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ASTM Standards

Group of ASTM standards for steel pipes, tubes and fittings

This volume features ASTM standards for various types of steel pipe and specify requirements for high-temperature service, ordinary use, and special applications such as fire protection use. Specifications for steel tubes list standard requirements for:

Boiler and superheater tubes eneral service tubes Still tubes in refinery service !eat e"changer and condenser tubes Mechanical tubing and Structural tubing.

Also included are ne# standards, #hich cover the general requirements for alloy and stainless steel pipe, and editorial form and style for #riting product specifications. STEEL PIPES A$% A./ A$%&A$%M-''b A./-'0 Specification for (ipe, Steel, Blac) and !ot-*ipped, +inc-,oated, -elded and Seamless Specification for ,ast 1ron Soil (ipe and 2ittings Specification for Seamless ,arbon Steel (ipe for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for rey 1ron ,astings for 7alves, 2langes, and (ipe 2ittings Specification for (ipe, Steel, 8lectric-2usion 9Arc:--elded 9Si;es <(S 35 and =ver: Specification for 8lectric->esistance--elded Steel (ipe Specification for 8lectric-2usion 9Arc:--elded Steel (ipe 9<(S / and =ver: Specification for 2orged or >olled Alloy-Steel (ipe 2langes, 2orged 2ittings, and 7alves and (arts for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for -elded and Seamless Steel (ipe (iles Specification for Seamless and -elded Austenitic Stainless Steel

A345 A345-''e3 A365 A365-'$e3 A3%/ A3%/-'5 A3%$ A3%$-'.c A3%' A3%'-'5e3 A306 A306&A306M-'' A6$6 A6$6-'0 A%36 A%36&A%36M-44

(ipes A%%% A%%%&A%%%M-'' A%%$ A%%$&A%%$M-'' A%%0 A%%0-0/ 93''0: A%$0 A%$0&A%$0M-'0 A%5' A%5'&A%5'M-'6 A%.5 A%.5&A%.5M-'0 A%.. A%..-'' A/4' A/4'&A/4'M'$ae3 Specification for Seamless and -elded Steel (ipe for ?o#Temperature Service Specification for Seamless 2erritic Alloy-Steel (ipe for !ighTemperature Service Specification for Malleable 1ron 2langes, (ipe 2ittings, and 7alve (arts for >ailroad, Marine, and =ther !eavy *uty Service at Temperatures @p to 5$4A2 9%/$A,: Specification for 8lectric-2usion--elded Austenitic ,hromium<ic)el Alloy Steel (ipe for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for ,arbon and 2erritic Alloy Steel 2orged and Bored (ipe for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for Seamless Austenitic Steel (ipe for !ighTemperature ,entral-Station Service 1nde" of Specifications for *uctile-1ron (ressure (ipe Specification for -elded ?arge *iameter Austenitic Steel (ipe for ,orrosive or !igh-Temperature Service Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast 2erritic Alloy Steel (ipe for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast Austenitic Steel (ipe for !ighTemperature Service Specification for (lain 8nd Seamless and 8lectric->esistance-elded Steel (ipe for !igh-(ressure (ipe-Type ,able ,ircuits Specification for Seamless ,arbon Steel (ipe for Atmospheric and ?o#er Temperatures Specification for eneral >equirements for Speciali;ed ,arbon and Alloy Steel (ipe Specification for Steel -ire, !ard *ra#n for (restressing ,oncrete (ipe (ractice for (olyethylene 8ncasement for *uctile 1ron (ipe for -ater or =ther ?iquids Specification for ,arbon and Alloy Steel (ipe, 8lectric-2usion-elded for !igh-(ressure Service at !igh Temperatures Specification for ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for (ipe 2langes, 2ittings, 7alves, and (arts for !igh-(ressure Transmission Service Specification for *uctile 1ron ,ulvert (ipe Specification for -elded and Seamless ,arbon Steel and Austenitic

A/65 A/65-'6 93''.: A/$3 A/$3-'% 93''.: A$6% A$6%-'5 A$6/ A$6/-'5 A$%4 A$%4&A$%4M-'' A5/0 A5/0-'$e3 A5./ A5./-'$ A5'3 A5'3-'0 A5'/ A5'/&A5'/M-44 A.35 A.35-'' A.%% A.%%-''

Stainless Steel (ipe <ipples A./6 A./6&A./6M-'0 A./5 A./5-'' A.54 A.54&A.54M-'' A.53 A.53&A.53M-'0 A.56 A.56&A.56M-'0 A.'4 A.'4&A.'4M-'' A.'5 A.'5&A.'5M-'' A.'0 A.'0&A.'0M-'.a A04. A04.&A04.M-'. A034 A034-'/ A03% A03%&A03%M-'$e6 A03/ A03/&A03/M-'5 93''0: Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic ,oated and (olymer (recoated for ,orrugated Steel (ipe Specification for *uctile 1ron ravity Se#er (ipe Specification for ,orrugated Steel (ipe, Metallic-,oated for Se#ers and *rains Specification for ,orrugated Steel Structural (late, +inc-,oated, for 2ield-Bolted (ipe, (ipe-Arches, and Arches Specification for ,orrugated Steel (ipe, (olymer (recoated for Se#ers and *rains Specification for Seamless and -elded 2erritic&Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipe (ractice for Structural *esign of ,orrugated Steel (ipe, (ipe-Arches, and Arches for Storm and Sanitary Se#ers and =ther Buried Applications (ractice for 1nstalling 2actory-Made ,orrugated Steel (ipe for Se#ers and =ther Applications (ractice for 1nstalling ,orrugated Steel Structural (late (ipe for Se#ers and =ther Applications Specification for +inc-,oated 9 alvani;ed: Steel (ipe -inding Mesh Specification for Single- or *ouble--elded Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipe Specification for ,old--or)ed -elded Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipe Specification for (ost-Applied ,oatings, (avings, and ?inings for ,orrugated Steel Se#er and *rainage (ipe Specification for !igh-Silicon 1ron (ipe and 2ittings (ractice for Application of Asphalt ,oatings to ,orrugated Steel Se#er and *rainage (ipe Specification for Threaded ,ouplings, Steel, Blac) or +inc-,oated 9 alvani;ed: -elded or Seamless, for @se in Steel (ipe Boints Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast 2erritic&Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipe for ,orrosive 8nvironments Specification for Steel Sheet, +inc and Aramid 2iber ,omposite ,oated for ,orrugated Steel Se#er, ,ulvert, and @nderdrain (ipe Specification for !ubless ,ast 1ron Soil (ipe and 2ittings for

A0/' A0/'-'' A053 A053-'/e3 A056 A056&A056M-'0 A05$ A05$-'. A0.6 A0.6-'3 93''.: A00$ A00$&A00$M-'5 A000 A000-'0e3

Sanitary and Storm *rain, -aste, and 7ent (iping Applications A'65 A'65-'. A'60 A'60&A'60M-'0 A'6' A'6'&A'6'M-'. A'%4 A'%4-'' A'/% A'/%&A'/%M-'$e3 A'/' A'/'&A'/'M-'$e3 A'$/ A'$/-'5 A'.6 A'.6&A'.6M-'' A'.0 A'.0&A'.0M-'. A'0/ A'0/&A'0/M-44 A''0 A''0&A''0M-'0 A''' A'''&A'''M-'0 A344$ A344$&A344$M-44 A3445 A3445&A3445M-44 STEEL TUBES Boiler, Superheater, and Miscellaneous Tubes A3.0 A3.0&A3.0M-'$ A3.' A3.'&A3.'M-'4a Specification for 8lectric->esistance--elded ,arbon Steel and ,arbon-Manganese Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes Specification for Seamless ,old-*ra#n ?o#-,arbon Steel !eatTest Method for ,omparing the Abrasion >esistance of ,oating Materials for ,orrugated Metal (ipe Specification for 2erritic&Austenitic 9*uple": Stainless Steel (ipe 8lectric 2usion -elded #ith Addition of 2iller Metal Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic-,oated by the !ot-*ip (rocess for ,orrugated Steel (ipe (ractice for ?ife-,ycle ,ost Analysis of ,orrugated Metal (ipe @sed for ,ulverts, Storm Se#ers, and =ther Buried ,onduits Specification for Spray-2ormed Seamless Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipes Specification for Spray-2ormed Seamless 2erritic&Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipe Specification for Austenitic ,hromium-<ic)el-Silicon Alloy Steel Seamless and -elded (ipe Specification for 2usion Bonded 8po"y-,oated (ipe (iles Specification for ,omposite >ibbed Steel (ipe, (recoated and (olyethylene ?ined for ravity 2lo# Sanitary Se#ers, Storm Se#ers, and =ther Special Applications Specification for Steel ?ine (ipe, Blac), (lain-8nd, 8lectric>esistance--elded (ractice for Structural *esign of >einforcements for 2ittings in 2actory-Made ,orrugated Steel (ipe for Se#ers and =ther Applications Specification for eneral >equirements for Alloy and Stainless Steel (ipe Specification for Steel ?ine (ipe, Blac), (lain 8nd, ?ongitudinal and !elical Seam, *ouble Submerged-Arc -elded Specification for Steel ?ine (ipe, Blac), (lain 8nd, ?aser Beam -elded

93''5: e3 A3'6 A3'6&A3'6M-'3 93''5: e3

8"changer and ,ondenser Tubes Specification for Seamless ,arbon Steel Boiler Tubes for !igh(ressure Service Specification for Seamless ,arbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes Specification for Seamless Medium-,arbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes Specification for Seamless 2erritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, and !eat-8"changer Tubes Specification for -elded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, !eat8"changer, and ,ondenser Tubes Specification for 8lectric->esistance--elded 2erritic Alloy-Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes Specification for ,opper-Bra;ed Steel Tubing Specification for Seamless and -elded 2erritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for eneral Service Specification for Seamless and -elded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for eneral Service Specification for Seamless and -elded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary Tubing Specification for Seamless and -elded ,arbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for ?o#-Temperature Service Specification for Seamless and 8lectric--elded ?o#-Alloy Steel Tubes Specification for eneral >equirements for ,arbon, 2erritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast 1ron-,hromium-<ic)el !ighAlloy Tubing for (ressure Application at !igh Temperatures Specification for !ot-2ormed -elded and Seamless !igh-Strength ?o#-Alloy Structural Tubing Specification for Seamless and -elded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing 9Small-*iameter: for eneral Service Specification for -elded Austenitic Stainless Steel 2eed#ater !eater Tubes Specification for Seamless Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for ?iquid Metal-,ooled >eactor ,ore ,omponents Specification for -elded, @nanneled Austenitic Stainless Steel

A64' A64'&A64'M-'0 A634 A634&A634M-'5 A63% A63%&A63%M-''a A6/' A6/'&A6/'M-'0e3 A6$4 A6$4&A6$4M-'$ A6$/ A6$/-'. A650 A650&A650M-'5 A65' A65'-'0 A6.4 A6.4-'0ae3 A%%/ A%%/&A%%/M-'' A/6% A/6%&A/6%M-'$ A/$4 A/$4&A/$4M-'5a A540 A540-'3a 93''0: A530 A530-'' A5%6 A5%6-'0 A500 A500&A500M-'0 A..3 A..3&A..3M-'$ A..0 A..0-'0

Tubular (roducts A.0' A.0'&A.0'M-44 A04% A04%&A04%M-'0 A066 A066-'4 93''$: e3 A065 A065&A065M-'$ A0/. A0/.-''a A'40 A'40-'3 93''0: A'$% A'$%-'5 Specification for Seamless and -elded 2erritic&Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for eneral Service Specification for -elded 2erritic Stainless Steel 2eed#ater !eater Tubes Specification for Seamless ,old-*ra#n ,arbon Steel Tubing for !ydraulic System Service Specification for Seamless Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel *uct Tubes for ?iquid Metal-,ooled >eactor ,ore ,omponents Specification for ,old-2ormed -elded and Seamless !igh Strength, ?o# Alloy Structural Tubing #ith 1mproved Atmospheric ,orrosion >esistance Specification for Stainless Steel <eedle Tubing Specification for Austenitic ,hromium-<ic)el-Silicon Alloy Steel Seamless and -elded Tubing

Heat E!changer and "ondenser Tubes A3.' A3.'&A3.'M-'4a 93''5: e3 Specification for Seamless ,old-*ra#n ?o#-,arbon Steel !eat8"changer and ,ondenser Tubes Specification for Seamless 2erritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, and !eat-8"changer Tubes Specification for 8lectric->esistance--elded ,arbon Steel !eat8"changer and ,ondenser Tubes Specification for -elded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, !eat8"changer, and ,ondenser Tubes Specification for Seamless and -elded ,arbon, 2erritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel !eat-8"changer Tubes #ith 1ntegral 2ins Specification for !igh-2requency 1nduction -elded, @nannealed, Austenitic Steel ,ondenser Tubes

A63% A63%&A63%M-''a A63/ A63/&A63/M-'5 A6/' A6/'&A6/'M-'0e3 A/'0 A/'0-'0 A0$3 A0$3-'5 Mechanical Tubing A$33 A$33-'5 A$36 A$36-'5 A$3% A$3%-'0 A$3' A$3'-'5

Specification for Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing Specification for ,old-*ra#n Butt#eld ,arbon Steel Mechanical Tubing Specification for 8lectric->esistance--elded ,arbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing Specification for Seamless ,arbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing



Specification for -elded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing

Structural Tubing A$44 A$43 A0/. A530 A$44'' A$43'' A0/.''a A530'' Specification for ,old-2ormed -elded and Seamless ,arbon Steel Structural Tubing in >ounds and Shapes Specification for !ot-2ormed -elded and Seamless ,arbon Steel Structural Tubing Specification for ,old-2ormed -elded and Seamless !igh Strength, ?o# Alloy Structural Tubing #ith 1mproved Atmospheric ,orrosion >esistance Specification for !ot-2ormed -elded and Seamless !igh-Strength ?o#-Alloy Structural Tubing

#EL$I%G &ITTI%GS A6%/ A/4% A/64 A.$0 A../ A6%/&A6%/M'' A/4%&A/4%M''a A/64&A/64M'' A.$0&A.$0M'0 A../&A../M'0 Specification for (iping 2ittings of -rought ,arbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and !igh Temperature Service Specification for -rought Austenitic Stainless Steel (iping 2ittings Specification for (iping 2ittings of -rought ,arbon Steel and Alloy Steel for ?o#-Temperature Service Specification for -rought-,arbon Steel Butt--elding (iping 2ittings #ith 1mproved <otch Toughness Specification for As--elded -rought Austenitic Stainless Steel 2ittings for eneral ,orrosive Service at ?o# and Moderate Temperatures

Group of ASTM standards for steel castings and forgings

This group of ASTM specifications covers standard properties of steel and iron castings and forgings for valves, flanges, fittings, and other pressure containing parts for high-temperature and lo#-temperature service. Additionally, in the table belo# standards for evaluating the microstructure of graphite in iron castings and methods for mechanical testing of cast irons are presented. STEEL "ASTI%GS A6. A/. A/0 A./ A365 A360 A3/0 A3$' A6.&A6.M-'$ A/.&A/.M-'' A/0-'/ae3 A./-'0 A365-'$e3 A360&A360M-'% 93''0: Specification for Steel ,astings, ,arbon, for eneral Application Specification for 2erritic Malleable 1ron ,astings Specification for ray 1ron ,astings CMetricD Specification for ray 1ron ,astings Specification for ,ast 1ron Soil (ipe and 2ittings Specification for ray 1ron ,astings for 7alves, 2langes, and (ipe 2ittings Specification for Steel ,astings, Austenitic Manganese

A/0M A/0M-'/e3

A3/0&A3/0M-'%b Specification for Steel ,astings, !igh Strength, for Structural 93''0: (urposes A3$'-0% 93''%: Specification for Automotive ray 1ron ,astings

A635 A63. A6/.

A635&A635M-'% 93''0: A63.&A63.M-'' A6/.-5. 93''0:

Specification for Steel ,astings, ,arbon, Suitable for 2usion -elding, for !igh- Temperature Service Specification for Steel ,astings, Martensitic Stainless and Alloy, for (ressure- ,ontaining (arts, Suitable for !igh-Temperature Service Test Method for 8valuating the Microstructure of raphite in 1ron ,astings Specification for ray 1ron ,astings for (ressure-,ontaining (arts for Temperatures @p to %$4A, Specification for ray 1ron ,astings for (ressure-,ontaining (arts for Temperatures @p to 5$4A2 Specification for Steel ,astings, 1ron-,hromium and 1ron,hromium-<ic)el, !eat >esistant, for eneral Application Specification for ray 1ron ,astings for 8levated Temperatures for <on-(ressure ,ontaining (arts Test Methods for 1mpact Testing of ,ast 1rons

A6.0M A6.0M-'%e3 A6.0 A6'. A%3' A6.0-'% A6'.&A6'.M-'. 93''0: A%3'-.3 93''$:

A%6.M A%6.M-'3 93''.: Test Methods for 1mpact Testing of ,ast 1rons 9Metric: A%6. A%$3 A%$6 A%$5 A%5. A%0' A%'$ A/65 A/%5 A/%0 A/%' A//. A/$3 A%6.-'3 93''.: A%$3&A%$3M-'/a Specification for ,astings, Austenitic, Austenitic-2erritic 9*uple":, 93''': for (ressure-,ontaining (arts A%$6&A%$6M-'% 93''0: A%$5&A%$5M-'0e3 A%5.-54 93''': A%0'&A%0'M-'% 93''0: A%'$&A%'$M-'' A/65-'6 93''.: Specification for Steel ,astings, 2erritic and Martensitic, for (ressure-,ontaining (arts, Suitable for ?o#-Temperature Service Specification for Steel ,astings, ,arbon, ?o# Alloy, and Stainless Steel, !eavy--alled for Steam Turbines Test Methods of ,hill Testing of ,ast 1ron Specification for Steel ,astings, Alloy, Specially !eat-Treated, for (ressure-,ontaining (arts, Suitable for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for 2erritic *uctile 1ron (ressure->etaining ,astings for @se at 8levated Temperatures Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast 2erritic Alloy Steel (ipe for !igh-Temperature Service Test Method for Transverse Testing of ray ,ast 1ron Specification for Austenitic *uctile 1ron ,astings Specification for Steel ,astings, ,hromium-<ic)el-1ron Alloy 96$36 ,lass:, for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast Austenitic Steel (ipe for !ighTemperature Service

A/%5-0/ 93''.: e3 Specification for Austenitic ray 1ron ,astings A/%0-04 93''.: A/%'-0% 93''': A//.&A//.M-'% 93''0: A/$3-'% 93''.:

A/.5M A/.5M-0/ 93''%: A/.5 A/0. A/00 A/'/ A$30 A$%6 A$%5 A$54 A/.5-'4 93''.: A/0.&A/0.M-'% 93''0: A/00&A/00M-'' A/'/&A/'/M-44 A$30&A$30M-''

Specification for *uctile 1ron ,astings for (aper Mill *ryer >olls CMetricD Specification for *uctile 1ron ,astings for (aper Mill *ryer >olls Specification for Steel ,astings Suitable for (ressure Service (ractice for Steel ,astings, -elding, Eualifications of (rocedures and (ersonnel Specification for ,astings, <ic)el and <ic)el Alloy Specification for ,orrosion->esistant !igh-Silicon 1ron ,astings

A$%6&A$%6M-'%a Specification for Abrasion->esistant ,ast 1rons 93''': e3 A$%5-0/ 93''': e3 Specification for *uctile 1ron ,astings A$54&A$54M-'% 93''0: Specification for ,astings, ,hromium-<ic)el Alloy Specification for Austenitic *uctile 1ron ,astings for (ressure,ontaining (arts Suitable for ?o#-Temperature Service CMetricD Specification for Austenitic *uctile 1ron ,astings for (ressure,ontaining (arts Suitable for ?o#-Temperature Service Specification for ,ast Steel -heels for >ail#ay Service Specification for ,ast Tool Steel Specification for Automotive Malleable 1ron ,astings Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast 1ron-,hromium-<ic)el !ighAlloy Tubing for (ressure Application at !igh Temperatures (ractice for ,astings, ,arbon, ?o#-Alloy, and Martensitic Stainless Steel, @ltrasonic 8"amination Thereof Terminology >elating to 1ron ,astings Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast *ual Metal 9 ray and -hite ,ast 1ron: ,ylinders Specification for Steel ,astings, eneral >equirements, for (ressure-,ontaining (arts Specification for ,astings, 1nvestment, ,arbon and ?o# Alloy Steel for eneral Application, and ,obalt Alloy for !igh Strength at 8levated Temperatures Specification for ,astings, 1ron-,hromium, 1ron-,hromium-<ic)el, ,orrosion >esistant, for eneral Application

A$.3M A$.3M-0/ 93''.: A$.3 A$0% A$'. A546 A540 A54' A5// A55. A.4% A.%6 A./% A.// A$.3-0/ 93''.: A$0%-'% 93''': A$'.-0. 93''': A546-'/ 93''0: A540-'3a 93''0: A54'&A54'M-'3 93''.: A5//-'0 A55.&A55.M-0. 93''0: A.4%&A.4%M-'' A.%6&A.%6M-'0 A./%&A./%M'0ae3

A.//&A.//M-'0a Specification for ,astings, 1ron-,hromium-<ic)el, ,orrosion

>esistant, for Severe Service A./. A./0 A.$. A.03 A.'' A044 A046 A06% A0%/ A0/6 A0.6 A0./ A000 A0'4 A./.&A./.M-'' A./0&A./0M-0. 93''0: A.$.&A.$.M-44 A.03&A.03M-''a A.''&A.''M-'6 93''.: A044&A044M-'3 93''.: e3 A046&A046M-'$ 93''5: A06%-'' A0%/-'$ A0/6-0$ 93''.: A0.6-'3 93''.: A0./&A0./M-'0 A000-'0e3 A0'4&A0'4M-'' Specification for Steel ,astings, Stainless, (recipitation !ardening Specification for Statically ,ast ,hilled -hite 1ron- ray 1ron *ual Metal >olls for (ressure 7essel @se Specification for Steel ,astings, 2erritic and Martensitic, for (ressure-,ontaining and =ther Applications, for ?o#-Temperature Service Specification for ,astings, Steel and Alloy, ,ommon >equirements, for eneral 1ndustrial @se (ractice for Steel ,astings, Stainless, 1nstrument ,alibration, for 8stimating 2errite ,ontent (ractice for Steel ,asting, Austenitic Alloy, 8stimating 2errite ,ontent Thereof (ractice for Steel ,astings, Surface Acceptance Standards, 7isual 8"amination Specification for Statically ,ast (ermanent Mold ray 1ron ,astings Specification for ,ommon >equirements for 1ron ,astings for eneral 1ndustrial @se Specification for ,ompacted raphite 1ron ,astings Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast 2erritic&Austenitic Stainless Steel (ipe for ,orrosive 8nvironments Specification for 2erritic *uctile 1ron ,astings Suitable for ?o#Temperature Service Specification for !ubless ,ast 1ron Soil (ipe and 2ittings for Sanitary and Storm *rain, -aste, and 7ent (iping Applications Specification for ,astings, 1ron-,hromium-<ic)el-Molybdenum ,orrosion->esistant, *uple" 9Austenitic&2erritic: for eneral Application Specification for Austempered *uctile 1ron ,astings Specification for Steel ,astings, Surface Acceptance Standards, Magnetic (article and ?iquid (enetrant 1nspection Specification for Steel ,astings, ,arbon, and Alloy, ,hemical >equirements Similar to Standard -rought rades Specification for ,entrifugally ,ast -hite 1ron& ray 1ron *ual Metal Abrasion- >esistant >oll Shells

A0'.M A0'.M-'4 93''.: Specification for Austempered *uctile 1ron ,astings CMetricD A0'. A'4% A'3$ A'/6 A0'.-'4 93''.: A'4%&A'4%M-'' A'3$&A'3$M-'% 93''0: A'/6-'$

A'$. A'$0 A'0$ A''%

A'$.-'5 A'$0-'5e3 A'0$-'0a A''%-'0

Specification for 1nvestment ,astings, Steel and Alloy, ,ommon >equirements, for eneral 1ndustrial @se Specification for Steel ,astings, ,arbon, and Alloy, #ith Tensile >equirements, ,hemical >equirements Similar to Standard -rought rades Specification for Steel 1nvestment ,asting eneral >equirements, for (ressure-,ontaining (arts Test Method for *ynamic Tear Testing of ,ast 1rons to 8stablish Transition Temperature Specification for ,astings, <ic)el-Aluminum =rdered Alloy

A3446 A3446-'' &'(GI%GS A34$ A34$&A34$M-'0

Specification for ,arbon Steel 2orgings for (iping Applications Specification for 2orged or >olled Alloy-Steel (ipe 2langes, 2orged 2ittings, and 7alves and (arts for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for ,arbon Steel 2orgings for (ressure 7essel ,omponents Test Method for Magnetic (article 8"amination of Steel 2orgings Specification for ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for Magnetic >etaining >ings for Turbine enerators Specification for Alloy Steel 2orgings for <onmagnetic >etaining >ings for enerators Specification for ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for >ings for >eduction ears Specification for Steel 2orgings, ,arbon and Alloy, for (inions, ears and Shafts for >eduction ears Specification for Stainless Steel Billets and Bars for 2orging Specification for Alloy Steel 2orgings for (ressure and !ighTemperature (arts Specification for ,arbon and ?o#-Alloy Steel 2orgings, >equiring <otch Toughness Testing for (iping ,omponents Specification for ,arbon and 2erritic Alloy Steel 2orged and Bored (ipe for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for Thin--alled (ressure 7essels

A303 A303&A303M-'$b Specification for ,arbon Steel 2orgings, for eneral-(urpose (iping A306 A306&A306M-'' A655 A655&A655M-'' A6.$ A6.$&A6.$M-'0 A600 A600-'3 93''0: A60' A60'&A60'M-'. A6'4 A6'4-'$ 93''': A6'3 A6'3-'$ 93''': A%3/ A%3/-'. A%%5 A%%5&A%%5M-'' A%$4 A%$4&A%$4M-'' A%5' A%5'&A%5'M-'6 A%.6 A%.6&A%.6M-''

A%00 A%00&A%00M-'$ A/30 A/30-'' A/$5 A/$5&A/$5M-'' A/5' A/5'-'/a 93''': A/.3 A/.3-'/ 93''': A/.6 A/.6-'0 A/.% A/.%-'' A/0/ A/0/&A/0/M-'0 A/'% A/'%-'$ A$4% A$4%&A$4%M-'' A$40 A$40&A$40M-'$ 93''':

(ractice for @ltrasonic 8"amination of !eavy Steel 2orgings Test Method for @ltrasonic 8"amination of Turbine and enerator Steel >otor 2orgings Specification for Magnetic (article 8"amination of ?arge ,ran)shaft 2orgings Specification for 7acuum-Treated Steel 2orgings for enerator >otors Specification for 7acuum-Treated Alloy Steel 2orgings for Turbine >otor *is)s and -heels Test Method for !eat Stability of Steam Turbine Shafts and >otor 2orgings Specification for Stainless Steel 2orgings Specification for eneral >equirements for Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and 2orgings Specification for Stainless Steel -ire and -ire >ods for ,old !eading and ,old 2orging Specification for @ltrasonic 8"amination of ?arge 2orged ,ran)shafts Specification for Euenched and Tempered 7acuum-Treated ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for (ressure 7essels Specification for 2orged or >olled 0 and 'F <ic)el Alloy Steel 2langes, 2ittings, 7alves, and (arts for ?o#-Temperature Service Specification for Euenched and Tempered ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for (ressure 7essel ,omponents Specification for Martensitic Stainless Steel Bars, 2orgings, and 2orging Stoc) for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for Superstrength Alloy Steel 2orgings Specification for !igh-Strength Euenched and Tempered ?o#-Alloy Steel 2orged 2ittings and (arts for (ressure 7essels Specification for (recipitation !ardening 1ron Base Superalloy Bars, 2orgings, and 2orging Stoc) for !igh-Temperature Service Specification for (remium Euality Alloy Steel Blooms and Billets for Aircraft and Aerospace 2orgings Specification for 2orged Steel >olls @sed for ,orrugating (aper Machinery Specification for Steel 2orgings, ,arbon and Alloy, for eneral 1ndustrial @se Specification for ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2orgings for (ipe 2langes, 2ittings, 7alves, and (arts for !igh-(ressure Transmission Service

A$66 A$66&A$66M-'$b A$/3 A$/3&A$/3M-'$ 93''':

A$5$ A$5$-'. A$.' A$.'-'' A$'6 A$'6&A$'6M-0' 93''':

A5%0 A5%0&A5%0M-44 A5/5 A5/5-'$ 93''': A5/' A5/'&A5/'M-'' A550 A550&A550M'5e3

A5'/ A5'/&A5'/M-44

A.4$ A.4$&A.4$M-'$ A.4. A.4.&A.4.M-44

Specification for Age-!ardening Stainless Steel 2orgings Specification for 2orged ,arbon and Alloy Steel 2langes for ?o#Temperature Service Specification for Alloy Steel 2orgings for !igh-Strength (ressure ,omponent Application Specification for ,arbon Steel 2orgings for (iping ,omponents #ith 1nherent <otch Toughness Specification for 2orgings, ,arbon and Alloy Steel, for >ail#ay @se (ractice for @ltrasonic 8"amination of Austenitic Steel 2orgings Specification for ,arbon Steel and ?o#-Alloy Steel (ressure-7essel,omponent 2orgings #ith Mandatory Toughness >equirements Specification for 7acuum-Treated 36F ,hromium Alloy Steel 2orgings for Turbine >otors and Shafts Specification for Steel 2orgings, eneral >equirements Specification for Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and 2orgings for ?iquid Metal ,ooled >eactor ,ore ,omponents Specification for Titanium-Stabili;ed ,arbon Steel 2orgings for lass?ined (iping and (ressure 7essel Service Specification for Age-!ardening Alloy Steel 2orgings for (ressure 7essel ,omponents Specification for (recipitation !ardening 1ron Base Superalloy 2orgings for Turbine >otor *is)s and -heels Specification for Steel 2orgings, Microalloy, for eneral 1ndustrial @se Specification for Steel Bars, Microalloy, !ot--rought, Special Euality, for Subsequent !ot 2orging Specification for 2orged rade 04 and rade 344 Steel ?ifting ,omponents and -elded Attachment ?in)s Specification for ,ommon >equirements for Steel 2langes, 2orged 2ittings, 7alves, and (arts for (iping Applications Specification for Steel 2orgings, Austenitic, for (ressure and !igh Temperature (arts Test Method for Magnetic (article 8"amination of Steel 2orgings

A.33 A.33-'6 93''5: e3 Specification for Steel 2orging Stoc) A.6% A.6%&A.6%M-'/ 93''':

A.6. A.6.&A.6.M-'. A.%4 A.%4-'% 93''': A./$ A./$&A./$M-'/ 93''':

A.5$ A.5$&A.5$M-'0a A.50 A.50-'$ A.00 A.00-'0a A0%3 A0%3&A0%3M-'$ A0%5 A0%5&A0%5M-'$b

A0%. A0%.-'3 93''5: e3 Specification for Steel 2orgings, Alloy, for ,arburi;ing Applications A0$' A0$'&A0$'M-'$ 93''':

A0'3 A0'3-'0 A'4' A'4'-'/ 93''': A'63 A'63&A'63M-'% 93''':

A'$6 A'$6&A'$6M-'0 A'53 A'53-'' A'5$ A'5$&A'5$M-'' A'55 A'55&A'55M-'5

@sing Alternating ,urrent

Group of ASTM standards for steel plate, sheet, strip and )ire
This volume of ASTM standards covers the requirements to be met by: 3. Steel plate, sheet, and strip used in various applications 6. The properties of assorted types of steel #ire, e.g., stainless and heat resisting steel #ire, dra#n galvani;ed #ire for mechanical springs, and alloy steel coarse round #ire %. 1ndustrial si;ing screens. STEEL PLATE, SHEET A%$ ST(IP A34' A34'&A34'M-'0a A35. A35.-'' A3.5 A3.5-'' A6/4 A6/4&A6/4M-44 A656 A656-'0 A65% A65%-'/a 93''': A65/ A65/-'/a 93''': Specification for Steel, Strip, ,arbon 94.6$ Ma"imum (ercent:, ,old>olled Specification for Stainless and !eat->esisting ,hromium-<ic)el Steel (late, Sheet, and Strip Specification for Stainless and !eat->esisting ,hromium Steel (late, Sheet, and Strip Specification for !eat->esisting ,hromium and ,hromium-<ic)el Stainless Steel (late, Sheet, and Strip for (ressure 7essels (ractices for *etecting Susceptibility to 1ntergranular Attac) in Austenitic Stainless Steels Specification for ,orrosion->esisting ,hromium Steel-,lad (late, Sheet, and Strip Specification for Stainless ,hromium-<ic)el Steel-,lad (late, Sheet, and Strip Specification for 2lat->olled 8lectrical Steels for Magnetic Applications Specification for ,ommercial Steel 9,S: Sheet, ,arbon 94.3$ Ma"imum (ercent: ,old->olled Test Methods and *efinitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel (roducts (ractice for ,leaning, *escaling, and (assivation of Stainless Steel (arts, 8quipment, and Systems

A65$ A65$-'/a 93''': Specification for <ic)el and <ic)el-Base Alloy-,lad Steel (late A%/$ A%/$-'0 A%55 A%55&A%55M'.e3

A%.4 A%.4-'.a A%04 A%04-''e3

A/3/ A/3/&A/3/M-44 Specification for Steel, Sheet, ,arbon, for (ressure 7essels

A/3. A/3.-'% 93''0: A/6/ A/6/-44 A/04 A/04&A/04M-''b A$4$ A$4$-44 A$45 A$45-'% 93''0: A$4. A$4.-'% 93''0: A$50 A$50&A$50M-44 A$5' A$5'&A$5'M-'0 A$.4 A$.4&A$.4M-'0 A54/ A54/-'% 93''0: A545 A545-'0 A54. A54.-'0 A533 A533-'.

Specification for Steel -ire, ,old-*ra#n, for +ig-+ag, Square2ormed, and Sinuous-Type @pholstery Spring @nits Specification for Steel, Sheet, for (orcelain 8nameling Specification for eneral >equirements for 2lat->olled Stainless and !eat->esisting Steel (late, Sheet, and Strip Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Alloy, !ot->olled and ,old>olled, eneral >equirements for Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Alloy, !ot->olled and ,old>olled, >egular Euality and Structural Euality Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Alloy, !ot->olled and ,old>olled, *ra#ing Euality Specification for Steel, Sheet, ,arbon, and !igh-Strength, ?o#-Alloy, !ot->olled and ,old->olled, eneral >equirements for Specification for Steel, ,arbon 94.3$ Ma"imum, (ercent:, !ot->olled Sheet and Strip ,ommercial Euality Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, ,arbon, !ot->olled, Structural Euality Test Method for Macroetch Testing of ,onsumable 8lectrode >emelted Steel Bars and Billets Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, !igh-Strength, ?o#-Alloy, !ot->olled and ,old->olled, #ith 1mproved Atmospheric ,orrosion >esistance Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, !igh-Strength, ?o#-Alloy, ,olumbium or 7anadium, or Both, !ot->olled and ,old->olled Specification for Structural Steel 9SS:, Sheet, ,arbon, ,old->olled Specification for *ra#ing Steel 9*S:, Sheet and Strip, ,arbon, !ot>olled Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, !eavy-Thic)ness ,oils, ,arbon, !ot->olled Specification for ,ommercial Steel 9,S:, Sheet and Strip, ,arbon 94.35 Ma"imum to 4.6$ Ma"imum (ercent:, !ot->olled Specification for Annealed or ,old--or)ed Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, (late, and 2lat Bar Specification for Steel, Strip, !igh-,arbon, ,old->olled, eneral >equirements 2or

A564 A564&A564M-'. Specification for *ra#ing Steel 9*S:, Sheet, ,arbon, ,old->olled A566 A566&A566M-'. A5%$ A5%$&A5%$M-'0 A5$' A5$'&A5$'M-'. A555 A555-44 A506 A506&A506M-'0a

A50/ A50/&A50/M-05 Specification for Steel, Strip, !igh-,arbon, ,old->olled

93''0: A5'% A5'%-'% 93''': A.44 A.44-'' A.46 A.46-0' 93''/: e3 Specification for (recipitation-!ardening Stainless and !eat->esisting Steel (late, Sheet, and Strip (ractices for (ac)aging, Mar)ing, and ?oading Methods for Steel (roducts for *omestic Shipment Specification for Steel 2ence (osts and Assemblies, !ot -rought Specification for Steel Sheet and Strip, !igh-Strength, ?o#-Alloy, !ot->olled, and Steel Sheet, ,old->olled, !igh-Strength, ?o#-Alloy, #ith 1mproved 2ormability Specification for Steel, Strip, ,arbon and !igh-Strength, ?o#-Alloy, !ot->olled, eneral >equirements for Test Methods, (ractices, and Terminology for ,hemical Analysis of Steel (roducts (ractices for *etecting Susceptibility to 1ntergranular Attac) in 2erritic Stainless Steels Specification for >olled 2loor (late, Stainless Steel Specification for ,ommercial Steel 9,S:, Sheet, ,arbon 94.35F Ma"imum to 4.6$F Ma"imum:, ,old->olled

A.3$ A.3$-'0 A./' A./'&A./'M-'. A.$3 A.$3-'5 A.5% A.5%-'% 93''': e3

A.'% A.'%-'5 A.'/ A.'/-'.

A06' A06'&A06'M-'$ Specification for Alloy Structural Steel (lates STEEL #I(E A66. A660 A66' A6%4 A6%3 A6%6 A%3% A%50 A/43 A/4. A/.0 A66.&A66.M-'' Specification for Steel -ire, ,old-*ra#n for Mechanical Springs A660&A660M-'% Specification for Steel -ire, Music Spring Euality A66'&A66'M-'' Specification for Steel -ire, =il-Tempered for Mechanical Springs A6%4&A6%4M-'' Specification for Steel -ire, =il-Tempered ,arbon 7alve Spring Euality Specification for ,hromium-7anadium Alloy Steel 7alve Spring Euality -ire Specification for Stainless Steel -ire Strand

A6%3&A6%3M-'5 Specification for ,hromium-7anadium Alloy Steel Spring -ire A6%6&A6%6M-''

A%3%&A%3%M-'0 Specification for Stainless Steel Spring -ire A%50-'$a A/43&A/43M-'0 Specification for Steel -ire, ,hromium-Silicon Alloy A/4.-'% 93''0: Specification for Steel -ire, ,old-*ra#n, for ,oiled-Type Springs A/.0-'. Specification for ,hromium-<ic)el Stainless Steel -eaving and

Gnitting -ire A/'6 A/'% A/'6-'$ A/'%-'$ Specification for Stainless Steel >ope -ire Specification for Stainless Steel -ire and -ire >ods for ,old !eading and ,old 2orging Specification for eneral >equirements for -ire >ods and ,oarse >ound -ire, ,arbon Steel CMetricD Specification for eneral >equirements for -ire >ods and ,oarse >ound -ire, ,arbon Steel Specification for eneral >equirements for Stainless Steel -ire and -ire >ods

A$34M A$34M-44 A$34 A$$$ A$04 A$03 A5.' A.3% A.$6M A.$6 A.5/ A04$ A$34-44 A$$$&A$$$M-'.

A$04&A$04M-'0 Specification for Stainless Steel -ire A$03&A$03M'$b Specification for 2ree-Machining Stainless Steel -ire and -ire >ods

A5.'&A5.'M-44 Specification for Steel -ire, !igh Tensile Strength, ,old *ra#n A.3%-'% 93''0: A.$6M-'% 93''0: A.$6-'% 93''0: A.5/-'$ Specification for Steel -ire, !igh-,arbon Spring, for !eat-Treated ,omponents Specification for eneral >equirements for -ire >ods and ,oarse >ound -ire, Alloy Steel CMetricD Specification for eneral >equirements for -ire >ods and ,oarse >ound -ire, Alloy Steel Specification for Metallic ,oated ,arbon Steel -ire, ,oated at Si;e and *ra#n to Si;e for Mechanical Springs

A04$-'% 93''0: Specification for Steel, 2lat -ire, ,arbon, ,old->olled

ASTM Standards for Steel Plates for Pressure *essels

Standard designation A64-0$ covers a group of common requirements #hich, unless other#ise specified in the individual material specification, shall apply to rolled steel plates for pressure vessels under each of the follo#ing specifications issued by ASTM: Title of Specification ASTM

$esignation (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, ,hromium-Manganese-Silicon (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Molybdenum (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-7anadium A646

(ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, <ic)el A64% A64/ A66$

(ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, ?o# A60$ and 1ntermediate-Tensile Strength (ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, Manganese-Silicon A6''

(ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese- A%46 Molybdenum-<ic)el (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, ' (ercent <ic)el *ouble-<ormali;ed and Tempered (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, ,hromium- Molybdenum (ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, 1mproved Transition (roperties A%$% A%0. A//6

(ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, !igh A/$$ Strength Manganese (ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, for 1ntermediate-and !igher Temperature Service A$3$

(ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, A$35 Moderate-and ?o#er- Temperature Service (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, !igh Strength, Euenched and Tempered (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Euenched and Tempered, ManganeseMolybdenum and ManganeseMolybdenum-<ic)el (ressure 7essel (lates, !eat-Treated, ,arbon Manganese-Silicon Steel A$3.



(ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel A$%0 (recipitation !ardening 30 (ercent <ic)el (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, A$/6

Euenched and Tempered ,hromiumMolybdenum (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Euenched and Tempered <ic)el,hromium-Molybdenum (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Euenched and Tempered 0 and ' (ercent <ic)el A$/%


(ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon steel, Manganese-Titanium for lass or *iffused A$56 Metallic ,oatings (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, A$'4 (recipitation-!ardening 36 (ercent <ic)el (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, Euenched and Tempered <ic)el-,obaltMolybdenum- ,hromium A54$

(ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, !igh Strength, for Moderate-and ?o#erA536 Temperature Service (ressure 7essel (lates, 2ive (ercent <ic)el A5/$ Alloy steel, Specially !eat Treated (ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel, %5 (ercent <ic)el (ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbonManganese, for Moderate and lo#er Temperature Service (ressure 7essel (lates, ,arbon Steel, Euenched and Tempered, for -elded ?ayered (ressure 7essels A5$0 A556


(ressure 7essel (lates, Alloy Steel and !igh-Strength ?o#-Alloy Steel, Euenched A.%/ and Tempered (ressure 7essel (lates, ?o#-,arbon, Manganese-Molybdenum-,olumbium Alloy Steel, for Moderate and ?o#er Temperature Service A.%$

(ressure 7essel (lates, ?o#-,arbon Age!ardening <ic)el-,opper-,hromiumA.%5 Molybdenum-,olumbium Alloy Steel (ressure 7essel (lates, !igh-Strength ?o#-Alloy Steel A.%.

(ressure 7essel (lates, !eat-Treated, ,arbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel, for A.%0 Moderate and ?o#er Temperature Service (ressure 7essel (lates, Euenched and Tempered, Manganese ,hromiumMolybdenum-Silicon-+irconium Alloy Steel A.06

GB standards for steel +aterials ,"hina standars>evie# of B Standards for Steel consists of one volume. 1t contains formally approved B standard classifications, guides, practices, specifications, test methods, and terminology and related material such as proposals. ,overs:

roup standards for structural and constructional steels

The follo#ing data is given for each standard: standard number and year, grade, chemical composition, and mechanical properties 9yield point, tensile strength, notch toughness:. -hen deemed useful, steel type, manufacturing method, thic)ness of plate, heat treatment, and other data are described. This volume covers the carbon and alloy steels, plates and forgings used in boilers and pressure vessels, high-strength lo#-alloy, rolled steel floor plates, heat-treatable steels, hot and cold-rolled plates for cold forming, and carbon-silicon steel platesH the steel for concrete reinforcement and prestressed concreteH and the properties for rail#ay service rails and accessories. This volume features standards for various types of steel pipe #hich specify requirements for hightemperature service, ordinary use, and special applications such as fire protection use. Specifications for steel tubes list standard requirements for boiler and superheater tubes, general service tubes, still tubes in refinery service, heat e"changer and condenser tubes, mechanical tubing, and structural tubing. Steel casting specifications call out the standard properties for pressure purposes. Group standards for structural and constructional steels B 5''-00 B .44-00 B .43-'3 B .3%-05 Euality carbon steels ,arbon steels !ot-rolled carbon steel #ire rods (lates for boilers

B 3666-0/ B 3%44-.. B 3/''-0/ B 3$'3-00 B 6$3.-03 B %4..-00 B %64%-06 B %6.%-0' B %6.$-'3 B %/6%-06 B %$66-0% B %$%4-0% B %$%3-0% B /3.3-0/ B /3.6-0/ B /%$0-0/ B /%54-0/ B //5%-0/ B $45.-0$ B $635-0$ B $630-0$ B $664-0$ B $663-0$ B $%34-0$ B $5.5-0$ B $504-0$ B $'$%-05 B $'$/-05 B 5/.0-05 B 5/.'-05 B 55$%-05 B 55$/-05

Spring steels -elding filler materials for carbon and alloy steels >einforcing bars for concrete ?o# alloy structural steels Sheets and strips for structure Alloy steels Bearing steels for case hardening (lates for automobile structural uses !ot-rolled quality carbon steel plates *rill tubes ,old rolled carbon steel strips Steel strip for springs (lates for pressure vessels for lo# temperature service Superior #eathering steels Atmospheric corrosion-resisting steels for #elded structure (iano #ire Spring steel #ire (restressed concrete steel Alloy steel sheets Structural steels #ith specified hardenability bands Alloy steel #ires for springs 7alve spring #ire 7alve spring #ire Seamless steel tubes for high pressure boiler ,arbon cast steels !igh manganese cast steels ,arbon steels #ires for cold heading Alloy steel #ires for cold heading Steels for cold heading Seamless steel tubes for equipment of chemical industry for high pressure service Sheets for #elded gas cylinders (lates for pressure vessels

B .343-'3 B 0356-0. B 035%-0. B 0.%3-00 B ''/.-00 B ''/0-00

!ot-rolled quality carbon steel sheets and strips Seamless steel tubes Seamless steel pipes 2ree cutting steels Arc #elded steel tubes for drive a"le Seamless steel tubes for petroleum crac)ing

B 336$3-0' Alloy steel plates B 3%6%.-'3 ,old rolled quality carbon steels sheets and strips

.IS standards for steel +aterials

>evie# of B1S Standards for Steel consists of % volumes. 1t contains formally approved B1S standard classifications, guides, practices, specifications, test methods, and terminology and related material such as proposals. ,overs:

roup standards for structural and constructional steels roup standards for tool steels roup standards for stainless and heat resisting steels

The follo#ing data is given for each standard: standard number and year, grade, chemical composition, and mechanical properties 9yield point, tensile strength, notch toughness:. -hen deemed useful, steel type, manufacturing method, thic)ness of plate, heat treatment, and other data are described. This group of B1S standard specifications covers the carbon and alloy steels, plates for boilers and other pressure vessels, sheat and strip, high-strength lo#-alloy, heat-treatable steels, hot and cold-rolled plates for cold forming, and steel bars. This volume features standards for various types of steel pipe #hich specify requirements for high-temperature service, ordinary use, and special applications such as fire protection use. Specifications for steel tubes list standard requirements for boiler and superheater tubes, general service tubes, still tubes in refinery service, heat e"changer and condenser tubes, mechanical tubing, and structural tubing. Steel casting specifications call out the standard properties for pressure purposes. (resentation are group standards for tool steels, stainless and heat resisting steels. Group standards for structural and constructional steels B1S B1S B1S B1S B1S B1S B1S B1S B1S %343 3'0. >olled steels for general structure %34% 3'0. (lates for boilers and other pressure vessels %34/ 3'0. Steel bars for rivets %34$ 3'0. Steel bars for chains %345 3'00 >olled steels for #elded structure %340 3'0. ,arbon steels %33/ 3'00 Atmospheric corrosion resisting steels %33$ 3''4 (lates for pressure vessels %335 3''4 Sheets, plates and strip for gas cylinders


%330 3'0. (lates for pressure vessels %33' 3'0. Alloyed plates for boilers and other pressure vessels %364 3'0. (lates quenched and tempered for pressure vessels %36/ 3'0. !igh strength and tempered for pressure vessels %36$ 3'0. Atmospheritic corrosion pressure vessels %365 3''4 (lates for pressure vessels %36. 3''4 (lates for pressure vessels %360 3'0. (lates for #elded structure %3%3 3''4 Sheet and strip %3%6 3''4 Strip for pipes and tubes %3/3 3''4 Sheet and strip %646 3'00 2orgings for pressure vessels %64% 3'00 2orgings for pressure vessels %64/ 3'00 Euenched and tempered forgings for pressure vessels %64$ 3'00 2orgings for pressure vessels %%33 3'00 ,old rolled special strip %//3 3'00 Tubes for machine purpose %//$ 3'00 Tubes %/$/ 3'00 (ipes for pressure service %/$$ 3'00 (ipes for high pressure service %/$. 3'00 Arc #elded pipes %/$0 3'00 (ipes %/54 3'00 (ipes for lo# temperature service %/5/ 3'00 Boiler and heat e"changer tubes %/56 3'00 Boiler and heat e"changer tubes %/5/ 3'00 !eat e"changers tubes for lo# temperature service %/5. 3'00 Tubes for fired heater %/// 3'00 Tubes for general structural purposes %/55 3'00 Square pipes for general structural purpose %$4$ 3'04 -ire rods %$45 3'04 -ire rods %$4. 3''3 -ire rods for cold heading and cold forging


%$40 3''3 Boron #ire rod for cold heading and cold forging %$55 3'00 /4$3 3'.' ,arbon steels /4$6 3'.' Structural steels #ith specified hardenability bands /346 3'.' <i-,r steels /34% 3'.' <i-,r-Mo steels /34/ 3'.' ,r steels /34$ 3'.' ,r-Mo steels /345 3'.' Mn and Mn-,r steels /34. 3'00 Bolting material /340 3'00 Bolting material /34' 3'0. (lates for pressure vessels /646 3'.' Al-,r-Mo steels //34 3'0/ !ollo# drill steels /04$ 3''4 Bearing steels %63/ 3''3 2orgings for pressure vessels %//5 3''3 Tubes for machine and structural purpose %/$' 3'00 (ipes /%4% 3''3 Bars /%4/ 3''3 !ot rolled sheets and plates /%4$ 3''3 ,old rolled sheets and plates /%40 3''3 Steel #ire rod /%4' 3'00 -ire /%33 3''3 !eat resisting steel bars /%36 3''3 !eat resisting steel sheets and plates /%3% 3'00 ,old rolled strip for springs /%3/ 3'00 -ires for springs /%3$ 3'00 -ire for cold heading /%35 3''3 -elding #ire /%30 3''3 ,old dra#n bars /'43 3''3 Superalloy bars


/'46 3''3 Superalloy sheets /'4% 3''3 Seamless pipes /'4/ 3''3 Seamless pipes /043 3'0/ Spring steels /046 3'0% ,old-rolled strips for springs /04/ 3'0% 2ree cutting steels $343 3''3 Steel castings $346 3''3 Steel castings $333 3''3 Steel casting $3%3 3''3 Steel castings $3$3 3''3 Steel castings $3$6 3''3 Steel casting $643 3''3 ,entrifugally cast steel pipes $646 3''3 ,entrifugally cast steel pipes

Group standards for tool steels B1S B1S B1S B1S %%33 3'00 ,old rolled special strip //43 3'0% ,arbon tool steels //4% 3'0% !igh speed tool steels //4/ 3'0% Alloy tool steels

Group standards for stainless and heat resisting steels B1S B1S $363 3''3 Stainless steel casting $366 3''3 !eat resisting casting

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