Report of Karnataka Gauseva Ayog Prepared by Dr. S.K. Mittal, Member

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SL. No 1. 2. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 About Ayog Preface Status of Cow & Buffalo Live Stock Inspection Report APMC Transport Dept Statement of RTO Wise Trucks illegally operating Animal Husbandry Dept Forest Dept Municipal Administration Police Department Meeting with Director Gen. of Police Union & State Acts & Rules Crime Chart APMC Laws ( Circular KM:33) Transport Dept Animal Husbandry Dept Municipal Administration Suggestion & Request Districts 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Chamaraja nagar Belgaum Dharwad Gulbarga Bijapur Shimoga Bagalkot Udupi Uttra Kanada Hassan Kodagu Mysore 19 20-21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-30 31 32 PARTICULARS PAGE NO 3 4 4 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 9-10 11 11 12 13-14 14-17 18 18-19

About Karnataka State GOSEVA AYOG

Government of Karnataka constituted Karnataka State Goseva Ayog vide Gazzate Notification No. Dt.5.2.2013 and apart from (1)Principle Secretary Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, (2)Revenue, (3)Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, (4)Home, (5)Animal Husbandry commissioner, (6)Agriculture Commissioner, (7)Director APMC & animal Husbandry & Vet. Srvices(Member Secretary) etc as Ex officio Members " In compliance of the directive principle 48 of the Constitution of India The State shall endeavor to organize agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle." Karnataka State Goseva Ayog is being constituted & notified on 5th of Feb., 2013. There are 11 Non Government and 9 officials Ex officio members nominated to the Ayog viz. .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PrincipleSecretary AnimalHusbandry & Fisheries PrincipleSecretaryRuralDev. & Panchayat Raj Principle Secretary Home Principle Secretary Urban Development Principle Secretary Revenue

6. 7. 8. 9.

Commissioner Agriculture CommissionerAnimal Husbandry &Vet Services Director APMC DirectorAnimalHusbandry(Member Secretary)

On 15 Feb., 2013 11 Non Government Members were nominated out of which one (Srimati Bharati Patil) resigned as she was moving out of country and one (Sri Uttam Chand Duggad) expired. Now : 1. Sri MB Puranik (Chairman) Mangalore 2. Dr. SK Mittal Mysore 3. Sri Uttamchand Chhajed Bangalore 4. Sri BS Manjunath Swamy Bangalore 5. Sri Dayananda Swami Bangalore

6. 7. 8. 9.

Sri S.Shivram Mandya Sri Dharma Prashad Shimoga Sri Srinivasa H. Biradara Patel Mudhol(Bagalkot) SriShivappaKarappaKadapattiJamkhandi(Bagalkot)

The Function of Ayog are here as under as notified by the Government : Clause 11: The Ayog shall discharge following functions for the betterment of he livestock in the State namely: 1. Clause 10: Registration of Institutions in Karnataka is the 1st object which will enable the Ayog to extend helping hand towards them 2. to ensure protection provided to Cattle under State Acts, Union acts, Laws, for the time being in force. 3. And to ensure proper and timely implementation of the Laws and to propose remedial measure to concerned Departments of the State Government or any body or Authority owned or controlled by the State Government as is responsible for such implementation to make the more effective 4. proper and timely implementation of programs of the State Government under present and future Goshala Development Scheme; 5. to ensure care and management of cattle seized for violation of any enactment for the time being in force 6. to ensure proper care and management of infirm and aged cattle maintained by any institution; 7. to supervise and inspect the institutions registered and proposed to be registered with the Ayog 8. to suggest such measures which may be helpful in strengthening of he institutions which are economically weak 9. To give financial assistance to the institutions subject to such terms and conditions specified by the State Government from time to time 10. to enquire into complaints in the functioning of any institution; 11. to perform such other functions as may be specified to it by the State Government 12. to assist in implementation of the Act and such other Laws to be enacted in respect of Cattle welfare 13. to take custody of the agricultural Cattle sized under the Act and to entrust them to the nearest Goshala, Gosadan or any other Cattle protection institution or to any person pending the disposal of the prosecution proceedings; 14. to promote educational activities in Primary and Higher studies on Safety Laws, preservation, Goshala management and other related activities; 15. to participate in State, National and International level on animal welfare activities and to attract contributions and suggestions; 16. to implement programs entrusted by Government or non Government agencies 17. to appoint Honorary Animal welfare Officers with such regulations as may be issued by the Government from time and such honorary Animal Welfare Officer shall work for implementation of he Act and co ordinate with concerned authorities and departments

Inspection Report and status of Live Stock and implementation of Union & State Acts & Rules
Karnataka State is blessed with number of famous cow breeds like Amrutmahal, Deveni, Kangyam Haalidkar, Krishnavally, Malanad Gidda, Khillar etc famous for high quality milk and draught power. As per Live Stock Census 2007, there were Cattle 10,502,520 & Buffaloes 4,326,980.making Karnataka 10th State in livestock and contributing app.3% to our state GDP. A great source of Employment and Rural Development Karnataka is one of the leading States in milk production producing 32,00,000 Kg per day. Currently the State ranks second in milk production in the country. The Co-operative societies model has been very successful in the State. The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) is the apex body of the milk co-operative societies procuring millions of Liter every day. There are 13 district level co-operative union with 11,036 primary milk co-operative societies. If properly developed, it can be number one State and can provide employment to millions and a vital tool in Rural development. This app 15 million Cattle heards not only produce Milk BUT give birth to app. 5. million Calfs every year. It is directly related with our increasing Milk Production. We have app. average 150 Ltr Milk per cattle per lactation. That means for every 150 Ltr Milk we get one Cow (He or She) or Buffalo(He or She. And now it is a matter of simple airthmatic that how many Cattle births are taking in our State and where this increase is going. So the Report...............................

STATUS OF COW & BFFALO STOCK Statement of Cow & Buffalo on the basis of Live Stock Census-2007
As per the information geathered during visit to several Districts, there is certain short fall of 1525% during 2007-8 to 2012-13. Instead of any growth. Following details will confirm that more than 50 Lakh Cow, Calf & Buffalo are illegally transported to State & Inter State Slaughter houses every year
As per Live Stock Sample Survey State was possessing below 1 year female 18.99Lakhs 1 to 3 years 15.14 lakhs = 34.14. Lakhs and Male 1 year 8.04 & 1 to 3 years5.62 = 13.66 lakhs This figure shows the quantum of new Birth every year and if we take birth of male and female equal than Female are 34.13 lakhs where as Male are only 13.66 lakhs. We can presume that app. 21 Lakh male Calveshas been sent to Slaughter houses even before their 3 year age for calf beef (Veil) and Calf leather. Same infrence can be taken that in spite of recorded births which shall be app. 55 lakhs every year, no increase is visible in live Stock. This fact can be proved with Datas of Milk production. It is universal truth that milk production is based on cattle birth. With out Calve birth a Cow will not give milk. State Milk production is increasing leap and bounds. KMF alone is procuring app. 54 Lakh Litre Milk per day. As per National Data in 2010-11 State produced 51,14,000 MT of Milk and average milk yeild per Cow or buffalo is app 2.4 Liter per day and per lactation of app 254 days it is app.365 Ltr or say a Calf birth is required for each 610 Kgs of milk i.e app.83.83 Lakh Calves in 18 months or say 55.89 Lakh per year.
Under 1 Year 1to 3 yrs In Milk Dry NotCalve d once Above Used for Used for 10 yrs breeding Agricultur e 81,465 16,013 Bullock Cart other Total

Cattle Buffalo

Cattle Female 8,04864 Indigenous Cattle 3,77,952 Exotic Female Buffalo 7,16,221 Female 18,99,037 Cattle male 4,10,931 Inigenous Cattle 1,03,611 Exotic male Buffalo 2,90,160 male Total 8,04,702 Total 27,03,739

7,13,811 2,88,655

15,51,688 9,55,787

11,04,189 2,90,213 303,136 58,564

45,46,230 20,00,107

5,12,120 15,14,586 4,13,334 44,387 1,04,499 5,62,220 20,76,806

15,83,979 40,91,454 40,91,454

7,89,920 1,73,577 21,97,245 5,22,354 -

52,831 150309 -

56040 6615 21,642

38,28,648 1,03,74,985 37,63,149 1,92,935 4,98,332 44,54,416 1,48,29,401

26,57,178 1,89,333 36,433 27,597 71,185 7,005 4,406 3,720 6,440

84297 21,97,245 5,22,354 1,50,309 84,297

27,55,960 2,00,744 46,593 27,55,960 2,00,744 46,593

5 Our finding clear and verify that app. 50 Lakh Cow, Calves & Buffalo are going to Slaughter houses in the State and Out side the State. This large number of Cow Calves and Buffalos are purchsed and 90% at APMC Yards @ App. RS.5,000 per cattle or say RS. 2,500 Crore and transported to Kerala, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu & Maharashtra. This livestock generate Beef 10,00,000 MT Beef rate States are above RS.275/- per Kg feteches App. RS.27,500 Crore Bone 1,00,000 MT. @ RS. 30/- per Kg 300 Crore Animal Fat 30,000 MT @ RS.100/-per Kg 300 Crore Leather 50,00,000 @ RS.3,000/-.perPc1,500 Crore Blood 60,000 KL @ RS.50/- per Ltr 300 Crore

Total RS.29,900 Crore

This Excess amount of app RS. 27,500 Crore is unchecked, untaxed, and not providing any revenue rather State is spending huge tax payer amount in Slaughter house opening, maintenance and in public hospitals in citizen treatment. Meat eaters are deprived of cheap and qualitative Beef & Meet due to illegal Inter State Transportation Breeders and Farmers are deprived of Quality and strudy Cattle in compitition to Slaughter and inter state demand. As per information Around 10% of amount is spent as bribe to different concerned Departments. State endevour of high milk production by spending huge subsidy, is hampering due to illegal Cattle transportation. Adultrated Milk made from Urea & Detergent is playing with the health of next generation Farmers are comitting Suside due to increased cost of Cultivation and fertilizer.

Inspection Report
Comission was receiving information from different parts of the State about illegal, unhygenic cruel transportation of Cattle particularly to adjoining States resulting in reduction of Live Stock . So a decesion was taken that all the Districts shall be inspected and problem be discussed with different Districts administration. I started Tour and main concentration was on border Districts so till date following District are visited 1. 2. 3. 4. Chamarajanagar Kudagu Mysore Hassan 5. 6. 7. 8. Uttar Kanada Udupi Shimoga Dharwad 9. Bagalkot 10. Bijapur 11. Bidar 12. Gulbarga

I requested respected Dy. Commissioners to arrange meeting in their respective offices with CEO Zilla Panchayat, Dy.Director Animal Husbandry & his officials, Asst/ Dy. Director APMC, Superintendent of Police, RTO, Dy. Conservator of Forest, Municipal Commissioner , Members od District SPCA, Representatitives of Animal Welfare Organisations. In many districts, I visited inter state Borders, APMC Yards, Meat Markets, Slaughter places, RTO Check posts, Gaushala & Pinjrapoles etc to have fair idea. I am submiting this Report to Government of Karnataka and all concerned officials for eye opening & to save our State from drastic results.For better implementation, Department wise Report is here as under:

Agro Produce Marketing Department (APMC) is a revenue earning department of our State. It functions under the provisions of Karnataka APMC (Regulation) Act. 1966. Cattle is item NO.1 in Sched ule A. Sale and Purchase of Cattle is regulated as per the provisions applicable on other Scheduled commodities We visited number of APMC Yards and saw thousands of Cattle coming for marketing. We saw Scores of Trucks for loading and transporting these cattle to Slaughter houses inside and out side the State. We enquired with many Drivers and they also confirmed. We have drawn list of Trucks, regularly commiting the henious crime. We tried to see the records and found that in spite of heavy Cattle transection, Collection of Fee is meger.

6 We saw the presence of Dalali Cattle brokers and public report says that app. 80% cattle are purchased by them, 5-8% by breeders and FARMERS AND only 10-12% return untransected. As these Dalals (Butchers agents) purchase in terms of cattle weight, it deprive our Breeders and Farmers of livestock at resonable price. Certainly, they can not compete these Dalali All above transctions are in violation of APMC ACT & also attracts provisions of Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter & Cattle Preservation Act, 1964, Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules etc. The matter was raised in all respective meetings and APMC officials shown total ignorance of APMC Rules applicable on Cattle transections In total: we saw utter violation of All Acts and Rules, Loss of Revenue, non recording of entry and transection at all APMCs visited. A fair estimate is that app. 1,20,000 Cattle are transected every week in different APMC Yards but reported only 2-3,000 every week. A loss of app. RS.10-15 million to our Exchequer. REQUEST to Director A.P.M.C. to intervene in the matter, issue necessary Directions, renew Directions as issued by Director APMC in 1999. Take strong action against irring officials.

REPORT ON ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DEPARTMENT Animal Husbandry Department is serving State Live Stock. District Dy. Director is Ex officio
Member Secretary of District SPCA where CEO Zilla Panchayat is Chairman, SP is Vice Chairman & RTO, Municipal Commissioner, DFO etc are members. All Dy. Directors, Taluq Asst. Directors, Vet. Officers are named as Competent Authorities in above ACT. Department is managing State Government Schemes & Grants and also responsible for monitoring Transportation, Anti & Post Maurtem of Slaughtering animals & Carcass. We found AH&VS Asst. Directors involved is supporting illegal transportation by issuing Animal Health Certificates. There is no system or control on issuance nor any reporting or record maintanance at any level. Even the Certificates are issued on non prescribed formate in violation of Union Governments PCA Act, 1960 and in spite of clear direction that no certificate can be issued for more than 6 animals in a vehicle, we found the Certificates issued for 20-25 animals. Presence of AH&VS officials are not seen in any APMC Yard on the day of transections Anti Mautem or Post Mortum is not seen in slaughter places, where is the question of monitoring even legal slaughter houses. Carcas at Meat Shops seen un Checked and un stamped, vigarusly playing with the health & hygine of meat consumer. We found the forged, Scanned Certificates being in use by illegal criminal transporters a matter of grave concern. We found non co operation of other departments even if AHVS officials inform or request to book the case. As example Gulbarga APMC PS refused to book the complaint even after VO brought seized Cattle to PS.


We visited many State Borders and found that Inter State Borders are unchecked and with out any Inter State Check Posts particularly in Belgaum, Dharwad, Uttar Kanada, Bagalkot, Bidar,Gulbarga etc districts. These Districts dont have any RTO, Police, Exise, APMC, Commercial Tax etc Checkposts and resuting in illegal transportation particularly in case of Cattle and Carcass. In District meetings we conversed with respective Transport officers and found the Crime booking under above Rules are totally non existing. As per fair estimate, app. 200 thousand Trucks travel on State Roads carrying Cattle & / or Carcass in violation of State & Union Acts & Rules. Where even Check posts are seen BUT found totally ineffective. Regular offenders are unchecked in spite of Cases booked in different Courts. We are producing List of Regular offending Transporters in Mysore, Chamarajanagar, Hassan etc areas for immediate action.

Statement of RTO wise Trucks operating Karnataka- Tamilnadu Kerala on the basis of illegal and forged Animal Health Certificates RTO KA 01
KA01 AC1683 KA01 B2786 KA01 8608 48 2 1

KA12 5759 KL12 F849 KA12 5990 4 4 2

KA05 AD6861 KA05 D3943 KA05 D3943 KA05 6168 117 73 73 2 3 1 58 42 30 26 15 14 7 7 4 1 62 56 41 10 9 8 7 2 2 2 1 1 22 11 3 1 1 1

KA45 3927 KA45 4690 KA45 5045 ka45 5076 KA45 9095

4 1 1 1 1 7 34

KA13 7369 KA13 B1903 KA13 B1145 KA13 B1101 KA13B 1911 KA13 7869 KA13 1115 KA13 B539 KA13 5752 KA13 B2691 KA13 1131 KA13 1191 KA13 1511 KA 13 1930 KA13 4832 51 45 44 31 29 18 15 11 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 61 20 5 55 1 20 17 1 3 14 40 32 26 11 5

KA52 4380

KA54 3019

KA06 A888

KA55 3799 KA55 2760 KA55 2596 KA55 586 KA55 2978 KA55 4179 KA55 3242 KA55 2396 ka55 d199 ka55 2179 ka55 2321 KA-55 3987 KA-55 4175 ka55 7978 KA-55 8242 ka55 8799 93 78 76 55 45 24 23 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 36 24 3 52 5 52 39 3 2 2018

KA07 4761

KA09 A540 KA09 A2883 KL09 1971 KA09 1706 KA09 B634 KA09 6024 KA09 B3179 KA09 3179 KA09 4033 KA09 B5288

KA14 2366 KA14 A6468

KA16 9889

KA10 4998 KL10 AK8322 KA10 6740 KA10 5390 KL10 8610 KA10 4011 KA10 6621 KA10 5739 KA10 6010 KA11 A9719 KA10 1748 KA10 404

KA19 B5008 KA19 B5713

KA-57 3019

KA20 7565 KA20 B7569 KA205261

Kerala RTO
KL02 A1347 KA55 3163 KL10 AJ2802 kl10 6796 KL11 762 KL19 6894 KL07 4627 KL07 J6775

KA28 5147

KA36 5404

KA11 2058 KA11 A9779 KA11 7058 KA11 2273 KA117612 KA11 A3585

KA40 5211

KA45 5095 KA45 2323 KA45 2119 KA45 6275

OLD Regn
CTM 9445 CAA 2883

REPORT ON FOREST DEPARTMENT Provisions of Karnataka forest Act, 1963 Indian Forest Act, & Indian Wildlife Protection Act. 1972
Provisions of under Acts & Rules prohibit transportation, grazing and all other cattle related activities. Most of inter state roads are through Forest areas with strong presentation of Forest officials and Forest Hand Posts. Even as per Honble Supereme Court directions, all these road shall be closed in night hours and to be recorded and monitored by CC Camera recordings. We visited number of Forest areas on ways to Kerala, Goa, Maharshtra & Andhra Predesh. But, we found total ignorance and violation of Forest Acts and Rules apart from other Acts. We have been reported the unauthorized opening of Roads & Hand posts in Night to help illegal transportation The matter was discussed with Conservator / Director Tiger Project and different Dy. Con. Forest with out any positive result. Forest officials can play major ROLE


There are Greater Corporation (BBMP), Corporations, Municipalities, Councils and Town Panchayats functioning under above Acts & Rules. Even these Laws are applicable in Villages also BUT We saw non licensed slaughter houses functioning in each and every area, Town, Taluk, Districts and 64%+ meat eating population is compelled to consume un hyginic un tested Carcass in spite of presence of Health officials, Animal Husbandary officials, Vetarinary Officials. Cattle Godowns are also reported in many areas to smoothen illegal inter state cattle transportation. We observed acute non presence of Veteraniry Doctor officials who only can check and perform Anti mortem and Post Mortem. Un hyginic Meat shops can be seen un licensed, un checked. The responsiblity of issue License to Slaughter House or to Crack down and Stop it on the hands of Civic authorities only where nor they are issuing license nor they are cracking down on this trade and in turn Meat Markets and shops are functioning unchecked, un licensed, un regulated.


The Karnataka Police is known as one of the best FORCE in the nation. They are highely educated, learned, soft speaking person in all matters BUT in Cattle related CRIME their prsence is not strongly felt. May be due to high Political pressure or over Burdon Unwanted delays in registering FIR, resisting in putting IPC Sections, and providing time to illegal traffickers to assemble and create law and problem etc are reported at many places Unofficially informing the political pressure and un written instructions are reported Ignorance of proper procedure, Rules and Sections is also reported Investigation in animal related cases are not taken up to last point as to reach the real culprit other wise this crime would had been restricted much earlier We raised this point with Director General of Police during the meeting held in June, 2013 and we are still waiting for any direction. We discussed the matter during different meeting held in District Dy. Commissioner offices and Range IGPs Commissioner of Police etc and always got assurances.

Meeting with Director General of Police

Representation as under was given and matter was discussed at length. DGP assured of all steps in the matter and Directions to all concerned officials Dr. SK Mittal- Member Karnataka State Goseva Ayog called on Police Head Quarter at Naruptunga Road, Bangalore on Monday, 1st July, 2013 11 AM and was well received by different Police officials. Director General of PoliceMr.Lalrokhuma Pachuau, IPS . Director General of Police Government of Karnataka

9 Karnataka is blessed with1,91,791 Sq.KMS, Districts 30 Districts,176 Taluks 176, 747Hoblies. of 5628 Gramapanchayaths 29406 No. of Villages 270 Towns 4786 No. of Wards Population (2001 Census) Total 52850562 Rural 34889033 Urban 17961529 Projected Population (2010) 61523600 Deicidal Growth Rate (1991-2001) (17%) Percentage of Literacy Male 76.10(2001

Census) Female 56.90 Schedule Caste Population (2001 Census) 8563930Schedule Tribe Population (2001 Census) 3463986 Cultivators (2001 Census) 6883856 Agricultural Labours (2001 Census) 6226942 Non-workers (2001 Census) 29315771 Livestock Population (2007 Census Provisional) 32865165 Rural Livestock population (2007 Census) 31251825 Urban Livestock Population (2007 Census) 1613340 No. of Cattle 10,502,520No. of Buffaloes 4,326,980: Karnataka is blessed with world fame breeds of Cow like Amruthmhal, Harlikar, Malnad Gidda, Devani, etc. As per Live Stock Sample Survey Report of Govt of Karnataka for the year 05-06 our State has 95.96 Lacs Cattle & 40.24 Lacs Buffalo. There shall be 25-30% natural increase in this number every year but record shows decline every year. There is downfall of 15 lac cow & Buffalo in last decade apart from app 35-40 lac speechless animals which would had been added to our live stock every year. Illegal Transportation & slaughter of Cow and its progeny Scenario: The heinous crimestarts from Government lands at hundreds of APMC Yards every day and on the strength of Health Certificates issued by Animal Husbandry Dept, travels under the nose of R.T.O, Police, APMC officials and Check posts. Poor speechless animals are transported from one corner of State to other corner & crosses inter state borders, most cruelly & mercilessly slaughtered without observing any hygiene, Law, Act & Rules. Sale of carcass can be seen with out any certification, violating Municipal Rules & Regulations. In spite of presence of such stringent Union & State statutory provisions,( Anx. A) Karnataka has become supplier state to neighboring Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra etc. Illegal slaughter of these speechless animals is going on in rampant way. Thousands of slaughter houses are functioning illegally with out any statutory control. Civic bodies have also provided Slaughter houses BUT with out any physical control and no Pre mortem or post mortem is even seen. Karnataka Police department is working very hard to maintain law and order in the State BUT seems insane on Crime related to poor speechless animals in spite of public concern and sentiment. As per fair estimate, more than 2,00,000 truck loads ever year transport 40-50 Lakh cow and Cattle illegally. Cattle Mafia is functioning in the state with muscle, political, money power and share. A Catthe purchased for RS. 3-4,000 fetches after slaughter RS.40,000/- or say RS. 20,000 Crore. .This animal & carcass trade is going on, unchecked, providing contaminated meat to consumer, putting heavy burden on exchequer. It is resulting in to depletion of live stock, high unaffordable price of Milk & milk products, penetration of milk made from Urea & detergent playing with the health of our next generation, non availability of organic compost, apart from hurting public sentiment of compassion towards speechless animals. As several departments are involved and need of coordination was felt, Government of Karnataka came forward and constituted Karnataka State Goseva Ayog. Ayog is striving very hard and after visiting

10 different corners of the State, we strongly feel that office of the Director General of Police shall intervene and take effective steps and suggest here as under: All concerned Police offices shall be directed to crack down on illegal Cow and Cattle slaughter and Transportation. Karnataka Police intelligence prepared list of illegal slaughter houses and must have reported on illegal transportation racket. Reports so received shall be shared and further called, particularly in interstate bordering Districts. F.I.R s booked in illegal transportation shall be shared and informed to respective. R.T O with whom the vehicle is registered to initiate proceedings under Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules. Responsibility shall be fixed, reviewed in district, Range & State crime review meetings and erring official shall be suitably warned / punished. Animal welfare Organization and animal activists shall be provided protection and timely and effective working ensured on information provided by them shall be kept confidential. Special Task force shall be constituted at least at District level Cow and Cattle custody be only given to Animal Welfare Organization and not to accused in line with Honorable Supreme Court Directions Investigation in booked cases shall ensure 1. Origin 2. consignor, Destination, Consignee, regularity etc. We hope to receive your favor of action and strong direction with a copy to us at your earliest. Regards.

Municipal Administration Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964

87. Obligatory functions of municipal councils. 91. Discretionary functions of municipal councils. 226. Non-removal of filth, etc. 228. Filthy buildings, etc. 232. Power to enter and inspect, etc., buildings. 242. Prohibition of nuisance. 243. Licensing markets, slaughter houses and certain businesses. 244. Opening, closing and letting of markets and slaughter houses. 246. Slaughter houses, etc., beyond municipal limits. 247. Unwholesome articles of food and drink 1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 16.1994. 251. Duties of municipal council in respect of disease among horses, dogs, cattle, sheep or goats. 256. Premises not to be used for certain purposes without licence. urpose referred to in cause (a) or (b) of sub-section (1). 257. Power of Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to prevent use of premises in particular areas for purposes referred to in section 256, 262. Service of notices, etc. 262A. Prohibition of unauthorised occupation of land. 276. Municipal Council may prosecute. 323. Government to make rules. 324. Power to make bye-laws.

Sugestion & Request

Karnataka Goseva Ayog is trying very hard to create awareness among concerned officials and request Honorable Chief Minister, Ministers, Chief Secretary, Director General of Police, Principal Secretaries, Commissioners, Directors to intervene and issue necessary Directions , Guidelines and monitor the implementation of All Acts & Rules in letter and spirit and stop illegal Slaughter & transportation of Cattle & Carcass .
1. Animal Husbandry Department shall ensure that no Animal Health Certificates are issued in violation of above Acts and also take action/ report to concerned District officials on finding the same. Dy. Director being Member Secretary of Mysore SPCA shall convene meetings regularly. Action against persons forging and misusing AH&VS Dept. name and Seal shall be initiated. 2. APMC officials shall implement the Directions of Director APMC Circular Sl. No. KM:33Rule 99 Dt.16.4.99.

3. Regional Transport Officers shall check Trucks carrying Cattle in violation of Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules and report the matter for seizure to nearest Police Station. Appropriate action shall be initiated against violating Vehicle & drivers. 4. Municipal Commissioner / Officials shall check illegal slaughter places in also Cattle gowdons. Municipal Health officials shall check and restrict sale of unstamped Carcass. The source of unstamped Carcass at Meat shops can lead us to illegal slaughter places. 5. Forest officials shall check the Cattle carrying trucks crossing respective Forest Areas and also on walking under Wildlife Protection Act and report to nearest Police Station if they find violation of other above Acts & rules. 6. Police officials have to play vital role. One side they shall provide required security to all concerned officials. Motivate their intelligence wing to get feedback. Act on complaint and reports from Animal lovers. Book Cases under above mentioned Acts sand Rules. Investigate the matter in depth and reach to the actual consignee and consignor.

7. All concerned Police offices shall be directed to crack down on illegal Cow and Cattle slaughter and Transportation. 8. Karnataka Police intelligence prepared list of illegal slaughter houses and must have reported on illegal transportation racket. Reports so received shall be shared and further called, particularly in interstate bordering Districts. 9. F.I.R s booked in illegal transportation shall be shared and informed to respective. R.T O with whom the vehicle is registered to initiate proceedings under Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules. 10. Responsibility shall be fixed, reviewed in district, Range & State crime review meetings and erring official shall be suitably warned / punished. 11. Animal welfare Organization and animal activists shall be provided protection and timely and effective working ensured on information provided by them shall be kept confidential. 12. Special Task force shall be constituted at least at District level 13. Cow and Cattle custody be only given to Animal Welfare Organization and not to accused in line with Honorable Supreme Court Directions 14. Investigation in booked cases shall ensure 1. Origin 2. consignor, Destination, Consignee, regularity etc.
15 Revenue officials viz. Tahasildars, Panchayat Development officials shall keep watch in their respective areas on animal related crimes, slaughter places, vehicles, meat shops and seize / report to concerned officials for necessary action. 16. Encroachment on Gomala land shall be identified and eviction proceedings shall be initiated as per Honble Supreme court Directions. 17. Animal shelters / Goshala / Pinjrapole shall be developed / promoted at least one in each Taluk. 18. Electric generation and other products be propagated by the use of Bull power, cow dung, Cow urine & Milk etc.

On behalf of Karnataka State Goseva Ayog, I request following Departments to associate, co ordinate, report, meet direct subordinate officials In service to Speechless animal . I am sure that if, we all come forward, join hands than, we will be able to curb the animal related CRIME to strengthen our Rural economy, employment, hygiene, woman empowerment and state

Dr. SK Mittal Member Karnataka State Goseva Ayog


Illegal purchase, sale transfer of cattle IPC.429 IPC 153-A IPC 295 Mysore Police Act Karnataka Agro Produce Marketing (Control ) Act Karnataka prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle preservation Act Prevention pf cruelty to animal act , 1960 & Rules State Municipalities Acts

Illegal transportation of cattle on rail and motor vehicle Karnataka motor vehicle rules Motor vehicle act, 1968 Karnataka prevention of cow slaughter and preservation of cattle act. Karnataka agro produce marketing( control)act Prevention of Cruelty to Animal act, 1960 IPC 429 and IPC 153-A Transport of cattle rules, 1978 Karnataka Forest act Indian Wild life Protection Act, 1972 Illegal slaughter of cattle Karnataka prevention of cow slaughter and cattle preservation acts Prevention of cruelty to animal act, 1960 IPC . 429 IPC .153-A Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 PCA (slaughter house) rules. 2001

Illegal transportation of cattle on foot Illegal transportation of cattle on foot Rules (PCA Act) 2002 State prevention of cow slaughter & Cattle preservation Act. Karnataka agro produce marketing control act Prevention of cruelty to animal act . 1960 IPC429 and IPC 153-A P.C.A( transport of cattle on foot)Rules, 2001 State Forest Acts Indian Wild life Protection Act, 1972 Illegal Sacrifice/ Bali/ Kurbani of Cattle IPC 429 IPC 153

State prevention of cow slaughter and cattle preservation acts Prevention pf cruelty to animal act , 1960 & Rules Karnataka Prevention of Animal Sacrifice Act, 1964


Following Union and State Acts are, as on today, in force and providing security to our Live Stock. Indian Penal Code 429, IPC 295, IPC 153-A Prevention of Cruelty Act of 1960) Transport of Cattle Rules 1965/1978/2001 & Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules and Indian Motor Vehicle Act RULE 74 of Karnataka Motor Rules, 1989 . Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter & Preservation of Cattle Act, 1964 Karnataka Prevention of Animal Sacrifice Act, 1959 Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 Karnataka Agro Produce Marketing (APMC) Act Karnataka Municipality Act, 1964 Mysore Police Act. etc

APMC Provisions of Karnataka Agriculture Produce Marketing Act as reproduced in the follwing Directions issued by Directorate THE DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE MARKETING No.16, 11Th, Raj Bhowan Road, P.B. No. 6309: Bangalore CIR. Sl. No. KM33:RULE:99 DT.16.4.1999
Sub: Reprentation of akhil Karnataka Gau Raksha Sangh to APM Minister for Safety of Cattle Akhil Karnataka Gauraksha Sangh wide their reprentation submitted to Honorable Minister for Agriculture Produce Marketing, Government of Karnataka that illigal sale & Purchase of Cattle is going on in the APMC Yards in State. Prevention of Cow Slaughter & Preservation of Cattle Act, 1964, and otherActs & Rules of Central & State Government which are not followed in APMC Yards while selling or purchasing

13 Cattle & requested the strict observation and follow up of said Act. Rules & regulations. Enclosed copy of representation is self explainatory. This is hereby informed to all A.P.M.C.s in the state that Rules and regulations for Cow & Cattle Safety be observed. Marketing of Cattle comes under Karnataka Agriculture Marketing (Control) Act, 1966. More than 100 APMC in the State are already functioning under this Act. Further proper action has to be taken as per rthe provisions of Karnataka Cow Slaughter & Preservation of Cattle Act, 1964 and other Central & State Government Acts & Rules to avoid illegal slaughter of Cattle. Hence all A.P.M.C. Yards in the State are hereby instructed the following Directions; 1. All APMC shall register Cattle like Ox, Cow, Calves, Buffalo etc seperately at Entry point 2. As per Act present market Fee is RS.5/-. per head of Cattle IN ADDITION 0.50 P. Per head of Cattle shall be charged at ENTRY REGISTER LEVEL. 3. Cattle purchaser shalll pay license fee and obtain License under Rule 72 & 76. Those who have a.regular transection, they shall obtain under Rule 76 and other shall obtain temporary License under Rule 72(3) of A.P.M.C. and pay license fee of RS.50/4. The APMC YARD shall record cattle purchasers permanent address and purpose for which Cattle is purchased in Register in A.P.M.C. 5. As per Provisions of Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter & Preservation of Cattle Act, 1964 slaughter of milking animal i.e. Cow, Calves & She Buffalo is banned. In case A.P.M.C officials suspect that Cattle transected are for Slaughter. They shall intimate the matter to nearest Police Station immediately. 6. Purchaser shall show purchase receipt for Market Fee, Registration Fee & License to officials during transportation from APMC YARDS 7. The Fruit and Vegitable waste generated in APMC YARDS may be lifted for the use of Cattle feeding and same shall be deleivered free of Cost to Pinjrapole / Gau Raksha Sangh 8. As Sale, Purchase & Transportation of Cow & Cattle for slaughter are illegal as per ACT of 1964. Such instances be checked and be reported to nearest Police Station for further action. 9. Copy of Memo is endorsed to Editor KRUSHIPET, Vidya Nagar, Hubli for publication in KRUSHIPET Monthly for awareness and information to RYATS and General Public. S/d. V. Umesh IAS

Karnataka Transport Department Motor Vehicle Rules

RULE 74 of Karnataka Motor Rules, 1989 Sec: 74. Carriage of animals in goods vehicle.(1) No cattle shall be carried in a goods vehicle in a public place unless:(A) in the case of goat, sheep, deer or pig,(i) a minimum floor space of 0.2 square meter per head of such cattle is provided in the vehicles; (ii) proper arrangements for ventilation are made; and (iii)it carried in a double decked goods vehicle.(a) The upper deck flooring is covered with metal sheets with a minimum height of 7.62 cms. Raised on all four sides so as to prevent the animal waste matter such as urine, litter, etc., falling on the animals on the lower deck; (b) Proper arrangements for drainage are made on each floor; (c) Wooden battens are provided on each floor, to prevent slipping of hoofs of the animals. (B) in the case of any other cattle,(i) a minimum floor space of 2m x 1m per head of cattle and half of such floor space for a young one of cattle which is weaned is provided in the vehicle; (ii) The lead body of the vehicle in constructed of strong wooden planks or of iron sheets with a minimum height of 1.5 meters measured from the floor of the vehicle on all sides and the back; (iii) floor battans are provided to prevent slipping of hoofs; (iv) Every projection likely to cause suffering to an animal is removal; and (v) The cattle are properly secured by ropes tied to the sides of the vehicle.

14 Explanation.-Cattle for the purpose of this sub-rule includes goat, sheep, buffalo, bull, ox, cow, deer, pony, mule, ass, pig or the young ones thereof. (2) No animal belonging to or intended for a circus, menagerie or zoo shall be carried in a goods vehicle in a public place unless,(i) in the case of wild or ferocious animal, a suitable cage, either separate from or integral with the lead body of the vehicle used of sufficient strength to contain the animal securely at all times is provided; and (ii) reasonable floor space for each animal is provided in the vehicle. (3) No goods vehicle when carrying any cattle or any animal shall be driver at a speed in excess of 24 kms. Per hour. 202. A. Power to detain vehicles._ Any Officer of othe Transport Department not below the rank of Motor vehicles inspector or an Police Officer not below the rank of circle Inspector of Police are authorized to exercise powers under Section 207. 202- B. Procedure of detaining a motor vehicle._ When a motor vehicle is detained by any officer referred to Rule 202-A, he shall take the following steps, namely.(i) arrangement shall be made for temporary safe custody of the motor vehicle in the nearest Police station or at any appropriate place; (ii) the fact of seizure and detention shall be informed without delay to the secretary, Regional Transport Authority of the region and the secretary, Regional Transport Authority of the region to which the motor vehicles belongs; (iii) where prosecution of othe driver or owner or both is necessary, charge sheets against them shall be filed before the concerned Maistrate within three days (computation of three days shall be in accordance with section 10 of General Clauses act, 1897) from the date of seizure and the motor vehicle shall be released by the Officer who detained if after the prosecution is completed under intimation to both the secretaries of Regional Transport Authorities mentioned in clause (ii); (iv) mahazor of the vehicles is to be carried out in writing of its condition, and parts which are easily removable, replaceable and temperable (viz., Television, DVD/VCD/MP-3 Play Raido, public address system and any other such equipments) and a copy of its is to be delivered to othe person from whom it is seized, duly signed. 202- C. Release of seized and detained vehicles._ (1) An application for release of a vehicle seized and detained under sub-section (1) of section 207 shall be in the form of a memorandum in duplicate with relevant documents duly enclosing a fee of rupees fifty. The Secretaries of the Regional Trasnport Authority, of the Region shall entertain an application for release of vehicles seized and detained by his subordinate Officers 192-A. Using vehicles without permit. (1) Whoever drives a motor vehicle or causes or allow a motor vehicle to be used in contravention of theprovisions of sub-section (1) of section 66 or in contravention of any condition of a permit relating to the route on which or the area in which or the purpose for which the vehicle may be used, shall be punishable for the first offence with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees but shall not be less than two thousand rupees and for any subsequent offence with imprisonment which may extend to one year but shall not be less than three months or with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees but shall not be less than five thousand rupees or with both : Provided that the Court may for reasons to be recorded, impose a lesser punishment. (2) Nothing in this section shall apply to the use of a motor vehiclein an emergency for the conveyance of persons suffering from sickness or injury or for the transport of materials for repair or for the transport of food or materials to relieve distress or of medical supplies for a like purpose : Provided that the person using the vehicle reports about the same to the Regional Transport Authority within seven days from the date of such use. (3) The Court to which an appeal lies from any conviction in respect of an offence of the nature specified in sub-section (1), may set aside or vary any order, made by the Court below, notwithstanding that no appeal lies against the conviction in connection with which such order was made].Corresponding Law. Section 192-A corresponds to section 123 of theMotor Vehicles Act, 1939.


Animal Husbandry & Vet. Services Department

(Received the assent of the President on the Fourteenth day of August, 1964.) (As amended by Karnataka Acts 24 of 1966 , 26 of 1975) An Act to provide for the prevention of slaughter of cows, calves of cows and calves of she-buffaloes and for the preservation of other cattle in the State. WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the prevention of slaughter of cows, calves of cows and calves of she-buffaloes and for the preservation of other cattle in the State; BE it enacted by the 1[Karnataka State]1 Legislature in the Fifteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows: 1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order 1973 w.e.f. 1.11.1973 Sections 1. Short title, extent and commencement.(1) This Act may be called the 1[Karnataka]1 Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act, 1964. (2) It shall extend to the whole of the 1[State of Karnataka]1. (3) It shall come into force at once. 1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order 1973 w.e.f. 1.11.1973 2. Definitions.In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, (i) animal means bull, bullock, buffalo-male or female, or calf of she-buffalo whether male or female; (ii) competent authority means a person or a body of persons appointed to perform the functions of a competent authority under this Act; (iii) cow includes calf of a cow, whether male or female; (iv) notification means a notification published in the official Gazette; and (v) prescribed means prescribed by rules made under this Act. 3. Appointment of competent authority.The State Government may, by notification, appoint a person or a body of persons to perform the functions of a competent authority under this Act for such local area as may be specified in such notification. 4. Prohibition of slaughter of cow or calf of she-buffalo.Notwithstanding any law, custom, or usage to the contrary, no person shall slaughter or cause to be slaughtered, or offer or cause to be offered for slaughter or otherwise intentionally kill or offer or cause to be offered for killing any cow or calf of she-buffalo. 5. Prohibition against slaughter of animals without certificate from competent authority .(1) Notwithstanding any law, custom, or usage to the contrary, no person shall slaughter or cause to be slaughtered or offer or cause to be

offered for slaughter any animal, other than a calf of she-buffalo, unless he has obtained in respect of such animal a certificate in writing from the competent authority appointed for the area that the animal is fit for slaughter. (2) A certificate under sub-section (1) shall be granted by the competent authority, after it has, for reasons to be recorded in writing, certified that, (a) the animal is over the age of twelve years; or (b) the animal has become permanently incapacitated for breeding, draught or giving milk due to injury, deformity or any other cause. (3) No certificate under sub-section (1) shall be granted if the animal is suffering from any disease which makes its meat unwholesome for human consumption. (4) A certificate under this section shall be granted in such form and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed. 6. Power of revision.(1) The State Government may, at any time, for the purpose of satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of any order passed by a competent authority, granting or refusing to grant any certificate under section 5, call for and examine the records of the case and may pass such order in reference thereto as it thinks fit. (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) any order passed by the competent authority granting or refusing to grant a certificate, and any order passed by the State Government under sub-section (1), shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court. 7. Slaughter to be in places specified.No animal in respect of which a certificate has been granted under section 5, shall be slaughtered in any place other than a place specified by such authority or officer as the State Government may appoint in this behalf. 8. Restriction on transport of animal or cow for slaughter. No person shall transport or offer for transport or cause to be transported any animal or cow from any place within the State to any place outside the State, for the purpose of its slaughter in contravention of the provisions of this Act or with the knowledge that it will be or is likely to be, so slaughtered. 9. Prohibition of sale, purchase or disposal of cow or calf of she-buffalo for slaughter.No person shall purchase, sell or otherwise dispose of or offer to purchase, sell or otherwise dispose of or cause to be purchased, sold or otherwise disposed of, cows or calves of she-buffaloes for slaughter or knowing or having reason to believe that such cattle shall be slaughtered 10. Power to enter and inspect.(1) For the purposes of this Act, the competent authority or any person authorised in this behalf by the competent authority (hereinafter referred to as the authorised person) shall have power to enter and inspect any premises where the competent authority or the authorised person has reason to believe that an offence under this Act has been or is likely to be committed. (2) Every person in occupation of any such premises shall allow the competent authority or the authorised person such access to the premises as may be necessary for the aforesaid purpose and shall answer to the best of his knowledge and belief any questions put to him by the competent authority or by the authorised person. 11. Penalties.Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both. 12. Offences under the Act to be cognizable. All offences under this Act, shall be cognizable 13. Abetment.Whoever abets any offence punishable under this Act or attempts to commit any such offence, shall be punished with the punishment provided in this Act for such offence 14. Persons exercising powers under the Act deemed to be public servants.All persons exercising powers under this Act shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. 15. Protection of persons acting in good faith .No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall be instituted against the competent authority or any person exercising powers under this Act for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act or the rule made there under 16. Exemptions.Subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, this Act shall not apply to, (a) any cow or animal operated upon for vaccine lymph, serum or for any experimental or research purpose at an institution established, conducted or recognized by the State Government; or (b) any cow or animal, (i) slaughter of which is certified by a Veterinary Officer authorized by the State Government, to be necessary in the interest of the public health; (ii) which is suffering from any disease which is certified by a Veterinary Officer authorized by the State Government as being contagious and dangerous to other animals. 1[(c) any cow or animal, slaughter of which is certified to be necessary on the ground that it is suffering from an incurable disease or injury, (i) in the case of a cow or animal belonging to the Central Government in the Ministry of Defence, by a Veterinary Officer of the Indian Army; (ii) in the case of any other cow or animal, by a Veterinary Officer authorized by the State Government.]1 1. Substituted by Act 26 of 1975 w.e.f. 5.6.1975

17. Delegation of powers.The State Government may, by notification, delegate, (i)to any local authority, its powers and functions under section 3, within the local area subject to the jurisdiction of such local authority; (ii)to any officer of the State Government its powers and functions under sub-section (1) of section 6. 18. Establishment of institutions for taking care of cows or other animals. (1) The State Government may establish, or direct any local authority or society registered under the 1[Karnataka]1 Societies Registration Act, 1960, or any association or body of persons to establish institutions at such places as may be deemed necessary for taking care of cows or other animals sent thereto. 1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order 1973 w.e.f. 1.11.1973 (2) The State Government may provide by rules for the proper management of such institutions for the care of cows or other animals therein and also for the class or variety of cows or other animals that may be admitted herein. (3) The State Government or subject to the previous sanction of the State Government, the local authority, society or body of persons or association establishing an institution under sub-section (1), may levy such fees as may be prescribed for the maintenance of such institutions. 19. Power to make rules.(1) The State Government may by notification, after previous publication, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for, (a) the powers and duties of competent authority, in addition to those provided in this Act; (b) the form of the certificate under section 5; (c) the amount of the fee to be paid under section 5; (d) the conditions subject to which this Act shall not apply to any animal under section 16; (e) the management of Institutions established under section 18 and the fee to be levied for their maintenance; and (f) any other matter which is to be or may be, prescribed. (3) Every rule made under this section shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before each House of the State Legislature while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, both Houses agree in making anymodification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule

Prevention of Crulety to Animal Act, 1960

46. Rules 47 to 56 shall apply to the transport by rail of cows, bulls, bullocks, buffaloes, yaks and calves. (hereinafter in these rules referred to as cattle). 47. (a) A valid certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the cattle are in a fit condition to travel by rail or road and are not suffering from any infectious or contagious or parasitic diseases and that thay have been vaccinated against rinderpest and any other infectious or contagious or parasitic diseases, shall accompany each consignment. (b) In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport. (c) The certificate shall be in the form specified in Schedule E. 48. Veterinary first-aid equipment shall accompany all batches of cattle. 49. (a) Each consignment shall bear a label showing in bold red letters the name, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and consignee, the number and types of cattle being transported and quantity of rations and food provided. (b) The consignee shall be informed about the train or vehicle in which the consignment of cattle is being sent and its arrival time in advance. (c) The consignment of cattle shall be booked by the next train or vehicle and shall not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking. 50. The average space provided per cattle in Railway wagon or vehicle shall not be less than two square metres. 51. (a) Suitable rope and platforms should be used for loading cattle from vehicles. (b) In case of railway wagon the dropped door of the wagon may be used as a ramp when loading or unloading is done to the platform. 52. Cattle shall be loaded after they are properly fed and given water. 53. Cattle in advanced stage of pregnancy shall not be mixed with young cattle in order to avoid stampede during transportation. 54. (1) Watering arrangements on route shall be made and sufficient quantities of water shall be carried for emergency. (2) Sufficient feed and fooder with adequate reserve shall be carried to last during the journey.

18 (3) Adequate ventilation shall be ensured. 55. When cattle is to be transported by rail. (a) An ordinary goods wagon shall carry not more than ten adult cattle or fifteen calves on broad gauge, not more than six adult cattle or ten calves on metre guage, or not more than four cattle or six calves on narrow gauge. (b) Every wagon carrying cattle shall have at least one attendant. (c) Cattle shall be loaded parallel to the rails, facing each other. (d) Padding material such as straw, shall be placed on the floor to avoid injury if a cattle lies down and this shall not be less than 6 cms thick. (e) Rations for the journey shall be carried in the middle of the wagon. (f) To provide adequate ventilation, upper door of one side of the wagon shall be kept open properly fixed and the upper door of the wagon shall have wire gauge closely welded mesharrangements to prevent burning cinders from the engines entering the wagon and leading to fire outbreak. (g) Cattle wagon should be attached in the middle of the train. (h) Cooking shall not be allowed in the wagons nor hurricane lamps without chimneys. (i) Two breast bars shall be provided on each side of the wagon,one at height of 60 to 80 cm& the other at 100to110cm. (J) Cattle-in-milk shall be milked at least twice a day and the calves shall be given sufficient quantity of milk to drink. (k) As far as possible, cattle may be moved during the nights only. (l) During day time, if possible, they should be unloaded, fed , given water and rested and if in milk, milking shall be carried out. 56. When cattle are to be transported by goods vehicle, the following precautions are to be taken namely: (a) Specially fitted goods vehicles with a special type of tail board and padding around the sides should be used. (b) Ordinary goods vehicles shall be provided with anti-slipping material, such as coir matting or wooden board on the floor and the superstructure, if low, should be raised. (c) No goods vehicle shall carry more than six cattle. (d) Each goods vehicle shall be provided with one attendant. (e) While transporting, the cattle, the goods, vehicles shall not be loaded with any other merchandise; and (f) to prevent cattle being frightened or injured, they should preferably, face the engine. 8. SCHEDULE H (See Rule 47) Proforma for Certificate of fitness to travel - Cattle This Certificate should be completed and signed by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon Date and Time of Examination:.......... Species of cattle:................. Number of Trucks/Railway Wagons.......... Number of cattle:................ Sex:. Age: Breed and identification marks, if any:...... Transported from............To................Via........ I hereby certify that I have read rules 46 to 56 in Chapter IV of the Transport of Animals Rules, 1978. 1. That, at the request of (consignor)I have examined the above mentioned Cattle in the goods vehicle/railway wagons not more than 12 hours before their departure. 2. That each cattle appeared to be in a fit condition to travel by rail/road and is not showing any signs of infectious or contagious or parastic disease and that it has been vaccinated against rinderpest and any other infectious or contagious or parasitic disease(s). 3. That the cattle were adequately fed and watered for the purpose of the journey. 4. That the cattle have been vaccinated. (a) Type of vaccine/s: (b)Date of vaccination/s: Signed:................... Address:................ Date: Qualifications..... Provisions of PCA(Slaughter House) Rules, 2001 Provisions of PCA (Establishment of SPCA) Rules, 2001 Provisions of PCA(Transprtation of Cattle on Foot) Rules, 2001




Belgaum raid

Circle Inspector of police Bailongal Tk.,Belgaum. Sub: Registration of FIR for the crime under the provisions of Karnataka Provision Of Cow Slaughter and Preservation of cattle act 1964, PCA act 1960, Karnataka Muncipalty Act 1964 & other provisions. Sir,During my visit to Belgaum and reports from public regarding continued illegal cow and cattle slaughter at many places in belgaum district, particularly Nesargi village in Bailongal Taluq and a visit was planned to witness the reports.

On Tuesday 11th June 2013, after meeting S.P belgaum and as per his instructions the protection cover provided by you and in company of Animal Husbandry Officials, We visited a compound on the right hand side of highway road and after entering in the premises we saw 4 cow and cattles inside and heaps of bones, horns, skin and animal fat was seen. All the equipments used for slaughter of cattle, melting pan for beef and mixing of ghee and adulterated ghee containers were seen. Tahshildar and Asst. Commissioner Bailongal also were called at the site. Who also witnessed the presence of heinous crime of illegal slaughter, food adulteration, creation of pollution hazard. All above attracts provisions of Karnataka Provision Of Cow Slaughter and Preservation of cattle act 1964, PCA act 1960, Karnataka Municipalty Act-1964, Food Adulteration IPC-429 and other provisions. I hereby report and request to take the cognizance of crime and book the FIR and save the precious life of Cow and cattle, confiscate the equipments , material and also the property used in above heinous crime and book the culprits at the earliest. With Regards, Dr.S.K.Mittal, Member Karnataka State GoSeva Aayog copy to Deputy Inspector General of of Police BelgaumDy & Vet Service : Director Karnataka state Goseva

Comissener belgaum, Police Bgm, Superintendent Director Animal Husbandry AH&VS &Member Secretary Ayog the raid on illegal Cattle slaughter house working at Nesargi. Dy.commsnrBelgaum Dist Dear Mr. Jayram IASGreetings to you, I extend my warm thanks for courtesy extended by all during my visit to Belgaum Dist and stay on 11-13 June, 2013. I found a knowledgeable and concerned officer in you who smilingly extend all help and solve problems in spite of all pressure. I could feel when a lodging of FIR took long 60 hours in spite of presence of Asst. Com,, Tahsildar, CPI, PSI, Asst. Dir., AH&VS Vet. Officer Beilhongal during During my stay, I was reported rampant illegal transportation of Cattle, mostly towards GOA and also illegal slaughtering in different parts of District and even in heart of City - a place called Kasayigali just behind Market Police Station. I brought the same to the notice of Area Dy.SP Mr. Muthuraj and also to CEO ZP. I feel that a Checkpost at Ramnagar- as promised - will certainly dent the problem. A meeting of concerned officials including CEOZP, SP, RTO,DFO, APMC, Municipal Commissioner & AH&VS, SPCA etc shall be convened a.s.a.p to discuss and effectively control the heinous CRIME. I may kindly be intimated the date and time of meeting in advance to enable me to participate and contribute in the meeting please with high regards Yours in service to speechless animals Dr. SK Mittal B.Com (Hons) LLM, Ph.D Member Karnataka State Goseva Ayog







Bijapur Meeting




Bagalkot Meeting

Jamkhandi APMC


UDUPI District


Meeting at Uttar Kanada


Hassan Meeting

Meeting at Hassan
AP 30.7.2013 gAznudi fPjU PbjAi CzsPg, PlP U CAiU, AUg Eg CzsPvAi qz sAi q.

G zPg, ES, gg U DAiUz CzsPgz JA.. gtP gg U zgz q J.P. v v i fPjU gV djz Cg fPjU v djz zs ESAi CPjU Uwzg. i CzsPgz JA..gtP, gg x jU fAi U DAiUz wAz sAi KrzjAz zs ESAi CPjU jZAi irPAq, U DAiUz gZ U, PAiZlnPU U v UAgPuAi iqPz zs ESU djAi U gV wzg.wAiAz ESAi djAi U Za iw qz PPUAv wzg. zP jU ES.DAiUz zgz q. v gg zP jU ESAi egU UtP iqU Pz AiU U Za iwAi qz Rule 74 of Karnataka Motor Vehicle act of 1988 Pg egU UtP iq V it iqPVz, Czg , g v OU V sUgP v w egUU 2 Zzg Cr P iqP U MAz lP 4 jAz 5 eg iv UtP iqP JAz wzg. Azjz MAz lP 10 jAz 15 egU CPvV CAvggd Ur znwgz PAqAgvz. EAv CPv ZlnPU sVAiiVg P z ASU zP CPjUU r P PPUAv wzg. (P- zP jU CPjU) ES.CzsPg ESAi CPvV egU Vwg U EzgU J PgtU zRVgvz v vUzPArg Pz U gu Pjzg. CzgAv djz CPjU EzgU 26 Pgt zRVz, egU j AdgU PgzV wzg v Ezg U Zgu qUwz JAz sU wzg. CPvV egU Vwgz vqUl P P Av CzsPg wzg. (P:- ES) JJA CzsPg fAig J JJAU U iw qzg. JJAU egU AvU iglU egU CPvV ggdUU VwgzV sU w, JJAU CPv egU UtPU Vz Ez vqAi P P Av JJA CPjUU wzg. U eg lU AU Azssz gU qU MAz jU 2 Cx 3 egUU iv q PAv wzg.(P:- G zPg, J..JA.) ES. zgz q. v gg CgPg vQ UAqAi q g, AiP zPg JAz Pbj g Q egU ggdUU V gU it v qwgzV wzAgvz F U G zPg P PUAv wzg. EzP Gvjz G zPg ES wAz EzgU DgU it v gvr UU V Aiiz it v vjgAzV w v UAqAi AiP zPg z Eg U q. g JAg ESAi PAiwgAzV wzg. egU V ESAi wAz gV vjz CAvU U UtQPv iq G zPjU wzg. wAiAz vQ UU vgAiAv CzsPg sAi wzg. G zPg sU iwAi qv fAi g Adg izjAi UU vgAiVz CU CrPVgvz JAz wzg. CWvAz UUz tU U Cx egU AgPu iq fAi Aiiz Eg U q. v gg wv F U sv

PAi MzV J...J., wAz Animal Welfare Board U CUv Cz qAiz JAz sU wzg. (P:- G zPg, ES) Aid zPg (f AZAiv, ) UUAz zgAi Uv v UAiAz zs GvUz , , CUgw, QPU EvU ePV Gvw iq Q AWUU vgwAi qPAz zgz q. vgg wzg. (P:- f AZAiv Ugs fAi qwg zUgU PrPP U F U P U jAv EPgUU Z qPAz DAiPjU wzg. MAz Gvz zUg PPUAv Ug s DAiPjU wv. (P:- DAiPg, Ug s)sAi AzuAiAU PAiUArv. /- CzsPg, U DAiU, AUg. wAi:i fPjUU P PPV z. i jPjUU P PPV z. i R PAiP CPjU, f AZAiv gjU P PPV z. G zPg, J..JA.., gjU P PPV Pz. zP jU CPjU gjU P PPV Pz. DAiPg, Ug s gjU P PPV Pz. G zPg, ES gjU P PPV Pz.

Kodagu District


Minutes of Mysore Meeting held on 15.7 at DC Mysore office

33 AP 15-7-2013gAz i fPjU, g f, ggg CzsPvAi CP egU Uu v zsUg JA Aiz U qz sAi q sAi djz CPjU : 6) Cg jPjU, 1) fPjU, g f, g. g. Cg fPjU, g f, 7) G DAiPg, g. 8) G zPg, ES, g. DAiPg, Ug P, g. g. 9) zP jU CPjU, G PAizU, f g. AZAiv, g. 10) G Cgt AgPuPjU, q|| J.P. v, zg, PlP g. U DAiU. sAi Gvjz i CzsPg U zgU G zPg, ES, ggg Uwv, sAi qPqAv i CzsPg Pjzg U sAi F PPAqAv qv. gAsz i CzsPg Aiz U sU jAv PlP U DAiUz z gz q|| J.P. v gg Pjz gU, F PPAq iwAi sU rzg. g fAi Z.r. Pq vQ Urzz SAvg Pg gdP CPvV P egU UtP iqwz, ZP CAv egU P qz PAq AAzslg Q PzAi qPAz wzg. fAig JJA eg igPmAi egU igl iqwz, igl z egUU Urg UAqAv zPjUAz zrPgt v z iglUwz JAz wzg. gezAv egU CPV UtP ir F fAi Urzz SAvg Pg gdP ggeUwz, UtP Azsz egUU P P, g v Dg zVz PgV qPUwz JAz wzg. fAi UrzAz PgP egU UtP iqwz Azsz UtPzgg zPjU P irz zrPgt v vj UtP iqwggAz w zg. g Ug U jAiilt v. PAi Aiiz gV qAiz U fv PS z zPgU zs ir igUwz JAz wzg. Aq J AiU jz i CzsPg, sAi djz DgPP ES v jU ESAijU fAi egU UtP Azsz Aiiz AiU GAXz UtP zgg A Aiig Pln PAv Dzzg. (P - DgPP ES v jU ES) fAi Urzzg Cgt ESAi ZPU egU UtP U Ai gA P UtPzgg MzV zPjU zrPgt vz vvvAi j PAv azg. (P Cgt ES) g Ugz q CPvV zPgU zsAiiUwz, zj Ai PVg zjAz, AAz zz dwU, DgPP CPjU, Ug PAi DgUPj U,PlPg AWz zPjU U Evg CPjU sAi Pgz gV Za P vUz P DAiPg, g Ug PgjU azg. (P DAiPg, g UgP) fAi Cvzg tzAii AW (JJ) Pz 4 UAz Aiiz sAi qgzjAz, dgg sAi q CUv P PUAv G zPg, ES, ggjU azg. (P G zPg, ES) AzuAiAU sAi PAiUv.

2) 3) 4) 5)






34 G zPg, fPjU, ES, g. g f, g. AS : fP/vA/Ce/s/q/13-14 AP : 25-7-2013. wAi F PPAq CPjUU iw U P PPV 6) G DAiPg, 1) fPjU, g f, ggg D AiPjU. g. 2) DAiPg, Ug 7) G zPg, P, g. ES, g. 3) R PAiP 8) zP jU CPjU, CPjU, f AZAiv, g. g. 9) G Cgt 4) q|| J.P. v, zg, AgPuPjU, g. PlP U DAiU. 5) Cg jPjU, g.

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