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REVISION TEST 1 1People spend more time communicating than they spend in any other complex activity in li e! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

communication is a "ord that most people have di iculty de ining and tal#ing a$out! %& There ore *& +hereas ,'& (i#e"ise E& Other"ise )& Even so 1;%t irst it loo#ed as i the t"o $usses !!!!!!!!!! $ut in the end a collision !!!!!!!!!! though only narro"ly! %& "ill have collided1has avoided '& are colliding1has $een avoided )& had collided1"ould $e avoiding *& "ere going to collide1"as avoided E& have collided1could have avoided 11%& so rapidly that *& as rapidly as .'& the most rapidly E& rapid enough )& more rapid than Virtually !!!!!!!!!! "as le t to eat $y the time :enny and *ave arrived at the party/ so I "as em$arrassed that I couldn9t o er them !!!!!!!!!! su$stantial! %& any"here1nothing )& someone1something E& everything1 something 1,'& nothing1anything *& no"here1everything

)omputer-related -o$s are among !!!!!!!!!!!!! gro"ing employment segments in developed countries!

O$viously/ the ca#e the hostess o ered us !!!!!!!!!!! several days $e ore as it !!!!!!!!!! 0uite ancient! %& has $een made1tastes '& "as $eing made1"as tasting )& had $een made1tasted *& "ould have made1has tasted E& may have made1is tasting

The (apps/ the indigenous people o Nor"ay/ ma#e a living !!!!!!!!!!!!! reindeer! %& $y herding *& a$out herding '& to $e herding E& $eing herded )& having herded


% ter entering service in 1345/ )oncorde !!!!!!!!!!! a "ave o opposition/ primarily $ecause o the possi$le e ect on the o6one layer/ so no" it !!!!!!!!!!! at the supersonic speed 7ach , only over oceans! %& has caused1"ould travel '& "as causing1travelled )& had caused1has travelled *& "as caused1is travelling E& caused1travels


=eorge !!!!!!!!!!! late/ so "e !!!!!!!!!! some ood or him> other"ise/ he "ill have to go hungry! %& has arrived1should have saved '& had arrived1had to save )& is arriving1might have saved *& arrived1used to save E& "ill $e arriving1had $etter save

128I "asn9t surprised at all "hen Susan lost her -o$/ !!!!!!!!!!! ! %& and so "as :udy '& $ut her hus$and did )& and some o her colleagues "ere too *& and neither "ere her parents E& $ut she didn9t either 5The chances or those still $uried under the ru$$le !!!!!!!!!! "ith every passing minute/ and due to the ine icient e0uipment/ the rescue operation !!!!!!!!!! out very slo"ly! %& had $een diminished1"as carrying '& are diminishing1is $eing carried )& "ill have diminished1"ill carry *& have diminished1"ere $eing carried E& "ere diminishing1have carried 4Today9s des#top personal computers/ or P)s/ are many times !!!!!!!!! po"er ul !!!!!!!!!! the huge/ million-dollar $usiness computers o the 135;s and 134;s! %& more1than *& too1than <'& so1that E& the most1as )& much1as 15-

!!!!!!!!! high heat toughens protein in meat/ lo" temperatures are generally used in coo#ing meat! %& Thus *& +hereas '& 'ecause E& @or )& ?o"ever


7a#e sure the -elly !!!!!!!!! solid $e ore you !!!!!!!!!!! on the cream> other"ise/ it "ill sin# to the $ottom o the dish! %& is setting1"ill pour )& set1"ere pouring E& has set1pour '& sets1poured *& "as setting1"ould pour

I9m hoping "e !!!!!!!!! together once more $e ore you !!!!!!!! next "ee# to do your military service ! %& should get1are leaving )& can get1leave E& may get1"ill have le t '& "ere getting1have le t *& are getting1"ill leave


Our $oat !!!!!!!!!! "hile "e !!!!!!!!!!! do"n the Severn River on Saturday! %& capsi6ed1"ere ro"ing '& "as capsi6ing1have ro"ed )& capsi6es1"ill ro" *& "ill capsi6e1ro"ed E& has capsi6ed1"ould $e ro"ing

The speed and po"er o supercomputers/ !!!!!!!!!!! class o computer/ are almost $eyond human comprehension/ and their capa$ilities are continually $eing improved! 1<%& ast enough *& so ast that '& aster than E& as ast as )& the astest

Sha#ing his ist at the cro"d/ the candidate !!!!!!!!!! that his party !!!!!!!!!! the pro$lem o unemployment! %& "ould promise1solved '& "ill promise1has solved )& has promised1is solving *& promised1"ould solve E& had promised1"as solving


The driver9s attention !!!!!!!!!!! $y the ire in a $uilding -ust as he !!!!!!!!!! a $usy crossroads! %& "as distracting1approached '& is $eing distracted1"ould approach )& distracted1had approached *& "as distracted1"as approaching E& has $een distracted1has approached


+e can9t go there $ecause I !!!!!!!!!! no money on me at the moment and they !!!!!!!!!! credit cards! %& "as having1didn9t accept '& have1don9t accept )& am having1"on9t accept *& had1aren9t accepting E& "ill have1haven9t accepted


S"eden has a Buality (a$eling 'oard/ inanced $y the government/ !!!!!!!!! insists that la$els descri$e the characteristics o a product in plain language! %& "hat *& "here '& "hen E& "hich )& "hom


+e sa" !!!!!!!!! many $eauti ul places during our trip !!!!!!!!! "e can9t decide "hich one "e li#ed most! %& so1that *& as1as '& such1that E& too1 or )& hardly1than


The amount o dangerous drugs entering the AS rom )olum$ia !!!!!!!!! since a ne" tas# orce !!!!!!!!! ! %& "ill have reduced1are recruited '& "ill $e reduced1have recruited )& has $een reduced1"as recruited *& has reduced1had recruited E& "as reduced1have $een recruited .,-

!!!!!!!!! the de orestation o eastern Ti$et $y )hinese coloni6ers/ 'angladesh no" su ers more loods than ever $e ore! %& In order to *& %s a result o '& In contrast to E& @urthermore )& In spite o


!!!!!!!!!! the many accidents at this crossroads/ no one has actually $een #illed! %& *ue to *& So that '& In case E& ?o"ever )& *espite


!!!!!!!!!!! the volunteers o this charity/ the homeless o this to"n get a hot meal and some"here to sleep at night! %& Since *& *espite '& Than#s to E& In order that )& ?o"ever


!!!!!!!!!! using letters to represent sounds/ a "ritten language contains punctuation mar#s! %& +henever *& In addition to '& Instead o E& ?o"ever )& 7oreover


Some artists paint concrete orms "ith "hich vie"ers are generally amiliar/ "hile !!!!!!!!!! try to create entirely a$stract relationships! %& another *& any other '& other E& others )& each other


!!!!!!! get more customers/ a lot o tour companies are reducing the cost o their holidays! .8%& In order to *& Once '& The soon E& 'ecause )& Than#s to

%side rom costly silver/ copper is !!!!!!!!! o all metals or conducting electricity! %& so good *& good enough '& $etter E& such good )& the $est


7y ather used to travel to a lot o di erent countries "hen "e "ere small/ $ringing us a doll in national costume $ac# rom !!!!!!!!!!!! he "ent! %& "henever *& ho"ever '& "herever E& "hatever )& "hoever


Cou can lose "eight $y dieting or exercise and/ as I am passionate a$out my ood/ I pre er the !!!!!!!!!!! method! %& late *&latest '& latter E& lately )&later


The 'irmingham National Exhi$ition centre is larger than any centre in (ondon> !!!!!!!!!!!! it is much easier to reach $y rail/ road or air! %& there ore *& moreover '& ho"ever E& other"ise )& in act


)oo#ing changes oods physically or chemically !!!!!!!!! they $ecome more palata$le and more easily digested! %& ho"ever *& $y the time '& so that E& other"ise )& "hereas


!!!!!!!!! had I started the inal section o the examination paper "hen the teacher "arned us that there "as only ten minutes le t! %& The moment *& Once '& Only i E& Scarcely )& O"ing to


I appreciate your !!!!!!!!!! me !!!!!!!!!! that you "on9t $e attending @riday9s lecture! %& to let1#no"ing '& to have let1#no"n )& having let1to #no" *& letting1#no" E& let1having #no"n


The 'ritish $iathlon team received virtually no sponsorship/ !!!!!!!!!!!!! they managed to enter a team in the European )hampionships! %& despite *& or '& as E& so )& yet


I 0uite en-oy !!!!!!!!!! to the rain all on my tent "hile camping/ $ut I can9t $ear !!!!!!!!!!!! up a tent in the rain! %& to listen1to $e putting )& listen1to have put E& listening1putting '& to $e listening1put *& having listened1having put


!!!!!!! the har$our in my hometo"n "as an eyesore "hen I "as a child/ today it is the most $eauti ul spot in to"n! %& 'ecause *& %s '& %lthough E& ?o"ever )& *espite


Everyone "as surprised "hen my parents decided to move/ $ecause they had lived in the same house !!!!!!!!! $e ore +orld +ar II! %& as long as *& "hen '& until E& since )& or


)onsider all the terms care ully $e ore you go into this $usiness dealing/ $ecause !!!!!!!!!! you have signed the contract/ it "ill $e irreversi$le! %& "hether *& once '& not only E& until )& in case


There must $e hardly any painters today !!!!!!!!!!! haven9t $een in luenced $y Pa$lo Picasso! %& "hose *& "ho '& "hen E& "hich )& "hom


Cears ago "hen I lived in Ethiopia/ I got !!!!!!!!!! used to eating hot ood !!!!!!!!!! it "as as i I "as not eating anything at all i I ate ood "ithout red pepper! %& neither1nor *& such1as '& hardly1"hen E& more1than )& so1that


It is said that !!!!!!!!! "idely one travels/ !!!!!!!!!! one9s mind $ecomes! %& the most1the $roadest )& the more1the $roader E& such1as $road '& as1so $road *& too1$road enough


!!!!!!!!! e"er people !!!!!!!!! expected voted or that party/ "hich "as a real $lo" or its leaders! %& @ar1than *& Such1as '& 7uch1as E& Too1 or )& So1that


+ith a time o , hours/ 18 minutes/ 15!, seconds in the 135; Olympic =ames in Rome/ the Ethiopian athlete %$e$e 'i#ila !!!!!!!!!!! "on the gold medal !!!!!!!!! set a "orld record that stood until 135.! %& not only1$ut also *& $arely1"hen '& neither1nor )& "hether1or E& the sooner1than


In spite o its claims to allo" reedom o expression/ the Anited States has al"ays $een reluctant to allo" certain #inds o material !!!!!!! ! %& to pu$lish *& to $e pu$lished '& having pu$lished )& $eing pu$lished E& pu$lishing


These days/ young people had $etter go to university !!!!!!!!! they "ant to spend their lives doing $oring and unsatis ying -o$s! %& in case *& unless '& or else E& no" that )& so that


!!!!!!!!! I read my assignment through very care ully/ I still missed a e" spelling errors! %& The more *& No matter '& Even though E& ?o"ever )& So much


The decision is yours/ o course/ $ut you !!!!!!!!!!! greatly i you !!!!!!!!!!! the revision lectures $e ore your inals! %& "ill $ene it1"ere attending '& are $ene itting1"ill attend )& "ill have $ene itted1could attend *& "ere to $ene it1should attend E& "ould $ene it1attended


?e stood loo#ing in "onder at the scene $e ore him/ or this "as $y ar !!!!!!!!! $eauti ul place he had ever seen! %& the most *& too '& so E& more )& much 8<-

That restaurant loo#s really unsanitary> I !!!!!!! there i I!!!!!!! you! %& shouldn9t eat1have $een )& "ouldn9t eat1"ere E& haven9t eaten1had $een '& don9t eat1"ould $e *& couldn9t eat1"ill $e


?e stayed a"a#e the !!!!!!!!! evening chec#ing his son9s temperature !!D!!!!!! t"o hours! %& most1 or *& all1each '& $oth1all E& "hole1every )& each1"hole 83-

I only he !!!!!!!! his ather9s advice/ today he !!!!!!!! a 7ercedes instead o a taxi! %& had ta#en1"ould $e driving '& is ta#ing1should $e driving )& ta#es1"ill $e driving *& ought to ta#e1has $een driving E& might have ta#en1"as driving


In the end "e9ve decided to go to Spain or our holiday this year $ecause it is !!!!!!!!! sa er than Cemen! %& such *& more '& none E& most )& much


7ost people are surprised "hen they come to Istan$ul to discover that it is -ust !!!!!!!!! (ondon in the "inter! %& cold enough *& too cold '& as cold as E& the coldest )& so cold that


I!!!!!!!!!! to start the "ater heater this morning/ so I !!!!!!!!!!! some "ater to "ash my hair! %& couldn9t manage1had to $oil '& shouldn9t manage1need to $oil )& "ouldn9t manage1can $oil *& needn9t have managed1may $oil E& didn9t use to manage1should $oil


The irst time he stood in ront o a class/ he "as !!!!!!! he completely orgot "hat he "as going to say! %& as nervously as *& so nervous that '& nervous enough )& too nervously or E& more nervous than 51-

I she !!!!!!!!!! her -o$ a ter the $irth o her son/ she !!!!!!!!!! an accomplished executive $y no"! %& couldn9t have 0uit1has $een '& doesn9t 0uit1"ill have $een )& "ouldn9t 0uit1"ould have $ecome *& needn9t have 0uit1"as $ecoming E& hadn9t had to 0uit1might have $ecome


O the t"o universities she "as o ered places at/ she ended up choosing the one "ith !!!!!!!!!! reputation/ $ecause she hadn9t in0uired much a$out them! %& so $ad *& such $adly '& the "orst E& the "orse )& too $adly 5,-


+hy are you using !!!!!!!!!!! eraser "hile !!!!!!!!!!!! is standing here on the ta$leE %& mysel 1its *& mine1your o"n '& me1your E& my 1yours )& your1itsel

Though he is extremely unhealthy at the moment/ i he !!!!!!!!!! smo#ing/ his health !!!!!!!!!! in a e" years! %& "ill stop1improves '& is stopping1has improved )& stops1might improve *& ought to stop1is improving E& "ould stop1"ill have improved


:apanese is not that di icult to spea#/ $ut the "ritten language is a lot !!!!!!! complex !!!!!!!! English! %& as1as *& the most1 or '& more1than E& too1than )& so1that


+henever he has an argument "ith his "i e/ he "ishes he !!!!!!!!!! a ree/ single man! %& is *& "ill $e '& "ould $e E& has $een )& "ere


?ad you told me the pro$lem in the irst place/ the crisis !!!!!!! to such an extent! %& "eren9t developing )& didn9t develop E& might not develop '& "on9t $e developing *& "ouldn9t have developed


Though I remem$ered I "as supposed to $uy !!!!!!!!!! "ashing po"der and toothpaste/ I only had enough money or one o them! %& neither *& each '& $oth E& either )& any

4458I "ish I !!!!!!!! you "ith that/ $ut you #no" ho" $ad I am at dra"ing! %& have helped *& am helping 55'& could help E& "as helping )& "ould help 4<-

%s a -ournalist he $ad $een covering disasters or years/ $ut he had never $een con ronted "ith such a scene o devastation> in the !!!!!!!!!! area there "as not !!!!!!!!!! house le t standing! %& "hole1a *& each1every '& some1much E& most1any )& all1one

!!!!!!!!!! he did in order to disguise himsel / people recognised him easily !!!!!!!!!!!! he "ent! %& +hatever1"herever )& +hoever1"henever E& +hichever 1"hatever '& ?o"ever1"hichever *& +herever1"homever

!!!!!!!!!! o the inha$itants had led the scene o the destruction/ $ut !!!!!!!!!! huddled under plastic sheeting in the ruins! %& %ll1any *& 7ost1a e" '& Each1lots o E& 7uch1a little )& Some1much

4354There seems to $e little 0uestion that many physiological processes/ !!!!!!!!!!! $lood pressure/ respiration/ and even $ody temperature and heart rate/ may $e controlled through the practice o yoga! %& as much *& as though 5<'& as i E& as "ell )& such as <;-

The man in !!!!!!!!!!! house the guns "ere ound turned out to $elong to an organised crime group! %& "here *& "hose '& "hom E& "hich )& "hen

+hen @elix married Sally/ a $ig ro" too# place at the "edding/ and no" their amilies aren9t spea#ing to !!!!!!!!! ! %& himsel *& anyone else '& themselves E& theirs )& each other

+hile "e "ere travelling round ?ungary/ "e visited the village !!!!!!!!! my grand ather "as $orn! %& that *& "hich '& "ho E& "here )& "hose <1-

Though !!!!!!!!! o the migrants coming to Istan$ul hope to ma#e their ortunes in the city/ in act/ !!!!!!!!! "ill achieve even relative prosperity! %& "hole1many *& each1a e" '& all1very e" E& more1every )& every1some


It is un ortunate that he lived at a time !!!!!!! such art "as not generally appreciated! %& ho" *& "hose '& "hen E& "hich )& "here <,-

!!!!!!!!!! is nice a$out our par# is that there is a ountain in the centre "ith $enches around! %& +hat *& ?o" '& +here E& That )& +hy


%s the story progresses/ you start to "onder !!!!!!!!!! )elia is slo"ly poisoning her hus$and! %& "hom *& "hich '& "hy E& "here )& "hen <.-


Nor"ay/ !!!!!!!!!! provides ree/ high 0uality health care or all its citi6ens/ has one o the most comprehensive "el are systems in the "orld! %& "hat *& "hich '& "hose E& "hen )& "ho <2-

'ecause o Ohio9s advantageous alignment "ith !!!!!!!!!!! (a#e Erie and !!!!!!!!!!!! Ohio River/ it $ecame the irst destination or settlers and pioneers on their "ay arther into the interior! %& the1an *& a1an '& F1the E& F IF )& the1the

+hat did you thin# o the presentationsE *id you thin# !!!!!!!!! "as $etter than !!!!!!!!!!E %& our1her *& ours1theirs '& it1them )& his1us E& their1ourselves


None o us are really sure !!!!!!!!! "e are supposed to inish the -o$ today or not! %& "hat *& ho" '& "hether E& "hen )& "hich <8-

Tracie li#ed the ne" $oy that had moved into her street/ $ut none o !!!!!!! riends li#ed !!!!!!! ! %& her1him *& his1hersel '& him1his E& hers1himsel )& them1he


The plane has $een delayed or three hours !!!!!!!!!! dense og/ "hich reduced visi$ility to a e" metres! %& so as to '& in order that )& $ecause *& due to E& in addition to <5Since there "as some con usion as to "hether the seminar !!!!!!!!!! place at all/ very e" people !!!!!!!!!! up or it! %& has ta#en1had sho"ed '& had $een ta#ing1"ere sho"ing )& "ill ta#e1are sho"ing *& should ta#e1must have sho"n E& "ould ta#e1sho"ed She didn9t vote or a chairman o the clu$/ $ecause/ "hile there "ere several candidates/ !!!!!!!!!! "as "orth voting or! %& all '& neither )& none *& e" E& each


?ad I #no"n I didn9t have to arrive at the9 airport until 4!OO/ I could have slept or !!!!!!!!! hour! %& enough *& every '& "hole E& each )& another


@ollo"ing the dispute they had "ith the management/ most o the "or#ers at the actory are on stri#e/ !!!!!!!!!! theyE %& had *& are '& aren9t E& didn9t )& did



I9ve never had to ma#e such a di icult decision $e ore/ and !!!!!!!!!! my hus$and! %& so did *& nor has '& so had E& neither had )& neither did

1;;- I you "ait until next "ee# to come $y/ he "ill have inished the article !!!!!!!!!!! then! %& as *& $y '& until E& or )& "hen


The t"o o !!!!!!!!! seemed to get on so "ell together that no one could $elieve it "hen they closed !!!!!!!!! company ollo"ing a disagreement! %& they1them *& their1themselves '& theirs1them E& them1their )& themselves1theirs


Though she loo#ed !!!!!!!!! or her #eys/ they seemed to $e !!!!!!!!! to $e ound! %& any"here1some"here )& every"here1no"here E& "herever1any"here '& no"here1every"here *& some"here1"herever


!!!!!!!!!! $rands are e0ually e ective against stains/ so !!!!!!!!!! $rand "ill help remove the olive oil stain on your shirt! %& 'oth1either *& 7any1all '& 7ost1no E& Each1every )& % e"1most

REVISION TEST 1 l!) ,!' .!) 2!E 8!* 5!' 4!% <!) 3!* 1;!* ll!' 1,!% 1.!E 12!' 18!E 15!) 14!% 1<!* 13!' ,;!) ,1!) ,,!* ,.!% ,2!' ,8!* ,5!E ,4!) ,<!' ,3!* .;!E .1!% .,!* ..!' .2!E .8!) .5!' .4!' .<!* .3!E 2;!E 21!* 2,!) 2.!% 22!* 28!' 25!% 24!E 2<!) 23!' 8;!* 81!E 8,!E 8.!' 82!) 88!% 85!* 84!E 8<!) 83!% 5;!% 51!E 5,!) 5.!) 52!* 5S!' 55!% 54!) 5<!E 53!' 4;!' 41!* 4,!' 4.!* 42!E 48!) 45!' 44!% 4<!* 43!* <;!) <1!' <,!% <.!' <2!* <8!% <5!) <4!' <<!* <3!E 3;!) 31!% 3,!' 3.!E 32!) 38!* 35!% 34!% 3<!' 33!E 1;;!*


Cour %merican pen riend is coming here this summer/ I thin#/ !!!!!!!!!!!E %& do you *& doesn9t he '& isn9t he E& are you )& don9t I


The $oss "as disappointed "hen they couldn9t get the contract/ and !!!!!!!!!!! "as the manager! %& either *& as "ell '& nor E& so )& too


?ave you phoned your mother !!!!!!!!!!! that "e9ll have her car !!!!!!!!!!! this "ee#endE %& saying1to service )& to say1serviced E& having said1to $e serviced '& say1$eing serviced *& to have said1service


!!!!!!!!!!!! the $est captain can sail a ship e iciently unless he has a "ell-trained cre"! %& No matter *& Not even '& +hether! E& Nonetheless )& +ithout


Though he spent most o his li e "or#ing !!!!!!!!!!! an insurance salesman/ he never ound the "or# satis ying! %& as *& much '& li#e E& such )& so


I9d much rather you !!!!!!!!!!! a car than this motor$i#e as I consider it to $e more dangerous! %& had $ought *& having $ought '& have $ought )& to $uy E& to have $ought


Rene T! (aennec/ "ho invented the stethoscope/ descri$ed ho" the sounds !!!!!!!!!!! $y the heart and the lungs could $e used !!!!!!!!!! in the diagnosis o disease! %& ma#ing1to helping )& having made1helping E& to have made1 or helping '& made1to help *& to $e made1help


People have $een coo#ing ood !!!!!!!!!!! untold ages/ pro$a$ly !!!!!!!!!! prehistoric people irst learnt to use ire! %& "hen1$e ore *& until1$y '& since1"hen E& or1since )& once1until

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