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IAdjective + Preposition

1. Adj + OF Ashamed Afraid Ahead Aware capable confident fond full independent proud jealous guilty sick tired

2. Adj + TO Acceptable accustomed addicted clear contrary equal grateful harmful important likely next rude similar nice

3. Adj+ AT good/ bad clever quick amazed excellent surprised angry clumsy

4. Adj+ WITH Delighted fed up

acquainted crowded angry bored

busy pleased satisfied

5. Adj + FOR Difficult late greed necessary perfect suitable Sorry qualified helpful ready good/ bad responsible

6. Adj + ABOUT onfused excited happy !pset worried anxious

7. Adj + IN "nterested Successful rich confident

8. Adj + FROM "solated Absent different far safe

#$ Adj + ON



Verb + preposition &$ apologize sb for st ' xin l(i ai v) *i+u g) ,$ admire sb of st ' kh-m ph.c ai v+ *i+u g) /$ accuse sb of st ' *0 t1i 2$ agree with ' *3ng 4 v5i 6$ belong to sb ' thu1c v+ ai 7$ blame sb for st ' *0 l(i cho ai v+ *i+u g) 8$ beg sb for st ' xin ai c9i g) :$ ;eat one<s self up' t= tr9ch m)nh >khi d?ng@ thay oneAs self bBng mysel@ yourself@ himself@ herself$$$C #$ ;reak down' bD hE &F$ $;reak in' *1t nhGp vHo nhH

&&$ $;reak up with s$o' chia tay ngEIi yJu@ cKt *Lt quan hM t)nh cNm v5i ai *O &,$ $;ring s$th up' *+ cGp chuyMn g) *O &/$ $;ring s$o up' nuPi nQng >con c9iC &2$ $;rush up on st' Pn lRD
&6$ congratulate sb on st

&7$ all for st' cSn c9i g) *O &8$ all for sb ' kJu ngEIi nHo *O@ cho gTi ai *O@ yJu cSu gUp ai *O &:$ $ arry out' th=c hiMn >kV hoRchC &#$ $ atch up with sb' theo kDp ai *O ,F$ $ heck in' lHm thW t.c vHo kh9ch sRn ,&$ $ heck out' lHm thW t.c ra kh9ch sRn ,,$ $ heck st out' t)m hiXu@ kh9m ph9 c9i g) *O ,/$ $ lean st up' lau ch?i ,2$ $ ome across ' t)nh cI gUp

,6$ $ ome up against s$th' *Yi mUt v5i c9i g) *O ,7$ $ ome up with' nghZ ra ,8$ $ ook up a story' bDa *Ut ra & c-u chuyMn ,:$ $ ool down' lHm m9t *i@ b5t nOng@ b)nh tZnh lRi >chW ng[ cO thX lH ngEIi hoUc vGtC ,#$ $ ount on sb' tin cGy vHo ngEIi nHo *O /F$ $ ut down on st' cKt giNm c9i g) *O /&$ ut off' cKt l)a@ cKt tr\ gi]p tHi ch^nh /,$ Do away with st' b_ c9i g) *O *i khPng s` c9i g) *O //$ Do without st' chQp nhGn khPng cO c9i g) *O /2$ Dress up' an mUc *bp /6$ $Drop by' ghc qua /7$ Drop sb off' thN ai xuYng xe /8$ dnd up e wind up' cO kVt c.c /:$ figure out' suy ra /#$ find out' t)m ra 2F$ get along/get along with sb' h\p nhau/h\p v5i ai 2&$ get in' *i vHo 2,$ get off' xuYng xe 2/$ get on with sb' hha h\p@ thuGn v5i ai *O 22$ get out' c]t ra ngoHi 26$ get rid of st' b_ c9i g) *O 27$ get up' thLc dGy 28$ give up st' ti b_ c9i g) *O 2:$ go around' *i vhng vhng 2#$ go down' giNm@ *i xuYng 6F$ go off' n0 >s]ng@ bomC@ reo >chuPngC 6&$ go on' tiVp t.c

6,$ go out' *i ra ngoHi@ *i chji 6/$ go up' tang@ *i lJn 62$ grow up' l5n lJn 66$ kelp s$o out with st' gi]p *l ai *O v5i c9i g) 67$ kold on' *\i t^ 68$ %eep on doing st' tiVp t.c lHm g) *O 6:$ %eep up st' hmy tiVp t.c ph9t huy 6#$ net s$o down' lHm ai *O thQt vTng 7F$ nook after sb' cham sOc ai *O 7&$ nook around' nh)n xung quanh 7,$ nook at st' nh)n c9i g) *O 7/$ nook down on sb' khinh thEIng ai *O 72$ nook for sb/st' t)m kiVm ai *O/ c9i g) *O 76$ nook forward to st/nook forward to doing st' mong m_i t5i s= kiMn nHo *O 77$ nook into st' nghiJn cLu c9i g) *O@ xem xct c9i g) *O 78$ nook st up' tra nghZa cWa c9i ti g) *O 7:$ nook up to sb' k^nh trTng@ ngElng m1 ai *O 7#$ oake st up' chV ra@ bDa *Ut ra c9i g) *O 8F$ oake up one<s mind' quyVt *Dnh 8&$ oove on to st' chuyXn tiVp sang c9i g) *O 8,$ pick sb up' *On ai *O 8/$ $pick st up' lE\m c9i g) *O lJn 82$ put sb down' hR thQp ai *O 86$ put sb off' lHm ai *O mQt hLng@ khPng vui 87$ put st off' tr) homn viMc g) *O 88$ put st on' mUc c9i g) *O vHo 8:$ put st away' cQt c9i g) *O *i

8#$ put up with sb/ st' chDu *=ng ai *O/ c9i g) *O :F$ qun into sb/ st' vP t)nh gUp *E\c ai *O/c9i g)
:&$ object to sb/st ' phNn *Yi ai/ c9i g) :,$ participate in st ' tham gia vHo :/$ succeed in st ' thHnh cPng :2$ prevent sb from st ' ngan cNn ai lHm g) :6$ go against ' chYng lRi :7$ provide sb with st e provide st to sb ' cung cQp cho ai c9i g) :8$ depend on ' ph. thu1c vHo ::$ rely on ' tin cGy@ ph. thu1c :#$ die of/ for' chVt v)/ cho #F$ escape from/ to ' trYn tho9t kh_i/ trYn t5i #&$ wait forr wait on ' *\i s ph.c v. #,$ pass to/ away ' *X lRi@ truy+n lRi/ ti trSn #/$ take over ' *Nm nhiMm@ nKm quy+n #2$ take on ' nhGn tr9ch nhiMm@ thuJ thJm nh-n viJn #6$ take off ' cQt c9nht cui b_ quSn 9o #7$ take after ' giYng ai #8$ result ine lead to ' dvn t5i #:$ result from e originate from ' bKt ngu3n ti ##$ set out ' bKt *Su lJn *EIng &FF$ &F&$ &F,$ &F/$ &F2$ set up ' g-y d=ng turn into ' biVn thHnh turn out ' hOa ra lH turn on/ off ' bGt/ tKt turn down ' ti chYit vUn nh_ -m lE\ng

IIIaccess to advantage of

Noun + Preposition relationship with report on

admiration for alternative to increase in delay in desire for difference between/ among difficulty with/ in discussion with/ about effect on expert on/in hope for influence on lack of link with matter with reduction in

responsibility for need for preference for protection from reaction to reason for result of respect for solution to sympathy for tax on threat to trouble with use of victim of

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