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Financial Management Financial management is one of important task that should be applied when

running a business.Financial management basically can be defined as the combination of four activities which are consist planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities in order to make sure the objective of organization or firm can be achieve.Basically when it come about financial management ,its objective or target is to maximize the profit and to reduce the cost as minimum as can. In financial management basically it had a few function such as estimation of capital requirements, determination of capital composition, choice of sources of funds, investment of funds, disposal of surplus, management of cash and financial controls.All of this function are very important in order to ensure the optimization of fund can be done successfully.Beside that all the functions also applied because to ensure all the business plan include the investment of the business,profit return to the share holders and etc is going accordingly.


Economics Basically economic can be defined as a social science that study about the

utilization of human need with the resource that exist which is involves people such as individuals, governments, firms and nations . Economic can be divide into two types which are macroeconomy and microeconomy. Microeconomy can be defined as a

science to study and analyze the market behaviour of consumers and firm which is basically focused on the supply and demand.Microeconomics also analyze the determination of price and output in individual market.Macroeconomics can be define as a study about behaviour of the aggregate economy which is it focused on the movement and trends in the economy as a whole. Ecomic study is very important because it can determine the development of the country and the sustainability of the country.The falling down of the economis of country can effect the stability of country and more worse it can cause the suffered of the citizen within the country.The economic is said to be stable when the economics is in the equilibriun in the demand and supply. When the ecomics is not stable it can cause many worse thing which is it can cause the inflations and deflations. Inflation can be defined as the continuos increasing of the price of goods and services.This phenomena is not good because it can cause so many things such as the reduction purchasing power which is the consumer cannot afford the cost of the goods in order to utilized their needs.Beside that inflation also can cause the ability of county to compete with other country such as it will affect the export activities. Deflation is the continuosly falling of the pice of goods and sevices from the equilibrium point.The deflation can cause the increasing the unemployment, business ability will going down,and the avaibility of paying loan will decrease because of business profit is too low.

3.0 An

Organizational Management organization a set-up where individuals from diverse backgrounds, different

educational qualifications and varied interests come together to work towards a common goal is called an organization. The employees must work in close coordination with each other and try their level best to achieve the organizations goals. It is essential to manage the employees well for them to feel indispensable for the organization. Organization management helps to extract the best out of each employee so that they accomplish the tasks within the given time frame. Organization management binds the employees together and gives them a sense of loyalty towards the organization. Organizational management can be define as to the art of getting people together on a common platform to make them work towards a common predefined goal.Basically the organizational management involve four function which is planning, organizing, leading and controling. Planning is activities to prepare an effective business plan. It is essential to decide on the future course of action to avoid confusions later on. Organizing refers to the judicious use of resources to achieve the best out of the employees.For example for organizing is to prepare a monthly budget for smooth cash flow.Leading activities is focused on the manager or leader which is managers or superiors must set clear targets for the team members. A leader must make sure his team members work in unison towards a common objective. He is the one who decides what would be right in a particular situation.The last function in management is controlling.Controlling

activities is about the manager supervise the flow of activities in order to make sure all activies that been done is according to the specification that had be set up.

Organizational management was improved year by year to increase the efficiency of the management in order to achieve the goal of the organization or firm. 4.0 Marketing

Marketing is defined as the process of determining the needs and wants of consumers and being able to deliver products that satisfy those needs and wants. Marketing includes all of the activities necessary to move a product from the producer to the consumer. In order for the marketing bridge to work correctly in providing consumers with opportunities to purchase the products and services they need in the marketing process must accomplish nine important functions.The functions are:

a) Buying

people have the the opportunity to buy products that they want.

b) Selling

producers function within a free market to sell products to consumers.

c) Financing

banks and other financial institutions provide money for the productionand marketing of products.

d) Storage

products must be stored and protect ed until they are needed. This functionis especially important for perishable products such as fruits and vegetables.

e) Transportation

products must be physically relocated to the locations where consumers can buy them. This is a very important function. Transportation includes rail road, ship, airplane, truck, and telecommunications for non-tangible products such as market information.

f) Processing

processing involves turning a raw product, like wheat, into something theconsumer can use

g) Risk-Taking

insurance companies provide coverage to protect producers and marketers from loss due to fire, theft, or natural disasters.

h) Market Information

information from around the world about market conditions, weather, price movements, and political changes, can affect the marketing process. Market

information is provided by all forms of telecommunication, such as television, the internet, and phone.


Grading and Standardizing

Many products are graded in order to conform to previously determined standards of quality.

So it is important to applied the good and effective strategy of marketing because if its fails or not effective it will affect the total sales of the product.So when the sales fall down it will affect the profit of the company and the business development will going slow or bankrupt.


Sustainable Development

Sustainable development involves devising a social and economic system, which ensures that these goals are sustained, i.e. that real incomes rise, that educational standards increase, that the health of the nation improves, that the general quality of life is advanced. Economic development is sought by societies not only to satisfy basic material needs, but also to provide the resources to improve the quality of life in other directions, meeting the demand for health care, education and a good environment. Many forms of economic development make demands upon the environment; they use natural resources which are sometimes in limited supply, and generate by-products of pollution and waste. But there are also many ways in which the right kind of economic activity can protect or enhance the environment. These include energy efficiency

measures, improved technology and techniques of management, better product design and marketing, waste minimization, environmentally friendly farming practices, making better use of land and buildings, and improved transport efficiency.

The challenge of sustainable development is to promote ways of encouraging this kind of environmentally friendly economic activity, and of discouraging environmentally damaging activities.So the this issue is very important to keep the company sustain and growth in long tme period.

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