or toni&%t, -%ere is an "nbroken $at% between t%e %omework t%at yo" do toni&%t and yo"r con'ocation ceremony, -%e trick is to stay on t%e $at%, As an e2am$#e o. %ow to break &oa#s down into t%eir com$onent $arts consider yo"rse#. as a .irst year st"dent in Introd"ction to Microeconomics, As $art o. yo"r #ar&er &oa# str"ct"re yo" want to ac%ie'e a BU in t%is economics co"rse, A## o. t%e work .or t%e co"rse %as been com$#eted e2ce$t .or t%e .ina# e2amination and yo"r c"rrent a'era&e is a BU, *o, a## yo" need to do is &et a BU on t%e .ina# and yo" &et a BU in t%e co"rse, +ow do yo" $re$are .or t%is .ina#K Ge##, consider breakin& down t%e work into #o&ica##y se$arate "nits, -%ree $ossib#e com$onents mi&%t be@
completing a review of the first terms work completing a review of the first half of the second terms work complete the review pro lems and practice test that your professor distri uted in class!

Su goal Su goal
Su goal Su goal Su goal Su goal Su goal Su goal

Su goal Su goal

Su goal Su goal Su goal Su goal Su goal Su goal

-%e $oint %ere is not to $re$are yo" .or a microeconomics e2am b"t to demonstrate t%e breakdown o. a s"b6&oa# into sma##er, more concrete acti'ities, =enera##y s$eakin& t%e sma##er t%e c%"nks, t%e more easy and $rod"cti'e yo"r $#annin& wi## be, By now yo" are $robab#y wonderin& w%at a## o. t%is breakin& down o. &oa#s %as to do wit%K Ge##, &#ad yo" askedS -%e $"r$ose o. t%e breakin& down o. &oa#s into s"b6&oa#s and t%eir com$onent $arts is to be c#ear abo"t w%at yo" s%o"#d be doin&, Ge are constant#y bombarded by o$$ort"nities and o$tions o. w%at to do wit% o"r time, Most o. o"r time be#ie'e it or not is s$ent in tryin& to decide w%at to do ne2tS Ja&"e &oa#s are o.ten at t%e %eart o. t%e most dreaded o. time mana&ement no6no(s 6 $rocrastination, B"t i. yo" %a'e c#ari.ied yo"r $"r$ose in ad'ance yo" can &et to it, -%e ne2t section wi## describe in detai# %ow we can &et sidetracked into doin& t%in&s t%at arenBt rea##y t%at im$ortant,

What Is Your Time Perspe tive?

Ear#ier, we ta#ked abo"t %ow yo" de.ine yo"r rea#ity by t%e decisions and actions o. today, Io"r time $ers$ecti'e is $art o. t%at rea#ity, +a'e yo" e'er noticed %ow $eo$#e w%o %a'e &oa#s and are serio"s abo"t t%eir ."t"re take &reat care to "se t%eir time we##K -%ese $eo$#e seem to consider time a $recio"s commodity and reso"rce to be a##ocated to a$$ro$riate ends, and on#y a.ter care."# consideration, -%is is in s%ar$ contrast to t%e wanderin& masses o. $eo$#e w%o are con."sed, #ost and "n.oc"sed, -%ese $eo$#e do not consider time as a commodity or a reso"rce b"t sim$#y as a meas"rement o. %ow o#d somet%in& is or w%en somet%in& is &oin& to %a$$en, -%ese di..erin& 'iew$oints are bot% &enerated by t%e &oa#s or #ack o. t%em o. t%e $eo$#e in 3"estion, )e'e#o$in& a $ersona# sensiti'ity to t%e 'a#"e o. yo"r time is easy, ItBs a nat"ra# o"t&rowt% o. %a'in& &oa#s, Ima&ine yo" %ad one more day to #i'e, Go"#dnBt e'ery min"te s"dden#y become

c%eris%ed and "nwastedK *ince none o. "s rea##y knows %ow m"c% time we %a'e it wo"#d make sense to consider o"r time to be o. #imited s"$$#y and &reat 'a#"e, Bein& o. #imited s"$$#y, o"r time s%o"#d be s$ent on some t%in&s w%i#e ot%er t%in&s s%o"#d be a'oided, -o know w%ic% is w%ic%, weB## disc"ss a .ew cr"cia# s$ectra o. time "se inc#"din& im$ortance and "r&ency, e..ecti'eness and e..iciency, and t%e Pareto Princi$#e, Achieve a $% in Microeconomics &inal '(am
)omplete review of first term*s work )omplete review of first half of second term*s work )omplete review pro lems and practice test

Achieve a $% in Microeconomics &inal '(am

)omplete review of first term*s work )omplete review of first half of second term*s work )omplete review pro lems and

practice test

&mportance and %rgency A %e#$."# strate&y in c#ari.yin& yo"r $resent time $ers$ecti'e is to t%ink o. yo"r acti'ities in terms o. im$ortance and "r&ency, -%e dia&ram, dis$#ayin& a &rid o. .o"r 3"adrants, re$resents di..erent b#ends o. im$ortant and "r&ent acti'ities, -%e #ower6#e.t 3"adrant .or instance re$resents acti'ities t%at yo" en&a&e in t%at are neit%er im$ortant nor "r&ent, As t%e "r&ency increases /towards t%e #ower6ri&%t0 we o.ten .ind o"rse#'es doin& t%in&s .aster and more %"rried#y, Be care."# t%o"&%, -%at does not mean t%at t%ese t%in&s are more im$ortant, -%e "$$er6#e.t 3"adrant contains t%in&s t%at are %i&% in im$ortance and #ow in "r&ency, and t%e 3"adrant in t%e "$$er6ri&%t corner re$resents acti'ities t%at are %i&% in bot% "r&ency and im$ortance, Let(s brie.#y consider eac% o. t%ese 3"adrants in t"rn, *ot &mportant *or %rgent Io" are $robab#y askin& yo"rse#. w%y anyone wo"#d en&a&e in acti'ities t%at are neit%er im$ortant nor "r&ent, b"t yo" wo"#d be amaCed to .ind o"t <"st %ow m"c% o. yo"r time is rea##y s$ent in t%is 3"adrant, I. yo" .ind yo"rse#. en&a&in& in s"c% t%row6away tasks as s#ee$in& in, watc%in& &ame s%ows .or %o"r a.ter %o"r, $#ayin& 'ideo &ames, or

c%attin& on t%e $%one 6 be care."#, Io" mi&%t be en&a&in& in acti'ities t%at %a'e not%in& at a## to do wit% yo"r &oa#s, )oin& t%in&s t%at are neit%er im$ortant nor "r&ent does not make sense, *ot &mportant 5ut %rgent En&a&in& in tasks t%at are "r&ent b"t not rea##y im$ortant is a $otentia##y dan&ero"s be%a'io"r, Ima&in& .ee#in& r"s%ed and $ress"red to &et somet%in& done w%i#e yo" t%ink abo"t %ow "se#ess t%e task rea##y is, Ad'ertisers #o'e takin& ad'anta&e o. o"r nat"ra# tendency to act on "r&ency, -%ey te## "s to 1b"y now and sa'eS4 or to 1s%o$ soon t%ere are on#y a .ew days #e.tS4 -%e "n.ort"nate tendency is to misinter$ret "r&ency .or im$ortance, B"t t%ere is a sim$#e so#"tion to t%is $rob#em, I. yo" are .ee#in& %"rried, sto$ .or a moment and ask t%e .o##owin& 3"estion@ G%at wo"#d be t%e conse3"ences to me i. I donBt do t%isK -%e answer to t%is 3"estion wi## $"t t%e acti'ities im$ortance and "r&ency into $ers$ecti'e, Ur&ency %as a $ersona# dimension and it is cr"cia# t%at we "nderstand to w%om t%e "r&ency rea##y a$$#ies, O.ten, t%e conse3"ences to yo" are so sma## t%at it seems ridic"#o"s to contin"e to do t%e acti'ity,
+mportant ut ,ot Urgent +mportant and Urgent ,ot +mprtant nor Urgent ,ot +mportant ut Urgent

+mportance Urgency &mportant 5ut *ot %rgent -%e acti'ities t%at .a## into t%is 3"adrant tend to be tricky, P"ite o.ten we $"t o.. "nti#

tomorrow a 'ery im$ortant acti'ity on#y to en&a&e in somet%in& #ess im$ortant and more "r&ent, LetBs be %onest, one o. t%e most im$ortant acti'ities st"dents .ace is st"dyin& .or e2ams t%ro"&% re&"#ar re'iews, b"t %ow many st"dents do it wit% #ots o. time to s$areK -%e 'ery best time to start st"dyin& .or a .ina# e2am is t%e .irst day o. c#ass, b"t many st"dents .ind a t%ird re6r"n o. a sit"ation comedy on te#e'ision more com$e##in&, ItBs yo"r c%oice to make as to w%ic% 3"adrant to be in, b"t be s"re o. yo"r reasons .or doin& w%at yo" do, &mportant )nd %rgent Acti'ities t%at are bot% "r&ent and im$ortant are readi#y acted on by most st"dents, In t%is 3"adrant we .ind t%in&s #ike st"dyin& .or e2ams a .ew days be.ore c#ass, ty$in& "$ a ma<or term $a$er t%e day be.ore it is d"e, and tryin& to .inis% t%e #ab assi&nment be.ore #ab time ends, ?or many st"dents it is t%e "r&ency o. t%e acti'ity t%at $rom$ts t%em to do t%e work, *ome be#ie'e /as one st"dent %as said0 FI do my best work t%e day be.ore itBs d"e,F -%e sad rea#ity .or many o. "s is t%at t%e day be.ore t%e d"e date is w%en we do any o. t%e work, -%e work was not done w%en it was not "r&ent, *tran&e#y eno"&%, t%e im$ortance o. t%e acti'ity %as ne'er c%an&ed, on#y t%e "r&ency %as, Gaitin& "nti# somet%in&

becomes "r&ent makes #ess and #ess sense as somet%in& becomes more im$ortant, -ake .or instance two rea#6#i.e e2am$#esT .inancia# $#annin& and marria&e, Go"#d it make any sense to be&in yo"r retirement sa'in&s $#an a .ew weeks be.ore yo" t"rn 8E, or %ow abo"t tryin& to &et to know yo"r .iancVe a .ew days be.ore &ettin& marriedK -%ese two e2am$#es dis$#ay %ow stran&e it seems to try to cram mont%s and years o. acti'ities into a .ew days, Not on#y wo"#d yo" retire wit%o"t eno"&% money to #i'e, b"t yo" wo"#d marry a 'irt"a# stran&er, I. t%ese e2am$#es make sense to yo", yo" wi## rea#iCe %ow .oo#is% it is to try to cram yo"r st"dies too, $ffectiveness and $fficiency Let yo"r ima&ination wander .or a moment and ima&ine t%at yo" are t%e director o. an e2$edition o. e2$#orers makin& yo"r way t%ro"&% dense <"n&#e, *"rro"ndin& yo" on a## sides is t%e dee$ &reen .o#ia&e and t%e w%ist#in& and c%atterin& o. t%o"sands o. birds and monkeys, Io" be&in to t%ink abo"t %ow .ort"nate yo" are to be #eadin& t%is e2$edition w%en s"dden#y yo" %ear 1*to$S *to$ yo"r ad'ancin&S4 It(s t%e e2$edition na'i&ator, +e is a$$roac%in& yo" .rom t%e back o. t%e #ine, 1It %as become a$$arent in t%e #ast .ew days,4 %e says 1t%at we %a'e 'eered drastica##y o.. co"rseS4 +e motions to t%e nort%6east
I do m! best "or# the ni$ht be%ore the due date& Wh! han$e m! method' it $ot me this %ar hasn(t it? +t may e true that the focused determination that you show the night efore the due date of an important assignment or e(am will produce results! $ut it is very unlikely that it is your best work! As time goes on and your assignments ecome increasingly

comple( and involved you will recogni-e that the .night efore approach will fail! +t ecomes more and more difficult to do an entire term paper at the last minute!

e2c#aimin& 1we m"st contin"e this way,4 -%e b"s%w%ackin& &"ide %earin& t%is t"rns and a$$roac%es t%e two o. yo" .rom t%e .ront, +e &aCes to t%e nort%6east momentari#y and e2c#aims 1-%at(s t%e densest <"n&#e I %a'e e'er seen, G%y don(t we <"st kee$ &oin& this way, Ge(re makin& $reat timeS4, Now, a.ter %a'in& been on yo"r e2$edition, w%at do yo" %a'e to te## t%e rest o. t%e wor#dK )id yo" .o##ow t%e ad'ice o. t%e na'i&ator or t%e b"s%w%ackerK Ge certain#y %o$e t%e c%oice seems rat%er si##y to yo", I. yo" .o##ow t%e na'i&ator(s ad'ice yo" wi## certain#y %a'e yo"r work c"t o"t .or yo", b"t yo" wi## e'ent"a##y reac% yo"r destination, On t%e ot%er %and, i. yo" .o##ow t%e b"s%w%acker(s $at% o. #east resistance tra'e##in& s%o"#d be easy, b"t yo"(## %a'e no way o. knowin& w%at $rob#ems #ie a%ead or w%ere yo" wi## end "$, -%e $"r$ose o. %a'in& yo" t%ink abo"t yo"rse#. as an e2$edition director is to c#ari.y t%e conce$ts o. e..iciency and e..ecti'eness, -%is &rid re$resents two more ways o. t%inkin& abo"t yo"r time, Eac% 3"adrant is a di..erent b#end o.

e..ecti'eness and e..iciency, Let(s consider eac% in t"rn, %nimportant 'hings -one Poorly ;0ow $ffectiveness< 0ow $fficiency emember t%e e2$edition yo" were onK )oin& "nim$ortant t%in&s $oor#y wo"#d be <"st #ike takin& t%e e2$edition o.. co"rse to &o site seein& and com$#ete#y i&nore yo"r $"r$ose .or bein& t%ere, -%is wo"#d be doin& somet%in& "nim$ortant and it wo"#d make yo" ine..ecti'e, )oin& an "nim$ortant acti'ity $oor#y sim$#y com$o"nds t%e $rob#em, It(s #ike takin& t%at side tri$ site seein& and t%en &ettin& #ostS 5ertain#y t%is is 'ery ine..ecti'e beca"se it takes yo" m"c% #on&er to &et back on co"rse, Unim$ortant t%in&s are best #e.t "ndone, G%y do somet%in& $oor#y, or we## .or t%at matter, i. it(s <"st not im$ortant, As a st"dent many o. yo"r &oa#s eit%er center aro"nd or are interde$endent wit% yo"r sc%oo#in&, *o, acti'ities t%at #ead yo" toward yo"r &oa#s are im$ortant, Acti'ities t%at do not #ead yo" toward yo"r &oa#s are rea# barriers and wo"#d be considered "nim$ortant acti'ities, &mportant 'hings -one Poorly ; +igh $ffectiveness< 0ow $fficiency +a'e yo" e'er %eard t%e $%rase 1I. yo" are &oin& to do somet%in& yo" mi&%t as we## do it ri&%tK4 I. yo" %a'e, yo" are $robab#y wonderin& w%y someone wo"#d want to do an im$ortant acti'ity $oor#yK -%e answer is, .or $ractice, It(s not t%at yo"r .oc"s s%o"#d be to do it $oor#y 6 not at a## 6 yo" s%o"#d a#ways stri'e to do im$ortant t%in&s we##, B"t kee$ in mind t%at $eo$#e w%o are t%e best in t%e wor#d at w%at t%ey do started o"t bein& #o"sy at it,
Unimportant Things Done /ell +mportant Things Done /ell Unimportant Things

Done 0oorly +mportant Things Done 0oorly

'fficiency 'ffectiveness %nimportant 'hings -one 2ell ; 0ow $ffectiveness< +igh $fficiency Ge a## #ike to recei'e con&rat"#ations .or a <ob we## done, It seems to boost o"r se#.esteem and sense o. com$etence w%en we &et wonder."# res"#ts, Most o.ten, t%o"&%, t%e reco&nition and $ersona# satis.action do not come .rom doin& "nim$ortant t%in&s we##, On#y w%en somet%in& is im$ortant is t%ere a rea# $ayo.., As a rat%er si##y b"t 'ery %e#$."# e2am$#e consider st"dents w%o comm"te to t%eir c#asses .rom o.. cam$"s, )oes it matter %ow we## a st"dent stares o"t t%e window o. a b"sK I warned yo" t%at t%e e2am$#e was si##y b"t t%at(s %ow most st"dents "se t%eir time w%i#e comm"tin& 6 t%ey stare o"t t%e window, It doesn(t make sense to do "nim$ortant t%in&s at a##, #et a#one do t%em we##, &mportant 'hings -one 2ell ; +igh $ffectiveness< +igh $fficiency )oin& t%in&s e..ecti'e#y and e..icient#y means .indin& o"t w%at(s im$ortant and t%en doin& it o'er and o'er "nti# yo" do it we##, It(s %i&%#y "n#ike#y t%at yo" as e2$edition director wo"#d %a'e m"c% s"ccess i. yo" set o"t wit%o"t a ma$ /w%ic% te##s yo" w%ere to &o and w%en0 and some back&ro"nd in e2$editions, na'i&ation and <"n&#e s"r'i'a#, Likewise, e..iciency and e..ecti'eness %a'e bearin& on yo"r sc%oo#in&, )is$#ayin& e..ecti'eness as a st"dent means knowin& w%at to st"dy and "nderstand .or yo"r e2ams, )is$#ayin& e..iciency means

yo" %a'e &one o'er t%e materia# eno"&% to be so .ami#iar wit% it t%at, come test time, yo" aren(t ."mb#in& aro"nd wit% t%e conce$ts, drawin& b#anks and r"nnin& o"t o. time,

Plannin$ and S hedulin$

*o .ar we %a'e disc"ssed t%e im$ortance o. knowin& w%at to do and w%en, Ge %a'e disc"ssed t%e im$ortance o. settin& &oa#s and knowin& %ow to break t%em down into sma##er, more mana&eab#e acti'ities, -%en we c%a##en&ed yo" to t%ink abo"t t%ese acti'ities in terms o. im$ortance and "r&ency, e..ecti'eness and e..iciency, and Pareto(s Princi$#e, -%e ne2t section a##ows yo" to take a## o. yo"r wonder."# %o$es, as$irations and dreams and make t%em %a$$en, +owK *im$#eS emember %ow we disc"ssed im$ortance and "r&ency, and we said t%at we can &et side6tracked by t%e "r&ent and "nim$ortant t%in&sK Ge##, in t%e .o##owin& $a&es yo" wi## #earn a ste$6by6ste$ met%od o. %ow to &et contro# o'er yo"r time and kee$ it, By #earnin& to "se a str"ct"red, detai#ed $#anner #ike t%e one "sed in t%is $ro&ram, yo"(## be de'e#o$in& a set o. ski##s t%at yo" wi## carry wit% yo" w%ere'er yo" &o, e'en #on& a.ter yo" &rad"ate, *o, #et(s &et started 6 s%a## weK Pareto s Priority Pu==ler It(s 3"iC time at t%e Learnin& *ki##s Pro&ramme, =i'e Pareto(s $riority $"CC#er a try and see %ow we## yo" do, -%e 3"estion is@ 1hat percenta$e of wa+in$

time does the avera$e university student spend on important tas+s2 -%e s"r$risin& answer to t%is 3"estion can be .o"nd at t%e end o. t%is doc"ment,
Thou$ht %or the da!) Time flies whether you wastefully spend it on frivolous things, or whether you carefully invest it in your goals!

No one rea##y wants to be t%e kind o. $erson t%at wastes 90W o. t%eir time, Most o. "s set o"t to "se time e..ecti'e#y, b"t %ow many o. "s "se met%ods t%at we know wi## workK Now i. yo" are not com$#ete#y con.ident in yo"r $resent a$$roac%, yo" wi## want to ens"re t%at t%e too#s yo" c%oose wi## b"i#d t%e ."t"re yo" want, Ge are &oin& to introd"ce yo" to 7 too#sT a Mont%#y P#anner, a Geek#y Ob<ecti'es List, a Geek#y P#anner and a -ime Lo&, Io" mi&%t be acc"stomed to t%inkin& o. $#anners as sim$#y co##ections o. $a&es .i##ed wit% #ines and bo2es to write t%in&s in, E'eryone %as seen /and most o. "s %a'e "sed0 a mont%#y or a week#y $#anner, G%at we wo"#d #ike to em$%asiCe %ere is not t%e $a$ers b"t t%e t%inkin& $rocess in'o#'ed in $#annin&, G%i#e we introd"ce t%ese 7 $#annin& met%ods we want yo" to t%ink abo"t %ow m"c% $#annin& yo" are a#ready doin&, G%at wo"#d yo"r #i.e be #ike i. yo" com$#ete#y sto$$ed $#annin&K *"$$ose .or instance yo" ne'er $#anned any o. yo"r sc%oo# re#ated acti'ities, Go"#d yo" know w%ic% c#ass to &o to or w%enK Or t%e dates and times o. yo"r e2amsK Or t%e d"e dates o. term $a$ersK Or w%ic% c%a$ters o. w%ic% te2t to read .or ne2t weekK Or w%en yo"r st"dy &ro"$ was

meetin&K Or w%en t%e t"ition .ees were d"eK Or w%en yo"r 'acations areK Io" can ima&ine t%e c%aosS Ima&ine i. yo" sto$$ed $#annin& in a## t%e ot%er areas o. yo"r #i.e as we##, Or worse, ima&ine w%at t%e wor#d wo"#d be #ike i. e'eryone sto$$ed $#annin&, Now wit% t%is ima&e in mind, consider %ow m"c% e..ecti'e $#annin& yo" are a#ready doin&, It s%o"#d be ob'io"s t%at yo" are a#ready doin& 3"ite a bit e2tra, Io" mi&%t not %a'e rea##y t%o"&%t abo"t it as $#annin&, b"t it is $#annin& nonet%e#ess, -%e amo"nt o. $#annin& t%at yo" %a'e done "$ "nti# now %as res"#ted direct#y in yo"r $resent state, Now, &i'en t%e ass"m$tion t%at yo" wo"#d #ike to im$ro'e yo"r time mana&ement abi#ities we are &oin& to ask yo" to do more $#annin&, A.ter some $ractice yo" wi## .ind t%at t%is ad'anced $#annin& wi## become as common $#ace and e..ort#ess as yo"r re&"#ar $#annin& 6 e2ce$t t%at yo"r res"#ts wi## be 'ery di..erent, Ima&ine ne'er .or&ettin& an im$ortant task or date, or ima&ine t%e con.idence t%at yo" wi## .ee# knowin& t%at yo" "nderstand a## t%e materia# in a co"rse or #ect"re, or better yet, ima&ine knowin& e'eryt%in& yo" need to know .or an e2am 6 and knowin& t%at yo" know it, Io" mi&%t t%ink t%at t%is is $ie in t%e sky b"t not on#y is it $ossib#e, it is rea#istic w%en yo" %a'e a we## t%o"&%t o"t $#an, 'he Monthly Planner -%e mont%#y $#anner is somet%in& t%at many st"dents "se, In addition to t%e days o. t%e week and mont% are minima# markin& st"dents add on, s"c% as d"e dates .or assi&nments and essays, a#on&side dates o. tests and e2ams, and im$ortant a$$ointments, anni'ersaries, birt%days, %o#idays, 'acations and so on, -o e2$#oit its ."## $otentia# as a $#annin& too# it(s im$ortant to rea#iCe t%at t%e mont%#y $#anner is t%at it can %e#$ "s mana&e o"r #ar&e &oa#s and t%e sma##er s"b6&oa#s t%at we %a'e di'ided t%ese #ar&er &oa#s into, Once we %a'e estab#is%ed o"r #ar&er &oa#s and broken t%em down into sma##er ob<ecti'es and acti'ities, we can "se t%e mont%#y $#anner

to record im$ortant mi#estones a#on& t%e way between now and t%e e2$ected com$#etion date o. t%e &oa#s, In t%is way t%e mont%#y $#anner becomes a too# .or trackin& t%e $ro&ress o. a## o. o"r im$ortant $ro<ects, By #ookin& at t%e com$#eted mont%#y $#anner we can instant#y determine not on#y on w%at s"b6&oa#s we s%o"#d be workin& on any &i'en day, b"t w%en d"rin& t%e weeks to come wi## be $eriods o. %i&% work #oad, w%et%er we rea#istica##y %a'e time to take on more work, and w%et%er we are on tar&et .or t%e com$#etion .or t%ese a#ready $#anned &oa#s, -%e mont%#y $#anner sim$#y &i'es "s a #on&er ran&e #ook at o"r time t%an eit%er t%e dai#y or week#y $#anner and %e#$s "s to more acc"rate#y antici$ate t%e "n.o#din& o. o"r time weeks in ad'ance, Let(s say .or e2am$#e t%at yo" %ad an "$comin& e2am in yo"r ?riday c#ass .or Introd"ctory Microeconomics, Io" wo"#d want to enter t%is date bot% so it wo"#d not be .or&otten and beca"se it $re$ares yo" to do ."rt%er $#annin&, In kee$in& wit% o"t s"&&estions .or kee$in& s"b6&oa#s in t%e mont%#y $#anner, yo" wo"#d enter a series o. interim ob<ecti'es between t%e start o. yo"r $re$aration .or t%e Economics e2am and t%e e2am date itse#., -%ese mi#estones wo"#d ser'e as indicators o. t%e $ro&ress o. yo"r st"dy, Io" mi&%t enter a note to com$#ete a re'iew o. t%e .irst6term(s work, to com$#ete

Monthly Planner
Monday -"esday Gednesday -%"rsday ?riday *at"rday *"nday
-ime Mana&ement Gorks%o$ ;@:0610@:0am -ime Mana&ement Gorks%o$

;@:0610@:0am 5om$#ete re'iew o. 1st %a#. o. second termBs work 5om$#ete re'iew $rob#ems and $ractice test Microeconomics E2am -odayS 5om$#ete re'iew o. 1st termBs work +a#.6way t%ro"&% termS B"sy st"dyin&, donBt waste timeS

a re'iew o. t%e .irst %a#. o. t%e second term(s work, and to com$#ete t%e re'iew $rob#ems and $ractice test t%at yo"r $ro.essor %anded o"t in c#ass, As we## yo" mi&%t make notes o. %ow .ar a#on& in t%e term yo" are as a moti'ationa# aid or warnin&s o. %ow b"sy certain times wi## be to assist yo" in $#annin& t%e amo"nt o. work yo" take on, I. yo" wo"#d #ike to take t%is o$$ort"nity to .i## o"t yo"r own mont%#y $#anner, a b#ank one %as been $ro'ided in t%e back o. t%is $acka&e, 2eekly .bjectives 0ist -%e week#y ob<ecti'es #ist works in m"c% t%e same way as t%e mont%#y $#anner, &i'in& "s an o$$ort"nity to s"b6di'ide o"r s%orter term &oa#s into week#y ob<ecti'es or s"b6&oa#s

and t%en ."rt%er into s$eci.ic acti'ities .or t%e week, -%e im$ortance o. t%ese ste$s cannot be o'erem$%asiCed@ by #istin& o"t o"r s$eci.ic acti'ities, we can more acc"rate#y estimate time re3"ired .or t%em and so better $#an o"r time, Let(s say .or e2am$#e t%at one o. yo"r &oa#s .or t%e year was to maintain yo"r %ono"rs standin& and t%at yo" %ad a series o. e2ams comin& "$ inc#"din& one .or .irst year Introd"ctory Microeconomics, Io" mi&%t set an ob<ecti'e to score a BU or A &rade on t%e e2am and #ist t%is on yo"r ob<ecti'es #ist, Io"r ne2t ste$ wo"#d t%en be to consider a 'ariety o. st"dy acti'ities t%at wo"#d $re$are yo" we## .or t%e e2amination, Io" mi&%t be&in by enterin& yo"r .irst acti'ity, 1com$#ete readin&s and re'iew #ect"re notes4, in t%e acti'ities co#"mn, Once yo" %a'e entered yo"r acti'ity it is im$ortant to assi&n it a time estimate, in t%is case we('e assi&ned t%is acti'ity a t%ree %o"r b#ock o. time, -%is b#ock o. time re.#ects an im$ortant $rinci$#e in time estimatin&T w%en estimatin& time yo" mi&%t want to add time to t%e amo"nt o. time yo" t%ink it wi## take yo" to com$#ete t%e task, -%is is im$ortant beca"se we tend to estimate wit%o"t considerin& $ossib#e di..ic"#ties or interr"$tions, In t%is e2am$#e we %a'e a$$#ied a .actor o. 1,E to 2,0 to t%e estimateT t%at is, o"r best case estimate .or t%e acti'ity was 2 %o"rs, so we assi&ned t%e task t%ree %o"rs, Now, once yo" %a'e entered t%e .irst acti'ity .or st"dy, yo" wo"#d contin"e wit% t%e ot%ers yo" %a'e in mind, *o, yo" mi&%t want to add 1se#ect main conce$ts, one %o"r4, 1$ractice $rob#ems .rom t%e end o. t%e c%a$ter, two %o"rs4, 1re$rod"ce &ra$%s .rom memory, one %o"r4, and 1write $ara&ra$%s to inter$ret t%e &ra$%s, one %o"r4, /-%o"&% t%e times "sed %ere are .or e2am$#e $"r$oses on#y, some o. t%ese strate&ies mi&%t <"st be %e#$."# to yo" as st"dy ski##s,0 -%e .ina# two co#"mns on t%e .orm a##ow yo" to track w%et%er or not yo" %a'e sc%ed"#ed and com$#eted t%e acti'ities yo" %a'e #isted, Io"r ne2t ste$ is to carry t%e #isted acti'ities, a#on& wit% t%eir associated time estimates to yo"r

week#y $#anner to be sc%ed"#ed, Now wo"#d be a &ood time to record yo"r ob<ecti'e .or t%e "$comin& week "sin& t%e .orm $ro'ided in t%is $acka&e, 'he 2eekly Planner O.ten t%e week#y $#anner t%at most $eo$#e "se carries on it a series o. items s"c% as #ect"re time, t"toria# times, #aboratory times, times .or yo" .a'o"rite te#e'ision $ro&ram and times .or e2trac"rric"#ar acti'ities s"c% as socia# e'ents wit% c#"bs, e2ercise times and so on, I. t%is so"nds #ike yo"r sc%ed"#e t%en yo" are $robab#y "nder6"sin& anot%er 'ery 'ersati#e time mana&ement too# beca"se many o. t%e most im$ortant tasks /%omework acti'ities w%ic% mo'e yo" toward yo"r &oa#s0 are #e.t o"t o. t%e $ict"re, -%e res"#t o. t%is s%o"#d be c#ear. If it isn3t on the schedule it doesn3t $et done, -%at means yo" can see a #ot o. seemin&#y ."## and b"sy weeks can &o by wit%o"t yo" mo'in& s"bstantia##y towards yo"r &oa#s, Ear#ier we mentioned t%e week#y ob<ecti'es #ist, At t%e end o. o"r disc"ssion o. t%e ob<ecti'es #ist we s"&&ested t%at it co"#d be "sed to track w%et%er or not yo" %a'e trans.erred yo"r acti'ities deri'ed .rom yo"r ob<ecti'es onto yo"r $#anner, I. yo" #ook at t%e $artia##y com$#eted week#y $#anner /be#ow0 yo"(## notice a## t%e "nsc%ed"#ed time and t%ere is "s"a##y #ots o. it, Usin& t%e time estimates .or t%e acti'ities on t%e week#y ob<ecti'es #ist as &"ides .ind a b#ock o. time o. a$$ro$riate d"ration in yo"r sc%ed"#e, -%en write in t%e acti'ities one at a time in $riority order "nti# yo" %a'e eit%er sc%ed"#ed a## o. yo"r acti'ities or yo" %a'e r"n o"t o. time s$aces,

2eekly .bjectives 0ist

Academic Ob<ecti'e *c%ed"#ed 1E0W6200W Acti'ity -ime Estimate 5om$#eted
*core BU or %i&%er on

Economics E2am com$#ete readin&sQre'iew notes $ractice $rob#ems .rom c%a$ter re$rod"ce &ra$%s .rom memory $ara&ra$%s to inter$ret &ra$%s se#ect main conce$ts : %rs 1 %r 2 %rs 1 %r 1 %r

*o, to &i'e yo" an idea o. %ow yo" mi&%t &o abo"t sc%ed"#in& t%ese acti'ities, consider t%e .irst acti'ity, 15om$#ete readin&s and re'iew notes,4 -%is t%ree %o"r acti'ity co"#d be $#aced a#most anyw%ere in t%e ear#y $art o. t%e week, say on Monday or -"esday and it co"#d be in, say, two ;0 min"te b#ocks or a## in one t%ree %o"r b#ock, de$endin& on yo"r $re.erences, ?or demonstration $"r$oses, we %a'e decided to "se t%e time on -"esday between 10 a,m, and 1 $,m,, ?or t%e ne2t acti'ity, 1se#ect main conce$ts4 we re3"ire a one %o"r b#ock o. time, Gednesday at ; a,m, seems #ike a &ood $otentia# time .or t%is one, O"r t%ird acti'ity, 1Prob#ems .rom back o. c%a$ter4 mi&%t be sc%ed"#ed, by yo" ear#y birds, on ?riday mornin& between 9 and 10 a,m, -%e .ina# two acti'ities co"#d be sc%ed"#ed on t%e weekend as s%own,

2eekly Planner
Monday -"esday Gednesday -%"rsday ?riday *at"rday *"nday
9@00am ;@00am Noon 11@00am

10@00am 1@00$m

Gork O"t Gork O"t Gork O"t Nat"ra# *cience@ Astronomy 1H70,08 L"nc% wit% 5%ris Microeconomics 1 1000,0: -%e 5#assica# E2$erience 1100,08 Iss"es in +istory 1000,08 5om$#ete readin&s R re'iew notes *e#ect main conce$ts Prob#ems .rom back o. c%a$ter e$rod"ce

&ra$%s .rom memory Grite $ara&ra$%s to inter$ret t%em

I. we ret"rn to t%e week#y ob<ecti'es #ist .or a moment yo"(## see t%at, %a'in& sc%ed"#ed t%e acti'ities on t%e #ist, we can mark t%at we %a'e done so, Notice t%e co#"mn ne2t to t%e one marked 1*c%ed"#ed4 on t%is .orm, It %as s$ace .or yo" to mark w%et%er or not yo" %a'e com$#eted t%e sc%ed"#ed items on t%e #ist, Io" wi## deri'e a rea# sense o. $ro&ress as yo" c%eck o.. eac% acti'ity, G%en yo" #ook back on t%e $ast week(s acti'ities it wi## become 3"ite ob'io"s to yo" t%at yo" are accom$#is%in& a &reat dea# wit% yo"r time, As yo"r time &oes on, t%e b"i#d "$ o. t%ese acti'ities wi## e'ent"a##y #ead yo" to t%e accom$#is%ment o. yo"r &oa#s, As t%e min"tes o. yo"r time become %o"rs, days, mont%s and e'ent"a##y years, yo" wi## be desi&nin& yo"r #i.e rat%er t%an %a'in& it be t%rown to&et%er by "ncertainty, As t%e arc%itect o. yo"r destiny t%e $rod"cts o. yo"r #abo"rs don(t come mere#y .rom time $assin&, b"t .rom yo"r time bein& in'ested in t%e care."# $#annin& and b"i#din& o. yo"r ."t"re,

A &ood time to sc%ed"#e is be.ore t%e week be&ins and it is im$ortant to constr"ct a $#an .or t%e entire week, -%e most im$ortant reason .or $#annin& t%is way is t%at by %a'in& a $#an #aid o"t .or t%e comin& week yo" maintain reasonab#e contro# o'er yo"r time, E'en wit% "ne2$ected occ"rrences t%at can im$act yo"r sc%ed"#e yo" assist yo"rse#. in makin& decisions t%at are &o'erned by yo"r desire to reac% yo"r &oa#s, Git%o"t "sin& a sc%ed"#e yo" may be &o'erned by yo"r moment6to6moment moods w%ic% may #ead yo" to make time decisions t%at take yo" away .rom yo"r &oa#s, A &reat dea# o. time is sa'ed by "sin& a week#y $#anner, On t%e s%ort r"n yo" a'oid t%e wasta&e o. time t%at comes .rom constant#y %a'in& to ree'a#"ate w%at to do ne2t, As we##, yo" re#ie'e yo"r mind o. t%e res$onsibi#ity .or or&aniCin& and rememberin& a## yo"r tasks, a##owin& yo"rse#. to .oc"s intent#y on t%e work yo" want to accom$#is%, On t%e #on& r"n yo" sa'e time by ens"rin& t%at on a dai#y basis yo" are makin& decisions abo"t yo"r time "se t%at wi## #ead yo" ste$6by6ste$ towards yo"r $ersona# &oa#s a'oidin& t%e $it.a##s o. c%ronica##y misdirectin& yo"r time and

2eekly .bjectives 0ist

*c%ed"#ed 1E0W6200W Acti'ity -ime Estimate 5om$#eted
com$#ete readin&sQre'iew notes $ractice $rob#ems .rom c%a$ter re$rod"ce &ra$%s .rom memory $ara&ra$%s to inter$ret &ra$%s se#ect main conce$ts : %rs 1 %r 2 %rs 1 %r 1 %r

*ut I %eel + ramped( b! lots o% s hedules& Is there an! other "a! that I an $et similar results "ithout "orr!in$ about ea h minute? Sure1 The purpose of scheduling is not to

enslave you to your planner, ut rather to indicate when certain things should happen! Many students find, for various reasons, that their scheduled activities do not occur the way that they were planned! An alternative method would e to keep a to2do list structured in order of priority! The list would contain the most important and urgent 3 e careful here4 activities in your weekly o 5ectives list! +f you do not have many urgent activities, the fall ack tasks would e the most important of the non2urgent activities! 6eep the unimportant activities off the list!

e..orts, A.ter yo" %a'e taken t%e ste$ o. $#annin& yo"r time in a week#y $#anner, yo"r ne2t ste$s wi## be to $"t t%e $#an into action and #o& yo"r ac%ie'ements, As yo" en&a&e in t%e $rocess o. $#annin& re&"#ar#y yo" wi## soon notice t%at yo" become more $ro.icient at it, Io" wi## make better time estimates, Io" may be ab#e to red"ce or e'en e#iminate cost#y time interr"$tions, Io"(## &et more done in w%at seems to be #ess time, Io"(## red"ce yo"r wasted time and yo" wi## become more con.ident in yo"r abi#ity to ac%ie'e, Now wo"#d be a &ood time to be&in .i##in& o"t yo"r week#y $#anner .or t%e "$comin& week, 'ime 'racking One .ina# strate&y t%at we wo"#d #ike to recommend yo" "se is time trackin&, Usin& time trackin& once e'ery .ew mont%s wi## rea##y %e#$ yo" &et a c#ear sense o. w%ere yo"r time is act"a##y &oin&, -%e .orm "sed %ere #ooks <"st #ike a week#y sc%ed"#e b"t it works

in re'erse, Instead o. writin& t%in&s in t%at yo" are $#annin& to do, time #o&&in& is a $rocess o. writin& down t%e t%in&s t%at yo" %a'e a#ready done, )oin& t%is is sort o. a &et6to6know6yo"rse#. e2ercise beca"se t%is $roced"re wi## %i&%#i&%t many o. yo"r %abits, *ome $eo$#e .ind t%at e'ery time t%ey $#an to do mat% %omework t%ey end "$ watc%in& te#e'ision, Ot%er $eo$#e <"st can(t seem to .o##ow t%eir sc%ed"#e "nti# t%e week be.ore .ina#s, G%ate'er t%e case may be .or yo", we are s"re t%at yo" wi## .ind t%is $rocess %e#$s yo" ad<"st and .ine6t"ne yo"r time mana&ement $ractices, Usin& a time trackin& s%eet is .air#y strai&%t.orward, At t%e end o. an %o"r /or %a#. de$endin& on yo"r $re.erence0 <ot yo"rse#. a 3"ick note abo"t w%at yo" did .or t%e #ast %o"r, -%e note needn(t be #on&, one sentence or #ess s%o"#d s", I. a $artic"#ar $#anned acti'ity doesn(t trans$ire sim$#y enter a comment as to w%at yo" rea##y did d"rin& t%at time, -%is way yo" wi## be ab#e to take a #on&, %ard #ook at yo"r distractions and tendencies, com$are t%em to w%at yo" %ad $#anned, and act to red"ce t%e im$act t%ese distractions %a'e on yo"r $#annin&, I. yo"(re rea##y serio"s abo"t makin& c%an&es and &ettin& res"#ts .rom yo"r time mana&ement strate&ies yo" can ana#yCe yo"r time #o& by time cate&ory s"c% as@ s#ee$, st"dy, work, tra'e# and so on, Be.ore doin& t%e s"mmary estimate t%e amo"nt o. time t%at yo" t%ink yo" s$end on t%e 'ario"s acti'ities #isted on t%e .orm, ?ee# .ree to add any additiona# cate&ories t%at mi&%t be %e#$."#, -%en #o& yo"r time .or one week on an %o"r by %o"r basis, G%en t%e week is o'er s"mmariCe yo"r time by cate&ory .or eac% day and add "$ t%e 'a#"es .or a## se'en days o. t%e week, *"mmariCin& yo"r time "se a##ows yo" to "nderstand %ow m"c% time yo"r rea##y s$end in t%e 'ario"s areas o. yo"r #i.e, -%e week#y s"mmary o. time "se .orm in t%is $acka&e is a sam$#e t%at we %a'e "sed in many works%o$s wit% st"dents, As we %a'e seen wit% many o. t%ese st"dents it is a#most certain t%at yo" wi## see a notab#e di..erence

between t%e n"mber o. %o"rs yo" e2$ected to "se in certain cate&ories and t%e act"a# n"mber o. %o"rs yo" s$end, I. yo" .ind t%at yo" s$end more time in one area t%an yo" wanted, and #ess in anot%er, t%e week#y s"mmary o. time "se c#ear#y indicates w%ic% acti'ities to red"ce to .ind t%e e2tra time yo" want .or t%at ne&#ected area o. yo"r #i.e, Lookin& back on t%e materia# yo" %a'e co'ered in t%is $resentation may &i'e yo" t%e .ee#in& t%at t%ere is .ar too m"c% to remember and e'en more to do, *ettin& &oa#s, breakin& t%em down into mana&eab#e c%"nks, a##ocatin& t%ose c%"nks to s$eci.ic time s#ots in yo"r sc%ed"#e, ens"rin& t%at yo" are workin& e..ecti'e#y on im$ortant tasks and kee$in& yo"rse#. on track may seem #ike more work t%an it is wort%, -o kee$ t%e amo"nt o. work in'o#'ed in $ers$ecti'e, remember t%at yo"r &oa# settin& wi## take considerab#e time, B"t once yo"r &oa#s are set, yo"r $#annin& .or t%e ne2t week s%o"#d take yo" no more t%an an %o"r or so, It is o.ten said t%at one %o"r s$ent $#annin& sa'es se'era# %o"rs o. acti'ity abo'e and beyond t%e %o"r s$ent $#annin&, -%is is tr"e beca"se o. o"r tendency .or a## t%e t%in&s t%at %a'e a#ready been mentioned, #ike a #ack o. .oc"s, distraction, $rocrastination and "ncertainty, Once yo"r week is $#anned yo" wi## e2$erience c#arity o. .oc"s, yo"r tendency to be distracted wi## be red"ced and yo" wi## be certain o. yo"r reasons .or doin& t%e t%in&s yo" %ad $#anned, G%en t%e ne2t week starts yo" wi## be ab#e to mo'e toward yo"r &oa#s immediate#y, In t%is state yo" wi## be m"c% more com.ortab#e and ca$ab#e o. dea#in& wit% time s%i.ts, In t%e ne2t section we wi## be&in an in'esti&ation into some "ni3"e c%a##en&es t%at yo" .ace as a st"dent,

2eekly "ummary of 'ime %se

*t"dy Gork -,J, ?ami#yQ

*ocia# *#ee$ Eatin& 5omm"te Ot%er

Monday Gednesday -"esday ?riday *at"rday -%"rsday *"nday )i..erence Act"a# E2$ected

Time Shi%ts
+a'e yo" e'er t%o"&%t o. t%e amo"nt o. time yo" s$end waitin& in #ine6"$s, comm"tin&, waitin& .or yo"r ne2t c#ass to start, or on t%e te#e$%oneK I. yo" e'er want a wake6"$ ca## try to ca#c"#ate it .or yo"rse#., Io" may a#ready %a'e a sense o. t%is i. yo"('e tracked yo"r time, A.ter a w%i#e, t%e .ew min"tes %ere and t%ere amo"nt to days, mont%s and e'en years, *ince we a## .ind o"rse#'es in t%ese sit"ations at one time or anot%er we s%o"#d care."##y consider o"r "se o. t%is time, Eac% time s%i.t #isted be#ow contains its "ni3"e c%a##en&es, and we $resent yo" wit% some rea##y interestin& o$tions, -%ese o$tions, i. "sed wi## trans$ort yo" .rom yo"r $resent state o. time mana&ement to a w%o#e new #e'e# o. e..ecti'eness, 0ine;ups )id yo" know t%at, o'er t%e co"rse o. yo"r #i.e, yo" wi## s$end a$$ro2imate#y 9

years waitin& in #inesK It(s tr"eS At t%e #ibrary c%ecko"t, waitin& .or t%e b"s, waitin& .or t%e #i&%t to t"rn &reen at an intersection, b"yin& tickets, and e'en at am"sement $arks yo" .ind yo"rse#. starin& mind#ess#y at t%e back o. someone e#se(s %eadS G%yK -%ink o. w%at yo" co"#d be doin&, I. yo" carried aro"nd a book or some $%otoco$ied readin&s yo" co"#d be acti'e#y en&a&in& yo"r brain in somet%in& interestin& and e2citin&, -a$e cassettes o. yo"r #ect"res are idea# ways to .i## times #ike t%ese, and t%e re'iew wi## $ro.o"nd#y aid yo"r reca## come e2am time, G%i#e some $eo$#e in t%e #ine &et .r"strated and #ea'e, and ot%ers wait "n$rod"cti'e#y, yo" wi## be e2$andin& yo"r mind and enric%in& yo"r ed"cation in w%at is norma##y considered wasted time, Commuting Ima&ine, most Nort% Americans s$end between 1 and 2 %o"rs comm"tin& .rom %ome to work or sc%oo# e'ery day, I. yo" comm"te, yo" wi## $robab#y .ind E to 10 %o"rs o. yo"r week taken "$ in a car, b"s or s"bway, In one year, yo"r comm"te works o"t to between 2E0 and E00 %o"rs, Ima&ine w%at it wo"#d be #ike o'er t%e co"rse o. 7 years, I.

yo" st"dy w%i#e yo" comm"te yo" co"#d in'est "$ to 2000 %o"rs in yo"r ed"cation, -%at(s e3"i'a#ent to attendin& a## o. t%e re3"ired #ect"res in e'ery co"rse o. a 76year "ni'ersity de&ree, Im$ressi'eS Ima&ine w%at yo"r &rades wo"#d be #ike, Now, some readers mi&%t say 1Ge##, I(d #o'e to &et &rades #ike t%at, b"t I <"st can(t st"dy on t%e
Figure 3# )s some get frustrated and leave and others wait in line unproductively you will be expanding your mind and enriching your education in what is normally considered wasted time1

b"sQs"bwayQwa#kin& across cam$"s ,,,4 I. yo" t%ink t%is, consider t%e amo"nt o. time yo" s$end readin& ads, si&ns, $osters and bi##boards, Io" are &ettin& &ood at identi.yin& $rod"cts t%at ot%er $eo$#e want to se## yo", A## yo" rea##y need to do is c%an&e w%at yo" are readin&, E'en E min"tes and a co"$#e o. $a&es work o"t to %o"rs and books, I. yo" %a$$en to be dri'in&, don(t read 6 t%at(s dan&ero"s, B"t, st"dy anyway, -a$e yo"r $ro.essor(s #ect"re or yo"rse#. readin&, Io" wi## be amaCed at %ow m"c% yo" can #earn by #istenin&, -%e key to comm"tin& time is 3"ite sim$#y, "se it or #ose it, 5etween Classes P"ite o.ten yo" mi&%t .ind t%at yo" %a'e a c%"nk o. time, maybe an %o"r or two, between c#asses, Git%o"t ad'anced $#annin& yo" ne'er know e2act#y w%at is &oin& to %a$$en d"rin& t%is time, *ometimes, e'en wit% a $#an, yo" may .ind t%e time to be "n$rod"cti'e, Ima&ine t%at yo" %a'e an %o"r d"rin& w%ic% yo" wo"#d #ike to &et some

readin& done, Io" .ind a seat take yo"r book, o$en it "$ and be&in readin&, )e$endin& on w%ere yo" sat /1, 2 or :0, w%at %a$$ens ne2t can be 3"ite di..erent, 1, In t%e st"dent centre yo" e2$erience a de#"&e o. si&%t and so"nd distractions, *ome .ew st"dents may be ab#e to read %ere, b"t .or t%e ma<ority o. "s t%ere is so m"c% &oin& on t%at we won(t be ab#e to %ear o"rse#'es t%ink, Io" #ook aro"nd yo" and see a .ew ot%ers wit% books o$en, b"t on#y abo"t one in t%irty wi## kee$ %erQ%is eyes on t%e book .or any d"ration, E'en t%en, t%ere is no &"arantee t%at t%ey are st"dyin&,
Figure 8# 'he student centre can be a great place to sociali=e< but a difficult place to study1

2, Inside t%e #ibrary, near t%e entrance, yo" c%oose one o. t%e .irst o$en seats in order to sa'e time, It certain#y is m"c% 3"ieter t%an t%e st"dent centre and yo" rea##y start to do some readin&, +owe'er, yo" may .ind t%at yo" sti## #ook "$ .rom yo"r book e'ery so o.ten as a $artic"#ar#y attracti'e $asser6by catc%es yo"r attention, -%en

yo" be&in daydreamin& and yo"r 3"a#ity readin& time &oes o"t t%e window, :, In a 3"iet st"dy area in t%e #ibrary, yo" .ind yo"r se#. seated amon& ot%ers w%o are a#so readin& 3"iet#y, -%e si&%t and so"nd distractions are most#y se$arated .rom t%e readin& area, +ere is an area w%ere yo" .ee# yo" can rea##y &et some work done, -%e %o"r $asses wit% .ew distractions and t%e readin& &oes smoot%#y, By t%e end o. t%e %o"r, yo" may .ind t%at yo"('e accom$#is%ed m"c% more readin& t%an yo" t%o"&%t $ossib#e, &nterruptions +a'e yo" e'er sat down to st"dy, and not two min"tes #ater somet%in& #ike t%is %a$$ens,,,
7+,", 7+," You) 8ello9 Your ,riend) 8i :your name here;, its :your friends name here; whatcha doing9 You) #h, + 5ust sat down with a highlighter and a hot pile of notes! +ve got some stuff here that + dont <uite understand yet so + wanted to go over it!
Figure ># 'he areas near the entrance to the library can be full of sight and sound distractions Figure 9# ) number of ?uiet study areas can often be found1 "earch for a place where you feel comfortable and productive1

Your ,riend) /ell, +ll tell you what! My oss 5ust gave me two tickets to tonights game! Third row1 7ight a ove the dugout1 /haddaya say9

Or maybe yo" .ind somet%in& #ike t%is occ"rrin& more o.ten t%an yo" wo"#d #ike,,,
6,#)6, 6,#)6

You) )ome in!!! Your little sister 3those of you with little rothers can pro a ly come up with a few hundred thousand e(amples of your own4= :your name here; look what mom ought me1 A ar ie2doll 5ust like the one in the movie1 /anna see9

Or $er%a$s, somet%in& #ike t%is,,,

Your %ather) :your name here; get your head out of the ook there lad and come take a look at this! Theyve got some guy on the news that theyre taking off to 5ail for watering his lawn in a rain storm1 )an you elieve that1 )ome on, youre gonna miss it1

G%ate'er t%e case may be, yo" are interr"$ted, Io"r train o. t%o"&%t %as been derai#ed and &ettin& back on track co"#d be di..ic"#t, -%ere are a .ew t%in&s t%at yo" can do to minimiCe t%e im$act on yo"r st"dy time,
&irst of all, try to find a place where it is difficult for people to find you! That way you are more likely to have longer periods of interruption2free work! +f you cant find a hideout, consider an attention getting sign on your door 2 >Developing photographs 2 please do not distur ? might e a kind sign that will work! Tell the person interrupting that you are studying and that you really need to continue! Some people are considerate of this and will volunteer to come ack or call later! +f this is the case, recommend a time when you know you will e free! As you are interrupted, stand up and remain standing! Stand2up interruptions are usually much shorter than sit2down ones! /hen you stand make sure that you mention how important it is that you continue your study uninterrupted! Ask them if you could ecome involved with

their re<uest later, after you have finished studying! +f it is only a short re<uest that you can take care of in a couple of minutes, it may e worth while to do it now! +n this case it is helpful to inform the person interrupting that you can only space a few minutes and you intend to return to your studies immediately upon completion of the task! That should help keep you from getting side2tracked and overinvolved!

-%is is by no means an e2%a"sti'e #ist o. o$tions, -%ere m"st be %"ndreds o. ways o. dea#in& wit% interr"$tions, In .act, entire books %a'e been written on t%e s"b<ect, I. yo" .ind yo"rse#. .a##in& 'ictim to constant interr"$tions don(t &i'e "$ %o$e, >"st kee$ tryin& di..erent a$$roac%es "nti# yo" .ind a .ew t%at work .or yo", -%e $ayo..s o'er t%e co"rse o. yo"r #i.e wi## asto"nd yo",

-on lusion
At t%e be&innin& o. yo"r &rand to"r o. time we asked yo" .o"r 3"estions, and t%ro"&%o"t t%is %ando"t yo" %a'e be&"n to answer t%em, Be&innin& wit% t%e ass"m$tion t%at yo" need to take res$onsibi#ity .or yo"r time "se, t%e .irst 3"estion, +ave you set your goals: can be s"mmed "$ wit% t%e idea t%at t%at one o. t%e most im$ortant t%in&s yo" can do is to know w%at yo"r &oa#s are, Now t%at yo" %a'e t%o"&%t abo"t &oa#s, t%e second 3"estion, 2hat is your time perspective: c#ari.ies %ow im$ortant it is to decide to do acti'ities t%at #ead toward yo"r &oa#s rat%er t%an away .rom t%em, -%e t%ird 3"estion was 2hat sort of planning is involved: Io" #earned %ow to de'e#o$ and "se a system o. str"ct"rin& yo"r c%osen acti'ities in time wit% t%e week#y and mont%#y $#anners and t%e week#y ob<ecti'es #ist, ?ina##y we asked +ave you ever had a time shift: +ere yo" #earned t%at as yo" em$#oy yo"r new6.o"nd strate&ies, it wi## be im$ortant to yo" to kee$ yo"r mind o$en to e'a#"atin& yo"r time mana&ement system and to makin& c%an&es on an on&oin& and &rad"a# basis to im$ro'e yo"r res"#ts,

G%at yo" %a'e $robab#y disco'ered is t%at yo" are ready to take yo"rse#. on yo" own &rand to"r o. time, and t%at to do so yo" wi## need to &o t%ro"&% t%e ste$s o. time mana&ement a&ain and a&ain, A## t%e w%i#e yo" wi## im$ro'e yo"r system, and a## t%e w%i#e yo" wi## mo'e toward t%e ac%ie'ement o. yo"r &oa#s,

.ns"er to Pareto(s Priorit! Pu//ler

@A9 2 no BA9 2 8ah1 Couve got to e kidding right9 +f students spent BAD of their time doing effective and important things do you think we would e sitting here right now talking a out time management9 EA9 2 no FA9 2 ,ot <uite1 $ut give it another try! GA9 2 no HA9 2 Ces1 Scary isnt it9 /e spend roughly HAD of our time doing the things that are important to us! Do you know what that also means9 +t means we waste BAD of our time! ,ow may e you have caught yourself wishing for more hours in the day! )ertainly you wouldnt wish for more time so you could waste it! Cou would want to do something valua le with it! /hile modern science hasnt found a way to stretch the day eyond HF hours, 0aretos principle teaches us that we can get these e(tra hours simply y stealing the time from wasteful activities! Cou will see this principle in action when we talk a out planning and time tracking!

'able of Contents
+)/$ (.% "$' (.%! ,.)0": 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113

=OAL B EAK)OGN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 2+)' &" (.%! '&M$ P$!"P$C'&/$: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111> IMPO -AN5E AN) U =EN5I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7 NO- IMPO -AN- NO U =EN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7 NO- IMPO -AN- BU- U =EN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7 IMPO -AN- BU- NO- U =EN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E IMPO -AN- AN) U =EN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E E??E5-IJENE** AN) E??I5IEN5I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E UNIMPO IMPO

LOG E??I5IEN5I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8

-AN- -+IN=* )ONE POO LI 6

+I=+ E??E5-IJENE**, LOG E??I5IEN5I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8 LOG E??E5-IJENE**, +I=+ E??I5IEN5I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,H


-AN- -+IN=* )ONE GELL 6

-AN- -+IN=* )ONE GELL 6

+I=+ E??E5-IJENE**, +I=+ E??I5IEN5I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,H

PA E-O(* P IO I-I PUAALE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,H P0)**&*, )*"C+$-%0&*,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111@ -+E MON-+LI PLANNE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9 GEEKLI OB>E5-IJE* LI*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 -+E GEEKLI PLANNE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11 -IME - A5KIN=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17 '&M$ "+&F'" 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113A LINE6 UP*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 8

5OMMU-IN=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,18 BE-GEEN 5LA**E*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1H IN-E ,,,,19


C.*C0%"&.*111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11118B )*"2$! '. P)!$'. " P!&.!&'( P%CC0$!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111183

C comm"tin&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,H, 18 E e..ecti'eness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,See time $ers$ecti'e e..iciency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,See time $ers$ecti'e ! &oa#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1, 2, :, 7, 8, H, ;, 10, 11, 1:, 1E, 20 #on& term &oa#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 s%ort term &oa#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 2 s"b6&oa#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, :, ;, 10 I im$ortance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,See time $ers$ecti'e 2 <o"rney,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 P Pareto Princi$#e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:, 21 $#annin& mont%#y $#anner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9 $#anner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9, ;, 10, 11, 1:, 17

time #o&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9 week#y ob<ecti'es #ist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9, 10 week#y $#anner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 10, 11 $riority ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H, 11, 1: $rocrastination,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 S sc%ed"#in& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,See $#annin& T time $ers$ecti'e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, :, 7, 20 e..ecti'eness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:, 7, E, H, 10 e..iciency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:, 7, E, H, 10 im$ortance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:, 7, E, H, 10 "r&ency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:, 7, E, H, 10 time trackin& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17, 21 U "r&ency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,See time $ers$ecti'e

T$me/'or3loa" ma ageme t

Mana&in& yo"r time and work#oad can be c%a##en&in& .or a## st"dents at times, es$ecia##y i. yo" %a'e not st"died at "ni'ersity be.ore or are <"&&#in& com$etin& demands, e&ard#ess o. w%et%er yo" are st"dyin& $art time or ."## time, on cam$"s or o.., mana&in& yo"r time e..ecti'e#y is im$ortant to yo"r o'era## s"ccess as s st"dent, -%is &"ide o..ers some $ractica# s"&&estions to %e#$ yo" mana&e yo"r time and work#oad,

+ow much time do you need to spend on each course:

Eac% co"rse at t%e Uni*A is a##ocated a $artic"#ar n"mber o. "nits and t%e work#oad is desi&ned aro"nd t%is, ?or e2am$#e, a co"rse wort% 7,E "nits wi## re3"ire a st"dy commitment o. a$$ro2imate#y 10611 %o"rs a week o. st"dent work, inc#"din& contact and non6contact time, *o, i. yo"r co"rse %as : contact %o"rs t%en yo" may be e2$ected to st"dy "$ to an e2tra 9 %o"rs on t%at co"rse $er week, Bein& a ."## time st"dent is simi#ar to bein& in ."## time work, -%e work#oad re3"ires yo" to make a bi& time and ener&y commitment to yo"r st"dies,

'ools to help you plan

-%e .o##owin& too#s wi## enab#e yo" to $#an across an entire st"dy $eriod or on a %o"r#yQweek#y basis,

'he "tudy Period Planner

One o. t%is most e..ecti'e ways to %e#$ yo" st"dy s"ccess."##y is to kee$ on track o. w%en a## yo"r assessment tasks are d"e, -%is &i'es yo" a rea#istic o'er'iew o. t%e st"dy $eriod and %e#$s yo" to $#an a%ead, An easy way to ma$ a## yo"r commitments o'er t%e st"dy $eriod is to "se a %a#. year#y or st"dy $eriod $#anner, Io" s%o"#d mark in@

t%e d"e dates .or a## yo"r assessment tasks, inc#"din& t%e 'a#"e o. eac% one toward t%e .ina# &rade and t%e word #imit /co#o"r codin& eac% co"rse can be %e#$."# 0 any ma<or socia# or work acti'ities t%at may take "$ a day or more

Ne2t and most im$ortant#y $"t yo"r $#anner in a 'isib#e $#ace, so yo" are re&"#ar#y reminded o. w%at is comin& "$,

'he 2eekly Planner

Once yo" know %ow m"c% time is needed .or eac% o. yo"r co"rses, yo"B## need to .ind t%e best way to .it t%is to&et%er wit% yo"r ot%er acti'ities, Usin& a week#y $#anner is a &ood way to %e#$ yo" &et a rea#istic 'iew o. yo"r commitments t%ro"&%o"t t%e week, G%en "sin& a week#y $#anner, mark in a## re&"#ar week#y acti'ities inc#"din&@

"ni'ersity commitments /#ect"res, t"toria#s, $ractica#s, st"dio0 work commitments s$ortin& acti'ities /trainin&, &ames, &ym0 socia# and .ami#y commitments mea#s %o"se%o#d c%ores tra'e# to and .rom any o. t%e abo'e

emember to a##ow .or some "nsc%ed"#ed time, -%is &i'es yo" a c%ance to swa$ commitments or to accommodate "n.oreseen e'ents w%ic% mi&%t occ"r, Io" mi&%t a#so consider identi.yin& times w%en st"dy wi## %a'e t%e %i&%est $riority .or yo" and #et yo"r .ami#y and .riends know t%at yo" are not a'ai#ab#e at t%ese times, Ne2t see w%ere yo" can .it in t%e %o"rs re3"ired .or yo"r non6contact st"dy time .or eac% co"rse, emember yo"r $ro&ram needs to be rea#istic .or it to work, Io" may #ike to consider .actors s"c% as@

%ow do yo" work best!in s%ort b"rsts or o'er a #on& stretc% o. timeK

do yo" st"dy better in t%e mornin& or #ate at ni&%tK do yo" need a 3"iet $#ace to st"dyK can yo" st"dy at %ome or do yo" need to tra'e# to t%e #ibraryK

Many st"dents .ind t%is e2ercise s"r$risin& as it &i'es t%em a tota##y di..erent 'iew o. w%at commitments t%ey %a'e and %ow b"sy t%eir days rea##y are, It a#so &i'es t%em a c%ance to set "$ some &oa#s to com$#ete t%e st"dy $eriod s"ccess."##y,

&n conclusion
-ime mana&ement is a com$#e2 ski##, G%en $#annin& time to st"dy, remember to work towards a ba#ance between yo"r st"dy and ot%er commitments, A#so remember to $"t yo"r $#annerQs in a $#ace w%ere yo" wi## see itQt%em re&"#ar#y, I. yo" do not %a'e eno"&% %o"rs in t%e day to do w%at yo" need to do yo" s%o"#d re'iew yo"r week#y $#anner by considerin& t%e .o##owin&@

Are yo" e2$ectin& too m"c% o. yo"rse#. +a'e yo" o'er6committed yo"rse#. Io" may need to red"ce, $ost$one or &i'e "$ an acti'ity to re6a##ocate t%is time to st"dy

I. yo" re3"ire ."rt%er assistance, $#ease make an a$$ointment wit% a co"nse##or in t%e Learnin& and -eac%in& Unit on yo"r cam$"s,

!e eral 4oa" A**$"e t Data $ 1alay%$a ,(556 7 +8(8-



0ehi les 1e$istered

0ehi le Involved

1oad 2en$th

1oad . idents

1oad -asualties

1oad 3eaths

0ehi le 4"nership 5Person per vehicle6 K!A H!B H!@ H!F H!K H!H







@H,G@H @K,FJ@ @E,@JF @@,JAF @H,IKJ @A,HAA










H!G H!A H!A G!B G!J G!J G!E G!@ G!@ G!F

.verview .f Current oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

./$!/&$2 .F C%!!$*' !.)- ")F$'( "&'%)'&.* &* M)0)("&)

Mohamad *i=am Mustafa 4i$hway Plannin$ 'nit 5oad Safety Section Ministry of 1or+s 6alan Sultan Salahuddin 78798 !uala "umpur# Malaysia )5"'!)C' oad sa.ety %as #on& been considered as one o. socia# res$onsibi#ities to t%e Ma#aysian =o'ernment, In t%e 'isibi#ity o. t%is res$onsibi#ities, m"#ti$#es bodies

concern on road sa.ety %a'e been .ormed wit%in t%e &o'ernment de$artments, $ri'ate a&encies and 'o#"ntary or&anisations, -%e 5abinet 5ommittee o. oad *a.ety c%aired by t%e Prime Minister %imse#. was .ormed by t%e =o'ernment, A Nationa# oad *a.ety P#an t%en was .orm"#ated to &i'e an attention to road sa.ety researc% $ro&rammes, be%a'io"ra# modi.ication o. road "sers, road en&ineerin& and 'e%ic#e sa.ety, medica# treatment and sa.ety administration, -%is $a$er attem$ts to re'iew t%e $resent stat"s o. road sa.ety in Ma#aysia wit% s$ecia# re.erence to road sa.ety initiati'es carried o"t by t%e Ma#aysian =o'ernment es$ecia##y t%e Ministry o. Gorks Ma#aysia, -%e contents o. t%is $a$er wi## "ses an o'er'iew o. $resent road accident statistic, nationa# road sa.ety tar&et, oad *a.ety Pro&rammes by Ministry o. Gorks Ma#aysia, and disc"ssion o. ."t"re strate&ies to red"ce tra..ic accident, Keyword@ oad sa.ety tar&et, accident rate, accident statistic "')'%" .F !.)- )CC&-$*'" &* M)0)("&) -ra..ic accidents in Ma#aysia %a'e been increasin& at t%e a'era&e rate o. ;,HW $er ann"m o'er t%e #ast t%ree /:0 decades /see ?i&,10, 5om$ared to t%e ear#ier days, tota# n"mber o. road accidents %ad increased .rom 27,E91 cases in 1;H7 to :29,287 cases in 200E, reac%in& more t%an 1:EW increase o. accident cases o'er :0 years, -%e n"mber o. .ata#ities /deat% wit%in :0 days a.ter accident0 a#so increased b"t at s#ower rate com$ared to tota# road accident .rom 2,:0: in 1;H7 to 8,200 in 200E, +owe'er t%e "$ward trend o. .ata#ities dro$$ed in 1;;H a.ter Ma#aysia =o'ernment estab#is%ed a E6 year nationa# road sa.ety tar&et to red"ce road accident deat%s 1 by :0W by t%e year 2000, -%e increase o. road accidents is in #ink wit% t%e ra$id &rowt% in $o$"#ation, economic in de'e#o$ment, ind"stria#isation and motorisation enco"ntered by t%e co"ntry, *ince 1;H0(s, Ma#aysia %ad e2$erienced a remarkab#e &rowt% in t%ese

sectors, In .acts, t%ere is an increase in Ma#aysian $o$"#ation .rom 10,7 mi##ion in 1;H7 to 28,1 mi##ion in 200E at an a'era&e &rowt% rate o. abo"t 2,1W $er year 2,
1 Law,

-,+,, Gon&, *,J, and adin Umar, ,*, The Malaysian Government3s 5oad -ccident ,eath

5eduction Tar$et for :ear ;8<8, Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia, 2007,

2 )e$artment

o. *tatistics, 200E

O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

?"rt%ermore, t%e tota# #en&t% o. road %ad a#so increased .rom 11,181 km in 1;H7 to H1,917 km in 200E to accommodate an increase in n"mbers o. 'e%ic#es in Ma#aysia, -%is a#so #ed to an increase o. owners%i$ .rom ;,8 $ersons $er 'e%ic#e in 1;H7 to 1,H $ersons $er 'e%ic#e in 200E, -%e tota# n"mbers o. re&istered 'e%ic#es a#so increased .rom 1,0;0,2H; to 1E,028,880 'e%ic#es in 200E / -ab#e 10,
0 E0,000 100,000 1E0,000 200,000 2E0,000 :00,000 :E0,000 1;H7 1;H8 1;H9 1;90 1;92 1;97 1;98 1;99

1;;0 1;;2 1;;7 1;;8 1;;9 2000 2002 2007 road accident Figure 3# "tatistics !oad )ccidents in Malaysia (8BBD) Source* 5oyal Malaysian Police =P,5M>

)es$ite an increased in tra..ic accident and road .ata#ities, t%ere is a dro$ in deat% rate /'a#"e o. deat% $er 10,000 re&istered 'e%ic#es0, By ."rt%er com$arin& t%e deat% rate o'er t%e #ast .i'e /E0 years, it s%ows t%at t%e deat% rate 'a#"e %as dro$$ed .rom E,1H in 2001 to 7,1: in 200E, *imi#ar#y d"rin& t%e same $eriod, accident deat% rate $er 100,000 $eo$#es %as a#so dro$$ed .rom 27,:E in 2001 to 2:,H: in 200E,
O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

'able 3# ,eneral !oad )ccident -ata in Malaysia (3EF8G8BBD) (ear Population /ehicles !egistered /ehicles &nvolved !oad 0ength (km) !oad )ccidents

!oad Casualties !oad -eaths /ehicle .wnership 1;H7 10,7:7,E;2 1,0;0,2H; :;,0E8 11,181 27,E91 1:,::2O 2,:0: ;,8 1;HE 10,7:9,1:H 1,28H,11; HE,8E: 12,07: 79,2:: 1;,770 2,:1H 9,2 1;H8 10,7H2,E77 1,72;,97E 90,;;E 12,:70 79,2;1 1;,:2H 2,70E H,: 1;HH 10,H18,872 1,821,2H1 98,899 12,8:H E7,222 20,:0E 2,E12 8,8 1;H9 10,;77,E00 1,92;,;E9 ;1,122 1:,:;; E8,021 21,8E; 2,E81 8,0 1;H; 11,199,8:0 1,;9;,:;1 ;7,H99 1:,HH2 EH,;:1 22,811 2,80H E,8 1;90 11,772,098 2,:EH,:98 ;;,79E 17,778 E;,097 22,707 2,E89 7,; 1;91 17,129,:E7 2,;01,192 10H,EE2 :1,E89 8:,1;2 22,:0: 2,H8; 7,; 1;92 17,E08,E9; :,278,H;0 128,7H7 :8,2:9 H7,0;8 22,920 :,288 7,E 1;9: 17,998,HE; :,E;7,;7: 1:;,008 70,887 H;,1E0 28,EEH :,EE0 7,1 1;97 1E,7:H,89: :,;71,0:8 170,072 72,2E7 90,E28 2E,EE2 :,8:H :,; 1;9E 1E,988,E;2 7,27:,172 172,8E: 7:,;;7 92,0E; 27,927 :,80: :,H 1;98 18,2H9,001 :,E2:,8H7 1:H,1HE 77,H00 H;,907 2:,2EH :,E22 7,8 1;9H 18,E2H,;H: :,8H7,792 1:1,80; 77,2:; H8,992 21,78H :,:20 7,E 1;99 18,E21,:00 :,98E,H11 127,;22 77,729 H:,2E0 22,E:9 :,::E 7,: 1;9; 1H,:H8,900 7,1EE,1;H 12H,2H; 77,E;2 HE,828 :0,0:H :,HH: 7,2 1;;0 1H,912,000 7,E7H,71H 178,H7H E0,9:E 9H,;;; 2;,90E 7,079 :,; 1;;1 19,1H9,100 7,;72,070 181,92: EE,:8H ;8,E1: :0,10H 7,::1 :,H 1;;2 19,808,000 E,2E;,9:8 19E,90E E;,H;8 119,EE7 :8,282 7,EEH :,E 1;;: 1;,0E0,000 E,8E8,0:H 220,;:; E;,H;8 1:E,;;E 71,898 7,888 :,7 1;;7 1;,7;7,000 8,188,7:2 2E1,898 80,H:7 179,901 79,E0: E,1E; :,2

1;;E 20,0;8,H00 8,902,:HE 2HE,7:0 82,221 182,7;1 E2,1E2 E,H12 :,0 1;;8 21,18;,000 H,898,897 :2E,;1E 87,E11 19;,10; E:,7HE 8,:07 2,9 1;;H 21,88E,800 9,EE0,78; :H:,E28 88,109 21E,8:2 E8,EH7 8,:02 2,E 1;;9 22,1H;,E00 ;,171,:EH :88,;:2 88,H71 211,0:H EE,H07 E,H70 2,7 1;;; 22,H11,;00 ;,;2;,;E1 :;0,8H7 8H,08; 22:,188 E2,;:H E,H;7 2,: 2000 2:,28:,800 10,E;9,907 771,:98 89,HH0 2E0,72; E0,200 8,0:E 2,2 2001 2:,H;E,:00 11,:02,E7E 79:,:E1 H7,21H 28E,1HE E0,7H: E,97; 2,1 2002 27,E28,E00 12,089,177 E0H,;;E H7,871 2H;,H11 7;,EE2 E,9;1 2,0 200: 2E,079,:00 12,91;,279 EEE,8:7 H;,88H 2;9,8E: E2,H71 8,298 2,0 2007OO 2E,E90,000 1:,929,99; 6 H1,917 :28,91E E7,0;1 8,229 1,9 200EOO 28,1:0,000 1E,028,880 6 H1,917 :29,287 7H,012 8,200 1,H

*o"rce@ oya# Ma#aysian Po#ice 200E, O-%is .i&"re is re&arded as not re#iab#e OO ?i&"res .or 2007 and 200E %a'e not been .ina#ised 6X no data a'ai#ab#e,
O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

*)'&.*)0 !.)- ")F$'( ')!,$' In 1;;0, -%e 5abinet 5ommittee o. oad *a.ety was .ormed to .orm"#ate a nationa# road sa.ety tar&et in red"cin& road accident and .ata#ities, -%e ear#ier tar&et was estab#is%ed to monitor t%e rates o. .ata#ities d"e to tra..ic accident w%ic% is common#y de.ined as deat% wit%in :0 days o. .o##owin& an accident $er 10,000 'e%ic#es :, At t%at time, an ear#ier nationa# road sa.ety tar&et7 was to red"ce deat%s rate to 7 tra..ic accident deat%s $er 10,000 re&istered 'e%ic#es by t%e year 2010, -%is tar&et was based on t%e statistica# mode# de'e#o$ed by oad *a.ety esearc% 5entre o. Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia w%ic% $redicted ;,12H deat%s in year 2000 i. t%e tra..ic contin"ed to increase at t%e contin"in& #inear &rowt% wit% 1;9; as its base year /see ?i&, 20,

0 1 2 : 7 E 8 H 9 ; 10 1;H2 1;H: 1;H7 1;HE 1;H8 1;HH 1;H9 1;H; 1;90 1;91 1;92 1;9: 1;97 1;9E 1;98 1;9H 1;99 1;9; 1;;0

1;;1 1;;2 1;;: 1;;7 1;;E 1;;8 1;;H 1;;9 1;;; 2000

)eat%s /210000

Figure 8# Fatality Model and "afety 'arget in Malaysia Source* 5adin 'mar 5.S. 'pdates of 5oad Safety Status in Malaysia# 'niversiti Putra Malaysia. ;887

5om$ared to t%e nation(s sa.ety $er.ormance, t%e deat%s rate is sti## .ar be%ind ot%er de'e#o$ed co"ntries, w%ic% is be#ow : deat%s $er 10,000 'e%ic#es, +ence in 2001, t%e nationa# road sa.ety tar&etE to red"ce t%e deat% rate to 7 tra..ic accident deat%s $er 10,000 re&istered 'e%ic#es by t%e year 2010 was estab#is%ed, ?o##owin& t%e $ositi'e trend in red"cin& .ata#ity by sa.ety inter'ention meas"res carried o"t, new sa.ety tar&ets8 %a'e been estab#is%ed based on 10,000 re&istered 'e%ic#es, 100,000 $o$"#ation and bi##ion ki#ometre tra'e##ed, By t%e year 2010, Ma#aysia %as set "$ %er tar&et to red"ce deat% rates by 2,0 $er 10,000 re&istered 'e%ic#es, 10,0 $er 100,000 $eo$#es and 10,0 .or e'ery bi##ion ki#ometres tra'e##ed, ")F$'( &*&)'&/$"

adin Umar adin *"%adi, Critical 5eview of 5oad Safety in Malaysia. ?olume @# (o <# The

Proceedin$ of The Chartered Institute of Transport in the '!, Marc% 1;;9,

7 Law,

-,+,, Gon&, *,J, and adin Umar, ,*, The Malaysian Government3s 5oad -ccident ,eath

5eduction Tar$et for :ear ;8<8, Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia, 2007,


adin Umar adin *"%adi, Critical 5eview of 5oad Safety in Malaysia. ?olume @# (o <# The

Proceedin$ of The Chartered Institute of Transport in the '!, Marc% 1;;9,


adin Umar, ,*, 'pdate of 5oad Safety Status in Malaysia. Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia, 200E,

?orecast /;,12H0 !eduction >BH Act"a# )eat% O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

-o ac%ie'e tra..ic accident red"ction tar&et set "$ by t%e =o'ernment, a## t%e re#e'ant =o'ernment de$artments and a&encies need to &i'e t%eir contrib"tion, -%e a$$roac% taken .o##ows t%e : E(s conce$t i,e, Ed"cation, En&ineerin& and En.orcement, Note t%at PG), MOG is a key $#ayer in en&ineerin& as$ect o. road sa.ety, Causes of Traffic accidents -%ere is rare#y an accident sit"ation in w%ic% on#y on t%in& or $erson is t%e so#e ca"se o. accident, =enera##y, accident ca"ses can be a combination o. eit%er t%ese t%ree basic .actors w%ic% are road "ser errors, road en'ironment .a"#ts and 'e%ic#e de.ects, In en&ineerin& $oint o. 'iew, t%ese .actors be#ow constit"te to road and road(s en'ironment t%at is "s"a##y re#ated to an accidents@ i, 5ombination o. tra..ic com$osition No se$aration between tra..ic com$osition w%ereby most o. tra..ic is a combination o. sma##, medi"m and %ea'y 'e%ic#e, -%is is in 'iew o. motorcyc#e 's, ot%er 'e%ic#e, oad accident statistics s%ows t%at in 200E H, cas"a#ties .rom motorcyc#e accident constit"te 88W /:1,2220 o. a## tra..ic accidents cas"a#ties /7H,0120 in Ma#aysia / -ab#e 20,

'able 8 # !oad accident statistics (8BBD)

'ype Casualties Percentage (H) Pedestrian :,E2: H,7; Motorcy#e :1,222 88,71 Bycyc#e 1,8H; :,EH 5ar H,:H2 1E,89 Jan 927 1,HE B"s :E; 0,H8 Lorry 1,0:2 2,20 7 G%ee# )ri'e E9E 1,27 Ot%er 718 0,99 -ota# 7H,012 100 *o"rce@ *tatistica# e$ort oad Accident, oya# Ma#aysian Po#ice, 200E ii, Im$ro$er intersection desi&n Im$ro$er desi&n at intersection can ca"se si&ni.icant increase o. accident, In 200:, accident occ"rrence at intersection is t%e second a.ter strai&%t road w%ic% constit"te abo"t 22W /inc#"si'e o. cross, -QI and sta&&ered <"nction0 / -ab#e :0, e,&, rear end co##ision "s"a##y ca"se by im$ro$er desi&n o. ri&%t t"rn w%ic% did not $ro'ide eno"&% stora&e #ane .or 'e%ic#e w%i#e wait to t"rn ri&%t, Ot%er re#ated iss"e to im$ro'er desi&n in #ack o. sa.e si&%t distance,
H *tatistica#

e$ort oad Accident, oya# Ma#aysian Po#ice, 200E at

%tt$@QQwww,rm$,&o',myQrm$0:Qstatistikkema#an&an<#nraya,%tm O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

'able ># !oad )ccident by !oad 'ype (8BB>)

!oad 'ype Fatal "erious 'otal Hage *trai&%t :,8;0 7,179 H,9:9 8:,10

Bend 9;7 92; 1,H2: 1:,9H o"ndabo"t 2: 29 E1 0,71 5ross >"nction 21E 7EH 8H2 E,71 -QI >"nction EH8 1,727 2,000 18,10 *ta&&ered >"nction :8 H9 117 0,;2 Interc%an&es 12 11 2: 0,1; -ota# E,778 8,;HE 12,721 100 *o"rce@ *tatistica# e$ort oad Accident, oya# Ma#aysian Po#ice, 200: ?"rt%ermore, consideration to n"mber o. intersection $er ki#ometre s%o"#d be #ook into by t%e desi&ner, A st"dy done by oad *a.ety esearc% 5entre, Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia conc#"ded t%at t%e road section wit% more t%an 1E <"nctions $er ki#ometre are abo"t 1,8H times %i&%er to %a'e an accident t%an wit% #ess t%an 1E <"nctions $er ki#ometre9, iii, Pro'ision o. street #i&%tnin& Git%o"t $ro$er street #i&%tin& and #ow 'isibi#ity es$ecia##y at <"nction d"rin& ni&%ttimes wi## &i'e %i&%er cases o. accident es$ecia##y to t%e $edestrian, i', +i&% tra..ic 'o#"me +i&% tra..ic 'o#"me is one o. t%e contrib"tors to tra..ic accident, It is .o"nd t%at an increase in tra..ic 'o#"me associated wit% an increase in tra..ic accident, A st"dy conc#"ded t%at an accident a#on& sections wit% t%e a'era&e dai#y tra..ic /A)-0 o. abo'e :0,000 is abo"t 7HW %i&%er t%an A)- #ess t%an :0,000 ;, Not eno"&% &a$s in between 'e%ic#es at intersection and #ess c%ance to o'ertake ot%er motorist are some o. t%e concerns a..ected .rom %i&% tra..ic 'o#"mes, ', Pro'ision o. $edestrian crossin& N"mber o. $edestrian in'o#'ed in accident is abo"t :,E2: cases, constit"ted

H,EW o. o'era## cas"a#ties o. accident, In 'iew o. a'ai#abi#ity o. $edestrian crossin&, t%ere wasn(t eno"&% $edestrian crossin&s bein& $"t6"$ or t%ere are no $edestrian crossin& $ro'ided at a##, 'i, *i&na# #i&%t

adin Umar ,*,, 5%ai G,L,, +"ssain +, Law -,+, o. oad *a.ety esearc% 5entre, Uni'ersiti

P"tra Ma#aysia Modellin$ of Traffic -ccidents -lon$ Ma%or Trun+ 5oads in Malaysia. , >o"rna# M Instit"tion o. En&ineers, Ma#aysia Jo#,82 No, :, 2001, O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

In "rban area es$ecia##y, t%ere(s a #ar&e n"mber o. tra..ic #i&%ts a'ai#ab#e, *ometimes, "ndesirab#e $%ase desi&n at si&na#ised intersection does %a$$en, -%is wo"#d inc"r %a'oc to t%e tra..ic .#ow and mo'ement $attern w%ic% &rad"a##y wi## increase t%e c%ance .or accident to take $#ace, 'ii, Je%ic#e s$eed Git% increase o. road network and 'e%ic#e(s s$eci.ication, most o. new 'e%ic#e wi## dro'e e2ceedin& t%e $osted s$eed #imit, -%is may d"e to t%e a'ai#abi#ity and 'isibi#ity o. e2istin& road si&na&e, ?"rt%ermore, none rea#istic s$eed #imit may im$ose to ."rt%er increase in s$eedin& motorist, -pproaches used in 5oad Safety Pro$rammes PG), MOG es$ecia##y oad Branc% is t%e a&ency res$onsib#e in $#annin& and mana&es t%e ?edera# oads, In order to increase t%e sa.ety o. t%e road concerned, t%ese en&ineerin& a$$roac%es are "ti#ised@ i, Accident Pre'entions /$roacti'e action0 ii, Accident ed"ction /reacti'e action0 iii, oad Maintenance i', B"i#din& New oad i. -ccident Preventions

Git% t%is a$$roac%, PG) attem$t to $re'ent an accident .rom %a$$enin&, -%is tar&et is ac%ie'ab#e by $ro'ide road sa.ety a"dit as a mandatory to a## new road $ro<ects d"rin& .easibi#ity R $#annin& sta&e, $re#iminary and detai# desi&n sta&e, constr"ction R $re6o$enin& sta&e and o$erationa# sta&e, ?"rt%ermore, road sa.ety a"dits a#so bein& done to e2istin& roads, -%e $"r$ose o. road sa.ety a"dit was to $ro'ide remedia# action to road sa.ety iss"es at t%e ri&%t time to a'oid %i&%er redesi&n cost beca"se o. t%e reconstr"ction, ii. -ccident 5eduction Pro&rammes "nder accident red"ction were to red"ce t%e accident, cas"a#ties and .ata#ities, -%ere(re n"mbers o. $ro&rammes in'o#'ed s"c% as@

Im$ro'ement o. %aCardo"s #ocation

Git% t%is $ro&ram, t%e %aCardo"s accident #ocations a#on& ?edera# oads are im$ro'ed, -%is #ocation is ear#ier identi.ied by +i&%way P#annin& Unit "sin& t%e accident data record and $ro'ided by oya# Ma#aysian Po#ice, In $ractice, t%is $ro&ram in'o#'ed on#y #ow cost remedia# actions to inc#"de im$ro'ement to e2istin& tra..ic mana&ement, $ro'idin& $edestrian .aci#ities, $ro'idin& motorcyc#e .aci#ities, "$&radin& intersection, insta##in& si&na# #i&%t and road #i&%tin&, insta##in& road si&na&e, etc, -%is $ro&ram was started since 8t% Ma#aysian P#an /1;;1 M 1;;E0 and in 9t% MP, 1E: %aCardo"s #ocations %a'e been treated,
O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

Motorcyc#e #ane
-%is $ro&ram was to increase sa.ety to motorcyc#ist by $ro'idin& e2c#"si'e motorcyc#e #ane, esearc% done by oad *a.ety esearc% 5entre,

Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia estimated a decrease o. :;W .ata# accident in'o#'in& motorcyc#e can be ac%ie'ed wit% t%e "sa&e o. e2c#"si'e motorcyc#e #ane, Under 9t% MP, abo"t MI 100 mi##ion was $ro'ided by t%e =o'ernment to constr"ction 1E #ocation in'o#'in& 1E0 km stretc% o. roads,

Pa'in& o. road s%o"#der

-%is $ro&ram was to $ro'ide reco'ery and manoe"'rin& s$ace .or motorist .rom o"t o. contro# and co##ision wit% ot%ers, It in'o#'ed o. $a'in& 2 metres o. road s%o"#der /bot% ways0, road #ine markin& and $ro$er insta##ation o. road si&na&e,

Im$ro'ement o. dan&ero"s c"r'e

-%is $ro&ram started in 2000 in w%ic% d"rin& t%at time, accident statistic s%own t%at 2EW o. .ata# accident %a$$en in'o#'ed motorist %ittin& ob<ect o..6road, o'ert"rned and o"t o. contro#, Beca"se o. t%is accident $attern is "s"a##y took $#ace at road c"r'e, and t%en sa.ety action s%o"#d be taken, Low cost remedia# meas"re s"c% as increase n"mbers o. warnin& si&na&e to im$ro'e sa.e 'e%ic#e s$eed and insta##in& de#ineators to im$ro'e 'isibi#ity o. road a#i&nment d"rin& ni&%ttimes or %ea'y rain,

Pedestrian crossin&
-%is $ro&ram was to cater t%e sa.ety .or t%e $edestrian es$ecia##y t%e sc%oo# c%i#dren, Estimated10 $edestrian at t%e a&e o. 8610 /2:W0 is t%e %i&%est $ercenta&e o. $edestrian deat%s to## .o##owed by a&e ran&in& .rom 1161E years o#d, Pro'ision o. $edestrian crossin& in'o#'ed 2 ty$e o. crossin& w%ic% are i0 at6&rade si&na#ised $edestrian crossin&T and ii0 $edestrian brid&es,

O'ertakin& #ane

Under t%is $ro&ram, 1 km o'ertakin& #ane is $ro'ided .or e'ery E km stretc% o. road t%at %a'e t%e most n"mbers o. accident cases wit% %ead6onco##ision, O'ertakin& #ane wi## $ro'ide eno"&% s$ace .or ot%er %i&% s$eed 'e%ic#e to o'ertake #ow s$eed 'e%ic#e, -%e work inc#"des insta##in& road si&na&e, road #ine markin& and $ro$er draina&e,

*treet #i&%tin&
10 *tatistica#

re$ort oad Accident, oad -ra..ic Branc%, oya# Ma#aysia Po#ice B"kit Aman, 2000,

O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

Insta##ation o. street #i&%tin& was done at $artic"#ar stretc% o. road t%at %as %i&% $edestrian acti'ities, Location was identi.ied by reco&nisin& %i&%est ni&% time accidents in'o#'in& $edestrian, iii. 5oad Maintenance ?or t%e $"r$ose o. t%is $ro&ram, c"rrent#y it on#y a$$#ied to ?edera# oads, =o'ernment %a'e a##ocated abo"t MI E00 mi##ion a year to maintain t%e ?edera# oads, -%is $ro&ram in'o#'ed sma## works s"c% as $a'in& o. $ot%o#es, c"ttin& &rass, road side ."rnit"re maintenance, draina&e c#ean6"$, etc, Led by t%e increased o. tra..ic accident d"rin& .esti'e season, new#y sa.ety acti'ity was initiated in 200: by PG) to do #ow cost co"ntermeas"re .or identi.ied %aCardo"s #ocation, -%is #ow cost co"ntermeas"re is done in combination o. n"mero"s new insta##ations s"c% as road si&na&e, road st"d, road $a'ement markin& and "sa&e o. tra..ic ca#min& de'ices s"c% as road %"m$ and trans'erse bars, It %o$es t%at wit% t%is im$ro'ement, ear#y warnin& can be &i'en to dri'ers to im$ro'e t%eir dri'in&, iv. &uildin$ (ew 5oads Under 9t% Ma#aysian P#an, t%e =o'ernment %a'e in'ested abo"t MI 11,8

mi##ion .or road $ro<ects, Abo"t E8H road $ro<ects %a'e been im$#emented in'o#'ed constr"ction o. new road, re$#acement o. o#d brid&es, constr"ct more interc%an&es, im$ro'ed si&na#ised intersection and more, Aestive Seasons 5oad Safety Interventions Accident statistic d"rin& O$s *ika$11 IJ /2E >an"ary M 2 ?ebr"ary 200:0 and J /20 No'ember M 1 )isember 200:0 s%owed t%at EW o. .ata# accident took $#ace d"rin& .esti'e season, In order to im$ro'e sa.ety d"rin& .esti'e season $eriod, MOG %as taken t%e .o##owin& $re'ention ste$s@ i, $ro'idin& 27 %o"rs obser'ation at se#ected road stretc% #ocationT ii, settin& "$ obser'ation towers to monitor tra..ic mo'ement and t%eir $atternT iii, insta##in& tem$orary warnin& si&na&e and road ."rnit"re w%ere #ocation is identi.ied as %aCardo"sT i', 27 %o"rs monitorin& at %aCardo"s #ocationT ', Insta##in& road st"d, b#inkers to $ro'ide ear#y warnin& si&n to road "sersT and 'i, e$air a## $ot%o#es, F%'%!$ "'!)'$,&$" )*- C+)00)*,$" .F !.)- ")F$'( Accidents statistica#12 in 2001 to 200: s%ows t%at estimated 78W to 7;W .ata# and serio"s accident occ"rred at *tate and M"nici$a# roads, 5"rrent $ractice o. road sa.ety im$ro'ement on#y on ?edera# road and wit% an ear#ier .indin&, t%ere(s new ty$e o. road need to be tack#e as to im$ro'e road sa.ety .or a## road "sers,
11,12 *tatistica#

re$ort oad Accident, oad -ra..ic Branc%, oya# Ma#aysia Po#ice B"kit Aman, 20016

200:, O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

In order to accom$#is% t%e tar&et, 5abinet 5ommittee on oad *a.ety on 2E May 2007 %a'e decided t%at road sa.ety a"dit and road sa.ety $ro&rammes to be im$#emented onto *tate oad and M"nici$a# oad, In ;t% Ma#aysian P#an, a##ocation o. abo"t MI

200 mi##ion was $ro'ided by t%e =o'ernment to im$ro'e t%e %i&%est E %aCardo"s #ocations a#on& state and m"nici$a# roads, C.*C0%"&.* Ministry o. Gorks Ma#aysia, MOGs tried to $ro'ide a better sa.ety o. road in Ma#aysia a#on&side wit% t%e =o'ernment e..orts to red"ce tra..ic accident and to ac%ie'e its tar&ets, A#t%o"&% st"dies s%own t%at ca"ses to most o. t%e accident is beca"se o. t%e dri'ers t%emse#'es, MOGs a#ways make it $ositi'e e..ort in order tom im$ro'e tra..ic accident by &i'in& ."rt%er stress on en&ineerin& as$ect wit% $roacti'e and reacti'e action d"rin& desi&n, constr"ction and maintenance sta&e, ?"rt%ermore, MOGs %as taken ste$s w%ic% $ro'en to &i'e a $ositi'e res$onds re3"ired by a## a..ected road "ser and a&encies, +o$e."##y, in ."t"re wit% better co##aboration intra and inter a&ency can im$ro'e more in road sa.ety and ."rt%ermore =o'ernment wo"#d ac%ie'e its deat%s rate tar&et,
O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

!$F$!$*C$" Law, -,+,, Gon&, *,J, and adin Umar, ,*, The Malaysian Government3s 5oad -ccident ,eath 5eduction Tar$et for :ear ;8<8, Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia, 2007, )e$artment o. *tatistics, 200E adin Umar adin *"%adi, Critical 5eview of 5oad Safety in Malaysia. ?olume @# (o <# The Proceedin$ of The Chartered Institute of Transport in the '!. Marc% 1;;9, adin Umar, ,*, 'pdate of 5oad Safety Status in Malaysia. Uni'ersiti P"tra Ma#aysia, 200E, Statistical report 5oad -ccident# oad -ra..ic Branc%, oya# Ma#aysia Po#ice B"kit Aman, 20016200:, Gebsite o. oya# Ma#aysia Po#ice B"kit at %tt$@QQwww,rm$,&o',myQ

O'er'iew O. 5"rrent oad *a.ety *it"ation In Ma#aysia

4oa" a**$"e t a aly%$% fa*tor%

Esmaee#i, +amed /20100 5oad accident analysis factors. Masters t%esis, Uni'ersiti -ekno#o&i Ma#aysia, ?ac"#ty o. 5i'i# En&ineerin&, P)? 11EKb P)? 2HHKb P)? 2:2Kb

-%e $rob#em o. road accident is increasin& in de'e#o$in& co"ntries, A matter o. researc% %as been and is bein& committed to t%is to$ic, as a searc% o. $ast and c"rrent researc% s%ows, oad accidents in de'e#o$in& co"ntries %a'e $ro&ressed o'er t%e #ast ten years, -%is co"#d be beca"se o. increasin& 'e%ic#e occ"$ancy o'er time or to t%e .act t%at a $artic"#ar ty$e o. accident is m"c% more common now t%an was t%e case ten years a&o, ?or instance commercia# 'e%ic#es are c"rrent#y "sed to trans$ort workers to and .rom t%eir $#aces o. t%eir work, G%en s"c% a 'e%ic#e is in'o#'ed in an accident, #ar&e n"mbers o. morta#ities o.ten occ"r, -%is re$ort in'esti&ates t%e mode##in& and im$#ementation o. a coordination system wit%in a sim"#ation en'ironment to .oresee ."t"re accident rate, -%e a$$roac% o. ana#ysis "sed m"st be corres$ondin&#y rob"st and ob<ecti'e to e'a#"ate accident rate, -o com$arin& c%an&es in car owners%i$, we %o$e to "se t%ese data to in'esti&ate t%e .actors be%ind t%ese c%an&es, *ome e2am$#es are t%e e..ect o. income, c%an&es in em$#oyment, c%an&in& %o"se%o#d str"ct"re and c%an&es in residentia# and work #ocation, -%ey s%o"#d not be too sensiti'e to de$art"res .rom mode# ass"m$tions or t%e $resence o. a s"bstantia# n"mber o. o"t#iers, =i'en t%e $o##"ted nat"re o. t%e data, ordinary #east s3"ares re&ression is not s"itab#e, t%ere.ore, rob"st re&ression tec%ni3"es are recommended, &tem 'ype# )dditional &nformation# %ncontrolled 4eywords# -%esis /Masters0 -%esis /*ar<ana Ke<"r"teraan /Awam6 Pen&an&k"tan dan >a#anraya00 6 Uni'ersiti -ekno#o&i Ma#aysia, 2010T *"$er'isor @ Assoc, Pro., Abd"# ACiC bin Abd"# M"ti 'e%ic#e owners%i$, accident rate, $"b#ic trans$ort "sa&e, rob"st re&ression

A9ST4ACT -%e $rob#em o. road accident is increasin& in de'e#o$in& co"ntries, A matter o. researc% %as been and is bein& committed to t%is to$ic, as a searc% o. $ast and c"rrent researc% s%ows, oad accidents in de'e#o$in& co"ntries %a'e $ro&ressed o'er t%e #ast ten years, -%is co"#d be beca"se o. increasin& 'e%ic#e occ"$ancy o'er time or to t%e .act t%at a $artic"#ar ty$e o. accident is m"c% more common now t%an was t%e case ten years a&o, ?or instance commercia# 'e%ic#es are c"rrent#y "sed to trans$ort workers to and .rom t%eir $#aces o. t%eir work, G%en s"c% a 'e%ic#e is in'o#'ed in an accident, #ar&e n"mbers o. morta#ities o.ten occ"r, -%is re$ort in'esti&ates t%e mode##in& and im$#ementation o. a coordination system wit%in a sim"#ation en'ironment to .oresee ."t"re accident rate, -%e a$$roac% o. ana#ysis "sed m"st be corres$ondin&#y rob"st and ob<ecti'e to e'a#"ate accident rate, -o com$arin& c%an&es in car owners%i$, we %o$e to "se t%ese data to in'esti&ate t%e .actors be%ind t%ese c%an&es, *ome e2am$#es are t%e e..ect o. income, c%an&es in em$#oyment, c%an&in& %o"se%o#d str"ct"re and c%an&es in residentia# and work #ocation, -%ey s%o"#d not be too sensiti'e to de$art"res .rom mode# ass"m$tions or t%e $resence o. a s"bstantia# n"mber o. o"t#iers, =i'en t%e $o##"ted nat"re o. t%e data, ordinary #east s3"ares re&ression is not s"itab#e, t%ere.ore, rob"st re&ression tec%ni3"es are recommended, Key words@ Je%ic#e owners%i$, accident rate, $"b#ic trans$ort "sa&e, rob"st re&ression

1 Chapter & &*'!.-%C'&.* 313 5ackground +"man #i.e wit% a 'ariety o. %ea#t% risks .aced was t%reatenin&, More interestin& %owe'er t%at ind"stria# #i.e is more im$ro'edT e3"i$ment and o$eratin& amenities .or %im are new dan&ers, 5ontaminations &rowt% and increased t%e one %and 'e%ic#es, risin& car owners%i$ ratio $er ca$ita in society, increased tra'e# demand in %o"se%o#d siCe, to do"b#e tra..ic 'o#"me and "sa&e o. $ersona# be#on&in&s as t%e root ca"ses o. dri'in& accidents and morta#ities in come, Pedestrian, bicyc#e ridin&, motor bike riders and dri'ers com$ared to motor 'e%ic#e dri'ers and $assen&ers and motor 'e%ic#es #ar&er, more risk and %i&% risk as t%e "sers #earn to roads, -rans$ortation o$eratin& %"man #i.e as a society a#ways $rob#ems and iss"es and t%e .re3"ency wi## be, E3"a#ity o. s"$$#y and demand, ina$$ro$riate %os$ita#iCation and -rans$ort .aci#ities and abo'e a## t%e risks are #e.t in t%is system, inc#"din& -rans$ort $rob#ems are a## comm"nities, *t"dies cond"cted s%ow t%at "n.ort"nate#y, t%e res"#t o. 2

road cas"a#tys risks and t%ird wor#d co"ntries and some de'e#o$in& co"ntries are 'ery %i&% and worryin& t%e w%o#e wor#d, and a#so road cas"a#ties is now t%e nint% director o. morta#ity is t%at in 2020 wi## c#imb to t%ird, 5osmo$o#itans and #ar&e cities and ma<or $o$"#ation increase in most co"ntries, too many cr"cia# $rob#ems and %ad to %a'e, Increasin& raise o. $o$"#ation 'e%ic#es res"#ts owners%i$ in cities is s"c% $rob#ems t%at are di..erence .rom t%e ab"ndant .actor, Interestin&#y, considerin& t%e increase o. 'ario"s trans$ortation met%ods is c"rrent#y in E"ro$e 90 $ercent o. EU cons"m$tion &oods by t%e road trans$ort system, Increased density, de#ay, a"ditory and air $o##"tion, accidents and #oss o. 'e%ic#es is increasin& com$#ications t%at way ca"se %arm to economic, socia#, c"#t"ra# and etc, Un.ort"nate#y, t%e sit"ation in t%ird wor#d co"ntries and de'e#o$in& co"ntries m"c% more t%an t%e ot%er eye eats, Accordin& to t%e Internationa# ?ederation o. ed 5ross and ed 5rescent $o$"#ations, road accidents in 1;;9 abo"t E00 t%o"sand deat% and 1E mi##ion not wo"nded, and i. socia# e..ects to de#ete abo"t E: bi##ion do##ars o. economic dama&e %a'e #e.t, -%is st"dy aims to .ind re#ations%i$ between 'e%ic#e owners%i$ and accident rate in de'e#o$ed co"ntry to $redict ."t"re and make $#an to red"ce economic dama&es and deat%, 318 -efinitions of the problem In #ast .orty years t%e co"ntries o. Gestern E"ro$e and Nort% America %a'e %ad to acknow#ed&e t%e .act t%at road accidents are main ca"se o. deat% and in<"ry, O'er t%is $eriod s"bstantia# s"ms o. money %a'e been s$ent on tryin& to contain t%e road sa.ety $rob#em, )ri'in& o#d 'e%ic#es, a"tomoti'e tec%nica# de.ects, not bein& a standard 'e%ic#e and t%o"sands o. ot%er $rob#ems s"c% as instr"ment cases, 'e%ic#es are incident, :

?ort"nate#y, road and 'e%ic#e can be $"t "nder com$#ete contro# and man wit% re&ard to $ro$er s"$er'ision can be risks o. t%eir rate red"ced, B"t t%e %"man bein& d"e to anonymo"s c%aracteristics and t%eir 'ario"s reactions a#ways %as been t%e ca"se o. many $rob#ems, I. 'e%ic#e owners%i$ increases a #ot wit%o"t any #imitation, in ne2t year s a #ot o. con&estion and accident %a$$ened wit%o"t any contro#T +ence, by $rediction o. 'e%ic#e owners%i$ &rowt% and re#ation between its .actors and accident, some .actors describe are in.#"enced on #imitation o. accidents in t%e ."t"re by contro##in& t%em, -%ere.ore, increase in abi#ity o. %o"se%o#d ca"se to b"y 'e%ic#es "nreser'ed and &rowt% accident $robabi#ity, ?"rt%ermore, $eo$#e aim to b"y 'e%ic#e to do t%eir works com.ortab#y and it makes essentia# to $redict re&istered 'e%ic#e to a'oid accidents beca"se o. "nsa.e .aci#ities, 31> .bjectives -%e data a'ai#ab#e .rom 'e%ic#e owners%i$ to t%e 5ity comes .rom t%e 'e%ic#e re&ister, =enera##y, data .rom administrati'e so"rces contain a #ar&e rate o. o"t#iers, Moreo'er, 'e%ic#e owners%i$ data are a time series wit% a si&ni.icant de&ree o. a"tocorre#ation, in 'io#ation o. #ast s3"ares ass"m$tions, -%ese de.iciencies are "s"a##y o'ercome by t%e man"a# remo'a# o. o"t#iers, -%e main s%ortcomin& o. s"c% a $roced"re is t%at it is s"b<ecti'e, -%is can #ead to ad %oc in.#"ences on in.erences, most dan&ero"s#y in t%e direction o. $reconcei'ed be#ie.s, -%ere.ore, t%e met%ods o. ana#ysis "sed m"st be corres$ondin&#y rob"st and ob<ecti'e to meas"re accident rate, -%ey s%o"#d not be too sensiti'e to de$art"res .rom mode# ass"m$tions or t%e $resence o. a s"bstantia# n"mber o. o"t#iers, =i'en t%e contaminated nat"re o. t%e data, ordinary #east s3"ares re&ression is not s"itab#e, ob"st re&ression tec%ni3"es are recommended, 7

Beside 'e%ic#e owners%i$, t%e s"r'ey inc#"des a wide6ran&e o. socio6economic and demo&ra$%ic 'ariab#es .or t%e indi'id"a# co"ntries, In addition to com$arin& c%an&es in 'e%ic#e owners%i$, we %o$e to "se t%ese data to in'esti&ate t%e .actors be%ind t%ese c%an&es, *ome e2am$#es are t%e in.#"ence o. income, c%an&es in em$#oyment, c%an&in& %o"se%o#d str"ct"re and c%an&es in residentia# and work #ocation, -%e second ob<ecti'e o. t%is st"dy is to e2amine and com$are t%e distrib"tion o. 'e%ic#e owners%i$, $artic"#ar#y in re#ation to accident rate, b"t a#so in re#ation to ot%er .actors s"c% as residentia# #ocation, a&e and %o"se%o#d str"ct"re, ?ina##y, t%e dynamics o. 'e%ic#e owners%i$ wi## be ana#ysed by considerin& c%an&es in t%e distrib"tions o'er time, On t%e ot%er %and, .indin& accident rate .rom #ast10 years, %e#$ to make a $ro&ram to $redict ne2t E years accidents b"t it is reasonab#e to .ind re#ation between 'e%ic#e owners%i$ and accident rate, Accident mode#s are a#so im$ortant in estimatin& t%e im$act o. I-* on sa.ety des$ite t%e .act t%at t%is is a re#ati'e#y new to$ic, -%ere.ore t%e main ob<ecti'es are@ A0 )etermine t%e re#ations%i$ o. accident rate wit% 'e%ic#e owners%i$ .actors, B0 )etermine t%e re&ression e3"ation o. t%e owners%i$ .actors and accident rate, 50 ?orecast accident rate .or ne2t 2 years,

319 "cope of study

)etermine .actors o. 'e%ic#e owners%i$, Identi.y and describe $ossib#e .actors t%at may a..ect on accident rate, 5o##ect re#iab#e in.ormation o. 'e%ic#e owners%i$ in case st"dy to ana#ysis obtain data wit%
statistica# met%od, E

31D &mportance of the study 31D13 *umber of vehicles per households -%e n"mber o. 'e%ic#es $er %o"se%o#d is #inked wit% $"b#ic trans$ort a$$#y, wit% #ow rates o. "se amon& residents o. %o"se%o#ds t%at %a'e two or more cars, In 2008, H0W o. ad"#ts #i'in& in dwe##in&s wit% no re&istered cars "sed $"b#ic trans$ort .or t%eir "s"a# <o"rney to work or st"dy, a#t%o"&% on#y one in twe#'e /9W0 o. a## ad"#ts #i'ed in s"c% dwe##in&s, -%e rate o. $"b#ic trans$ort "se .or <o"rneys to work or st"dy .or t%ose #i'in& in dwe##in&s wit% two or more cars /12W0 was #ess t%an %a#. t%at o. t%ose #i'in& in dwe##in&s wit% one re&istered 'e%ic#e /29W0, Not on#y is t%e rate o. $"b#ic trans$ort "se #ower in %o"se%o#ds t%at %a'e two or more cars, b"t $eo$#e in t%ese %o"se%o#ds com$rise a m"c% #ar&er s%are o. t%e o'era## $o$"#ation /80W com$ared wit% :2W in one6car %o"se%o#ds0, -%e n"mber o. ad"#ts in t%e %o"se%o#d c#ear#y is im$ortant .or car a'ai#abi#ity, *in&#e6$erson %o"se%o#ds are %i&%#y and si&ni.icant#y #ess #ike#y to %a'e a car t%an are 26ad"#t %o"se%o#ds /t%e re.erence &ro"$0 in a## co"ntries, 31D18 )ccident factors Inc#"de accident e'ent or action $er.ormed on t%e street, road, a##ey, s3"are, and #e'e# o. $assa&es w%ic% t%e car, t%e dri'er, $eo$#e, anima#s, books, b"i#din&s, etc, 8

come and ca"se dama&e is #eadin& to deat% or $%ysica# in<"ry, oad trans$ort system t%ree %"man 'e%ic#es and roads are t%e main com$onents t%at any tra..ic ty$e in t%e 3"antity and 3"a#ity and %and#in& o. ro#e $#ayin& and t%ey are a#so ca"sin& dan&er, Inade3"ate ca$acity in roads, inade3"ate and "nsa.e $a'ement, &eometric desi&n dan&ero"s, %ars% and #on& 'ertica# s#o$es and s#o$e s"r.ace o. $rob#ematic cases are in road b"i#din&, *im$#e statistics citin& tota# n"mbers o. accidents, in'o#'ements, in<"ries, and deat%s can be 3"ite mis#eadin&, as t%ey i&nore t%e base .rom w%ic% t%ey arise, An increase in t%e n"mber o. %i&%way .ata#ities in a s$eci.ic <"risdiction .rom one year to t%e ne2t m"st be matc%ed a&ainst $o$"#ation and 'e%ic#e6"sa&e $atterns to make any sense, ?or t%is reason, many accident statistics are $resented in t%e .orm o. rates, 31D1813Population;5ased )ccident !ates Accident rates &enera##y .a## into one o. two broad cate&ories@ Po$"#ation6based rates and e2$os"re6based rates, *ome common bases .or $o$"#ation6based rates inc#"de@

Area $o$"#ation N"mber o. re&istered 'e%ic#es N"mber o. #icensed dri'ers +i&%way mi#ea&e

-%ese 'a#"es are re#ati'e#y static /t%ey do not c%an&e radica##y o'er s%ort $eriods o. time0 and do not de$end "$on 'e%ic#e "sa&e or t%e tota# amo"nt o. tra'e#, -%ey are "se."# in 3"anti.yin& o'era## risk to indi'id"a#s on a com$arati'e basis, N"mbers o. re&istered 'e%ic#es and #icensed dri'ers may a#so $artia##y re.#ect "sa&e, 31D1818 $xposure;5ased )ccident !ates E2$os"re6based rates attem$t to meas"re t%e amo"nt o. tra'e# as a s"rro&ate .or t%e indi'id"a# s e2$os"re to $otentia# accident sit"ations, -%e two most common bases .or e2$os"re6based rates are@

Je%ic#e6mi#es tra'e##ed Je%ic#e6%o"rs tra'e##ed

-%e two can 'ary wide#y de$endin& "$on t%e s$eed o. tra'e#, and com$arisons based on mi#ea&e can yie#d di..erent insi&%ts .rom t%ose based on %o"rs o. e2$os"re, ?or $oint #ocations, s"c% as intersections, 'e%ic#e6mi#es or 'e%ic#e6%o"rs %a'e 'ery #itt#e si&ni.icance, E2$os"re rates .or s"c% cases are 1e'ent6based4 "sin& tota# 'o#"me $assin& t%ro"&% t%e $oint to de.ine 1e'ents,4 -r"e 1e2$os"re4 to risk in'o#'es a &reat dea# more t%an <"st time or mi#ea&e, E2$os"re to 'e%ic"#ar or ot%er con.#icts t%at are s"sce$tib#e to accident occ"rrence 'aries wit% many .actors, inc#"din& 'o#"me #e'e#s, roadside acti'ity, intersection .re3"ency, de&ree o. access contro#, a#i&nment, and many ot%ers, )ata re3"irements make it di..ic"#t to 3"anti.y a## o. t%ese .actors in de.inin& e2$os"re, -%e tra..ic en&ineer s%o"#d be co&niCant o. t%ese and ot%er .actors w%en inter$retin& e2$os"re based accident rates, 9

e#iab#e data e2ist .or t%e stock o. $assen&er 'e%ic#es o'er a #on& $eriod, makin& it $ossib#e to estab#is% a re#ati'e &ood .orecast based on time series ana#ysis, -%ere are many re#ations%i$s between 'e%ic#e owners%i$ and %o"se%o#d c%aracteristics, -%e $robabi#ity t%at a %o"se%o#d owns one or more cars is a..ected by income, em$#oyment, a&e, se2, ed"cation, &eo&ra$%y, c%i#dren etc, It is $ossib#e to estimate mode#s on cross6sectiona# data .or a s%orter $eriod o. time, B"t it is $rob#ematic to .orecast, e,&,, t%e re#ations%i$ wit% income o'er time .rom cross6sectiona# data, ?or t%is reason it is c%osen to estab#is% a time series mode# .or t%e tota# stock o. $assen&er cars o'er a #on& $eriod,

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