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Mizen Peninsula receives networks boost


THE NEWSPAPER FOR ESB August/September 2013



Generation & Wholesale Markets


BSC & Electric Ireland


ESB Networks Ltd



Top stories in brief

Telecoms generates new ideas through value mining initiative

Telecoms carried out a value mining initiative, a process that creates an environment where ideas are encouraged and facilitated to examine opportunities that could contribute to the overall performance of the business.

ElectricAid responds to the worsening crisis in Syria

The vicious conict in Syria continues to impact cruelly on innocent people. The violence escalates and spreads daily, and thousands more people are displaced within the country, or are forced to ee to neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.

Pictured (l-r) are Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive ESB; Jerry OSullivan, Managing Director, ESB Networks Ltd; and Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte TD, at the announcement that ESB Networks, in partnership with Intune Networks and TSSG (WIT), have secured 3.3 million in EU funding under the FINESCE smart energy. Photo: Chris Bellew/Fennell Photography.


ESB NETWORKS, in partnership with Intune Networks and TSSG (WIT), have secured 3.3 million in EU funding under the FINESCE smart energy project to explore how future internet technologies can be applied to advance smart energy systems. The funding was awarded following a competitive process with other EU states, and the Irish partners were selected on the basis of the potential savings their projects could deliver to consumers across the European Union. The funding for two Irish eld trials was announced on July 26th, 2013 by the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte TD. The Irish trials are among seven eld trials taking place across Europe under the FINESCE project. Within the Irish trials, Irish partners ESB, Intune Networks and TSSG (WIT) will team up with European partners Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Orange Labs, Alstom and the RWTH research centre to test the application of advanced internet technologies and architectures to support smart grid requirements in two main areas: The first will look at how dynamic control of electric vehicle charging can be used to balance the electricity system. The second will explore how utilities can use advanced optical burst telecommunications switching technology to enhance the functionality and efciency of their networks. Commenting on the project, the Minister said: This project highlights Irelands leadership in the area of smart networks and demonstrates the potential for Irish innovations to be used to deliver savings and achieve sustainability targets across Europe. It also shows how through collaboration between academia and industry, we can attract funding to Ireland to create high-value research

RHA 183rd Annual Exhibition

The RHA Annual Exhibition is regarded as one, if not the most, important annual art exhibitions in Ireland each year. This year will see the 183rd showing of the RHA Annual Exhibition, which runs from May 28th to August 17th the longest-running open submission exhibition in the country.

Jim Dollard appointed Executive director

Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive ESB, announced the appointment of Jim Dollard to the position of Executive Director for Business Service Centre and Electric Ireland.

continued on page 3

Draw results
June Draw 3,000 Kathleen McNamee, Head Office 1,500 James OLooney, retired 500 Paul Donnelly, Santry 200 Bernadette Stewart, retired 200 Miriam Graham, Head Office 200 Patrick Kelly,Waterford 200 Michael Kelly, Moneypoint 200 David OShea, retired July Draw 3,000 James Leahy, retired 1,500 William Crossan, Portlaoise 500 Diane Mullooly, Lough Ree 200 Mary Cullen, retired 200 John Costello, retired 200 Pearse Crilly, HO 200 Martin Lynch, Head Office 200 John Stafford, retired

August/ September 2013



ESB GAA FOOTBALLERS will compete to retain their rm grip on the cup when they take on Bord Gis in Pairc Ui Chiarain Athlone, on Friday evening September 6th. This will be the third year of the annual challenge and it is proving to be a very popular event in the sporting calendars of the two companies. ESB colleague and former Offaly footballer Ciaran McManus has captained the ESB to victory on the two previous occasions and there is no doubt Bord Gis captain and current Cork county star Fintan Gould will be anxious to turn around these two previous Ciaran McManus. defeats. Both companies will have their CEOs in attendance: Pat ODoherty of ESB and Michael McNicholas of Bord Gis. n


Editors desk
Hello and welcome to the August/ September edition of EM. What a wonderful few weeks we have had a summer at last. This was particularly welcome when EM visited West Cork and the Mizen Peninsula recently to report on the recent upgrading of the networks there from 10kV to 20kV. We often think how great it must be to be a Networks Technician in areas such as West Cork, Kerry, Connemara and Donegal. That is of course when we visit on a nice sunny day and the scenery looks stunning. Its easy to forget that these same crews also have to work in these areas, which are more exposed to the elements and the harsh Atlantic storms, in all weathers. Unseasonal weather over recent years has meant that no longer can we breathe a sigh of relief at the end of February and think we are over the worst! Let us not also forget all our other staff who weather the storms to get into their stations, ofces, depots and contact centres to bring the best possible service to our customers. So enjoy the great weather while we can and the welcome sunshine. Kind regards,

Pictured is Melissa Butler, ESB handing over the cheque to Larry de Clir, Bedford Row, with Group Leader John Carmody and members Adrian Kelly, Brendan Doyle, and Eddie Kiely in attendance, with Tony Merriman of ElectricAid.

2,000 150 150 150 150 150

Kieran Garrett Martin Thompson Brian ORourke Lisa Fleming Lisa Roche David McKenna

THE MENS GROUP in Bedford Row Family Project received a great boost recently when ElectricAid granted 7,500 to the Group to undertake an educational/ activities programme for the next year. Some of the grant will be used to improve the building so this programme can take place. The Group have between 12 and 14 members and have been meeting for two years with very little funding. It is led by Volunteer John Carmody and Social Worker Brian McNulty. n

Break a leg!
8 Celebrating 30 years of ESB MADSOC
ESB MUSICAL & Dramatic Society was revived in 1984 as ESB MADSOC with a show aptly named Phoenix 84, which incorporated a one-act comedy The Wedding Feast and a variety show, Time Goes By. ESB MADSOC is now fastapproaching its 30th birthday in 2014. The society would not be reaching this milestone and still be in existence were it not for the generosity of fellow workers and friends countrywide both retired and current. The society is very appreciative of the funding raised from contributions to the societys monthly draw. The committee is small and hardworking, while musical director Gay Kirwan has been involved from the very start and is one of ESBs own. Christine Scarry, who performed in many of the dramatic shows in the past, now holds the prestigious role of MADSOC director. MADSOC competed in John Player Tops in 1986 and won the Dublin final on this, their maiden voyage. In 1988, they went on to win the national final, which was televised live from the Gaiety Theatre. They then turned their attention to concert and performed Summer Song at the National Concert Hall. More recent shows include Showtime 75, Key Musicals, Mad About Musicals and A Little Light Music. A special anniversary concert is planned for the National Concert Hall on Saturday March 1st, 2014. Details will be advised nearer the time. n ESB MADSOC was nominated for a number of AIMS awards and had great success over the years with many musical hits, including Grease, Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Sweeney Todd, Chess and Big Maggie.


2,000 150 150 150 150 150

Noelle Heavey Sean Keyes Mary C. Stewart Ann Collins Michael Kelly Ann Scully


Page 4

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Worker Director Tony Merriman and Kristin Quinn presenting a donation to the Gateway Mental Health Project, Rathmines. The donation will support training in the WRAP positive mental health initiative.

SPORTSCO wins friendliest business award

ON JUNE 4TH last, Sean Murray, former Chief Chemist at ESB, passed away at the age of 91. Sean was a man of many talents with wide ranging interests. Born into a strongly nationalist family in Dublin, his father served with Michael Collins in the War of Independence. During the war years Sean worked in Dublin but studied chemistry and pharmacy at night, qualifying in both. In 1944 he married Kathleen McSweeney, after which the couple moved to England where he worked for the department of supply and later the department of atomic energy all over the northwest. Ten years later saw the couple return to Ireland where he initially joined Bord Na Mna and later joined ESB in 1955. Sean became an expert in power station metallurgy and chemistry. He was promoted to Chief Chemist of ESB and based in Poolbeg but travelled all over the country. With Rural Electrification demanding more power Sean advised on the materials required in the many plants being built. Sean set up the ESB Sailing Club and in 1978 won the Arthur Newsome Trophy, the premier Dublin Bay sailing club award, sailing in the beautiful wooden Mermaid. His ruffian, Icicle, was used for training many young sailors including Olympic pioneer Cathy MacAleavey. Sean continued to sail and win in this boat well into his 80s. With a deep interest in Ulysses, Sean entertained with his observations on the book regularly at the annual National YC Bloomsday lunch. He was fluent in Spanish, German and French as a result of his travels including Patagonia, the Great Barrier Reef and the Atlas Mountains. Sean sadly lost his beloved wife Kay in 2011 and is survived by his children Jack, Colm, Eileen and Paul. May he rest in peace. n

EM welcomes news, views, articles, letters, photos and feedback on any topic. All submitted articles should preferably be emailed. Please contact: Bernie Healy, Editor T (01) 702 7402 (office) extn. 27402 (internal) M 087 261 5514 F (01) 676 0727 internal outlook address: Healy.Bernie external email address: Administrative Assistant: Anne Deignan T (01) 702 6282 (office) extn. 26282 (internal) M 087 280 6615 (mobile) F (01) 676 0727 internal outlook address: Deignan.Anne external email address:

Closing date: Competitions and crosswords must be returned by September 13th. Deadlines: The deadline for articles, photos, etc. for the next issue is September 13th. We are always delighted to receive items for publication. Published by ESB Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Produced by Zahra Media Group First Floor, Zoe House, Church Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. E The views expressed in EM are not necessarily those of ESB.

ESB supports recycling Please recycle this paper

SPORTSCO HAS BEEN awarded with the Disability Friendliness Award at the Junior Chamber International Dublin Friendly Business Awards. The event took place in the Mansion House on June 17th, 2013. SPORTSCO provides programmes designed to enhance peoples health and wellbeing in an enjoyable, friendly and relaxed atmosphere through the delivery of programmes that will cater for our diverse user groups, which range from children right through to senior citizens. It is SPORTSCOs intention to strive for excellent quality through the delivery of a friendly and professional service at all times. Achieving this award is fantastic recognition of our continuous efforts and will provide us with an excellent motivational tool for all staff. We would like to thank the JCI for this award and we look forward to celebrating our success with our 7,000 members. n

August/September 2013

Miguel Ponce de Leon, TSSG (WIT) Chief Technologist, said: Through the extensive collaborations afforded by FINESCE with domestic and European energy partners, the TSSG (WIT) will further its know-how to develop a management platform for the optimised charging of electric vehicles at home. The TSSG (WIT) is developing an energy management system based on future internet technologies that will monitor energy usage in a network and suggest efciencies. The solution will provide grid operators with the real-time ability to stabilise the grid supply by controlling the demand, thus becoming a critical tool for the future smart grid. The Minister also announced that the ESB Networks-led North Atlantic Green Zone Smart Grid Project has been approved as a European Project of Common Interest. This is a tremendous endorsement of both the project and the project team from the four utility companies involved, and will greatly enhance the ability of this project to attract funding from the Connecting Europe Facility when this becomes available, he said. The North Atlantic Green Zone Smart Grid Project would see the full deployment of a smart grid in Donegal, Derry and surrounding areas for the medium and highvoltage networks. ESB Networks will work in partnership with NIE, EirGrid, SONI and the Northern Ireland transmission system operator to deliver the project. n ABOUT FINESCE


THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE of ESB, Pat ODoherty, has announced the appointment of Jim Dollard to the position of Executive Director for Business Service Centre and Electric Ireland. An accountant, Jim is currently General Manager of Electric Ireland having taken up that role in January of this year. Jim began his career at ESB in 1992 and has previously held a number of senior management positions throughout the company, including most recently Acting Group Financial Controller and Financial Controller, ESB Energy International. Jim is married to Emer and they have three children. n


posts and develop future commercial opportunities. He continued: This is a The Irish trials tremendous will use the state-ofendorsement the-art technology of both the provided by the project and the Exemplar network, project team... demonstrating the importance of this network as a test bed to advance telecoms research in Ireland. Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive of ESB, said: As future internet technologies emerge, there are opportunities to create far smarter and more efcient energy systems. Through this project, we are combining ESBs expertise in electricity and telecommunications with the latest internet innovations to develop sustainable and cost-efcient solutions that will benet all European citizens and the environment.
Using new technology from Intune Networks and ESBs advanced bre optic telecommunications network, the partners will create an electricity network where all substations are connected to one another at the speed of light. This will overcome the data bottlenecks associated with traditional networks, allowing critical time-sensitive electricity network control information to be delivered alongside vast quantities of data from other applications, such as smart metering.


Donal Flynn, Executive Director, Group Finance & Commercial pictured with members of FiTPs Reporting and Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting project teams: Ian Martin, FiTP; Caitriona Kelly, ESB Networks; Stephen Allen, FiTP; Conor OBrien, G&WM; James Treacy, FiTP; Trent Hsiao, Corporate Centre; Emer Walsh, FiTP; and Karen Lawless, Electric Ireland.

NEW REPORTING AND PLANNING, BUDGETING & FORECASTING SYSTEMS GO LIVE Following an extensive and intensive period of consultation, design, build and testing, the new Reporting and Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting (PBF) systems have gone live. ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM The new approach to Performance Management and Reporting, which was designed as part of the Finance Transformation Programme, sees the introduction of new online Group and Business Unit reporting packs, which will be the central focus for monthly performance management review meetings. New reporting packs include: Financial overview operating profit, energy margin and capital expenditure Financial statements income statement and balance sheet Key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard Quarterly exception reports highlevel commentary on red and amber KPIs Market/operating environment analysis Major work programmes/projects report Quarterly review of HR Issues, opportunities and actions As well as supporting a performancefocused culture across ESB, the new system allows us to concentrate on key business decision making and commercial performance by aligning

our corporate strategy to financial and non-financial KPIs, said Donal Flynn, Executive Director, Group Finance & Commercial. SAP-BPC At the end of July, the new SAP-BPC system, which is being implemented to support ESBs new top-down approach to planning, budgeting and forecasting, opened for input for the first time, in line with the start of the planning cycle for the 2014 financial year. SAP-BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation) will be used to prepare financial plans and forecasts and replaces the existing multiple off-line spreadsheetbased approach with a single data store, guaranteeing one version of the truth. With a continuous forward-looking focus, the new approach to planning and forecasting allows us to manage risks effectively and, more importantly, anticipate opportunities, added Donal Flynn. NEXT STEPS This completes two major deliverables for the Finance Transformation Programme. A number of other deliverables are to come, including the introduction of additional business unit KPIs to the new reporting system. The new systems and processes are critical to ESB achieving its targets and delivering on its strategy to 2025, notes Donal Flynn. Id like to thank everyone who has been involved in their delivery and for all your hard work in getting them from the drawing board to full realisation, added Niall Hogan, Programme Manager. n

Jim Dollard, newly appointed Executive Director, BSC & Electric Ireland.

Smart electricity grids are a critical element of Europes Energy 2020 policy and a valuable export opportunity. Intunes new distributed networking innovations solve some of these key challenges and this important trial will pave the way towards meeting regional and European energy policies, said John Dunne, Intunes co-founder and Chief Technology Ofcer.

FINESCE is one of ve use case projects established under the European Commissions Future Internet Public Private Partnership (FI-PPP) Phase 2, funded by the EUs Seventh Research Programme for Research (FP7). It brings together 20 energy and ICT companies, R&D centres and universities from 12 European countries to organise a series of eld trials of future internet technologies in the usage area smart energy. n

Four Peakers raise a massive 21,470 for Focus Ireland

ESB STAFF (and friends from An Post) have raised a massive 21,470 for the homeless in Ireland during the Four Peaks Challenge held in June. The Challenge covers 4 Mountains, 12,000ft in 3 Days and is an annual event to raise funds for Focus Ireland. Thanks to the extremely generous support of our many sponsors, cake bakers (especially Paula and the ET&R team) , prize givers, ticket sellers and everyone that helped make this possible. This was by far the largest amount raised for Focus Ireland over the Four Peaks Challenge Week-end by any one team. It would not have been possible without your support. Your generosity was a tremendous boost for Focus Ireland and the many homeless on our streets. n


AS THE CITY of Waterford prepared for a weekend of festivities in June, ESB volunteers were on a different mission. With paint brushes and rollers they took on the task of painting four apartments for the Simon Community. The building was located right in the heart of the city and consisted of four apartments each with sitting room, kitchenette, two bedrooms and bathroom. ElectricAid representative and ESB Board Member Tony Merriman kicked off the day with a safety induction as the volunteers took to the task which was of course completed

Pictured at ESB Head Office presenting the cheque on behalf of the 4 Peaks team to Anne Griffin and Dervla Murtagh from Focus Ireland are Margaret Keating, John Kernan and Sean Ramsay.

Pictured above are the volunteers after completing their work on the premises in Waterford.

Pictured at the Finish Line after completing the 4 Peaks are (l-r) Una Kernan, Jaq Basi, Dave Shepherd, Niall Hogan, John Kernan and Nuala Scanlon. Missing from the photos are Dave McCormack, Michael McGough, Eimer Doherty and Siobhan Finlay.

to a high standard. Thank you to Simon Leader Lucy Hale and her husband Chris who provided refreshments on the day. n


August/ September 2013


I just want the answer. I dont care who answers it, was the declamation of one conference participant at the One HR - Combining Our Capability gathering on May 29th. This statement elicited an answer from Executive Director People & Sustainability, Pat Naughton, and was followed by some excellent interaction on the topic of discussion. It also drew the attention of the conference organisers because, not only did it cut to the heart of the discussion, but also, it was reflective of the overall aims of the conference and the entire One HR project.
ne HR is the new way of delivering HR support to the business. As with so many other areas of ESB, HR is changing to provide an enhanced service with fewer people. It aims to be a vehicle for integrated delivery of the people strategy, contributing to the delivery of ESBs overall strategy, through one team, with streamlined processes, delivering excellence. Staff and management want answers to their HR queries and they really dont mind whom they get them from so long as they can be assured the information is correct and useful. The conference in May was intended to facilitate open interaction and exchange of views between all of those working in HR. Its aims were to ensure that the One HR team, who had only moved into their new structure in early May, had a better understanding of the new operating model, an insight into their customers daily work demands and got to know each other better so that they could work together more effectively. To ensure the delivery of these aims, the organisers took a different approach to designing the day. Firstly, every one in HR was invited to attend and the date was specically selected to maximise the numbers capable of being there, without interrupting the service provided to the business. Equally important was the decision to schedule the day so as to maximise the opportunity for the audience to participate in the conversation. Hence, while there were a number of presentations, the core sessions of the day were interactive panel discussions. In addition, beyond the context setting opening remarks of Pat Naughton, Executive Director, Group People & Sustainability, there was only one formal presentation from within HR an update on the One HR implementation project. Considerable work remains to complete One HR implementation, not least of which is the HR element of the upgrading of the BSCs Intranet and Customer Service Centre, which is due to go live in December 2013. However, after an interesting day, the members of the HR community left with a greater understanding of what needs to be achieved and how they can contribute to providing a work place where people can excel.

DISCUSSION The three panel discussion sessions gave the audience opportunity to explore just how HR can provide the added value needed by all their customers. The rst session considered how HR can be there for individual employees, promoting a more holistic approach through engagement, proactive employee relations and health and wellbeing initiatives. The discussions recognised the difculties people are currently facing and how to help them now and into the future. The second panel discussion focused on how to enhance ESBs capability by helping the company to have empowered and motivated people with the right skills. The nal panel discussion dealt with One HRs interface with the business. As this is one of the areas undergoing the most radical change, it was not surprising that there were many concerns and suggestions raised.

Panel discussion taking place at the conference.

Pat Naughton, Executive Director Group People & Sustainability.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ADDRESS In his opening address Pat Naughton, Executive Director Group People & Sustainability, highlighted how HR can contribute to all ve priorities in ESBs 2025 strategy. He noted that while it is obvious how we can help transform the cost structure and how our People strategy is the central vehicle to delivering an engaged and agile organisation, it is also essential that all present realised they have a part to play in the other priorities. ESB can only deliver world-class networks, a GTS business of scale and sustainable innovation through its people and HR can help with maximising the potential of our people. He also highlighted key initiatives already underway towards that goal. This linkage of the HR effort to the business strategy was strongly reinforced after lunch by the guest

speaker, Dr Brian Harney, a lecturer in Strategy and HRM at DCU, who challenged all present to work to nd more and more ways for HR to contribute to our business and to remain relevant into the future. He demonstrated that high-performing companies (by any metric revenue, customer satisfaction, employee retention) have highly engaged employees with HR delivering real value to the business.

ESB can only deliver world-class networks, a GTS business of scale and sustainable innovation through its people...

August/September 2013


INSIGHT TO WORK In keeping with Pat Naughtons assertion that HR can and should contribute to all of the key priorities of the business, a number of customers of the HR service were asked to speak to the conference and give an insight into their working lives. Dave Sexton (Plant Manager, Turlough Hill and Liffey Stations, GWM), Virgil Porter (ESB

Networks Area Manager, Sligo-Balina-Tuam-Castlebar, North-East Division) and Rory McGowan (Manager, Telecoms) clearly demonstrated the variety and extent of work being managed across the business. Even without Daves juggler slide, it was clear to the audience that these representative customers have a lot on their plate but can be given assistance by HR in many ways.


Dave Sexton, Plant Manager, Turlough Hill and Liffey stations, GWM.








Virgil Porter, ESB Networks Area Manager, Sligo-Balina-TuamCastlebar, North-East Division.

Rory McGowan, Manager, Telecoms.


The Four-tier Service Delivery Model



CORE CONCEPTS Throughout the day, everyone demonstrated eagerness to understand the new model better and to ensure that it would allow us to continue to deliver a quality service to our customers. The core concepts of the why and how of One HR, the four-tier service delivery

model and the proposed improvements to selfservice and rst contact facilities presented by the One HR Project Manager at the start of the day were explored. This resulted in a better understanding being gained and many useful suggestions being offered on how to complete implementation. n








STEP 3: PHONE CSC: 26699




August/ September 2013


CIMA Diploma

Departed friends
Name Location Sean Munster Northwest Networks Thomas McKenna Network Services Donal Dunne Great Island John Lynch South West Networks Michael Malone North Wall Station Denis Barry South East Networks Patrick Hanratty North West Networks Michael Larrissey Great Island Philomena Synnott TOD Desmond Power North Wall Station Rita McGowan Midland & West Networks Rose Feeney Midland & West Networks Michael McGough Midland & West Networks Joseph Conroy Midland & West Networks Rose Forde Dublin Central & South Margaret Mullally Retired Peat Stations Thomas Delaney Dublin Central & South Timothy ORiordan Midland & West Networks Kathleen Costello South West Networks Thomas McQuillan ESBI Engineering Mollie Gleeson South West Networks Mary Ryan Dublin Central & South Thomas Myers Dublin North & Dundalk Date 01/05/2013 03/05/2013 01/05/2013 03/05/2013 03/05/2013 05/04/2013 01/05/2013 01/05/2013 01/05/2013 10/05/2013 09/05/2013 05/05/2013 20/05/2013 21/05/2013 22/05/2013 18/05/2013 21/05/2013 19/05/2013 22/05/2013 24/05/2013 21/05/2013 21/05/2013 28/05/2013 Breda Kennedy Midland & West Networks Thomas Hickey South West Networks John P. Murray Generation Technology Bridget Cusack Network Services Philomena Dunne Rhode Station Elizabeth Flynn Ferbane Michael Gibson Logistics Ballycoolin Michael Devine Shannonbridge Edward Stafford North Wall Station Christina Byrne Projs. Super Portlaoise Margaret OMeara Midland & West Networks Laurence Byrne Human Resources Martha Sullivan North West Networks William Murphy Dublin Central & South Bridget Maguire EDSR/Civil & Structural William Ryan Ardnacrusha Brian Walshe Midland & West Networks Niamh OSullivan South East Networks Liam Duffy Customer Supply Patricia Little Dublin North & Dundalk Vera Brennan Poolbeg Station Liam Tuck Poolbeg Station Thomas Fehilly Midlands & West Networks John Crean North West Networks 01/06/2013 03/06/2013 04/06/2013 29/05/2013 04/06/2013 28/05/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 01/05/2013 05/06/2013 07/06/2013 05/06/2013 10/06/2013 16/06/2013 17/06/2013 20/06/2013 19/06/2013 21/06/2013 26/06/2013 13/06/2013 04/07/2013 13/06/2013 09/07/2013

Pictured are Donal Flynn, Executive Director, Finance and Commercial; Brid Horan, Deputy Chief Executive; Board Members Tony Merriman, Anne Butler, Dave Byrne, Sean Kelly; Noreen OKelly, Company Secretary John Redmond; Chief Executive Pat ODoherty; Nicholas Tarrant, Manager, Generation Operations, GWM; Chairman Lochlann Quinn; Board Member Seamus Mallon; Paddy Hayes, Executive Director GWM; Ellvena Graham, Board Member; David Sexton, Plant Manager Turlough Hill; and Board Members John Coleman, Brendan Byrne and Noreen Wright.

THE JULY GBM of the ESB Board was held at Turlough Hill Pumped Storage Station in the Wicklow mountains on Wednesday July 24th last. The Board take the opportunity occasionally to hold one of their monthly meetings at an ESB location external to Head Ofce. Plant Manager, David Sexton, welcomed the Board and gave them a tour of the Upper Reservoir, the underground station which has recently undergone a major refurbishment and the Hydro Control Centre (HCC) from which all the hydro plants in the country are operated. The Board expressed their appreciation of the visit and thanked David and his staff at the board meeting held in the afternoon. n

Theresa Marnane in Group Treasury recently graduated with a CIMA Diploma in Islamic Finance, and received first place in Ireland.

WANTED Pat ODoherty, Chief Exectitive ESB, and David Sexton, Plant Manager at the Upper Reservoir. .
S51 Nikon Coolpix Camera in good working order. Generous price would be paid. Email:; Tel: 087 222 7341.


Three bedroom, two bathroom apartment for rent. Limited availability left. Situated beside beach, bars and restaurants with satellite TV/W/Mc everything included. Air conditioning available. Contact: 087 230 3462 or email

HOUSE TO LET IN FRANCE Shift Manager Denis Buckley giving a tour of the HCC.


Ladies Captain: Grainne Coogan RECENT BHAA RESULTS Government Services 5-mile: 4th Team Class B (S. Naughton, C. Cronin, K. Comerford) Trinity Track Races: a fantastic double win in the grade 9/10 1-mile and 2km for Shane Hughes. 1-mile: 3rd Grade 13/14 M. Reid. 2km: 3rd Grade 17+ H. McCann, 1st Grade 11/12 F. Downes. 1st Team Class D Matt Reid, ESB Trading, leads the mile race at Trinity College. (M. Reid, N. Clarke, H. McCann) THIS YEARS ATHLETICS Club Irish Prison Services 5km: 4th Team AGM was held in Head Ofce, with Class B (S. Naughton, C. Cronin, a good mix of new and experienced K. Comerford), 5th Team Class D faces. There was a review of the year (P. McCaffery, H. Hennessy, G. with reports from the Secretary, Coogan) Treasurer, PRO and Chairman. The Dublin City Council 5km: Results election for the 2013/14 committee tbc (see BHAA website) n followed and the very best of luck to all in their new roles. Former ESB Upcoming BHAA races: AC Chairman and current BHAA Wednesday August 14th Chairperson Stephen Naughton BHAA Mile, Irishtown Stadium attended to present prizes from the Saturday September 7th Finding the Run of Ourselves, Firrecent Trinity Track Races, which house 10km proved hugely successful for ESB Saturday September 21st Dubathletes. lin Half Marathon, Phoenix Park THE ELECTED 2013/14 COMMITTEE Role Name Chairman: Matt Reid Secretary: Finola ODonnell Treasurer: Pat Joyce Club PRO: Darren Reilly Mens Captain: Eamonn McWalter

House to let in the Dordogne Region of France from July to September. Beautiful countryside in rural France. Close to amenities, such as manmade lake with beach and watersports facilities. Nice restaurants in the area, extensive Sunday county markets nearby, ten-minute drive from the famous Chateau Hautefort. Airports from Dublin direct to Bordeaux. From the UK fly to Limoges or Bergerac. Sleeps six adults and two children. Special rate to ESB staff. 300 per week. Contact Joe or Mary on 086 257 3445.



Well-appointed south-facing three-bed/ two-bathroom apartment in quiet area with pool. Four-minute walk to Marbellas finest Blue Flag beach and km to Marbella centre. Adjacent to shopping centres, amenities and a wide variety of beach and other restaurants. Contact JJ or Mary: 353 1 2761444, 353 87 2071742 email Visit www.marbellabeachapartment.

Pictured (l-r) is Kay OKeeffe (ElectricAid Cork), Erinn McSweeney (Student of the Year) with her many awards, and Thomas Mulcahy (Life Centre Administrator) at the Life Centre Awards held recently. The Life Centre is a voluntary organisation offering an alternative learning environment to marginalised young people, aged 12 to 18, and ESB ElectricAid Ireland has sponsored work in the Centre in the past.


Beautiful three-bed (sleeps six) dormer bungalow beside St Helens Bay Golf Course in Rosslare Co. Wexford. All mod cons. Gated entrance. Safe for young children playing. Private back garden. Garden Furniture, DVDs, board games, CDs and selection of books provided. Bed linen and towels supplied. As new condition. Available for short or longer term lettings. Tel: 087 261 5514 for details.



Keep up-to-date with all ESB AC information at http://esbnet/athleticclub/ and select the ESB Athletic Club home page link. Remember, new members are always welcome so feel free to contact any member of the club.

Beautiful two-bed semi-d house, garden, roof terrace and ample parking, beside communal pool. Sleeps four. Eightminute walk to beach/bars/restaurants/ shops. Any day arrival, any length of time. Fly to Alicante or Murcia Airport. All mod cons. Contact Colette: 087 2281027/01 841 2800 or email cdbrangan@gmail. com for further info. 350 per week in high season, others negotiable. Disclaimer: Classifieds are placed by individuals, the publisher does not accept responsibility for errors or omissions.

ElectricAid was honoured to attend President Higgins garden party for those working for international solidarity in Ars on Uachtarin in July. Pictured with President Michael D. Higgins are James Foley (Programme Manager,

ElectricAid), Pauline Holland (retired staff and ElectricAid Committee member) and Niamh ONeill (HR, BSC, and ElectricAid Committee member). Pauline and Niamh were guests of Christian Aid, while James was invited by Plan Ireland.

August/September 2013


WE ALL HAVE THE same attitude to safety we dont want to get hurt, nor do we want to see others hurt from our acts or oversights. In ESB we have developed multiple systems to demonstrate this; these range from safety improvement planning, 4you, incident recording, safety auditing, safe driving, risk assessment, control of harmful substances, and so on. They all form part of our safety management systems. Many people, however, may not know where they can record a near miss or injury, check to see if audit actions have been attended to or see if a risk assessment exists for the activity they are about to perform. The information is somewhere, but hard to nd. In recognition of this, a cross-company project was set up. The project team also identified other gaps like followup on actions, planning and reporting capabilities. The team established that a fresh approach to capturing safety information was needed. They also realised that similar requirements existed


in relation to environmental management. The IT component of the solution is called EnviroMANAGER. Developed and owned by Scannell Solutions, an Irish company based in Cork, it contains the following modules: Incident, Risk, Audit, Law, Data, and Docs. Our ambition is that everyone in ESB would record incidents in the Incident Module. The module also has the capability of capturing investigations and raising an incident as an outcome of any non conformance. Feedback on the incident will be assured through workow. The Risk module provides a safety and environment planning tool and templates for safety and environmental risk assessments. These range from detailed hazard analysis to task risk assessments. Safety risk in a business area can be ranked and used to inform future risk reduction programmes. All activities are linked to objectives and management programmes. The Audit module provides an ability to capture all audit types from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 compliance audits to behavioural and waste management. In the Law section a business can assess its compliance with applicable safety, health and environment legislation. It also uniquely pulls up all relevant legislation when creating a risk assessment. Any business that doesnt already

have a work management system will be able to use Data to capture recurring monitoring whether it be environmental sampling, statutory inspections of plant or tool calibration. The Docs module facilitates document management and control. This new system will greatly reduce the burden on individuals from a recording and reporting perspective. It will signicantly reduce our reliance on others to input, maintain and report on EHS performance. By closing our existing out-of-date systems it will provide a single point of contact for EHS information. It will also free up environment health and safety specialists time so they can provide valuable advice rather than compile reports and chase up on outstanding actions. It will enable ESB to demonstrate its compliance with policies, standards and legislation. This Environment, Health and Safety Performance Enhancement project is currently in the implementation stage. The system will become available in each business towards the end of the year. n


plan, which they did very effectively. Johnny moved to the North Branch of Dublin Region in Ballymun in early 1993, followed by a move to the North East Region in Dundalk as Regional Manager. Johnny played a crucial role in CCR, which as everyone knows was hugely groundbreaking for ESB in management trade union relations and negotiations, and has been built upon through all of the major changes in the company over the past 20 years. In 1994, Johnny was appointed to the position of Business Development Manager in Customer Services. In 1998, Johnny resigned from ESB and took on the role of Managing Director with Eurotext Translations, where he grew it in short order into a multi-million euro business. Johnny returned to ESB in 2002 to become Executive Director of ESB Networks. For the next seven years Johnny led a remarkable team. Together they drove the multi-billion investment, rebuilding and strengthening the networks infrastructure. In 2009 Johnny was appointed Deputy Chief Executive. In this role he was a key player in the acquisition of NIE, adding 800,000 customers 1,300 staff and considerable value to ESB Group. Paying tribute to Johnny, Chief Executive Pat ODoherty described him as as a natural leader with high standards of personal performance and commitment. We wish Johnny, Mary and their family every success in the next stage of his career. n

Pictured with Johnny are Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive, ESB and Johnnys wife, Mary.

EnviroMANAGER homepage.

Further communications and training will become available over the coming months. Please contact Ronan Collier or your business line safety or environment manager for further information.


THE VICIOUS CONFLICT in Syria continues to impact cruelly on innocent people. The violence escalates and spreads daily, and thousands more people are displaced within the country, or are forced to ee to neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. Latest estimates are that 1.6 million people have been displaced, most from ill-equipped refugee camps. More than half of these people are children; they need everything shelter, food, water, sanitation and education. But most of all, they need hope. ElectricAid has responded to this crisis, with ve separate fundings to NGOs working directly with the innocent victims of this conict. The needs are enormous, and the overcrowding and the summer heat are spreading disease. We have funded 21,500 from our own reserves. We have been deeply gratied to be able to make two additional fundings totalling 6,750 directly as a result of the generosity of members and supporters. The ESB community has rallied round and come through again even without us formally instituting a special appeal. Once again, we thank you all
ElectricAid ESB Staff Fund 27 Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 Tel: (01) 702 7732 ElectricAid one-off donation for SYRIA Name _________________________ Staff No. ______________________ Work location __________________ Signature _____________________ Please deduct once-off from my salary/pension and pay to ElectricAid: 5 10 20 50 Other amount: _________________ The amount deducted to be paid to ElectricAid payroll code 5202. I understand that my contribution will be used for disaster relief in Syria.

THURSDAY JUNE 20TH saw the departure of Deputy Chief Executive, Johnny Shine. Chief Executive Pat ODoherty welcomed Johnnys wife Mary, daughter Emma and son Thomas to the large gathering who came to say farewell. Johnnys daughter Eva is currently in Chicago and could not attend. A Tipperary man through and through, Johnny grew up in Templemore. He graduated in electrical engineering in UCD and joined ESB in February 1978. His initial roles were in Commercial Department and Special Services Section. Johnny was very active in the Engineers Union and this was a steppingstone to working in Industrial Relations under the famous Kevin Heffernan. After serving as Group Engineer, Bray, Johnny was appointed as Divisional Manager in the Energy Marketing Division of Marketing Department. In the early 1990s at the time of a Coopers and Lybrand report into the future of ESB, Chief Executive Joe Moran put in place a special team under Johnny and John Campion to develop a communication and stakeholder


Pictured at recent Retirement Planning Seminars are (front row, l-r) Elizabeth McEvoyNetworks, Portlaoise; Nuala OSullivan; Anne Carton; Colette Conway; Claire Cooke; Mary Love and Eilis Dennehy. Back row (l-r) Seamus McEvoy; Jim OSullivanNetworks, Wilton; John CartonNetworks, Galway; Noel Conway - North Wall; Michael TimothyNetworks, Castlebar; John Cooke-Networks, Mullingar; Liam McNamara Networks, Ennis; Sean Love, Networks, Portlaoise and Tom DennehyNetworks, Cahirciveen. Pictured (front row, l-r) are Theresa Walker; Teresa OMalley Moneypoint; Joan GallagherErne Stations; Maria Counihan; Breda OLoughlinHead Office, BSC Head Office; Bernadette McCann; Ger Dowling; Ann Cramer; Majella OSullivan and Mary Rice. Back row (l-r) John Walker Networks Inchicore; Brendan Gallagher, Portlaoise Training, Networks; Michael Counihan, Electric Ireland; Tony Myles; Tom McCannDundalk, Networks; Dave Dowling Head Office, BSC Head Office; Michael CramerNaas Networks; Eddie Fuller, Wilton, Networks; PJ Rice, Dundalk Networks; Michael Seavers, Finglas Networks and Meave Seavers.

this funding is saving lives. If you want to help continue this effort in Syria, please complete the deduction-at-source form. n

Please send form to ElectricAid, D3A, ESB Head Ofce.


August/ September 2013

Tell us what it was like being in the sterile zone?
MARTY: I was in the zone from 6am to 6pm on both days and it was a very surreal experience. I can only describe it like being on a James Bond film set, with lots of secret agents wearing long coats and speaking into their sleeves! There were masses of security staff who looked like they were under a lot of pressure; it was serious stuff. RYAN: After overcoming the airportstyle security, the feeling inside the zone was very relaxed and peaceful. Unfortunately, I drew the short straw and had to cover the evening shift, but we were very well looked after with breakfast, lunch and dinner provided. It was great being so involved with such an event.


ON SEPTEMBER 19TH, a team of NIE staff will be taking over the running of the Action Cancer shop in Newry city in an Apprenticestyle challenge, organised by Business in the Community. Well be competing against other companies including ASDA, NI Water and NI Housing Executive to promote, manage and increase the sales in the shop. The team with the highest percentage sales increase will be announced the winner but the judges will also score the teams on how they have marketed the shop, the number of volunteers recruited and bags of sellable goods donated, as well as more creative elements such as window displays. Last year, 14 companies competed and raised a staggering 39,100 for Marie Curie Cancer Care in one day. If you happen to be out and about in Newry on the September 19th, pop in and make a purchase and help us rise to the challenge. n

Lighting up the City of Culture

Ryan McGrath (far left) and Marty McManus (second from right) try out the G8 podium, along with the rest of the technical team.

Where to nd us on September 19th?

Action Cancer 4 Hill Street Newry BT34 2BW
At the launch of the event, NIE linesman Mickey Doran alongside Derry Mayor Martin Reilly, artists and event organisers.

The real line-up: G8 leaders at the Lough Erne Golf resort in Fermanagh.

ing knowing that the generators we connected were powering everything electrical to do with the G8 summit at the resort. From the simplest thing, as the leaders turning on a light switch, to the meetings, interviews and broadcasts across the world, were all down to the connections we had made.

NIE resubmits interconnector project to planning

THE TYRONE TO CAVAN interconnector project has been resubmitted on schedule to the Northern Ireland Planning Service. The Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) had adjourned the public inquiry into the project in March 2012, requesting that NIE resubmit the overhead line and substation application in a single consolidated format. The documentation now submitted follows extensive planning policy and design reviews culminating in the finalisation of detailed drawings to support the planning application, unprecedented in NIE with regard to detail and volume. n The Tyrone to Cavan interconnector is a cross-border project, requested by the utility regulators and governments, both in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. When completed, the project will enable the effective operation of an efcient allisland electricity market. It will also support the realisation of strategic renewable energy targets and exert downward pressure of NI electricity prices.

Any last minute disasters/issues?

MARTY: The only issue was confusion with the access passes there was a delay with my pass. I hadnt received it but was due to connect the generators on the Friday before. I had to go through a number of security checks to get in, only to be escorted around the site at all times by a police officer. It was a bit of an inconvenience for him but not as much for me as I felt very important with my own personal protection! Thankfully, the pass came through on the Saturday evening.

NIE IS THE PRINCIPAL partner of Lumiere, the light festival which will be one of the closing events for Derry-Londonderry UK City of Culture 2013. Lumiere will take place November 28th to December 1st and will transform familiar city landmarks, buildings, hidden spaces, parks and waterways into a nocturnal landscape of artworks made from light. n

Were there any electricity faults you had to deal with?

RYAN: Thankfully, there were no faults on any of the G8 key sites and no faults anywhere around Fermanagh over the two days. Given the extra level of cover and system preparation, we were prepared for pretty much anything. Any gossip from the inside? MARTY: What happens in the zone Did you get to see any of the VIPs? stays in the zone! The only gossip I have MARTY: I got to see all of the VIPs over was that the generators where slightly both days. President Obama actually gave thirstier than first expected. The technime and the electrical team an army salute cal department had to order an extra from his golf buggy as he drove past; we 12,000 litres of diesel. duly saluted him back much to his amuse- RYAN: Very little gossip Im afraid. I probably heard and saw more on the telment! RYAN: I got to see the leaders assemble evision than inside the resort. outside the conference room for photos before entering. They all seemed to be If you had the opportunity to enjoying themselves soaking up the rare speak to Barack Obama, what Fermanagh sunshine. would you ask him? MARTY: Id ask him who he fancies for Sam 2013 and if hed be available to What did it mean to be in the attend our Christmas party as a guest sterile zone? MARTY: It meant you were one of the speaker. chosen few. I felt very privileged to be cho- RYAN: Obviously Id start by asking sen to be inside on behalf of NIE. It was him, Whats the craic? and if he enjoyed an experience I will never forget. Its not his stay in Fermanagh. I regard him as something that I ever imagined I would be one of the most influential and inspiring involved in when I applied for a job as an men in the world and it was an honour to have him and the other world leaders in apprentice linesman 14 years ago. RYAN: We felt a huge sense of responsi- our country and in my home town and bility inside the sterile zone. It was daunt- county. n

Roger Henderson, Operations Director, briefed Roy Beggs MLA on the safety implications of metal theft and the potential implications for electricity customers. They visited Ballyvallagh substation where thieves have previously stolen thousands of pounds worth of earthing copper.

THE NEW DRIVING the Future campaign was launched recently at Queens University, Belfast. The project, sponsored by NIE, will enable ten Queens University engineering students to convert the traditionally petrol-guzzling DeLorean car, into a cleaner and greener model. Not only was coverage of the

launch broadcast by both the UTV and BBC, but the iconic car attracted a lot of attention, with bus loads of tourists stopping for a picture. The project will be used to engage with young people and promote engineering as an exciting career, as well as providing practical learning about electric vehicle technology and new smart electric technologies. n

Raymond McMenemy presented the NIE Award for Best Project (by a female student) to Ballymena Academy at the Young Innovators competition, held in Belfast.

August/September 2013 9 August/September 2013



Page 11

Telecoms generates new ideas through value mining initiative

of new CARRINGTON Launch reception and conference rooms PROJECT ACHIEVES KEY MILESTONE

Ecars expertise promoted at Turkish Smart Energy Summit 2013
Turkey has experienced a huge amount of change over the past decade and the energy industry is booming. The conference and exhibition offered ESB International an excellent opportunity to highlight the companys capabilities and experience to prospective clients.

Building Towers to Extend Coverage for Mobile Operators. L-r: Pat Naughton, Executive Director Group People and Sustainability; Eamon Ryan; Colm Conheady; and Denis OLeary, Smart Energy Technologies Manager (missing from the picture is George Doherty, mentor; Mick Clavin and Niall Fitzpatrick).

Pictured (l-r): Mark Tolan, Facilities Manager, John McSweeney, Head of Innovation, ESB, Antoinnette Morton, Receptionist, ESB International, Ollie Brogan, Managing Director, ESB International, Pam McDonagh, Receptionist, ESB International, Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive, ESB and Bernardine Maloney, Manager Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. The landmark pipeline installation was completed using a technique called horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and is a fantastic demonstration of ESB Internationals engineering expertise and delivery.

ESB INTERNATIONAL ESB INTERNATIONAL recently achieved a major milestone in the Carrington Project. 1km of gas pipeline, of diameter 600mm, was successfully installed at a depth of 30 meters. The landmark pipeline installation was completed using a technique called horizontal directional drilling. This process involved drilling through rock at a depth of 30 meters to create a bore to pull the gas pipeline through it. The pipe pullback operation took over 21 hours and is a fantastic demonstration of ESB Internationals engineering expertise and delivery. The Carrington power plant is located in greater Manchester and will generate enough electricity to supply the needs of approximately 1 million homes when it becomes operational. The 880MW facility is being constructed using the latest natural gas combined cycle technology (CCGT) to ensure maximum energy efficiency and minimal impact to the environment. It will be one of the most efficient generators of electricity in the United Kingdom.

City Street Furniture. L-r: Nicola Arthur, mentor; Joop Seebus; Denise Healy; and Kevin Lee (missing from the picture is Ger Whelan).

NTFON Expansion Using Microwave Radio Links. L-r: Dermot Hopkins, mentor; Keith Conlon; Colm Conheady; and John Reilly (missing from the picture is Fergal OBuachain).

Expanding into other Geographical Locations. L-r: Rory McGowan, General Manager at Telecoms; Amanda Stringer; Paul Sweeney; and David Sandford (missing from the picture is Gerry Noone, mentor; and Dermot Rowe).

Telecoms Friendly MV/LV Pole. L-r: Pat Walsh; Ray Kelly; Audrey Burke; and Ronnie Horan, mentor (missing from the picture is John Hutch).

TELECOMS carried out a value mining initiative, which is an innovative process that creates an environment where ideas are encouraged and facilitated to examine opportunities that could contribute to the overall performance of the business. Cross-functional teams were established to examine a selection of business ideas that will potentially grow Telecoms business while leveraging from existing infrastructure and resources. The teams included the originator of the idea and a mentor to provide support and guidance. Over a number of weeks the teams researched and prepared high-level presentations outlining the potential to bring each of the ideas to market. The teams presented their ndings to senior management across ESB in the conference centre. This innovative initiative demonstrated how an engaged and agile organisation benets from participating in cross-functional teams outside of their day-to-day activities.

THE OFFICIAL opening of ESB Internationals new reception and conference room facilities took place on July 22nd at 10am. All staff were invited to attend demonstrations of the new conference facilities, including the state-of-the-art U-touch screen. This interactive electronic visual display can display corporate videos, presentations, photographs and info graphics. Ollie Brogan, Managing Director, ESB International who opened the facilities spoke of the importance of these new facilities in positioning ESB International to successfully achieve its ambitious growth targets. Also in attendance were individuals across all of ESB including Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive, ESB and John McSweeney, Head of Innovation, ESB.

ecars organises EU Electromobility Stakeholder Forum

The sixth EU Green eMotion (GeM) Stakeholder Forum took place in the Palais des Academies, Brussels, and was part of the EU-wide Sustainable Energy Week.

PAC World Conference 2013 sponsored by ESB International

ESB International was sponsor and gave the keynote address at the fourth PAC World Conference 2013, which took place in Trinity College, Dublin from June 24th to 27th 2013.

Business opportunities in the growing southern African energy market

ESB International is targeting the thriving southern African region to grow its international business operations.

ESB INTERNATIONAL ESB INTERNATIONAL is targeting the thriving southern African region to grow its international business operations. The company is working with Eskom, the South African stateowned power utility, on new build gas turbines, wind and network projects under a framework contract which runs until end of 2017. In addition to South Africa, ESB International is targeting new business opportunities in the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Malawi. Early in 2013, Paul Farrell relocated to South Africa to take up a position as ESB International Country Manager for Africa based in JohannesThis office burg. Paul facilitated will support the relocation of the the growing companys former number of temporary ofce services being in South Africa to offered to ESB a new ofce where Internationals Enterprise Ireland is clients... also based. This ofce will support the growing number of services being offered to ESB Internationals clients in the southern African region.


LAUNCHING EUROPES FIRST cross-border electric vehicle fast charger network linking major intercity routes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland were Deputy Secretary of the Department for Regional Development, Barney McGahan with Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte and Managing Director of ESB Networks Ltd, Jerry OSullivan.


August/September 2013



Five Irish technology rms provide leading-edge ecar products and services
supply ESB with intelligent domestic electric car charge points; Carra, who monitor and maintain the public electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the Republic of Ireland on behalf of ESB; EVEO, who manufacture onstreet EV charge posts; Transpoco, who has developed an EV telemetry system and a car sharing software system; and JTM Power, who have developed the worlds rst mobile EV charging unit. The business works closely with these, and many other companies, in order to roll out an extensive, smart network of electric vehicle charge points around Ireland. Already there are over 1,300 domestic, commercial, on-street and fast charge points installed throughout the country. n To find out more about ecars see our website on

L-r: Ollie Brogan, Managing Director ESB International; Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive ESB; and Hugh Cunningham, Senior Consultant ESB International, at the ESB International stand at PAC World 2013, Trinity College Dublin.

ESB INTERNATIONAL ESB INTERNATIONAL was sponsor and gave the keynote address at the fourth PAC World Conference 2013, which took place in Trinity College, Dublin, from June 24th to 27th 2013. Members of the PAC World community, professionals from utilities and universities, manufacturers and consultants, were invited to take part in the event that aims to build better understanding and knowledge in the eld of electric power systems protection, automation and control. Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive ESB, provided the keynote address titled Innovating for Future Growth, where he outlined the importance of the development and adoption of innovative energy technologies which are a key component of ESBs strategy for the future growth of the company. ESB Internationals Stephen Court
Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive ESB, provided the keynote address at PAC World 2013 titled Innovating for Future Growth.

hosted a tutorial which was presented by PAC World editor in chief, Dr Alexander Apostolov. The tutorial dealt with the topic of optimising protection operation in networks with large-scale penetration of renewable energy. Additionally, Fergus Malone, ESB International Power System Studies, presented on Widespread Fault-Inducted Stalling of Air Conditioner Compressor Motors Issues and Solutions. The conference The tutoconcluded with a technical tour rial dealt with the topic of of Turlough Hill, optimising Irelands only protection pumped storage operation in power station. n

Dermot McArdle, Manager, ecars, with Niall Doonan, Managing Director, Carra and Matt Keady, Director, EVEO, at the ecars stand in the ITS European Congress. EVEO and Carra are two of five Irish companies who work with ecars as part of the ecar Ireland cluster.

FIVE INNOVATIVE Irish technology rms have secured business to the value of 1.5 million to supply technology and services to support the roll-out of Irelands smart electric vehicle (EV)

charge point network. The companies are part of the ecar Ireland cluster, which is also supported by Enterprise Ireland. The ve companies are: M2C, who


the end of 2014. It involves reviewing the existing customer supply functions in the distribution companies and designing the blueprint manual, to deliver the required customer service improvement. This will be followed by support for the implementation of the blueprint, including delivery of an extensive training programme in each of the distribution companies. What is of particularly significance is that a senior delegation from the Oman electricity sector visited Dublin last November. The visiting delegation included the CEOs of both the Electricity Holding Company, the Authority for Electricity Regulations and the general managers of the five Oman Distribution Companies. The meeting was focused on the experience gained by ESB in unbundling its distribution and supply businesses and the impact of competition in the Irish market and was led by ESB Chief Executive, Pat ODoherty and the Managing Director of ESB Networks, Jerry OSullivan, as well as senior managers from ESB Networks and Electric Ireland. n
The signing of this contract marks a significant success in ESB Internationals strategic goal to double the volume of its overseas business within five years, a goal which on the assistance provided by other key business units within the ESB Group. And as in the past such assignments can also provide a valuable development opportunity for staff across ESB Group through experience with international clients.

EU Electromobility Stakeholder Forum

Pictured are Dr Heike Barlag, Green eMotion Project Coordinator and Hugues van Honacker, EU Policy Officer for the Green eMotion Project.


Manager of ESBI Strategic Consulting Group Martin Heavey and the CEO of EHC Omar Al Wahaibi at the contract signing ceremony with Omans Electricity Holding Company.

Highest ranked university in Turkey visits ESB International

ESB INTERNATIONAL ESB INTERNATIONAL was awarded a contract to deliver consultancy services in support of a major customer service improvement programme to Omans Electricity Holding Company. This contract award represents a significant step in the development of business in Oman, which is one of ESB Internationals strategic growth markets in the Middle East. It follows a period of extensive contact between ESB International and the key industry stakeholders in Oman aimed at raising awareness of our value-added services and our extensive experience as a utility-based consultant. Following a competitive tender process, ESB International will provide consultancy services to deliver a customer services delivery blueprint design and pilot implementation project, which will run to

Michael Quigley, Director of Business Development, ESB International, presented to the Bilkent University students outlining the companys key service capabilities and significant milestone projects completed over the companys 38-year history.

ESB INTERNATIONAL A GROUP OF 20 students from the Young Entrepreneurs Club of Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, visited ESB International on Thursday June 6th. This event took place as part of the Universitys Business Talks in Dublin series, which included visits to other leading global companies including Google, Microsoft, Vodafone, LinkedIn, SAP, Yahoo, AOL and Guinness. The students attended a presentation by Michael Quigley, Director of Business Development, highlighting ESBIs key service capabilities and signicant milestone projects completed over the companys 38-year history. Following this there was an open discussion on both current and future targets and areas of opportunity for the company. Bilkent University was ranked among the top 400 and remains the highest-ranked university in Turkey by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2011-12. This visit was organised through Hakan Karaalioglu, Country Manager Turkey & CIS, ESB International. n

THE SIXTH EU Green eMotion (GeM) Stakeholder Forum took place in the Palais des Academies, Brussels, and was part of the EU-wide Sustainable Energy Week. ecars has taken over the management and organisation of the GeM bi-annual Stakeholder Forum, as well as managing the external stakeholder group. The GeM project is the largest electromobility demonstration project in Europe, with over 24 million in EU funding (1.5m funding for Irish partners) and 42 partners from 11 countries. Organised and chaired by Conor OBrien, ecars, the event took place over two days with 24 speakers from around Europe. The forum was developed to disseminate the results and share knowledge from the project, as well as give external stakeholders the opportunity to network, present ideas and interact with project partners. The ultimate goal is to help accelerate the mass market adoption of electric vehicles in Europe by engaging with a wide audience of stakeholders. n
There was a record attendance of over 170 attendees, and topics included: a case study on the roll-out of Irelands electric vehicle infrastructure grid impact of electric vehicles, business models, standardisation, interoperability, and policy processes


Page 12

Estonias roll-out of a national fast charging infrastructure Mobi.Europe Project MOBI Europe will promote the full integration and interoperability of a cloud of ICT applications associated with electro-mobility EU FreVue Project focused on electric urban freight

August/September 2013


Staff participate in sporting team events for charity


The ESB International Office to Office (O2O) 300km charity cycle from Dublin to Cork took place on Saturday June 8th. Their charity this year is Down Syndrome Ireland.

ESB INTERNATIONAL ESB INTERNATIONAL strive not only to excel in state-of-the-art energy projects; staff continually push themselves to new personal heights by taking part in challenging and rewarding charity events. The company would like to extend its congratulations to members of staff who recently successfully completed the following challenging feats:

The annual ESB International Office to Office (O2O) 300km charity cycle from Dublin to Cork, which took place on Saturday June 8th in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. The Focus Ireland Four Peaks Challenge event, which took place from June 7th to 9th. The event involved teams climbing four mountains over one weekend to a total of 11,937ft. n

L-r: Brian Montayne, Business Development Manager Europe, ESB International; Hakan Karaalioglu, Manager Turkey & CIS, ESB International; Dermot McArdle, Manager, ecars; and James Gallagher, Charging Systems Engineer, ecars, represent ESB International at Turkish Smart Energy Summit 2013.

Dermot McArdle presented on current and emerging electric vehicle trends and technologies covering the areas of EU drivers for electric cars, Irish electric vehicle programme, ESB Internationals unique utility Perspective and current European activity at Turkish Smart Energy Summit 2013.

Introducing the Emerging Energy Technologies Group

generation, exible generation services, storage, smart networks and microgrid technology to facilitate the smart home and meet the needs of a more informed and active customer base. Technology will play a key role in this transformation and the Emerging Energy Technologies Group has now been established to ensure that our businesses are well-supported in adopting new energy technologies. This new business area will be within the Smart Energy Technologies Group in Innovation and will be managed by Brendan Barry. It will incorporate the current Ocean Ener- This new busigy team and Fergal ness area will Egan, who has been be within the coordinating RD&D Smart Energy activity. Technologies Through their Group in ocean energy expeInnovation... rience, the Emerging Energy Technologies Group has considerable expertise in the assessment and development of emerging technologies. This experience has been deployed recently to assess solar PV and offshore wind. Key to the groups success is working closely with ESB International, the broader Smart Energy Technologies group and ESB Novusmodus, who will be essential partners in carrying out this work within Innovation. Similarly, collaboration with Generation & Wholesale Markets, ESB Networks and Electric Ireland is essential, as key partners and beneciaries of this initiative. n

AT THE THIRD ANNUAL Turkish Smart Energy Summit 2013 in Istanbul in May, ESB International was a main Sponsor and Dermot McArdle, ecars, gave a presentation on current and emerging electric vehicle trends and technologies. Turkey has experienced a huge amount of change over the past decade and the energy industry is booming. Electricity

demand around the country has been increasing by as much as 7 to 8% in recent years, resulting in energy transmission and peak capacity in the country increasing by nearly 60% between 2002 and 2010. The conference and exhibition offered ESB International an excellent opportunity to highlight the companys capabilities and experience to prospective clients in the

growing market focusing on the companys core expertise ,as well as the new and emerging technologies such as ecars. n

Turkey has experienced a huge amount of change over the past decade...


Funds raised in aid of Thai Child Foundation

TELECOMS A GROUP OF VENTURE Scouts, aged 16 to 19 years from Walkinstown, are planning to visit Chumpon Province in Thailand (in conjunction with the Thai Child Development Foundation (TCDF) this summer to extend and renovate a special needs school. This will allow the TCDF to cater for and work with a significant number of special needs children in the province. The parents David Sandford, of the scouts ESB Telecoms, pictured at the paid for their cake sale. flights, accommodation, etc., however, assistance was needed to raise money to help fund the various projects there. A cake sale took place in ESB HQ on Thursday July 11th with the support of Kevin and the Head Office restaurant team. ESB staff, and particularly Telecoms staff, were on-hand to assist with baking and selling the various gastronomic delights. This project will enhance the lives of the children in Thailand and will also encourage the character, emotional, social, and spiritual development of our young people so that they may achieve their full potential and, as responsible citizens, improve their society. The cake sale raised a fantastic sum of 1,136, which again shows the generosity of the staff and pensioners of ESB. Each cent raised will go directly on these projects. On behalf of the Walkinstown 94th Venture Scouts, thanks for your support with this very worthy project. n

TRANSFORMATION IN THE ENERGY sector is being driven by a combination of decarbonisation, market integration and greater competition. This means that the core business of the traditional utility faces many challenges resulting in new growth areas and opportunities. These include the deployment of new large-scale renewables, distributed The Emerging Energy Technologies group will: promote awareness of emerging technologies and associated opportunitiesin ESB monitor and assess emerging technology developments relevant to ESB, including ESBs ocean energy strategy support the development of engineering capabilities in innovative technologies support other business units in emerging technologies work closely with external stakeholders in innovative sectors to target research efforts and engage with the emerging supply chain

L-r: Dr Majeed Habib, Mark Halpin, Pat ODoherty, Chief Executive ESB, Dr Abdul Hussain Ali Mirza, Sheik Nawaf Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa, Ollie Brogan, MD ESB International, Tom Ralph and Paul Murphy (both ESB International).

ESB INTERNATIONAL PAT ODOHERTY, Chief Executive, ESB and Ollie Brogan, Managing Director, ESB International recently visited Bahrain with the purpose of meeting with the Minister for Electricity & Water Affairs and the Chief Executive of the Electricity & Water Authority (EWA). ESB International is involved in the current 220/66kV Transmission Development Plan which is providing for a 30% increase in installed capacity upon completion in 2014. Additional projects for EWA include 66kV substations associated with provision of social housing. Dr Abdul Hussain Ali Mirza, Minister for Electricity & Water Affairs and Sheik Nawaf Bin Ebra-

him Al Khalifa, Chief Executive EWA congratulated ESB International on the successful provision of their services which has enabled Bahrain to maintain the high electricity growth rate of 10% per annum over the previous ten years and uphold uninterrupted services to their customers. ESB International has 50 onsite staff who come from a diverse range of backgrounds and nationalities. Ollie Brogan, Managing Director, ESB InternaESB Intertional remarked on the efforts made national has 50 on-site by staff and exstaff who pressed his appreciation to the fami- come from a lies and partners of diverse range of backstaff for their ongrounds going support. n


August/September 2013

Generation & Wholesale Markets

A safe start to the Cliff Station ESB TEAM COMPLETES Refurbishment Project LONDON TRIATHLON
representatives in attendance from both its Austrian and Scottish locaA theme tions. throughout the The technical and conference was safety presentathe emphasis tions from both the on the necescontractors and sity for good the G&WM team quality method clearly identied statements... the expectations and standards of how this project is expected to run over its duration. A theme throughout the conference was the emphasis on the necessity for good quality method statements and risk assessments for all activities. Pdraig Dooley, Project Manger for the Cliff Refurbishment Project, thanked all the participants for their attendance and invaluable contributions and wished everybody a safe and successful project.
ESB was represented by (l-r) Siobhan McAdam, Jack Peterson and Laura Thomas in the 2013 Virgin Active London Triathlon


Siobhan McAdams 1500m swim in the Thames was the first event in the Virgin Active London Triathlon

Attendees at the Cliff Station Plant Refurbishment Project Pre-Outage Safety Conference included all the main contractors, G&WMs Overhaul Programme Project Team and Erne Stations staff.

IN JULY, THE Cliff Station Plant Refurbishment Project, scheduled to take place over the next two years, was ofcially kicked-off with the local Pre-Outage Safety Conference in Bundoran, Co. Donegal. Representatives of all the main contractors, G&WMs Overhaul Programme Project Team and Erne Station staff all participated in this one-day event. Andritz Group, the main contractor on the project, had

ESB ENTERED a Corporate Team in the Virgin Active London Triathlon 2013, which took place on July 27th. This triathlon is the worlds biggest, with 13,000 participants, and takes place at the ExCel Centre, Royal Victoria Dock. The ESB team reected the new extended home market, i.e. UK and Ireland, that we now nd ourselves operating in and was made up of Siobhan McAdam from the London ofce (1,500m swim), Jack Peterson from our Corby Power plant (40km cycle), and Laura Thomas from the Dublin ofce (10km run). The team had a fantastic day out and managed to enjoy the swim, the cycling

and the running in spite of the temperature in London reaching 30C. Great efforts were put in by all team members and with the support of the crowds they completed the Olympic distance triathlon in a fantastic time of 2 hours, 44 minutes. ESB participated in the event to raise money for Concern Worldwide specically the education and nutrition projects in Liberia. Through the generosity of the company and the kindness of individual ESB staff members, 2,780 was raised which will go a long way to helping Concern on these projects. Thank you to all of those who supported the team and allowed ESB to be part of this iconic event.

DURING A VISIT to Limerick of the Committee of the Saxony-Anhalt Parliament, the group were delighted to visit Ardnacrusha as part of their trip. The visitors were obviously very interested in the station as it was built by German company Siemens as part of the Shannon Scheme. Civil Engineer at the Station Tom Hayes gave the enthusiastic visitors a tour of the plant.


lation works for the 2.4km gas pipeline are also welladvanced at this stage, with the successful installation of the 1,100m horizontal directional drill (HDD) completed in May. Works are ongoing for the tie-in facilities at either end of the gas pipeline.


Pictured above with Pat ODoherty are John OConnor, Project Director; Louise Roe, Gas Pipeline Lead Engineer; John McLoughlin, Site Manager; and Declan Whyte, Technical Director.

Chief Executive Pat ODoherty with Michael Dodd, Declan Whyte, John McLoughlin and two Sisk staff members during a site safety audit at Carrington.

An overview of the progress of this project, from its initial concept to its current construction phase, was presented to the Chief Executive by the Project Technical Director. This was followed by a tour of the construction site. Following the site visit, the Chief Executive paid a visit to Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council (TMBC) to meet with TMBCs Chief Executive and Executive members of the council. TMBC have been very supportive of the project throughout the planning phase and are continuing to offer their support during the construction phase.

The home international of the Irish ladies international fly fishing team was fished on Carragh Lake in Glencar Co. Kerry. Back row: Niamh Breen (Kerry), Ann Kerrins (Fermanagh), Dorrie Gibbons (Cong, Mayo and Fisheries & Conservation, Ballyshannon), Anne McWilliams (Kanturk), Julie McGeever (Foxfor, Mayo), Carmel Kelly (Cloghans,Mayo), Carmel Sheridan,(1st Reserve, Limerick), Mary Murphy (Cork) and Jenny Casey (Kildare). Front row: Hazel OGorman (Ennis, Co. Clare), Julie Gerry (Kildare), Susan Brown (Lisburn) and Linda Straghen (Armagh).

ON JULY 11TH, Chief Executive Pat ODoherty, paid a visit to the Carrington 860MW CCGT construction site at Manchester, accompanied by Project Delivery Manager for G&WM Asset Development Seamus Deeny, Project Director John OConnor, Technical Director Declan Whyte and GB Regulation Manager Michael Dodd. The ESB International team, who are providing owners engineer services for the project, were on hand at both the CCGT and gas pipeline sites to meet with the Chief Executive. John McLoughlin, CCGT Site Manager and Shay Shanley, Gas Pipeline Site Manager, gave a brief overview of the progress at site and the next phases of the project. Construction works on this, the

largest single capital investment currently underway by ESB, commenced on the CCGT site at the start of 2013 and is scheduled for completion in Q1 2016. The EPC contractor contracted to design, build and commission this plant is a consortium of Alstom Power of Switzerland and Duro Felguera of Spain. The site set-up works, which have included the construction of the contractors temporary construction village and site services, are well advanced. Piling activities are underway across the site for the main power train and building foundations. The numbers of workers on site is currently 100 and is increasing as subcontractors for the main civil works commence site mobilisation. The instal-

UL student undertakes Moneypoint flue gas desulphurisation study
The ue gas desulphurisation units in Moneypoint Power Station provide a unique opportunity for students to study the chemical reactions involved in reducing the stations SOx emissions.
On his visit to Carrington, the Chief Executive met with Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council. Front row (l-r): Michael Hyman, TMBC; Theresa Grant, Chief Executive, TMBC; Pat ODoherty, ESB Chief Executive; and Matthew Colledge, Leader of TMBC. Middle row (l-r): Helen Jones, TMBC; Michael Dodd, GB Regulation Manager; Declan Whyte, Technical Director; Seamus Deeny, Manager Project Delivery; and John OConnor, Project Director. Back row (l-r): Sean Anstee, TMBC; and Alan Mitchell, TMBC.

New era at Ardnacrusha

A report on the Ardnacrushas recent ten-year External Dam Safety Committee audit.

August/September 2013

GENERATION & WHOLESALE MARKETS 13 UL student undertakes Moneypoint flue gas desulphurisation study
Aidans work. The primary function of water in the process is to temper the flue gas temperature so that abatement reaction is facilitated and through commissioning experience it was found the process worked better at lower temperatures, the experience observed during the boiler tube leak contradicted this to an extent and Aidans investigations into the reaction further confirmed this. Aidans test results indicated the reaction efficiency was a product of temperature and water content, with an increase in both favouring an improved reaction. Ideal reaction in the FGD plant could not be achieved due to the constraints of the current abatement plant configuration but with modification improvements are possible, increasing the temperature of the water feed to the FGD would have the affect of allowing the process operate at higher temperatures while also providing more water to the reaction. The station is currently examining how best to efficiently achieve this.
Right: Aidan Flavin, environmental science degree student at UL.


Above: Using the station laboratory, Aidan constructed a small-scale reactor vessel allowing a simulated boiler gas-path react with a calcium sorbent under various temperatures and gas moisture contents.

JUNE SAW THE arrival of 4,000 Irish honey bees to Moneypoint, thanks to an initiative by the stations sustainability committee. The bee colony currently consists of one nuc (small hive) and it is hoped this will grow to over 60,000 at its peak. Despite the bad start to the year, weather-wise, it is hoped to have a strong colony by

next winter or early spring, with lots of stored honey. The bees have been placed in a quiet natural setting on the Moneypoint site with many sources of pollen and nectar to feed on, including dandelion, willow, clover, heather and gorse. So far the bees appear to be happy and thriving in their new home.


Pictured (l-r) are Tom Droney, Joe Fitzgerald and Patrick Murphy, who paid a visit to the old Control Room in Ardnacrusha prior to their retirement some time ago. Both Tom and Joe were Shift Managers at the station and Patrick was a Shift Operative for many years. While a new Control Room was built in Ardnacrusha during the major refurbishment of the early 90s the old iconic Control Room from the Shannon Scheme remains a major attraction at the station. We wish them and their colleagues who also retired, well into the future.

THE OPERATION OF the flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) units in Moneypoint Power Station provide a unique opportunity for students to study the chemical reactions involved in reducing the stations SOx emissions and the complications which can arise when proven bench reactions are scaled up and integrated into a boiler gas path. Aidan Flavin, University of Limerick, student approached Moneypoint in 2012 requesting work experience in the Aidens test environmental side of results indicated operations. Early on, the reaction Aidans interest in the efficiency was FGD process was idena product of tified and it became temperature and the subject of his final water content... year project.

The chemistry of the SOx reaction is the process which converts a gaseous contaminant into a solid one which can be distinguished from the flue gas and filtered out. Ideal reaction conditions are always constrained by the existing plant associated with the boilers, as well as the physical limitation of any installed equipment. In Aidans project, the influence which water played on the reaction was of keen interest. Work in 2011 by the station showed that the reaction efficiency was improved by lowering the FGD reaction temperature but the inherent risk in doing this was the possibility of increased corrosion and fouling. Observation of reaction efficiency during a boiler tube leak the same year showed a remarkable improvement with an indication that increasing water and not reducing temperature improved the reaction. It was this observation that formed the genesis for

Aidan would like to thank everyone at Moneypoint for the guidance and assistance afforded him in completing his project, especially John McCoy, Denis Cregan, Matt Corbett and John Wall with whom he worked closely.


Safety milestone at Corby

L-r: Tom Hayes, Supervising Civil Engineer, G&WM; Gerhard Wedam, EDSC Auditor for Mechanical/ Electrical elements; and Richie Hackett, Civil Works Supervisor at Ardnacrusha.

DURING MAY, Ardnacrusha had its tenyear External Dam Safety Committee (EDSC) audit. The EDSC comprises four dam experts, for both civil and mechanical/ electrical aspects, commissioned by ESB to review the stations dams in terms of operation, maintenance and safety. The committee visit each site every five years, with a more thorough inspection at ten years. The Ardnacrusha team has put in substantial efforts over the past number of years to eliminate a large backlog of maintenance work and to complete previous audit recommendations. When this work was put under the EDSC microscope, it was satisfying to get high praise for our efforts. The place is looking better than ever with well progressed maintenance programmes for our large canal and spillgates, two of the penstocks fully repaired and repainted, better communications links and C&I systems and the concrete and grouting works complete on the dam structures.

We were delighted to welcome Marguerite Sayers, Operations Manager and Tim Keane, Asset Manager to the station during the three-day audit to see the stations achievements first-hand. These achievements have come about, not just by those who accompanied the audit team, but by the efforts of every staff member. The auditors described Ardnacrusha as being in a new era, and gave great feedback about staff commitment and the sheer volume of work progressing. Our backlog might not be gone yet, but we are well underway and determined to get there.

As a token of appreciation Mihai Diac, Plant Manager (front row, 2nd from right) presented each member of the Corby team with a picnic basket, a wind-up torch and a first-aid face-shield.

Mike Walsh, Electrical Supervisor, and Sean McMahon, PICO Ardnacrusha, answered the EDSC teams questions out on the dam.

While it is important to have procedures and certifications in place, it is more important how these are adopted...

ON JUNE 28TH, Corby Power Station achieved ve years Lost Time Incident (LTI)free. The last LTI occurred in June 2008 when an accident occurred after the completion of the HGP inspection during dismantling of the

old gas turbine exhaust ducting. To mark this signicant milestone, the Corby staff gathered in the control room for a safety message by Plant Manager Mihai Diac. This was followed by a light and healthy lunch. Mihai spoke about the important role everyone in the station plays in creating and living the safety culture. While it is important to have procedures and certications in place, it is more important how these are adopted and that everyone continues to learn lessons,

not be complacent and never take things for granted. Safety isnt a them and us issue, its all about collaboration. Mihai concluded by saying that, preventing future accidents and failures is probably the best thing we can do for those that have been hurt in the past.


August/September 2013

BSC & Electric Ireland

Campus 21 at Croke Park
RHA 183rd Annual Exhibition
opment and careers of artists. This year the prizes were selected by a selection committee of Malcolm Alexander, Group Heritage Manager, Ann Nolan (nee Moran) Art Teacher and daughter of the late Joe Moran former Chief Executive ESB and Brendan Delany, Archive & Heritage Manager. The ESB Keating Award for Painting in Year 2013 (A Silver Medal and Cash Award of 1,500) was presented by Liam Molloy, Acting Executive Director BSC & Electric Ireland to artist Patricia Burns for her painting titled Townland. The ESB Moran Award for Sculpture (a Silver Medal & Cash Award of 1,500) was presented by Cathleen Moran to Michael Quane for his sculpture titled Chrysalis. The ESB Keating Medal & Award honours artist Sean Keating (18891997), former President RHA 19481962 who is perhaps best known for his work in recording in a series of sketches, drawings and paintings the development of the Shannon Scheme. The Moran Medal & Award is a tribute to Joe Moran Chief Executive of ESB 1991-1996. Joe not only made an immense contribution to ESB but also to public life in Ireland.



Energy for Life launch of ESB Clubs SharePoint website
Energy for Life is the central point where information on ESB Clubs and Societies is readily available to all staff, covering both the physical and mental health of all ESB staff.

Pictured are Des McMahon, President RHA, Patricia Burns and Liam Molloy, Acting Executive Director BSC & Electric Ireland. Pictured are the Campus 21 project team in Croke Park, including David Willis of Energy Services, Electric Ireland.

ESB WAS DELIGHTED to host a general meeting of the EU Campus 21 project July 16th and 17th. Academics and researchers from 11 organisations across ve EU countries are cooperating on this three year project, looking at control and automation of energy efciency measures in buildings and public spaces, which is funded by the EU FP7 programme. This meeting was hosted by ESB in Croke Park in Dublin, one of Europe largest and most sustainable stadia, and all who attended commented on the suitable venue, excellent facilities and notable history of the site. ESB is bringing a wide range of experience and expertise to the Campus 21 project, including technical and business best-practice, and its participation is led by the Energy Services team in Electric Ireland.

THIS YEAR SEES the 183rd showing of the RHA Annual exhibition run from May 28th to August 17th the longest running open submission exhibition in the country. The vast majority of work has been selected from over 2,000 open submissions which were evaluated by a selection panel from the RHA who are artists themselves. Each year about 15 companies sponsor special prizes at this exhibition. Over the last number of years ESB has been sponsoring two prizes which generally receives more visitors than any other annual exhibition in the country. We believe these awards will help profile the importance of visual arts and the contribution it can make not only to enhancing the workplace but also in helping to provide us with a better appreciation of the relevance of art in all its forms in our daily lives. The prizes also are designed to support the devel-

Ken McKervey, Commercial Manager Electric Ireland, with The Business presenter, George Lee.

Electric Ireland, has announced its sponsorship of RTE Radio 1s The Business with George Lee. The Business is Irelands most listened to business show with over 320,000 listeners. The 12-month sponsorship includes in-show sponsorship stings, promotional spots in Morning Ireland, Drivetime, Countrywide and Arena and podcast sponsorship. Speaking at the launch, Ken McKervey, Commercial Manager, Electric Ireland said: Electric Ireland is delighted to be sponsoring The Business on RTE Radio 1. We have long been associated with providing energy to business customers and this is a great way for us to reinforce our key business offerings. We consider this partnership as a key way to engage directly with the business market and to demonstrate our best understanding of customer needs in the competitive energy market.


Mike Counihan, Electric Ireland, 10-year-old William Fitzgerald from Limerick and 9-year-old Joe Booth are pictured at the Electric Ireland Munster GAA Minor Hurling Championship Final, where the boys were the official ball-carriers and had the honour of presenting the match sliotar to referee Fergal Horgan before the game. William and Joe won their prizes through Electric Irelands Facebook page, The final took place at the Gaelic Grounds Limerick. Photo: Diarmuid Greene/SPORTSFILE.

Going Green

Carbon monoxide awareness

WHAT IS CARBON MONOXIDE? CARBON MONOXIDE is often called the silent killer because you cant see or smell it. This highly dangerous colourless, odourless gas is also known as CO. Each year in Ireland there are one or two fatalities from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning in the home, caused by an appliance that burns fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal. Other significant causes of carbon monoxide poisoning are vehicle exhausts, smoke inhalation from fires and incidents in industrial or commercial settings. The incomplete combustion of fossil fuels is a source of carbon monoxide. In normal conditions, the combustion process will cause the carbon in the fossil fuel to combine with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide (CO2), the same substance we exhale when we breathe. However, if there is a lack of air for the combustion process or the appliance is faulty, carbon monoxide can be produced. When carbon monoxide is inhaled into the body it combines with blood, preventing it from absorbing oxygen. If a person is exposed to carbon monoxide over an extended period it can cause illness and even death. KNOW THE DANGER SIGNS Watch out for any of the warning signs that your appliance is not functioning properly: Staining, sooting or discolouration around the appliance Condensation on walls/windows A strange smell when the appliance is on Flu-like symptoms, such as drowsiness or headaches A yellow or orange flame where normally blue for a gas appliance SAFETY ADVICE Ensure your appliances are installed and serviced annually by a registered gas installer, registered oil technician or qualied service agent for your fuel type Make sure room vents are not blocked and there is adequate ventilation Keep ues and chimneys unblocked Make sure all chimneys are regularly swept and kept clear Use appliances only for the purpose for which they were designed, e.g. do not use a cooker to heat a room If you suspect an appliance may be faulty, stop using it immediately and arrange for a safety inspection CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS Use carbon monoxide alarms, but remember, these are no substitute for regular inspection and maintenance of appliances, vents, flues and chimneys Check that the carbon monoxide alarm complies with European Standard EN 50291 and carries both the mark and a mark of independent certification. Ensure that the alarm has an end-of-life indicator. To buy a Carbon Monoxide alarm visit SERVICING YOUR APPLIANCES Deal with a reputable outlet when purchasing appliances LPG or natural gas appliances should always carry the mark Read instruction manuals carefully for your appliance If you are moving house, leave the instruction manual for any appliance you are not taking with you

Tony Dunlea, Head of Industrial & Commercial Business at Electric Ireland pictured with Darren Donnelly, Director, SDC.

ELECTRIC IRELAND has signed a major new electricity contract with SDC Trailers to provide 100% renewable sourced energy to their manufacturing plants in Toomebridge, Antrim, Magherafelt and Derry. The 500k contract, will see Electric Ireland providing power sourced from its renewable portfolio to Europes largest trailer manufacturer across all its manufacturing facilities. SDC Trailers has a comprehensive and integrated sustainability programme in place, which they believe will help deliver long term success and drive economic competitiveness. A Northern Ireland top 100 company, SDC has three subsidiary groups including SDC Northern, SDC Parts and FP&S Parts, offering customers direct control over the entire manufacturing process. It employs 550 people across the Group.

Service appliances annually to make sure they are working safely and efficiently If you are concerned that an appliance is not operating safely, or your appliances are not in good condition, arrange to have a safety inspection carried out

All information is sourced from For more information on carbon monoxide, visit Electric Ireland only uses RGII-approved gas installers. Book your service today. Call us Monday to Friday between 8am to 6pm on 1850 305 085.

August/September 2013




NOWADAYS, PEOPLE HAVE become increasingly reliant on access to digital information while travelling abroad. Threats to cyber security, both physical and technical, can increase significantly when travelling. A user is normally taken from a known and relatively secure environment to one that is open and unknown. Users carry multiple computing platforms and devices that, if compromised and/or stolen, could result in harm to themselves and/or to their organisation. An increased sense of security awareness is required when travelling to protect personal and corporate IT assets and the information stored on these devices. Being secure while travelling can make your trip more enjoyable, while preparation before your trip is essential in order to protect: yourself your valuables your personal information There are two popular types of devices that users travel with: phones/smartphones and tablets/laptops. These devices are all potential targets for physical and data theft. To a thief, these devices offer a centralised source of information, both personal and professional, about the owner and the organi- Users need to sation they represent. be very aware The majority of these of the potential devices have numerrisk of their ous connectivity mepersonal diums to communicate information with telecoms service being used providers infrastrucmaliciously... ture (such as CDMA, GSM and LTE networks), wireless, near field communications (NFC) and Bluetooth, all of which can provide a suitable medium for IT security breaches. The best way to prevent information loss or compromise is to avoid travelling with it in the first place, not accessing it remotely, and not bringing back external data files or devices that may compromise your home or organisational network. Users need to be very aware of the potential risk of their personal information being used maliciously against them and they must introduce preventative measures to reduce the risk. n PREPARATION BEFORE TRAVELLING Enable a password on the device
and change the password prior to travel. Ensure the password meets the complexity requirement defined in the organisations security policy lock, e.g., Kensington Lock device

Ensure you have a physical laptop Install and enable a firewall on the If possible, set web browsers to SECURITY WHILE TRAVELLING
Do not work on confidential information in public places their highest security setting

Ensure your operating system is fully

patched and anti-virus software is up-to-date absolutely need with you on your devices

Do not use public computers for viewing any confidential or personal information Free wi-fi hotspots as a best practice, avoid connecting to public wireless hotspots and avoid transmitting information that you do not wish to be disclosed to an undesired or unauthorized party Disable wireless (wi-fi, infra-red and Bluetooth) connections when not in use Avoid connecting USB devices and storage media obtained from unknown sources to the tablet or laptop

Only take the information that you Encrypt the data on your devices

To promote the Electric Ireland GAA All-Ireland Minor Championships, customers were given the chance to have their children present the match ball/sliothar to the referee before each provincial final. Winners of our Facebook competition Rachel Dardy, from Westmeath, and Kyle Downey, from Kildare are pictured at the Electric Ireland Leinster GAA Minor Football Championship Final between Kildare and Westmeath, where they were the official ball-carriers and had the honour of presenting the match ball to the referee before the game.

(laptops, USB keys, external hard drives) before you leave, e.g., Ax Crypt software allows the user to password protect files and folders device before you leave using (Backup and Restore in Microsoft Windows OS or Time Machine Backup in Apple Mac OS)

Perform a data backup of your

Disable wireless (wi-fi, infra-red and

Bluetooth) connections when not in use

BSC Recognition Scheme


McManus, former Offaly football player, Roisin Kennedy, who cycles competitively both at national and international level, and Grainne Coogan, best known for sound advice from the Safe Driving Bureau and a keen runner in her spare time. All of our sporting personalities are very involved in a number of sports, including running, cycling and five-a-side football and shared insights with us on how they make time for their sport, dietary tips and what motivates them in their sporting lives. A Tai Chi demonstration was given by Tai Chi master Yang Dong with one of his pupils John Murphy demonstrating how it should be done. If you attended the Launch Day, you may have seen Mary Penco as she made delicious healthy bread, which are available daily in the Head Office restaurant. Recipes for her tasty bread are all available on the SharePoint website.
Take a moment to visit the site and view all the clubs and societies listed there. While you will mainly find sports activities, other activities such as the French and Italian societies are also featured. Simply click on the icon that interests you and you will be navigated to information specific to that activity. You will also find information on healthy eating, dealing with stress, how to keep active, and much more. n


Pictured (l-r) are Sharon McDonald, Finance Operations; Angela ODea, Finance Operations and Liam Molloy.

Pictured (l-r) are David Hughes, HR Operations; Maria Travers, HR Operations and Liam Molloy, Acting Executive Director, BSC and Electric Ireland.

Pictured are (back row, l-r): Marie McDonnell, Fiona McHugh, Peter Morgan, Louise Murphy, Liam Molloy, Sarah Phelan, Helen Loughnane and Ailish McKay. Front row (l-r): Peter Murphy, Grainne Coogan, Ciaran Duff, Roisin Kennedy, Ciaran McManus and Mary Penco.

The ESB Staff Insurance Scheme team. Back row (l-r): Danielle Howard, Deborah Lee, Antoinette Murphy, Cathy Booth and Gordon Williams. Front row (l-r): Lillian McCarthy, Catherina McManus, Emma McLoughlin and Andrea Bruen.

Pictured (l-r) are Tony McMackin, ITS; Jean Kelleher, ITS; John Davis, ITS; Niamh Griffin, ITS; and Liam Molloy.

Front (l-r): Sharon McDonald, Orla Gardner, Angela ODea and Maria Travers. Middle (l-r): Paul Cox, HR Manager BSC & Electric Ireland, Liam Molloy, Niamh Griffin and Jean Kelleher. Back (l-r): David Hughes, Colette Connolly, Tony McMackin and John Davis.

THE BUSINESS SERVICE Centre (BSC) Recognition Scheme was launched in 2012. The aim of the scheme is to encourage and recognise excellent customer service, innovation and service delivery by BSC staff. There was a huge response to the scheme, both in terms of number and quality of nominations received. The winners are chosen based on their ability to demonstrate their behaviour, action or innovation that has added value to the customer service provided by the BSC. The group consisting of Jean Kelleher, John Davis and Niamh Griffin, ITS, was nominated for their work on the Corporate Business Warehouse Upgrade, which was an extremely

challenging project with tight deadlines. Maria Travers (HR Operations) was nominated for her work on CIPD HR for Line Managers Programme and Newly Appointed Managers Development Programme. Maria worked closely with senior managers, participants and external academic experts to ensure the success of these programmes. Angela ODea (Finance Operations) has shown the true meaning of professional customer service in her attention to detail and fast response to customer queries. Lenny Walsh (ITS) was also a winner. Lennys excellent technical knowledge ensured success for a complex project which has generated significant savings for ESB. n

LIAM MOLLOY, Acting Executive Director BSC & Electric Ireland, launched the ESB Clubs SharePoint site on May 30th in the Head Office restaurant. The theme for the launch was Energy for Life, covering both the physical and mental health of all ESB staff. The Clubs SharePoint site is the brainchild of the BSC Health, Safety & Wellbeing Committee, who decided that rather than hosting a one-off day, it would be more useful to create a central point where information on ESB Clubs and Societies would be readily available to all staff. Following on from that a SharePoint site was developed and this can be accessed on the ESB Intranet home page under the A-Z (hover over C and then scroll down to Clubs ESB). On launch day, several activities were held to mark the event, including a panel discussion featuring a number of ESB staff who are very active in sports in their own right. Maria Sheerin, Health & Safety Manager BSC & Electric Ireland, acted as MC for the event. Maria interviewed Ciaran Duff, of the Dubs fame, Ciaran

8 Congratulations to all the winners of the BSC Staff Insurance Scheme competition
DRAW 1 iPad Mini: John Kennedy, Dublin Kindle: Christine OSullivan, Dublin Box of chocolates: Darren Isaacson, Dublin and Proinsias Brinkley DRAW 2 iPad Mini: Margaret OConnor, Aghada Kindle: Susan Mahon, Tullamore Box of chocolates: Deirdre Heffernan, ESB Trading and Eamon Walsh, Dublin

We recently added new enhancements to our Home & Motor products at no additional charge. Please contact us now for a quotation.
Home: (01) 702 7567/ H.O.ext. 27567 Motor: (01) 702 7080/ H.O. ext. 27080 Travel: (01) 702 6900/ H.O. ext. 26900

Please let us know how we can improve the site or if there are some other clubs or societies that we are not aware of that you would like us to advertise. We want to make it as useful as possible for all staff.

Visit us on our new website,



ESB Networks Ltd



Page 20

CUSTOMERS AND THE public are now able to address their queries to @ESBNetworks Twitter account and receive responses for general and power outage enquires. Networks Customer Care Centre will also continue to interact with customers by phone. The average age of a twitter user is 36, and many of our customers are very active. In the rst two weeks there was a steady increase in the following. However, beyond the number of followers that a Twitter account has, tweets are viewed by many multiples of the numbers that follow. In addition, it is also community-based it can get a relevant message out to a lot of people in minutes via the people retweeting. We have already seen customers ring NCCC get information and then tweet out the fault information themselves, effectively self-serving. Our Twitter account @ESBNetworks will be proactive on very large faults and will tweet key public safety or other messages, etc., while reminding customers that continuity standard is over 99.99%! The account will be live from 9am to 5:30pm (Monday to Friday). By its nature, Twitter is dynamic and customer driven, it is expected that it will grow as a communication channel and be especially effective during large scale/emergency power outage situations. We hope that staff will continue to be our most important ambassadors and we encourage you (in a personal capacity) and your families to follow @ESBNetworks.

Mike OSullivan, STSS, South Division, engaging with primary school pupils at Scoil Oilibheir, Cork city. Primary school students in Cork City meeting Tom Power, Customer Services Supervisor Cork.

L-r: Jeremy Bending, National Grid UK; David Sexton, Plant Manager, Turlough Hill & Liffey; and Billy Condon.

Pictured above (l-r) are Paul Cooney (CS ESB Networks Cavan), Carla, Angela and Joey OKeefe and Siobhan Mannering (ESB Networks Cavan).

ESB NETWORKS PUBLIC Safety Strategy calls for engagement with all sectors of society in order to ensure that the greatest possible level of safety awareness is promoted with people who might come in inadvertent contact with our electricity networks. In line with best international practice, South Division have developed partnerships with primary schools. Our aim is to improve safety awareness by proactively engaging with school children in the ten to 12-year-old age group, reminding them of the risks associated with interfering with overhead lines and climbing masts. Many schools in Cork, Waterford

and Kilkenny have embraced this opportunity prior to the summer holidays. South Division aims to visit more schools before Halloween, which is one of the peak times for antisocial behaviour. ESB Networks is developing a schools public safety awareness pack, including a presentation appropriate to primary school children, online web links and branded gifts with emergency contact details, web addresses, etc., to reinforce our safety message.

For more information, visit:



John Hickey, from Knocknaskeigh, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford, was the lucky winner of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 in a recent ESB Networks competition. Teresa Fallon, Manager Customer Brand & Social Media presented John with his prize.

ESB Networks Monaghan/Carrickmacross had no lost time incident (LTI) for over 3 years 1,000 days and counting! This is a tremendous achievement by all of those involved and was recognised at a small event for all Monaghan and Carrickmacross-based staff. LTIs are not just statistics; they are all about people people who leave their families in the morning and expect to come back to them in the evening safe and well.

Alan Fennessy was the lucky winner of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 in a recent ESB Networks competition. Alan is a student at Colaiste Dun Iascaigh, Cahir, and recently completed his Junior Certificate. Here, Alan receives his prize from Anne Allen, ESB Networks.

THIS EXCELLENT safety performance was achieved during a period that included heavy demands on staff to carry out our various work programmes. Well done to all.

Brendan Walsh, Skehanagh, Doneraile was the lucky winner of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 in a recent ESB Networks competition.

ESB, IN COMMON with organisations such as the Defence Forces, garda and other emergency services has a critical dependency on reliable communications. Utilities in Ireland and the UK have moved from applications such as teleprotection, telecontrol and metering to centrally control and automate operations using secure communications. While many links in ESB have been delivered using bre optic cables (over 2,500km installed in the last decade), radio communications remains an important means of connecting up the electrical grid. UK utilities have understood this and established a shared centre of expertise on utility radio communications called Telecoms Joint RaJohn Howard and David Priestly (JRC UK). dio Company (JRC). ESB joined this group several years ago and this collaboration has proved very benecial to the ESB. ESB Networks offered to host a workshop of the members of JRC in Ireland this year. This meeting took place in ESBs impressive pumped storage station in Turlough Hill in June. Attendees included staff from UK utilities including National Grid UK, Scottish Power, PowerGrid UK, NIE and the ENA. A particular highlight of the workshop was a presentation by Rory Hinchy from the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR), who explained the complex European regulatory structures to manage radio spectrum. This was very relevant to both the UK and Irish members (e.g., ESB Networks are currently seeking to secure radio spectrum bands for future requirements, including Smart Grid).

JOEY O'KEEFE FROM Billis in Cavan recently retired from ESB Networks after 47 years dedicated service. Joeys retirement function was held in Cavan Rugby Club, where his family, friends and colleagues gathered to celebrate the event. We wish Joey a happy and healthy retirement.


THE INDEPENDENT OHSAS surveillance audit of our safety management system (SMS) took place between May 27th to 31st across a range of depots and work sites throughout ESB Networks. Having achieved OHSAS certication in 2012, the purpose of this audit carried out by the National Standards Association of Ireland (NSAI) was to assess our SMS for ongoing compliance with the OHSAS standards and for continual improvement. Thanks to the committed efforts of a wide range of staff around the country, especially in the audited locations, ESB Networks retained its OHSAS accreditation.

Remember anything that is Remember anything that is posted on Twitter is viewable posted on Twitter is viewable by millions! millions! So So please please read read by Section 2.2, 2.2, Speaking Speaking about about Section ESB in in a a personal personal capacity, capacity, if if ESB you plan to Tweet. you plan to Tweet.

Meter and Data Services at ESB Networks Here, we look at the teams who provide critical services to the Irish retail market. Mizen Peninsula receives major boost A major upgrade of MV networks has now been completed.

Our favourite tweet of the week: @ESBNetworks Thanks for the call today, an example of really embracing customer care. Really appreciated.

August/September 2013



Meter and Data Services at ESB Networks

8 In the June/July edition of the EM we looked at three teams in Meter & Data Services, led by Carmel OConnor. This article looks at the remaining teams, who also provide critical services to the Irish retail market.
dealing with queries, preparing based in South Lotts Road, Sligo cases for possible prosecution and and Cork. attending court as witnesses. The Meter Asset Management is reteam, led by Hilda Doody and sponsible for the specication and Martina Hickey, are in constant procurement of all electricity mecontact with staff across all planters for ESB Networks and the mener groups. The cooperation and tering arrangements for approxivigilance of NTs and meter readers mately 2.4 million customers. The is paramount to the success of this team sets metering policy, provides role. The team also liaises daily technical support on site and delivwith all suppliers, MRSO, Meter ers training courses in the NTC in Reading, Database and Schedule Portlaoise. Support Centre who all help us Meter Asset Management play a in pursuing revenue protection vital role in maintaining ESBs meissues. ter operator licence and ensure 2012 proved to be ancompliance with the meother very busy year tering code. To this for the team. The end there is a Makey achievements jor Meter Testinclude: ing policy and Revenue programme in Protection calls place. up 80% from MAM techPictured are the Revenue Protection team. 2008 nologists play L-r: Margaret Heffernan, John Murphy, Over 1,574 an active role Mary Kirby, Bernie Keane, Catherine Walsh, Hilda Doody, Margaret OConnor and Keith cases of interferin large DistribuMcCarthy. Missing from the picture is ence detected, intion Systems OperMartina Hickey. cluding 67 cannabis ator and Independent farms Power Producer connec 46 successful convictions tions, from issuing functional speci 14.3 GWHrs were protected/ cations to commissioning the revenue metering. The team also carry recovered as a result of our out some work for EirGrid relating activities to the interruptible load metering. Increased media coverage of cases. REVENUE PROTECTION & DATABASE SERVICES The Revenue Protection and Database Services team, led by Seamus Gray, is made up of three units Revenue Protection, Long-Term Non-Access and Database. REVENUE PROTECTION SERVICE ESBs Revenue Protection Service is based in Tralee provides Revenue Protection services for the Irish electricity market. This includes managing all meter security issues, billing the customers for damaged equipment and unrecorded usage due to unauthorised interference, metered supplies, including public lighting, road crossings, billboards, etc. The team is also responsible for processing applications, inventory reconciliation, change of legal entity, creating GMPRNs for new customers, and service order reconciliation. Max Demand Database: This team, led by Assumpta Hartnett, updates the database for MD account changes and processing of all manual MD Meter readings to allow billing for MD. The team also handles time switch adjustments, stopped meter, major meter tests, change of legal entity workow, plus PDS/MD-related work.

Pictured are the Long-Term Non-Access team, Limerick. Standing (l-r): Jackie Scanlan and Noreen OBrien. Sitting: Kathleen Cleary.

Pictured are the Retail Market Design Service team. L-r: are Jim Mahony, Alice Mooney, Jessica Gregory, Mary Baxter, Aileen O'Connor and David Walshe.

RETAIL MARKET DESIGN SERVICE ESB Networks was assigned the role of Design Administrator for the retail market by CER in 2005. The Retail Market Design Service (RMDS) team in Merrion Square, which is a ring-fenced function within ESB Networks, carries out this role. The team of six is led by Aileen OConnor and Team Leader Mary Baxter. The Design Administrator role involves supporting and delivering quality systems that will help achieve the Commissions objectives to encourage competition. RMDS is responsible for all aspects of the Retail Market design and coordinates and facilitates the process for proposing and implementing changes, e.g., change requests, release planning, etc. RMDS works Meter Asset closely with ESB Networks IT Per- Management is formance and responsible for the specifirelevant business cation and areas in carryprocurement of ing out analysis all electricity and impact asmeters... sessments for any proposed changes. Interactions with market participants are through industry forums, established under the direction of the CER. Since harmonisation last year, this now includes joint forums with Northern Ireland and NIAUR (Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation). RMDS also provides a helpdesk function on retail market design issues for all market participants. RMDS acts impartially at all times. Recommendations are reached by consensus where possible. In the absence of consensus the matter is referred to the regulators. PROFILE DATA SERVICES The Prole Data Services (PDS) team of ten is based in Dublin and is led by Shabnam Zaidi with Team Leader Pat Delmar. PDS polls over 11,000 meters via

the Vodafone GSM network using MV90 software. This equates to well over 1 million meter readings per day. MV90 is an Itron application that is used to poll, validate, estimate and transfer interval/register data from multi-vendor, multi-function meters to SAP ISU. It enables PDS to build standard load proles (SLPs). PDS also provides the following services: Bulk supply data Micro generator data Annual load proles Reports in support of site investigations Customer queries Maximum demand register readings The primary responsibility of PDS is the collection of interval data, 365 days a year, from the designated Quarter Hour customers, transfer of relevant settlement data to SAP-ISU for billing by ESB Networks & Suppliers and MRSO Aggregation Processing. This accounts for approximately 42% of the Republic of Ireland market. METER ASSET MANAGEMENT Meter Asset Management (MAM), led by Claire OSullivan consists of a team of six technologists and two network technicians. The team are DATABASE FUNCTION The Database Function, led by Mary Dunne, is based in Portlaoise, Tuam and Fermoy. The function comprises of three teams, whose primary role is the provision of accurate metering data for all metering points. Database: This team, led by Maureen Keegan, updates the database for new connections, disconnections and reconnections. Specic responsibilities also include referrals/complaints, undocumented connections, supplier email accounts, service order reconciliation and cross-metering. Unmetered: This team, led by Eileen Glynn, updates the database for un-

LONG-TERM NON-ACCESS The Long-Term Non-Access (LTNA) team in Limerick, with three staff led by Kathleen Cleary, follows up on accounts where we have had long-term no access to read the meter, currently running at 40,000 accounts. A Long-Term Non-Access account is dened as one where we have received no actual meter readings in 12 months or more. Our Service Level Agreement states that ESB Networks must provide one meter reading (actual or customer) per MPRN annually. The LTNA team takes actions to ensure our targets are met, including issuing letters after successive estimates, reports to suppliers, letters/phone/texting, monitoring meter reader performance and follow-up on these actions with small business, local authorities, clubs, etc.

Pictured are the Profile Data Services team. Standing (l-r): Killian McEntaggart, Tony Foy, Karl McGee, Philip Greene, Peter Kilcourse, Leslie O'Connor, Richard Lawlor, Martin Hickey. Sitting (l-r): Pat Delmar, Shabnam Zaidi, Jasmina Stranjaka and Louise Ryan.

Database Team. From top-right: Dominic Hartnett, Leah Buchanan, Helena Dempsey, Miriam Keegan, Eamonn Tynan, Eileen Glynn, Assumpta Hartnett, Adrian Robinson, Mary Dunne, Martina Comerford, Christina McEvoy, Anne Buggie, Fiona Canavan, Mary Byrne, Maureen Keegan and Mary Daly. Missing from the photo is Mary-Anne Maher, Anna Mills, Ita Harney, Eithne Dowling, Christine Scully, Mary Warren and Helen Mackessy.


August/September 2013




Left: Mike Coomey, CSS Bandon, during a team briefing with staff.

Safety record was maintained throughout the changeover project.

y the very nature of the terrain, there is a huge distance between the long lengths of network and the substations in peninsulas such as Mizen. The adverse weather conditions in such areas, as well as the many kilometres of networks required, can result in more faults than in less remote areas of the country. The recent upgrade from 10kV to 20kV was therefore of huge importance to the Mizen Peninsula. Over the past four years, the conversion of ESB MV Network was planned and scheduled encompassing two 38kV stations (Bantry and Ballydehob) and one 110kV station (Dunmanway). It involved the Drinagh Outlet ex Dunmanway 110kV Station, the Ballydehob outlet ex Bantry 38kV station and the Ballydehob/Schull and Goleen outlets ex Ballydehob. It also involved four permanent Interface Transformer (IFT) locations and a complete upgrade of Ballydehob 38kV station to 20kV.

RESOURCING The majority of the work was undertaken locally, ranging from construction and commissioning of transformer interface sites, automation, patrolling for pre-changeover work and the conversion from 10kV to 20kV. This was the case in the many blocks of network involved in the six stages of the project. With a project of this magnitude help was needed on the conversion days, where between 14 and 17 two-man changeover crews, two Live Line crews, commissioning personnel and operational staff were mobilised over the ve to six-day 20kV conversion stage in each of the six conversion islands. MANAGING THE PROJECT The project took place over a four-year period, culminating in the tail section from Goleen to Mizen Head in May of 2013, having started in Dunmanway 110kV station on the Drinagh outlet in 2009. Projects such as this inevitably mean some disruptions/outages but

this was conned to an average of two outages per customer over a period relating to planned preparation and conversion dates. To minimise the disruption to the vitally important tourist season, the work was mainly carried out outside this period. The majority of customers were understanding and accepted that a pre-planned date and time outage is far less of a problem than an unplanned fault supply outage. This section of coastline is very beautiful, but open to the prevailing southwest gales and storms that have caused many outages in West Cork. Neil Walton, Mill and Maintenance Manager at Barryroe Co-op, said that previously interruptions were fairly frequent and at their feed mill plant alone it meant that if their shovels were stopped under load it took 3-4 staff from their 100 workforce over one hour to manually clear the lines. It could also affect their computer systems, supermarket, hardware store and fuel pumps. Barryroe also owns Stauntons Meat Plant where over 1,500 pigs are

NT Alan O'Shea.

August/ September 2013


slaughtered each day. Notication to customers issued by post through ESB Networks OMS system and this system worked very well overall throughout the project. Customers were very understanding and in the majority of cases when contacted in relation to planned outages understood that the end benets were worth the temporary inconvenience. ESB Networks issued press releases to local media prior to the 20kV Changeover and a notice in the local Southern Star ensured that customers were kept well informed. This major upgrade from 10kV to 20kV will result in a number of benets to the customers and businesses of the Mizen Peninsula, including fewer fault outages and a major reduction in voltage problems for rural customers All of our networks assets associated with the upgrade including equipment such as poles, conductor, insulators and transformers have been inspected and passed or replaced to meet standards into the future and the service that we provide to our customers, despite the economic challenges facing businesses, including ESB Networks, has now been signicantly enhanced due to many factors including increases in network automation, high-voltage Station and HV/MV network upgrades. Jerry OSullivan, Managing Director of ESB Networks Ltd, in complimenting the staff involved in this major West Cork upgrade, commented: These improvements, coupled with significant investment in systems such as our Outage Management System (OMS),


A project of this size presents different challenges due to locations, difficult terrain and weather conditions. However, it presents an opportunity to work with other crews from different locations and there is a great sense of satisfaction following the completion of such a large programme of work to enhance the service to our customers in these areas.
NT Samus O Ceallachin reflects the views of his colleagues

Optimised Scheduling System (OSS) and MV Centralised Control, and enabled by our excellent Dispatch and Customer Care teams, will lead to a greatly improved customer experience and reduced system losses.
Mar y Donegan and Carmel O'Callaghan, Clerical Support Team, South.

Left: NT John O'Regan prepares transformers for the changeover. 22 traffos were replaced as part of the last module.

Neil Walton, Mill & Maintenance Manager, Barryroe Co-op.

CS John O'Neill briefs NTS Shane Keohane, Den-Joe Toomey and apprentice Mchal Buckley.

We have a turnover of 104m in total and run 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. It is very important to us to be able to rely on the network. We now have a constant point of contact with ESB if needed and have an excellent relationship with the local teams.
Neil Walton, Mill & Maintenance Manager, Barryroe Co-op

The final leg of the journey was a tail line to Mizen which required a medium voltage mobile generation set located at the Tourist Car Park at the Mizen Head lighthouse.

Work at one of the Single-Phase Transformers. The planning team included Jim Hernan (Area Manager), Mike Coomey (CSS), Mick O'Connor (Construction), Damian O'Sullivan (NT), Con O'Leary (EO) and John O'Neill (CS). Damian O'Sullivan pre-commissions Network Automation Components (NACs).


August/September 2013

Demonstration of the make off and jointing of HTLS conductor at a semi-strain position during a training exercise in the NTC.

Wind turbine and PV cells installed in Portlaoise as a pilot installation with Networks Training Centre in background.

Purpose-built Networks at low level for training purposes and an inside view of the fibre in the OPPC conductor.


& Delevop


To provide quality, and cost effective Fleet, Equipment and Training services to the Networks business
Assess Procure

Pictured (l-r) are Conal Bonnar, Fleet & Technical Training Manager, and Pat Deasy, Training Services Manager. Michael Sweeney, Training Operations Manager.

F&TT Team



FLEET AND TECHNICAL TRAINING was formed as part of the Senior Management re-organisation in 2012. Conal Bonnar, who was appointed to manage this new organisation, says: Joining both the eet organisation and the training organisations provided a great opportunity for two critical service providers to combine their expertise and add greater value to Networks business. The management team has developed a strategy to ensure that we continue to deliver our core business of eet and training ,but also identied areas where we can bring additional value to the organisation. ESB Networks is already considered the third most-advanced smart networks utility in the world and supporting our Smart Networks capabil-

ity and reputation was a key criteria in the development of our strategy. Michael Sweeney, Training Operations Manager, added: While the Networks Training Centre (NTC) has been a centre of innovation for many years, when we looked at our service, we identied an opportunity for the NTC to increase the use of the facility and the expertise of the training ofcers to further support innovation in the Networks business. NTC sees a critical role for itself in this regard and by working with the business on early innovation projects, by building pilot infrastructure for example and with the support of our expertise here in the NTC, we can further contribute to the overall delivery of ESBs Business Strategy.

Enabled by Safe & Commercially Focused Work Practices

Research & Delevop

Technical Competence of People Compliance to standards with repect to fleet, equipment & HV testing


Innovating Training Centre Technical training programmes Safe driving initiatives Fleet, equipment & training standards F&TT safety standards Specify, procure & supply fleet, equipment, tools & training Inspect & maintain fleet, equipment and lifting gear Deliver technical training needs of Networks Manage apprentice training programme Manage Safe driving programme for ESB


F&TT Team
Provision of technical support for fleet, equipment & lifting gear Development of technical expertise and standards within Networks



Enabled by Safe & Commercially Focused Work Practices

August/ September 2013



Trevor Walsh demonstrating the Nulec recloser as part of the Loop Automation Course delivered in each division.

Early testing of Fibre developments on Live Networks in the NTC. Ice and load testing of FTTB project in the NTC.

Development of the new BLL insulated conductor on networks in the NTC.

SUSTAINABILITY As part of the overall sustainability programme in ESB the NTC has implemented a wide variety of initiatives, including the installation of a wind turbine and PV cells as one of the pilot installations which use different types of renewable technologies for microgeneration. This has the ability to generate 10kW of sustainable generated electricity, which will be used to replace conventional generation. We have also introduced a number of electric vehicles into our eet and together with ongoing waste management and energy consumption initiatives

delivering ESBs Sustainability objectives. TRANSMISSION With the ever-increasing demand on electricity infrastructures and the challenges of building new transmission circuits, ESB needed innovative ways of increasing circuit capacities and maintain reliability. NTC have worked with Technical Development team (SHQ&E) and HV Contracting in Networks and ESB Telecoms along with ESBI to develop and design a new course on the HTLS GAP Conductor. We have also worked with those or-

ganisations on the design and development of training for the new Optical Phase Conductor, OPPC, which delivers high-speed/capacity IT and telecommunications trafc and replaces the bre wrap on HV Transmission Networks. For both of these projects, a dedicated network has been purposely built in the NTC to facilitate training and development. FIBRE TO BUILDING One of the leading technologies in the 2025 Strategy is the Fibre to Building Project. The original developments and trials for bre

wrapping on MV and LV networks were carried out in the NTC. Currently, NTC are working closely with the New Innovation organisation under John McSweeney with Pat Beachinor and Damien Gardiner on developing and trialling methods and procedures for the construction of FTTB project. NTC has been involved in facilitating the developments of this project on both energised and de energised MV and LV Networks. At present, construction is underway in building a new section of networks to be used for development and training purposes. Further developments on the under-

ground procedures are due to commence soon. AUTOMATED SMART NETWORKS NTC have been working with many of the areas in Asset Management from the System Performance, Operation Policy and Protection teams and Strategy Managers, along with the TSMs in ESB Networks business on the roll-out of the Loop Automation Schemes across all divisions. This has been a very successful project in relation to CMLs/CIs and has the potential to deliver signicant cost savings to ESB Networks in regulatory terms.

Some recent initiatives we have been involved with include Fibre to the Building, Optical Phase Conductor OPPC, Automated Self Healing Networks, Smart Networks, Live Working Developments, new BLL Insulated Conductor and New Technology Solutions to Upgrading Transmission Equipment Capacity including the new HTLS GAP Conductor. We have a fantastic resource here in the NTC and we hope to further develop our facility as new initiatives come on stream to ensure our relevance and value to delivering and innovating for our future.
COVERED CONDUCTOR LINES BLL In Scandinavia, Australia, UK, and other places, covered conductor MV lines have been in use and have proven very successful in relation to safety sensitive areas, conicts, forestry and waterways, and has improved CMLs signicantly. In partnership with the Transmission and Distribution OH Networks team in Asset Management, NTC have now developed and constructed a section of network that will be adopted to the networks when nal testing has been completed. This section of networks will then be used to develop and design relevant courses. SMART METERING The NTC has been at the forefront of the Advanced Metering Project through the development and implementation of the infrastructural facilities required by the Project Group to test and validate the various makes of meter and their methods of communication. Testing of the communication processes involved erection of metering installations at a number of geographical locations in the NTC and collecting data which was sent from the meter to the data centre. The training required for the correct installation of these meters was also done in the NTC. Facilities included development of a

Testing on development of advanced metering in the NTC prior to the current pilot installation of smart meters.

Larry Cummins setting up a live line equipment test in the HV lab.

Commissioning of the new Burnwood 38kV GIS station in the NTC.

dedicated workshop and testing area to be used by the Advanced Metering Project Group. HV TEST LAB The recently modernised and state-ofthe-art HV Test lab tests the equipment, tools and Insulated Aerial Device used by all Live Line crews in ESB Networks, in line with European and International standards. The HV Test lab also carries out tests on equipment used in bail and clamp procedures, station operating rods, rope used for live line working, spare IADs, etc. The lab also plays an invaluable role in the testing and evaluation of new and older equipment, such

as the suitability of fibre cable used in conjunction with MV overhead networks, tools and equipment to be used as part of timber cutting crews and suitability of barrier material, etc. BURNWOOD 38KV GIS STATION This year sees the addition of Burnwood 38kV GIS Station to the Operations Network and this facility will give participants the opportunity to train on the most up-to-date equipment on the Networks system. It consists of a split MV Busbar with ABB Unigear and NX Plus switchgear and incorporates the Substation Control Panel (SCS), Operation

Management System, and SCADA. The existing networks is being upgraded to ensure that training will be on a state-ofthe-art smart networks. Pat Deasy says: Our mission here in the NTC is to assure the technical competence of ESB Networks staff now and into the future. Early involvement with the business on new ways of working is a critical element for ensuring delivery of our mission. We are continually looking at new innovations in the business and seeking opportunities for the NTC to develop and prepare us, and the technical competence of the Networks staff, for the future.




Image in-box


By Grainne Coogan ALL DRIVERS HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO LOOK OUT FOR AND PROTECT VULNERABLE ROAD USERS, OF WHICH CYCLISTS ARE ONE GROUP at all times and to have working lights, white or yellow to the front and red to the rear, after dark Obey the rules of the road they apply to all. Obey rules applying at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, pelican crossings and zebra crossings A cyclist must use a cycle track if it is provided and must obey cycle track lights Dont ever ride or attempt to ride a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs it is against the law Make yourself as visible as possible at all times wear a reflective belt and/or reflective vest Wear a correctly-fitting cycle helmet When making a turn, look behind to check, signal clearly with your arm held out, look again and move into new position Make sure your brakes work check your brake blocks and replace when worn When passing parked cars give a wide berth in case someone opens the door Dont use a personal entertainment system or a mobile phone while cycling Dont take up a position on the inside of a large vehicle out of view of the driver. Instead, stay behind if the large vehicle has stopped at a junction with the intention of turning left. Remember, all vehicles have blind spots and the driver may not be able to see you. n

a selection of your photography



Cyclists are much smaller, can be difficult to see and a larger vehicle passing too close or too fast could blow them over



Remember your blind spots check all mirrors before manoeuvring. Check for cyclists if you are opening your door onto the road Slow down the faster your drive, the less time you have to react Proceed very slowly round lefthand bends there could be a cyclist around the corner Use daytime running lights it is much easier for all traffic to see you, including cyclists. You are making them more alert to the presence of an oncoming vehicle and giving them a better chance of avoiding it There are also measures that cyclists must take to protect themselves when using the roads and to comply with the rules of the road:


1. Coolkeeragh Rainbow by James Hockley. 2. Coolkeeragh Sunrise over the Foyle by P. Doherty. 3. Fire on Howth Head by Roisin OHea. 4. Power to the People at Dunlewy, Co. Donegal Anon. 5. Common ringed plover by B. Robinson.

Remember, you are sharing the roads with other machines, much bigger and faster than you Its law to have a bell on your bike

For more information contact Grinne Coogan, Communications Officer. Tel: (01) 463 1721; email: safedriving@; web: http://esbnet/safedriving.

By Dave Walshe

There isnt a fundraising meeting held in this country where a charity cycle isnt top of the agenda because of the large potential participation. For cyclists, the level of organisation required to run such an event is appreciated as I experienced rst-hand when I recently cycled from Mizen Head to Malin Head. If I was to undertake organising this myself I doubt if Id have attempted it. Training for this was very enjoyable and has led me to take part in many more

THE NEW PHENOMENON that is cycling has really taken off in recent years. Lots of lycra-clad bodies are familiar sights on our roads, with a lot more joining them. The increase is down to a number of factors, including the ease of getting around the Bike to Work Scheme, health benets and the proliferation of suitable clothing.

cycle challenges. Once you get the bug you will be looking to take part in events, such as the Wicklow 200 and the Ring of Kerry. ESB International has, for the past number of years, cycled between the Dublin and Cork ofces (The O2O Cycle) in a day. Despite all the plusses related to cycling, our current initiatives into cycling are somewhat less than ideal. There is new legislation coming to provide for xed penalty nes for cycling transgressions, most notably breaking red lights. Non-cyclists see this as a major transgression, but

in some parts of France it is allowed and encouraged. In the UK, Kensington and Chelsea, councils allow cyclists to go the wrong way up/down a oneway street because, remember, one-way streets are for trafc calming measures and make no sense when applied to cyclists. We spend multi-millions on road infrastructure, but little on pathways/routes for cyclists. More people use bicycles than public transport in Dublin. Cycling is a fast and effective way of getting around and its wider adoption should be seen as a health and transportation positive and earmarked for

more funding and positive initiatives. Some cycling musts are insurance and proper protective equipment and clothing. Do not get on a bike without a helmet; in the same way as you

wouldnt drive or be driven in a car without a seatbelt. But please do get on yer bike. Youll be glad you did. n
For more information on the Bike To Work Scheme, visit

August/September 2013



By Simon Dunne


HEALTH AND WELLBEING INITIATIVES that support building Personal Resilience
The Wheel of Life.


AS A RESULT of ongoing member feedback and the 2012 Member Survey, weve introduced an education loan to help members pay for thirdlevel education. Key benets: Flexible: Drawdown when needed over the course of education Competitive: Interest rate @ 6.5% variable (1% below standard variable rate) Peace of mind: Once approved, members can draw down the loan in stages as required EXAMPLE Cost of college fees in years 1&2: 15,000 p.a. Cost of college fees in years 3&4: 7,500 p.a. Total loan required: 45,000 Minimum monthly payments*: 625 * based on maximum repayment term of four years from the date of nal drawdown (seven years from the date of rst drawdown).


Our Education Award is open to students commencing their third-level studies in the next academic year. The value of the Education Award is 3,000 per annum for a maximum period of four years. This award is for the dependent children of St Patricks Credit Union (ESB Staff) Ltd members One Education Award per annum will be offered to students commencing their third-level studies in the next academic year Your application for the ESBThird-Level Education Award will automatically include you in the Credit Union Draw. n Please see our website,, for more details and terms and conditions or to discuss, contact Siobhan/Simon. Tel: (01) 632 5121/(01) 632 5125.
Family Personal Growth

tinuous movement over a period of time, such as walking, jogging and vacuuming. You can accumulate your 30 minutes over two or three shorter sessions, or do it all in one go; either way, you get the same health benets.


Always chose activities you enjoy remember, you dont need to be sporty to be active. Even those day-to-day chores, like housework and gardening, all count Remember the positives once you start being more active, youll have more energy and youll feel more relaxed If you miss a day, just start again the next day your health is worth the effort


Financial Health

Mental Health

Physical Health

Health and wellbeing initiatives that support building personal resilience.


IN THESE CHALLENGING times looking after your health has never been more important. The Health and Wellbeing programme being rolled-out over the coming months by the Health & Wellbeing team is aimed at providing good information, advice and support to help staff in maintaining good health and wellbeing. In order to create a better understanding of the programme, we have created a new look and feel, Your Health and Wellbeing, with ve icons representing different aspects of the programme. Using the ve icons to wellbeing, we will be working together to develop and create a culture that builds and supports staff where they will feel valued and engaged by taking personal ownership for their health and wellbeing. We will be running a series of awareness campaigns, focussing on health and wellbeing initiatives, such as mental health, nancial wellbeing, physical wellbeing, family and addictions. Our focus this year for good health and wellbeing includes: Supporting staff to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing Nationwide seminars on stress management and nancial wellbeing for all staff Communicate and circulate monthly bulletins on various health topics Developing a health and wellbeing portal as a communication channel for staff without access to personal computers Making staff aware of all the support services available to them to deal with the challenges and difculties in their lives.


Walk each day why not walk all or part of the way to the shops, to the local leisure centre or to work Climb more stairs whenever you can, go up the stairs instead of using the lift or escalator Avoid sitting for long periods take a break from sitting every 30 minutes Exercise with friends you can engage in active pass times with your friends: either a walk, a run, a swim or many more activities that can be enjoyable and good for your health

St Patricks Credit Union Competition


Being active improves both your physical and mental wellbeing. Building up to 30 minutes of physical activity a day can help improve the health of your heart. Being active provides long-term benets for your health and wellbeing. It can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, some cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Over 20% of coronary heart disease and 10% of stroke is due to physical inactivity. It also helps control your weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improve your mental health. Staying active while you cope with lifes ups and downs relaxes the mind and body, helps to reduce the build up of tension and can add some fun to your day.

Win an iPod nano!

To be in with a chance of winning please answer the following question and text your To be in with a chance of winning, please answer the following question and text your answer to 087 985 8238 in the following format: CUCOMP, followed by your answer (a, b or c), and your name. What are the monthly repayments on an Education Loan of 45,000 (based on maximum repayment term of four years from the date of final drawdown, i.e., seven years from the date of first drawdown?

a) 1,025 pm b) 825 pm c) 625 pm Important: Only one entry per person, no mail entries acceptable, and the closing date is the September 27th 2013. Last issues winner was Padraig Moriarty, working in Killarney. Congratulations Padraig and your iPod nano is on the way out to you.


ESB Clubs SharePoint was launched in June 2013. This allows you to join any new or existing clubs. It just might give you the motivation you need. Visit the site and get membership details. This is available through the sport and social site on the intranet. Important note: If you have concerns in relation to starting a new exercise programme you should consult your GP for advice. n

Camp dates: 1) 8th - 12th July 2) 15th - 19th July 3) 22nd - 26th July 4) 29th - 2nd August 5) 12th - 16th August 6) 19th - 23rd August

Ages: 4-12yrs
Pre/after care available: 8.30 - 9.30am /4.00 - 5.30pm Camp times: 9.30am - 4.00pm VOUCHERS AVAILABLE


Do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity on most days of the week. Remember, moderate intensity means your heart rate and breathing will increase and you will feel warmer and aerobic activity involves con-

* Swimming & pool games * Mini sports lessons * Basketball * Unihoc * Tennis * Table Quiz * Arts & Crafts * Kung-Fu * Educational talks * Programme may vary from week to week, please check beforehand. Forms available at reception and on the website.

For useful information on how to get active, visit www., and



ITS THAT TIME again get your entries in for the event taking place on Saturday October 5th. There are three separate competitions: Mens, Womens and Mens Over 40s. The competitions are open to all ESB and Electric Ireland staff, all staff of ESB subsidiary companies, contract staff working solely with ESB premises and EirGrid staff.The fee is 160 per team. n To enter, please contact Frank OConnor or Conor Murray. Email: or

Win a 50 One 4 All voucher

To be in with a chance of winning the 50 voucher, please answer the following question: How many minutes of physical activity each day can improve the health of your heart? (a) 20 minutes (b) 30 minutes (c) 5 minutes Please email your answer to Closing date: September 13th.


Crossword 1
1 2 3 4 5

August/September 2013


CROSSWORD: Win shopping vouchers worth 200 and 100 with our crossword competition
to be won!

COMPETITIONS: Great prizes up for grabs below

EM Comp


10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 23 17




25 26 27 28 31 33 32 34 35





Across 1. Adjustable spanner. (6,6) 7. Donkey. (3) 9. Stalk. (4) 10. Counteract the effect of; undo. (6) 11. Nought. (4) 14. Type of bird. (5) 15. Type of gas. (5) 16. In previous time. (4) 18. Book of maps. (5) 21. Surmise. (5) 22. The language of Ancient Rome. (5) 23. Town famous for its witch trials. (5) 24. Natural coral formation. (4) 25. Salad plant. (5) 26. Sixties dance. (5) 29. German composer. (4) 33. Holiday destination. (6) 34. One who fibs. (4) 36. Hostility. (3) 37. She helps schoolchildren cross the road. (8,4) Across 1 & 9d. A successful getaway. (1,5,4,2,5) 6. Drink made of fermented honey. (4) 10. Twin brother of Romulus. (5) 11. Its said to happen when youre having fun. (4,5) 12. As foolish as a donkey. (7) 15. Rub out. (5) 17. Hooter. (4) 18. Burden. (4) 19. Town in Bedfordshire. (5) 21. Chaps. (7) 23. Madame Butterfly, for example. (5) 24. Husks. (4) 25. Current affairs. (4) 26. One of Disneys Magnificent Seven. (5) 28. Conference. (7) 33. Infamous. (9) 34. Strong winds. (5) 35. Unusual. (4)

Down 1. Rug. (3) 2. Appellation. (4) 3. Shiny finish found on some cutlery. ( 4. Cart. (5) 5. What you do when you chow down! (3,2) 6. In good health. (4) 8. Meteor. (8,4) 9. The right side of a ship. (9,3) 12. Counsel. (6) 13. South American mountain range. (5) 14. Tiny. (5) 17. Stags horn. (6) 19. Restrict. (5) 20. Loose. (5) 27. Castor. (5) 28. Type of craft. (5) 30. Ringlet. (4) 31. Pace. (4) 32. Earnest request. (4) 35. Whichever of those mentioned. (3) 36. Wintry weather feature. (10) Down 1. Imperial unit of area. (4) 2. Calcium deposit that may damage ones water-system. (9) 3. Criminal burning. (5) 4. Climbing spike. (5) 5. Girls name. (4) 7. Ms Doolittle, perhaps. (5) 8. Having good taste. (10) 9. See 1 across. 13. Small island. (4) 14. Infinite. (7) 16. One who gives plasma, etc. (5,5) 20. Waterproof covering. (9) 21. Triumphal accolade played on many a trumpet. (7) 22. Pleasantly hot. (4) 27. Sacrificial table. (5) 29. Artists stand. (5) 30. A bar of metal. (5) 31. Settee. (4) 32. Egyptian goddess, wife and sister of Osiris. (4)


With thanks to the Bridge House Hotel in Tullamore, Co. Offaly, you could win a relaxing break for two at the midlands best-loved fourstar hotel, complete with luxury spa, Michelin Guide recommended restaurant, an Italian restaurant and The Palace Tullamore nightclub. Two adults will enjoy two nights B&B with dinner in the hotels Italian restaurant, Balcone Italiano, on one evening and full use of the hotels Leisure Club throughout your stay. The Bridge House Hotel has great spa breaks available including two nights B&B, a dinner on one evening, a spa treatment and a session in the spas Relaxation Chambers from just 149 per person sharing midweek, or 189 per person sharing at weekends! The Bridge House Hotel one of Irelands greatest four-star hotels. For further information visit or Locall 1850 312 312/+353 57 9325600. To enter the draw to win two nights B&B, with dinner on one evening, at the Bridge House Hotel, just answer the following question and follow the guidelines listed below: Where is the name of the Bridge House Hotels restaurant? a) Falcon Fries b) Italian Summer c) Balcone Italiano


Looking for a fun-filled family break this year? Then look no further than the Castle Oaks Country House Hotel, the perfect destination for any family. Set in a dream location in Limerick on 26 acres of beautiful mature gardens that lead down to the banks of the River Shannon, this luxurious family run four-star hotel in Limerick is proud of its reputation of being one of the finest hotels in Limerick. In association with Select Hotels, win a two-night stay for two adults and two children, including B&B plus dinner on one evening in the Castle Oaks Country House Hotel a member of Select Hotels of Ireland. Select Hotels have wonderful family packages, from our midweek package of only 99 for bed and breakfast, to our two-night special including dinner on one evening for only 249 in total for a family of four. For all family packages and other wonderful offers check out our website or call 1850 200 560. Terms and conditions apply. To enter the draw to win two nights B&B, with dinner on one evening, at Castle Oaks Country House Hotel, just answer the following question and follow the guidelines listed below: Where is Castle Oaks Country House Hotel located? a) Mayo b) Donegal c) Limerick

EM Comp

Crossword 2
1 2 3 4 5

to be won!
6 7 9




12 16 18 21 23 25 26 27


14 17


19 22 24


28 31


30 32 34



Perched on the edge of the River Moy in Co. Mayo, the Ice House is a hotel like no other. From the breath taking river views and chic dcor, to the fine dining and excellent service, a stay here is truly a blissful escape from start to finish. Enjoy contemporary design and individuality when staying at the Ice House, panoramic floor-to ceiling riverside views from your bed, and all of the modern luxuries that you can expect at one of the very best hotels in the West of Ireland. Take the time to relax and unwind in the haven of tranquillity that is the Chill Spa. The treatments and thermal area offer a selection of indulgent facials, massages, pedicures and outdoor hot tubs, should you fancy a dip. The Ice House, Ballina is the perfect escape, by car or train. Come and see for yourself all that the Ice House has to offer. Email: or visit our website,
T&Cs apply. Midweek Sun-Thurs. Subject to availability.

EM Comp



Healthy dining
split the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds. 4 Put the seeds into a large bowl with the cream cheese and beat until softened. 5 Add the condensed milk, eggs, orange zest and juice. Beat with an electric whisk until well blended. 6 Layer a handful of blueberries onto the biscuit BAKED BLUEBERRY base. Stir all but a handful of CHEESECAKE the remaining blueberries into Serves 8-10 the cream cheese mixture and 75g butter, melted, plus extra pour it into the tin. 7 Put the tin on a baking for greasing sheet and scatter over the 250g ginger nut biscuits, remaining blueberries, pushing crushed them down into the mixture. 1 vanilla pod up as it cools. 500g cream cheese 1 x 397 tin of condensed milk 8 Set the tin on the middle rack 3 eggs, lightly beaten of the oven and bake for 45 Zest of 1 small orange, plus minutes to 1 hour until golden 1 tsp of juice brown and almost set. It will still 400g blueberries be a little wobbly in the centre, but it will firm up as it cools. 1 Preheat the oven to 9 Open the oven door, but 180C/160C fan/gas mark 4 leave the cheesecake to cool and grease a deep, 24cm noncompletely inside the oven stick springform cake tin with before removing it. some of the butter. 10 Run a knife around the 2 Mix the crushed biscuits with edges to remove from the the melted butter and spoon baking tin. Chill, covered, for a into the tin. Pat it down evenly few hours or overnight for best and firmly with the back of a results, then serve. Enjoy! spoon to form the base. Chill for Per Serving: Fat 32.2g Sat.Fat 17.4g, 10 minutes. Carbs 47.1g, Energy 512kcal Protein 10.2g Sodium 0.26g Sugar 3 Use a small, sharp knife to
25.8g, Fibre 1.2g


Serves 4 2 garlic cloves, crushed Juice and zest of 2 limes 80ml olive oil 450g chicken thighs 2 tomatoes, sliced 2 cucumbers, halved lengthways and sliced 1 red onion, thinly sliced 2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped 4 flour tortillas Non-stick cooking spray 2 tsp chilli powder To serve: Lime wedges Mixed leaves salad

To enter the draw to win two nights B&B in a Deluxe Riverview room, with dinner on one evening in the Pier Restaurant at the Ice House Hotel with complimentary access to the Chill Spa thermal area, just answer the following question and follow the guidelines listed below: The Ice House Hotel is located near what river? a) River Moy b) River Shannon c) River Neagh


to combine. 3 Heat the barbecue to a medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook for 5-6 minutes on each side or until cooked through. 4 Spray each side of the tortillas with the cooking spray and sprinkle with the chilli powder. Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side or until brown and crisp. Cut into wedges. 5 Sprinkle the chicken with the lime zest and serve with lime wedges, salad and tortilla wedges.
Per Serving: Fat 28.1g, Sat.Fat 5g, Carbs 22.8g Energy 484kcal, Protein 36.1g, Sodium 0.16g, Sugar 5.5g, Fibre 4.2g The closing date for all competitions is September 13th. Competitions, except where specified, are open to all readers. There are two ways to enter competitions in EM.

1 SMS from your mobile phone

Combine the garlic, two tablespoons of lime juice and 60ml of oil in a baking dish. Add the chicken, season with salt and pepper and turn to coat. 2 In a separate bowl, combine the tomatoes, cucumber, onion and coriander. Drizzle with the remaining oil and one tablespoon of lime juice. Toss

Each competition has a number associated with it. You can use this number to enter the competitions via SMS from your mobile phone. To enter the competition simply text the relevant number, followed by your answer, and your name to 087 923 9210. For example, if your name is John Smith and you wish to enter competition 1, then text one of the following, depending on your answer to the question: EMCOMP1 A John Smith EMCOMP1 B John Smith EMCOMP1 C John Smith Important You must use the above format, and must ensure that there is a space between the number and your answer, and between your answer and your name. Entries not matching the above format will not be recognised. You will still be charged for the message. All messages are charged

at the standard rate and winners will be selected at random. Should you be chosen as the winner of the competition, you will receive a phone call to the mobile phone you used to send your entry. Please note that received texts will not have an auto response but you will be included in the draw. Numbers for each competition:

Send your answer along with your name and address, clearly indicating which competition you are entering by using the above numbers on the envelope to EM, ESB Corporate Communications, 27 Lwr Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2.

Last issues competition winners

EM COMPETITION 1: Sean Rynne. The winner receives a midweek break at Sheraton Athlone Hotel. EM COMPETITION 2: Philip Higgins, M. Fagin, Joan Lynam. Each of the three winners receives a pair of tickets to Sinatra The Voice of the Century at NCH.

EM COMPETITION 3: John Dolan, P. Hickey, Anne Marie Casey. Each of the three winners receives a pair of tickets to Glenn Miller Greatest Hits at NCH. CROSSWORDS 200 SHOPPING VOUCHER: L. Daly, R. Gleeson and Joan Burke. CROSSWORDS 100 SHOPPING VOUCHER: M. Ryan, Marian Collins and Jim Costello.

Last issues crossword solutions

Download the Easy Food App for tasty recipes and features that will help you to make a delicious meal with the ingredients in your fridge! The Easy Food App is available from iTunes.

Crossword 1 Across: 1. Nib 3. Counterfeit 8. Gannet 9. Wanderer 10. Tenor 11. Erect 13. Paris 15. Gremlin 16. Careful 20. Event 21. Exact 23. Dunce 24. Reverses 25. Carton 26. Transaction 27. Cos. Down: 1. Nightingale 2. Banknote 3. Clear 4. New York 5. Ridge 6. Earned 7. Tar 12. Table tennis 13. Prize 14. Shaft 17. Frenetic 18. Deposit 19. Latvia 22. Tires 23. Drain 24. Rot Crossword 2 Across: 1. Ill 3. Peace of mind 8. Plaits 9. Spirited 10. Royal 11. Marks 13. Shelf 15. Nursery 16. Horatio 20. Ashes 21. Third 23. Demur 24. Waterloo 25. Stench 26. Belly dancer 27. Nip. Down: 1. Impertinent 2. Leap Year 3. Petal 4. Cashier 5. Forum 6. Intern 7. Did 12. Scholarship 13. Syria 14. Floss 17. The Man in the Moon 19. Distil 22. Derry 23. Deter 24. Web.

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