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Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE OR PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product label name Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol Supplier Akzo Nobel Industrial Chemicals B.V. Stationsstraat 77 PO Box 247 NL-3800 AE Amersfoort Tel.: +31-334676767 E-mail address of person responsible for safety data sheet Emergency telephone T +31570679211 F +31570679801 AkzoNobel Chemicals-Deventer-NL Intended use Chemical intermediate for the chemical industry Date of last issue / Revision number 2009/02/05 / 10.04 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Flammable. Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Causes burns. May cause sensitization by skin contact. Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Very toxic to aquatic organisms. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS This product is to be considered as a preparation in conformance to EC directives Information on hazardous ingredients Chemical description Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol Composition / information on ingredients Number
1 2 3

% w/w
30 3 58

000079-11-8 000067-56-1 000096-34-4

Chemical name
Chloroacetic acid Methanol Methyl chloroacetate

Annex-1 number
1 2 3 607-003-00-1 603-001-00-X 607-205-00-X

201-178-4 200-659-6 202-501-1

Symbol(s) (EU classification)


R25 R34 R50 R11 R23/24/25 R39/23/24/25 R10 R23/25 R37/38 R41

4. FIRST AID MEASURES Symptoms and effects MCA solution (even at low concentration) is rapidly absorbed through the skin even if there are no visible lesions. Contamination of the skin may lead to serious systemic effects with symptoms like vomiting and/or shock resulting in a highly serious and potentially fatal intoxication, especially if decontamination is delayed. Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Corrosive to eyes, skin and upper respiratory tract. Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Product code 722191 Page 1 - 8 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


May cause sensitization by skin contact. First aid General Always seek medical attention. Do not delay treatment of exposed individuals, death may result. Inhalation Bring the victim(s) into fresh air and place in a stable position. Transport to hospital (send this Safety Data Sheet with the patient) Skin If available, jump immediately into an emergency bath with an aqueous solution of NaHCO3(7-9%) and stay for at least 30 minutes at temperature 30C whilst taking off clothing and shoes. If a bath is not available, take an emergency shower. Shower for at least 15 minutes with lukewarm water (ca. 30 C). Remove adherent substance by gentle scrubbin g. Eye Causes injury to the cornea and eyelids. Rinse immediately and as long as possible with plenty of water. Eyelids should be held away from the eyeball to ensure thorough rinsing. Always seek medical advice. Ingestion Rinse mouth, give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Provide fresh air, rest, half upright position. Transport to hospital (send this Safety Data Sheet with the patient). Advice to physician In case of ingestion, evacuate stomach contents through a stomach tube, preferably introduced under endoscopic control. Timely administration of sodium dichloroacetate (SDCA) may be life saving in case of serious monochloroacetate intoxication. For a treatment protocol contact the nearest Poison Information Center or Akzo Nobel Emergency Center Netherlands (Tel. +31 570 67 92 11) and ask for IPCS INTOX PIM 352. 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media alcohol resistant foam, Carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical powder, water *. Unsuitable extinguishing media none known Hazardous decomposition / combustion products In contact with open fire Formation of hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, but no phosgene ( See also Section 10). Protective equipment Use self-contained respiratory equipment and acid-resistant clothing. Other information * Water used to extinguish a fire should not be allowed to enter public water systems in case of (S)MCA leakage. Fire and explosion hazard MCA is explosive at higher temperature when mixed with air (flash point 55 C) . In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not breathe vapour. For personal protection see Section 8. Environmental precautions Do not allow to enter drains or water courses. When the product contaminates public waters, inform appropriate authorities in accordance with local regulations.

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 2 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


Methods for cleaning up Isolate spill area. Contain spill with earthen dike. Neutralize surrounding with Na2CO3/NaHCO3. Rinse remnant with plenty of water. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Handle in well ventilated areas. Do not eat, drink or smoke in application area. Install a thermostatically controlled (30 C) emergency bath with a saturated ( 7-9%) sodium bicarbonate solution wherever this product is handled Fire and explosion prevention Keep away from heat ( The product is flammable ). Storage requirements Since Monochloroacetic acid 80% w/w solution in methanol is very corrosive, Stainless steel 316, polyethylene or glass-lined equipment should be used. In case of bulk storage, the temperature should be kept low (max 30 C) in order to lower the methanol vapour pressure, and to minimize the steel corrosion and dermal resorption. Provide adequate ventilation. Other information Do not store together with food stuffs 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering controls Provide adequate ventilation. Personal protection Respiratory In case of insufficient ventilation wear adequate respiratory protection ( respirator with Filter A + full face mask). Hand Butyl rubber gloves recommended. Dispose gloves after MCA contact. Eye safety goggles / face shield. Skin and body acid-resistant clothing.

Chloroacetic acid
skin (private grenswaarde) Time Weighted Average (TWA) (private grenswaarde) 4 mg/m Can be absorbed through skin.

Ontwikkeling risico categorie skin (private grenswaarde) Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) (private grenswaarde) Time Weighted Average (TWA) (private grenswaarde) skin (wettelijke grenswaarde) Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) (wettelijke grenswaarde) 520 mg/m 520 mg/m 260 mg/m Can be absorbed through skin. May cause harm to the unborn child. Can be absorbed through skin.

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 3 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


Time Weighted Average (TWA) (wettelijke grenswaarde) 260 mg/m

Methyl chloroacetate
Time Weighted Average (TWA) (private grenswaarde) 5 mg/m

9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance liquid Colour colourless Odour acidic, pungent odour threshold: 0.045 ppm Boiling point/range 101 C Melting point/range -15 C ( Crystallization point/range ) Flash point 55 C ( Pensky-Martens, closed cup ) Flammability Flammable Explosive properties Above the flash point an explosive mixture can be formed Oxidising properties not available Vapour pressure 1.89 kPa (20 C) 10.42 kPa (50 C) Density 1250 kg/m (20 C) Bulk density not applicable Solubility in water 7.7% ( Measured after 5 minutes) Solubility in other solvents not available pH value 0.5 ( 20 C) Partition coefficient n-octanol/water not available Relative vapour density (air=1) not available Viscosity 2.1 mPa.s (20 C) 1.4 mPa.s (40 C)

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 4 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


Autoignition temperature 470 C Explosion limits Above the flash point an explosive mixture can be formed 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Conditions to avoid Reaction with alkaline substances (bases) and amines. Stability Decomposition under effect of heating. Incompatibles Might react violently with non-precious metals, producing hydrogen. Danger of explosion: Strong bases, strong oxidising agents, amines. Hazardous decomposition products In contact with open fire Formation of hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, but no phosgene. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol

Acute toxicity Oral LD50 rat : 150 mg/kg ( Toxic if swallowed ) ( Akzo Nobel E-file ) Dermal LD50 rat: 127 mg/kg ( Toxic in contact with skin ) ( Akzo Nobel E-file ) Irritation Skin Causes severe burns ( rabbit ) ( Akzo Nobel E-file ) Eye Risk of serious damage to eyes ( rabbit ) ( Akzo Nobel E-file ) Sensitization May cause sensitization by skin contact ( guinea pig ) ( Akzo Nobel E-file ) Genotoxicity Ames test: Not mutagenic Other toxicological information Product is absorbed readily through the skin and may cause toxic effects. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol

Ecotoxicity fish Acute toxicity, 96h-LC50 ( Danio rerio ): 1.13 mg/l daphnia Acute toxicity, 24h-EC50 ( Daphnia magna ): 5.5 mg/l algae Acute toxicity, 96h-EC50 (Selenastrum capricornutum): 0.25 mg/l

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 5 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


Fate Degradation Abiotic Hydrolysis in water Degradation Biotic Readily biodegradable 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Product According to local regulations ( controlled incineration ). Contaminated packaging According to local regulations ( controlled incineration ). 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land transport Class 6.1 Classification Code TC1 RID class 6.1 Packing group II Hazard Identification No. 68 Substance Identification No. 2927 TREM-Card or ERG number CEFIC TEC(R)- 61GTC1-II UN number 2927 Proper Shipping Name TOXIC LIQUID, CORROSIVE, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol) Other information CORROSIVE risk label required additionally

Sea transport (IMO / IMDG-code) Class 6.1 Packing group II UN number 2927 EMS F-A, S-B Marine pollutant no

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 6 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006


Proper Shipping Name TOXIC LIQUID, CORROSIVE, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol) Other information CORROSIVE risk label required additionally

Air transport (ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR) UN number 2927 Class 6.1 Packing group II Proper Shipping Name TOXIC LIQUID, CORROSIVE, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol) Other information CORROSIVE risk label required additionally 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Product label name Monochloroacetic acid, 80% solution in methanol Labelling according to EC directives EC-number not applicable Classification based on Annex-1 / Calculation

R(isk) phrase(s) (EU classification) Code

R10 R23/24/25 R34 R43 R50 R65

Flammable Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed Causes burns May cause sensitization by skin contact Very toxic to aquatic organisms Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed

S(afety) phrase(s) (EU classification) Code

S23E S24 S36/37/39 S45 S61

Do not breathe fumes/vapour Avoid contact with skin Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 7 GB-The Netherlands

Safety data sheet

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006



Symbol(s) (EU classification)



If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label

German Water Hazard Class (WGK) 2 (VwVwS Anhang 4 Nr. 3) 16. OTHER INFORMATION

R-phrase information Chemical name R(isk) phrase(s) (EU classification)

R25 R34 R50 R11 R23/24/25 R39/23/24/25 Toxic if swallowed Causes burns Very toxic to aquatic organisms Highly flammable Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed Flammable Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed Irritating to respiratory system and skin Risk of serious damage to eyes

Chloroacetic acid Methanol

Methyl chloroacetate

R10 R23/25 R37/38 R41

History Date of printing/ pdf file generated


Revision 10.04 Composed by Dr. P. Thomas Ing. J.G.M. van der Helm Changes were made in section 1
This information only concerns the above mentioned product and does not need to be valid if used with other product(s) or in any process. The information is to our best present knowledge correct and complete and is given in good faith but without warranty. It remains the user's own responsibility to make sure that the information is appropriate and complete for his special use of this product.

Product code 722191

Date of last issue 2009/02/05 Date of printing/pdf file generated 2009/02/16

Page 8 GB-The Netherlands

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