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Number: 642-902 Passing Score: 790 Time Limit: 120 min File Version: 1000 Sections 1 !"#$P 2 %SPF & '#P 4 $e(istribution ) "P*6 6 $outing 7 +rag an( +ro, - Simulation 9 !"#$P .ots,ot 10 %SPF .ots,ot 11 +igital Tut - !"#$P 12 +igital Tut - !"#$P Simlet 1& +igital Tut - %SPF 14 +igital Tut - %SPF .ots,ot 1) +igital Tut - '#P 16 +igital Tut - $e(istribution 17 +igital Tut - Polic/ 'ase( $outing 1- +igital Tut - "P*6 19 +igital Tut - %,erations Exam A QUESTION 1

01ic1 statement is true about t1e im,lementation o2 "P*6 in an alrea(/ e3isting "P*4 net4or56 7 "P*6 can be route( using t1e same routing ,rotocol *ersions as "P*4 ' 7 router routing 2or "P*6 an( "P*4 must con*ert "P*4 ,ac5ets to "P*6 ,ac5ets to route t1em 8 "P*4 an( "P*6 net4or5s can be route( simultaneousl/ + %nl/ %SPF *ersion & can be utili9e( 2or routing "P*4 an( "P*6
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e +.8P con2iguration t1at is s1o4n is con2igure( on a 8isco router 01ic1 statement is true6 ip dhcp pool 1 network domain-name dns-server netbios-name-server default-router lease 30 ! ip dhcp pool 1 network domain-name

dns-server netbios-name-server default-router lease 30 7 T1e router 4ill (istribute "P a((resses 2rom ,ool 1 until its a((resses are e31auste( T1en t1e router 4ill begin (istributing a((resses 2rom ,ool 2 ' T1e router 4ill c1oose 41ic1 ,ool to use base( u,on t1e inter2ace t1e +.8P re:uest 4as recei*e( on 8 T1e con2iguration is in*ali( because t1e +.8P o,tions are global con2iguration comman(s + T1e con2iguration is incom,lete until t1e +.8P ,ools are boun( to t1e a,,ro,riate inter2ace or inter2aces
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n t1e basis o2 t1e in2ormation ,resente(; 41ic1 statement is true6 (TA-show ip route ospf O IA {110/65] via, 00:00:18 Serial2/1/0 O*N2 [110/1] via, 00:00:18 Serial2/1/0 7 7 (e2ault route is con2igure( on t1e local router ' Net4or5 6 0 0 0<- 4as learne( 2rom an %SPF neig1bor 4it1in t1e area 8 %SPF router ) 0 0 2 is an 7'$ + T1e (e2ault route is learne( 2rom an %SPF neig1bor
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 4

01ic1 t4o re(uctions are t1e correct re(uctions o2 t1e "P*6 a((ress 2001:0d02:0000:0000:0014:0000:0000:00956 =81oose t4o > 7 2001:d02::14::95 ' 2001:0d02:::0014:::0095 8 2001:0d02:::0014:0:0:0095 + 2001:d02::14:0:0:95 ! 2001:d02:0:0:14::95 F FF::0014:0:0:0095
o!!ect Ans"e!# +! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 is not correct because 4e can?t use tri,le colons =:::> in "P*6 ,resentation ' is not correct because 4e can?t use (ouble colons =::> t4ice @ou can use it onl/ once in an/

a((ress because i2 t4o (ouble colons are ,lace( in t1e same a((ress; t1ere 4ill be no 4a/ to i(enti2/ t1e si9e o2 eac1 bloc5 o2 0s $emember t1e 2ollo4ing tec1ni:ues to s1orten an "P*6 a((ress: - %mit lea(ing 0s in t1e a((ress 2iel(; so :0000 can be com,resse( to Aust :0 an( :0(02 can be com,resse( to :(02 =but :1(00 can not be com,resse( to :1(> - Bse (ouble colons =::>; but Aust once; to re,resent a contiguous bloc5 o2 0s; so 2001:0(02:0000#0000#0014:0000#0000#009) can be com,resse( to 2001:0(02##14:0#0:9) or 2001:0(02:0#0:14##9)

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P is con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 %n t1e basis o2 t1e out,ut ,ro*i(e(; 41ic1 statement is true6 7 'ecause t1e 5e/ c1ain names (o not matc1; router $1 4ill not be able to ,ing routers $2 an( $& ' 'ecause t1e 5e/ strings (o not matc1; router $1 4ill not be able to ,ing routers $2 an( $& 8 'ecause aut1entication is miscon2igure( on inter2aces #i0<0 an( #i0<1 on router $2; router $1 4ill not be able to ,ing routers $2 an( $& + 'ecause autosummari9ation nee(s to be turne( on 2or !"#$P on all routers; router $1 4ill not be able to ,ing routers $2 an( $& ! $outer $1 4ill be able to ,ing routers $2 an( $&
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 6

7 net4or5 a(ministrator is troubles1ooting a re(istribution o2 $"P routes into %SPF #i*en t1e e31ibite( comman(s; 41ic1 statement is true6 router rip network ! router ospf 5 network area 0 redistribute rip 7 $e(istribute( routes 4ill 1a*e an e3ternal t/,e o2 1 an( a metric o2 1 ' $e(istribute( routes 4ill 1a*e an e3ternal t/,e o2 2 an( a metric o2 20 8 $e(istribute( routes 4ill maintain t1eir original %SPF routing metric + $e(istribute( routes 4ill 1a*e a (e2ault metric o2 0 an( 4ill be treate( as reac1able an( a(*ertise( ! $e(istribute( routes 4ill 1a*e a (e2ault metric o2 0 but 4ill be treate( as unreac1able an( not a(*ertise(

o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'/ (e2ault; all routes re(istribute( into %SPF 4ill be tagge( as e3ternal t/,e 2 =!2> 4it1 a metric o2 20; e3ce,t 2or '#P routes =4it1 a metric o2 1> Note: T1e cost o2 a t/,e 2 route is al4a/s t1e e3ternal cost; irres,ecti*e o2 t1e interior cost to reac1 t1at route 7 t/,e 1 cost is t1e a((ition o2 t1e e3ternal cost an( t1e internal cost use( to reac1 t1at route

01ic1 t4o statements are true about !"#$P manual summari9ation6 =81oose t4o > 7 Canual summari9ation is con2igure( on a ,er inter2ace basis ' Canual summaries can be con2igure( 4it1 t1e class2ul mas5 onl/ 8 01en manual summari9ation is con2igure(; autosummari9ation is automaticall/ (isable( b/ (e2ault + T1e summar/ a((ress is assigne( an a(ministrati*e (istance o2 10 b/ (e2ault ! T1e summar/ a((ress is entere( into t1e routing table an( is s1o4n to be source( 2rom t1e Null0 inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 3

01ic1 is t1e correct comman( 2ormat to con2igure !"#$P summar/ route6 7 ip auto-summary as-number a((ress mas5 ' ip summary-address as-number a((ress mas5 8 ip auto-summary eigrp as-number a((ress mas5 + ip summary-route eigrp as-number a((ress mas5 ! ip summary-address eigrp as-number a((ress mas5
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 9

01ic1 is t1e most e22ecti*e tec1ni:ue to contain !"#$P :ueries6 7 route summari9ation ' con2iguring route 2ilters 8 using a 1ierarc1ical a((ressing sc1eme + establis1ing se,arate autonomous s/stems
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

72ter /ou (etermine t1e minimum routing re:uirements; /ou can ma5e !"#$P more scalable T4o o2 t1e best o,tions are t1e 2ollo4ing:

1 8on2igure route summari9ation using t1e i, summar/-a((ress eigr, comman( on t1e outboun( inter2ace o2 t1e a,,ro,riate routers 2 8on2igure t1e remote routers as stub !"#$P routers Summari9ing routes limits t1e :ueries sco,e b/ limiting a routers 5no4le(ge o2 net4or5s subnets "2 a subnet goes (o4n; :ueries go onl/ as 2ar as t1e routers t1at 1a*e 5no4le(ge o2 t1at subnet

$e2er to t1e e31ibit #i*en t1e e31ibite( router out,ut; 41ic1 comman( se:uence can be a((e( to $1 to generate a (e2ault route into t1e %SPF (omain6 7 default-router ' ip default-network 8 default-information originate always + ip default-gateway
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 11

"(enti2/ t1ree c1aracteristics o2 !"#$P 2easible successors6 =81oose t1ree > 7 7 2easible successor is selecte( b/ com,aring t1e a(*ertise( (istance o2 a nonsuccessor route to t1e 2easible (istance o2 t1e best route ' "2 t1e a(*ertise( (istance o2 t1e non-successor route is less t1an t1e 2easible (istance o2 best route; t1en t1at route is i(enti2ie( as a 2easible successor 8 "2 t1e successor becomes una*ailable; t1en t1e 2easible successor can be use( imme(iatel/ 4it1out recalculating 2or a lost route + T1e 2easible successor can be 2oun( in t1e routing table ! Tra22ic 4ill be loa( balance( bet4een 2easible successors 4it1 t1e same a(*ertise( (istance
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 12

01at are t1ree 5in(s o2 %SPF areas6 =81oose t1ree > 7 stub ' acti*e 8 remote + bac5bone ! or(inar/ or stan(ar(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 1,

7 net4or5 a(ministrator assigns a multicast a((ress o2 2&9 2)) - ) to an a,,lication

running on a (e*ice 4it1 an !t1ernet C78 a((ress o2 01.b2.7d.05.f1.80 01ic1 La/er 2 multicast a((ress 4ill t1is (e*ice use6 7 01.00.5e.7F.08.05 ' 01.b2.7d.05.f1.80 8 01.b2.7d.0a.08.05 + 01.00.5e.05.f1.80 ! ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 14

7 net4or5 a(ministrator is troubles1ooting an !"#$P con2iguration across a (iscontiguous net4or5 01at must t1e a(ministrator (o to ensure t1e routers 1a*e t1e correct routing in2ormation6 7 Not1ing; !"#$P su,,orts (iscontiguous net4or5s b/ (e2ault ' T1e a(ministrator must (isable automatic summari9ation 4it1 t1e comman( no autosummar/ 8 T1e a(ministrator must enable manual summari9ation 4it1 t1e comman( i, summar/a((ress + T1e a(ministrator must enable classless routing 4it1 t1e comman( i, classless ! T1e a(ministrator must s,eci2/ a (e2ault net4or5 4it1 t1e comman( i, (e2aultnet4or5
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 1/

01at is t1e ,ur,ose o2 t1e eigr, stub con2iguration comman(6 7 to increase scalabilit/ b/ limiting t1e !"#$P :uer/ range ' to re(uce t1e si9e o2 t1e routing table b/ bloc5ing t1e + !D =!3ternal !"#$P> routes into t1e !"#$P stub router 8 to re(uce t1e con*ergence time b/ enabling t1e !"#$P stub router to ,ro,agate t1e !"#$P :ueries 2rom t1e !"#$P 1ub router + to re(uce t1e con*ergence time b/ enabling t1e !"#$P stub router to also ,er2orm :uer/ re:uests to t1e !"#$P 1ub router
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e !"#$P Stub $outing 2eature im,ro*es net4or5 stabilit/; re(uce resources utili9ation; an( sim,li2ies stub router con2iguration Stub routing is commonl/ use( in a 1ub an( s,o5e net4or5 to,olog/ @ou nee( to con2igure t1e (istribution =1ub> an( remote =s,o5e> routers to use !"#$P; an( onl/ t1e remote router as a stub %nl/ s,eci2ie( routes

are ,ro,agate( 2rom t1e stub router T1e router res,on(s to :ueries 2or summaries; connecte( routes; re(istribute( static routes; e3ternal routes; an( internal routes 4it1 t1e message EinaccessibleE 7 stub router 4ill sen( a s,ecial ,eer in2ormation ,ac5et to all neig1boring routers to re,ort its status as a stub router 7n/ neig1bor t1at recei*es a ,ac5et in2orming it o2 t1e stub status 4ill not :uer/ t1e stub router 2or an/ routes; an( a router t1at 1as a stub ,eer 4ill not :uer/ t1at ,eer T1e stub router 4ill (e,en( on t1e (istribution router to sen( t1e ,ro,er u,(ates to all ,eers QUESTION 16

'ase( on t1e in2ormation in t1e e31ibit; 41ic1 statement is true6 7 $T8 4ill be able to access t1e 10 0 0 0 net4or5 ' $T8 4ill not 1a*e t1e 10 0 0 0 net4or5 in its routing table 8 $T8 4ill not 1a*e t1e 192 16- 10 0 net4or5 in its routing table + $T' 4ill not 1a*e t1e 10 0 0 0 net4or5 in its routing table ! $T' an( $T8 4ill not 1a*e t1e 10 0 0 0 net4or5 in t1eir routing tables
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 12

01ic1 comman( (is,la/s statistics on !"#$P 1ello; u,(ates; :ueries; re,lies; an( ac5no4le(gments6 7 debug eigrp packets ' show ip eigrp traffic 8 show ip eigrp topology + show ip eigrp neighbors
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 13

7 com,an/ 1as a '#P net4or5 an( a '#P route o2 196 27 12) 0<24 t1at s1oul( be ,ro,agate( to all o2 t1e (e*ices T1e route is not no4 in an/ o2 t1e routing tables T1e a(ministrator (etermines t1at an access list is t1e cause o2 t1e ,roblem T1e a(ministrator c1anges t1e access list to allo4 t1is route; but t1e route still (oes not a,,ear in an/ o2 t1e routing tables 01at s1oul( be (one to ,ro,agate t1is route6 7 8lear t1e '#P session ' Bse t1e release '#P routing comman( 8 Bse t1e ser*ice-,olic/ comman( to a(Aust t1e F%S ,olic/ to allo4 t1e route to ,ro,agate + 81ange bot1 t1e inboun( an( outboun( ,olic/ relate( to t1is route
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#


$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P is enable( on all routers on t1e net4or5 01at a((itional con2iguration is re:uire( 2or t1e routers connecte( o*er t1e Frame $ela/ multi,oint inter2aces to com,ensate 2or a lo4-s,ee( N'C7 connection6 7 8on2igure t1e !"#$P 1ello inter*al on all Frame $ela/ inter2aces to ) secon(s ' 8on2igure t1e !"#$P 1ello inter*al on all Frame $ela/ inter2aces to 60 secon(s 8 8on2igure t1e !"#$P 1ol( time on all Frame $ela/ inter2aces to 1) secon(s + 8on2igure t1e !"#$P 1ol( time on all Frame $ela/ inter2aces to 1-0 secon(s ! 8on2igure t1e ban(4i(t1 on all !"#$P Frame $ela/ inter2aces to t1e committe( in2ormation rate =8"$> F 8on2igure t1e ban(4i(t1 on all !"#$P Frame $ela/ inter2aces to t1e lo4est 8"$ multi,lie( b/ t1e number o2 PV8s 2or t1e multi,oint connection
o!!ect Ans"e!# F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 20

7 net4or5 a(ministrator 4oul( li5e to con2igure an !"#$P router as a stub router t1at a(*ertises (irectl/ connecte( an( summar/ routes onl/ 01at comman( must t1e a(ministrator issue to accom,lis1 t1is6 7 eigr, stub ' eigr, stub connecte( 8 eigr, stub summar/ + eigr, stub connecte( static ! eigr, stub recei*e-onl/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 21

$e2er to t1e ,artial con2igurations in t1e e31ibit 01at a((ress is utili9e( 2or +$ an( '+$ i(enti2ication on $outer16 7 t1e serial 1<1 a((ress ' t1e serial 2<0 a((ress 8 a ran(oml/ generate( internal a((ress + t1e con2igure( router-i( a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n %SPF*& an( %SPF *ersion 2; t1e router uses t1e &2-bit "P*4 a((ress to select t1e router "+ 2or an %SPF ,rocess T1e router "+ selection ,rocess 2or %SPF*& is (escribe(

belo4 =same as %SPF *ersion 2>: 1 T1e router "+ is use( i2 e3,licitl/ con2igure( 4it1 t1e router-i( comman( 2 %t1er4ise; t1e 1ig1est "P*4 loo,bac5 a((ress is use( & %t1er4ise; t1e 1ig1est acti*e "P*4 a((ress 4 %t1er4ise; t1e router "+ must be e3,licitl/ con2igure( "n t1is case t1e router "+ 10 1 1 & is e3,licitl/ con2igure(

01ic1 t4o routing ,rotocols re:uire a metric to be con2igure( 41en re(istributing routes 2rom ot1er ,rotocols6 =81oose t4o > 7 $"P ' %SPF 8 !"#$P + "S-"S ! '#P
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# Cetrics must be set manuall/ *ia con2iguration 41en re(istributing into $"P an( !"#$P; 41ereas %SPF uses a (e2ault *alue o2 20 QUESTION 2,

'/ (e2ault; 41ic1 statement is correct regar(ing t1e re(istribution o2 routes 2rom ot1er routing ,rotocols into %SPF6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e/ 4ill a,,ear in t1e %SPF routing table as t/,e !1 routes ' T1e/ 4ill a,,ear in t1e %SPF routing table as t/,e !2 routes 8 Summari9e( routes are not acce,te( + 7ll im,orte( routes 4ill be automaticall/ summari9e( 41en ,ossible ! %nl/ routes 4it1 lo4er a(ministrati*e (istances 4ill be im,orte(
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T/,e !1 e3ternal routes calculate t1e cost b/ a((ing t1e e3ternal cost to t1e internal cost o2 eac1 lin5 t1at t1e ,ac5et crosses 41ile t1e e3ternal cost o2 !2 ,ac5et routes is al4a/s t1e e3ternal cost onl/ !2 is use2ul i2 /ou (o not 4ant internal routing to (etermine t1e ,at1 !1 is use2ul 41en internal routing s1oul( be inclu(e( in ,at1 selection !2 is t1e (e2ault e3ternal metric 41en re(istributing routes 2rom ot1er routing ,rotocols into %SPF -G ' is correct

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at is re:uire( to com,lete t1e "P*6 routing con2igurations s1o4n6 Select t1e best res,onse Router1# interface S1/1 ipv6 address 2001:410:FFFF:1::1/64

ipv6 ospf 100 area 0 ! interface S2/0 ipv6 address 3FFF:B00:FFFF:1::2/64 ipv6 ospf 100 area 1 ! ipv6 router ospf router-id -----------------------------------Router2# interface S3/0 ipv6 address 3FFE:B00:FFFF:1::1/64 ipv6 ospf 100 area 1 ipv6 router ospf 100 router-id 7 "nter2ace aut1entication must be con2igure( ' T1e routing ,rocesses must be con2igure( 4it1 an area "+ 8 "P*6 unicast-routing must be enable( + "P*4 a((resses must be a,,lie( to t1e inter2aces
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/

01en im,lementing %SPF*&; 41ic1 statement (escribes t1e con2iguration o2 %SPF areas6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "n inter2ace con2iguration mo(e; t1e %SPF*& area "+ combination assigns inter2aces to %SPF*& areas ' "n router con2iguration mo(e; t1e net4or5 4il(car( area "+ combination assigns net4or5s to %SPF*& areas 8 "n inter2ace con2iguration mo(e; t1e "P*6 %SPF ,rocess area "+ combination assigns inter2aces to %SPF*& areas + "n router con2iguration mo(e; t1e "P*6 %SPF inter2ace area "+ combination assigns inter2aces to %SPF*& areas
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 26

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outers $1 an( $2 1a*e been con2igure( to o,erate 4it1 %SPF $outers $1 an( $& 1a*e been con2igure( to o,erate 4it1 $"P 72ter con2iguring t1e re(istribution bet4een %SPF an( $"P on $1; no %SPF routes are (istribute( into $"P 01at s1oul( be (one to correct t1is ,roblem6

T1e re(istribution comman( s1oul( be reentere( 4it1 t1e match routetype ,arameter inclu(e( ' T1e re(istribution comman( s1oul( be reentere( 4it1 t1e route-map maptag ,arameter inclu(e( 8 T1e re(istribution comman( s1oul( be reentere( 4it1 t1e metric metricvalue ,arameter inclu(e( + $outes 4ill 2irst nee( to be (istribute( into anot1er ,rotocol; an( t1en into $"P
7 o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Notice t1at $"P metric is base( on 1o, count onl/; an( t1e ma3imum *ali( metric is 1) 7n/t1ing abo*e 1) is consi(ere( in2inite '/ (e2ault; 41en no metric is assigne( 41en re(istributing 2rom !"#$P; %SPF; "S-"S; '#P into $"P; t1e (e2ault metric 4ill be in2inite T1ere2ore 4e must (e2ine a metric t1at is un(erstan(able to t1e recei*ing ,rotocol Bsuall/; 4e s1oul( use a small *alue =li5e 1; 2; &> so t1at a2ter re(istributing; t1at route can be a(*ertise( t1roug1 man/ routers =because t1e limit is 1)>

01en troubles1ooting an !"#$P connecti*it/ ,roblem; /ou notice t1at t4o connecte( !"#$P routers are not becoming !"#$P neig1bors 7 ,ing bet4een t1e t4o routers 4as success2ul 01at is t1e ne3t t1ing t1at s1oul( be c1ec5e(6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 Veri2/ t1at t1e !"#$P 1ello an( 1ol( timers matc1 e3actl/ ' Veri2/ t1at !"#$P broa(cast ,ac5ets are not being (ro,,e( bet4een t1e t4o routers 4it1 t1e s1o4 i, !"#$P ,eer comman( 8 Veri2/ t1at !"#$P broa(cast ,ac5ets are not being (ro,,e( bet4een t1e t4o routers 4it1 t1e s1o4 i, !"#$P tra22ic comman( + Veri2/ t1at !"#$P is enable( 2or t1e a,,ro,riate net4or5s on t1e local an( neig1boring router
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e ,oint o2 t1is :uestion is about t1e con(ition o2 establis1 !"#$P neig1boor @ou can use t1ese 4a/s to troubles1oot t1e !"#$P connecti*it/ ,roblem 1 01et1er !"#$P is enable( 2or t1e ,ro,er net4or5s 2 01et1er t1e H *alues o2 !"#$P neig1boors is t1e same & 01et1er !"#$P autonomous number is t1e same QUESTION 23

$e2er to t1e e31ibit "t is (esire( to set u, a '#P neig1bor relations1i, bet4een routers $1 an( $4 '#P ,ac5ets bet4een t1em coul( tra*el t1roug1 $2 or $& 01at is t1e sim,lest con2iguration t1at 4ill allo4 2or 2ailo*er6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 8on2igure '#P neig1bor relations1i,s bet4een all inter2aces on $1 an( $4 ' "nstall a (irect connection bet4een $1 an( $4 8 8on2igure loo,bac5 inter2aces on $1 an( $4 to ,ro*i(e t1e u,(ate source a((ress 2or '#P ,ac5ets + 8on2igure onl/ one neig1bor relations1i, bet4een $1Is 192 16- 1 2 inter2ace an( $4Is 172 16 10 2 inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7ssume $4 onl/ uses t1is con2iguration: $4=con2ig>Jrouter bg, 6)000 $4=con2ig-router>Jneig1bor 192 16- 1 2 remote-as 6)000 T1en i2 $1 sen(s '#P ,ac5ets to $4 *ia $&; t1e source "P a((ress o2 t1e ,ac5ets is 192 16- 2 2 'ut $4 (oes not recogni9e t1is "P a((ress because 192 16- 2 2 is not con2igure( in t1e Kneig1borL comman( o2 $4 T1ere2ore t1e "'#P session bet4een $1 M $4 is not establis1e( -G t1ese ,ac5ets 4ill be (ro,,e( T1e sim,lest con2iguration to allo4 $1 an( $4 communicate *ia bot1 $2 M $& is to use a loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress rat1er t1an a ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress as t1e source "P a((ress 2or all '#P ,ac5ets To (o t1is; use t1e comman(: (45con)i+-!o*te!6-nei+71o! *pdate-so*!ce &oop1ac80 ="n 41ic1 1 1 1 1 is t1e loo,bac5 inter2ace o2 $1> "n ,ractical; 4e s1oul( establis1 neig1bors1i, 4it1 t1e loo,bac5 inter2ace rat1er t1an t1e ,1/sical inter2ace because i2 t1e ,1/sical inter2ace goes (o4n; t1e neig1bors1i, 4oul( be lost 41ile a loo,bac5 inter2ace ne*er goes (o4n 7lso; 41en con2iguring K1 1 1 1N as t1e neig1bor; /ou must con2igure on $1 t1e Kneig1bor 4 4 4 4 u,(ate-source &oop1ac80L comman( so t1at t1e source "P a((ress o2 ,ac5ets sent 2rom $1 =loo,bac50 O 1 1 1 1> 4ill be matc1e( 4it1 t1e neig1bor comman( con2igure( on $4

01ic1 statement is true about %SPF Net4or5 LS7s6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e/ are originate( b/ e*er/ router in t1e %PSF net4or5 T1e/ inclu(e all routers on t1e lin5; inter2aces; t1e cost o2 t1e lin5; an( an/ 5no4n neig1bor on t1e lin5

T1e/ are originate( b/ t1e +$ on e*er/ multi-access net4or5 T1e/ inclu(e all attac1e( routers inclu(ing t1e +$ itsel2 8 T1e/ are originate( b/ 7rea 'or(er $outers an( are sent into a single area to a(*ertise (estinations outsi(e t1at area + T1e/ are originate( b/ 7rea 'or(er $outer an( are sent into a single area to a(*ertise an 7utonomous S/stem 'or(er $outer
' o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Po,ular LS7 T/,es are liste( belo4:


$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outing u,(ates 2or t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5 are being recei*e( 2rom all t1ree neig1bors 01ic1 statement is correct regar(ing t1e result o2 t1e con2iguration s1o4n6 ! router bgp 65001 neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor remote-as 65555 neighbor route-map local_pref in neighbor remote-as 65510 ! route-map local_pref permit 10 match ip address 20 set local-preference 200 ! access-list 20 permit ! 7 T1e router 4ill ,re2er t1e ne3t 1o, o2 172 16 1 1 2or ,ac5ets (estine( 2or t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5 ' T1e router 4ill ,re2er t1e ne3t 1o, o2 172 26 1 1 2or ,ac5ets (estine( 2or t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5 8 T1e router 4ill a(*ertise t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5 onl/ to 172 &0 1 1 + T1e router 4ill a(*ertise t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5 onl/ to 172 26 1 1 ! T1e router 4ill ,re2er t1e ne3t 1o, o2 172 26 1 1 2or ,ac5ets e3ce,t t1ose (estine( 2or t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e local-,re2erence o2 t1e ne3t 1o, 172 26 1 1 is set to 200; 41ic1 is 1ig1er t1an t1e (e2ault *alue =100> so t1is ,at1 is ,re2erre( 2or ,ac5ets (estine( to t1e 192 16- 1 0 net4or5

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %SPF is con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 %n t1e basis o2 t1e

s1o4 i, os,2 neig1bor out,ut; 41at ,re*ents $1 2rom establis1ing a 2ull a(Aacenc/ 4it1 $26 7 $outer $1 4ill onl/ establis1 2ull a(Aacenc/ 4it1 t1e +$ an( '+$ on broa(cast multiaccess net4or5s ' $outer $2 1as been electe( as a +$ 2or t1e broa(cast multiaccess net4or5 in %SPF area 8 $outers $1 an( $2 are con2igure( as stub routers 2or %SPF area 1 an( %SPF area 2 + $outer $1 an( $2 are con2igure( 2or a *irtual lin5 bet4een %SPF area 1 an( %SPF area 2 ! T1e .ello ,arameters on routers $1 an( $2 (o not matc1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e out,ut; 4e learn t1at $4 is t1e +$ an( $& is t1e '+$ so ot1er routers 4ill onl/ establis1 2ull a(Aacenc/ 4it1 t1ese routers 7ll ot1er routers 1a*e t1e t4o-4a/ a(Aacenc/ establis1e(

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n t1e basis o2 t1e con2iguration ,ro*i(e(; 1o4 are t1e .ello ,ac5ets sent b/ $2 1an(le( b/ $) in %SPF area )6 7 T1e .ello ,ac5ets 4ill be e3c1ange( an( a(Aacenc/ 4ill be establis1e( bet4een routers $2 an( $) ' T1e .ello ,ac5ets 4ill be e3c1ange( but t1e routers $2 an( $) 4ill become neig1bors onl/ 8 T1e .ello ,ac5ets 4ill be (ro,,e( an( no a(Aacenc/ 4ill be establis1e( bet4een routers $2 an( $) + T1e .ello ,ac5ets 4ill be (ro,,e( but t1e routers $2 an( $) 4ill become neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$ecall t1at in %SPF; t4o routers 4ill become neig1bors 41en t1e/ agree on t1e 2ollo4ing: 7rea-i(; 7ut1entication; .ello an( +ea( "nter*als; St*1 a!ea )&a+ 0e must s,eci2/ 7rea ) as a stub area on t1e 7'$ =$2> an( all t1e routers in t1at area =$) in t1is case> 'ut 2rom t1e out,ut; 4e learn t1at onl/ $2 1as been con2igure( as a stub 2or 7rea ) T1is 4ill (ro, (o4n t1e neig1bor relations1i, bet4een $2 an( $) because t1e stub 2lag is not matc1e( in t1e .ello ,ac5ets o2 t1ese routers

$e2er to t1e e31ibit @ou are t1e net4or5 a(ministrator o2 t1e 88NP com com,an/ @ou 1a*e been tas5e( to im,lement a 1ub an( s,o5e !"#$P to,olog/ o*er Frame $ela/ to ,ro*i(e connecti*it/ bet4een t1e net4or5s at 1ea(:uarters an( all &00 s,o5es 'e2ore /ou begin t1e actual im,lementation; 41ic1 t1ree ,ieces o2 in2ormation are more im,ortant to 5no4 t1an t1e ot1ers6 =81oose t1ree > 7 t1e 8ommitte( "n2ormation $ate o2 all t1e Frame $ela/ PV8s ' t1e 8isco "%S *ersion running on all t1e routers 8 t1e router mo(el number o2 all t1e s,o5e routers + t1e number o2 .F net4or5s connecte( be1in( t1e 1ea(:uarter routers ! t1e routing ,olic/; suc1 as 41et1er or not t1e s,o5es can be use( as bac5u, transient ,oint bet4een t1e t4o 1ea(:uarter routers
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,4

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e $oute com com,an/ is running !"#$P bet4een all t1e routers 8urrentl/; i2 one o2 t1e L7N lin5s =L7N1 or L7N2> at t1e 1ea(:uarters 2la,s =goes u, an( (o4n>; t1e .F-$T$1 an( .F-$T$2 routers 4ill e3,erience 1ig1 8PB usage an( 1a*e a long !"#$P con*ergence time 7s t1e ne4 net4or5 a(ministrator; /ou are as5e( to in*estigate t1is situation an( (etermine i2 t1ere is a :uic5 4a/ to resol*e t1is issue 01ic1 is t1e most im,ortant t1ing t1at /ou can :uic5l/ *eri2/ 2irst to resol*e t1is issue6 7 Veri2/ t1at t1e ban(4i(t1 setting on all 07N lin5s is correct ' Veri2/ t1at t1e .F-$T$1 an( .F-$T$2 routers are con2igure( to sen( onl/ a (e2ault route to all t1e s,o5e routers 8 Veri2/ t1at t1e .F-$T$1 an( .F-$T$2 routers are con2igure( 2or !"#$P Nonsto, For4ar(ing + Veri2/ t1at all t1e s,o5e routers are con2igure( 2or autosummari9ation ! Veri2/ t1at all t1e s,o5e routers are con2igure( as !"#$P stub
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,/

@ou 1a*e Aust com,lete( an %SPF im,lementation 01ile e3ecuting /our *eri2ication ,lan; /ou (etermine t1at $1 is not able to establis1 2ull %SPF a(Aacenc/ 4it1 $2 T1e

s1o4 i, os,2 neig1bor comman( out,ut on $1 s1o4s t1at $2 is stuc5 in t1e "N"T state 01at coul( be t1e cause o2 t1is ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 +$ an( '+$ election errors bet4een $1 an( $2 ' T1e $2 router 1as not recei*e( t1e %SPF 1ello ,ac5ets 2rom t1e $1 router 8 Cismatc1e( inter2ace ma3imum transmission unit =CTB> con2iguration bet4een t1e $1 an( $2 + Cismatc1e( %SPF 1ello inter*al con2iguration bet4een t1e $1 an( $2 ! 8orru,te( LS7s e3c1anges bet4een t1e $1 an( $2
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en a router recei*es an %SPF .ello 2rom a neig1bor; it sen(s t1e .ello ,ac5et b/ inclu(ing t1at neig1bor?s router "+ in t1e .ello ,ac5et "2 t1e neig1bor (oes not recei*e t1is ,ac5et =means t1at it (oesn?t see itsel2 in t1is ,ac5et>; it 4ill be stuc5 in "N"T state "N"T state can be un(erstoo( as a one-4a/ .ello 7n e3am,le o2 a router stuc5 in "N"T state is s1o4n belo4:

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01en /ou e3amine t1e routing table o2 $1 an( $4; /ou are not able to see t1e $1 !t1ernet subnet on t1e $4 routing table @ou are also not able to see t1e $4 !t1ernet subnet on t1e $1 routing table 01ic1 con2iguration c1ange s1oul( be ma(e to resol*e t1is issue6 Select t1e routers 41ere t1e con2iguration c1ange 4ill be re:uire(; an( select t1e re:uire( !"#$P con2iguration comman(=s> =81oose t4o > 7 $1 an( $4 ' $2 an( $& 8 i, summar/-a((ress eigr, 1 10 1 1 0 2)) 2)) 2)) 0 an( i, summar/-a((ress eigr, 1 + *ariance 2 ! eigr, stub connecte( F no auto-summar/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 'F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,2

@ou 1a*e com,lete( an %SPF im,lementation; an( /ou are *eri2/ing %SPF o,eration +uring t1is *eri2ication; /ou notice t1at t1e %SPF route o2 172 16 10 0 is re,eate(l/ a,,earing an( (isa,,earing 2rom t1e routing table Furt1er in*estigation 2in(s t1at t1e

%SPF 8PB utili9ation is *er/ 1ig1 an( t1e routers are constantl/ ,er2orming SPF calculations @ou (etermine t1at 172 16 20 2 is t1e source o2 t1e 172 16 10 0 route Bsing t1e s1o4 i, os,2 (atabase router 172 16 20 1 comman(; /ou notice t1at 41en t1is s1o4 comman( is ,er2orme( re,eate(l/; t1e contents o2 t1e LS7 c1ange e*er/ 2e4 secon(s 01at coul( be t1e cause o2 t1is ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %SPF aut1entication errors bet4een some o2 t1e routers ' T4o routers 1a*e t1e same %SPF router "+ 8 "ssues 4it1 mistune( %SPF timers + %SPF LS7 ,acing issues bet4een some o2 t1e routers ! %SPF neig1bor a(Aacenc/ ,roblems bet4een some o2 t1e routers
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,3

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $%BT! com 1as Aust im,lemente( t1is !"#$P net4or5 7 net4or5 a(ministrator came to /ou 2or a(*ice 41ile tr/ing to im,lement loa( balancing across ,art o2 t1eir !"#$P net4or5 "2 t1e *ariance *alue is con2igure( as 2 on all routers an( all ot1er metric an( H *alues are con2igure( to t1eir (e2ault *alues; tra22ic 2rom t1e "nternet to t1e (ata center 4ill be loa( balance( across 1o4 man/ ,at1s6 7 1 ' 2 8 & + 4 ! )
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

First 4e s1oul( list all t1e ,at1s 2rom t1e "nternet to t1e (ata center: P 7-'-8-. 4it1 a metric o2 70 =40 P 1) P 1)> P 7-'-!-. 4it1 a metric o2 60 =40P10P10> P A-9-E-: "it7 a met!ic o) ,0 =10P10P10> P 7-+-!-'-8-. 4it1 a metric o2 60 =10P10P10P1)P1)> P 7-+-!-F-#-. 4it1 a metric o2 70 =10P10P10P20P20> P 7-F-#-. 4it1 a metric o2 60 =20P20P20> P 7-F-!-. 4it1 a metric o2 40 =20P10P10> So t1e ,at1 7-+-!-. 4ill be c1osen because it 1as t1e best metric 'ut !"#$P can su,,ort une:ual cost ,at1 loa( balancing '/ con2iguring t1e *ariance *alue o2 2; t1e minimum metric is increase( to 60 =&0 Q 2> an( all t1e routes t1at 1a*e a metric o2 less

t1an or e:ual to 60 an( satis2/ t1e 2easibilit/ con(ition 4ill be use( to sen( tra22ic 'esi(es t1e main ,at1 7-+-!-. 4e 1a*e 4 more ,at1s t1at 1a*e t1e metric o2 less t1an or e:ual to 60 =4e also inclu(e t1e 7(*ertise( +istances o2 t1ese routes 2or later com,arison>: P 7-'-!-. 4it1 an 7+ o2 20 P 7-+-!-'-8-. 4it1 an 7+ o2 )0 P 7-F-#-. 4it1 an 7+ o2 40 P 7-F-!-. 4it1 an 7+ o2 20 No4 t1e last t1ing 4e nee( to consi(er is t1e 2easible con(ition T1e 2easible con(ition states: ;To <*a&i)= as a )easi1&e s*ccesso!> a !o*te! m*st 7a%e an A9 &ess t7an t7e .9 o) t7e c*!!ent s*ccesso! !o*te? T1e F+ o2 t1e current successor route 1ere is &0 =notice t1at t1e *ariance number is not calculate( 1ere> T1ere2ore t1ere are onl/ 2 ,at1s t1at can satis2/ t1is con(itions: t1e ,at1 A-4-E-: M A-.-E-: "n conclusion; tra22ic 2rom t1e "nternet to t1e (ata center 4ill be loa( balance( across & ,at1s; inclu(ing t1e main ,at1 =successor ,at1> -G 8 is correct

01en an %SPF (esign is ,lanne(; 41ic1 im,lementation can 1el, a router not 1a*e memor/ resource issues6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 .a*e a bac5bone area =area 0> 4it1 40 routers an( use (e2ault routes to reac1 e3ternal (estinations ' .a*e a bac5bone area =area 0> 4it1 4 routers an( &0;000 e3ternal routes inAecte( into %SPF 8 .a*e less %SPF areas to re(uce t1e nee( 2or interarea route summari9ations + .a*e multi,le %SPF ,rocesses on eac1 %SPF router !3am,le; router os,2 1; router os,2 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 40

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 'oston com,an/ boug1t t1e assets o2 a Ne4 @or5 com,an/ an( is tr/ing to route tra22ic bet4een t1e t4o (ata net4or5s using !"#$P T1e s1o4 comman( out,ut s1o4s t1at tra22ic 4ill not 2lo4 bet4een t1e net4or5s 7s a net4or5

consultant; /ou 4ere as5e( to mo(i2/ t1e con2iguration an( certi2/ t1e intero,erabilit/ o2 t1e t4o net4or5s For tra22ic to 2lo4 2rom subnet 172 16 - 0<24 to t1e 172 16 16 0<24 subnet; 41ic1 con2iguration c1ange (o /ou recommen(6 7 Turn o22 autosummari9ation on routers N1 an( '1 ' 7(( "P summar/ a((resses to t1e "nternet-,ointing inter2aces o2 routers N1 an( '1 8 Turn o22 autosummari9ation on routers N2 an( '2 + 7(( 4il(car( mas5s to t1e net4or5 comman(s on routers N2 an( '2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 41

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 'oston com,an/ boug1t t1e assets o2 a Ne4 @or5 com,an/ an( is tr/ing to route tra22ic bet4een t1e t4o (ata net4or5s using !"#$P o*er !oCPLS 7s a net4or5 consultant; /ou 4ere as5e( to *eri2/ t1e intero,erabilit/ o2 t1e t4o net4or5s From t1e s1o4 i, route comman( out,ut; 41at can /ou tell t1e customer about t1e tra22ic 2lo4 bet4een t1e subnet in Ne4 @or5 =172 16 - 0<24> an( t1e subnets in 'oston =172 16 16 0<24 an( 10 10 16 0<24>6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 Tra22ic is 2lo4ing bet4een t1e 172 16 - 0 subnet an( subnets 172 16 16 0 an( 10 10 16 0 an( no con2iguration c1anges are nee(e( ' 7uto-summar/ must be (isable( on N1 an( '1 be2ore tra22ic can 2lo4 bet4een t1e 172 16 - 0 subnet an( subnets 172 16 16 0 an( 10 10 16 0 8 Tra22ic 4ill 2lo4 bet4een t1e 172 16 - 0 subnet an( 172 16 16 0 4it1out an/ 2urt1er con2iguration c1anges .o4e*er; auto-summar/ must be (isable( on N1 an( '1 be2ore tra22ic can 2lo4 bet4een t1e 172 16 - 0 subnet an( t1e 10 10 16 0 subnet + 7uto-summar/ must be (isable( on N1 an( '1 be2ore tra22ic can 2lo4 bet4een t1e 172 16 - 0 subnet an( t1e 172 16 16 0 subnet .o4e*er; tra22ic 4ill 2lo4 bet4een t1e 172 16 - 0 subnet an( 10 10 16 0 4it1out an/ 2urt1er con2iguration c1anges
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 42

$e2er to t1e e31ibit @ou are t1e net4or5 a(ministrator res,onsible 2or t1e NProuter; t1e 10 1 1 1 router; an( t1e 10 1 1 2 router 01at can /ou (etermine about t1e %SPF o,erations 2rom t1e (ebug out,ut6 Select t1e

best res,onse 7 T1e NProuter 1as t4o %SPF neig1bors in t1e EFullE a(Aacenc/ state ' T1e NProuter serial0<0 inter2ace 1as t1e %SPF (ea( timer set to 10 secon(s 8 T1e NProuter serial0<0 inter2ace 1as been con2igure( 4it1 an %SPF net4or5 t/,e o2 E,oint- to-,ointE + T1e 10 1 1 1 an( 10 1 1 2 routers are not using t1e (e2ault %SPF (ea( an( 1ello timers setting ! T1e ECismatc1e(E error is cause( b/ t1e e3,iration o2 t1e %SPF timers
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

First 4e s1oul( un(erstan( clearl/ about t1e line 9ead ( 120 10; :e&&o ( &0 &0 T1e K$L 1ere means K$ecei*e(L an( K8L means K8on2igure(L "n ot1er 4or(s; K+ea( $L is t1e +ea( Timer $ecei*e( 2rom t1e neig1bor an( t1e K+ea( 8L is t1e +ea( Timer o2 t1e local router T1ere2ore in t1is case K+ea( $ 120 8 10N means t1e +eat1 Timer o2 t1e neig1bor is 120 secon(s 41ile t1e local +ea( Timer is 10 secon(s; 41ic1 causes a mismatc1 7lso 4e can learn t1at t1e local %SPF (ea( timer is set to 10 secon(s -G ' is correct For /our in2ormation; b/ (e2ault; %SPF uses a 10-secon( 1ello timer an( 40secon( 1ol( timer on broa(cast an( ,oint-to-,oint lin5s; an( a &0-secon( 1ello timer an( 120-secon( 1ol( timer 2or all ot1er net4or5 t/,es So 4e can?t con2irm ans4er + is correct or not

T1e ma3imum number o2 routers ,er %SPF area t/,icall/ (e,en(s on 41ic1 t1ree 2actors6 =81oose t1ree > 7 t1e 5in( o2 %SPF areas being im,lemente( ' t1e number o2 e3ternal LS7s in t1e net4or5 8 t1e number o2 +$s an( '+$s in t1e areas + t1e number o2 *irtual lin5s in t1e areas ! 1o4 4ell t1e areas can be summari9e( F t1e use o2 LS7 2ilters
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 44

$e2er to t1e e31ibit @ou 1a*e com,lete( an %SPF im,lementation; an( /ou are *eri2/ing %SPF o,eration @ou notice t1at router 7 an( router ' are stuc5 in t1e t4o-4a/ state

From t1e s1o4 i, os,2 inter2ace comman( out,ut; 41at is t1e cause o2 t1is issue6 7 7ll %SPF im,lementations must 1a*e at least one inter2ace in area 0 ' @ou are attem,ting to run in t1e broa(cast mo(e o*er an N'C7 inter2ace 8 'ot1 routers are con2igure( to 2unction as a '+$R t1ere2ore; t1ere is no +$ router + Someone 1as c1ange( t1e %SPF router "+R t1ere2ore /ou must clear t1e %SPF ,rocess ! T1e %SPF ,riorit/ is set to 0 on bot1 routersR t1ere2ore neit1er can become t1e +$
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en %SPF a(Aacenc/ is 2orme(; a router goes t1roug1 se*eral state c1anges be2ore it becomes 2ull/ a(Aacent 4it1 its neig1bor T1e states are +o4n; 7ttem,t; "nit; 20a/; !3start; !3c1ange; Loa(ing; an( Full 7n %SPF neig1bor reac1es t1e 2-4a/ state 41en bi(irectional communication is establis1e( =eac1 router 1as seen t1e ot1er?s 1ello ,ac5et> T1is is t1e beginning o2 an %SPF a(Aacenc/ %n broa(cast me(ia an( non-broa(cast multiaccess net4or5s; t1e +$ an( '+$ are electe( in t1is state 'ut t1e ,riorit/ on bot1 routers are 0 so no +$ an( '+$ are electe( -G T1ese routers sta/ in t1e 2-4a/ state =$e2erence an( a goo( resource o2 %SPF Neig1bor states: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-009&20e s1tml >

@ou are troubles1ooting an %SPF ,roblem 41ere e3ternal routes are not s1o4ing u, in t1e %SPF (atabase 01ic1 t4o o,tions are *ali( c1ec5s t1at s1oul( be ,er2orme( 2irst to *eri2/ ,ro,er %SPF o,eration6 =81oose t4o > 7 7re t1e 7S'$s tr/ing to re(istribute t1e e3ternal routes into a totall/ stubb/ area6 ' 7re t1e 7'$s con2igure( 4it1 stubb/ areas6 8 "s t1e subnets 5e/4or( being use( 4it1 t1e re(istribution comman(6 + "s bac5bone area =area 0> contiguous6 ! "s t1e 8PB utili9ation o2 t1e routers 1ig16
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 totall/ stubb/ stubb/ area cannot 1a*e an 7S'$ so it 4ill (iscar( t1is t/,e o2 LS7 =LS7 T/,e )> -G 7 is a *ali( c1ec5 !ac1 stubb/ area nee(s an 7'$ to communicate 4it1 ot1er areas so it is normal -G ' is

not a *ali( c1ec5 01en ,ulling routes into %SPF; 4e nee( to use t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL so t1at subnets 4ill be re(istribute( too For e3am,le; i2 4e re(istribute t1ese !"#$P routes into %SPF: P 10 0 0 0<P 10 10 0 0<16 P 10 10 1 0<24 4it1out t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL !o*te! osp) 1 !edist!i1*te ei+!p 1 T1en onl/ 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 4ill be re(istribute( because ot1er routes are not class2ul routes; t1e/ are subnets To re(istribute subnets 4e must use t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL !o*te! osp) 1 !edist!i1*te ei+!p 1 s*1nets -G 8 is a *ali( c1ec5 0e (on?t nee( to care i2 area 0 is contiguous or not -G + is not a *ali( c1ec5 8PB utili9ation cannot be t1e cause 2or t1is ,roblem -G ! is not a *ali( c1ec5

01en *eri2/ing t1e %SPF lin5 state (atabase; 41ic1 t/,e o2 LS7s s1oul( /ou e3,ect to see 4it1in t1e (i22erent %SPF area t/,es6 =81oose t1ree > 7 7ll %SPF routers in stubb/ areas can 1a*e t/,e & LS7s in t1eir (atabase ' 7ll %SPF routers in stubb/ areas can 1a*e t/,e 7 LS7s in t1eir (atabase 8 7ll %SPF routers in totall/ stubb/ areas can 1a*e t/,e & LS7s in t1eir (atabase + 7ll %SPF routers in totall/ stubb/ areas can 1a*e t/,e 7 LS7s in t1eir (atabase ! 7ll %SPF routers in NSS7 areas can 1a*e t/,e & LS7s in t1eir (atabase F 7ll %SPF routers in NSS7 areas can 1a*e t/,e 7 LS7s in t1eir (atabase
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7!F Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'elo4 summari9es t1e LS7 T/,es allo4e( an( not allo4e( in area t/,es: Po,ular LS7 T/,es are liste( belo4:

01en *eri2/ing %SPF *irtual lin5 ,roblems; 41ic1 is an im,ortant item to c1ec5 on t1e t4o transit %SPF routers6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %SPF ,rocess "+ ' %SPF router "+ 8 %SPF net4or5 t/,e + %SPF memor/ usage ! %SPF 8PB utili9ation F %SPF stub area con2igurations
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e %SPF router "+s o2 t1e t4o transit %SPF routers are use( to 2orm t1e *irtual lin5 =4it1 t1e area area-id virtual-link neighbor-router-id comman(> so it is an im,ortant item to c1ec5

@ou are (e*elo,ing a *eri2ication ,lan 2or an u,coming %SPF im,lementation Part o2 t1is ,lan is to *eri2/ t1e status o2 t/,e & LS7s 4it1in t1e net4or5 01ic1 routers s1oul( /ou *eri2/ 2irst to ensure t1at t1e con2igurations are correct 2or generating t/,e & LS7s6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "nternal routers 4it1in t1e bac5bone area =area 0> ' "nternal routers 4it1in t1e NSS7s 8 "nternal routers 4it1in t1e stubb/ areas + 7S'$s ! 7'$s F +$s an( '+$s
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T/,e & LS7 =Summar/ LS7> is a(*ertise( b/ t1e 7'$ o2 originating area to a(*ertise net4or5 2rom ot1er areas so 4e s1oul( c1ec5 t1e 7'$s 2irst

01ic1 con(ition must be satis2ie( be2ore an !"#$P neig1bor can be consi(ere( a 2easible successor6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e neig1borIs a(*ertise( (istance must be less t1an or e:ual to t1e 2easible (istance o2 t1e current successor ' T1e neig1borIs a(*ertise( (istance must be less t1an t1e 2easible (istance o2 t1e current successor 8 T1e neig1borIs a(*ertise( (istance must be greater t1an t1e 2easible (istance o2 t1e current successor + T1e neig1borIs a(*ertise( (istance must be e:ual to t1e 2easible (istance o2 t1e current successor ! T1e neig1borIs a(*ertise( (istance must be greater t1an or e:ual to t1e 2easible (istance o2 t1e current successor
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION /0

'ase( on t1e nee( to limit ,rocessing an( ban(4i(t1 utili9ation (ue to (/namic routing

,rotocol o,eration; t1e 2ollo4ing routing re:uirements 1a*e been s,eci2ie( 2or /our net4or5 - ,artial an( incremental routing u,(ates - onl/ t1e (e*ices a22ecte( b/ a to,olog/ c1ange ,er2orm route recom,utation - route recom,utation onl/ occurs 2or routes t1at 4ere a22ecte( 01ic1 (/namic routing ,rotocol s1oul( be (e,lo/e( in /our net4or5 to best meet t1ese re:uirements6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 '#P ' %SPF 8 "S-"S + !"#$P ! $"P*2
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION /1

01ic1 statement about a non-9ero *alue 2or t1e loa( metric =52> 2or !"#$P is true6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 7 c1ange in t1e loa( on an inter2ace 4ill cause !"#$P to recalculate t1e routing metrics an( sen( a corres,on(ing u,(ate out to eac1 o2 its neig1bors ' !"#$P calculates inter2ace loa( as a )-minute e3,onentiall/ 4eig1te( a*erage t1at is u,(ate( e*er/ ) minutes 8 !"#$P consi(ers t1e loa( o2 an inter2ace onl/ 41en sen(ing an u,(ate 2or some ot1er reason + 7 c1ange in t1e loa( on an inter2ace 4ill cause !"#$P to recalculate an( u,(ate t1e a(ministrati*e (istance 2or all routes learne( on t1at inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e loa( metric =52> re,resents t1e 4orst loa( on a lin5 bet4een source an( (estination !"#$P routing u,(ates are triggere( onl/ b/ a c1ange in net4or5 to,olog/ =li5e lin5s; inter2aces go u,<(o4n; router a((e(<remo*e(>; an( not b/ c1ange in inter2ace loa( or reliabilit/ -G 7 M + are not correct T1e loa( is a 2i*e minute e3,onentiall/ 4eig1te( a*erage t1at is u,(ate( e*er/ 2i*e secon(s =not 2i*e minutes> -G ' is not correct !"#$P consi(ers t1e loa( o2 an inter2ace onl/ 41en sen(ing an u,(ate 2or some ot1er reason =li5e a lin5 2ailure> -G 8 is correct

@our net4or5 consists o2 a large 1ub-an(-s,o5e Frame $ela/ net4or5 4it1 a 8"$ o2 )6 5b<s 2or eac1 s,o5e 01ic1 statement about t1e selection o2 a (/namic ,rotocol is true6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 !"#$P 4oul( be a,,ro,riate i2 LC" t/,e 7NS" is N%T use( ' !"#$P 4oul( be a,,ro,riate; because t1e Frame $ela/ s,o5es coul( be segmente( into t1eir o4n areas 8 !"#$P 4oul( be a,,ro,riate; because b/ (e2ault; :ueries are not ,ro,agate( across t1e slo4 s,ee( Frame $ela/ lin5s + !"#$P 4oul( be a,,ro,riate; because /ou can manage 1o4 muc1 ban(4i(t1 is consume( o*er t1e Frame $ela/ inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'/ (e2ault; !"#$P 4ill limit itsel2 to using no more t1an )0T o2 t1e inter2ace ban(4i(t1 T1e ,rimar/ bene2it o2 controlling !"#$P?s ban(4i(t1 usage is to a*oi( losing !"#$P ,ac5ets; 41ic1 coul( occur 41en !"#$P generates (ata 2aster t1an t1e inter2ace line can absorb it T1is is o2 ,articular bene2it on Frame $ela/ net4or5s; 41ere t1e access inter2ace ban(4i(t1 an( t1e PV8 ca,acit/ ma/ be *er/ (i22erent For e3am,le; in our Frame $ela/ to,olog/ a .ub is connecte( 4it1 4 S,o5e routers T1e main Frame $ela/ inter2ace on .ub router is )12H,bs 41ic1 is not enoug1 to use 2or 6 lin5s o2 12- Hb,s = U 76- Hb,s> T1e solution 1ere is 4e can use )12 < 6 U -) Hb,s on eac1 subinter2ace o2 .ub b/ using Kban(4i(t1 -)N comman( For e3am,le: :*15con)i+6-inte!)ace Se!ia&0'0.1 point-to-point :*15con)i+-s*1i)6-1and"idt7 3/ 7lso on S,o5e routers 4e nee( to set t1is *alue For e3am,le on S,o5e1: Spo8e15con)i+6-inte!)ace Se!ia&0'1.0 point-to-point Spo8e15con)i+-s*1i)6-1and"idt7 3/ Notice t1at b/ (e2ault; !"#$P limits itsel2 to use no more t1an )0T o2 t1e con2igure( inter2ace ban(4i(t1 "n t1is case !"#$P 4ill not use more t1an 42 ) Hb,s =)0T o2 -) Hb,s> =For more in2ormation about im,lementing !"#$P o*er Frame $ela/; ,lease rea( 1tt,:<< 444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-009406& s1tml >

01en an !"#$P to,olog/ c1ange is (etecte(; 41at is t1e correct or(er o2 e*ents 41en t1ere is a FS6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e neig1bor a(Aacenc/ is (elete( T1e 2easible route is use( +B7L is noti2ie( $emo*e all to,olog/ entries learne( 2rom t1at neig1bor ' +B7L is noti2ie( $emo*e all to,olog/ entries learne( 2rom t1at neig1bor T1e neig1bor a(Aacenc/ is (elete( $outes enter t1e 7cti*e state an( t1e 2easible route is use( 8 T1e neig1bor a(Aacenc/ is (elete( $outes enter t1e 7cti*e state an( t1e 2easible route is use( +B7L is noti2ie( $emo*e all to,olog/ entries learne( 2rom t1at neig1bor + +B7L is noti2ie( T1e neig1bor a(Aacenc/ is (elete( $emo*e all to,olog/ entries learne( 2rom t1at neig1bor T1e 2easible route is use(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION /4

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01/ is t1e 140 140 0 0 net4or5 not use( as t1e gate4a/ o2 last resort e*en t1oug1 it is con2igure( 2irst6 Select t1e best res,onse R3#show run | include defaultip default-network ip default-network R3#show ip route | begin Gateway Gateway of last resort is to network is variably subnetted, 5 subnets, 3 masks C is directly connected, Serial1/0.2 C is directly connected, Serial2/0.2 C is directly connected, Serial1/0.1 C is directly connected, Serial2/0.1 S [1/0] via * is subnetted, 3 subnets O [110/65] via, 00:14:54, Serial1/0.1 O [110/65] via, 00:14:54, Serial1/0.1 O [110/65] via, 00:14:54, Serial1/0.1 * is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks D* is a summary, 00:30:04, Null0 C is directly connected, Ethernet0/0 C is directly connected, Ethernet0/1 C is directly connected, Ethernet1/0 D [90/679936] via, 00:02:58,

Serial2/0.1 7 T1e last (e2ault-net4or5 statement 4ill al4a/s be ,re2erre( ' 7 route to t1e 140 140 0 0 net4or5 (oes not e3ist in t1e routing table 8 +e2ault-net4or5 selection 4ill al4a/s ,re2er t1e statement 4it1 t1e lo4est "P a((ress + 7 router 4ill loa( balance across multi,le (e2ault-net4or5sR re,eate(l/ issuing t1e s1o4 i, route comman( 4oul( s1o4 t1e gate4a/ o2 last resort c1anging bet4een t1e t4o net4or5s
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION //

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01/ are t1e !"#$P neig1bors 2or t1is router not learning t1e routes re(istribute( 2rom %SPF6 Select t1e best res,onse router eigrp 123 redistribute ospf 123 network network auto-summary ! router ospf 123 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 neighbor 7 $e(istribution must be enable( mutuall/ =in bot1 (irections> to 4or5 correctl/ ' 7uto-summar/ causes t1e %SPF routes re(istribute( into !"#$P to be summari9e(R t1us t1e %SPF net4or5 116 16 &4 is summari9e( to 116 &4 0 0; 41ic1 is alrea(/ co*ere( b/ t1e !"#$P ,rotocol 8 +e2ault metrics are not con2igure( un(er !"#$P + 'ot1 routing ,rotocols must 1a*e uni:ue autonomous s/stem numbers 2or re(istribution to 2unction correctl/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Same as $"P; 41en re(istribute into !"#$P 2rom %SPF; t1e (e2ault metric is in2inite -G 0e must set a see( metric 41en re(istributing into !"#$P 'elo4 lists t1e (e2ault see( metrics 41en re(istributing 2rom a routing ,rotocol into anot1er:

01ic1 '#P o,tion is re:uire( 41en loa( s1aring o*er multi,le e:ual-ban(4i(t1 ,arallel lin5s 2rom a single 8! router to a single "SP router o*er e'#P6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 e'#P Culti,at1

' e'#P Culti1o, 8 '#P S/nc1roni9ation + Public 7S numbers o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e e'#P multi1o, allo4s a neig1bor connection bet4een t4o e3ternal ,eers t1at (o not 1a*e (irect connection T1e multi1o, is onl/ 2or e'#P an( not 2or i'#P For e3am,le; in t1e to,olog/ belo4 router 7 4ants to establis1 neig1bor relations1i, 4it1 t1e loo,bac50 o2 router ' =to allo4 loa( balancing>; 41ic1 (oes not 1a*e (irect connection so it must use Kebg,-multi1o,L For /our re2erence; t1e 2ull con2igurations o2 bot1 router 7 M ' are s1o4n belo4: Note: "2 router ' 4ants to establis1 neig1bor relations1i, 4it1 t1e (irectl/ connecte( inter2ace o2 router 7; it onl/ nee(s t1ese comman(s: 'ut notice t1e tra22ic 2rom router ' 4oul( be sent to 172 16 10 2 inter2ace onl/ an( loa( balancing 4oul( not ta5e ,lace =$e2erence: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-00c9)bb s1tml >

01ic1 '#P 2eature s1oul( be use( to a*oi( 1ig1 memor/ utili9ation on a router6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 so2t-recon2iguration ' route re2res1 8 '#P communities + 2ull-mes1 '#P ,eering
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'#P routers 1a*e enormous routing tables so it uses muc1 memor/ to ,rocee( t1ese routes 01en a '#P ,olic/ is c1ange(; t1e '#P session nee(s to be reset 2or t1e ,olic/ to ta5e e22ect 'ut t1e resetting results in route c1urn an( route 2la,,ing T1ere are t4o 4a/s to clear a '#P session 4it1out resetting t1e T8P session bet4een t1em =t1is is o2ten calle( Kso2t resetL>: So)t-!econ)i+*!ation: stores all recei*e( =inboun(> routing ,olic/ u,(ates 4it1out mo(i2ication in a table so t1at 41en a ne4 2ilter is a,,lie(; t1e router 4ill use t1is table to calculate t1e c1anges 4it1out resetting t1e T8P session bet4een t1e t4o '#P ,eers

T1is is a memor/-intensi*e =1ig1 memor/ utili9ation> met1o( an( is not recommen(e( (o*te-!e)!es7: allo4s a '#P router to re:uest a remote ,eer resen( its '#P 7(A-$"'%ut T1is allo4s t1e '#P router to rea,,l/ t1e inboun( ,olic/ T1e route-re2res1 ca,abilit/ re:uires no e3tra memor/ on t1e local router

01ic1 2unctionalit/ is re:uire( 4it1in an "P router t1at is situate( at t1e boun(ar/ o2 an "P*4 net4or5 an( an "P*6 net4or5 to allo4 communication bet4een "P*6-onl/ an( "P*4onl/ no(es6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 7utocon2iguration ' 7utomatic 6to4 Tunnel 8 7utomatic 6to4 $ela/ + Net4or5 7((ress Translator-Protocol Translator =N7T-PT> ! "ntrasite 7utomatic Tunnel 7((ress Protocol ="S7T7P>
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION /9

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 com,an/ 4oul( ,re2er all "nternet-boun( %SPF route( tra22ic to use "SP 7'8 4it1 "SP +!F as a bac5u, 7s t1e net4or5 consultant; 41at t1ree con2iguration c1anges mig1t /ou ma5e6 =81oose t1ree > 7 T1e (e2ault-in2ormation originate comman( s1oul( be con2igure( on router '1 an( '4 ' T1e (e2ault-in2ormation originate comman( s1oul( be con2igure( on router '2 an( '& 8 "2 t1e metric *alue 2or "SP 7'8 is set at t1e (e2ault; t1e "SP +!F metric *alue s1oul( be set to 1 + "2 t1e metric *alue 2or "SP 7'8 is set at t1e (e2ault; t1e "SP +!F metric *alue s1oul( be set to 2) ! T1e metric t/,e *alue s1oul( be set to t/,e 1 F T1e metric t/,e *alue s1oul( be set to t/,e 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# '+F Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$outers '2 M '& nee( to a(*ertise a (e2ault route to t1e "nternet 2or Kinsi(eL %SPF routers so 4e s1oul( use t1e K(e2ault-in2ormation originateL comman( 4it1 a (e2ault route =somet1ing li5e Ki, route 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K> ,ointing to t1e "SP router

"2 no metric is s,eci2ie(; %SPF ,uts a (e2ault *alue o2 20 41en re(istributing routes 2rom all ,rotocols e3ce,t '#P routes ='#P routes get a metric o2 1> 0e use "SP +!F as a bac5u, so its metric *alue s1oul( be set to a 1ig1er *alue t1an 20 T1ere are t4o t/,es o2 e3ternal routes: e3ternal t/,e 1 an( e3ternal t/,e 2 T1e (i22erence bet4een t1e t4o is in t1e 4a/ t1e cost =metric> o2 t1e route is being calculate(: P T1e cost o2 a t/,e 2 route is al4a/s t1e e3ternal cost; irres,ecti*e o2 t1e interior cost to reac1 t1at route P T/,e 1 cost is t1e a((ition o2 t1e e3ternal cost an( t1e internal cost use( to reac1 t1at route -G 0e s1oul( con2igure t1e t/,e 2 e3ternal route to ma5e sure t1e "SP 7'8 is al4a/s re2erre( o*er "SP +!F because internal routing (oes not (etermine t1e ,at1 Note: !2 is t1e (e2ault e3ternal metric; but !1 is ,re2erre( o*er !2 i2 t4o e:ualcost ,at1s e3ist

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 net4or5 a(ministrator routes a(*ertise( 2rom 7rea 1 into 7rea 2 7s t1e router con2iguration s,ecialist; 41at t4o t1ings 4oul( /ou (o to accom,lis1 t1is goal6 =81oose t4o > 7 !nter t1e con2iguration on router '1 ' !nter t1e con2iguration on router '4 8 %n t1e same router; enter t1e summary-address subcomman( + %n t1e same router; enter t1e area 1 range subcomman( ! %n t1e same router; enter t1e area 2 range subcomman(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 61

T1e a(ministrator 4ants to *eri2/ t1e current state o2 t1e %SPF (atabase loa(ing ,rocess 01ic1 s1o4 comman( s1oul( t1e a(ministrator use6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 s1o4 i, os,2 V,rocess-i(W inter2ace ' s1o4 i, os,2 neig1bor 8 s1o4 i, os,2 V,rocess-i(W + s1o4 i, os,2 V,rocess-i( area-i(W (atabase
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$.

Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 neig1borL comman( can be use( to *ie4 t1e current state o2 t1e %SPF (atabase loa(ing ,rocess "n t1e out,ut belo4 4e can see router 2 2 2 2 is in 24a/ state; router & & & & is electe( as t1e '+$ M router 4 4 4 4 is t1e '$

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %SPF is running t1roug1out t1e net4or5 @ou 4ant to minimi9e t1e ,ro,agation o2 LS7s into an( out o2 7rea 1 01ic1 %SPF 2eature 4oul( best to ac1ie*e t1is goal6 7 stub ' totally stubby 8 NSSA + totally NSSA
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

0e nee( to re(istribute $"P 2rom $1 to 7rea 1 so 7rea & cannot be a stub or totall/ stubb/ area To minimi9e t1e ,ro,agation o2 LS7s into an( out o2 7rea 1 4e s1oul( con2igure it as a totall/ NSS7 Notice t1at a NSS7 allo4s LS7 T/,e & M 7 41ile a Totall/ NSS7 onl/ allo4s LS7 T/,e 7 Note: 'ot1 Totall/ Stubb/ 7rea M Totall/ Stubb/ NSS7 (o not acce,t e3ternal 7S routes or inter-area routes =LS7 T/,es &; 4 an( )> T1e/ recogni9e onl/ intra-area routes an( t1e (e2ault route 0 0 0 0 T1e main (i22erence bet4een t1em is Totall/ Stubb/ NSS7 acce,ts routes 2rom ot1er 7S 41ile Totall/ Stubb/ 7rea (oes not 'elo4 summari9es t1e LS7 T/,es allo4e( an( not allo4e( in area t/,es:

+uring t1e "P*6 autocon2iguration; 41at (oes t1e (e*ice a,,en( to t1e 64-bit ,re2i3 t1at it recei*es 2rom t1e router to create its "P*6 a((ress6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 a ,seu(oran(om generate( number ' its locall/ con2igure( "P*4 a((ress 8 t1e +.8P-su,,lie( (e*ice "+ + its C78 a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e automatic con2iguration is a great 2eature o2 "P*6 "magine /ou 1a*e to manuall/ con2igure an "P*6 a((ress 4it1 12--bit long; 41at a ,ainX 0it1 t1is 2eature; it is no longer

necessar/ to con2igure eac1 1ost manuall/ 'ut notice t1at 1ost onl/ autonomousl/ con2igures its o4n Lin5-local a((ress =t1e "P a((ress use( on a L7N> T1e Lin5local a((ress can be create( automaticall/ using a lin5-local ,re2i3 o2 F!-0::<10 an( a 64-bit inter2ace i(enti2ier =base( on 4--bit C78 a((ress> For e3am,le; i2 /our C78 a((ress is 00:12:&4:)6:7-:9a; /our 64-bit inter2ace i(enti2ier is 0012:&4FF:F!)6:7-9a =16-bit FFF! is inserte( in t1e mi((le> 7n( notice t1at t1e notation 1as been c1ange( because "P*6 a((resses re:uire 16-bit ,ieces to be se,arate( b/ K:L T1en; accor(ing to t1e $F8 &)1& 4e nee( to in*ert t1e Universal/Local bit =KB<LL bit> in t1e 6t1 ,osition o2 t1e 2irst octet =start counting 2rom 0> T1e KuL bit is set to 1 to in(icate Bni*ersal; an( it is set to 9ero =0> to in(icate local sco,e "n t1is case 4e set t1is bit to 1 because t1e C78 a((ress is uni*ersall/ uni:ue T1us t1e result is: 0212:&4FF: F!)6:7-9a Finall/; a(( t1e lin5-local ,re2i3 F!-0 to create t1e 2ull "P*6 a((ress: F!-0:0:0:0:0212:&4FF:F!)6:7-9a =or F!-0::212:&4FF:F!)6:7-9a; in s1ort 2orm> Note: T1e reason 2or in*erting t1e KB<LL bit is to allo4 ignoring it 2or s1ort *alues in t1e manual con2iguration case For e3am,le; /ou can manuall/ assign t1e s1ort a((ress 2c-0::1 instea( o2 t1e long 2c-0:0:0:0:0200::1

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 'ase( on t1is comman( out,ut; 41at can 4e conclu(e about $&6 R3#show ip ospf database OSPF Router with ID ( (process ID 123) Router Link States (Area Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link Count 128 0x80000002 0x00D748 1 128 0x8000000C 0x000EA9 1 Net Link States (Area Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum 128 0x80000003 0x00CC36 Summary Net Link States (Area Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum 245 0x80000001 0x00E4C0 728 0x80000001 0x004013 728 0x80000001 0x00951D 728 0x80000001 0x008A27 728 0x80000001 0x0095cB Router Link States (Area 2) Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link Count 127 0x80000002 0x00F725 1 128 0x8000000E 0x00258B 1 Net Link States (Area 2) Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum 128 0x80000003 0x00BB43 Summary Net Link States (Area 2) 245 0x80000001 0x00EFB6 124 0x80000001 0x00A77A 124 0x80000001 0x009C84 124 0x80000001 0x00918E 124 0x80000001 0x009C33 7 $& is an 7'$ ' $& is not connecte( to t1e bac5bone 8 $& 1as 2our neig1bors + $& is t1e +$ 2or area 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e out,ut 4e learne( t1at t1is router is getting T/,e & LS7s =Summar/ Net Lin5 States> 2or bot1 7rea 0 an( 7rea & -G "t is an 7'$ bet4een 7rea 0 M 7rea & From t1e LS7 T/,e 1 4e learn t1at $& onl/ 1as 1 neig1bor; 41ic1 is 192 16- 0 4 To 2in( t1e +$ 2or an area; 4e nee( to loo5 at t1e LS7 T/,e 2 o2 t1at area "n t1is case 4e 2in( out 116 16 &) ) is t1e +$ 2or area 2; not $& To 1el, /ou un(erstan( more clearl/ about t1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 (atabaseL comman(; 4e

4ant to e3,lain more about t1e 2iel(s in t1e out,ut: P Lin8 I9 is t1e %SPF $outer-"+ o2 a router in t1e area 2or LS7 T/,e 1 M 2 but it is can be t1e $outer-"+ or t1e net4or5 a((ress 2or LS7 T/,e &; ) M 7 P T1e A9@ (o*te! is t1e "+ o2 t1e router t1at sent t1e LS7 =7(*ertising $outer> into t1e area P A+e: T1e ma3 age o2 t1e lin5 state P Se<- and 7ec8s*m: t1ese 2iel(s are use( to *eri2/ lin5-state integrit/ For e3am,le; 2rom t1e $outer Lin5 States =7rea 0 0 0 0>: T1e 2irst KLin5 "+L 172 16 1 1 is t1e $outer-"+ o2 t1e local router $& =because it is t1e same as K%SPF $outer 4it1 "+L> T1is KLin5 "+L is; o2 course; a(*ertise( b/ itsel2 so t1e 7+V $outer 1as t1e same *alue T1e secon( KLin5 "+L is t1e $outer-"+ o2 192 16- 0 4; 41ic1 is a(*ertise( b/ 192 16- 0 4 so it is (irectl/ connecte( to $& Notice t1at t1ese 2 routers belong to 7rea 0 From t1e Net Lin5 States: 0e learn t1at t1e KLin5 "+L 116 16 &4 4 is a(*ertise( 2rom t1e neig1bor 192 16- 0 4; 41ic1 is (irectl/ connecte( to $& T1is router =116 16 &4 4> also belongs to 7rea 0 an( it is t1e +$ o2 t1at segment T1e Summar/ Net Lin5 States gi*es us in2ormation about LS7 T/,e & =a(*ertise( b/ t1e 7'$ o2 area 0 $ecall t1at 7'$s generate a T/,e & LS7 2or eac1 subnet in one area; an( a(*ertises eac1 T/,e & LS7 into t1e ot1er areas> From t1e out,ut 4e learn t1at t1e subnet 116 16 &) 0 is a(*ertise( *ia 172 16 1 1 an( 2our routers =in 2act; inter2aces> are a(*ertise( b/ 192 16- 0 4 Notice t1at t1ese routers =inter2aces> can belong to ot1er areas

01ic1 t4o met1o(s use "Psec to ,ro*i(e secure connecti*it/ 2rom t1e branc1 o22ice to t1e 1ea(:uarters o22ice6 =81oose t4o > 7 +CVPN ' CPLS VPN 8 Virtual Tunnel "nter2ace =VT"> + SSL VPN ! PPPo!
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 66

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 client 1as as5e( /ou to consult on an e'#P loa(ing :uestion

8urrentl/ t1e 7S 100 e'#P lin5s 1a*e an a*erage outboun( loa( o2 6)T an( 20T res,ecti*el/ %n 2urt1er in*estigation; tra22ic 2rom 10 10 24 0 accounts 2or 4)T; an( 10 10 2) 0 an( 10 10 &2 0 accounts 2or 20T eac1 o2 t1e outboun( loa( T1e customer 4ants to s,rea( t1e loa( bet4een t1e t4o e'#P lin5s more e*enl/ T1e '#P attributes are currentl/ set at t1eir (e2ault *alues "2 /ou are locate( at 7S 100 an( 4ant to in2luence 1o4 7S 100 sen(s tra22ic to 7S 200; 41at '#P attribute coul( /ou con2igure to cause 7S 100 outboun( tra22ic to loa( t1e e'#P lin5s more e*enl/6 7 %n router 7; set t1e (e2ault local-,re2erence to )0 ' %n router '; set t1e (e2ault metric to 1)0 8 %n router '; con2igure a route ma, 2or 10 10 2) 0<24 4it1 a local ,re2erence o2 1)0 lin5e( to neig1bor 192 16- &0 2 + %n router '; set t1e (e2ault local-,re2erence to 1)0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

To ma5e t1e e'#P lin5s more e*enl/ 4e s1oul( use t1e lin5 '-F 2or net4or5 10 10 2) 0<24 so t1at t1e total tra22ic going t1roug1 '-F lin5 is about 40T "n t1is case 4e s1oul( a,,l/ a route ma, on ' to set t1e local ,re2erence o2 10 10 2) 0<24 to a 1ig1er *alue t1an 100 'ut notice t1at 4e must use a secon( clause to ,ermit ot1er tra22ic i2 not t1e/ 4ill be 2iltere( out Note: T1e (e2ault *alue 2or local ,re2erence is 100 7 ,at1 4it1 1ig1er local ,re2erence is ,re2erre(

@ou 1a*e im,lemente( mutual route re(istribution bet4een %SPF an( !"#$P on a bor(er router 01en c1ec5ing t1e routing table on one o2 t1e !"#$P routers 4it1in t1e !"#$P routing (omain; /ou are seeing some; but not all o2 t1e e3,ecte( routes 01at s1oul( /ou *eri2/ to troubles1oot t1is ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e bor(er router is using a ,ro,er see( metric 2or %SPF ' T1e bor(er router is using a ,ro,er see( metric 2or !"#$P 8 T1e a(ministrati*e (istance is set 2or %SPF an( !"#$P + T1e missing %SPF routes are ,resent in t1e routing table o2 t1e bor(er router ! T1e subnet 5e/4or( on t1e bor(er router in t1e re(istribute %SPF comman(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation


0e are c1ec5ing t1e routing table on !"#$P routers not %SPF so 4e (on?t nee( to c1ec5 t1e see( metric 2or %SPF 'esi(es %SPF (oesn?t nee( to s,eci2/ see( metric as all e3ternal routes get a (e2ault metric o2 20 =e3ce,t 2or '#P; 41ic1 is 1> -G 7 is not correct 0e must s,eci2/ see( metrics 41en re(istributing into !"#$P =an( $"P> "2 not all t1e re(istribute( routes 4ill not be seen but t1e :uestion sa/s onl/ some routes are missing G ' is not correct T1e (e2ault a(ministrati*e (istance 2or e3ternal routes re(istribute( into !"#$P is 170 so 4e (on?t nee( to set it -G 8 is not correct T1e sunbet 5e/4or( is onl/ use( 41en re(istributing into %SPF; not to ot1er routing ,rotocols -G ! is not correct 0e s1oul( c1ec5 t1e routing table o2 t1e bor(er router to see t1e missing %SPF routes are t1ere or not 7n incorrect (istribute-list can bloc5 some routes an( 4e can?t see it in ot1er !"#$P routers -G + is correct

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t1ree statements are true6 =81oose t1ree > 7 %n t1e routing table o2 $4; t1e 10 1 1 0<24 route a,,ears as an % !2 route ' %n $4; t1e 172 16 1 0<24 route 1as a metric o2 20 8 T1e $& S0<0 inter2ace s1oul( not nee( t1e no i, s,lit-1ori9on eigr, 1 con2iguration comman( 2or t1e 172 16 1 0<24 route to a,,ear in t1e routing table o2 $2 as an + !D route + T1e a(ministrati*e (istance o2 t1e 172 16 1 0<24 route in t1e routing table o2 $& is 170 ! %n $); t1e 4 0 0 0<- route 4ill 1a*e an a(ministrati*e (istance o2 120 an( a 1o, count o2 6
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'+ Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en re(istributing into %SPF; t1e (e2ault route t/,e is !2 -G 7 is correct Notice t1at t1e cost o2 !2 t/,e is al4a/s t1e cost o2 e3ternal route onl/ 7lso; t1e (e2ault see( metric 41en re(istributing into %SPF is al4a/s 20 =e3ce,t 2or '#P; 41ic1 is 1> -G ' is correct 01en re(istributing into !"#$P; t1e e3ternal !"#$P routes 1a*e an a(ministrati*e

(istance o2 170 b/ (e2ault -G + is correct


01at is a 5e/ bene2it o2 using a #$! tunnel to ,ro*i(e connecti*it/ bet4een branc1 o22ices an( 1ea(:uarters6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 aut1entication; integrit/ c1ec5ing; an( con2i(entialit/ ' less o*er1ea( 8 (/namic routing o*er t1e tunnel + granular FoS su,,ort ! o,en stan(ar( F scalabilit/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 20

$e2er to t1e e31ibit Loo5ing at t1e to,olog/ (iagram an( t1e ,artial router con2igurations s1o4n; 41ic1 statement is true6 7 7 routing loo, 4ill occur (ue to mutual route re(istribution occurring on $1 an( $2 ' Subo,timal routing 4ill occur (ue to mutual route re(istribution occurring on $1 an( $2 8 7((itional route 2iltering con2igurations using route ma,s an( 78Ls are re:uire( on t1e $1 an( $2 routers to ,re*ent routing loo,s + $2 4ill not be able to re(istribute t1e !"#$P subnets into %SPF; because $2 is missing t1e (e2ault see( metric 2or %SPF ! T1e 10 1 1 0<24 subnet 4ill a,,ear as 10 0 0 0<- in t1e $) routing table
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$"P*1 is a class2ul routing ,rotocol so t1e subnet 10 1 1 0<24 4ill be summari9e( to 10 0 0 0<- in t1e $) routing table "2 4e use $"P*2 on $1; $) an( use t1e Kno autosummar/L comman( on $1 t1en t1e 10 1 1 0 subnet 4ill a,,ear in t1e routing table o2 $) Notice t1at e*en i2 t1e Kauto-summar/L comman( is con2igure( un(er Krouter eigr, 1N o2 $1 but 41en re(istributing into anot1er routing ,rotocol !"#$P still a(*ertises t1e (etaile( net4or5

@ou 1a*e im,lemente( mutual route re(istribution bet4een %SPF an( !"#$P on a bor(er router 01en c1ec5ing t1e routing table on one o2 t1e %SPF routers 4it1in t1e %SPF routing (omain; /ou are seeing some; but not all o2 t1e e3,ecte( routes 01ic1 t4o t1ings s1oul( /ou *eri2/ to troubles1oot t1is ,roblem6 =81oose t4o >

T1e bor(er router is using a ,ro,er see( metric 2or %SPF T1e bor(er router is using a ,ro,er see( metric 2or !"#$P T1e a(ministrati*e (istance is set 2or %SPF an( !"#$P T1e missing !"#$P routes are ,resent in t1e routing table o2 t1e bor(er router ! T1e subnet 5e/4or( on t1e bor(er router in t1e re(istribute !"#$P comman(
7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# +! Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 22

01ic1 +SL enca,sulation met1o( re:uires client so2t4are running on t1e en(user P8 t1at is (irectl/ connecte( to a +SL mo(em6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 PPPo7 ' PPPo! 8 PPP + L2TP ! 7TC
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2,

01at is t1e ,ur,ose o2 con2iguring t1e router as a PPPo! client6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 to ,ro*i(e VPN access o*er L2TP ' to enable PPP session 2rom t1e router to t1e termination (e*ice at t1e 1ea(en( 2or metro !t1ernet connecti*it/ 8 2or +SL connecti*it/ an( remo*ing t1e nee( 2or t1e en(-user P8 to run t1e PPPo! client so2t4are + 2or connecting t1e router to a cable mo(em; 41ic1 bri(ges t1e !t1ernet 2rames 2rom t1e router to t1e cable mo(em termination s/stem
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 24

01at is t1e international stan(ar( 2or transmitting (ata o*er a cable s/stem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 PPPo! ' +%8S"S 8 8CTS + 77L)
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/

Bn(er 41ic1 circumstance 4ill a branc1 "S$ router contain inter2ace *lan con2igurations6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 ,er2orming inter-VL7N routing ' ,er2orming -02 1F trun5ing 8 ,er2orming "SL trun5ing + !t1ernet S4itc1 Co(ule installe( ! 7+SL 0"8 installe( F running 8all Canager !3,ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 26

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7ll !"#$P loa( balancing ,arameters are set to t1eir (e2aults @ou 4ant to use all t1e routes in t1e !"#$P to,olog/ 2or "P loa( balancing 01ic1 t4o !"#$P subcomman(s 4oul( /ou use to accom,lis1 t1is goal6 =81oose t4o > R1#show ip eigrp topology | section P 0.0.0/0 2 successors, FD is 2174976 via (2174976/2169859), Ethernet0/0 via (2174976/2169859), Ethernet0/0 via (2178816/2172416), Ethernet1/0 via (2178816/2172416), Ethernet1/0 via (2180096/2172416), Ethernet1/0 via (2180096/2172416), Ethernet1/0 R1#show up route Routing entry for supernet Known via "eigrp 212", distance 170, metric 2174976, candidate default path, type external Redistributing via eigrp 212 Last update from on Ethernet0/0, 00:00:32 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks: *, from 00:00:32 ago via Ethernet0/0 Route metric is 2174976, traffic share count is 1 Total delay is 20200 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1544 Kbit Reliability 255/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes Loading 3/255, Hops 1, from 00:00:32 ago via Ethernet0/0 Route metric is 2174976, traffic share count is 1 Total delay is 20200 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1544 Kbit Reliability 255/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes Loading 3/255, Hops 1 7 tra22ic-s1are balance( ' (istance

8 ma3imum-,at1s + (e2ault-net4or5 ! *ariance o!!ect Ans"e!# 8! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 22

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $1 accesses t1e "nternet using !0<0 @ou 1a*e been as5e( to con2igure $1 so t1at a (e2ault route is generate( to its (o4nstream (e*ices =191 0 0 1 an( 192 0 0 1> 01ic1 comman(s 4oul( create t1is con2iguration6 R1#show ip route is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected Lookback9 D EX (170/2172416) via 00:45:34, Serial1/0 (170/2172416 via 00:45:34, Serial2/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected Serial2/0 D EX (170/2172416) via 00:45:34, Serial1/0 (170/2172416 via 00:45:34, Serial2/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected Ethernet0/0 is subnetted, 3 subnets D EX (170/2172416) via 00:45:34, Serial1/0 (170/2172416 via 00:45:34, Serial2/0 D EX (170/2172416) via 00:45:34, Serial1/0 (170/2172416 via 00:45:34, Serial2/0 D EX (170/2172416) via 00:45:34, Serial1/0 (170/2172416 via 00:45:34, Serial2/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected Serial1/0 7 router eigrp 190 redistribute static ! ip route Null0 ' ip default-network 8 router eigrp 190 redistribute static

! ip route Null0 + ip default-network

o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 23

$e2er to t1e e31ibit .o4 4oul( /ou con2irm on $1 t1at loa( balancing is actuall/ occurring on t1e (e2ault- net4or5 =0 0 0 0>6 Select t1e best res,onse R1#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA exteranl type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2 ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U per user static route o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route Gateway of last resort is to network D (90/160000) via, 00:05:55, Ethernet1/0 is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks D is a summary, 00:05:55, Null0 C is directly connected, Loopback1 C is directly connected, Loopback2 C is directly connected, Loopback20 is subnetted, 3 subnets C is directly connected, Ethernet1/0 C is directly connected, Ethernet0/0 C is directly connected, Ethernet2/0 D*EX (170/2174976) via, 00:05:55, Ethernet0/0 (170/2174976) via, 00:05:55, Ethernet0/0 7 Bse ping an( t1e show ip route comman( to con2irm t1e timers 2or eac1 (e2ault net4or5 resets to 0 ' Loa( balancing (oes not occur o*er (e2ault net4or5sR t1e secon( route 4ill onl/ be use( 2or 2ailo*er 8 Bse an e3ten(e( ,ing along 4it1 re,eate( show ip route comman(s to con2irm t1e gate4a/ o2 last resort a((ress toggles bac5 an( 2ort1

Bse t1e traceroute comman( to an a((ress t1at is not e3,licitl/ in t1e routing table
+ o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e most sim,le met1o( to test loa( balancing is to use t1e KtracerouteL comman( "2 loa( balancing is 4or5ing correctl/; 4e 4ill see (i22erent ,at1s to reac1 t1e (estination eac1 time 4e use t1at comman( Bn5no4n a((ress 4ill be route( *ia t1e (e2ault-net4or5 0 0 0 0 so 4e must use an a((ress t1at is not e3,licitl/ in t1e routing table

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 'ase( u,on t1e con2iguration; /ou nee( to un(erstan( 41/ t1e ,olic/ routing matc1 counts are not increasing 01ic1 4oul( be t1e 2irst logical ste, to ta5e6 Select t1e best res,onse R1#show route-map divert route-map dirvert, permit, sequence 1 Match clauses: ip address (access-lists): 101 Set clauses: ip next-hop ip next-hop recursive ip default next-hop Policy routing matches: 0 packets. 0 bytes 7 8on2irm i2 t1ere are ot1er ,roblematic route-ma, statements t1at ,rece(e (i*ert ' 81ec5 t1e access list 2or log 1its 8 81ec5 t1e routing table 2or 212 )0 1-) 126 + $emo*e an/ t4o o2 t1e set clauses =Culti,le set clause entries 4ill cause P'$ to use t1e routing table >
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

First 4e s1oul( c1ec5 t1e access-list log; i2 t1e 1it count (oes not increase t1en no ,ac5ets are matc1e( t1e access-list -G t1e ,olic/ base( routing matc1 counts 4ill not increase

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 ,artial routing con2iguration is s1o4n 8om,lete t1e con2iguration so t1at onl/ t1e (e2ault-net4or5 is re(istribute( 2rom !"#$P 190 into !"#$P 212 01ic1 78L statement com,letes t1e con2iguration correctl/6 router eigrp 190

redistribute eigrp 212 network ! router eigrp 212 redistribute eigrp 190 route-map default-route network ! route-map default_route permit 10 match ip address 100 7 access-list 100 permit ip ' access-list 100 permit ip host any 8 access-list 100 permit ip any host + 7 (e2ault-net4or5 cannot be re(istribute( bet4een routing ,rocesses
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( Kaccess-list 100 ,ermit i, an/ 1ost 0 0 0 0N means ,ermit an/ source a((ress 4it1 t1e (estination o2 0 0 0 0<0; 41ic1 is t1e (e2ault route Note: an= e:uals 2//.2//.2//.2// 7ost 0 0 0 0 e:uals 0 0 0 0

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e ,artial con2iguration 2or an %SPF 7S'$ an( an 7rea 0 7'$ is s1o4n 7ssume t1e %SPF con2igurations t1roug1out t1e net4or5 are o,erable 01ic1 statement about t1ese con2igurations is true6 ASBR router ospf 123 redistribute eigrp 1 route-map eigrp-to-ospf ! route-map eigrp-to-ospf permit 10 match ip address prefix-list private set tag 255 route-map eigrp-to-ospf permit 20 ! ip prefix-list private permit ge 8 le 30 ip prefix-list private permit ge 11 le 30 ip prefix-list private permit ge 16 le 30 Area 0 ABR router ospf 123 distribute-list route-map private-filter in ! route-map private-filter deny 10 match tag 255 route-map private-filter permit 20 7 T1e 7S'$ route-ma,s are basicall/ useless; because t1ere are no (en/ ,re2i3-lists ' LS7 T/,e )s 4ill not be recei*e( b/ t1e 7'$ 2rom t1e 7S'$

T1e %SPF bac5bone 4ill not learn an/ $F8 191- a((resses T1e matc1e( ,re2i3-list a((resses 4ill be gi*en a metric o2 2)); 41ic1 is essentiall/ unreac1able
8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e 7S'$ acce,ts $F8 191- a((resses an( set t1ese net4or5s to Ktag 2))N but 41en a(*ertising into 7rea 0; t1e 7'$ 7rea 0 2ilters out t1ese net4or5s because t1e/ matc1 Ktag 2))N so t1e %SPF bac5bone 4ill not learn an/ $F8 191- a((resses Note t1at i2 /ou use an 78L in a route-ma, den= clause; routes t1at are ,ermitte( b/ t1e 78L are not re(istribute( 7ll t1e net4or5s 4it1 Ktag 2))N are bloc5e( b/ t1e clause 10 41ile all ot1er net4or5s are ,ermitte( b/ t1e clause 20 o2 t1e route-ma, =i2 a matc7 comman( is not ,resent; all routes matc1 t1e clause> Note: $F8 191- a((resses inclu(e: P 8lass 7: 10 0 0 0 O 10 2)) 2)) 2)) =10<- ,re2i3> P 8lass ': 172 16 0 0 O 172 &1 2)) 2)) =172 16<12 ,re2i3> P 8lass 8: 192 16- 0 0 O 192 16- 2)) 2)) =192 16-<16 ,re2i3>

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 'ase( on t1e comman( out,ut; 41at is one reason 41/ no routes 2rom t1e %SPF neig1bor 192 16- 0 ) are installe( in t1e "P routing table6 R3#show ip ospf neighbor Neighbor ID Pri State Deat Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:01:46 Serial1/0.1 1 FULL/BDR 00:01:46 Serial2/0.1 R3# R3#show ip route ospf is subnetted, 3 subnets O IA (110/65) via, 01:21:23, Serial1/0.1 O IA (110/65) via, 01:21:23, Serial1/0.1 O IA (110/65) via, 01:21:23, Serial1/0.1 is subnetted, 2 subnets O IA (110/65) via, 01:21:23, Serial1/0.1 7 $& 4ill onl/ install routes 2rom t1e neig1bor 4it1 t1e lo4est ,riorit/ =Pri> "2 routes 1a*e

t1e same ,riorit/; routes 2rom t1e neig1bor 4it1 t1e lo4est "P a((ress are use( ' $& (i( not recei*e an/ LS7s 2rom 192 16- 0 ) 8 $outes 2rom bac5u, (esignate( routers are ne*er installe( in t1e "P routing table + 192 16- 0 ) is a re(un(ant lin5 to 192 16- 0 4; an( loa( balancing is not enable(
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$& ma/ not recei*e an/ LS7s 2rom neig1bor 192 16- 0 ) because a (istributelist bloc5s it 'ut notice t1at t1e LS7s are not 2iltere( out in t1e LS+' since all routers in an %SPF area must be t1e same =s/nc1roni9e(>

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t1ree comman(s s1oul( be use( on router '1 to re(istribute t1e !"#$P 7S 10 routes into $"P6 =81oose t1ree > 7 router rip ' router eigrp 10 8 redistribute eigrp 10 + redistribute rip ! default-metric 10000 100 255 1 1500 F default-metric 5
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78F Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 34

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !3amine t1e ,artial con2iguration an( t1e routing table e3cer,t 01ic1 routes 4oul( be re(istribute( into %SPF area 16 router eigrp 10 network router ospf 100 redistribute eigrp 10 subnets network area 1 A partial routing table C is directly connected, Ethernet1/0 D (90/284160) via, 01:54:36, Ethernet1/0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 7 10 10 10 16<2- onl/ ' 10 10 10 16<2- an( 10 10 10 64<26 8 10 10 10 16<2-; 10 10 10 64<26; an( 172 16 10 0<24 + 10 10 10 64<26 onl/
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

' =but in t1e e3am /ou s1oul( c1oose +>

T1e net4or5 172 16 10 0<24 belongs to %SPF =4e 5no4 2rom t1e Knet4or5 172 16 0 0 0 0 2)) 2)) area 1N comman(> so it 4ill not be re(istribute( 01en using t1e KsubnetsL 5e/4or(; all t1e connecte( net4or5s 4ill be re(istribute( so 10 10 10 16<2- M 10 10 10 64<26 4ill be re(istribute(; too T1ere2ore t1e correct ans4er s1oul( be ' but in t1e e3am /ou s1oul( c1oose + Ca/be it is a mista5e o2 8isco

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e net4or5 a(ministrator is tr/ing to con2igure mutual re(istribution bet4een !"#$P an( %SPF 7utosummari9ation in !"#$P 100 7S is (isable( 72ter a((ing %SPF con2iguration to router '1; t1e net4or5 a(ministrator c1ec5e( t1e routing table o2 router '2; but none o2 t1e !"#$P routes a,,eare( t1ere To re(istribute t1e !"#$P 7S 100 routes into %SPF; 41ic1 comman( s1oul( be a((e(; or e(ite(; on router '1 un(er router os,2 106 7 redistribute eigrp 100 metric-type 1 ' redistribute eigrp 100 subnets 8 no auto-summary + area 0 range
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en re(istributing into %SPF 4it1out 5e/4or( KsubnetsL; onl/ class2ul net4or5s 4ill be re(istribute( 8lass2ul net4or5s 1ere mean net4or5s 4it1 t1e (e2ault maAor subnet mas5s =2or e3am,le 10 0 0 0<-R 1-0 1 0 0<16R 200 200 200 0<24Y> "n 2act; t1e routing table on t1e e31ibit abo*e is not totall/ correct T1e net4or5 192 16- 110 0<24 4ill be re(istribute( an( s1o4n in t1e routing table o2 '2 e*en i2 t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL is not use( because it belongs to class 8 4it1 t1e (e2ault subnet mas5 o2 class 8 To ma5e all t1e net4or5s; inclu(ing subnets a,,ear in t1e routing table o2 '2 4e must use 5e/4or( KsubnetsL 41en re(istributing into %SPF T1is is also an im,ortant t1ing to remember 41en re(istributing into %SPF

01ic1 t4o statements about route re(istribution 41en im,lementing %SPF are true6 =81oose t4o > 7 $outes learne( using an/ "P routing ,rotocol can onl/ be re(istribute( into non "P routing ,rotocols

' %SPF can im,ort routes learne( using !"#$P; $"P; an( "S-"S 8 %SPF routes cannot be e3,orte( into !"#$P; $"P; an( "S-"S + 7t t1e inter(omain le*el; %SPF cannot im,ort routes learne( using ! %SPF routes can be e3,orte( into '#P o!!ect Ans"e!# '! Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 32


$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 ne4 T78 engineer came to /ou 2or a(*ice 7 #$! o*er "Psec tunnel 4as con2igure(; but t1e tunnel is not coming u, 01at (i( t1e T78 engineer con2igure incorrectl/6
Router B1 Configuration Router B1 Configuration (con't) crypto ipsec transform-set 10 esp-sha-hmec esp-3des interface F0/0 crypto map tunnel 1 ipsec-isakmp ip address set transform-set 10 interface Tunnel0 set peer ip address match address 102 crypto map tunnel crypto isakmp policy 1 tunnel source F0/0 authentication pre-share tunnel destination group 2 tunnel path-mtudiscovery crypto isakmp key***** address ip ospf mtu-ignore access-list 102 permit gre host host router ospf 200 network area 1 access-list 102 permit udp host eq isakmp network 0.0.0240 area 1 host network area 0 deny any any log 7 T1e cr/,to ma, is not con2igure( correctl/ ' T1e cr/,to 78L is not con2igure( correctl/ 8 T1e cr/,to ma, is not a,,lie( to t1e correct inter2ace + T1e %SPF net4or5 is not con2igure( correctl/ o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 33

01ic1 t4o routing inter2ace ,arameters are su,,orte( in %SPF im,lementations6 =81oose t4o > 7 retransmit-inter*al ' (ea(-inter*al 8 stub area + *irtual lin5 ! NSS7 area
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en %SPF sen(s an a(*ertisement to an a(Aacent router; it e3,ects to recei*e an ac5no4le(gment 2rom t1at neig1bor "2 no ac5no4le(gment is recei*e(; t1e router 4ill retransmit t1e a(*ertisement to its neig1bor T1e retransmit-inter*al timer controls t1e number o2 secon(s bet4een retransmissions To e(it t1e retransmit-inter*al; use t1e Kip osp) !et!ansmit-inte!%a& secondsL in inter2ace con2iguration mo(e +ea(-inter*al is t1e number o2 secon(s 4it1out 1ello ,ac5ets be2ore an a(Aacenc/ is (eclare( (o4n To e(it t1e (ea(-inter*al; use t1e K ip osp) dead-inte!%a& secondsL in inter2ace con2iguration mo(e %t1er ans4ers are not correct because t1e/ are not inter2ace ,arameters

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 ne4 T78 engineer came to /ou 2or a(*ice 7 #$! o*er "Psec tunnel 4as con2igure(; but t1e tunnel is not coming u, 01at (i( t1e T78 engineer con2igure incorrectl/6 Router B1 Configuration Router B1 Configuration (con't)
crypto ipsec transform-set 10 esp-sha-hmec esp-3des interface F0/0 crypto map tunnel 1 ipsec-isakmp ip address set transform-set 10 interface Tunnel0 set peer ip address match address 102 crypto map tunnel crypto isakmp policy 1 tunnel source F0/0 authentication pre-share tunnel destination group 2 tunnel path-mtudiscovery crypto isakmp key***** address ip ospf mtu-ignore access-list 102 permit gre host host router ospf 200 network area 1 access-list 102 permit esp host host network 0.0.0240 area 1 network area 0 access-list 102 permit udp host eq isakmp host 7 T1e cr/,to isa5m, con2iguration is not correct ' T1e cr/,to ma, con2iguration is not correct 8 T1e inter2ace tunnel con2iguration is not correct + T1e net4or5 con2iguration is not correctR net4or5 172 16 1 0 is missing o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 90

78C! $oc5et Sle(s is gro4ing; an( so is t1eir net4or5 T1e/ 1a*e (etermine( t1at t1e/

can no longer continue using static routes an( must im,lement a (/namic routing ,rotocol T1e/ 4ant to 1a*e (ata use multi,le ,at1s to t1e (estinations; e*en i2 t1e ,at1s are not e:ual cost 01ic1 routing ,rotocol 1as t1e abilit/ to (o t1is6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 !"#$P ' %SPF 8 $"P*1 + $"P*2 ! '#P F "S-"S
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 91

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 ne4 T78 engineer came to /ou 2or a(*ice 7 #$! o*er "Psec tunnel 4as con2igure(; but t1e tunnel is not coming u, 01at (i( t1e T78 engineer con2igure incorrectl/6 Select t1e best res,onse Router B1 Configuration Router B1 Configuration (con't)
crypto ipsec transform-set 10 esp-sha-hmec esp-3des interface F0/0 crypto map tunnel 1 ipsec-isakmp ip address set transform-set 10 interface Tunnel0 set peer ip address match address 102 crypto map tunnel crypto isakmp policy 1 tunnel source F0/0 authentication pre-share tunnel destination group 2 tunnel path-mtudiscovery crypto isakmp key***** address ip ospf mtu-ignore access-list 102 permit gre host host router ospf 200 network area 1 access-list 102 permit esp host host network 0.0.0240 area 1 network area 0 access-list 102 permit udp host eq isakmp host 7 T1e cr/,to isa5m, con2iguration is not correct ' T1e cr/,to ma, con2iguration is not correct 8 T1e net4or5 172 16 1 0 is not inclu(e( in t1e %SPF ,rocess + T1e inter2ace tunnel con2iguration is not correct o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 92

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 8urrentl/ t1e t4o e'#P lin5s bet4een 7S100 an( 7S200 1a*e an a*erage inboun( loa( o2 6)T an( 20T res,ecti*el/ 72ter 2urt1er in*estigation; tra22ic to 10 10 1 16<2- accounts 2or 4)T; an( tra22ic to 10 10 1 &2<2- an( to 10 10 1 4-<2- eac1 account 2or 20T o2 t1e inboun( loa( T1e '#P attributes are currentl/ set at t1eir (e2ault *alues in bot1 autonomous s/stems "2 /ou 4ant to in2luence 1o4 7S200 sen(s tra22ic to 7S100; 41ic1 e'#P con2igurations 4oul( /ou con2igure in 7S100 to in2luence 7S200 to use t1e e'#P lin5s more e*enl/6 =81oose t4o > 7 neighbor route-map as_50 out ' neighbor route-map as_50 out 8 route-map as_50 permit 10 match ip address 50 set metric 150 access-list 50 permit + route-map as_50 permit 10 match ip address 50 set metric 150 access-list 50 permit
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Note: T1e 4il(car( mas5s in t1e access-list are not correct; t1e/ s1oul( be 0 0 0 1) instea( o2 0 0 0 240 First let?s recall about C!+ "2 /ou 4ant to in2luence e3ternal neig1bors about t1e ,at1 it sen(s tra22ic t1en C!+; also calle( t1e metric; s1oul( be use( 7 lo4er C!+ *alue is ,re2erre( o*er a 1ig1er *alue T1e (e2ault C!+ *alue is 0 7lso; an im,ortant ,oint " 4is1 to notice in t1is :uestion is: t1ere is a K(en/ allL statement at t1e en( o2 eac1 access-list "n ot1er 4or(s; a&& t7e !o*tes t7at do not matc7 t7e access-&ist *sed 1= t7e !o*te-map "i&& 1e )i&te!ed o*t For e3am,le in ans4er 8; onl/ net4or5 10 10 1 16<2- is matc1e( b/ t1e access-list an( all ot1er net4or5s 4ill be (ro,,e( =not a(*ertise( to !'#P> T1ere2ore in ans4er 8; onl/ tra22ic to 10 10 1 16<2- 4ill be go t1roug1 router7 =4)T> 7ll ot1er tra22ic must go t1roug1 router' =40T> -G lin5s are use( more e*enl/ -G 8 is correct T1ere are some (ebates sa/ing + is correct but in 2act it is not "2 ans4er + is a,,lie( 2or

router 7; t1e C!+ 2or 10 10 1 &2 set to 1)0 4oul( ma5e tra22ic 2or t1is route go t1roug1 router ' =because t1e C!+ (e2ault *alue is 0; 41ic1 is lo4er t1an 1)0> T1e access-list 4ill also 2ilter out net4or5 10 10 1 16 -G router ! can not sen( tra22ic 2or net4or5 10 10 1 16 to router 7 No4 all tra22ic must go t1roug1 router ' =-)T>

@ou 4ant t1e re(istribute( !"#$P 7S 10 routes to 1a*e an a(ministrati*e (istance o2 121 41en t1e/ a,,ear as $"P routes in t1e routing table o2 71 01ic1 comman( s1oul( /ou use on a router to accom,lis1 t1is goal6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 redistribute eigrp 10 metric 121 ' redistribute rip metric 121 8 default-metric 121 + distance 121
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 94

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7 ne4 T78 engineer comes to /ou 2or a(*ice T1e engineer 4ants to con2igure $"P*2- %SPF t4o-4a/ re(istribution 41ile a*oi(ing routing loo,s 01ic1 t4o a((itions to t1e router '1 con2iguration s1oul( t1e engineer ma5e6 =81oose t4o > 7 access-list 40 deny access-list 40 permit any router rip redistribute ospf 100 metric 5 distribute-list 40 out ospf 100 ' ip prefix-list rip_routes permit ge 26 le 28 route-map redis-ospf deny 10 match ip address prefix-list rip_routes router rip redistribute ospf 10 route-map redis-ospf subnets 8 ip prefix-list rip-to-ospf permit ge 26 le 28 route-map redis-rip deny 20 match ip address prefix-list rip-to-ospf router ospf 100 redistribute rip route-map redis-rip subnets + access-list 15 deny access-list 15 permit any route-map redis-rip deny 10 match ip address 15 route-map redis-rip permit 20 router ospf 100 redistribute rip route-map redis-rip subnets

o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'1 is not t1e onl/ router t1at re(istributes bet4een $"P M %SPF T1e KsmallL router belo4 '1 can be con2igure( 2or t1is tas5 too so '1 can tr/ to re(istribute net4or5s a(*ertise( b/ t1at KsmallL router again T1ere2ore it is necessar/ to 2ilter out net4or5s t1at 1a*e been a(*ertise( b/ t1e KsmallL router For e3am,le; 4e nee( to ,re*ent net4or5 172 16 1 0<24 2rom a(*ertise( bac5 into $"P*2 or net4or5 10 1 1 0<26 2rom a(*ertise( bac5 into %SPF Notice t1at all net4or5s in %SPF (omain =inclu(ing 10 1 1 -<&0; 10 1 1 12<&0; 10 1 1 4-<2-; 10 1 1 &2<2-> can be summari9e( as 10 1 1 0<26 an( all net4or5s in $"P (omain =inclu(ing 172 16 1 24<&0; 172 16 1 20<&0; 172 16 1 &2<2-; 172 16 1 4-<2-> can be summari9e( as 172 16 1 0<24 -G ans4ers 7 M + are correct "n ans4er '; t1e comman( Ki, ,re2i3-list ri,Sroutes ,ermit 172 16 1 16<2) ge 26 le 2-N means: P First c1ec5 t1e 2irst 2) bits o2 t1e a((ress -G t1is 4ill allo4 a((resses 2rom 172 16 1 0 to 172 16 1 127 P "2 t1ose matc1 t1en c1ec5 t1e subnet mas5; 41ic1 in t1is case can be #$!7T!$ T.7N or !FB7L to 26 bits M L!SS T.7N or !FB7L to 2- bits -G meaning t1at <26; <27; <2- subnet mas5s 4oul( matc1 For e3am,le; net4or5s 172 16 1 0<26R 172 16 1 16<2- 4oul( matc1 =but notice net4or5s 172 16 1 0<2)R 172 16 1 12-<26 4oul(n?t> "n t1e Ki, ,re2i3-list ri,Sroutes ,ermit 172 16 1 16<2) ge 26 le 2-N; t1e ,re2i3-list Kri,SroutesL onl/ co*ers net4or5s 172 16 1 &2<2- M 172 16 1 4-<2- but can?t co*er net4or5s 172 16 1 24<&0 M 172 16 1 20<&0 7lso; t1e %SPF ,rocess in t1e Kre(istributeL comman( s1oul( be 100; not 10 -G ' is not correct Same ,roblem as ans4er '; t1e ,re2i3-list in ans4er 8 can?t co*er net4or5s 10 1 1 -<&0 M 10 1 1 12<&0 -G 8 is not correct

$e2er to t1e e31ibit "n a re(un(ant 1ub-an(-s,o5e (e,lo/ment using !"#$P; 41at 2eature can be use( to ensure t1at routers 8 t1roug1 F are not use( as transit routers 2or (ata tra*eling 2rom router ' to net4or5 10 1 1 06 Select t1e best res,onse 7 Bse a((ress summari9ation at routers 8; +; !; an( F ' Bse t1e !"#$P Stub 2eature on routers 8; +; !; an( F

Bse ,assi*e-inter2ace on t1e s,o5e lin5s in routers 7 an( ' 81ange t1e a(ministrati*e (istance in routers 7 an( ' 2or routes learne( 2rom routers 8; +; !; an( F
8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'/ con2iguring KstubL 2eature on routers 8 + ! an( F; routers 7 an( ' 4ill not tr/ to transit tra22ic t1roug1 t1ese routers For e3am,le; i2 t1e net4or5 connecting 2rom routers 7 an( ' is (o4n; router ' 4ill not sen( to net4or5 10 1 1 0<24 2rom router ' -G router8< +<!<F -G router 7 -G net4or5 10 1 1 0<24

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $%BT! !nter,rises 1as man/ stub net4or5s in t1eir enter,rise net4or5; suc1 as router ' an( its associate( net4or5 !"#$P is to be im,lemente( on router 7 so t1at neit1er t1e ,re2i3 2or t1e S<0<0<0 inter2ace nor t1e ,re2i3es 2rom router ' a,,ear in t1e routing tables 2or t1e router in t1e enter,rise net4or5 01ic1 action 4ill accom,lis1 t1is goal6 7 +eclare router ' a stub router using t1e eigr, stub comman( ' Bse t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace comman( 2or inter2ace Serial0<0<0 8 Bse a mas5 4it1 t1e net4or5 comman( to e3clu(e inter2ace Serial0<0<0 + "m,lement a (istribute list to e3clu(e t1e lin5 ,re2i3 2rom t1e routing u,(ates
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"2 4e (eclare router ' a stub router t1en t1e routers in !nter,rise Net4or5 still learn about t1e net4or5 2or S0<0<0 inter2ace an( t1e net4or5 be1in( router ' -G 7 is not correct "2 4e use t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace comman( on s0<0<0 inter2ace t1en router 7 M ' can not become neig1bor because t1e/ (on?t e3c1ange 1ello messages -G 7 can not sen( tra22ic to t1e net4or5 be1in( ' -G ' is not correct T1eoreticall/; 4e can use a (istribute list to e3clu(e bot1 t1e lin5 ,re2i3 an( t1e ,re2i3 2rom router ' but it is not e22icient because: P 0e 1a*e man/ stub net4or5s so 4e 4ill nee( a KlongL (istribute list P 0e (eclare net4or5s in stub routers =li5e router '> 41ile 2ilter t1em out at router 7 -G it is a 4aste " am not totall/ sure about ans4er 8 because i2 4e Kuse a mas5 4it1 t1e net4or5 comman( to e3clu(e inter2ace Serial0<0<0N t1en router 7 an( ' can not become

neig1bors an( t1e situation is same as ans4er ' 'ut 2rom man/ (iscussions about t1is :uestion; ma/be 8 is t1e best ans4er

72ter im,lementing !"#$P on /our net4or5; /ou issue t1e s1o4 i, eigr, tra22ic comman( on router 8 T1e 2ollo4ing out,ut is s1o4n:
RouterC#show ip eigrp traffic IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 1 Hellos sent/received: 481/444 Updates sent/received: 41/32 Queries sent/received: 5/1 Replies sent/received: 1/4 Acks sent/received: 21/25 Input queue high water mark 2, 0 drops SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0

7,,ro3imatel/ 2) minutes later; /ou issue t1e same comman( again T1e 2ollo4ing out,ut is s1o4n:
RouterC#show ip eigrp traffic IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 1 Hellos sent/received: 1057/1020 Updates sent/received: 41/32 Queries sent/received: 5/1 Replies sent/received: 1/4 Acks sent/received: 21/25 Input queue high water mark 2, 0 drops SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0

7,,ro3imatel/ 2) minutes later; /ou issue t1e same comman( a t1ir( time T1e 2ollo4ing out,ut is s1o4n:
RouterC#show ip eigrp traffic IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 1 Hellos sent/received: 1754/1717 Updates sent/received: 41/32 Queries sent/received: 5/1 Replies sent/received: 1/4 Acks sent/received: 21/25 Input queue high water mark 2, 0 drops SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0

01at can /ou conclu(e about t1is net4or56 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e net4or5 1as been stable 2or at least t1e last 4) minutes ' T1ere is a 2la,,ing lin5 or inter2ace; an( router 8 5no4s an alternate ,at1 to t1e net4or5 8 T1ere is a 2la,,ing lin5 or inter2ace; an( router 7 (oes not 5no4 an alternate ,at1 to t1e net4or5 + !"#$P is not 4or5ing correctl/ on router 8 ! T1ere is not enoug1 in2ormation to ma5e a (etermination
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 93

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 statement about (/namic routing ,rotocols 2or t1is net4or5 is true6 7 No (/namic interior routing ,rotocol can summari9e as s1o4n ' Bnless con2igure( ot1er4ise; !"#$P 4oul( automaticall/ summari9e t1e ,re2i3es as s1o4n in t1e e31ibit 8 0it1 t1is "P a((ressing sc1eme; !"#$P can be manuall/ con2igure( to summari9e ,re2i3es at t1e s,eci2ie( summari9ation ,oints + T1e "P a((ress (esign len(s itsel2 to %SPF !ac1 summari9ing router 4oul( be an 7'$; summari9ing to t1e ne3t area in t1e a((ress 1ierarc1/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 99

72ter im,lementing !"#$P on /our net4or5; /ou issue t1e s1o4 i, eigr, tra22ic comman( on router 8 T1e 2ollo4ing out,ut is s1o4n:
RouterC#show ip eigrp traffic IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 1 Hellos sent/received: 2112/2076 Updates sent/received: 47/38 Queries sent/received: 5/3 Replies sent/received: 3/4 Acks sent/received: 29/33 Input queue high water mark 2, 0 drops SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0

Coments later; /ou issue t1e same comman( a secon( time an( t1e 2ollo4ing out,ut is s1o4n:
RouterC#show ip eigrp traffic IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 1 Hellos sent/received: 2139/2104 Updates sent/received: 50/39 Queries sent/received: 5/4 Replies sent/received: 4/4 Acks sent/received: 31/37 Input queue high water mark 2, 0 drops SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0

Coments later; /ou issue t1e same comman( a t1ir( time an( t1e 2ollo4ing out,ut is s1o4n:
RouterC#show ip eigrp traffic IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 1 Hellos sent/received: 2162/2126 Updates sent/received: 53/42 Queries sent/received: 5/5 Replies sent/received: 5/4 Acks sent/received: 35/41 Input queue high water mark 2, 0 drops SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0

01at in2ormation can /ou (etermine about t1is net4or56 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e net4or5 is stable ' T1ere is a 2la,,ing lin5 or inter2ace; an( router 8 5no4s an alternate ,at1 to t1e net4or5 8 T1ere is a 2la,,ing lin5 or inter2ace; an( router 8 (oes not 5no4 an alternate ,at1 to t1e net4or5 + !"#$P is not 4or5ing correctl/ on router 8 ! T1ere is not enoug1 in2ormation to ma5e a (etermination
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

0e notice t1at t1e KFueries recei*e(L number is increase( so router 8 1as been as5e( 2or a route T1e K$e,lies sentL number is also increase( -G router 8 5no4s an alternate ,at1 to t1e net4or5

$e2er to t1e e31ibits $outer ' s1oul( a(*ertise t1e net4or5 connecte( to t1e !0<0<0 inter2ace to router 7 an( bloc5 all ot1er net4or5 a(*ertisements T1e "P routing table on router 7 in(icates t1at it is not recei*ing t1is ,re2i3 2rom router ' 01at is t1e ,robable cause o2 t1e ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse
RouterB#show ip eigrp neighbors IP-EIUGRP neighbors for process 1 H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq Type (sec) (ms) Cnt Num 0 Se0/0 138 00:15:26 26 582 0 3 RouterB# RouterB#debug ip eigrp IP-EIUGRP Route Events debugging is on 02:17:54: IP-EIUGRP: - denied by distribute list 02:17:54: IP-EIUGRP: - denied by distribute list 02:17:54: IP-EIUGRP: - denied by distribute list 02:17:54: IP-EIUGRP: - denied by distribute list 02:17:54: IP-EIUGRP: - denied by distribute list 7 7n access list on router ' is causing t1e 192 16- & 16<2- net4or5 to be

(enie( ' 7n access list on router ' is causing t1e 192 16- & &2<2- net4or5 to be (enie( 8 T1e (istribute list on router ' is re2erencing a numbere( access list t1at (oes not e3ist on router ' + T1e (istribute list on router ' is re2erencing t1e 4rong inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1is is an unclear :uestion T1e :uestion sa/s K$outer ' s1oul( a(*ertise t1e net4or5

connecte( to t1e !0<0<0 inter2ace to router 7 an( bloc5 all ot1er net4or5 a(*ertisements T1e "P routing table on router 7 in(icates t1at it is not recei*ing t1is ,re2i3 2rom router ' L T1at means t1e net4or5 192 16- & 16<2- =inclu(ing t1e "P 192 16- & 21<2-> is not recei*e( on router 7 -G 7 is t1e most suitable ans4er Note: +istribute list are use( to 2ilter routing u,(ates an( t1e/ are base( on access lists

$e2er to t1e e31ibits @ou are *eri2/ing /our %SPF im,lementation; an( it (oes not seem to be 2unctioning ,ro,erl/ 01at can /ou conclu(e 2rom t1e e31ibit an( t1e s1o4 running-con2iguration comman( out,ut6
RouterA# ~~~~~ ! router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 1 network area 1 ! ~~~~~ RouterB# ~~~~~ router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 2 network area 2 ! ~~~~~ RouterC# ~~~~~ ! router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 ! ~~~~~ 7 T1e %SPF areas are not con2igure( correctl/ ' T1e 4il(car( mas5s 2or t1e 10 3 3 3 net4or5s are incorrect 8 T1e 172 16 3 3 net4or5s nee( to be connecte( to area 0 using *irtual + T1e 172 16 3 3 net4or5s are (iscontiguous %SPF is automaticall/


summari9ing t1em to 172 16 0 0<16 an( (ata is being Eblac5 1ole( E ! T1ere is not enoug1 in2ormation to ma5e a (etermination
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e !0<0 M !0<1 inter2aces o2 router 8 belong to area 0 41ile !0<0 o2 router 7 belongs to

area 1R !0<0 o2 router ' belongs to area 2 -G it is not correct 'ot1 !0<0 inter2aces o2 router 7 M ' s1oul( be in area 0

%SPF is enable( on router 7 @ou e3ecute t1e 2ollo4ing comman( on router 7 an( recei*e t1e accom,an/ing out,ut: RouterA#ping repeat 1 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 1, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: Reply to request 0 from, 4 ms 10 100 100 1 is t1e "P a((ress o2 a loo,bac5 inter2ace on router 7 01at can /ou conclu(e about router 76 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %nl/ t1e router 7 loo,bac5 inter2ace is ,artici,ating in t1e %SPF routing ,rocess ' None o2 t1e router 7 inter2aces are ,artici,ating in t1e %SPF routing ,rocess 8 $outer 7 is using t1e loo,bac5 inter2ace "P a((ress as its %SPF router "+ + $outer 7 (oes not 1a*e an/ reac1able %SPF neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e 224 0 0 ) a((ress is t1e multicast 2or %SPF routers T1ere2ore 41en /ou ,ing to t1is a((ress all %SPF routers 4ill re,l/ but 2rom t1e out,ut 4e learn t1at onl/ t1e local router res,on(e( -G $outer 7 (oes not 1a*e an/ reac1able %SPF neig1bors

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at is t1e e22ect o2 t1e %SPF con2iguration on router '6 7 7ll inter2aces 4ill be in area 0 ' T1e router 4ill be an 7'$ 4it1 s1<0 in area 0 an( 20<0 an( 0<1 in area 1 8 T1e router 4ill be an 7'$ 4it1 s1<0 in area 0 an( 20<0 an( 0<1 in area 2 + T1e router 4ill be an 7'$ 4it1 s1<0 in area 0; 20<0 in area 1; an( 20<1 in area 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 104

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T4o routers are connecte( b/ Frame $ela/ an( are running %SPF bet4een t1em !ac1 router 1as been con2igure( 4it1 t1e a,,ro,riate net4or5 statements un(er router os,2 1; but t1e routers are not 2orming an a(Aacenc/ 01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing t1ree comman(s coul( be con2igure( on eac1 router to correct t1is ,roblem6 =81oose t1ree > 7 RouterC(config-if)#ip ospf network broadcast RouterD(config-if)#ip ospf network broadcast ' RouterC(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point RouterD(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point

RouterC(config-router)#neighbor RouterD(config-router)#neighbor + RouterC(config-router)#neighbor RouterD(config-router)#neighbor

o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'/ (e2ault; Frame $ela/ is classi2ie( as a non-broa(cast net4or5; meaning it (oesn?t sen( an/ broa(casts<multicasts li5e $"P; %SPF or !"#$P u,(ates across t1e net4or5 =1ello ,ac5ets o2 %SPF are multicast to 224 0 0 )> .ence; in N'C7 net4or5; t1e neig1bors are not (isco*ere( automaticall/R t1e/ must be con2igure( manuall/ T1ere are t4o 4a/s to simulate a broa(cast mo(el on an N'C7 net4or5: P +e2ine t1e net4or5 t/,e as broa(cast 4it1 t1e Ki, os,2 net4or5 broa(castL inter2ace sub-comman( P 8on2igure t1e neig1bor Zneig1bor-i,-a((ressG statements un(er router os,2 mo(e =t1oug1 con2iguring t1e neig1bor statement on one en( is su22icient to 2orm a(Aacenc/; it is a goo( ,ractice to 1a*e it con2igure( on bot1 t1e en(s> 'esi(es t1ese t4o 4a/s; anot1er 4a/ 2or ma5ing %SPF 4or5 4it1 Frame $ela/ is con2iguring t1e net4or5 as a Point-to-Point net4or5 =or Point-to-Culti,oint; notice t1at %SPF treats Point-to-Culti,oint net4or5 as a collecti*e o2 ,oint-to-,oint lin5s> Some in2ormation about Point-to-Culti,oint =or Point-to-Point> net4or5: Note: Point-to-Culti,oint net4or5s (o not maintain a +$<'+$ relations1i,

@our net4or5 1as a mi3ture o2 Fast !t1ernet an( #igabit !t1ernet lin5s 01at nee(s to be (one to ensure o,timal (ata routing 41en using %SPF6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 Not1ing %SPF 4ill (etermine t1e most o,timal ,at1 2or routing (ata b/ (e2ault ' 7(Aust t1e 1ello an( (ea( timers 2or more ra,i( (etection o2 lin5 2ailures 8 "ncrease t1e reference-bandwidth use( to calculate t1e inter2ace (e2ault metrics; on all routers in /our net4or5 + Set t1e ,riorit/ *alues on e*er/ broa(cast inter2ace to ensure t1at t1e (esignate( an( bac5u, (esignate( routers are t1e routers 4it1 t1e most ,rocessor an( memor/ resources
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e (e2ault 2ormula to calculate t1e cost 2or t1e %SPF metric is =10 -<'0> T1ere2ore 41en using (e2ault re2erence ban(4i(t1 =100C> to calculate os,2; #i an( Fa inter2aces coul( 1a*e t1e same cost =1> T1is ,roblem can be 2i3e( b/ con2iguring re2erence ban(4i(t1 to 1000C

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer 8 4as con2igure( so t1at it coul( 2orm an a(Aacenc/ 4it1 t1ree %SPF neig1bors; one connecte( to eac1 o2 its t1ree ,1/sical inter2aces 01ic1 statement is correct about router 86
RouterC#show ip interface brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Ethernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up Serial0/0 YES NVRAM up up Ethernet0/1 YES NVRAM up up Loopback0 YES NVRAM up up RouterC# RouterC#show ip ospf Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID Supports onlu single TOS(TOS0) routes Supports opage LSA It is an area border router SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPF's 10 secs Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs Number of external LSA 0. Checksume Sum 0x00000 Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksume Sum 0x00000 Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0 Number of DoNotAge external and opague AS LSA 0 Number of areas in this router is 2. 1 normal 1 stub 0 nssa External flood list length 0 Area BACKBONE(0) Number of interfaces in this area is 3 Area has no authentication SPF algorithm executed 10 times Area ramges are Number of LSA 14. Checksume Sum 0x053D21 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksume Sum 0x00000 Number of DCbitless LSA 0 Number of indication LSA 0 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0 Flood list length 0 Area 4 Number of interfaces in this area is 1 It is a stub area, no summary LSA in this area gemerates stub default route with cost 1 Area has no authentication SPF algorithm executed 9 times Area ramges are Number of LSA 4. Checksume Sum 0x01F200 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksume Sum 0x00000 Number of DCbitless LSA 0 Number of indication LSA 0 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0 Flood list length 0 7 "t is con2igure( an( 2unctioning correctl/ as an %SPF internal router

"t is con2igure( an( 2unctioning correctl/ as an 7'$ attac1e( to stub area 4 "t is con2igure( an( 2unctioning correctl/ as an 7S'$ attac1e( to e3ternal area 4 + "t is con2igure( an( 2unctioning correctl/ as an 7'$ attac1e( to totall/ stubb/ area 4 ! "t is not con2igure( correctl/ to 2unction as s,eci2ie(
' 8 o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e out,ut o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, os,2L comman( 4e notice 2 lines: P "t is an area bor(er router P "t is a stub area; no summar/ LS7 in t1is area =in 7rea 4> T1ere2ore 4e can conclu(e $outer8 is an 7'$ an( it is attac1e( to a totall/ stubb/ area =4it1 no summar/ LS7 a(*ertise(>

To ma5e %SPF area 4 totall/ stubb/; t1e 2ollo4ing comman( 4as issue( on t1e 7'$ in router con2iguration mo(e: area 4 stub 01ic1 t4o t1ings nee( to be (one to 2inis1 ma5ing area 4 a totall/ stubb/ area6 =81oose t4o > 7 7,,l/ t1e area 4 stub comman( to all routers in t1e area ' %n t1e 7'$; use t1e area 4 stub comman( 4it1 t1e no-summary 5e/4or( 8 %n t1e 7'$; s,eci2/ a (e2ault cost 2or t1e area 4it1 t1e area defaultcost comman( + %n t1e 7'$; use t1e default-information originates comman( to inAect a (e2ault route into area 4 ! Bse t1e auto-cost comman( on eac1 router in t1e area to automaticall/ (etermine t1e cost to ot1er %SPF areas
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

To ma5e an area Ktotall/ stubb/L 4e must a,,l/ t1e K a!ea area-id st*1 nos*mma!=L comman( on t1e 7'$ an( a!ea area-id st*1L comman(s to all ot1er routers in t1at area Note: T1e 7'$ in a totall/ stubb/ area (oes not create T/,e & summar/ LS7 "t onl/ creates a (e2ault route to outsi(e (estinations

$e2er to t1e e31ibits 01at can be (one to 2i3 t1e ,roblem6 RouterA#debug ip ospf events OSPF events debugging is on RouterA#

04:43:16: OSPF: Rcv pkt from, Ethernet0/1, area mismatch area in the header 04:43:19: OSPF: Rcv hello from area 0 from Ethernet0/0 04:43:19: OSPF: End of hello processing 7 81ange router ' !0<1 inter2ace to area 0 ' 81ange router 7 inter2ace !0<1 to area 0 0 0 2 8 8on2igure t1e !0<1 inter2aces o2 router 7 an( router ' to be in area 0 + S1ut (o4n t1e !0<1 inter2aces in router 7 an( router ' as %SPF (oes not allo4 Ebac5 (oorsE bet4een areas ! $emo*e t1e !0<1 inter2aces in router 7 an( router ' 2rom t1e %SPF ,rocess Bse static routes to route (ata (irectl/ 2rom router 7 to router ' to a*oi( ,assing (ata t1roug1 router 8 in area 0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 109

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7S 6))00 is running %SPF as its "#P an( 1as t4o e'#P connections to t1e "nternet ,ro*i(er 7S 6))01 T1e ,ro*i(er re:uires t1at /ou a(*ertise all t1e ,re2i3es in 7S 6))00 to t1e ,ro*i(er as a single 192 16- 12 0<22 route 8urrentl/ onl/ $outers 7 an( ' are able to reac1 t1e "nternet 01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing a((itions to t1e con2iguration is most li5el/ to sol*e t1e ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 RouterA(config)#ip cef ' RouterA(config)#ip route null 0 8 RouterA(config-router)#ebgp multihop 1 + RouterA(config-router)#redistribute ospf 1 ! RouterA(config-router)#neighbor next-hopself F RouterA(config-router)#neighbor local-as 65500
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e s/nc1roni9ation rule states K7 '#P router s1oul( not use; or a(*ertise to an e3ternal neig1bor; a route learne( b/ "'#P; unless t1at route is local or is learne( 2rom t1e "#PL Notice t1at "#P 1ere can be a static route "n t1is case; unless t1ere is an entr/ about net4or5 192 16- 12 0 in t1e routing table o2

$outer7; $outer7 4ill not a(*ertise t1is net4or5 to its !'#P -G ' is correct =e*en i2 t1is static route ,oints to Null0> Note: 7lt1oug1 t1is :uestion states t1at %SPF is being use( as "#P but 2or some reasons; net4or5 192 16- 12 0<22 is not a(*ertise( to $outer7 -G $outer7 (oes not 1a*e t1is route in its routing table

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer ' is ,er2orming bi(irectional re(istribution bet4een !"#$P an( %SPF T1e net4or5 10 100 1 0<24 s1oul( not be reac1able 2rom t1e 10 100 9 0<24 net4or5 .o4e*er; it nee(s to be reac1able 2rom an/ net4or5 4it1in t1e !"#$P (omain 7ll ot1er net4or5s s1oul( be seen in bot1 (omains 01ic1 c1ange to router ' 4oul( accom,lis1 t1ese goals6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 Bn(er t1e !"#$P ,rocess; insert t1e (istribute-list bloc5SnetS1 out os,2 1 comman( ' Bn(er t1e %SPF ,rocess; insert t1e (istribute-list bloc5SnetS1 in serial1<0 comman( 8 Bn(er t1e !"#$P ,rocess; insert t1e (istribute-list bloc5SnetS1 in serial1<0 comman( + Bn(er t1e %SPF ,rocess; insert t1e (istribute-list bloc5SnetS1 out eigr, 1 comman(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e net4or5 10 100 1 0<24 s1oul( not be reac1able 2rom net4or5 10 100 9 0<24 -G 4e nee( to 2ilter u,(ates )!om EI0($ to OS$. so t1at t1e routing table o2 router 8 (oesn?t 1a*e net4or5 10 100 1 0<24 -G 4e nee( to 2ilter it un(er %SPF ,rocess an( t1e (irection s1oul( be out o2 router ' -G + is correct

01ic1 '#P comman( ,ro*i(es t1e router "+; local ,re2erence; ne3t 1o,; an( '#P ,at1 in its out,ut6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 show ip route bgp ' show ip bgp 8 show ip bgp neighbors + show ip bgp summary
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Ks1o4 i, bg,L comman( is use( to (is,la/ entries in t1e '#P routing table 7n e3am,le o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, bg,L out,ut is s1o4n belo4:

"n t1e out,ut /ou can see t1e router "+; local ,re2erence; ne3t 1o,; an( '#P ,at1

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P 1as been con2igure( on router + $outer 8 is ,er2orming mutual re(istribution bet4een !"#$P an( %SPF 01ile *eri2/ing t1at t1e re(istribution is 2unctioning ,ro,erl/; /ou (isco*er t1at 41ile router 8 1as all o2 t1e !"#$P routes in its routing table; router 7 (oes not 1a*e an/ routes 2rom t1e !"#$P (omain 01at on router 8 ma/ be t1e cause o2 t1e ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e no auto-summary comman( nee(s to be a((e( un(er router eigr, 1 ' T1e subnets 5e/4or( 4as not inclu(e( in t1e redistribute comman( un(er router os,2 1 8 T1e metric s,eci2ie( 2or t1e re(istribute( !"#$P routes is too largeR ma5ing t1e !"#$P routes unreac1able b/ router 7 + T1e default-information originate comman( nee(s to be a((e( un(er router os,2 1 ! T1e a(ministrati*e (istance o2 eit1er %SPF or !"#$P must be c1ange( so t1at !"#$P 1as a 1ig1er a(ministrati*e (istance t1an %SPF
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"2 4e (on?t use t1e KsubnetsL 5e/4or( 41en re(istributing routes learne( 2rom anot1er routing ,rocess into %SPF; onl/ class2ul routes 4ill be re(istribute( T1is is an im,ortant t1ing to remember 41en re(istributing into %SPF

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer ' an( router 8 are ,er2orming mutual re(istribution bet4een %SPF an( !"#$P; an( t1eir (e2ault metrics are con2igure( t1e same $outer + 1as e:ual cost ,at1s to net4or5s 41ere bot1 ,at1s are not reall/ e:ual cost For e3am,le; net4or5 172 16 )4 0 s1o4s e:ual cost t1roug1 bot1 router ' an( router 8; t1oug1 in realit/ t1e cost is greater using router 8 %t1er routers; t1oug1 not s1o4n; are connecte( to t1e 172 16 )4 0 an( 172 16 )) 0 net4or5s; an( t1e same issues e3ist to t1ose routers an( t1e net4or5s connecte( to t1em 01at can be (one so t1at (ata 4ill be route( along t1e most o,timal ,at1 in t1e net4or56 Select t1e best res,onse 7 $e(istribute connecte( inter2aces on router ' an( router 8 ' Set t1e ma3imum number o2 e:ual cost ,at1s to 1 in all routers

01en re(istributing !"#$P into %SPF; set t1e e3ternal metric t/,e to t/,e !1 + 7(Aust t1e (e2ault metrics in router ' an( router 8 so t1at t1e *alues are (i22erent in eac1 router ! None o2 t1ese solutions 4ill 2i3 t1e ,roblem Cigrate to a single (/namic routing ,rotocol
8 o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 114

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 88NP com is ,lanning to im,lement loa( balancing 2or tra22ic bet4een 1osts on t1e 172 16 10 0<24 an( 172 16 20 <24 net4or5s @ou 1a*e been as5e( to re*ie4 t1e im,lementation ,lan 2or t1is ,roAect 01ic1 statement about t1e ,lan is true6 Select t1e best res,onse "m,lementation Plan 1. Configure variance on R1 and R4. 2. Use traceroute to validate load balancing has been activated. 3. Document configuration changes. 7 "t is com,lete as 4ritten ' "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 to con2igure !"#$P multi,at1 e:ual to 2 on $1 an( $4 8 "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 to im,lement %SPF because it 1an(les une:ual cost loa( balancing most e22icientl/ using *ariance + "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at establis1es a baseline be2ore an( a2ter t1e con2iguration 1as been c1ange(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 com,lete im,lementation ,lan s1oul( be: 1 8on2igure *ariance on $1 an( $4 2 Bse traceroute to *ali(ate loa( balancing 1as been acti*ate( & +ocument con2iguration c1anges 4 !stablis1 a ne4 tra22ic t1roug1,ut baseline ) 8om,are t1e ne4 an( ol( baselines an( *eri2/ t1at loa( balancing is im,lemente( as (esire(

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 statement about t1is neig1bor o2 $1 is true6

R1# show ipv6 neighbor IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface FE80::21E:79FF:FFAB:3141 2 001e.79ab.3141 STALE Gi0/1 7 %SPF*& a(Aacenc/ 1as been lost; 41ic1 causes t1e neig1bor

to be

consi(ere( Stale

' 7ggregate global a((resses are al4a/s use( bet4een "P*6 neig1bors 8 %SPF*& a(Aacenc/ 4ill not 4or5 bet4een lin5-local a((resses + $1 use( "8CP to learn about t1is neig1bor o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 116

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 88NP com is ,lanning to im,lement loa( balancing 2or tra22ic bet4een 1ost on t1e 172 16 10 0<24 an( 172 16 20 <24 net4or5s @ou 1a*e been as5e( to re*ie4 t1e im,lementation ,lan 2or t1is ,roAect 01ic1 statement about t1e ,lan is true6 Select t1e best res,onse Imp&ementation $&an# 1. Enable a traffic throughput baseline. 2. Configure variance on R1 and R4. 3. Use traceroute to validate load balancing has been activated. 4. Establish a new traffic throughput baseline. 5. Compare the new and old baselines and verify that load balancing is implemented as desired. 7 "t is com,lete as 4ritten ' "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 to con2igure multi,at1 to e:ual a *alue o2 2 on $1 an( $4 8 "t s1oul( use a ,ing instea( o2 a traceroute to *ali(ate t1at loa( balancing 1as been acti*ate( + "t s1oul( contain a tas5 t1at (ocuments t1e c1anges ma(e to t1e con2igurations
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 com,lete im,lementation ,lan s1oul( be: 1 8on2igure *ariance on $1 an( $4 2 Bse traceroute to *ali(ate loa( balancing 1as been acti*ate( & +ocument con2iguration c1anges 4 !stablis1 a ne4 tra22ic t1roug1,ut baseline ) 8om,are t1e ne4 an( ol( baselines an( *eri2/ t1at loa( balancing is im,lemente( as (esire(

01ic1 t1ree statements about %SPF areas are true6 =81oose t1ree > 7 7reas intro(uce a boun(ar/ on t1e lin5-state u,(ates ' 7reas are logical (e2initions s,eci2ic to an/ gi*en router 8 7ll routers 4it1in an area 1a*e t1e e3act lin5-state (atabase + T1e calculation o2 t1e +iA5stra algorit1m on a router is limite( to c1anges 4it1in an area ! T1e area (esignate( router 4ill al4a/s 1a*e a ,riorit/ o2 0

o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 113

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 88NP com is ,lanning to im,lement a ne4 secure %SPF net4or5 to su,,ort tra22ic bet4een clients on t1e 172 16 10 0<24 net4or5 an( t1e 2ile ser*er on t1e 172 16 20 <24 net4or5 @ou 1a*e been as5e( to re*ie4 t1e im,lementation ,lan 2or t1e %SPF ,roAect 01ic1 statement about t1e ,lan is true6 7 "t is com,lete as 4ritten ' "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at s1uts (o4n all unuse( inter2aces 8 "t s1oul( inclu(e tas5s t1at enable an( *eri2/ %SPF aut1entication + "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at establis1es a 2ile trans2er baseline be2ore an( a2ter t1e con2iguration is c1ange(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e com,lete im,lementation ,lan s1oul( be 1 !nable %SPF ,rocess 1 on all routers 2 !nable area 0 on $2; $& an( $4 & !nable area 10 on $1; $2 an( $& 4 !nable area 20 on $4 an( $) ) !nable an( *eri2/ %SPF aut1entication 6 Veri2/ t1at all routers contain a com,lete routing table 7 Veri2/ t1at t1e clients can success2ull/ access t1e ser*er - +ocument con2iguration c1anges

01ic1 comman( (is,la/s t1e number o2 times t1at t1e %SPF S1ortest Pat1 First =SPF> algorit1m 1as been e3ecute(6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 show ip protocol ' show ip ospf interface 8 show ip ospf + show ip ospf database
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'elo4 is t1e out,ut o2 t1is comman(:


$e2er to t1e e31ibit 88NP com is ,lanning to im,lement a secure %SPF net4or5 to su,,ort tra22ic bet4een clients on t1e 172 16 10 0<24 net4or5 an( t1e 2ile ser*er on t1e 172 16 20 <24 net4or5 @ou 1a*e been as5e( to re*ie4 t1e im,lementation an( *eri2ication ,lans 01ic1 statement about t1e ,lan is true6

"t is com,lete as 4ritten "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at *eri2ies t1at t1e interarea routes are using t1e ,ro,er C!+ 8 T1e ,lan s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at *eri2ies t1at loa( s1aring is acti*e on t1e a,,ro,riate lin5s + T1e ,lan s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at *eri2ies en(-to-en( connecti*it/ bet4een t1e clients an( t1e 2ile ser*er
7 ' o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 121

01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing NS7P a((resses is a ,ri*ate; locall/ a(ministere( a((ress6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 &9 0201 0002 0000 0c00 1111 00 ' 4- 0201 0002 0000 0c00 1111 00 8 49 0004 &0ac 0000 &090 c7(2 00 + )2 0201 0002 0000 0c00 1111 00
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 122

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 88NP com is ,lanning net4or5 to su,,ort tra22ic bet4een clients on t1e 172 16 10 0<24 net4or5 an( t1e 2ile ser*er on t1e 172 16 20 <24 net4or5 @ou 1a*e been as5e( to re*ie4 t1e im,lementation an( *eri2ication ,lans 2or t1is %SPF ,roAect 01ic1 statement about t1e ,lan is true6 7 "t is com,lete as 4ritten ' "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at *eri2ies t1at t1e interarea routes are using t1e ,ro,er C!+ 8 "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at *eri2ies t1at loa( s1aring is acti*e on $1 an( $4 + "t s1oul( inclu(e a tas5 t1at *eri2ies t1at all re(un(ant lin5s 4ill become acti*e 41en t1e ,rimar/ lin5s are s1ut (o4n
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 12,

#i*en t1e 2ollo4ing ,artial con2iguration 2or $outer 7: interface serial 0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay ip ospf network point-to-multipoint router ospf 7 network area 0

01ic1 t4o statements are correct6 =81oose t4o > 7 +$<'+$ elections (o not ta5e ,lace ' T1e router is restricte( to a 1ub an( s,o5e to,olog/ 8 T1e area 0 N'C7 clou( is con2igure( as more t1an one subnet + %SPF neig1bor statements are not necessar/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( Ki, os,2 net4or5 ,oint-to-multi,ointL con2igures t1is inter2ace as ,oint-tomulti,oint 2or broa(cast me(ia "n broa(cast net4or5s; t1ere is no nee( to s,eci2/ neig1bors No +$ or '+$ is electe( in t1is net4or5 t/,e Note: "2 4e con2igure t1is inter2ace as a ,oint-to-,oint non-broa(cast =4it1 t1e Ki, os,2 net4or5 ,oint-to-multi,oint non-broa(castL comman(> t1en 4e nee( to manuall/ (eclare t1e %SPF neig1bors

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t4o 8isco "%S comman(s on $2 4oul( *eri2/ its %SPF neig1bor relations1i,s6 =81oose t4o > 7 show ip ospf ' show ip ospf interface 8 show ip ospf neighbor + show ip ospf database ! show ip ospf statistics F show running-config | begin router ospf
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e s7o" ip osp) inte!)ace comman( s1o4s us in2ormation about t1e neig1bor count an( a(Aacent neig1bor count: T1e s7o" ip osp) nei+71o! comman( s1o4s us t1e role o2 eac1 neig1bor =+$; '+$; +$%T.!$>

01en ot1er routing ,rotocol routes are being re(istribute( into %SPF; 41at is one o2 t1e most common ,roblems6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 missing t1e tag o,tion in t1e re(istribute comman( ' missing t1e subnet o,tion in t1e re(istribute comman( 8 missing t1e metric o,tion in t1e re(istribute comman( + miscon2iguring t1e metric-t/,e o,tion in t1e re(istribute comman( to t/,e-1 ! miscon2iguring t1e metric-t/,e o,tion in t1e re(istribute comman( to t/,e-2
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en ,ulling routes into %SPF; 4e nee( to use t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL so t1at subnets

4ill be re(istribute( too For e3am,le; i2 4e re(istribute t1ese !"#$P routes into %SPF: P 10 0 0 0<P 10 10 0 0<16 P 10 10 1 0<24 4it1out t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL !o*te! osp) 1 !edist!i1*te ei+!p 1 T1en onl/ 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 4ill be re(istribute( because ot1er routes are not class2ul routes; t1e/ are subnets To re(istribute subnets 4e must use t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL !o*te! osp) 1 !edist!i1*te ei+!p 1 s*1nets

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 comman( 4oul( *eri2/ i2 P'$ reacts to ,ac5ets source( 2rom 172 16 0 0<166 access-list 101 permit ip host any ! route-map divert permit 10 match ip address 101 set ip next-hop set ip next-hop recursive set ip default next-hop ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 ip address ip policy route-map divert 7 show ip route ' show policy-map 8 show access-lists + show route-map
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Ks1o4 route-ma, Kroute-ma, nameL (is,la/s t1e ,olic/ routing matc1 counts so 4e can learn i2 P'$ reacts to ,ac5ets source( 2rom 172 16 0 0<16 or not

For t1e accom,an/ing router out,ut; 41ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing statements (escribes t1e state t1at neig1bor 172 16 2)4 & is in6 7 T1e router 4ill not acce,t connections 2rom t1e ,eer ' T1e router 1as sent out an acti*e T8P connection re:uest to t1e ,eer 8 T1e router is listening on its ser*er ,ort 2or connection re:uests 2rom t1e ,eer + '#P can e3c1ange routing in2ormation in t1is state
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation


T1e '#P state in t1e out,ut is K7cti*eL; 41ic1 means '#P s,ea5er is attem,ting to initiate a T8P session 4it1 t1e '#P s,ea5er it 4ants to ,eer 4it1 "2 t1is can be (one; t1e '#P state goes to %,enSent state

7 ,olic/ nee(s to be im,lemente( on $outer ' so t1at an/ tra22ic source( 2rom 172 16 10 0<24 4ill be 2or4ar(e( to $outer 8 01ic1 con2iguration on $outer ' 4ill ac1ie*e t1e (esire( e22ect6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 access-list 1 permit ! interface s0 ip policy route-map policy ! route-map policy permit 10 match ip address 1 set ip next-hop ' access-list 1 permit ! interface e0 ip policy route-map policy ! route-map policy permit 10 match ip address 1 set ip next-hop 8 access-list 1 permit ! interface e0 ip policy route-map policy ! route-map policy permit 10 match ip address 1 set ip next-hop + access-list 1 deny ! interface s0 ip policy route-map policy ! route-map policy permit 10 match ip address 1 set ip next-hop
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Kne3t-1o,L "P a((ress s1oul( be t1e !1 inter2ace o2 router 8 =172 16 12 &>

#i*en t1e accom,an/ing out,ut; 41ic1 a((itional comman( is nee(e( to re(istribute

"#$P into !"#$P6 router eigrp 123 network no auto-summary ! router igrp 123 network network Select t1e best res,onse 7 Bn(er t1e router igr, mo(e a(( re(istribute eigr, 12& ' Bn(er t1e router eigr, mo(e a(( re(istribute igr, 12& 8 Bn(er t1e router eigr, mo(e a(( re(istribute igr, 12& subnets + None; !"#$P an( "#$P are automaticall/ re(istribute( in t1is instance
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# 01en re(istributing "#$P to !"#$P; t1ere is a 2eature t1at t1e/ are automaticall/ re(istribute( i2 t1e/ 1a*e same autonomous s/stem numberR in o,,osite; t1e/ nee( to manuall/ re(istribute( i2 t1e/ 1a*e (i22erent autonomous s/stem number QUESTION 1,0

7bo*e is t1e out,ut 2rom s1o4 i, bg, neig1bors comman( 01at is line 21 stating about t1e '#P connection6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 t1e number o2 consecuti*e T8P connections to t1e s,eci2ie( remote neig1bor ' t1e number o2 times t1e router 1as establis1e( a T8P connection 8 t1e number o2 total T8P connections t1at t1e router 1as + t1e number o2 neig1bors t1at t1e router 1as
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7ccor(ing to 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<(ocs<ios<12S&<i,route<comman(<re2erence< i,2Ss2g 1tmlJ4,104091&; K8onnections establis1e(L is t1e number o2 times a T8P an( '#P connection 1a*e been success2ull/ establis1e( 41ile K(ro,,e(L is t1e number o2 times t1at a *ali( session 1as 2aile( or been ta5en (o4n

01ic1 t1ree are c1aracteristics o2 "P*66 =81oose t1ree > 7 7n "P*6 a((ress is 12- bits long ' 7n "P*6 1ea(er is 20 bits long 8 7n "P*6 1ea(er contains t1e ne3t 1ea(er 2iel( + 7n "P*6 1ea(er contains t1e ,rotocol 2iel( ! "P*6 routers sen( $7 messages F 7n "P*6 1ea(er contains t1e 1ea(er c1ec5sum 2iel(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 M 8 are ob*iousl/ correct base( on t1e t1eor/ o2 "P*6 01en a client sen(s a $outer Solicitation =$S> message; router res,on(s 4it1 a $outer 7(*ertisement =$7> message 41ic1 inclu(es ,re2i3; (e2ault route an( li2etime =1o4 long t1e 1ost s1oul( retain in2ormation about t1e router> -G ! is correct

+uring a recent %SPF election among t1ree routers; $T7 4as electe( t1e +$ an( $T' 4as electe( t1e '+$; as seen in t1e gra,1ic 7ssume t1at $T7 2ails; an( t1at $T' ta5es t1e ,lace o2 t1e +$ 41ile $T8 becomes t1e ne4 '+$ 01at 4ill 1a,,en 41en $T7 comes bac5 online6 7 $T7 4ill ta5e t1e ,lace o2 +$ imme(iatel/ u,on establis1ing its a(Aacencies ' $T7 4ill ta5e t1e ,lace o2 +$ onl/ i2 $T' 2ails 8 $T7 4ill ta5e t1e ,lace o2 +$ onl/ i2 bot1 $T' an( $T8 2ail + 7 ne4 election 4ill ta5e ,lace establis1ing an all ne4 +$ an( '+$ base( on con2igure( ,riorit/ le*els an( C78 a((resses
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# "2 a router 4it1 a 1ig1er ,riorit/ *alue gets a((e( to t1e net4or5; it (oes not ,reem,t t1e +$ an( '+$ T1e onl/ time a +$ an( '+$ c1anges is i2 one o2 t1em is out o2 ser*ice "2 t1e +$ is out o2 ser*ice; t1e '+$ becomes t1e +$; an( t1e ne4 '+$ is selecte( "2 t1e '+$ is out o2 ser*ice; a ne4 '+$ is electe( "n a multi-access net4or5; t1e router t1at is ,o4ere( on 2irst 4ill generall/ become t1e +$; since +$<'+$ ,rocess is not ,re-em,ti*e QUESTION 1,,

T1e +e*-1 an( +e*-& routers are %SPF neig1bors o*er t1e !t1ernet 0<0 connection 'ase( on t1e s1o4 i, os,2 neig1bor out,ut 2rom t1e +e*-1 an( +e*-& routers; 41ic1 statement is true6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 +e*-1 is t1e +$ because it 1as a 1ig1er %SPF router ,riorit/ ' +e*-1 is t1e +$ because it 1as a lo4er %SPF router "+ 8 +e*-& is t1e +$ because it 1as a 1ig1er %SPF router ,riorit/ + +e*-& is t1e +$ because it 1as a lo4er %SPF router "+ ! 'ot1 +e*-1 an( +e*-& are using t1e (e2ault %SPF router ,riorit/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e ,riorit/ 1el,s (etermine t1e +$ an( '+$ on t1e net4or5 to 41ic1 t1is inter2ace is connecte( Priorit/ is an --bit 2iel( base( on 41ic1 +$s an( '+$s are electe( T1e router 4it1 t1e 1ig1est ,riorit/ becomes t1e +$ "2 t1e ,riorities are t1e same; t1e router 4it1 t1e 1ig1est router "+ becomes t1e +$ '/ (e2ault; ,riorities are set to 1

Notice t1at t1e Priorities s1o4n in t1e out,ut abo*e are t1e ,riorities o2 t1e neig1bors so t1e ,riorit/ o2 router +e*-1 is 2 41ile t1e ,riorit/ o2 +e*-& is 1 -G t1e ,riorit/ o2 +e*-1 is 1ig1er t1an t1at o2 +e*-& -G +e*-1 is t1e +$

$e2er to t1e (iagram 01ic1 %SPF con2iguration comman( is re:uire( to con2igure 7rea & as a totall/ stubb/ area6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %n t1e 7'$ router ospf 10 area 3 nssa ' %n t1e 7'$ router ospf 10 area 3 stub 8 %n all 7rea & routers router ospf 10 area 3 stub no-summary + %n all 7rea & routers router ospf 10 area 3 stub ! %n t1e 7'$ router ospf 10 area 3 stub no-summary
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

To ma5e an area Ktotall/ stubb/L 4e must a,,l/ t1e K a!ea area-id st*1 nos*mma!=L comman( on t1e 7'$ =t1e mi((le router in t1is case> an( a!ea area-id st*1L comman(s to all ot1er routers in t1at area

T1e 192 16- 0 0 net4or5 is not being ,ro,agate( t1roug1out t1e net4or5 %bser*e t1e '#P con2iguration comman(s 2rom t1e a(*ertising router 01at is t1e reason t1e 192 16- 0 0 route is not being a(*ertise(6 router bgp 65111 neighbor remote-as 65111 neighbor remote-as 65112 network network ! ip route null0 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e network statement is missing mas5 ' T1e network statement is missing mas5 8 T1e network statement is missing mas5 + T1e network statement is missing mas5

T1e auto-summary con2iguration is missing

o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Knet4or5L statement in ot1er routing ,rotocols =!"#$P; %SPF; $"PY> is use( to enable routing ,rotocol on t1e inter2aces 4it1in t1at Knet4or5L statement 'ut in '#P; t1e 2unction o2 a net4or5 statement is to tell t1e router to searc1 t1e "P routing table 2or a ,articular net4or5; an( i2 t1at net4or5 is 2oun(; originate it into t1e '#P (atabase 'ut notice t1at /ou must 1a*e an e3act matc1 in t1e "P routing table to a,,ear t1e net4or5 in t1e '#P routing table =in t1is case 4e (on?t see t1e auto-summar/ comman( so 4e su,,ose it is (isable( in t1is case> For e3am,le: P net4or5 10 10 10 0<- 4ill a,,ear in '#P i2 net4or5 10 10 10<- a,,ears in t1e "P routing table P net4or5 10 10 10 0<24 4ill a,,ear in '#P i2 net4or5 10 10 10 0<24 a,,ears in t1e "P routing table T1ere2ore; in t1is :uestion t1e static route Ki, route 192 16- 0 0 2)) 2)) 0 0 null0N 4as use( to ,ut a route to 192 16- 0 0<16 into t1e routing table =alt1oug1 it ,oints to Null0 but t1is comman( reall/ ma5es t1at route a,,ears in t1e routing table> 'ut t1e Knet4or5 192 16- 0 0N statement tells t1e router to loo5u, net4or5 192 16- 0 0<24 =i2 t1e net4or5 statement un(er '#P-mo(e (oes not s,eci2/ a subnet mas5; t1e (e2ault subnet mas5 o2 t1at class 4ill be use(> T1e router onl/ 2in(s net4or5 192 16- 0 0<16 -G T1e net4or5 192 16- 0 0 is not being ,ro,agate( t1roug1out t1e net4or5 because o2 t1e mismatc1 o2 t1e subnet mas5 -G 7 is correct [ust 2or /our in2ormation; in 2act 4e 1a*e to su,,ose t1ere is no entr/ o2 t1e net4or5 192 16- 0 0<24 e3ist in t1e routing table e3ce,t t1e static route Ki, route 192 16- 0 0 2)) 2)) 0 0 null0N "2 suc1 an entr/ e3ists =2or e3am,le; a (irectl/ connecte( entr/ li5e K8 192 16- 0 0<24 is (irectl/ connecte(L> t1en t1e router still a(*ertises it 4it1 t1e Knet4or5 192 16- 0 0N =4it1out mas5 2)) 2)) 0 0> comman(

01ic1 '#P attribute is use( b/ '#P to ,re*ent routing loo,s6 Select t1e best res,onse

7 7S-,at1 ' ne3t-1o, 8 C!+ + 4eig1t ! local ,re2erence F origin o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e 7S-P7T. attribute is use( to ,re*ent '#P routing loo,s 01en recei*ing an '#P a(*ertisement; t1e router c1ec5s t1e 7S-P7T. attribute; i2 it see it?s o4n 7S number in t1e 7S-Pat1 t1en it is a routing loo, so t1e router 4ill not install t1is route in its '#P table

01ic1 '#P ,at1 attribute is 8isco ,ro,rietar/6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 4eig1t ' C!+ 8 local ,re2erence + origin ! ne3t-1o, F 7S-,at1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e 4eig1t attribute is a 8isco ,ro,rietar/ tec1nolog/ T1is attribute is local to a router an( is not a(*ertise( to neig1boring routers "2 t1e router learns about more t1an one route to t1e same (estination; t1e route 4it1 t1e 1ig1est 4eig1t 4ill be ,re2erre( an( 4ill be installe( in t1e routing table '/ (e2ault; t1e *alue o2 4eig1t is 0 an( t1e range is 2rom 0 to 6))&) T1e route 4it1 t1e 1ig1est 4eig1t 4ill be installe( in t1e "P routing table

01ic1 s1o4 comman( 4ill (is,la/ onl/ t1e T/,e ) LS7s in t1e %SPF to,olog/ (atabase6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 show ip route ' show ip route ospf 8 show ip ospf database summary + show ip ospf database nssa-external ! show ip ospf database external
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 (atabase e3ternalL comman( (is,la/s in2ormation onl/ about e3ternal

LS7s =T/,e ) LS7s> 'elo4 is an e3am,le o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 (atabase e3ternalL comman( Notice t1e line KLS T/,e: 7S !3ternal Lin5L; 41ic1 means LS7 T/,e ) For /our in2ormation; t1e KLin5 State "+: 14& 10) 0 0N in(icates t1e net4or5 being a(*ertise(R t1e K7(*ertising $outer: 10 1-7 70 6N in(icates t1e router t1at originate( t1is LS7 Note: P T1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 (atabase summar/L comman( (is,la/s in2ormation onl/ about t1e summar/ LS7s P T1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 (atabase nssa-e3ternalL comman( (is,la/s in2ormation onl/ about t1e not so stubb/ area =NSS7> e3ternal LS7s

01ic1 comman( 4ill (is,la/ !"#$P ,ac5ets sent an( recei*e(; as 4ell as statistics on 1ello ,ac5ets; u,(ates; :ueries; re,lies; an( ac5no4le(gments6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 debug eigrp packets ' show ip eigrp traffic 8 debug ip eigrp + show ip eigrp interfaces
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e s1o4 i, eigr, tra22ic comman( (is,la/s t1e number o2 !n1ance( "#$P =!"#$P> ,ac5ets sen( an( recei*e(

'elo4 is t1e out,ut o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, eigr, tra22icL comman(:


01ic1 t1ree statements are true about !"#$P o,eration6 =81oose t1ree > 7 01en summari9ation is con2igure(; t1e router 4ill also create a route to null 0 ' T1e summar/ route remains in t1e route table; e*en i2 t1ere are no more s,eci2ic routes to t1e net4or5 8 Summari9ation is con2igure( on a ,er-inter2ace le*el + T1e ma3imum metric 2or t1e s,eci2ic routes is use( as t1e metric 2or t1e summar/ route ! 7utomatic summari9ation across maAor net4or5 boun(aries is enable( b/ (e2ault
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 141

01ic1 t1ree are a(*antages to creating multi,le areas in %SPF6 =81oose t1ree > 7 less 2re:uent SPF calculations ' 2e4er 1ello ,ac5ets 8 smaller routing tables

+ re(uce( LSB o*er1ea( ! 2e4er a(Aacencies nee(e( o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

%SPF routers 4it1in an area onl/ nee( to 5no4 about ot1er routers 4it1in t1eir o4n area; not outsi(e t1eir area; an( all %SPF routers 4it1in a gi*en area s1are t1e same lin5 state (atabase T1is 5ee,s t1e routing tables small enoug1 to ,re*ent ,rocessing bottlenec5s 2rom occurring -G 8 is correct 7lso SPF onl/ nee(s to calculate ,at1s to routers 4it1in t1at area -G 7 is correct "2 a router recei*es an LS7 4it1 ol( in2ormation t1en it 4ill sen( a LSB to t1e sen(er to u,(ate t1e sen(er 4it1 t1e ne4er in2ormation T1e Lin5 State B,(ate =LSB> 1ol(s t1e LS7s "nstea( o2 sen(ing multi,le LSBs t1e 7'$ < 7S'$ summari9es a route an( sen(s onl/ one LSB-G + is correct Note: T1e LS7 1as a &0 minute timer t1at causes t1e router to sen( an LSB to e*er/one on t1e net4or5 once it ages out

01ic1 t4o statements about t1e !"#$P +B7L ,rocess are correct6 =81oose t4o > 7 7n !"#$P route 4ill go acti*e i2 t1ere are no successors or 2easible successors in t1e !"#$P to,olog/ table ' 7n !"#$P route 4ill go ,assi*e i2 t1ere are no successors in t1e !"#$P to,olog/ table 8 +B7L 4ill trigger an !"#$P :uer/ ,rocess 41ile ,lacing t1e 2la,,ing routes in t1e 1ol((o4n state + 7 2easible successor in t1e !"#$P to,olog/ table can become t1e successor onl/ a2ter all t1e :uer/ re:uests 1a*e been re,lie( to ! T1e stuc5 in acti*e state is cause( 41en t1e 4ait 2or t1e :uer/ re,lies 1a*e time( out F !"#$P :ueries are sent (uring t1e loa(ing state in t1e !"#$P neig1bor establis1ment ,rocess
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 14,

01at are t1ree 5e/ conce,ts t1at a,,l/ 41en con2iguring t1e !"#$P stub routing 2eature in a 1ub an( s,o5e net4or56 =81oose t1ree > 7 7 1ub router ,re*ents routes 2rom being a(*ertise( to t1e remote router ' %nl/ remote routers are con2igure( as stubs 8 Stub routers are not :uerie( 2or routes + S,o5e routers connecte( to 1ub routers ans4er t1e route :ueries 2or t1e stub router ! 7 stub router s1oul( 1a*e onl/ !"#$P 1ub routers as neig1bors F !"#$P stub routing s1oul( be use( on 1ub routers onl/
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 144

01ic1 attribute must e3ist in t1e '#P u,(ate ,ac5et6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 L%87LS P$!F ' 7##$!#7T%$ 8 7SSPat1 + 0eig1t
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

%rigin; 7SSPat1; Ne3tS.o, are 4ell-5no4n man(ator/ '#P attributes t1at all '#P B,(ates must inclu(e Note: T1ere are 4 '#P attribute t/,es: P Ae&&-8no"n Bandato!=: recogni9e( b/ all im,lementations o2 '#P an( must a,,ear in a '#P u,(ate message "2 missing; a noti2ication error 4ill be generate( P Ae&&-Cno"n 9isc!etiona!=: recogni9e( b/ all im,lementations o2 '#P but ma/ not be sent in t1e '#P u,(ate message =inclu(e L%87LSP$!F; 7T%C"8S7##$!#7T%$> P Optiona& T!ansiti%e: ma/ or ma/ not be recogni9e( b/ all '#P im,lementations 'ecause t1e attribute is transiti*e; '#P acce,ts an( a(*ertises t1e attribute e*en i2 it is not recogni9e( =inclu(e 8ommunit/ attribte> P Optiona& Nont!ansiti%e: ma/ or ma/ not be recogni9e( b/ all '#P im,lementations 01et1er or not t1e recei*ing '#P router recogni9es t1e attribute; it is nontransiti*e an( is not ,asse( along to ot1er '#P ,eers =inclu(e C!+>

%bser*e t1e (iagram $T8 is t1e 1ub router an( $T7 an( $T' are t1e s,o5es T1ere are no *irtual circuits bet4een t1e s,o5e locations 01at is nee(e( to success2ull/ route tra22ic to t1e 11 11 11 0<24 net4or5 2rom $T76

7 T1e neig1bor 10 10 10 1 ne3t-1o,-sel2 comman( on $T7 ' T1e neig1bor 10 10 10 1 ne3t-1o,-sel2 comman( on $T' 8 T1e neig1bor 10 10 10 1 ne3t-1o,-sel2 comman( on $T8 + Not1ing is re:uire( T1is is t1e (e2ault be1a*ior on t1is to,olog/ o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e ne3t-1o,-sel2 comman( must be use( on $T8 to s,eci2/ $T8?s "P a((ress as t1e source a((ress in t1e ,ac5ets sent to $T' =an( $T' 5no4s 1o4 to reac1 $T8 but it (oes not 5no4 1o4 to reac1 $T7>

01ic1 '#P attribute 4ill not be a(*ertise( in routing u,(ates to its neig1boring routers6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 4eig1t ' local ,re2erence 8 origin + 7SS,at1 ! ne3t 1o,
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 142

$e2er to t1e e31ibit (iagram an( con2iguration $T' is summari9ing its net4or5s 2rom 7S 64100 4it1 t1e aggregate-a((ress comman( .o4e*er; t1e s1o4 i, route comman( on $T7 re*eals t1e $T' in(i*i(ual net4or5s as 4ell as its summar/ route 01ic1 o,tion 4oul( ensure t1at onl/ t1e summar/ route 4oul( a,,ear in t1e routing table o2 $T76 7 +elete t1e 2our net4or5 statements an( lea*e onl/ t1e aggregate-address statement in t1e '#P con2iguration ' 7(( t1e 5e/4or( summary-only to t1e aggregate-address comman( 8 7(( a static route 4it1 a ,re2i3 o2 ,ointing to t1e null0 inter2ace + 8reate a route ma, ,ermitting onl/ t1e summar/ a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en t1e aggregate-a((ress comman( is use( 4it1in '#P routing; t1e aggregate( a((ress is a(*ertise(; along 4it1 t1e more s,eci2ic routes T1e e3ce,tion to t1is rule is t1roug1 t1e use o2 t1e summar/-onl/ comman( T1e Ksummar/-onl/L 5e/4or(

su,,resses t1e more s,eci2ic routes an( announces onl/ t1e summari9e( route

01at are t4o 8isco "%S comman(s t1at can be use( to *ie4 neig1bor a(Aacencies6 =81oose t4o > 7 show ip ospf database ' show ip ospf neighbors 8 show ip ospf protocols + show ip ospf interfaces
o!!ect Ans"e!# '+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e out,ut o2 t1ese comman(s are s1o4n belo4: Notice t1at 2or t1e Ks1o4 i, os,2 inter2aceL comman(; t1e KNeig1bor 8ountL is t1e number o2 %SPF neig1bors (isco*ere( on t1is inter2ace 41ile t1e K7(Aacent neig1bor countL is t1e number o2 routers running %SPF t1at are 2ull/ a(Aacent 4it1 t1is router 7(Aacent means t1at t1eir (atabases are 2ull/ s/nc1roni9e( "n t1is e3am,le; t1is router 1as one neig1bor on its !t1ernet0 inter2ace

01ic1 statement is true about "'#P routers6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e/ must be 2ull/ mes1e( ' T1e/ can be in a (i22erent 7S 8 T1e/ must be (irectl/ connecte( + T1e/ (o not nee( to be (irectl/ connecte(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# 01en t4o routers establis1 a T8P enable( '#P connection; t1e/ are calle( neig1bors or ,eers !ac1 router running '#P is calle( a '#P s,ea5er Peer routers e3c1ange multi,le messages to o,en an( con2irm t1e connection ,arameters; suc1 as t1e *ersion o2 '#P to be use( "2 t1ere are an/ (isagreements bet4een t1e ,eers; noti2ication errors are sent an( t1e connection 2ails To be a neig1bor o2 '#P no nee( to be (irectl/ connecte( QUESTION 1/0

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7ll routers 1a*e simultaneousl/ been reloa(e(; an( t1e +$ election 1as conclu(e( as e3,ecte( 01ic1 state is $T8 in6 7 207@<+$%T.!$ ' 207@<'+$ 8 207@<+$ + FBLL<+$%T.!$ ! FBLL<'+$ F FBLL<+$
o!!ect Ans"e!# !

Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7ll t1e routers are allo4e( to ta5e ,art in t1e +$<'+$ election because all t1e KPriLs =Priorit/> are 1 an( t1e/ are e:ual so 4it1 (e2ault ,arameters; t1e router 4it1 1ig1est "P a((ress 4ill become +$ =$T+ in t1is case> an( t1e router 4it1 secon( 1ig1est "P a((ress =$T8> 4ill become '+$

.o4 is net4or5 la/er a((ressing accom,lis1e( in t1e %S" ,rotocol suite6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "nternet Protocol a((ress ' Ce(ia 7ccess 8ontrol a((ress 8 Pac5et La/er Protocol a((ress + Net4or5 Ser*ice 7ccess Point a((ress ! 7ut1orit/ an( Format "(enti2ier a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 1/2

$e2er to t1e e31ibit +uring t1e ,rocess o2 con2iguring a *irtual lin5 to connect area 2 4it1 t1e bac5bone area; t1e net4or5 a(ministrator recei*e( t1is console message on $&: *Mar 1 00:25:01.084: %OSPF-4-ERRRCV: Received invalid packet: mismatch area ID, from backbone area must be virtual link but not found from, Serial 0 .o4 s1oul( t1e *irtual lin5 be con2igure( on t1e %SPF routers to establis1 2ull connecti*it/ bet4een t1e areas6 7 R1(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link R3(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link ' R1(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link R3(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link 8 R1(config-router)# area 0 virtual-link R3(config-router)# area 2 virtual-link + R1(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link R3(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link ! R1(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link R3(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en (esigning a multi-area %SPF net4or5; all areas s1oul( be connecte( to t1e bac5bone area .o4e*er; t1ere ma/ be instances 41en an area 4ill nee( to cross

anot1er area to reac1 t1e bac5bone area li5e area 2 in t1is case 7 *irtual lin5 1as t1e 2ollo4ing t4o re:uirements: P "t must be establis1e( bet4een t4o routers t1at s1are a common area an( are bot1 7'$s P %ne o2 t1ese t4o routers must be connecte( to t1e bac5bone "n t1is case; t4o routers t1at satis2/ t1e abo*e re:uirements are $1 an( $& T1e s/nta3 2or creating a *irtual lin5 across an area is: area area-id *irtual-lin5 neighbor-router-id T1e area-i( is t1e number o2 t1e transit area; in t1is e3am,le 7rea 1 an( neig1borrouteri( is t1e "P a((ress o2 t1e 1ig1est loo,bac5 inter2ace con2igure( or can be manuall/ set on t1e neig1boring router

01en an "P*6 enable( 1ost boots; it sen(s a router solicitation =$S> message 7n "P*6 router res,on(s 4it1 a router a(*ertisement =$7> 01ic1 t4o items are containe( in t1e $76 =81oose t4o > 7 "P*6 a((ress 2or t1e 1ost ' li2etime o2 t1e ,re2i3 8 ,re2i3es 2or t1e lin5 + 5ee,ali*e timers ! re:uest 2or t1e local 1ost "P a((ress F an/ route a(*ertisements it 1as recei*e(
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# "n t1e "P Version 6; $outer 7(*ertisements 1a*e t1e 2ollo4ing attributes: 1 $outers a(*ertise ,erio(icall/ - Ca3 time bet4een a(*ertisements can be in t1e range 2rom 4 an( 1-00 secon(s - T1e a(*ertisement 1as a li2etime =U0 i2 not a (e2ault router> 2 7(*ertisement contains one or more ,re2i3es - Pre2i3es 1a*e a li2etime & Pre22ere( li2etime 4 Vali( li2etime ) S,eci2ies i2 state2ul or stateless autocon2iguration is to be use( 6 Pla/s a 5e/ role in site renumbering QUESTION 1/4

'ase( on t1e e31ibite( out,ut; 41ic1 t1ree statements are true6 =81oose t1ree > R1#show ip eigrp topology IP-EIGRP Topology Table for process 200 Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R Reply, r - Reply Status P 1 successors, FD is 281600 via Connected, Ethernet0 P 2 successors, FD is 40512000 via Connected, Serial1 P 1 successors, FD is 40537600 via, (40537600/40512000), Ethernet0

via, (41024000/40512000), Serial0 via, (41024000/40512000), Serial1 P 1 successors, FD is 40512000 via Connected, Serial0 7 $1 is in 7S 200 ' $1 4ill loa( balance bet4een t1ree ,at1s to reac1 t1e 192 16- 1 4-<2- ,re2i3 because all t1ree ,at1s 1a*e t1e same a(*ertise( (istance =7+> o2 40)12000 8 T1e best ,at1 2or $1 to reac1 t1e 192 16- 1 4-<2- ,re2i3 is *ia 192 16- 1 66 + 40)12000 is t1e a(*ertise( (istance =7+> *ia 192 16- 1 66 to reac1 t1e 192 16- 1 4-<2- ,re2i3 ! 7ll t1e routes are in t1e ,assi*e mo(e because t1ese routes are in t1e 1ol((o4n state F 7ll t1e routes are in t1e ,assi*e mo(e because $1 is in t1e :uer/ ,rocess 2or t1ose routes
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n t1e statement K"P-!"#$P To,olog/ Table 2or ,rocess 200N; ,rocess 200 1ere means 7S 200 -G 7 is correct T1ere are & ,at1s to reac1 net4or5 192 16- 1 4-<2- but t1ere is onl/ 1 ,at1 in t1e routing table =because t1ere is onl/ 1 successor> so t1e ,at1 4it1 least F+ 4ill be c1osen -G ,at1 *ia 192 16- 1 66 4it1 a F+ o2 40)&7600 4ill be c1osen -G 8 is correct T1e ot1er ,arameter; 40)12000; is t1e 7+ o2 t1at route -G + is correct

'ase( on t1e s1o4 i, bg, summar/ out,ut; 41ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1e '#P session to t1e 10 1 1 1 neig1bor is establis1e( ' T1e '#P session to t1e 10 2 2 2 neig1bor is establis1e( 8 T1e '#P session to t1e 10 & & & neig1bor is establis1e( + T1e router is attem,ting to establis1 a '#P ,eering session 4it1 t1e 10 1 1 1 neig1bor ! T1e '#P session to t1e 10 & & & neig1bor is establis1e(; but t1e router 1as not recei*e( an/ '#P routing u,(ates 2rom t1e 10 & & & neig1bor F T1e router is attem,ting to establis1 a '#P ,eering session 4it1 t1e 10 2 2 2 neig1bor
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7F Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e main ,oint o2 t1is :uestion is t1e KState<P23$c(L column; 41ic1 s1o4s t1e '#P states 'elo4 is t1e list o2 '#P states in or(er; 2rom startu, to ,eering: 1 D Id&e# t1e initial state o2 a '#P connection "n t1is state; t1e '#P s,ea5er is 4aiting

2or a '#P start e*ent; generall/ eit1er t1e establis1ment o2 a T8P connection or t1e reestablis1ment o2 a ,re*ious connection %nce t1e connection is establis1e(; '#P mo*es to t1e ne3t state 2 D onnect# "n t1is state; '#P is 4aiting 2or t1e T8P connection to be 2orme( "2 t1e T8P connection com,letes; '#P 4ill mo*e to t1e %,enSent stageR i2 t1e connection cannot com,lete; '#P goes to 7cti*e , D Acti%e# "n t1e 7cti*e state; t1e '#P s,ea5er is attem,ting to initiate a T8P session 4it1 t1e '#P s,ea5er it 4ants to ,eer 4it1 "2 t1is can be (one; t1e '#P state goes to %,enSent state 4 D OpenSent# t1e '#P s,ea5er is 4aiting to recei*e an %P!N message 2rom t1e remote '#P s,ea5er / D Open on)i!m# %nce t1e '#P s,ea5er recei*es t1e %P!N message an( no error is (etecte(; t1e '#P s,ea5er sen(s a H!!P7L"V! message to t1e remote '#P s,ea5er 6 D Esta1&is7ed# 7ll o2 t1e neig1bor negotiations are com,lete @ou 4ill see a number =2 in t1is case>; 41ic1 tells us t1e number o2 ,re2i3es t1e router 1as recei*e( 2rom a neig1bor or ,eer grou,

$e2er to t1e e31ibit '/ (e2ault; 41en $T' ,asses '#P a(*ertisements 2rom $T7 about net4or5 192 16- 2 0 to $T8; 41at a((ress 4ill be liste( as t1e ne3t-1o, a((ress6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 10 1 1 1 ' 10 1 1 2 8 192 16- 1 49 + 192 16- 1 )0
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1is is a rule 2or '#P a(*ertisement: KFor !'#P; t1e ne3t 1o, is al4a/s t1e "P a((ress o2 t1e neig1bor s,eci2ie( in t1e neig1bor comman( .o! I40$> t7e p!otoco& states t7at t7e next 7op ad%e!tised 1= E40$ s7o*&d 1e ca!!ied into I40$K "n t1is case; 41en $T7 =in 7S 6)000; 41ic1 is an !'#P 2or $T'> a(*ertises a route to $T'; it s,eci2ies its inter2ace =192 16- 1 )0> as t1e ne3t-1o, 'ut 41en $T' ,asses t1is

a(*ertisement to $T8; it s,eci2ies $T7 inter2ace =also 192 16- 1 )0> as t1e ne3t-1o, ="'#P> T1is can cause some routing 2ailures because i2 $T8 (oes not 5no4 a 4a/ to reac1 $T7 inter2ace *ia "#P =%SPF; !"#$PY>; it 4ill (ro, t1at ,ac5et To 2i3 t1is ,roblem; a(( t1e Kneig1bor 10 1 1 2 ne3t-1o,-sel2L comman( un(er '#P mo(e in $T'

01ic1 statement is true about !'#P6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 7n internal routing ,rotocol can be use( to reac1 an !'#P neig1bor ' T1e ne3t 1o, (oes not c1ange 41en '#P u,(ates are e3c1ange( bet4een !'#P neig1bors 8 7 static route can be use( to 2orm an a(Aacenc/ bet4een neig1bors + !'#P re:uires a 2ull mes1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en t4o !'#P neig1bors 4ant to establis1 neig1bor relations1i, 4it1out using t1e (irectl/ connecte( inter2aces =2or e3am,le; use loo,bac5 inter2ace>; t1e/ must tell eac1 ot1er 1o4 to reac1 t1eir inter2aces 7 static route is t1e most sim,le 4a/ to (o t1is; es,eciall/ 41en t1e/ are in (i22erent 7Ss

%SPF is con2igure( o*er a Frame $ela/ net4or5 as s1o4n in t1e e31ibit 7ll PV8s are acti*e .o4e*er; $1 an( $& 2ail to see all %SPF routes in t1eir routing tables T1e s1o4 i, os,2 neig1bor comman( e3ecute( on $2 s1o4s t1e state o2 t1e neig1bors 01at s1oul( be (one to 2i3 t1e ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e i, os,2 net4or5 non-broa(cast comman( s1oul( be con2igure( on eac1 Frame $ela/ inter2ace ' T1e i, os,2 net4or5 broa(cast comman( s1oul( be con2igure( on eac1 Frame $ela/ inter2ace 8 T1e neig1bor comman( s1oul( be con2igure( un(er t1e %SPF routing ,rocess on all routers + T1e i, os,2 ,riorit/ *alue on t1e 1ub router s1oul( be set to 0 ! T1e i, os,2 ,riorit/ *alue on t1e s,o5e routers s1oul( be set to 0
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n an N'C7 net4or5 to,olog/; neig1bors are not (isco*ere( automaticall/ %SPF tries to

elect a +$ an( a '+$ (ue to t1e multi-access nature o2 t1e net4or5; but t1e election 2ails since neig1bors are not (isco*ere( because N'C7 en*ironment (oesn?t 2or4ar( broa(cast an( multicast ,ac5ets Neig1bors must be con2igure( manuall/ to o*ercome t1ese ,roblems 7lso; a((itional con2iguration is necessar/ in a 1ub an( s,o5e to,olog/ to ma5e sure t1at t1e 1ub routers; 41ic1 1a*e connecti*it/ 4it1 e*er/ ot1er s,o5e router; are electe( as t1e +$ an( '+$ @ou must set t1e s,o5e inter2aces to an %SPF ,riorit/ o2 9ero; t1is ensures t1at t1e s,o5es 4ill not become t1e +$ or '+$

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 0ill re(istribute( $"P routes 2rom %SPF 7rea 2 be allo4e( in 7rea 16 7 'ecause 7rea 1 is an NSS7; re(istribute( $"P routes 4ill not be allo4e( ' $e(istribute( $"P routes 4ill be allo4e( in 7rea 1 because t1e/ 4ill be c1ange( into t/,e ) LS7s in 7rea 0 an( ,asse( on into 7rea 1 8 'ecause NSS7 4ill (iscar( t/,e 7 LS7s; re(istribute( $"P routes 4ill not be allo4e( in 7rea 1 + $e(istribute( $"P routes 4ill be allo4e( in 7rea 1 because t1e/ 4ill be c1ange( into t/,e 7 LS7s in 7rea 0 an( ,asse( on into 7rea 1 ! $"P routes 4ill be allo4e( in 7rea 1 onl/ i2 t1e/ are 2irst re(istribute( into !"#$P
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'ecause 7rea 1 is a Not-so-stubb/-area =NSS7>; 4e can inAect !"#$P routes into t1e %SPF NSS7 (omain 4it1 t1e creation o2 t/,e 7 LS7s $e(istribute( $"P routes are not allo4e( in 7rea 1 because NSS7 is an e3tension to t1e stub area =recall t1at a stub area (oes not acce,t e3ternal route unless it is connecte( t1roug1 a 7S'$; (oing t1at 4ill ma5e it become a NSS7> T1e t/,e 7 LS7s are con*erte( to T/,e ) LS7s 41en 2loo(e( into 7rea 0 b/ t1e 7'$ router

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P is con2igure( 4it1 t1e (e2ault con2iguration on all routers 7utosummari9ation is enable( on routers $2 an( $&; but it is (isable( on router $1

01ic1 t4o !"#$P routes 4ill be seen in t1e routing table o2 router $&6 =81oose t4o > 7 ' 8 + ! F
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

!"#$P ,er2orms an auto-summari9ation eac1 time it crosses a bor(er bet4een t4o (i22erent maAor net4or5s "n t1is case all (i22erent net4or5s are in (i22erent maAor net4or5s so !"#$P 4ill ,er2orm auto-summari9ation 41en it e3its an inter2ace 'ut $1 1as been con2igure( 4it1 Kno auto-summar/L comman( so !"#$P 4ill not summari9e on S0 inter2ace o2 $1 So t1e routing table o2 $2 4ill 1a*e t1e net4or5 10 10 10 0<24 =not be summari9e(> 01en e3iting S1 inter2ace o2 $2; !"#$P summari9es net4or5 172 16 10 0<24 into t1e maAor 172 16 0 0<16 net4or5 but it (oes not summari9e net4or5 10 10 10 0<24 because it is not (irectl/ connecte( 4it1 t1is net4or5 T1ere2ore in t1e routing table o2 $& t1ere 4ill 1a*e: P Net4or5 10 10 10 0<24 = not summari9e(> P Net4or5 172 16 0 0<16 =summari9e(> -G 8 an( + are correct Note: " simulate( t1is :uestion on #NS&; /ou can see t1e 2inal out,uts o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, routeL comman(s on t1ese routers =" connecte( t1ese routers *ia Fast!t1ernet; not Serial inter2aces so t1e out,uts are slig1tl/ (i22erent but t1e main ,oints are not c1ange(>

01ic1 t4o statements are true o2 t1e %SPF lin5-state routing ,rotocol6 =81oose t4o > 7 Bsing t1e 'ellman-For( algorit1m; eac1 %SPF router in(e,en(entl/ calculates its best ,at1s to all (estinations in t1e net4or5 ' Bsing t1e +B7L algorit1m; eac1 %SPF router in(e,en(entl/ calculates its best ,at1s to all (estinations in t1e net4or5 8 %SPF sen(s summaries o2 in(i*i(ual lin5-state entries e*er/ &0 minutes to ensure LS+' s/nc1roni9ation + %SPF sen(s triggere( u,(ates 41en a net4or5 c1ange occurs

%SPF sen(s u,(ates e*er/ 10 secon(s 01en a lin5 c1anges state; t1e router t1at (etecte( t1e c1ange creates a lin5state a(*ertisement =LS7> an( ,ro,agates it to all %SPF (e*ices using t1e 224 0 0 6 multicast a((ress
! F o!!ect Ans"e!# 8+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# "ncorrect ans4er ! %SPF sen( 1ello ,ac5ets e*er/ 10 secon(s; not t1e u,(ates; %SPF sen(s triggere( u,(ates 41en a net4or5 c1ange occurs "ncorrect F %n %SPF; router use t1e multicast a((ress 224 0 0 6 to sen( ,ac5ets to +$ an( '+$; onl/ +$ an( '+$ can get t1e in2ormation 2rom t1is multicast a((ress QUESTION 162

$e2er to t1e e31ibit an( t1e ,artial con2iguration on router $2 %n router $4 all $"P routes are re(istribute( into t1e %SPF (omain 7 secon( re(istribution is con2igure( on router $2 using a route ma, 'ase( on t1e con2iguration on router $2; 41ic1 !"#$P e3ternal routes 4ill be ,resent in t1e routing table o2 $16 Select t1e best res,onse 7 t1e routes originating 2rom t1e $"P routing (omain ' t1e routes originating 2rom t1e %SPF stub area 8 all %SPF inter an( intra-area routes + all routes originating 2rom $"P an( %SPF routing (omains
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$2 sees t1e routes 2rom $"P (omain as e3ternal routes 41ile it sees t1e routes 2rom %SPF Stub 7rea as internal routers From t1e out,ut 4e learn t1at t1e Kroutet/,e e3ternalL is re(istribute( 2rom %SPF to !"#$P =*ia route-ma, 7'8> so 4e 4ill see t1e routes 2rom t1e $"P (omain =e3ternal> in t1e routing table o2 $1 "n t1e case 4e 4ant to re(istribute routes 2rom %SPF Stub 7rea =7rea 1> to !"#$P 4e nee( to use t1e Kmatc1 route-t/,e internalL comman( instea(

01ic1 t4o statements are true about "'#P neig1bor relations1i,s6 =81oose t4o > 7 7n !#P or static routing is re:uire( bet4een "'#P neig1bors ' 7 2ull-mes1 "'#P re:uires t1at neig1bor relations1i,s be establis1e( bet4een all '#P enable( routers in t1e autonomous s/stem 8 "'#P neig1bors must be in (i22erent autonomous s/stems + T1e '#P s,lit-1ori9on rule s,eci2ies t1at routes learne( *ia !'#P are ne*er ,ro,agate( to ot1er "'#P ,eers ! T1e '#P s,lit 1ori9on rule s,eci2ies t1at routes learne( *ia "'#P are ne*er

,ro,agate( to ot1er "'#P ,eers

o!!ect Ans"e!# '! Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 164

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 statement is true about t1e con2iguration6 7 $T7 4ill not establis1 an %SPF a(Aacenc/ 4it1 $T' ' $T7 4ill not acce,t %SPF 1ello ,ac5ets 2rom $T' 8 $T7 4ill sen( %SPF 1ello ,ac5ets; but 4ill not sen( %SPF u,(ates + $T7 4ill sen( %SPF u,(ates; but 4ill not establis1 an a(Aacenc/ 4it1 $T'
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Passi*e-inter2ace comman( is use( to (isable sen(ing u,(ates out 2rom a s,eci2ic inter2ace For %SPF it ,re*ents .ello ,ac5ets 2rom being sent out or recei*e( t1roug1 t1e inter2ace T1is 4ill not allo4 to create a neig1bor a(Aacenc/ an( ,re*ent a router 2rom learning ,re2i3es 2rom t1ose neig1bors

7n a(ministrator t/,es in t1e comman( router os,2 1 an( recei*es t1e error message: "OSPF process 1 cannot start." (Output is omitted.) 01at s1oul( be (one to correctl/ set u, %SPF6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 !nsure t1at an inter2ace 1as been con2igure( 4it1 an "P a((ress ' !nsure t1at an inter2ace 1as been con2igure( 4it1 an "P a((ress an( is u, 8 !nsure t1at "P classless is enable( + !nsure t1at t1e inter2aces can ,ing t1eir (irectl/ connecte( neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

%SPF can be onl/ starte( 41en t1ere is at least one inter2ace u, an( con2igure( 4it1 an "P a((ress on t1e router

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 statement is true6 7 $outer $T7 is (irectl/ connecte( to inter2ace 192 16- 4) 1 ' Neig1bor 192 16- 4) 1 1as c1ange( its %SPF ,riorit/ number 8 $outer $T7 an( neig1bor 192 16- 4) 2 are e3c1anging %SPF LS7s + $outer $T7 is t1e '+$
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1ere are onl/ & routers in t1is segment From t1e out,ut 4e learn t1at $T' =10 0 0 2> is t1e +$ an( $T8 =10 0 0 1> is not t1e +$ or '+$ so 4e can (e(uce $T7 is t1e '+$

01ic1 "P*6 a((ress correctl/ com,resses t1e "P*6 unicast a((ress

2001:0:0:0:0+'-:0:0:41776 Select t1e best res,onse 7 2001:0+'-:4177 ' 2001::0+'-::4177 8 2001:::0+'-::4177 + 2001:0+'-:0:0:4177 ! 2001::+'-:0:0:4177 F 2001:::0+'-:0:0:4177
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 163

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %SPF 1as been con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 .o4e*er; router $1 (oes not recei*e a (e2ault route to router $2 as inten(e( 01ic1 con2iguration c1ange 4oul( ensure t1at $1 4oul( recei*e a (e2ault route 2rom $26 7 7(( t1e area 1 stub comman( on routers $1 ' 7(( t1e always 5e/4or( to t1e default-information originate con2iguration comman( on router $2 8 $emo*e t1e default-information originate con2iguration comman( 2rom router $2 an( ,lace it on router $1 + 7(( t1e ip route comman( to router $2
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e de)a*&t-in)o!mation o!i+inate comman( a(*ertises a (e2ault route into a normal area; ,ro*i(e( t1e a(*ertising router alrea(/ 1as a (e2ault route "2 4e 4ant t1e router to a(*ertise t1e (e2ault route e*en i2 it (oes not 1a*e a (e2ault route t1en 4e can a,,en( t1e 5e/4or( a&"a=s a2ter t1e abo*e comman( "n t1is :uestion; notice t1at $2 (oes not 1a*e a (e2ault route =somet1ing li5e t1is: i, route 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2> so t1e K(e2ault-in2ormation originateL 4ill not a(*ertise t1is (e2ault route to $1 -G 0e nee( to a(( t1e 5e/4or( Kal4a/sL or (eclare a (e2ault route

7 router is running '#P an( recei*es more t1an one route 2or a ,articular ,re2i3 7ssume all t1e routes 2or t1is ,re2i3 1a*e t1e same attributes 01ic1 t1ree ,at1 2eatures 4oul( be reasons be 2or t1e router to ignore some o2 t1e routes an( not consi(er t1em as can(i(ates 2or t1e best ,at16 =81oose t1ree > 7 ,at1s t1at are mar5e( as s/nc1roni9e( in t1e s1o4 i, bg, out,ut ' ,at1s t1at are mar5e( as not s/nc1roni9e( in t1e s1o4 i, bg, out,ut

,at1s 2or 41ic1 t1e N!DTS.%P is accessible ,at1s 2or 41ic1 t1e N!DTS.%P is inaccessible ,at1s 2rom an e3ternal '#P =e'#P> neig1bor i2 t1e local autonomous s/stem =7S> a,,ears in t1e 7SSP7T. F ,at1s 2rom an internal '#P =i'#P> neig1bor i2 t1e local autonomous s/stem =7S> a,,ears in t1e 7SSP7T.
8 + ! o!!ect Ans"e!# '+! Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

%nl/ s/nc1roni9e( routes =ans4er '> 4it1 no 7S loo,s =ans4er !> an( a *ali( ne3t 1o, =ans4er +> 4ill be consi(ere( as can(i(ates 2or t1e best ,at1 route selection (ecision ,rocess

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7utonomous s/stems 200 an( &00 1a*e !'#P sessions establis1e( 4it1 t1eir (irectl/ connecte( routers in autonomous s/stem 100 "#P 1as been con2igure( on all routers in autonomous s/stem 100 an( t1e/ success2ull/ e3c1ange routing u,(ates Tra22ic originate( in autonomous s/stem 200 cannot reac1 t1e (estination autonomous s/stem &00 01at con2iguration s1oul( be (one on t1e routers in autonomous s/stem 100 in or(er 2or t1e tra22ic coming 2rom autonomous s/stem 200 to be 2or4ar(e( to autonomous s/stem &006 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "'#P session must be establis1e( bet4een routers $1 an( $&; an( t1e s/nc1roni9ation must be turne( on ' "'#P session must be establis1e( bet4een routers $1 an( $&; an( t1e s/nc1roni9ation must be turne( o22 8 "'#P session must be establis1e( bet4een routers $1 $2 an( $2 $&; an( t1e s/nc1roni9ation must be turne( on + "'#P session must be establis1e( bet4een routers $1 $2 an( $2 $&; an( t1e s/nc1roni9ation must be turne( o22 ! "'#P s,ea5ers 4it1in autonomous 100 must be 2ull/ mes1e(; an( t1e s/nc1roni9ation must be turne( on F "'#P s,ea5ers 4it1in autonomous 100 must be 2ull/ mes1e(; an( t1e s/nc1roni9ation must be turne( o22
o!!ect Ans"e!# F Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e s/nc1roni9ation rule states t1at i2 an 7S ,ro*i(es transit ser*ice to anot1er 7S; '#P s1oul( not a(*ertise a route until all o2 t1e routers 4it1in t1e 7S 1a*e learne( about t1e

route *ia an "#P To un(erstan( 41/ t1is rule e3ists; let?s ta5e an e3am,le i2 t1is rule is not t1ere Su,,ose $t-7 4ants $T-' to access its local L7N 1 1 1 0; so it a(*ertises t1is net4or5 t1roug1 $1 $1 an( $& are running "'#P so $1 sen(s t1is u,(ate to $& t1roug1 $2 =using t1e ne3t-1o,-sel2 to use its o4n inter2ace?s "P a((ress> "n turn; $& announces to $T-' t1at it can reac1 1 1 1 0 *ia $& No4 $t-' reall/ 4ants to sen( tra22ic to 1 1 1 0 so it 4ill sen( to $& $& (oes a loo5 u, an( sees t1at t1e net4or5 can be reac1able *ia $1 "t t1en (oes a loo5u, 2or $1\s "P a((ress an( sees t1at it is reac1able *ia $2 -G so it 2or4ar(s ,ac5ets to $2 'ut $2; running "#P =li5e %SPF>; (oes not 2in( an entr/ 2or 1 1 1 0 so $2 (ro,s all t1e ,ac5ets 2or t1at net4or5 O a blac5-1ole is create(X T1at is 41/ t1e '#P s/nc1roni9ation rule is born 0it1 t1is rule; 41en $& recei*es an a(*ertisement 2or 1 1 1 0 2rom $1; it a((s t1at route to its '#P table an( be2ore sen(ing a(*ertisement to $T-'; it 2irst c1ec5s its "#P routing table to see 41et1er an entr/ e3ists 2or t1at route "n t1is e3am,le; $&\s "#P routing table (oes not 5no4 1o4 to reac1 1 1 1 0 so $& 4ill not a(*ertise t1is net4or5 to $T-' T1is route is onl/ a(*ertise( to $T-' 41en "#P ma5es an entr/ in t1e routing table 2or 1 1 1 0 0ell; no4 /ou un(erstan( t1e im,ortance o2 '#P S/nc1roni9ation rule but no4 " 4is1 to e3,lain 41/ t1is rule causes trouble in 2ull/-mes1e( "'#PX S/nc1roni9ation ,re*ents 2ull/-mes1e( "'#P 2rom 4or5ing ,ro,erl/ 'ecause no "#P is running so $& cannot a(*ertise an/ route to $T-' e*en i2 no blac5-1ole e3ists in t1is to,olog/ Note: 7 K2ull/-mes1e(L can be a ,1/sical 2ull/-mes1e( to,olog/ or a to,olog/ 41ere all routers in t1e same 7S establis1e( "'#P connections 4it1 eac1 ot1er =alt1oug1 t1e/ (o not nee( to be (irectl/ connecte(> So in t1e to,olog/ abo*e; t1e connection bet4een $1 M $& is re,resente( b/ a (as1e( line; 41ic1 means it can be ,1/sicall/ connecte( or not =but an "'#P connection must be establis1e( on bot1 routers> T1ere2ore i2 all routers in 7S 100 is 2ull/-mes1e(; t1e s/nc1roni9ation rule must be turne( o22


$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P 1as been con2igure( on routers $1 an( $2 .o4e*er; $1 (oes not s1o4 $2 as a neig1bor an( (oes not acce,t routing u,(ates 2rom $2 01at coul( be t1e cause o2 t1e ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e no auto-summar/ comman( 1as not been issue( un(er t1e !"#$P ,rocess on bot1 routers ' "nter2ace !0 on router $1 1as not been con2igure( 4it1 a secon(ar/ "P a((ress o2 10 1 2 1<24 8 !"#$P cannot e3c1ange routing u,(ates 4it1 a neig1borIs router inter2ace t1at is con2igure( 4it1 t4o "P a((resses + !"#$P cannot 2orm neig1bor relations1i, an( e3c1ange routing u,(ates 4it1 a secon(ar/ a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

!"#$P u,(ates al4a/s use t1e ,rimar/ "P a((ress o2 t1e outgoing inter2ace as t1e source a((ress "n t1is case $2 4ill use t1e 10 1 2 2<24 a((ress; 41ic1 is not in t1e same subnet o2 $1; to sen( !"#$P u,(ate to $1 T1ere2ore $1 (oes not acce,t t1is u,(ate an( generates t1e Knot on common subnetL error message 7ns4er + is a bit unclear "t s1oul( state t1at K!"#$P cannot 2orm neig1bor relations1i, an( e3c1ange routing u,(ates i2 t1e t4o ,rimar/ a((resses on t4o routers are not in t1e same subnetL Notice t1at alt1oug1 $1 (oes not acce,t $2 as its !"#$P neig1bors but $2 acce,ts $1 as its !"#$P neig1bor acce,ts $1 1ello ,ac5ets For more in2ormation about t1is ,roblem; ,lease rea(
1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesScon2igurationSe3am,le091-6a00-009&209 s1tml QUESTION 122

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P 1a( con*erge( in 7S 1 41en t1e lin5 bet4een router $1 an( $2 4ent (o4n T1e console on router $2 generate( t1e 2ollo4ing messages: *Mar 20 12:12:06: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP 1: Neighbor (Serial0) is down: stuck in active *Mar 20 12:15:23: %DUAL-3-SIA: Route stuck-inactive state in IP-EIGRP 1. Cleaning up T1e net4or5 a(ministrator issue( t1e s1o4 i, eigr, to,olog/ acti*e comman( on $2 to

c1ec5 t1e status o2 t1e !"#$P net4or5 01ic1 statement best (escribes t1e reason 2or t1e error messages6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "ncorrect ban(4i(t1 con2iguration on router $& ,re*ents $2 2rom establis1ing neig1bor a(Aacenc/ ' "ncorrect ban(4i(t1 con2iguration on router $) ,re*ents $2 2rom establis1ing neig1bor a(Aacenc/ 8 $outer $& (i( not re,l/ to t1e :uer/ about net4or5 10 1 1 0<24 sent b/ router $2 + $outer $) (i( not re,l/ to t1e :uer/ about net4or5 10 1 1 0<24 sent b/ router $2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en t1e lin5 bet4een $1 an( $2 is (o4n; $2 loses its successor 2or t1e net4or5 10 1 1 0<24 $2 c1ec5s its to,olog/ table 2or a 2easible successor but it can?t 2in( one So $2 goes acti*e on t1e t1at route to 2in( a ne4 successor b/ sen(ing :ueries out to its neig1bors =$& an( $)> re:uesting a ,at1 to t1e lost route 'ot1 $& an( $) also go Kacti*eL 2or t1e t1at route 'ut $) (oesn?t 1a*e an/ neig1bor to as5 besi(es $2 so it 4ill sen( an Kunreac1able messageL to in(icate it 1as no alternati*e ,at1 2or t1at route an( 1as no ot1er neig1bor to :uer/ $& also c1ec5s its !"$#P to,olog/ table 2or a 2easible successor but it 1as none; too Bnli5e $); $& 1as a neig1bor =$4> so it continues to :uer/ t1is router No4 su,,ose t1ere is a ,roblem on t1e lin5 bet4een $& an( $4 so $4 ne*er recei*es t1e :uer/ 2rom $& an( o2 course; $& also ne*er recei*es a re,l/ bac5 2rom $4 T1ere2ore; $& can?t re,l/ bac5 to $2 72ter about & minutes; t1e KStuc5 in acti*eL =S"7> timer on $2 e3,ires an( $2 mar5s t1e route 10 1 1 0<24 as Kstuc5 in acti*eL route T1e out,ut line K*ia 10 1 & & ="n2init/<"n2init/>; r; Seiral0; serno 12&2N in(icates $2 1as sent a :uer/ to 10 1 & & an( is 4aiting 2or a re,l/ =t1e lo4ercase r> -G 8 is correct =$e2erence: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-0102016 s1tml >

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o > <<output omitted> ! FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Link Local Address FE80::205:5FFF:FED3:5808, Interface ID

3 Area 1, Process ID 1, Instance ID 0, Router ID Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1 Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DBR, Priority 1 Designated Router (ID), local address FE80::205:5FFF:FED3:6408 Backup Designated router (ID), Local address FE80::205:5FFF:FED3:5808 Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 Hello is due in 00:00:05 Index 1/1/1, flood queue length 0 Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)/0x0(0) Last flood scan length is 12, maximum is 12 Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1 Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router) Suppress hello from 0 neighbor(s) 7 "nter2ace Fast!t1ernet 0<0 4as con2igure( 4it1 t1e ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 comman( ' %SPF *ersion 2 1as been enable( to su,,ort "P*6 8 T1e "P a((ress o2 t1e bac5u, (esignate( router ='+$> is F!-0::20):)FFF: F!+&:)-0+ T1e out,ut 4as generate( b/ t1e s1o4 i, inter2ace comman( ! T1e router 4as con2igure( 4it1 t1e comman(s: router ospf 1 network area 1 F T1is is t1e (esignate( router =+$> on t1e Fast!t1ernet 0<0 lin5
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 124

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n t1e basis o2 t1e out,ut 2rom t1e s1o4 i,*6 inter2ace comman(; 41at t4o statements must be true6 =81oose t4o > RTA#show ipv6 ospf interfaces <<output omitted> ! Ethernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Link Local Address FE80:A8BB:CCFF:FE00:6E00, Interface ID 2 Area 0, Process ID 1, Instance ID 0, Router ID Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 10 MD5 Authenication SPI 500, secure socket state UP (errors:0) Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DBR, Priority 1 Designated Router (ID), local address FE80: A8BB:CCFF:FE00:6F00 Backup Designated router (ID), Local address FE80:A8BB:CCFF:FE00:6E00

Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 Hello is due in 00:00:01 Index 1/1/1, flood queue length 0 Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)/0x0(0) Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1 Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1 Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router) Suppress hello from 0 neighbor(s) 7 "nter2ace !t1ernet 0<0 4as con2igure( 4it1 t1e ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 comman( ' "nter2ace !t1ernet 0<0 1as been con2igure( 4it1 t1e ipv6 ospf authentication ipsec spi 500 md5 comman( 8 %SPF *ersion & is enable( to su,,ort "P*6 + T1e "P a((ress o2 t1e (esignate( router =+$> is F!-0::7-'':88FF:F!00:6!00 ! T1is is t1e (esignate( router =+$> on t1e !t1ernet 0<0 lin5
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 12/

01ic1 !"#$P ,ac5et statement is true6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %n 1ig1-s,ee( lin5s; 1ello ,ac5ets are broa(cast e*er/ ) secon(s 2or neig1bor (isco*er/ ' %n lo4-s,ee( lin5s; 1ello ,ac5ets are broa(cast e*er/ 1) secon(s 2or neig1bor (isco*er/ 8 $e,l/ ,ac5ets are multicast to "P a((ress 224 0 0 10 using $TP + B,(ate ,ac5ets route reliable c1ange in2ormation onl/ to t1e a22ecte( routers ! $e,l/ ,ac5ets are use( to sen( routing u,(ates
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 126

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %SPF 1as been con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 an( 7rea 1 1as been con2igure( as a NSS7 01ic1 statement is true about t1e NSS7 7rea 16 Select t1e best res,onse 7 $e(istribute( $"P an( "#$P routes 4ill a,,ear in 7rea 1 T1e/ 4ill be a(*ertise( *ia t/,e ) LS7s ' %nl/ re(istribute( $"P routes 4ill a,,ear in 7rea 1 T1e/ 4ill be a(*ertise( *ia t/,e 7 LS7s 8 %nl/ re(istribute( "#$P routes 4ill a,,ear in 7rea 1 T1e/ 4ill be a(*ertise( *ia t/,e

7 LS7s + No re(istribute( routes can a,,ear in 7rea 1; onl/ summar/ routes

o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Please notice t1at t1e "#$P routes are re(istribute( to NSS7 area 1 *ia LS7 T/,e 7 T1e NSS7 7'$ o2 area 1 4ill con*ert it into a LS7 T/,e ) be2ore 2loo(ing to area 0 M area 2

01ic1 statement is true about "P*66 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %nl/ one "P*6 a((ress is assigne( ,er no(e ' %nl/ one "P*6 a((ress can be assigne( to eac1 inter2ace 8 !ac1 1ost can autocon2igure its a((ress 4it1out t1e ai( o2 a +.8P ser*er + "P*6 1osts use an/cast a((resses to assign "P a((resses to inter2aces
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 123

01at is t1e "P*6 a((ress FF02::2 use( 2or6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 all 1osts in a local segment ' all routers in a local segment 8 all 1osts in a ,articular multicast grou, + all routers in an autonomous s/stem
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'elo4 lists some reser*e( an( 4ell-5no4n "P*6 multicast a((ress in t1e reser*e( multicast a((ress range =FF00:: to FF0F::>

01at (oes t1e comman( clear i,*6 os,2 ,rocess accom,lis16 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e %SPF a(Aacencies are cleare( an( initiate( again ' T1e route table is cleare( T1en t1e %SPF neig1bors are re2orme( 8 T1e s1ortest ,at1 2irst =SPF> algorit1m is ,er2orme( on t1e LS7 (atabase + T1e %SPF (atabase is re,o,ulate( T1en t1e s1ortest ,at1 2irst =SPF> algorit1m is ,er2orme(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( Kclear i,*6 os,2L 4ill clear t1e ,resent routing table an( 2orce t1e %SPF*& ,rocess to buil( a ne4 one T1is comman( is o2ten use( 41en somet1ing in t1e net4or5 4as c1ange( or 2or (ebugging ,ur,ose

01en t1e K,rocessL 5e/4or( is a((e(; 41ic1 means Kclear i,*6 os,2 ,rocessL; t1e %SPF (atabase is cleare( an( re,o,ulate( t1en t1e SPF algorit1m is ,er2orme(

"n "P*6; t1e inter2aces running %SPF can be con2igure( 4it1 multi,le a((ress ,re2i3es 01ic1 statement is true about t1e "P*6 a((resses t1at can be inclu(e( into t1e %SPF ,rocess6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 S,eci2ic a((resses cannot be selecte( 2or im,ortation into t1e %SPF ,rocess ' S,eci2ic a((resses can be selecte( using an 78L 8 S,eci2ic a((resses can be selecte( using a route ma, + S,eci2ic a((resses can be selecte( using a ,re2i3 list
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 131

01ic1 statement is true about t1e comman( ipv6 ospf 1 area 06 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "t must be issue( in router global con2iguration mo(e to enable t1e %SPF ,rocess 2or "P*6 ' "t must be issue( in inter2ace con2iguration mo(e to enable t1e %SPF ,rocess 2or "P*6 8 "t must be issue( be2ore t1e net4or5 comman( to enable t1e %SPF ,rocess 2or "P*6 + "t must be issue( a2ter t1e net4or5 comman( to enable t1e %SPF ,rocess 2or "P*6
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 132

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P 1as been con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 T1e comman( metric 4eig1ts 0 0 1 0 0 1as been a((e( to t1e !"#$P ,rocess so t1at onl/ t1e (ela/ metric is use( in t1e ,at1 calculations 01ic1 router 4ill $1 select as t1e successor an( 2easible successor 2or Net4or5 76 Select t1e best res,onse 7 $4 becomes t1e successor 2or Net4or5 7 an( 4ill be ,lace( in t1e routing table $2 becomes t1e 2easible successor 2or Net4or5 7 ' $4 becomes t1e successor 2or Net4or5 7 an( 4ill be inclu(e( in t1e routing table No 2easible successor 4ill be selecte( as t1e a(*ertise( (istance 2rom $2 is 1ig1er t1an t1e 2easible (istance

$2 becomes t1e successor an( 4ill be ,lace( in t1e routing table $4 becomes t1e 2easible successor 2or Net4or5 7 + $2 becomes t1e successor an( 4ill be ,lace( in t1e routing table No 2easible successor 4ill be selecte( as t1e re,orte( (istance 2rom $4 is lo4er t1an t1e 2easible (istance
8 o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e ,oint o2 t1e :uestion is +B7L o2 !"#$P F+U)P10P)U20 $4 is successor No FS; because no ot1er routerIs 7+ is lo4er t1e F+ QUESTION 13,

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 intero,erabilit/ tec1ni:ue im,lemente( on t1e (ualstac5 routers 4oul( allo4 connecti*it/ bet4een "P*6 sites across automatic create( tunnels using t1e 2002::<16 ,re2i36 Select t1e best res,onse 7 +ual Stac5 ' N7T-PT 8 6to4 tunnel + #$! tunnel ! "S7T7P tunnel
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 134

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 'ase( on t1e out,ut 2rom t1e s1o4 comman( on $T141ic1 statement is true6 Select t1e best res,onse RT1#show ipv6 ospf interface FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Link Local Address FE80::218:B9FF:FE12:2CD1, Interface ID 4 Area 0, Process ID 1, Instance ID 0, Router ID Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1 Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State Drother, Priority 1 Designated Router (ID), local address FE80::218: B9FF:FECD:BEF0 Backup Designated router (ID), Local address FE80::218:B9FF:FE92:28D8 Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 Hello is due in 00:00:04 Index 1/3/3, flood queue length 0 Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)/0x0(0) Last flood scan length is 2, maximum is 2 Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 2, Adjacent neighbor count is 2 Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router)

Adjacent with neighbor (Backup Designated Router) Suppress hello from 0 neighbor(s) 7 %SPF*& uses global "P*6 a((resses to establis1 neig1bor a(Aacencies ' $T1 1as a subnet mas5 o2 64 bits 8 $T1 1as Fast!t1ernet0<0 set as a +$ 2or net4or5 t/,e broa(cast + %SPF*& uses Lin5-local a((resses to establis1 neig1bor a(Aacencies ! $T1 (oes not 1a*e a global "P*6 a((ress set on Fast!t1ernet0<0 F %SPF*& uses "P*4 a((resses to establis1 neig1bor a(Aacencies
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# 7s s1o4n in2ormation; 4e notice t1at t1e router 4it1 bot1 i,*6 a((ress an( i,*4 a((ress an( bot1 o2 t1em are in os,2 ,rocess; so in %SPF*&; 4e can 2in( t1at; t1e +$ '+$ a((ress are all lin5 local a((ress; so in %SPF*& it establis1 neig1boor 4it1 lin5 local a((ress QUESTION 13/

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 statement is true about t1e 6 6 6 0<24 ,re2i36 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "2 anot1er ,at1 a(*ertises t1e 6 6 6 0<24 ,at1 an( 1as t1e (e2ault local ,re2erence; t1at ,at1 is more ,re2erre( ' T1e comman( neighbor send-community is con2igure( on '#P neig1bor 10 10 2& & 8 T1e route 10 10 2& & is not being a(*ertise( to ot1er '#P neig1bors + $oute 6 6 6 0<24 is learne( b/ an "'#P ,eer
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'/ (e2ault; t1e communit/ attributes are not a(*ertise( to '#P neig1bors 'ut in t1e out,ut 4e see t1e K8ommunit/: 100:2)0N 41ic1 means t1e comman( Kneig1bor Y sen(communit/L 4as use( to sen( communit/ attributes o2 t1e local router to t1e neig1bor

"2 a metric is not s,eci2ie( 2or routes t1at are re(istribute( into %SPF; t1e (e2ault metric t1at is assigne( to t1e routes is 20; e3ce,t 2or re(istribute( '#P routes 01at is t1e metric t1at is assigne( to re(istribute( '#P routes6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 0 ' 1 8 10 + 200
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation


Same as $"P; 41en re(istribute into !"#$P 2rom %SPF; t1e (e2ault metric is in2inite -G 0e must set a see( metric 41en re(istributing into !"#$P 'elo4 lists t1e (e2ault see( metrics 41en re(istributing 2rom a routing ,rotocol into anot1er:

7ccor(ing to $F8 2&2-; 41at is t1e state2ul or(er in 41ic1 an %SPF router transitions to a 2ull a(Aacenc/ 4it1 a neig1bor router6 7 +o4n; "nit; 2-0a/; !3start; !3c1ange; Loa(ing; an( Full ' +o4n; "nit; 2-0a/; !3c1ange; !3start; Loa(ing; an( Full 8 +o4n; 2-0a/; "nit; Loa(ing; !3start; !3c1ange; an( Full + +o4n; 2-0a/; "nit; !3c1ange; !3start; Loa(ing; an( Full ! +o4n; "nit; 2-0a/; Loa(ing; !3start; !3c1ange; an( Full F +o4n; 2-0a/; "nit; !3start; !3c1ange; Loa(ing; an( Full
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en %SPF a(Aacenc/ is 2orme(; a router goes t1roug1 se*eral state c1anges be2ore it becomes 2ull/ a(Aacent 4it1 its neig1bor T1e states are +o4n -G 7ttem,t =o,tional> -G "nit -G 2-0a/ -G !3start -G !3c1ange -G Loa(ing -G Full S1ort (escri,tions about t1ese states are liste( belo4: 9o"n: no in2ormation =1ellos> 1as been recei*e( 2rom t1is neig1bor Attempt: onl/ *ali( 2or manuall/ con2igure( neig1bors in an N'C7 en*ironment "n 7ttem,t state; t1e router sen(s unicast 1ello ,ac5ets e*er/ ,oll inter*al to t1e neig1bor; 2rom 41ic1 1ellos 1a*e not been recei*e( 4it1in t1e (ea( inter*al Init: s,eci2ies t1at t1e router 1as recei*e( a 1ello ,ac5et 2rom its neig1bor; but t1e recei*ing router?s "+ 4as not inclu(e( in t1e 1ello ,ac5et 2-0a/: in(icates bi-(irectional communication 1as been establis1e( bet4een t4o routers Exsta!t: %nce t1e +$ an( '+$ are electe(; t1e actual ,rocess o2 e3c1anging lin5 state in2ormation can start bet4een t1e routers an( t1eir +$ an( '+$ Exc7an+e: %SPF routers e3c1ange (atabase (escri,tor =+'+> ,ac5ets Loadin+: "n t1is state; t1e actual e3c1ange o2 lin5 state in2ormation occurs .*&&: routers are 2ull/ a(Aacent 4it1 eac1 ot1er =$e2erence: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-009&20e s1tml >

+uring a re(istribution o2 routes 2rom %SPF into !"#$P; an a(ministrator notices t1at

none o2 t1e %SPF routes are s1o4ing in !"#$P 01at are t4o ,ossible causes6 =81oose t4o > 7 incorrect (istribute lists 1a*e been con2igure( ' missing i, classless comman( 8 8!F not enable( + no (e2ault metric con2igure( 2or !"#$P
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7n incorrect (istribute list can 2ilter out u,(ates t1ere2ore none o2 t1e %SPF routes are s1o4ing in !"#$P T1e (e2ault metric 41en re(istributing into !"#$P is in2inite so 4e must s,eci2/ a see( metric 2or !"#$P to 4or5 4it1

To enable '#P tunneling o*er an "P*4 bac5bone; t1e "P*4 a((ress 192 16- &0 1 is con*erte( into a *ali( "P*6 a((ress 01ic1 t1ree "P*6 a((resses are acce,table 2ormats 2or t1e "P*4 a((ress6 =81oose t1ree > 7 192 16- &0 1:0:0:0:0:0:0 ' 0:0:0:0:0:0:192 16- &0 1 8 ::192 16- &0 1 + 807-:1!01:: ! 192 16- &0 1:: F ::807-:1!01
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 190

01at is "P*6 router solicitation6 7 a re:uest ma(e b/ a no(e to Aoin a s,eci2ie( multicast grou, ' a re:uest ma(e b/ a no(e 2or its "P a((ress 8 a re:uest ma(e b/ a no(e 2or t1e "P a((ress o2 t1e +.8P ser*er + a re:uest ma(e b/ a no(e 2or t1e "P a((ress o2 t1e local router
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 191

@our 88NP com trainee as5s /ou; in t1e conte3t o2 "P*6 an( %SPF; 41at best (escribes a t/,e 9 LS76 01at s1oul( /ou tell 1er6 7 Lin5 LS7 ' "nterarea ,re2i3 LS7 2or 7'$s 8 $outer LS7 + S4itc1 LS7 ! "ntra-area ,re2i3 LS7 F None o2 t1e abo*e

o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 192

@ou 1a*e been tas5e( 4it1 setting u, %SPF on an e3isting 8isco router using "P*6 01ic1 comman( enables %SPF 2or "P*6 on a router6 7 i,*6 router os,2 ,rocess-i( ' router os,2 ,rocess-i( 8 router os,2 i,*6 ,rocess-i( + i,*6 os,2 ,rocess-i( area-i( ! None o2 t1e abo*e
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( Ki,*6 router os,2 ,rocess-i(L is use( to enable an %SPF ,rocess on t1e router For e3am,le: Router(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 Note: T1is comman( is use( in global con2iguration mo(e

88NP com ,lans on migrating t1eir net4or5 2rom "P*4 to "P*6 in t1e near 2uture 01ic1 t1ree tec1ni:ues can be use( to transition 2rom "P*4 to "P*66 =Select t1ree> 7 +ual stac5 ' N7T-PT 8 Flo4 label + Cobile "P ! 6to4 tunneling F 7n/cast # C'#P
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 194

01ic1 comman( must be globall/ enable( on a 8isco router to su,,ort "P*66 7 i, routing i,*6 ' i,*6 unicast-routing 8 i,*6 routing + i, classless ! i,*6 ce2
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 19/

01at number is a *ali( re,resentation 2or t1e 200F:0000:7'00:0000:0000:0000:0000<)6 "P*6 ,re2i36 7 200F:0:0:7'<)6 ' 200F:0:7'00::<)6

8 200F::7'00<)6 + 200F:7'<)6 o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 196

T1e 88NP com net4or5 is in t1e ,rocess o2 migrating t1e "P a((ress sc1eme to use "P*6 01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing a((ress t/,es are associate( 4it1 "P*66 =Select t1ree> 7 Bnicast ' Pri*ate 8 'roa(cast + Public ! Culticast F 7n/cast
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7!F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 192

88NP com 1as migrate( to "P*6 in t1eir net4or5 01ic1 t1ree "P*6 notations re,resent t1e same a((ress6 =Select t1ree> 7 20&1::1&0F::980:-767:1&0' ' 20&1:0000:1&0F:0000:0000:0980:-767:1&0' 8 20&1:0:1&0F:::980:-767:1&0' + 20&1::1&0F:0::980:-767:1&0' ! 20&1:0:1&0F:0:0:0980:-767:1&0' F 20&1:0:1&0F::980:-767:1&0'
o!!ect Ans"e!# '!F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 193

01ic1 one o2 t1e 2ollo4ing statements about '#P is F7LS!6 7 '#P uses T8P ,ort 179 ' '#P ensures reliabilit/ o2 u,(ates b/ using t1e reliable trans,ort ser*ices o2 T8P 8 T1e net4or5 comman( 4it1 t1e mas5 o,tion ne*er installs a ,re2i3 into t1e '#P table unless t1ere is a matc1ing ,re2i3 e3ists in t1e "P route table + 7 T8P connection is re:uire( be2ore e3c1anging u,(ates ! '#P uses noti2ication an( t1e u,(ate messages to establis1 an( maintain t1e '#P neig1bor relations1i,
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7n un(erl/ing connection bet4een t4o '#P s,ea5ers is establis1e( be2ore an/ routing

in2ormation is e3c1ange( T1is connection ta5es ,lace on T8P ,ort 179 Bnli5e ot1er routing ,rotocols; t1e router must be manuall/ con2igure( 4it1 t1e neig1bor in2ormation on bot1 si(es o2 t1e connection -G ! is correct =41ic1 is F7LS! in t1is :uestion>

'ase( on t1e to,olog/ s1o4n in t1e net4or5 (iagram; 41at o,tional !"#$P con2igurations 4ill be re:uire( in or(er to ac1ie*e 2ull connecti*it/ 4it1in 7S 1006 7 Bse t1e !"#$P no auto-summar/ comman( on $1 an( $2 ' Bse t1e !"#$P no auto-summar/ comman( on $& an( $4 8 Bse t1e ,assi*e inter2ace on t1e $1 an( $2 inter2ace t1at connects to t1e 10 1 1 0<24 an( 10 1 2 0<24 subnet res,ecti*el/ + Bse t1e ,assi*e inter2ace comman( bet4een t1e $& an( $1 connection an( bet4een t1e $& an( $2 connection ! Bse t1e *ariance comman( on $&
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 200

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 7ll routers are con2igure( 2or '#P !'#P routes recei*e( on router $2 s1o4 u, in t1e '#P table on routers $1 an( $& but not in t1eir "P routing tables 01at 4oul( cause t1is =81oose t4o> 6 7 S/nc1roni9ation in autonomous s/stem 100 is turne( is on ' S/nc1roni9ation in autonomous s/stem 100 is turne( is o22 8 !'#P multi1o, is not con2igure( on routers $1 an( $& + $outers $1 an( $& (o not recei*e t1e same routes *ia an "#P ! T1e '#P routers in autonomous s/stem 100 are not logicall/ 2ull/-mes1e(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"2 /our 7S ,asses tra22ic 2rom anot1er 7S to a t1ir( 7S; '#P s1oul( not a(*ertise a route be2ore all routers in /our 7S learn about t1e route *ia "#P '#P 4aits until "#P ,ro,agates t1e route 4it1in t1e 7S an( t1en a(*ertise it so e3ternal ,eers 7 '#P router 4it1 s/nc1roni9ation enable( (oes not install i'#P learne( routes into t1e routing table i2 it is not able to *ali(ate t1ose routes in its "#P "ssue t1e no s/nc1roni9ation comman( un(er router bg, in or(er to (isable s/nc1roni9ation T1is ,re*ents '#P 2rom *ali(ating i'#P routes in "#P "n t1is scenario; t1e routers must learn o2 t1e same route *ia an "#P;

or s/nc1roni9ation s1oul( be turne( o22 Since t1is 7S (oes not a,,ear to be a transit 7S; t1e best solution 4oul( be to (isable s/nc1roni9ation $e2erence: '#P 8ase Stu(ies; 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-00c9 )bb s1tmlJs/nc1

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e actual s,ee( o2 t1e serial lin5s bet4een $2 an( $& are 2)6 5b<s an( )12 5b<s res,ecti*el/ 01en con2iguring !"#$P on routers $2 an( $&; t1e net4or5 a(ministrator con2igure( t1e ban(4i(t1 o2 bot1 serial inter2aces to )12 5b<s 01at 4ill be t1e e22ect6 7 !"#$P 4ill o*erutili9e t1e )12 5b<s lin5 ' T1e inter2ace E(ela/E *alue use( in t1e !"#$P metric calculation 4ill be inaccurate on t1e 2)6 5b<s serial inter2ace 8 T1e amount o2 ban(4i(t1 use( 2or !"#$P routing ,rotocol tra22ic on t1e 2)6 5b<s lin5 can become e3cessi*e + !"#$P can loa( balance bet4een t1e t4o serial lin5s onl/ i2 t1e *ariance is set to 2 or 1ig1er ! Bne:ual cost loa( balancing 4ill be (isable(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 202

01ic1 o,tion is true regar(ing t1e s/nc1roni9ation rule6 7 +o not use or internall/ a(*ertise a route until t1e route is learne( 2rom a source ot1er t1an '#P ' +o not use or a(*ertise a route until t1e route is learne( 2rom a '#P ,eer 8 +o not use or a(*ertise routes mar5e( P7$T"7L + 0ait until a 8%NF"$C message is recei*e( be2ore using routes 2rom '#P neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e com,lete s/nc1roni9ation rule is K7 '#P router s1oul( not use; or a(*ertise to an e3ternal neig1bor; a route learne( b/ "'#P; unless t1at route is local or is learne( 2rom t1e "#P L 0it1 t1e (e2ault o2 s/nc1roni9ation (isable(; '#P can use an( a(*ertise to e3ternal '#P neig1bors routes learne( 2rom an "'#P neig1bor t1at are not ,resent in t1e local routing table

T1e Ks/nc1roni9ationL 1ere means Ks/nc1roni9ation bet4een i'#P 4it1 its "#P =suc1 as %SPF; !"#$PY> @ou can (isable s/nc1roni9ation i2 one o2 t1e 2ollo4ing con(itions is true: @our 7S (oes not ,ass tra22ic 2rom one 7S to anot1er 7S 7ll t1e transit routers in /our 7S run '#P Note: '#P s/nc1roni9ation is (isable( b/ (e2ault in 8isco "%S So2t4are $elease 12 2=-> T an( later For more in2ormation about '#P S/nc1roni9ation ,lease rea( t1e e3,lanation o2 Fuestion ) in t1is ,age 7lso anot1er goo( resource is :
1tt,:<<(oc4i5i cisco com<4i5i<"nternet4or5ingS8aseSStu(iesSO SBsingSt1eS'or(erS#ate4a/SProtocolS2orS"nter(omainS$outingJS/nc1roni9ation QUESTION 20,

+uring t1e re(istribution ,rocess con2igure( on $T7; some o2 t1e !"#$P routes; suc1 as 10 1 1 0<24 an( 10 2 2 0<24; are not being re(istribute( into t1e %SPF routing (omain 01ic1 t4o items coul( be a solution to t1is ,roblem6 =81oose t4o > 7 81ange t1e metric-t/,e to 2 in t1e re(istribute comman( ' 8on2igure t1e re(istribute comman( un(er router eigr, 1 instea( 8 81ange t1e !"#$P 7S number 2rom 100 to 1 in t1e re(istribute comman( + 7(( t1e subnets o,tion to t1e re(istribute comman( ! 81ange t1e metric to an !"#$P com,atible metric *alue =ban(4i(t1; (ela/; reliabilit/; loa(; CTBs> in t1e re(istribute comman(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8+ Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e 7S o2 !"#$P in t1e out,ut abo*e is not correct an( 4e nee( to 2i3 it into Keigr, 1N 7lso; some o2 !"#$P routes; suc1 as 10 1 1 0<24 an( 10 2 2 0<24 are subnets so 4e must use t1e 5e/4or( KsubnetsL so t1at %SPF can see t1ese routes T1e 2ull comman(s s1oul( be: router ospf 1 redistribute eigrp 1 metric 20 metric-type 1 subnets network

%ne o2 t1e most im,ortant c1aracteristics o2 %SPF is Culti,le areas 01ic1 statement best (escribes 41/ t1is 2eature is suc1 an im,ortant en1ancement to earlier routing ,rotocols6 7 T1e net4or5 (omain; 41en (i*i(e( into areas; allo4s 2or t1e use o2 bot1 "7N7 class2ul a((ressing an( ,ri*ate a((ressing ' T1e use o2 multi,le areas allo4s 2or t1e use o2 ,rioriti9ation

7ll com,utation is 5e,t 4it1in t1e area; 4it1 minimum communication bet4een t1e areas; allo4ing t1e net4or5 to scale to larger si9es + "t is easier to im,lement securit/
8 o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 20/

01en learning a ne4 route; i2 a LS7 recei*e( is not 2oun( in t1e to,ological (atabase; 41at 4ill an internal %SPF router (o6 7 T1e se:uence numbers are c1ec5e(; an( i2 t1e LS7 is *ali( it is entere( into t1e to,olog/ (atabase ' T1e LS7 is ,lace( in t1e to,ological (atabase an( an ac5no4le(gement is sent to t1e transmitting router 8 T1e LS7 is (ro,,e( an( a message is sent to t1e transmitting router + T1e LS7 is 2loo(e( imme(iatel/ out o2 all t1e %SPF inter2aces; e3ce,t t1e inter2ace 2rom 41ic1 t1e LS7 4as recei*e(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 206

Stu(/ t1e con2iguration ,resente( in t1e e31ibit care2ull/ 01at is t1e obAecti*e o2 t1e route ma, name( test6 router bgp 50001 network network neighbor remote-as 5003 neighbor route-map test out ! access-list 1 permit access-list 2 permit any ! route-map test permit 10 match ip address 1 set metric 200 ! route-map test permit 20 match ip address 2 7 mar5s all ,re2i3es recei*e( 2rom t1e 10 1 1 1 neig1bor 4it1 a C!+ o2 200 ' mar5s t1e 10 0 0 0<- ,re2i3 recei*e( 2rom t1e 10 1 1 1 neig1bor 4it1 a C!+ o2 200 8 mar5s t1e 10 0 0 0<- ,re2i3 a(*ertise( to t1e 10 1 1 1 neig1bor 4it1 a C!+ o2 200 + mar5s all ,re2i3es a(*ertise( to t1e 10 1 1 1 neig1bor 4it1 a C!+ o2 200
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8

Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e comman( Kneig1bor 10 1 1 1 route-ma, test outL 4e learn t1e KtestL route ma, is a,,lie( on t1e outboun( (irection to t1e neig1bor 10 1 1 1 "n t1e KtestL route ma,; 4e see & statements: Kroute-ma, test ,ermit 10 matc1 i, a((ress 1 set metric 200N T1e/ mean Ki2 t1e access list 1 is matc1e(; set t1e Culti !3it +iscriminator =C!+> o2 t1at route to 200N

!"#$P 1as been con2igure( to o,erate o*er Frame $ela/ multi,oint connections 01at s1oul( t1e ban(4i(t1 comman( be set to6 7 t1e 8"$ rate o2 t1e lo4est s,ee( connection multi,lie( b/ t1e number o2 circuits ' t1e 8"$ rate o2 t1e lo4est s,ee( connection 8 t1e 8"$ rate o2 t1e 1ig1est s,ee( connection + t1e sum o2 all t1e 8"$s (i*i(e( b/ t1e number o2 connections
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"2 t1e multi,oint net4or5 1as (i22erent s,ee(s allocate( to t1e V8s; ta5e t1e lo4est 8"$ an( sim,l/ multi,l/ it b/ t1e number o2 circuits T1is is because in Frame-rela/ all neig1bors s1are t1e ban(4i(t1 e:uall/; regar(less o2 t1e actual 8"$ o2 eac1 in(i*i(ual PV8; so 4e 1a*e to get t1e lo4est s,ee( 8"$ rate an( multi,l/ it b/ t1e number o2 circuits T1is result 4ill be a,,lie( on t1e main inter2ace =or multi,oint connection inter2ace>

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outers $T7 an( $T' are running '#P but t1e session is acti*e 01at comman( nee(s to be a((e( to establis1 t1e '#P session6 7 ip route s0/0 ip route s0/1 ' network 8 neighbor next-hop-self + no synchronization
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n t1is case 4e 4ant to ac1ie*e loa( balancing so t1e loo,bac5 inter2ace must be use(

to establis1 neig1bors1i, "2 4e c1ec5 t1e routing table o2 router 7; 4e 4ill see t1at t1ere is no entr/ 2or t1e remote net4or5 1 1 1 1<&2 -G router 7 (oes not 5no4 1o4 to reac1 t1e loo,bac5 inter2ace on router ' -G a T8P session can?t be establis1e( to router ' T1ere2ore 4e nee( to tell router 7 a 4a/ to reac1 router ' =$e2erence an( a goo( resource: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)< tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-00c9)bb s1tml>

T1e 2ollo4ing e31ibit s1o4s i,*6 route out,ut 01at 4oul( t1e metric be 2or a summar/ route t1at summari9es all t1ree %SPF*& routes (is,la/e(6 7 160 ' 140 8 120 + 100
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e metric o2 a summar/ route is t1e 1ig1est cost o2 t1e routes being summari9e( T1ere2ore 41en summari9ing t1ree routes abo*e t1e 1ig1est cost =100> 4ill be c1osen

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer $1 is connecte( to net4or5s 172 16 1 0 <26 an( 172 16 1 64 <27 %n t1e basis o2 t1e ,artial out,ut in t1e e31ibit; 41ic1 statement is true6 R1#show running-config <Output omitted> ! router eigrp 100 network distribute-list prefix TEST out auto-summary no eigrp log-neighbor-changes ! ip prefix-list TEST seq 5 permit ! <Output omitted> 7 $outer $1 4ill a(*ertise bot1 routes ' $outer $1 4ill (en/ t1e 172 16 1 0<26 route 41ile ,ermitting t1e 172 16 1 64<27 route to be a(*ertise( 8 $outer $1 4ill (en/ t1e 172 16 1 0<27 route 41ile ,ermitting t1e 172 16 1 0<26 route to be a(*ertise( + $outer $1 s1oul( be recon2igure( 4it1 an 78L instea( o2 an i, ,re2i3-list comman(

o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Pre2i3 lists are con2igure( 4it1 pe!mit or den= 5e/4or(s to eit1er ,ermit or (en/ t1e ,re2i3 base( on t1e matc1ing con(ition 7 ,re2i3 list consists o2 an "P a((ress an( a bit mas5 T1e "P a((ress can be a class2ul net4or5; a subnet; or a single 1ost route T1e bit mas5 is entere( as a number 2rom 1 to &2 Pre2i3 lists are con2igure( to matc1 an e3act ,re2i3 lengt1 or a ,re2i3 range T1e +e an( &e 5e/4or(s are use( to s,eci2/ a range o2 t1e ,re2i3 lengt1s to matc1; ,ro*i(ing more 2le3ible con2iguration t1an can be con2igure( 4it1 Aust t1e net4or5<lengt1 argument T1e ,re2i3 list is ,rocesse( using an e3act matc1 41en neit1er +e nor &e 5e/4or( is entere( T1ere2ore in t1is case t1e e3act 172 16 1 0<26 net4or5 is ,ermitte( 41ile ot1er net4or5s are (enie(

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at must be (one on router $T7 to ensure t1at !"#$P 4or5s e22ecti*el/ in a Frame $ela/ multi,oint en*ironment6 7 "ssue t1e comman( bandwidth 56 on eac1 subinter2ace ' "ssue t1e comman( bandwidth 224 on eac1 subinter2ace 8 "ssue t1e comman( bandwidth 56 on t1e ,1/sical inter2ace + "ssue t1e comman( bandwidth 224 on t1e ,1/sical inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n Frame $ela/; all neig1bors s1are t1e same ban(4i(t1; regar(less o2 t1e actual 8"$ o2 eac1 in(i*i(ual PV8 "n t1is case t1e 8"$ o2 eac1 PV8 is t1e same so 4e can 2in( t1e ban(4i(t1 o2 t1e main inter2ace =multi,oint connection inter2ace> b/ )6 3 4 U 224 Notice t1at i2 t1e ban(4i(t1 on eac1 PV8 is not e:ual t1en 4e get t1e lo4est ban(4i(t1 to multi,l/

'ase( on t1e e31ibite( out,ut; 41ic1 t1ree statements are true6 =81oose t1ree > 7 $1 is con2igure( 4it1 t1e i, summar/-a((ress comman( ' T1e route to 10 2 0 0<16 4as re(istribute( into !"#$P 8 $1 is con2igure( 4it1 t1e *ariance comman( + 7 (e2ault route 1as been re(istribute( into t1e !"#$P autonomous s/stem ! T1e router at 10 1 1 2 is con2igure( 4it1 t1e i, (e2ault-net4or5 0 0 0 0 comman(

$1 is sourcing an e3ternal !"#$P route 2rom Null0

o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e routing table abo*e; 4e see t1at net4or5 172 16 1 0 can be reac1e( *ia 2 une:ual ,at1s =4it1 F+ o2 2&072000 M 20640000> so surel/ $1 1as been con2igure( 4it1 t1e K*arianceL comman( -G 8 is correct '/ con2iguring a (e2ault route an( re(istribute it into !"#$P /ou 4ill get t1e line K+ Q!D 0 0 0 0<0 YL line in t1e routing table o2 t1at router -G + is correct From t1e line K10 2 0 0<16 is a summar/; 00:16:1-; Null0N 4e 5no4 t1at t1is net4or5 1as been summari9e( 4it1 t1e Ki, summara/-a((ressL comman( =notice t1at 10 2 0 0 is not t1e maAor net4or5 o2 net-G 7 is correct

72ter +B7L calculations; a router 1as i(enti2ie( a successor route; but no routes 1a*e :uali2ie( as a 2easible successor "n t1e e*ent t1at t1e current successor goes (o4n; 41at ,rocess 4ill !"#$P use in t1e selection o2 a ne4 successor6 7 !"#$P 4ill 2in( t1e inter2ace 4it1 t1e lo4est C78 a((ress ' T1e route 4ill transition to t1e acti*e state 8 T1e route 4ill transition to t1e ,assi*e state + !"#$P 4ill automaticall/ use t1e route 4it1 t1e lo4est 2easible (istance=F+> ! !"#$P 4ill automaticall/ use t1e route 4it1 t1e lo4est a(*ertise( (istance=7+>
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en a route =current successor> goes (o4n; t1e router 2irst c1ec5s its to,olog/ table 2or a 2easible successor but it can?t 2in( one So it goes acti*e on t1e t1at route to 2in( a ne4 successor b/ sen(ing :ueries out to its neig1bors re:uesting a ,at1 to t1e lost route

01ic1 t1ree statements about t1e !"#$P routing ,rotocol are true6 =81oose t1ree> 7 !"#$P sen(s ,erio(ic 1ello ,ac5ets to t1e multicast "P a((ress 224 0 0 9 ' !"#$P sen(s ,erio(ic 1ello ,ac5ets to t1e multicast "P a((ress 224 0 0 10 8 !"#$P su,,orts 2i*e generic ,ac5et t/,es "nclu(ing 1ello; u,(ate; :uer/; re,l/; an( 78H ,ac5ets + !"#$P su,,orts 2i*e generic ,ac5et t/,es "nclu(ing 1ello; (atabase (escri,tion =+'+>; Lin5-state re:uest=LS$>; lin5-state u,(ate=LSB>; an( LS7c5

!"#$P 4ill 2orm a neig1bor relations1i, 4it1 anot1er ,eer e*en 41en t1eir H *alues are mismatc1e( F !"#$P 4ill not 2orm a neig1bor relations1i, 4it1 anot1er ,eer e*en 41en t1eir H *alues are mismatc1e(
! o!!ect Ans"e!# '8F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 21/

01ic1 t1ree route 2iltering statements are true6 =81oose t1ree> 7 72ter t1e router ri, an( ,assi*e-inter2ace s0<0 comman(s 1a*e been issue(; t1e s0<0 inter2ace 4ill not sen( an/ $"P u,(ates; but 4ill recei*e routing u,(ates on t1at inter2ace ' 72ter t1e router eigr, 10 an( ,assi*e-inter2ace s0<0 comman(s 1a*e been issue(; t1e s0<0 inter2ace 4ill not sen( an/ !"#$P u,(ates; but 4ill recei*e routing u,(ates on t1at inter2ace 8 72ter t1e router os,2 10 an( ,assi*e-inter2ace s0<0 comman(s 1a*e been issue( ; t1e s0<0 inter2ace 4ill not sen( an/ %SPF u,(ates; but 4ill recei*e routing u,(ates on t1at inter2ace + 01en /ou use t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace comman( 4it1 $"P*2; multicasts are sent out t1e s,eci2ie( inter2ace ! 01en /ou use t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace comman( 4it1 !"#$P; 1ello messages are not sent out t1e s,eci2ie( inter2ace F 01en /ou use t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace comman( 4it1 %SPF; 1ello messages are not sent out t1e s,eci2ie( inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7!F Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e K,assi*e-inter2ace YL comman( in !"#$P or %SPF 4ill s1ut (o4n t1e neig1bor relations1i, o2 t1ese t4o routers =no 1ello ,ac5ets are e3c1ange(> -G !; F are correct "n $"P; t1is comman( 4ill not allo4 sen(ing multicast u,(ates *ia a s,eci2ic inter2ace but 4ill allo4 listening to incoming u,(ates 2rom ot1er $"P s,ea5ing neig1bors T1is means t1at t1e router 4ill still be able to recei*e u,(ates on t1at ,assi*e inter2ace an( use t1em in its routing table -G 7 is correct

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outers $1 an( $2 are running !"#$P an( 1a*e con*erge( %n t1e basis o2 t1e in2ormation t1at is ,resente(; 41ic1 statement is true6 7 7ll outgoing routing u,(ates 2rom router $1 to router $2 4ill be su,,resse(; but t1e inboun( u,(ates 4ill continue to be recei*e( ' 7ll incoming routing u,(ates 2rom $2 4ill be su,,resse(; but t1e outgoing u,(ates 4ill continue to be sent 8 'ot1 outgoing an( incoming routing u,(ates on $1 4ill be sto,,e( because o2 t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace Serial0<0 con2iguration statement + 'ot1 outgoing an( incoming routing u,(ates on $1 4ill be ,ermitte( because t1e (istribute-list 20 out Serial0<0 comman( cannot be use( 4it1 association 4it1 t1e outgoing inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n !"#$P =an( %SPF> t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace comman( sto,s sen(ing outgoing 1ello ,ac5ets; 1ence t1e router can not 2orm an/ neig1bor relations1i, *ia t1e ,assi*e inter2ace T1is be1a*ior sto,s bot1 outgoing an( incoming routing u,(ates -G t1e (istribute-list 1as no use 1ere

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n t1e basis o2 t1e ,artial con2iguration; 41ic1 t4o statements are correct6 =81oose t4o > <output omitted> ! router rip distribute-list 2 out ethernet 0 distribute-list 1 out ! access-list 1 permit access-list 2 permit ! <output omitted> 7 %nl/ routes matc1ing 10 0 1 0<24 4ill be a(*ertise( out !t1ernet 0 ' %nl/ routes 10 0 1 0<24 4ill be sent out all inter2aces 8 %nl/ routes 10 0 1 0<24 4ill be allo4e( in t1e routing table + %nl/ routes matc1ing 10 0 0 0<- 4ill be a(*ertise( out !t1ernet 0 ! %nl/ routes matc1ing 10 0 0 0<- 4ill be a(*ertise( out inter2aces ot1er t1an !t1ernet 0 F 7ll routes 4ill be a(*ertise( out inter2aces ot1er t1an !t1ernet 0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7!

Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n t1is case; t1e 2ollo4ing algorit1m is use( 41en multi,le (istribute-lists are use(: 1 First c1ec5 41ic1 inter2ace is being sent out "2 it is !t1ernet 0; (istribute-list 2 is a,,lie( 2irst "2 t1e net4or5 is (enie( t1en no 2urt1er c1ec5ing is (one 2or t1is net4or5 'ut i2 (istribute-list 2 ,ermits t1at net4or5 t1en (istribute-list 1 is also c1ec5e( "2 bot1 (istribute-lists allo4 t1at net4or5 t1en it 4ill be sent out 2 "2 t1e inter2ace is not !t1ernet 0 t1en onl/ (istribute-list 1 is a,,lie( No4 let?s ta5e some e3am,les P "2 t1e a(*ertise( net4or5 is 10 0 1 0<24; it 4ill be sent out all inter2aces; inclu(ing !t1ernet 0 P "2 t1e a(*ertise( net4or5 is 10 0 2 0<24; it 4ill be sent out all inter2aces; e3ce,ting !t1ernet 0 P "2 t1e a(*ertise( net4or5 is 11 0 0 0<-; it 4ill be (ro,,e( Note: "t is ,ossible to (e2ine one inter2ace-s,eci2ic (istribute-list ,er inter2ace an( one ,rotocol-s,eci2ic (istribute-list 2or eac1 ,rocess<autonomous-s/stem =For more in2ormation; ,lease rea(: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)< tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-020-74- s1tml >

01ic1 t1ree statements are true about !"#$P route summari9ation6 =81oose t1ree > 7 Canual route summari9ation is con2igure( in router con2iguration mo(e 41en t1e router is con2igure( 2or !"#$P routing ' Canual route summari9ation is con2igure( on t1e inter2ace 8 01en manual summari9ation is con2igure(; t1e summar/ route 4ill use t1e metric o2 t1e largest s,eci2ic metric o2 t1e summar/ routes + T1e i, summar/-a((ress eigr, comman( generates a (e2ault route 4it1 an a(ministrati*e (istance o2 90 ! T1e i, summar/-a((ress eigr, comman( generates a (e2ault route 4it1 an a(ministrati*e (istance o2 ) F 01en manual summari9ation is con2igure(; t1e router imme(iatel/ creates a route t1at ,oints to null0 inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# '!F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e ip s*mma!=-add!ess ei+!p ]7S number^ ]a((ress mas5^ comman( is use( to con2igure a summar/ aggregate a((ress 2or a s,eci2ie( inter2ace For e3am,le 4it1 t1e to,olog/ belo4:

$2 1as ) loo,bac5 inter2aces but instea( o2 a(*ertising all t1ese inter2aces 4e can onl/ a(*ertise its summari9e( subnet "n t1is case t1e best summari9e( subnet s1oul( be 1 1 1 0<29 41ic1 inclu(es all t1ese ) loo,bac5 inter2aces (25con)i+6-inte!)ace )a0'0 (25con)i+-i)6-ip s*mma!=-add!ess ei+!p 1 2//.2//.2//.243 T1is con2iguration causes !"#$P to summari9e net4or5 1 1 1 0 an( sen(s out Fa0<0 inter2ace 72ter con2iguring manual !"#$P summar/; t1e routing table o2 t1e local router 4ill 1a*e a route to Null0: So 41/ is t1is route inserte( in t1e routing table 41en (oing summari9ation6 0ell; /ou ma/ notice t1at alt1oug1 our summari9e( subnet is 1 1 1 0<29 but 4e (on?t 1a*e all "P a((resses in t1is subnet 7ssignable "P a((resses o2 subnet 1 1 1 0<29 are 2rom 1 1 1 1 to 1 1 1 6 "magine 41at 1a,,ens i2 $1 sen(s a ,ac5et to 1 1 1 6 'ecause $1 (o belie*e $2 is connecte( 4it1 t1is "P so it 4ill sen( t1is ,ac5et to $2 'ut $2 (oes not 1a*e t1is "P so i2 $2 1as a (e2ault-route to $1 =2or e3am,le $1 is connecte( to t1e "nternet an( $2 routes all un5no4n (estination "P ,ac5ets to $1> t1en a loo, 4ill occur To sol*e t1is ,roblem; some routing ,rotocols automaticall/ a(( a route to Null0 7 ,ac5et is sent to KNull0N means t1at ,ac5et is (ro,,e( Su,,ose t1at $1 sen(s a ,ac5et to 1 1 1 6 t1roug1 $2; e*en $2 (oes not 1a*e a s,eci2ic route 2or t1at "P; it (oes 1a*e a general route ,ointing to Null0 41ic1 t1e ,ac5et sent to 1 1 1 6 can be matc1e( -G T1at ,ac5et is (ro,,e( at $2 4it1out causing a routing loo,X '/ (e2ault; !"#$P summar/ routes are gi*en an a(ministrati*e (istance *alue o2 ) Notice t1at t1is *alue is onl/ s1o4n on t1e local router (oing t1e summari9ation %n ot1er routers 4e can still see an a(ministrati*e (istance o2 90 in t1eir routing table

$e2er to t1e e31ibit Net4or5 10 0 0 0<- is being a(*ertise( to autonomous s/stem 6)))0 *ia bot1 e3ternal lin5s 01ic1 statement about t1e ,re2erre( ,at1 to t1e 10 0 0 0<net4or5 is true6 7 $outer $1 4ill be ,re2erre( because its neig1bor 1as t1e 1ig1er autonomous s/stem

number ' $outer $1 4ill be ,re2erre( because it 1as t1e lo4er neig1bor "P a((ress 8 $outer $1 4ill be ,re2erre( because it 1as a lo4er local ,re2erence + $outer $2 4ill be ,re2erre( because its neig1bor 1as a lo4er autonomous s/stem number ! $outer $2 4ill be ,re2erre( because it 1as t1e 1ig1er neig1bor "P a((ress F $outer $2 4ill be ,re2erre( because it 1as a 1ig1er local ,re2erence
o!!ect Ans"e!# F Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Local ,re2erence is an in(ication to t1e 7S about 41ic1 ,at1 1as ,re2erence to e3it t1e 7S in or(er to reac1 a certain net4or5 7 ,at1 4it1 a 1ig1er local ,re2erence is ,re2erre( more T1e (e2ault *alue 2or local ,re2erence is 100 Bnli5e t1e 4eig1t attribute; 41ic1 is onl/ rele*ant to t1e local router; local ,re2erence is an attribute t1at routers e3c1ange in t1e same 7S T1e local ,re2erence is set 4it1 t1e Kbg, (e2ault local-,re2erence valueL comman( "n t1is case; bot1 $1 M $2 learn about t1e net4or5 10 0 0 0<- but $2 1as 1ig1er local,re2erence so $2 4ill be c1osen as t1e ,re2erre( e3it ,oint 2rom 7S 6)))0 =$e2erence:
1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-00c9)bb s1tmlJlocal,re2> QUESTION 220

01at (oes t1e (e2ault *alue o2 t1e !"#$P *ariance comman( o2 1 mean6 7 Loa( balancing is (isable( on t1is router ' T1e router ,er2orms e:ual-cost loa( balancing 8 %nl/ t1e ,at1 t1at is t1e 2easible successor s1oul( be use( + T1e router onl/ ,er2orms e:ual-cost loa( balancing on all ,at1s t1at 1a*e a metric greater t1an 1
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e ,oint o2 t1is :uestion is about t1e balance con2iguration o2 !"#$P "2 *ariance is 1; it means t1at it su,,ort e:ual cost ,at1 QUESTION 221

01at tec1ni:ue s1oul( be use( on '#P e(ge routers to ,re*ent a multi-1ome( autonomous s/stem 2rom becoming a transit s/stem6 7 7(*ertise 4it1 a 1ig1 C!+ *alue all net4or5s t1at are (isco*ere( *ia e3ternal '#P ' $emo*e t1e 7S-Pat1 in2ormation on all routes in t1e '#P table ,rior to a(*ertising e3ternall/ 8 %nl/ a(*ertise net4or5s e3ternall/ i2 t1e/ 1a*e been (isco*ere( *ia internal '#P

Bse an outgoing (istribution list to 2ilter all net4or5s not originating 2rom insi(e t1e autonomous s/stem ! Set t1e no-e3,ort communit/ attribute on all net4or5s t1at are a(*ertise( e3ternall/ F Set t1e origin co(e to incom,lete 2or all net4or5s t1at are (isco*ere( *ia e3ternal '#P
+ o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 transit 7S is an 7S t1at routes tra22ic 2rom one e3ternal 7S to anot1er e3ternal 7S Let?s see an e3am,le belo4: Su,,ose /our com,an/ 1as 2 internet lin5s to 2 (i22erent "SPs "2 one connection to t1e "SP goes (o4n; /our tra22ic can be sent t1roug1 t1e ot1er "SP "t is a goo( 4a/ to ma5e sure /our com,an/ can access t1e internet an/ time 'ut i2 /our routers are not con2igure( care2ull/; /our com,an/ 7S ma/ become a transit 7S For e3am,le; 7S & learne( t1e route 10 10 10 0<24 2rom "SP1 "2 $2 a(*ertises t1at route to "SP2 t1en "SP2 ma/ use it to sen( tra22ic to t1at net4or5 -G /our com,an/ becomes a transit 7S T1ere are t4o ,o,ular 4a/s to ,re*ent a multi-1ome( autonomous s/stem 2rom becoming a transit s/stem: P Bse a (istribute-list or 2ilter-list to 2ilter all net4or5s not originating 2rom insi(e t1e autonomous s/stem P Bse t1e no-e3,ort communit/ attribute on all net4or5s not originating 2rom insi(e t1e autonomous s/stem 7ns4er ! seems to be correct but in 2act it is not because Kall net4or5s t1at are a(*ertise( e3ternall/L inclu(e net4or5s originating 2rom insi(e an( outsi(e our 7S 0e s1oul( onl/ 2ilter net4or5s originating 2rom outsi(e our 7S "n some cases; t1e routers in our com,an/ ma/ a(*ertise some internal net4or5s =2or remote access; 2or e3am,le>

$e2er to t1e e31ibit "n t1e s1o4 i,*6 route out,ut; 41at 4oul( t1e metric be 2or a summar/ route t1at summari9es all t1ree %SPF*& routes (is,la/e(6 7 20 ' 40 8 100 + 120 ! 140 F 160

o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e metric o2 a summar/ route is t1e 1ig1est cost o2 t1e routes being summari9e( T1ere2ore 41en summari9ing t1ree routes abo*e t1e 1ig1est cost =100> 4ill be c1osen

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $1 an( $2 1a*e been con2igure( to s1are routing in2ormation *ia !"#$P 01at 4ill be t1e result o2 t1e con2iguration section s1o4n 2or $26 7 7n/ routes learne( b/ $2 2rom t1e inter2ace tie( to t1e 172 16 0 0 net4or5 4ill not be a(*ertise( to neig1bors on t1e 192 16- 2 0 net4or5 ' %nl/ routes learne( b/ $2 2rom t1e inter2ace tie( to t1e 172 16 0 0 net4or5 4ill be a(*ertise( to neig1bors on t1e 192 16- 2 0 net4or5 8 %nl/ t1e 172 16 0 0 net4or5 4ill be a(*ertise( to neig1bors on t1e 192 16- 2 0 net4or5 + 7ll net4or5s; e3ce,t t1e 172 16 0 0 net4or5 4ill be a(*ertise( to neig1bors on t1e 192 16- 2 0 net4or5
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 224

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %SPF is con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 7rea ) is con2igure( as an NSS7 area T1e $"P*2 routes are re(istribute( into t1e %SPF (omain on router $) 01at t4o t/,es o2 LS7s 4ill be originate( b/ router $)6 =81oose t4o > 7 t/,e 1 $outer LS7 ' t/,e 2 Net4or5 LS7 8 t/,e & Net4or5 Summar/ LS7 + t/,e 4 7S'$ Summar/ LS7 ! t/,e ) 7S !3ternal LS7 F t/,e 7 NSS7 !3ternal LS7
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7F Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

!ac1 router creates T/,e 1 LS7 to (escribe itsel2; its inter2aces; an( neig1bors Notice t1at LS7 T/,e 7 is generate( b/ an 7S'$ insi(e a Not-so-stubb/ area =NSS7> to (escribe routes re(istribute( into t1e NSS7 For /our in2ormation; t1e main (i22erence bet4een LS7 T/,e 7 an( T/,e ) is T/,e 7 is generate( insi(e a NSS7 41ile T/,e ) is generate( insi(e a stan(ar( area

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t4o statements are correct regar(ing t1e routes to be re(istribute( into %SPF6 =81oose t4o > Router ospf 10 redistribute rip route-map rip-in ! route-map rip-in permit 10 match ip address 10 20 set metric 100 set metric-type type-1 ! route-map rip-in deny 20 match ip address 30 ! route-map rip-in permit 30 set metric 200 set metric-type type-2 ! access-list 10 permit access-list 20 permit access-list 30 permit 7 T1e net4or5 192 16- 1 0 4ill be allo4e( an( assigne( a metric o2 100 ' T1e net4or5 192 16- 1 0 4ill be allo4e( an( assigne( a metric o2 200 8 7ll net4or5s e3ce,t 10 0 0 0<- 4ill be allo4e( an( assigne( a metric o2 200 + T1e net4or5 172 16 0 0<16 4ill be allo4e( an( assigne( a metric o2 200 ! T1e net4or5 10 0 10 0<24 4ill be allo4e( an( assigne( a metric o2 200
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1ese rules a,,l/ 41en using route-ma, 4it1 an access-list: Q "2 /ou use an 78L in a route-ma, ,ermit clause; routes t1at are ,ermitte( b/ t1e 78L are re(istribute( Q "2 /ou use an 78L in a route-ma, (en/ clause; routes t1at are ,ermitte( b/ t1e 78L are not re(istribute( Q "2 /ou use an 78L in a route-ma, ,ermit or (en/ clause; an( t1e 78L (enies a route; t1en t1e route-ma, clause matc1 is not 2oun( an( t1e ne3t route-ma, clause is e*aluate( 7n( in eac1 route-ma,: Q Culti,le matc1 criteria in t1e same line use a logical %$ Q !ac1 *ertical matc1 uses a logical 7N+ T1ere2ore in t1is :uestion; t1e net4or5s in t1e access lists 10 an( 20 =10 0 10 0<24 M 192 16- 1 0<24> 4ill be ,ermitte( 41ile t1e net4or5 in access list &0 =10 0 0 0<-> 4ill be (enie( Notice t1at t1ere is no Kmatc1L line in t1e clause &0 so all net4or5s t1at are not matc1e(

4it1 clause 10 M 20 4ill be matc1e( in t1e clause &0 an( 4ill be set a metric o2 200; t/,e 2 -G ans4er + is correct "n t1is :uestion ,lease (on?t be con2use( bet4een t1e route-ma, clause number =se:uence number> an( t1e access-list number T1e Kmatc1 i, a((ressL s,eci2ies 41ic1 access lists are matc1e( T1e route-ma, clause number onl/ uses to s,eci2/ t1e or(er in 41ic1 t1e clauses are e3ecute(

01ic1 routing ,rotocol 4ill continue to recei*e an( ,rocess routing u,(ates 2rom neig1bors a2ter t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace router con2iguration comman( is entere(6 7 !"#$P ' $"P 8 %SPF + "S-"S
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 222

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at a((itional comman(s s1oul( be use( to con2igure %SPF area ) as a Totall/ Stubb/ area6 hostname R4 ! router ospf 1 network area 5 network area 0 network area 0 hostname R5 ! router ospf 1 network area 5 7 area 0 stub on routers $4 an( $) ' area 5 stub on routers $4 an( $) 8 area 5 stub no-summary on routers $4 an( $) + area 0 stub no-summary on router $4 an( area 5 stub nosummary on router $) ! area 5 stub no-summary on router $4 an( area 5 stub on router $)
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

To (e2ine a totall/ stub area; use t1e a!ea area-id st*1 no-s*mma!= comman( on t1e 7'$ =in %SPF router con2iguration> an( t1e a!ea area-id st*1 on t1e totall/ stub router

T1e 7'$ 4ill inAect a (e2ault route into t1e area so routers in t1is t/,e o2 area onl/ see routing in2ormation local to t1eir area; ,lus a (e2ault route ,ointing to t1e 7'$; 2rom 41ic1 t1e/ can reac1 all ot1er areas an( all ot1er net4or5s

01ic1 t4o met1o(s a(*ertise internal net4or5s to e3ternal "SPs *ia '#P6 =81oose t4o > 7 using aggregate routes ' (isabling s/nc1roni9ation 8 2orcing t1e ne3t-1o, a((ress + (e2ining routes *ia t1e net4or5 statement
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# "n '#P; t1e net4or5 comman( tells t1e '#P ,rocess 41at locall/ learne( net4or5s to a(*ertise T1e net4or5s can be connecte( routes; or routes learne( b/ 4a/ o2 a (/namic routing ,rotocol; suc1 as $"P T1ese net4or5s must also e3ist in t1e routing table o2 t1e local router or t1e/ 4ill not be sent out in u,(ates T1e mas5 5e/4or( can be use( 4it1 t1e net4or5 comman( to s,eci2/ in(i*i(ual subnets $outes learne( b/ t1e '#P ,rocess are ,ro,agate( be (e2ault but are o2ten 2iltere( b/ a routing ,olic/ $outer=con2ig-router>Jnet4or5 network-number =mas5 network-mask> QUESTION 229

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e neig1bor 10 1 1 1 4eig1t 200 '#P con2iguration comman( 1as been con2igure( on router 7 01at 4ill be t1e result o2 t1is con2iguration6 7 $outer 7 4ill ,re2er t1e ,at1 t1roug1 router ' 2or net4or5 172 20 0 0 ' $outer 7 4ill ,re2er t1e ,at1 t1roug1 router 8 2or net4or5 172 20 0 0 8 Pac5ets 2rom router + 4ill ,re2er t1e ,at1 t1roug1 router ' 2or net4or5s a(*ertise( b/ router 7 + Pac5ets 2rom router + 4ill ,re2er t1e ,at1 t1roug1 router 8 2or net4or5s a(*ertise( b/ router 7
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e 4eig1t attribute is a s,ecial 8isco attribute t1at is use( in t1e ,at1 selection ,rocess 41en t1ere is more t1an one route to t1e same (estination T1e 1ig1er t1e 4eig1t *alue; t1e better t1e ,at1 T1e (e2ault 4eig1t is 0 T1ere2ore; b/ con2iguring 4eig1t 200 to t1e neig1bor 10 1 1 1; router 7 4ill ,re2er t1e ,at1 t1roug1 router ' 2or net4or5 172 20 0 0 t1en t1e ,at1 t1roug1 router 8 T1e 4eig1t attribute is local to t1e router an( not ,ro,agate( to ot1er routers "n t1is

case t1e 4eig1t is local to router 7 so it 1as no e22ect on t1e (ecision o2 trans2erring ,ac5ets 2rom router +

01/ s1oul( i'#P sessions be 2ull/ mes1e( 4it1in a Transit 7S6 7 '#P re:uires re(un(ant T8P sessions bet4een i'#P ,eers ' 7 2ull mes1 allo4s 2or o,timal routing 4it1in t1e Transit 7S 8 $outes learne( *ia i'#P are ne*er ,ro,agate( to ot1er e'#P ,eers + $outes learne( *ia i'#P are ne*er ,ro,agate( to ot1er i'#P ,eers ! $outes learne( *ia e'#P are ne*er ,ro,agate( to ot1er i'#P ,eers
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'#P s,lit-1ori9on rule states t1at a route learne( 2rom one "'#P neig1bor 4ill not be a(*ertise( to anot1er "'#P neig1bor so "'#P sessions be 2ull/ mes1e( For e3am,le in t1e to,olog/ belo4; routes learne( 2rom $1 about 7S 200 4ill be a(*ertise( to $2 For $2; t1e route learne( 2rom $1 is a !o*te &ea!ned )!om one I40$ nei+71o! so $2 4ill not a(*ertise t1is route to $& an( 7S 100 can ne*er be a transit 7S -G "'#P sessions s1oul( be 2ull/ mes1e( 4it1in a transit 7S

01en t1e '#P ,at1 selection ,rocess is being ,er2orme( on a 8isco router; 41ic1 '#P attribute is use( 2irst 41en (etermining t1e best ,at16 7 local ,re2erence ' C!+ 8 4eig1t + origin ! ne3t-1o, F 7S-,at1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

0eig1t is t1e 2irst attribute '#P uses in t1e route selection ,rocess $oute 4it1 a 1ig1er 4eig1t is ,re2erre( 41en multi,le routes e3ist to t1e same (estination

#i*en t1e net4or5 (iagram; 41ic1 a((ress 4oul( success2ull/ summari9e onl/ t1e net4or5s seen6 7 192 16- 0 0<24 ' 192 16- - 0<20 8 192 16- - 0<21 + 192 16- 12 0<20 ! 192 16- 16 0<21 F T1ese net4or5s cannot be summari9e(

o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2,,

7 net4or5 a(ministrator 1as enable( %SPF across an N'C7 net4or5 an( 1as issue( t1e comman( i, os,2 net4or5 nonbroa(cast #i*en t1ose 2acts; 41ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o > 7 +$ an( '+$ elections 4ill occur ' +$ an( '+$ elections 4ill not occur 8 7ll routers must be con2igure( in a 2ull/ mes1e( to,olog/ 4it1 all ot1er routers + T1e neig1bor comman( is re:uire( to buil( a(Aacencies ! "nter2aces 4ill automaticall/ (etect an( buil( a(Aacencies 4it1 neig1bor routers
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

01en using t1e comman( Ki, os,2 net4or5 nonbroa(castL; 4e turn t1e net4or5 into a nonbroa(cast net4or5 so routers can not sen( broa(cast or multicast 'ut %SPF uses multicast a((ress 224 0 0 ) to sen( .ello ,ac5et ,erio(icall/ T1ere2ore 4e 1a*e to manuall/ (e2ine t1e neig1bor =*ia t1e neig1bor comman(> to ma5e %SPF sen( .ello ,ac5ets to its a(Aacent routers -G + is correct For Culti-access net4or5 =2or e3am,le !t1ernet or Frame $ela/>; a (esignate( router =+$> an( a bac5u, (esignate( router ='+$> are electe( -G7 is correct Note: '/ (e2ault; Frame $ela/ en*ironment is nonbroa(cast so it is actuall/ not necessar/ to use t1e comman( Ki, os,2 net4or5 nonbroa(castL on Frame $ela/ net4or5

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1e eigr, stub comman( ,re*ents :ueries 2rom being sent 2rom $2 to $1 ' T1e eigr, stub comman( 4ill automaticall/ enable summari9ation o2 routes on $2 8 T1e eigr, stub comman( ,re*ents all routes e3ce,t a (e2ault route 2rom being a(*ertise( to $1 + $outer $1 4ill a(*ertise connecte( an( summar/ routes onl/ ! $outer $1 4ill a(*ertise connecte( an( static routes T1e sen(ing o2 summar/ routes 4ill not be ,ermitte( F $outer $1 is con2igure( as a recei*e-onl/ neig1bor an( 4ill not sen( an/ connecte(; static or summar/ routes
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+

Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( Keigr, stubL turns $1 into a stub router so $2 4ill ne*er sen( an/ :uer/ to $1 because $2 5no4s t1at a stub router 4ill onl/ route ,ac5ets 2or net4or5s it 1as e3,licitl/ a(*ertise( -G 7 is correct T1e comman( Keigr, stubL is same as Keigr, stub connecte( summar/L comman( because connecte( an( summari9e( routes are a(*ertise( b/ (e2ault -G + is correct Note: 'ecause t1e net4or5 192 16- )0 0 is not a(*ertise( b/ Knet4or5L statement; it is necessar/ to re(istribute connecte( route 4it1 t1e Kre(istribute connecte(L comman(

01ic1 comman( (is,la/s t1e "'#P an( !'#P neig1bors t1at are con2igure(6 7 show ip bgp ' show ip bgp paths 8 show ip bgp peers + show ip bgp summary
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e ,icture belo4 s1o4s t1e out,ut o2 t1e s1o4 i, bg, summar/ Notice t1at t1e Ks1o4 i, bg,L comman( to (is,la/ '#P to,olog/ (atabase 'elo4 is t1e out,ut o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, bg,L comman(:

01ic1 statement is true concerning 6to4 tunneling6 7 "P*4 tra22ic is enca,sulate( 4it1 an "P*6 1ea(er ' T1e e(ge routers can use an/ locall/ con2igure( "P*6 a((ress 8 .osts an( routers insi(e a 6to4 site 4ill nee( a s,ecial co(e + 7n e(ge router must use "P*6 a((ress o2 2002::<16 in its ,re2i3
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

6to4 tunnels use "P*6 a((resses t1at concatenate 2002::<16 4it1 t1e &2-bit "P*4 a((ress o2 t1e e(ge router; creating a 4--bit ,re2i3

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e routing ,rotocols !"#$P an( %SPF 1a*e been con2igure( as in(icate( in t1e e31ibit #i*en t1e ,artial con2iguration o2 router $2; 41ic1 net4or5 4ill be ,resent in t1e routing table o2 $46 7 Net4or5 7 ' Net4or5 ' 8 Net4or5 7 an( Net4or5 '

+ neit1er Net4or5 7 nor o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Net4or5 '

From t1e s1o4 running-con2ig out,ut; 4e learn t1at onl/ %SPF is re(istribute( into !"#$P 7S 100 so onl/ net4or5 ' 4ill be ,resent in t1e routing table o2 $4 Notice t1at 4e must s,eci2/ t1e metric 41en re(istributing into !"#$P so t1at it can 4or5 4ell

01ic1 t4o con(itions can cause '#P neig1bor establis1ment to 2ail6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1ere is an access list bloc5ing all T8P tra22ic bet4een t1e t4o '#P neig1bors ' T1e "'#P neig1bor is not (irectl/ connecte( 8 '#P s/nc1roni9ation is enable( in a transit autonomous s/stem 4it1 2ull/mes1e( "'#P neig1bors + T1e '#P u,(ate inter*al is (i22erent bet4een t1e t4o '#P neig1bors ! T1e '#P neig1bor is re2erencing an incorrect autonomous s/stem number in its neig1bor statement
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7! Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7n un(erl/ing connection bet4een t4o '#P s,ea5ers must be establis1e( be2ore an/ routing in2ormation is e3c1ange( T1is connection ta5es ,lace on T8P ,ort 179 so i2 an access list bloc5s all T8P tra22ic bet4een t1e t4o '#P neig1bors; '#P neig1bor relations1i, can not be establis1e( -G 7 is correct T1e "'#P neig1bors (on?t nee( to be (irectl/ connecte( -G ' is not correct '#P s/nc1roni9ation onl/ ,re*ents routes sent to ot1er !'#P neig1bors be2ore t1at route e3ists in t1e routing table "t (oesn?t ,re*ent '#P neig1bor relations1i, -G 8 is not correct 72ter t1e 2irst initial e3c1ange =41ic1 e3c1anges routes an( s/nc1roni9e t1eir tables>; a '#P s,ea5er 4ill onl/ sen( 2urt1er u,(ates u,on a c1ange in t1e net4or5 to,olog/ -G '#P (oes not 1a*e a 2i3e( u,(ate inter*al -G + is not correct '#P neig1bor relations1i, is establis1e( 41en bot1 en(s =routers> are manuall/ con2igure( 4it1 t1e Knei+71o! neighbor-IP !emote-as neighbor-ASL comman( on bot1 si(es o2 t1e connection "2 t1e neig1bor-7S is 4rong; t1e neig1bor relations1i, can not be establis1e( -G ! is correct


01en ,olic/-base( routing =P'$> is being con2igure(; 41ic1 t1ree criteria can t1e set comman( s,eci2/6 =81oose t1ree > 7 all inter2aces t1roug1 41ic1 t1e ,ac5ets can be route( ' all inter2aces in t1e ,at1 to4ar( t1e (estination 8 a(Aacent ne3t 1o, router in t1e ,at1 to4ar( t1e (estination + all routers in t1e ,at1 to4ar( t1e (estination ! all net4or5s in t1e ,at1 to4ar( t1e (estination F t/,e o2 ser*ice an( ,rece(ence in t1e "P ,ac5ets
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78F Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e set comman( s,eci2ies t1e action=s> to ta5e on t1e ,ac5ets t1at matc1 t1e criteria @ou can s,eci2/ an/ or all o2 t1e 2ollo4ing: Q p!ecedence: Sets ,rece(ence *alue in t1e "P 1ea(er @ou can s,eci2/ eit1er t1e ,rece(ence number or name Q (2: Sets t1e K+on?t FragmentL =+F> bit in t1e i, 1ea(er Q *r2: Sets t1e VPN $outing an( For4ar(ing =V$F> instance Q next-7op: Sets ne3t 1o, to 41ic1 to route t1e ,ac5et Q ne3t-1o, recursi*e: Sets ne3t 1o, to 41ic1 to route t1e ,ac5et i2 t1e 1o, is to a router 41ic1 is not a(Aacent Q inte!)ace: Sets out,ut inter2ace 2or t1e ,ac5et Q (e2ault ne3t-1o,: Sets ne3t 1o, to 41ic1 to route t1e ,ac5et i2 t1ere is no e3,licit route 2or t1is (estination Q (e2ault inter2ace: Sets out,ut inter2ace 2or t1e ,ac5et i2 t1ere is no e3,licit route 2or t1is (estination =$e2erence: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<(ocs<ios<12S2<:os<con2iguration<gui(e< :c2,brS,s1-&)STS+SPro(uctsS8on2igurationS#ui(eS81a,ter 1tml >

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outers $1 an( $2 1a*e establis1e( a neig1bor relations1i, an( are e3c1anging routing in2ormation T1e net4or5 (esign re:uires t1at $1 recei*e routing u,(ates 2rom $2; but not a(*ertise an/ routes to $2 01ic1 con2iguration comman( se:uence 4ill success2ull/ accom,lis1 t1is tas56 7 R1(config)# router eigrp 1 R1(config-router)# passive-interface serial 0 ' R2(config)# router eigrp 1 R2(config-router)# passive-interface serial 0 8 R1(config)# access-list 20 deny any R1(config)# router eigrp 1 R1(config-router)# distribute-list 20 out serial 0 + R2(config)# access-list 20 deny any R2(config)# router eigrp 1

R2(config-router)# distribute-list 20 out serial 0 ! R1(config)# access-list 20 permit any R1(config)# router eigrp 1 R1(config-router)# distribute-list 20 in serial 0 F R2(config)# access-list 20 permit any R2(config)# router eigrp 1 R2(config-router)# distribute-list 20 in serial 0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

0e can not use ,assi*e-inter2ace to accom,lis1 t1is tas5 because t1e K,assi*einter2aceYL comman( =in !"#$P or %SPF> 4ill s1ut (o4n t1e neig1bor relations1i, o2 t1ese t4o routers =no 1ello ,ac5ets are e3c1ange(> 7n( to 2ilter routing u,(ates 4e s1oul( con2igure a (istribute list on $1 4it1 an access list t1at (en/ all an( a,,l/ it to t1e outboun( (irection so t1at $1 can recei*e but can not sen( routing u,(ates

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outers $1 an( $2 are "P*6 '#P ,eers t1at 1a*e been con2igure( to su,,ort a neig1bor relations1i, o*er an "P*4 internet4or5 01ic1 t1ree neig1bor "P a((resses are *ali( c1oices to use in t1e 1ig1lig1te( section o2 t1e e31ibit6 =81oose t1ree > 7 ::074&:0002 ' 074&:0002:: 8 ::10 67 0 2 + 10 67 0 2:: ! 0:0:0:0:0:0:10 67 0 2 F 10 67 0 2:0:0:0:0:0:0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e automatic tunneling mec1anism uses a s,ecial t/,e o2 "P*6 a((ress; terme( an K"P*4-com,atibleL a((ress 7n "P*4-com,atible a((ress is i(enti2ie( b/ an all9eros 96bit ,re2i3; an( 1ol(s an "P*4 a((ress in t1e lo4-or(er &2-bits "P*4-com,atible a((resses are structure( as 2ollo4s: T1ere2ore; an "P*4 a((ress o2 10 67 0 2 4ill be 4ritten as ::10 67 0 2 or 0:0:0:0:0:0:10 67 0 2 or ::074&:0002 =4it1 10V(ecimalW U 07V1e3aW R 67V(ecimalW U 4& V1e3aW R 0V1e3aW U 0V(ecimalW R 2V1e3aW U 2V(ecimalW>

01ic1 t4o statements are true about using "P*4 an( "P*6 simultaneousl/ on a net4or5 segment6 =81oose t4o > 7 .osts can be con2igure( to recei*e bot1 "P*4 an( "P*6 a((resses *ia +.8P

.ost con2iguration o,tions 2or "P*4 can be eit1er staticall/ assigne( or assigne( *ia +.8P .ost con2iguration o,tions 2or "P*6 can be staticall/ assigne( onl/ 8 "P*6 allo4s a 1ost to create its o4n "P*6 a((ress t1at 4ill allo4 it to communicate to ot1er (e*ices on a net4or5 con2igure( *ia +.8P "P*4 (oes not ,ro*i(e a similar ca,abilit/ 2or 1osts + "P*4 an( "P*6 a((resses can be simultaneousl/ assigne( to a 1ost but not to a router inter2ace ! "P*6 ,ro*i(es 2or more 1ost "P a((resses but "P*4 ,ro*i(es 2or more net4or5 a((resses
' o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 24,

01ic1 statement (escribes t1e (i22erence bet4een a manuall/ con2igure( "P*6 in "P*4 tunnel *ersus an automatic 6to4 tunnel6 7 7 manuall/ con2igure( "P*6 in "P*4 tunnel allo4s multi,le "P*4 (estinations ' 7n automatic 6to4 tunnel allo4s multi,le "P*4 (estinations 8 7 manuall/ con2igure( "P*6 in "P*4 tunnel (oes not re:uire (ual-stac5 ="P*4 an( "P*6> routers at t1e tunnel en(,oints + 7n automatic 6to4 tunnel (oes not re:uire (ual-stac5 ="P*4 an( "P*6> routers at t1e tunnel en(,oints
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7n automatic 6to4 tunnel allo4s isolate( "P*6 (omains to be connecte( o*er an "P*4 net4or5 to remote "P*6 net4or5s T1e 5e/ (i22erence bet4een automatic 6to4 tunnels an( manuall/ con2igure( tunnels is t1at t1e tunnel is not ,oint-to-,ointR it is ,oint-tomulti,oint -G it allo4s multi,le "P*4 (estinations -G EAn a*tomatic 6to4 t*nne& a&&o"s m*&tip&e I$%4 destinations is correct EA man*a&&= con)i+*!ed I$%6 in I$%4 t*nne& a&&o"s m*&tip&e I$%4 destinationsE is not correct because manuall/ 6to4 is ,oint-to-,oint -G onl/ allo4s one "P*4 (estination 7 is not correct because manuall/ 6to4 is ,oint-to-,oint -G onl/ allo4s one "P*4 (estination 8on2iguring 6to4 =manuall/ an( automatic> re:uires (ual-stac5 routers =41ic1 su,,orts bot1 "P*4 M "P*6> at t1e tunnel en(,oints because t1e/ are bor(er routers bet4een "P*4

M "P*6 net4or5s

@ou nee( to e3,lain t1e (i22erences bet4een an "P*4 1ea(er an( an "P*6 1ea(er "n t1is com,arison; 41ic1 t1ree statements are true6 =81oose t1ree> 7 7n "P*6 1ea(er is 1al2 t1e si9e o2 an "P*4 1ea(er ' 7n "P*4 1ea(er inclu(es a c1ec5sum .o4e*er; an "P*6 1ea(er (oes not inclu(e one 8 7 router 1as to recom,ute t1e c1ec5sum o2 an "P*6 ,ac5et 41en (ecrementing t1e TTL + 7n "P*6 1ea(er is sim,ler an( more e22icient t1an an "P*4 1ea(er ! T1e 12--bit "P*6 a((ress ma5es t1e "P*6 1ea(er more com,licate( t1an an "P*4 1ea(er F 7n "P*6 1ea(er 1as t4ice as man/ octets as an "P*4 1ea(er
o!!ect Ans"e!# '+F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e image belo4 s1o4s t1e (i22erences bet4een an "P*4 1ea(er an( an "P*6 1ea(er: =$e2erence an( a goo( resource; too: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<4eb<about<ac12&<ac147< arc1i*e(Sissues<i,AS9-&<i,*6Sinternals 1tml>

01at are t1ree "P*6 transition mec1anisms6 =81oose t1ree> 7 6to4 tunneling ' VPN tunneling 8 #$! tunneling + "S7T7P tunneling ! PPP tunneling F Tere(o tunneling
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'elo4 is a summar/ o2 "P*6 transition tec1nologies: 6 to 4 t*nne&in+# T1is mec1anism allo4s "P*6 sites to communicate 4it1 eac1 ot1er o*er t1e "P*4 net4or5 4it1out e3,licit tunnel setu, T1e main a(*antage o2 t1is tec1nolog/ is t1at it re:uires no en(-no(e recon2iguration an( minimal router con2iguration but it is not inten(e( as a ,ermanent solution ISATA$ t*nne&in+ ="ntra-Site 7utomatic Tunnel 7((ressing Protocol>: is a mec1anism 2or transmitting "P*6 ,ac5ets o*er "P*4 net4or5 T1e 4or( KautomaticL means t1at once an "S7T7P ser*er<router 1as been set u,; onl/ t1e clients must be con2igure( to connect to it Te!edo t*nne&in+# T1is mec1anism tunnels "P*6 (atagrams 4it1in "P*4 B+P (atagrams; allo4ing ,ri*ate "P*4 a((ress an( "P*4 N7T tra*ersal to be use(

"n 2act; #$! tunneling is also a "P*6 transition mec1anism but is not mentione( in $%BT! so 4e s1oul(n?t c1oose it =t1ere are 4 t/,es o2 "P*6 transition mec1anisms mentione( in $%BT!R t1e/ are: manual; 6-to-4; Tere(o an( "S7T7P>

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at must be con2igure( on router $T7 to summari9e all routes 2rom area 0 to area 16 7 area 0 range ' area 0 range 8 area 1 range + area 1 range ! summary-address F summary-address
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# %SPF su,,orts t1e 2ollo4ing t4o t/,es o2 summari9ation To con2igure an 7'$ to summari9e routes 2or a s,eci2ic area be2ore inAecting t1em into a (i22erent area; use t1e 2ollo4ing s/nta3: $outer=con2ig-router>-a!ea area-id !an+e address mask To con2igure an 7S'$ to summari9e e3tenal routes be2ore inAecting t1em into t1e %SPF (omain; use t1e 2ollo4ing s/nta3: $outer=con2ig-router>-s*mma!=-add!ess adress mask QUESTION 242

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer $T$ is attem,ting to establis1 '#P neig1bor relations1is 4it1 routers $T1 an( $T& %n t1e basis o2 t1e in2ormation t1at is ,resente( in t1e e31ibit; 41ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o> 7 $T$ 1as a '#P ,ass4or( set but neig1bor 10 0 0 1 (oes not ' $T$ 1as a '#P ,ass4or( set but neig1bor 10 0 0 ) (oes not 8 $T$ 1as a '#P ,ass4or( set but neig1bor 10 0 0 1 1as an incorrect ,ass4or( set + $T$ 1as a '#P ,ass4or( set but neig1bor 10 0 0 ) 1as an incorrect ,ass4or( set ! Neig1bor 10 0 0 1 1as a '#P ,ass4or( set but $T$ (oes not F Neig1bor 10 0 0 ) 1as a '#P ,ass4or( set but $T$ (oes not
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

@ou can con2igure C+) aut1entication bet4een t4o '#P ,eers; C+) aut1entication must be con2igure( 4it1 t1e same ,ass4or( on bot1 '#P ,eersR ot1er4ise; t1e connection bet4een t1em 4ill not be ma(e "2 a router 1as a ,ass4or( con2igure( 2or a ,eer; but t1e ot1er ,eer (oes not; a message KNo C+) (igest 2romYL 4ill a,,ear on t1e

console 41ile t1e routers attem,t to establis1 a Culticast Source +isco*er/ Protocol =CS+P> session bet4een t1em T1ere2ore 7 is correct because $T1 =4it1 an i, a((ress o2 10 0 0 1> is not con2igure( 4it1 a ,ass4or( Similarl/; i2 t1e t4o routers 1a*e (i22erent ,ass4or(s con2igure(; a message K"n*ali( C+) (igest 2romYL 4ill a,,ear on t1e screen

'#P contains t4o ,at1s to a (estination 7ssuming bot1 routes 4ere originate( locall/ an( 1a*e an e:ual 4eig1t 41at 4ill be t1e ne3t (etermining 2actor in c1oosing t1e best ,at16 7 lo4est C!+ ' 1ig1est local ,re2erence 8 lo4est neig1bor "P a((ress + lo4est origin co(e ! s1ortest 7S-,at1
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Cemori9ing t1e '#P (ecision ,rocess ste,s is *er/ use2ul an( /ou s1oul( remember t1em T1e table belo4 lists t1e com,lete ,at1 selection ,rocess: 1 0eig1t ='igger is better> 2 Local ,re2erence ='igger is better> & Sel2 originate( =Locall/ inAecte( is better t1an i'#P<e'#P learne(> 4 7S-Pat1 =Smaller is better> ) %rigin =Pre2er %$"#"N co(e " o*er !; an( ! o*er 6> 6 C!+ =Smaller is better> 7 !3ternal =Pre2er e'#P o*er i'#P> - "#P cost =Smaller is better> 9 !'#P Peering =%l(er is better> 10 $"+ =Lo4er is better>

01at 4ill occur 41en an "P*6 enable( router running 6to4 must transmit a ,ac5et to a remote (estination an( t1e ne3t 1o, is t1e a((ress o2 2002::<16 6 7 T1e "P*6 ,ac5et 1as its 1ea(er remo*e( an( re,lace( 4it1 an "P*4 1ea(er ' T1e "P*6 ,ac5et is enca,sulate( in an "P*4 ,ac5et using an "P*4 ,rotocol t/,e o2 41 8 T1e "P*6 ,ac5et is (ro,,e( because t1at (estination is unable to route "P*6 ,ac5ets + T1e ,ac5et is tagge( 4it1 an "P*6 1ea(er an( t1e "P*6 ,re2i3 is inclu(e(
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/0

01ic1 "P*4-ma,,e( "P*6 a((ress is e:ui*alent to "P*6 a((ress ::ffff:AC11:AC116 Select t1e best res,onse 7 ::ffff: ' ::ffff: 8 ::ffff: + ::ffff: ! ::ffff: F ::ffff:
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/1

01ic1 t4o statements about 6to4 tunneling are accurate6=c1oose t4o> 7 Pre,en(ing a reser*e( "P*6 co(e to t1e 1e3a(ecimal re,resentation o2 192 16- 0 1 2acilitates 6to4 tunneling ' !ac1 6to4 site recei*es a <4- ,re2i3 in a 6to4 tunnel 8 2002::<4- is t1e a((ress range s,eci2icall/ assigne( to 6to4 + Pre,en(ing 032002 4it1 t1e "P*4 a((ress creates an "P*6 a((ress t1at is use( in 6to4 tunning ! 6to4 is a manual tunnel met1o(
o!!ect Ans"e!# '+ Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/2

7 ,roblem 4as re,orte( t1at t1e 10 10 10 0<24 ,re2i3 4as not inAecte( into t1e local '#P table on $outer 7 T1e 2ollo4ing in2ormation is a*ailable 2rom $outer 7 01/ is t1is ,re2i3 not in t1e local '#P table6 on)i+*!ation# router bgp 65001 network neighbor remote-as 65002 no auto-summary (o*tin+ ta1&e in)o!mation# show ip route | include 10 O [110/11] via, 2d00h, Ethernet0/0 7 T1is route is not a '#P learne( route ' T1e net4or5 comman( is 4rong 8 T1e 172 16 1 1 neig1bor is (o4n + T1e ,re2i3 10 10 10 0<24 is not Iconnecte(I route
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e net4or5 comman( is use( 4it1 "#Ps; suc1 as $"P; to (etermine t1e inter2aces on 41ic1 to sen( an( recei*e u,(ates T1e comman( also in(icates 41ic1 (irectl/

connecte( net4or5s to a(*ertise .o4e*er; 41en con2iguring '#P; t1e net4or5 comman( (oes not a22ect 41at inter2aces '#P runs on T1ere2ore; con2iguring Aust a net4or5 statement 4ill not establis1 a '#P neig1bor relations1i, T1is is a maAor (i22erence bet4een '#P an( "#Ps T1e net4or5 statement 2ollo4s t1is s/nta3: $outer=con2ig-router>Jnet4or5 net4or5-number Vmas5 net4or5-mas5W "n '#P; t1e net4or5 comman( tells t1e '#P ,rocess 41at locall/ learne( net4or5s to a(*ertise T1e net4or5s can be connecte( routes; static routes; or routes learne( b/ 4a/ o2 a (/namic routing ,rotocol; suc1 as $"P T1ese net4or5s must also e3ist in t1e routing table o2 t1e local router or t1e/ 4ill not be sent out in u,(ates T1e mas5 5e/4or( can be use( 4it1 t1e net4or5 comman( to s,eci2/ in(i*i(ual subnets $outes learne( b/ t1e '#P ,rocess are ,ro,agate( b/ (e2ault but are o2ten 2iltere( b/ a routing ,olic/

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 router con2iguration comman( can be gi*en t1at 4ill restrict router $T' 2rom s1aring its routing in2ormation 4it1 router $T76 RTB ip route interface serial 0/0 ip summary-address eigrp 100 router eigrp 100 no auto-summary redistribute static metric 10000 1 255 1 1500 network network 7 T1e eigrp stub comman( on router $T7 ' T1e eigrp stub comman( on router $T' 8 T1e eigrp stub connecte( comman( on router $T7 + T1e eigrp stub connecte( comman( on router $T' ! T1e eigrp stub receive-only comman( on router $T7 F T1e eigrp stub receive-only comman( on router $T'
o!!ect Ans"e!# F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/4

"P*6 1ost 4ants to communicate 4it1 "P*4 1ost; 41at 4ill occur6 7 router 4ill (etermine "P*4 a((ress ' 1ost itsel2 1as "P*6-"P*4 ma,,ing 8 "P*6 1ost can use +NS ser*er to 2in( out "P*4 a((ress + "8CP can be use( to (isco*er rig1t a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2//

01ic1 o2 t1e belo4 mentione( con(itions 2orm a neig1bor relation in !"#$P6 =81oose T1ree> 7 .ello or 78H recei*e( ' 7S number matc1 8 "(entical metric=5 *alues> + +ea( Timer Catc1 ! Net4or5 Time Catc1 F .ello timer matc1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/6

$outer $T7 is con2igure( as 2ollo4s: RTA(config)#router rip RTA(config-router)#network RTA(config-router)#distribute-list 44 in interface BRIO RTA(config-router)#exit RTA(config)#access-list 44 deny RTA(config)#access-list 44 permit any 01at are t1e e22ects o2 t1is $"P con2iguration on router $T76 =81oose t4o> 7 no routing u,(ates 4ill be sent 2rom router $T7 on inter2ace '$"% to router $TD ' router $T7 4ill not a(*ertise t1e 10 0 0 0 net4or5 to router $TD 8 t1e route to net4or5 172 16 1 0 4ill not be entere( into t1e routing table on router $T7 + user tra22ic 2rom t1e 172 16 1 0 net4or5 is (enie( b/ access-list 44 ! t1e routing table on router $T7 4ill be u,(ate( 4it1 t1e route to router $T0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8! Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

+istribute list are use( to 2ilter routing u,(ates an( t1e/ are base( on access lists "n t1is case; an access list o2 44 4as create( to (en/ t1e route 2rom net4or5 172 16 1 0<24 so t1is route 4ill not be entere( into t1e routing table o2 $T7 'ut t1e route 2rom $T0 can be entere( because it is not 2iltere( b/ t1e access list 7 an( ' are not correct because t1e (istribute list is a,,lie( to t1e inboun( (irection o2 inter2ace '$"0 so outgoing routing u,(ate( 4ill not be 2iltere( + is not correct because (istribute list Aust 2ilters routing u,(ates so user tra22ic 2rom net4or5 172 16 1 0 4ill not be (enie(

01at is t1e e22ect o2 t1e distribute-list comman( in t1e $1 con2iguration6 hostname R1 !

router rip version 2 network distribute-list 10 in Serial0 ! access-list 10 permit Select t1e best res,onse 7 $1 4ill ,ermit onl/ t1e 10 0 0 0<24 route in t1e $2 $"P u,(ates ' $1 4ill not 2ilter an/ routes because t1ere is no e3act ,re2i3 matc1 8 $1 4ill 2ilter t1e 10 1 0 0<24 an( t1e 172 24 1 0<24 routes 2rom t1e $2 $"P u,(ates + $1 4ill 2ilter onl/ t1e 172 24 1 0<24 route 2rom t1e P4S-$2 $"P u,(ates
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( K(istribute-list 10 in Serial0N 4ill create an incoming (istribute list 2or inter2ace serial 0 an( re2ers to access list 10 So it 4ill ,ermit routing u,(ates 2rom 10 0 3 3 net4or5 41ile ot1er entries =in t1is case t1e 10 1 0 0<24 an( 172 24 1 0<24 net4or5s> 4ill be 2iltere( out 2rom t1e routing u,(ate recei*e( on inter2ace S0

7n enter,rise 1as ,lans to start a((ing "P*6 su,,ort T1e initial (e,lo/ment re:uires su,,ort 2rom some "P*6-onl/ (e*ices t1at nee( to access ser*ers t1at su,,ort onl/ "P*4 01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing tools 4oul( be most a,,ro,riate6 7 Nati*e "P*6 ' Point-to-,oint tunnels 8 Culti,oint tunnels + N7T-PT
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2/9

7 router 1as been con2igure( to 2ilter routes 01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing are reasons to control routing u,(ates *ia route 2iltering6 =81oose t1ree> 7 to 1i(e certain net4or5s 2rom t1e rest o2 organi9ation ' 2or easier im,lementations 8 to control net4or5 o*er1ea( on t1e 4ire + 2or sim,le securit/ ! to ,re*ent a(Aacencies 2rom 2orming
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 260

01ic1 t4o statements are true about 6to4 tunnels6 =81oose t4o >

"n a 6to4 tunnel; t1e 2irst t4o b/tes o2 t1e "P*6 a((ress 4ill be 032002 an( t1e ne3t 2our b/tes 4ill be t1e 1e3a(ecimal e:ui*alent o2 t1e "P*4 a((ress ' "n a 6to4 tunnel; t1e 2irst t4o b/tes o2 t1e "P*6 a((ress 4ill be locall/ (eri*e( an( t1e ne3t t4o b/tes 4ill be t1e 1e3a(ecimal e:ui*alent o2 t1e "P*4 a((ress 8 "n a 6to4 tunnel; t1e "P*4 a((ress 192 16- 99 1 4oul( be con*erte( to t1e 2002: c0a-:6&01::<4- "P*6 a((ress + "n a 6to4 tunnel; t1e "P*4 a((ress 192 16- 99 1 4oul( be con*erte( to t1e 2002: c0a-:6&01::<16 "P*6 a((ress ! "n a 6to4 tunnel; t1e "P*4 a((ress 192 16- 99 1 4oul( be con*erte( to t1e 2002:1&1):446&:1::<64 "P*6 a((ress
7 o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 261

01at comman( s1oul( be use( 2or a totall/ stubb/ area on t1e router connecte( to area 0 bac5bone6 7 totall/ stubb/ on t1e 7'$ ' stub no-summar/ on t1e 7'$ 8 totall/ stubb/ on all routers in t1e area + stub no-summar/ on t1e 7S'$ ! stub no-summar/ on all routers in t1e area F totall/ stubb/ on t1e 7S'$
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 262

T1ere 4as an e31ibit;172 16 1 0<24 to 172 16 2 0<24 4it1 t1e 4 ,at1s 4it1 mentions o2 eigr, metric an( as5e( i2 t1e *ariance is ,ut to 2 in e31ibit t1en 41at 2 ,at1s are not use( b/ eigr, routing table6 =81oose t4o > 7 $1----$2----$6 ' $1----$&----$6 8 $1----$4----$6 + $1----$)----$6
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 26,

01ic1 t1ree statements are true about "P multicast con2iguration6 =81oose t1ree > 7 P"C s,arse-(ense mo(e an( P"C (ense mo(e re:uire an $P on t1e net4or5 ' P"C s,arse mo(e an( P"C (ense mo(e re:uire an $P on t1e net4or5 8 P"C s,arse mo(e inter2aces are al4a/s a((e( to t1e multicast routing table in a

router + P"C s,arse mo(e an( P"C s,arse-(ense mo(e re:uire an $P on t1e net4or5 ! P"C (ense mo(e inter2aces are al4a/s a((e( to t1e multicast routing table in a router F P"C s,arse-(ense mo(e acts as P"C (ense mo(e i2 an $P is not 5no4n
o!!ect Ans"e!# +!F Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 264

01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing are true6 =c1oose t1ree> 7 For Frame $ela/ ,oint-to-,oint inter2aces; set t1e ban(4i(t1 to t1e 8"$ ' For Frame $ela/ ,oint-to-,oint inter2aces set t1e ban(4i(t1 to t1e sum o2 all 8"$s 8 For Frame $ela/ multi,oint connections; set t1e ban(4i(t1 to t1e sum o2 all 8"$s + For generic serial inter2aces suc1 as PPP an( .+L8; set t1e ban(4i(t1 to matc1 t1e line s,ee( ! For Frame $ela/ multi,oint connections; set t1e ban(4i(t1 to t1e 8"$
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 26/

01ic1 comman( s1oul( /ou issue 2irst to con2igure !"#$P 2or "P6 7 ip eigrp routing ' router eigrp process-id 8 ip eigrp autonomous-system-number + router eigrp autonomous-system-number
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 266

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 statement is true6 Select t1e best res,onse hostname RAR1 ! <output omitted> ! router bgp 100 neighbor remote-as 200 neighbor distribute-list 101 in ! access-list 101 permit ip 7 $outer $7$1 4ill acce,t onl/ route 10 10 0 0<19 2rom its '#P neig1bor ' $outer $7$1 4ill sen( onl/ route 10 10 0 0<19 to its '#P neig1bor 8 %nl/ tra22ic 4it1 a (estination 2rom 10 10 0 0<19 4ill be ,ermitte( + %nl/ tra22ic going to 10 10 0 0<19 4ill be ,ermitte(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7

Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 262

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t1ree statements accuratel/ (escribe t1e result o2 a,,l/ing t1e e31ibite( route ma,6 Select & res,onse=s> 7 T1e ma, ,ro1ibits t1e re(istribution o2 all t/,e 2 e3ternal %SPF routes 4it1 tag 6 set ' T1e ma, ,ro1ibits t1e re(istribution o2 all t/,e 2 e3ternal %SPF routes 8 T1e ma, re(istributes into !"#$P all routes t1at matc1 t1e ,23 ,re2i3 list an( t1e 2i*e metric *alues 40000; 1000; 2)); 1; an( 1)00 + T1e ma, ,ro1ibits t1e re(istribution o2 all e3ternal %SPF routes 4it1 tag 6 set ! 7ll routes t1at (o no matc1 clauses 10 an( 20 o2 t1e route ma, are re(istribute( 4it1 t1eir tags set to F T1e ma, ,ermits t1e re(istribution o2 all t/,e 1 e3ternal %SPF routes
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7!F Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n t1e route-ma,: route-map ospf-to-eigrp deny 10 match tag 6 match route-type external type-2 T1e (en/ clause reAects route matc1es 2rom re(istribution "2 se*eral matc7 comman(s are ,resent in a clause; all must succee( 2or a gi*en route in or(er 2or t1at route to matc1 t1e clause =in ot1er 4or(s; t1e logical 7N+ algorit1m is a,,lie( 2or multi,le matc1 comman(s> "n t1is :uestion; bot1 t1e Kmatc1 tag 6N an( Kmatc1 route-t/,e e3ternal t/,e2N must be matc1e( 2or t1is route to be (enie( -G 7 is correct "2 a matc1 comman( is not ,resent; all routes matc1 t1e clause "n t1is :uestion; all routes t1at reac1 clause &0 matc1 an( t1eir tags are set to - -G ! is correct "2 a route is not matc1e( 4it1 clause 10 or 20 t1en it 4ill be matc1e( 4it1 clause &0 2or sure -G F is correct Note: $oute-ma,s t1at are a,,lie( to re(istribution be1a*e t1e same 4a/ as 78Ls: i2 t1e route (oes not matc1 an/ clause in a route-ma, t1en t1e route re(istribution is (enie(; as i2 t1e route-ma, containe( (en/ statement at t1e en( =$e2erence: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-04791)( s1tml >

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P 1as been con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 01at

a((itional con2iguration statement s1oul( be inclu(e( on router $4 to a(*ertise a (e2ault route to its neig1bors6 7 R4(config)# ip default-network ' R4(config)# ip route 8 R4(config)# ip route + R4(config-router)# default-information originate
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e Ki, (e2ault-net4or5 L comman( 4ill (irect ot1er routers to sen( its un5no4n tra22ic to t1is net4or5 %t1er router =$1;$2;$&> 4ill in(icate t1is net4or5 as t1e K#ate4a/ o2 last resortL T1ere is anot1er 4a/ to route un5no4n tra22ic to 10 1 1 0<24 net4or5: create a static route using Ki, route 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 1 2N comman( t1en inAect t1is route using t1e Knet4or5 0 0 0 0N comman(; or using Kre(istribute staticL comman( Note: "n !"#$P; (e2ault routes cannot be (irectl/ inAecte( =as t1e/ can in %SPF 4it1 t1e (e2ault-in2ormation originate comman( 7lso; !"#$P (oes not 1a*e t1e K(e2aultin2ormation originateL comman(>

"nto 41ic1 t4o t/,es o2 areas 4oul( an area bor(er router =7'$> inAect a (e2ault route6 =81oose t4o > 7 t1e autonomous s/stem o2 a (i22erent interior gate4a/ ,rotocol ="#P> ' area 0 8 totall/ stubb/ + NSS7 ! stub F t1e autonomous s/stem o2 an e3terior gate4a/ ,rotocol =!#P>
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'ot1 stub area M totall/ stubb/ area allo4 an 7'$ to inAect a (e2ault route T1e main (i22erence bet4een t1ese 2 t/,es o2 areas is: P Stub area re,laces LS7 T/,e ) =!3ternal LS7 O create( b/ an 7S'$ to a(*ertise net4or5 2rom anot1er autonomous s/stem> 4it1 a (e2ault route P Totall/ stubb/ area re,laces bot1 LS7 T/,e ) an( LS7 T/,e & =Summar/ LS7 O create( b/ an 7'$ to a(*ertise net4or5 2rom ot1er areas; but still 4it1in t1e 7S; sometimes calle( interarea routes> 4it1 a (e2ault route 'elo4 summari9es t1e LS7 T/,es allo4e( an( not allo4e( in area t/,es:

01ic1 t1ree restrictions a,,l/ to %SPF stub areas6 =81oose t1ree > 7 No *irtual lin5s are allo4e( ' T1e area cannot be a bac5bone area 8 $e(istribution is not allo4e( unless t1e ,ac5et is c1ange( to a t/,e 7 ,ac5et + T1e area 1as no more t1an 10 routers ! No autonomous s/stem bor(er routers are allo4e( F "nterarea routes are su,,resse(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 221

01at are t1e t4o reasons 2or t1e a,,earance o2 0 0 0 0 as t1e ne3t 1o, 2or a net4or5 in t1e s1o4 i, bg, comman( out,ut6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1e net4or5 4as originate( *ia re(istribution o2 an interior gate4a/ ,rotocol into '#P ' T1e net4or5 4as (e2ine( b/ a static route 8 T1e net4or5 4as originate( *ia a net4or5 or aggregate comman( + T1e net4or5 4as learne( *ia !'#P ! T1e net4or5 4as learne( *ia "'#P
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# @ou can rea( m/ '#P Summar/ $oute to

see Kt1e net4or5 4as originate( *ia a

net4or5 or aggregate comman(L 1as t1e ne3t 1o, o2 0 0 0 0 "n s1ort; t1e router on 41ic1 /ou use t1e Knet4or5L or KaggregateL comman( 4ill set t1e ne3t 1o, o2 0 0 0 0 2or t1at route 7bout re(istribution ,lease re2er to t1e Bn(erstan(ing $e(istribution o2 %SPF $outes into '#P: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-0094&c) s1tml /ou 4ill see a2ter t1e net4or5 2 0 0 0 1as been re(istribute( in '#P it 1as t1e ne3t 1o, o2 0000

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t4o statements are true about t1e ,artial con2iguration t1at is ,ro*i(e(6 =81oose t4o > 7 7ll t1e con2igure( neig1bors are in autonomous s/stem 100 ' T1e ,eer grou, s1ortens t1e "'#P con2iguration 8 T1e ,eer grou, s1ortens t1e !'#P con2iguration + %nl/ t1e outgoing 2ilters are a,,lie( to '#P u,(ates ! T1ree 7S-,at1 2ilters are a,,lie( to eac1 '#P neig1bor
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1is is an "'#P ,eer grou, because t1e 7S numbers in Krouter bg, ]7S number^L an(

Kneig1bor internal remote-as ]7S number^ are t1e same -G 7 is correct 7 '#P ,eer grou, re(uces t1e loa( on s/stem resources b/ allo4ing t1e routing table to be c1ec5e( onl/ once; an( u,(ates to be re,licate( to all ,eer grou, members instea( o2 being (one in(i*i(uall/ 2or eac1 ,eer in t1e ,eer grou, "n a((ition; a '#P ,eer grou, also sim,li2ies t1e '#P con2iguration -G ' is correct T1is is t1e ,rocess o2 creating a ,eer-grou, =use( t1e out,ut abo*e>: [ust one t1ing to notice is t1e last comman( Kneig1bor 171 69 2&2 )) 2ilter-list & inL in(icates t1e 2ilter-list & 4ill be a,,lie( 2or neig1bor 171 69 2&2 )) 41ile ot1er neig1bors 4ill be a,,lie( 2ilter-list 2 as t1e inboun( 2ilter-list =all neig1bors use outboun( 2ilter-list 1>

01at are t4o rules 2or com,acting "P*6 a((resses6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1e ma3imum number o2 times a (ouble colon can re,lace a 16-bit segment t1at consists o2 all 9eroes is t4o ' T1e lea(ing 9eroes in an/ 16-bit segment (o not 1a*e to be 4ritten 8 !*er/ 16-bit segment t1at consists o2 all 9eroes can be re,resente( 4it1 a single colon + T1e trailing 9eroes in an/ 16-bit segment (o not 1a*e to be 4ritten ! 7n/ single; continuous string o2 one or more 16-bit segments t1at consists o2 all 9eroes can be re,resente( 4it1 a (ouble colon F T4o 9eroes in t1e mi((le o2 an/ 16-bit segment (o not 1a*e to be 4ritten
o!!ect Ans"e!# '! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 224

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t4o statements are correct6 =81oose t4o > 7 7ll si3 routes 4ill be installe( in t1e routing table ' T4o routes 4ill be installe( in t1e routing table 8 Four routes 4ill be installe( in t1e routing table + 7ll t1e routes 4ere re(istribute( into '#P 2rom an "#P ! 7ll t1e routes 4ere originate( b/ '#P 4it1 t1e net4or5 comman(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8+ Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

%nl/ t1e *ali( M best routes =re,resente( b/ QG> 4ill be installe( into t1e routing table -G 8 is correct 7ll t1e routes 4ere re(istribute( into '#P 2rom an "#P so 4e 4ill see a ne3t 1o, o2 0 0 0 0 -G + is correct For more in2ormation about t1is t/,e o2 re(istribution ,lease rea(
1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<

BS<tec1<t5&6)<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-0094&c) s1tml QUESTION 22/

$e2er to t1e out,ut 01at "%S comman( ,ro(uces t1is out,ut6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 show ip ospf ' show ip ospf interface 8 show ipv6 ospf interface + show ipv6 ospf
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 226

01at is t1e (i22erence bet4een t1e "P*6 a((resses ::<0 an( ::<12-6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 ::<0 is t1e uns,eci2ie( a((ress; an( ::<12- is t1e multicast a((ress ' ::<0 is t1e unicast a((ress; an( ::<12- is t1e an/cast a((ress 8 ::<0 is t1e unicast a((ress; an( ::<12- is t1e multicast a((ress + ::<0 is t1e an/cast a((ress; an( ::<12- s t1e multicast a((ress ! ::<0 is t1e (e2ault route; an( ::<12- is t1e uns,eci2ie( a((ress F ::<0 is t1e an/cast a((ress; an( ::<12- is t1e (e2ault a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 222

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer $T7 is t1e 1ub router 2or routers $T' an( $T8 T1e Frame $ela/ net4or5 is con2igure( 4it1 !"#$P; an( t1e entire net4or5 is in autonomous s/stem 1 .o4e*er; router $T' an( $T8 are not recei*ing eac1 ot1erIs routes 01at is t1e solution6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 8on2igure t1e auto-summary comman( un(er router eigrp 1 on router $T7 ' "ssue t1e no ip split horizon comman( on router $T7 8 8on2igure sub inter2aces on t1e s,o5e routers an( assign (i22erent "P a((ress subnets 2or eac1 sub inter2ace + 81ec5 an( c1ange t1e access lists on router $T7 ! "ssue t1e no ip split horizon eigrp 1 comman( on router $T7 F 8on2igure a (istribute list on router $T7 t1at allo4s it to a(*ertise all routes to t1e s,o5e routers
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$T' an( $T8 cannot see eac1 ot1er because o2 t1e s,lit 1ori9on rule: K7 router ne*er sen(s in2ormation about a route bac5 in same (irection 41ic1 is original in2ormation

cameL To o*ercome t1is ,roblem 4e can con2igure subinter2aces or (isable s,lit 1ori9on 4it1 t1e comman( Kno i, s,lit 1ori9on eigr, 1N on $T7

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n t1e basis o2 t1e in2ormation in t1e e31ibit; 41ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1e out,ut 4as generate( b/ entering t1e s1o4 i, bg, comman( on t1e "SP router ' T1e out,ut 4as generate( b/ entering t1e s1o4 i, bg, comman( on t1e San[ose1 router 8 T1e serial 0<0<1 inter2ace on t1e "SP router 1as been con2igure( 4it1 t1e set metric )0 comman( + T1e serial 0<0<1 inter2ace on t1e "SP router 1as been con2igure( 4it1 t1e set metric 7) comman( ! 01en tra22ic is sent 2rom t1e "SP to autonomous s/stem 64)12; t1e tra22ic 4ill be 2or4ar(e( to San[ose1 because o2 t1e lo4er C!+ *alue o2 San[ose1 F 01en tra22ic is sent 2rom t1e "SP to autonomous s/stem 64)12; t1e tra22ic 4ill be 2or4ar(e( to San[ose2 because o2 t1e 1ig1er C!+ *alue o2 San[ose2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7! Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e out,ut; 4e notice t1at t1e Klocal router "+L is 192 16- 100 1 41ic1 is an inter2ace on "SP router -G 7 is correct T1e show ip bgp comman( is use( to (is,la/ entries in t1e 'or(er #ate4a/ Protocol ='#P> routing table Culti-!3it +iscriminator =C!+> is use( 41en 4e 1a*e multi,le entr/ ,oints =connections> to anot1er 7S 7 lo4er C!+ *alue is ,re2erre( o*er a 1ig1er *alue Notice t1at t1e com,arison bet4een t1e C!+ onl/ occurs i2 t1e 2irst 7S is t1e same in t4o =or more> ,at1s "n t1is :uestion; t1e 2irst 7S is 64)12 41ic1 is t1e same -G t1e com,arison can occur From t1e out,ut; 4e learn t1at "SP router is recei*ing t1e 172 16 0 0 net4or5 2rom San[ose1 =192 16- 1 6> 4it1 a metric o2 )0 an( 2rom San[ose2 =192 16- 1 2> 4it1 a metric o2 7) 7lso note t1at '#P 1as c1osen t1e best ,at1 192 16- 1 6 to t1e 172 16 0 0 net4or5 =t1e KGL in(icates it is t1e best ,at1> T1e 0eig1t; Local Pre2erence =LocPr2> an(

7S-Pat1 *alues bet4een t4o ne3t 1o,s =192 16- 1 2 M 192 16- 1 6> are t1e same so 4e can (e(uce t1e tra22ic 2rom "SP is sent 2rom t1e "SP to San[ose1 because o2 t1e lo4er C!+ *alue Note: 7n entr/ o2 0 0 0 0 in t1e KNe3t .o,L in(icates t1at t1e router 1as some non-'#P routes to t1is net4or5

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n t1e basis o2 t1e con2iguration t1at is ,ro*i(e(; 1o4 4oul( t1e '#P u,(ates t1at come 2rom router $1 be re,licate( insi(e autonomous s/stem 6)2006 7 7ll '#P u,(ates t1at are recei*e( on router $2 4ill be sent to routers $& an( $4 $outers $& an( $4 4ill t1en 2or4ar( t1ose '#P u,(ates to router $) ' 7ll '#P u,(ates t1at are recei*e( on router $2 4ill not be sent to routers $& an( $4 8 7ll '#P u,(ates t1at are recei*e( on router $2 4ill be sent (irectl/ to router $) + None o2 t1e '#P u,(ates t1at are recei*e( on router $2 4ill e*er be recei*e( b/ router $)
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7ll '#P u,(ates t1at are recei*e( on router $2 4ill be sent to routers $& an( $4 but $& M $4 4ill not 2or4ar( t1ose '#P u,(ates to $) T1is is calle( t1e '#P s,lit1ori9on rule =41ic1 states t1at a route learne( 2rom one "'#P neig1bor 4ill not be a(*ertise( to anot1er "'#P neig1bor> -G 7 is not correct T1e '#P u,(ates recei*e( on router $2 4ill be sent to $& an( $4 4it1out *iolating t1e '#P s,lit-1ori9on rule because $2 recei*es u,(ates 2rom an !'#P =$1>; not "'#P -G ' is not correct From t1e con2iguration o2 $2; 4e learn t1at $2 (i( not establis1 neig1bor relations1i, 4it1 $) so t1e/ are not neig1bors -G no '#P u,(ates 4ill be sent 2rom $2 to $) -G 8 is not correct T1e '#P s,lit-1ori9on rule ,re*ents u,(ates recei*e( on $2 2rom being sent to $) -G + is correct

7 router 1as t4o ,at1s to reac1 anot1er net4or5 in a (i22erent autonomous s/stem

Neit1er route 4as generate( b/ t1e local router an( bot1 routes 1a*e t1e same (e2ault 4eig1t an( local ,re2erence *alues 01ic1 statement is true about 1o4 '#P 4oul( select t1e best ,at16 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "2 t1e comman( bg, al4a/s-com,are-me( 1as been gi*en; t1en t1e router 4ill ,re2er t1e route 4it1 t1e 1ig1est C!+ ' T1e router 4ill ,re2er t1e route 4it1 t1e lo4er C!+ 8 T1e router 4ill ,re2er t1e s1ortest autonomous s/stem ,at1 + To in2luence one route to be ,re2erre(; its (e2ault local ,re2erence *alue 4ill be c1ange( *ia t1e use o2 t1e comman( bg, (e2ault local-,re2erence )0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n t1e $oute selection (ecision ,rocess; i2 t1e 4eig1t; local ,re2erence M route originate( are t1e same t1en t1e s1ortest 7S ,at1 4ill be c1osen T1e 2ull $oute selection (ecision ,rocess is liste( belo4: 1 Pre2er 1ig1est 4eig1t =local to router> 2 Pre2er 1ig1est local ,re2erence =global 4it1in 7S> & Pre2er route originate( b/ t1e local router =ne3t 1o, U 0 0 0 0> 4 Pre2er s1ortest 7S ,at1 ) Pre2er lo4est origin co(e ="#P Z !#P > 6 Pre2er lo4est C!+ =e3c1ange( bet4een autonomous s/stems> 7 Pre2er !'#P ,at1 o*er "'#P ,at1 - Pre2er t1e ,at1 t1roug1 t1e closest "#P neig1bor ="#P cost> 9 Pre2er ol(est route 2or !'#P ,at1s 10 Pre2er t1e ,at1 4it1 t1e lo4est neig1bor '#P router "+ 11 Pre2er t1e ,at1 4it1 t1e lo4est neig1bor "P a((ress

.o4 is aut1entication 1an(le( 4it1 %SPF*&6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 %SPF*& 2or "P*6 aut1entication is su,,orte( b/ S.7-1 aut1entication ' %SPF*& 2or "P*6 aut1entication is su,,orte( b/ C+) aut1entication 8 %SPF*& 2or "P*6 aut1entication is su,,orte( b/ "P*6 "Psec + %SPF*& 2or "P*6 aut1entication is su,,orte( b/ "P*4 "Psec
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 232

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer $T-1 c1ooses one ,at1 to net4or5 19- 1&& 219 0<24 "n(icate t1e reason $outer $T-1 c1ooses t1is EbestE ,at1 RT-1# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for version 75 Paths: (2 available, best#1, table Default-IP-RoutingTable) Advertised to update-groups

! 5005 7007 31250 (meteric 782) from Origin IGP, metric 2100, localpref 100, valid. internal, best 3003 6006 31250 from Origin incomplete, metric 2500, localpref 100, valid, external 7 "n ma5ing its (ecision about t1e best ,at1; $T-1 gi*es ,rece(ence to t1e origin co(e ' "n ma5ing its (ecision about t1e best ,at1; $T-1 gi*es ,rece(ence to t1e '#P C!+ *alues 8 "P a((ress 12- 107 2 2 is lo4er t1an 12- 107 2)) 2 + "n ma5ing its (ecision about t1e best ,at1; $T-1 ,re2ers t1e "#P metrics ! $T-1 ,re2ers internal '#P routes F "P a((ress 12- 107 2)4 2 is lo4er t1an 12- 107 2)) 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$ecall t1e route selection (ecision ,rocess in '#P: 8onsi(er onl/ =s/nc1roni9e(> routes 4it1 no 7S loo,s an( a *ali( ne3t 1o,; an( t1en:

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outer $T-1 an( router $T-2 bot1 a(*ertise net4or5 1&1 2) 0 0<16 to router $T-& *ia internal '#P 01at is t1e reason t1at router $T-& c1ose router $T-1 as its best ,at1 to net4or5 1&1 2) 0 0<16 RT-1# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for version 14 Paths: (2 available, best#2, table Default-IP-RoutingTable) Not advertised to any peer 5005 7007 31250 (meteric 782) from Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal 3003 6006 31250 (meteric 782) from Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best 7 "t a(*ertises t1e best 7S-,at1 ' "t a(*ertises t1e best origin co(e 8 "t a(*ertises t1e best C!+ + "t a(*ertises t1e best local ,re2erence ! "t 1as a better router "+ F "t a(*ertises a lo4er autonomous s/stem
o!!ect Ans"e!# !

Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

$ecall t1e route selection (ecision ,rocess in '#P: 8onsi(er onl/ =s/nc1roni9e(> routes 4it1 no 7S loo,s an( a *ali( ne3t 1o,; an( t1en:

Bsing t1e rules 2or "P*6 a((ressing; 1o4 can t1e a((ress 20&1:0000:240F:0000:0000:0980:12&7:121' be re4ritten6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 20&1:0:240F::0980:12&7:121' ' 20&1::240F::0980:12&7:121' 8 20&1::240F:980::12&7:121' + 20&1::240F:::0980:12&7:121'
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 23/

01at t4o situations coul( re:uire t1e use o2 multi,le routing ,rotocols6 =81oose t4o> 7 41en using BN"D 1ost-base( routers ' 41en smaller broa(cast (omains are (esire( 8 because 1a*ing multi,le routing ,rotocols con2uses 1ac5ers + 41en migrating 2rom an ol(er "nterior #ate4a/ Protocol ="#P> to a ne4 "#P ! 41en all e:ui,ment is manu2acture( b/ 8isco F 41en t1ere are multi,le ,at1s to (estination net4or5s
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 236

+uring '#P con2iguration on a router t1at 1as ,eere( 4it1 ot1er '#P s,ea5ers; t1e '#P comman( aggregate-a((ress 172 &2 0 0 2)) 2)) 2)2 0 is issue( .o4e*er; t1e ,eers (o not recei*e t1is aggregate net4or5 in '#P a(*ertisements 7lso; t1e router (oes not 1a*e t1is aggregate net4or5 in its '#P table 01ic1 o,tion in(icates a ,ossible reason t1is comman( (i( not cause t1e router to a(*ertise t1e aggregate net4or5 to its ,eers6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 "nter2ace NBLL 0 is li5el/ s1ut(o4n ' T1e '#P comman( no s/nc1roni9ation is missing 8 T1e '#P comman( no auto-summar/ is missing + Subnets o2 172 &2 0 0<22 (o not e3ist in t1e '#P table ! T1e "#P running on t1is router (oes not 1a*e net4or5 172 &2 0 0<22 installe( F T1e ne3t 1o, "P a((ress must be a loo,bac5 a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

7 rule o2 aggregation is K7ggregation a,,lies onl/ to routes t1at e3ist in t1e '#P routing table 7n aggregate( route is 2or4ar(e( i2 at least one more s,eci2ic route o2 t1e aggregation e3ists in t1e '#P routing table

$e2er to t1e e31ibit !"#$P is con2igure( on all routers in t1e net4or5 %n a basis o2 t1e s1o4 i, eigr, to,olog/ out,ut ,ro*i(e(; 41at conclusion can be (eri*e(6 Select t1e best res,onse R1#show ip eigrp topology <output omitted> P 1 seccussors, FD is 281600 via Connected, FastEthernet0/0 A 0 seccussors, FD is 3385160704, Q 1 replies, active 00:00:41, query-origin: Local origin Remaining replies: via, r. FastEthernet0/0 7 $outer $1 can sen( tra22ic (estine( 2or net4or5 10 6 1 0<24 out o2 inter2ace Fast!t1ernet0<0 ' $outer $1 is 4aiting 2or a re,l/ 2rom t1e neig1bor 10 1 2 1 to t1e 1ello message sent out be2ore it (eclares t1e neig1bor unreac1able 8 $outer $1 is 4aiting 2or a re,l/ 2rom t1e neig1bor 10 1 2 1 to t1e 1ello message sent out in:uiring 2or a secon( successor to net4or5 10 6 1 0<24 + $outer $1 is 4aiting 2or a re,l/ 2rom t1e neig1bor 10 1 2 1 in res,onse to t1e :uer/ sent out about net4or5 10 6 1 0<24
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e out,ut; 4e notice t1at t1ere is an acti*e route =7> an( t1e re,l/ status 2lag =r> 4as set 7n acti*e !"#$P route is t1e state 41en a net4or5 c1ange occurs an( a 2easible successor is not 2oun( b/ a !"#$P router 2or a gi*en route =10 6 1 0<24>R an( t1e re,l/ status 2lag =r> means t1at $1\s :ueries 4ere sent out to t1e neig1bors as5ing 2or routing in2ormation to t1e 10 6 1 0<24 net4or5 but 1asn?t recei*e( a re,l/ /et T1ere2ore t1e ans4er 7 O router $1 can sen( tra22ic (estine( 2or net4or5 10 6 1 0<24 is not correct because router $1 can?t 2in( a ,at1 to t1at net4or5 7ns4ers ' an( 8 are not correct because $1 (oesn?t sen( a 1ello message but a :uer/ as5ing 2or routing in2ormation to t1e (esire( net4or5

$e2er to t1e e31ibit %n all routers in t1e net4or5; !"#$P 1as been con2igure( 2or loa( balancing across t1e t1ree lin5s .o4e*er; tra22ic (estine( 2or Net4or5 ' 2rom $1 is onl/ loa( balance( o*er ,at1s $1-$2-$) an( $1-$&-$) 01at is t1e cause o2 t1e ,roblem6 hostname R1 ! router eigrp 4 network variance 3 7 !"#$P 4ill not select more t1an t4o lin5s 2or une:ual cost ,at1 loa( balancing ' 'ecause t1e ,at1 1as a (i22erent lin5 t/,e; !"#$P 4ill not select ,at1 $1-$4$) 2or loa( balancing 8 'ecause $outer $4 is not a 2easible successor; !"#$P 4ill not select ,at1 $1-$4-$) 2or loa( balancing + !"#$P 4ill not select ,at1 $1-$4-$) 2or loa( balancing unless t1e *alue o2 t1e *ariance ,arameter is increase(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 239

7n "P*6 o*erla/ tunnel is re:uire( to communicate 4it1 isolate( "P*6 net4or5s across an "P*4 in2rastructure T1ere are currentl/ 2i*e "P*6 o*erla/ tunnel t/,es 01ic1 t1ree "P*6 o*erla/ tunnel statements are true6 =81oose t1ree > 7 %*erla/ tunnels can onl/ be con2igure( bet4een bor(er routers ca,able o2 su,,orting "P*4 an( "P*6 ' %*erla/ tunnels can be con2igure( bet4een bor(er routers or bet4een a bor(er router an( a 1ost ca,able o2 su,,orting "P*4 an( "P*6 8 8isco "%S su,,orts manual; generic; routing enca,sulation =#$!>; "P*6com,atible; 4to6; an( multi,rotocol Label S4itc1ing =CPLS> %*erla/ tunneling mec1anism + 8isco "%S su,,orts manual; generic routing enca,sulation =#$!>; "P*4com,atible; 6to4; an( "ntra-Site 7utomatic Tunnel 7((ressing Protocol ="S7T7P> o*erla/ tunneling mec1anisms ! 7 manual o*erla/ tunnel su,,orts ,oint-to-multi,oint tunnels ca,able o2 carr/ing "P*6 an( 8onnectionless Net4or5 Ser*ice =8LNS> ,ac5ets F %*erla/ tunneling enca,sulates "P*6 ,ac5ets in "P*4 ,ac5ets 2or (eli*er/ across an "P*4 in2rastructure

o!!ect Ans"e!# '+F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 290

$e2er to t1e !31ibit 01at is t1e correct con2iguration to enable router P4 to e3c1ange $"P routing u,(ates 4it1 router P1 but not 4it1 router P&6 7 P4(Config)# interface fa0/0 P4(Config-if)# neighbor P4(config-if)# passive-interface fa0/0 ' P4(config)# router rip P4(config-router)#neighbor P4(Config-router)#passive-interface fa0/0 8 P4(config)# interface fa0/0 P4(config-if)# neighbor P4(config-if)# passive interface + P4(config)# router rip P4(config-router)# neighbor no broadcast P4(config-router)# passive-interface fa0/0
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 291

01at is t1e se:uence; 2rom 2irst to last; t1at %SPF 4ill 2ollo4 41en c1oosing a router "+6 7 1 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress on an/ acti*e loo,bac5 inter2aceR 2 T1e router-i( comman( resultsR & T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e ,1/sical inter2ace ' 1 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress on an/ acti*e loo,bac5 inter2aceR 2 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e P1/sical inter2aceR & T1e router-i( comman( result 8 1 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e P1/sical inter2aceR 2 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress on an/ acti*e loo,bac5 inter2aceR & T1e router-i( comman( results + 1 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e P1/sical inter2aceR 2 T1e router-i( comman( resultR & T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e ,1/sical inter2ace ! 1 T1e router-i( comman( resultsR 2 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e P1/sical inter2aceR & T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e ,1/sical inter2ace F 1 T1e router-i( comman( resultR 2 T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress on an/ acti*e loo,bac5 inter2aceR & T1e 1ig1est "P a((ress o2 an/ acti*e ,1/sical inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# F Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 292

01ic1 t1ree statements are true 41en con2iguring re(istribution 2or %SPF6 =81oose t1ree>

7 T1e (e2ault metric is 10 ' T1e (e2ault metric is 20 8 T1e (e2ault metric t/,e is 2 + T1e (e2ault metric t/,e is 1 ! Subnets (o not re(istribute b/ (e2ault F Subnets re(istribute b/ (e2ault o!!ect Ans"e!# '8! Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 29,

7 net4or5 a(ministrator is managing a 1ub-an(-s,o5e net4or5 4it1 !"#$P routing t1at 1as been enable( T1e 1ub router is tr/ing to :uer/ a remote router .o4e*er; (ela/s are occurring t1at are cause( b/ certain ,at1s being stuc5 in acti*e =S"7> .o4 s1oul( t1e a(ministrator con2igure !"#$P in or(er to limit t1e sco,e o2 t1e :uer/ range an( ,re*ent S"7 2rom occurring6 7 8on2igure t1e 1ub router 4it1 a sco,e limit o2 1 ' 8on2igure t1e remote router 4it1 a sco,e limit o2 1 8 8on2igure t1e 1ub to in(icate t1at t1e remote router is a stub router + 8on2igure t1e 1ub an( remote router as stub routers ! 8on2igure t1e remote router as a stub router F +isable t1e S"7 2eature o2 !"#$P on t1e remote router
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 294

01at are t4o ,ossible causes 2or !"#$P Stuc5-"n-7cti*e routers6 =81oose T4o> 7 Some :uer/ or re,l/ ,ac5ets are lost bet4een t1e routers ' T1e neig1boring router starts recei*ing route u,(ates 2rom t1is router 8 7 2ailure causes tra22ic on a lin5 bet4een t4o neig1boring routers to 2lo4 in onl/ one (irection =uni(irectional lin5> + T1e neig1boring router sto,s recei*ing 78H ,ac5ets 2rom t1is router
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 29/

01en con2iguring !"#$P to run across a )6 Hb,s serial PPP lin5; 41at comman( (o /ou nee( to ,ut un(er t1e serial inter2ace ensure ,ro,er con*ergence o2 !"#$P routes6 7 bandwidth 56 ' bandwidth 56000 8 ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 1 56 + ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 1 56000
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7

Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 296

$e2er to t1e !31ibit $outers in t1e +iagram are con2igure( 4it1 !"#$P "2 $T' an( $T8 2ail; 41ic1 action 4ill $T7 ta5e 4it1 res,ect to t1e .F net4or56 7 $T7 4ill automaticall/ route ,ac5ets *ia $T+ to t1e .F net4or5 ' $T7 4ill ,lace t1e route *ia $T+ into t1e 1ol( (o4n state 8 $T7 4ill go into t1e acti*e state 2or all routers + $T7 4ill go into t1e acti*e state 2or t1e route to .F net4or5
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 292

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 intero,erabilit/ tec1ni:ue im,lemente( on t1e router 4oul( allo4 .ost-' to communicate 4it1 .ost-+6 7 +ual Stac5 ' N7T-PT 8 6to4 tunnel + #$! tunnel ! "S7T7P tunnel
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 293

$e2er to t1e e31ibit .o4 4oul( $T7 re(istribure into NSS7 an( 41at 4oul( $T' (o6 01ic1 statement is true6 hostname RTA hostname RTB ! ! router ospf 1 router ospf redistribuite rip subnets summary address network 172.16.92 0.0.0255 area 1 network area 0 area 1 nssa network area 1 area 1 nssa 7 $T7 4ill re(istribute t1e $"P routers into t1e NSS7 as t/,e 7 LS7s $T' 4ill translate t1e t/,e 7 LS7s into t/,e ) LS7s an( 2loo( t1em t1roug1out t1e %SPF bac5bone ' $T7 4ill re(istribute t1e $"P routers into t1e NSS7 as t/,e 7 LS7s $T' 4ill 2loo( t1e t/,e 7 LS7s t1roug1out t1e bac5bone 8 $T7 4ill re(istribute t1e $"P routers into t1e NSS7 as t/,e ) LS7s $T' 4ill 2loo( t1e t/,e ) LS7s t1roug1out t1e bac5bone

$T7 4ill re(istribute t1e $"P routers into t1e NSS7 as t/,e ) LS7s $T' 4ill translate t1e t/,e o2 ) LS7s unto t/,e 7 LS7s an( 2loo( t1em t1roug1out t1e %SPF bac5bone ! $T7 4ill not re(istribute t1e $"P routers into t1e NSS7
+ o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 299

T1e 8isco S7 )00 Series Securit/ 7,,liances are built s,eci2icall/ 2or businesses 4it1 less t1an 100 em,lo/ees 01at are t1ree im,ortant bene2its o2 t1is (e*ice6 =81oose t1ree> 7 business-gra(e 2ire4all ' ,remium su,,ort *ia SC7$T net 8 site-to-site VPN 2or remote o22ices + 8isco "%S so2t4are-base( ! email securit/ F DCL su,,ort
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78! Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,00

For a #$! tunnel to be u, bet4een t4o routers; 41ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing must be con2igure(6 7 Loo,bac5 "nter2ace ' "P reac1abilit/ bet4een t1e loo,bac5 inter2aces 8 +/namic $outing bet4een routers + Tunnel inter2aces must be in t1e same subnet
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5)-&<t5&72< tec1nologiesScon2igurationSe3am,le091-6a00-0094&-e s1tml 1tt,:<<444 1&c com<,ortal<Tec1nicalSSu,,ortSSS+ocuments<Tec1nicalS+ocum ents< $outers<.&8SS$--00SSeriesS$outers<8on2iguration<%,erationSCanual< .&8SS$--00S8#-$elease&&47-6010&<0)<201202<7&9624S12-)S0 1tm

$e2er to t1e to,olog/ (iagram $2 is re(istributing t1e !"#$P routers into %SPF 01at 4ill t1e !"#$P routes a,,ear in t1e routing table o2 $16 7 % ' % "7 8 % !2 + + ! + !D
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion

Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,02

01at is t1e bene2it o2 (e,lo/ing "P*6 in a cam,us net4or5 using (ual stac5 mo(e6 7 +ual Stac5 Co(e ta5es a(*antage o2 "P*6 o*er "P*4 tunnel 4it1in a net4or5 ' "P*4 an( "P*6 run alongsi(e one anot1er an( 1a*e no (e,en(enc/ on eac1 ot1er to 2unction 8 "P*4 an( "P*6 s1are net4or5 resources + "P*6 can (e,en( on e3isting "P*4 routing; FoS; securit/; an( multicast ,olicies
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,0,

T1e 2ollo4ing comman( 4as issue( on $1 #i*en t1e abo*e out,ut; 41ic1 statement is true6 R1# show ip route <output omitted> C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 D [90/156160] via, 00:07:46, FastEthernet0/0 D EX [170/1308160] via, 00:00:11, FastEthernet0/0 7 192 16- 1 0 is a static route ' 192 16- 1 0 is a summari9e( route 8 192 16- 1 0 is a re(istribute( route into !"#$P + 192 16- 1 0 is e:ual ,at1 loa( balancing 4it1 172 16 1 0
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,04

"n !"#$P; 41en t1e "P (e2ault-net4or5 comman( is con2igure( on a router; 41at is generate( in t1e routerIs con2iguration6 7 7 static route ' 7 (irectl/ connecte( route 8 7n !"#$P route + 7 (e2ault route
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,0/

01ic1 t4o t/,es o2 routes 4ill be a(*ertise( 4it1 t1e !"#$P con2iguration as s1o4n6 =81oose t4o > router eigrp 100 network

eigrp stub 7 static ' recei*e-onl/ 8 summar/ + stub ! connecte( F (/namic

o!!ect Ans"e!# 8! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,06

$e2er to e31ibit $1 =+$> 2aile(; an( a2ter 10 minutes it came bac5 01ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o> 7 $1 is a +$ ' $1 is a '+$ 8 $1 is a +$%T.!$ + $2 is a +$ ! $2 is a '+$ F $& is a +$%T.!$
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8+ Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,02

01ic1 t1ree 2eatures are relate( to !"#$P6 =81oose T1ree> 7 Fast 8on*ergence ' !3ternal 7(ministrati*e (istance is 100 8 Partial routing u,(ates + use( b/ ot1er *en(ors t1an 8isco ! Lin5-state ,rotocol F Su,,ort VLSC an( (iscontiguous subnets
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,03

$e2er to e31ibit T1e e31ibit s1o4s $1 to,olog/ table to reac1 192 16- 1 0<24 net4or5 01ic1 route=s> 4ill be installe( in routing table o2 $1 to reac1 net4or5 192 16- 1 0<24 a2ter con2iguring $1 4it1 t1e 2ollo4ing comman(6 Router(config-router)# variance 2 R1#show ip eigrp topology all-links ip-eigrp topolgy table for AS(1)/ID( codes: P-Passive, A-Active, U-Update, Q-Query, R-Reply, rreply status, s-sia status P 1 successors FD is 21152000, serno 4 via summary (21152000/0), Null 0 via (41024000/30118400) serial 0/0/0 P, 1 successors, FD is 21152000, serno 2 via connected serial 0/0/1

P, 1 successors, FD is 2297856, serno 6 via (2297856/39260), serial 0/0/1 via (41026560/3128695), serial 0/0/0 P, 1 successors, FD is 3523840, serno 2 via (3523840/3011840), serial 0/0/1 Se&ection o) ans"e!s do not matc7 "it7 t7e <*estion and ex7i1it. 7 $2 onl/ ' $2 an( $& 8 $2 an( $4 + $2; $& an( $4
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

Se&ection o) ans"e!s do not matc7 "it7 t7e <*estion and ex7i1it.


$e2er to t1e 2ollo4ing Router # sh ip route eigrp is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks D is a summary, 00:00:32, Null0 01at 1a,,ens to ,ac5ets t1at are 2or4ar(e( 2rom t1e 1& 0 0 0<- net4or5 to t1e Null0 inter2ace6 7 Flagge( ' 7cce,te( 8 Summari9e( + +ro,,e(
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,10

"n 41ic1 state (o +$ an( '+$ establis1 a(Aacenc/ 4it1 eac1 %SPF router in t1e net4or56 7 "nit State ' !3start State 8 !3c1ange State + Loa(ing State
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,11

7 stub area is t/,icall/ create( using 41at 5in( o2 to,olog/6 7 'roa(cast ' Point-to-,oint 8 .ub an( s,o5e + Full Ces1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,12

To con2igure 6to4 tunneling on a (ual-stac5 e(ge router 01ic1 t1ree o2 t1e 2ollo4ing are *ali( com,onents in 6to4 Tunneling con2iguration6 =81oose T1ree> 7 "P*4 Tunnel "P a((ress ' Tunnel mo(e =6to4> 8 Tunnel Hee,ali*es + "P*4 Tunnel +estination ! "P*4 Tunnel Source F 6to4 "P*6 a((ress =4it1in 2002::<16>
o!!ect Ans"e!# '!F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,1,

01ic1 t4o among t1e 2ollo4ing are use( to in(icate e3ternal t/,e o2 route in routing table6 =81oose t4o > 7 + !D ' % "7 8 % !2 + $ !2 ! i L2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,14

01at t4o 2eatures are bene2its o2 using #$! tunnels 4it1 "Psec o*er using "Psec tunnel alone 2or buil(ing site-to-site VPNs6 =81oose t4o > 7 allo4s (/namic routing securel/ o*er t1e tunnel ' "H! 5ee,ali*es are uni(irectional an( sent e*er/ ten secon(s 8 re(uces "Psec 1ea(ers o*er1ea( since tunnel mo(e is use( + su,,orts non-"P tra22ic o*er t1e tunnel ! uses Virtual Tunnel "nter2ace =VT"> to sim,li2/ t1e "Psec VPN con2iguration
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,1/

01ic1 statement is true about an "Psec<#$! tunnel6 7 T1e #$! tunnel source an( (estination a((resses are s,eci2ie( 4it1in t1e "Psec trans2orm set ' 7n "Psec<#$! tunnel must use "Psec tunnel mo(e 8 #$! enca,sulation occurs be2ore t1e "Psec encr/,tion ,rocess + 8r/,to ma, 78L is not nee(e( to matc1 41ic1 tra22ic 4ill be ,rotecte(
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,16

01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing is a #$! Tunnel c1aracteristic6 7 #$! im,ose more 8PB o*er1ea( t1an "PSec on VPN gate4a/s

#$! tunnels can run t1roug1 "Psec tunnels #$! Tunnel (oesnIt 1a*e su,,ort 2or "P*6 #$! consists o2 t4o sub-,rotocols: !nca,sulate( Securit/ Pa/loa( =!SP> an( 7ut1entication .ea(er =7.>
' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,12

01at are t1e 2our main ste,s in con2iguring a #$! tunnel o*er "Psec on 8isco routers6 =81oose Four> 7 8on2igure a ,1/sical inter2ace or create a loo,bac5 inter2ace to use as t1e tunnel en(,oint ' 8reate t1e #$! tunnel inter2aces 8 7(( t1e tunnel inter2aces to t1e routing ,rocess so t1at it e3c1anges routing u,(ates across t1at inter2ace + 7(( t1e tunnel subnet to t1e routing ,rocess so t1at it e3c1anges routing u,(ates across t1at inter2ace ! 7(( all subnets to t1e cr/,to access-list; so t1at "Psec encr/,ts t1e #$! tunnel tra22ic F 7(( #$! tra22ic to t1e cr/,to access-list; so t1at "Psec encr/,ts t1e #$! tunnel tra22ic
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'+F Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,13

7 net4or5 a(ministrator uses #$! o*er "PSec to connect t4o branc1es toget1er *ia VPN tunnel 01ic1 one o2 t1e 2ollo4ing is t1e reason 2or using #$! o*er "PSec6 7 #$! o*er "PSec ,ro*i(es better FoS mec1anism an( is 2aster t1an ot1er 07N tec1nologies ' #$! o*er "PSec (ecreases t1e o*er1ea( o2 t1e 1ea(er 8 #$! su,,orts use o2 routing ,rotocol; 41ile "PSec su,,orts encr/,tion + #$! su,,orts encr/,tion; 41ile "PSec su,,orts use o2 routing ,rotocol
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,19

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at 4ill $T' (o 4it1 a ,ac5et source( 2rom 4it1in 7S 64200 4it1 a (estination a((ress o2 192 16- 2) 16

"t 4ill be (ro,,e( because net4or5 192 16- 2) 0 is not in t1e $T7 routing table ' "t 4ill be (ro,,e( because net4or5 192 16- 2) 0 is not in t1e $T' routing table 8 "t 4ill be 2or4ar(e( to t1e null 0 inter2ace o2 $T' an( (ro,,e( + "t 4ill be 2or4ar(e( to t1e $T' 192 16- 2) 0 net4or5
7 o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,20

For "P*6; 41at term or ,1rase best (escribes a t/,e 9 LS7 in %SPF6 7 router LS7 ' "ntra-area ,re2i3 LS7 8 lin5 LS7 + "nterarea ,re2i3 LS7 2or 7'$s
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,21

01at action (oes an !"#$P router ta5e 41en it cannot 2in( a 2easible successor 2or a net4or56 7 "t e3amines t1e routing an( neig1bor tables 2or t1e ne3t best ,at1 ' "t transitions 2rom ,assi*e to acti*e state 2or t1at net4or5 an( :ueries its neig1bors 8 "t e3amines t1e to,olog/ table 2or a ne3t best ,at1 + "t transitions 2rom acti*e to ,assi*e state 2or t1at net4or5 an( :ueries its neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,22

'ase( on t1e e31ibite( comman( out,ut; 41ic1 t4o statements are true6 =81oose t4o > 7 T1e !"#$P net4or5 is stable ' T1e router at 10 1 1 & 1as not re,lie( to t1e $1 :uer/ ,ac5et 8 T1e route to 172 19 0 0<16 is un(ergoing recom,utation + T1e route to 172 19 0 0<16 is stuc5-in-acti*e ! $1 1as sent a :uer/ ,ac5et to 10 1 1 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,2,

#i*en t1e abo*e %SPF net4or5; 41ic1 comman( 4ill $T' use to summari9e routes 2or t1e 192 16- 16 0<22 su,ernet be2ore inAecting t1em into 7rea 06 7 area 10 range ' summary-address 8 ip summary-address ospf 101 + area 0 range

ip summary-address area 0

o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e a!ea !an+e comman( is use( onl/ 4it1 7rea 'or(er $outers =7'$s> 41ic1 is router $T' in t1is e3aml,le QUESTION ,24

01ic1 t4o statements are true about e3ternal '#P neig1bor relations1i,s6 =81oose t4o > 7 Static routes or an interior gate4a/ ,rotocol is re:uire( bet4een !'#P neig1bors ' !'#P neig1bors must be in (i22erent autonomous s/stems 8 !'#P neig1bors use T8P ,ort 179 to e3c1ange '#P routing tables + Loo,bac5 a((resses s1oul( be use( bet4een !'#P neig1bors ! T1e '#P s,lit-1ori9on rule s,eci2ies t1at routes learne( *ia "'#P are ne*er ,ro,agate( to ot1er !'#P ,eers F 01en an !'#P neig1bor recei*es an u,(ate 2rom anot1er !'#P neig1bor; it s1oul( not 2or4ar( t1e u,(ate to ot1er !'#P neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,2/

T1e comman( bg, al4a/s-com,are-me( is a((e( to a router con2iguration 01at 4ill t1is comman( accom,lis16 7 2orces t1e router to com,are metrics o2 routes 2rom (i22erent autonomous s/stems ' 2orces t1e router to com,are t1e local ,re2erence o2 routes 2rom (i22erent autonomous s/stems 8 2orces t1e router to com,are t1e 4eig1t o2 routes 2rom (i22erent autonomous s/stems + 2orces t1e router to com,are t1e communities o2 routes 2rom (i22erent autonomous s/stems
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,26

01ic1 s1o4 comman( 4ill (is,la/ t1e t4o *alues use( in t1e calculation o2 t1e !"#$P metric6 7 s1o4 ,rotocol ' s1o4 i, eigr, inter2ace 8 s1o4 inter2ace + s1o4 i, eigr, neig1bor
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($

Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,22

01ic1 comman( 4oul( (is,la/ %SPF ,arameters suc1 as 2ilters; (e2ault metric; ma3imum ,at1s; an( number o2 areas con2igure( on a router6 7 show ip protocol ' show ip route 8 show ip ospf interface + show ip ospf
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,23

$e2er to t1e e31ibit "2 t1e con2iguration s1o4n belo4 is a((e( to $T7; 41ic1 t1ree route entries 4ill !"#$P a(*ertise to neig1boring routers6=81oose t1ree > router eigrp 10 network eigrp stub RTA#show ip route .... C is directly connected, Serial2 D [90/10537472] via, 00:23:24, Serial1 D is a summary, 00:23:20, Null0 C is directly connected, Serial1 S is directly connected, Ethernet0 7 10 1 & 0<24 ' 10 1 2 0<24 8 10 0 0 0<+ 10 1 1 0<24 ! 192 16- 20 0<24
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,29

$e2er to t1e net4or5 to,olog/ (iagram s1o4n in t1e e31ibit T1e routing table o2 $& contains all t1e ,ro,er %SPF routes e3ce,t t1e 10 4 4 0<24 %SPF route 01ic1 s1o4 comman( on $& 4ill be t1e most use2ul to (etermine t1e cause o2 t1is ,roblem an( 41/6 7 Per2orm s1o4 i, os,2 *irtual-lin5 to e3amine i2 t1e *irtual lin5 bet4een $& an( $4 is con2igure( an( in t1e u, state ' Per2orm s1o4 run to e3amine i2 area & is con2igure( as a stubb/ area 8 Per2orm s1o4 run to e3amine i2 area & is con2igure( as a nssa area + Per2orm s1o4 i, os,2 neig1bor to e3amine 41ic1 router is electe( as t1e +$ on t1e e2 inter2ace ! Per2orm s1o4 i, os,2 (atabase to e3amine t1e %SPF (atabase entries
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7

Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,,0

$e2er to t1e e31ibit Net4or5 a(ministrators 1a*e set u, a 1ub an( s,o5e to,olog/ 4it1 re(un(ant connections using !"#$P .o4e*er; t1e/ are concerne( t1at a net4or5 outage bet4een $outer $1 an( $outer $2 4ill cause tra22ic 2rom t1e 10 1 1 3 net4or5 to t1e 10 1 2 3 net4or5 to tra*erse t1e remote o22ice lin5s an( o*er41elm t1em 01at comman( s1oul( be use( to con2igure t1e s,o5e routers as !"#$P stub routers t1at 4ill not a(*ertise connecte( net4or5s; static routes; or summar/ a((resses6 7 eigr, stub ' eigr, stub recei*e-onl/ 8 eigr, stub connecte( static + no eigr, stub connecte( static ! No a((itional comman( is nee(e( be/on( a (e2ault !"#$P con2iguration
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# 7 router t1at is con2igure( as a stub 4it1 t1e ei+!p st*1 comman( s1ares connecte( an( summar/ routing in2ormation 4it1 all neig1bor routers b/ (e2ault Four o,tional 5e/4or(s can be use(: receiveonly, connected, static an( summary in an/ combinations e3ce,t t1e receive-only 5e/4or( T1e receive-only 5e/4or( 4ill restrict t1e router 2rom s1aring an/ o2 its routes 4it1 an/ ot1er router in t1at !"#$P autonomous s/stem; an( t1e receive-only 5e/4or( 4ill not ,ermit an/ ot1er o,tions to be s,eci2ie( because it ,re*ents an/ t/,e o2 route to be sent T1e connected 5e/4or( 4ill ,ermit t1e !"#$P Stub $outing 2eature to sen( connecte( routes "2 t1e connecte( routes are not co*ere( b/ a net4or5 statement; it ma/ be necessar/ to re(istribute connecte( routes 4it1 t1e !edist!i1*te connected comman( un(er t1e !"#$P ,rocess T1is o,tion is enable( b/ (e2ault T1e static 5e/4or( 4ill ,ermit t1e !"#$P Stub $outing 2eature to sen( static routes 0it1out t1e con2iguration o2 t1is o,tion; !"#$P 4ill not sen( an/ static routes; inclu(ing internal static routes t1at normall/ 4oul( be automaticall/ re(istribute( "t 4ill be necessar/ to re(istribute static routes 4it1 t1e !edist!i1*te static comman( T1e summary 5e/4or( 4ill ,ermit t1e !"#$P Stub $outing 2eature to sen( summar/ routes Summar/ routes can be create( manuall/ 4it1 t1e s*mma!= add!ess comman( or automaticall/ at a maAor net4or5 bor(er 4it1 t1e a*to-s*mma!= command eneble( T1is o,tion is enable( b/ (e2ault QUESTION ,,1

01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing are met1o(s !"#$P uses to initiall/ ,o,ulate =see(> its !"#$P to,olog/ table; be2ore learning to,olog/ (ata 2rom neig1bors6 =81oose t4o >

'/ a((ing all subnets liste( b/ t1e s1o4 i, route connecte( comman( '/ a((ing t1e subnets o2 4or5ing inter2aces o*er 41ic1 static neig1bors 1a*e been (e2ine( 8 '/ a((ing subnets re(istribute( on t1e local router 2rom anot1er routing source + '/ a((ing all subnets liste( b/ t1e s1o4 i, route static comman(
7 ' o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# %t1er t1an t1e t4o liste( correct ans4ers; t1e local router also a((s connecte( routes 2or 41ic1 t1e net4or5 comman( matc1es t1r corres,on(ing inter2aces; so it ma/ not a(( connecte( routes 7lso; !"#$P (oes not a(( static routes to t1e !"#$P to,olog/ table; unless t1ose routes are re(istribute( QUESTION ,,2

7n engineer 1as a((e( t1e 2ollo4ing con2iguration sni,,et to an im,lementation ,lanning (ocument T1e con2iguration 4ill be a((e( to $outer $1; 41ose Fa0<0 inter2ace connects to a L7N to 41ic1 $outers $2 an( $& also connect $2 an( $& are alrea(/ !"#$P neig1bors 4it1 eac1 ot1er 7ssuming t1e sni,,et s1o4s all comman(s on $1 relate( to !"#$P aut1entication; 41ic1 ans4er lists an a,,ro,riate comment to be ma(e (uring t1e im,lementation ,lan ,eer re*ie46 key chain fred key 3 key-string whehew interface fa0/0 ip authentication key-chain eigrp 9 fred 7 T1e con2iguration is missing one aut1entication-relate( con2iguration comman( ' T1e con2iguration is missing t4o aut1entication-relate( con2iguration comman(s 8 7ut1entication t/,e 9 is not su,,orte(R t/,e ) s1oul( be use( instea( + T1e 5e/ numbers must begin 4it1 5e/ 1; so c1ange t1e 5e/ & comman( to 5e/ 1
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# T1e con2iguration re:uires t1e i, aut1entication mo(e eigr, asn m() comman(; 41ic1 is currentl/ missing T1is comman( enables C+)-st/le aut1entication rat1er t1an t1e (e2ault o2 no aut1entication 7((ing t1is one comman( com,letes t1e con2iguration 7n/ *ali( 5e/ numbers can be use( 7lso; t1e 9 in t1e i, aut1entication 5e/-c1ain eigr, 9 2re( comman( re2ers to t1e !"#$P 7SN; not an aut1entication t/,e QUESTION ,,,

01ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing settings coul( ,re*ent t4o ,otential !"#$P neig1bors 2rom becoming neig1bors6 =81oose t4o ans4ers > 7 T1e inter2ace use( b/ one router to connect to t1e ot1er router is ,assi*e in t1e !"#$P ,rocess ' +u,licate !"#$P router "+s 8 Cismatc1e( .ol( Timers + "P a((resses o2 10 1 1 1<24 an( 10 2 2 2<24; res,ecti*el/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,,4

01at a(ministrati*e (istance is gi*en to !"#$P summar/ routes6 7 0 ' 1 8 ) + 90 ! 9) F 170

o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,,/

7 net4or5 a(ministrator is troubles1ooting an !"#$P connection bet4een $outer7; "P a((ress 10 1 2 1; an( $outer'; "P a((ress 10 1 2 2 #i*en t1e (ebug out,ut on $outer7; 41ic1 t4o statements are true6 7 $outer7 recei*e( a 1ello ,ac5et 4it1 mismatc1e( autonomous s/stem numbers ' $outer7 recei*e( a 1ello ,ac5et 4it1 mismatc1e( 1ello timers 8 $outer7 recei*e( a 1ello ,ac5et 4it1 mismatc1e( aut1entication ,arameters + $outer7 recei*e( a 1ello ,ac5et 4it1 mismatc1e( metric-calculation mec1anisms ! $outer7 4ill 2orm an a(Aacenc/ 4it1 $outer' F $outer7 4ill not 2orm an a(Aacenc/ 4it1 $outer'
o!!ect Ans"e!# +F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,,6

01ic1 con2iguration comman( is use( to enable !"#$P une:ual-cost ,at1 loa( balancing6 7 ma3imum-,at1s ' (istance 8 metric + *ariance ! (e2ault-metric
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation

Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,,2

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 one statement is true6 7 Tra22ic 2rom t1e 172 16 0 0<16 net4or5 4ill be bloc5e( b/ t1e 78L ' T1e 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 4ill not be a(*ertise( b/ $outer ' because t1e net4or5 statement 2or t1e 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 is missing 2rom $outer ' 8 T1e 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 4ill not be in t1e routing table on $outer ' + Bsers on t1e 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 can success2ull/ ,ing users on t1e 192 16- ) 0<24 net4or5; but users on t1e 192 16- ) 0<24 cannot success2ull/ ,ing users on t1e 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 ! $outer ' 4ill not a(*ertise t1e 10 0 0 0<- net4or5 because it is bloc5e( b/ t1e 78L
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# "n t1is e3am,le; access-list 7 is use( to s,eci2/ 41ic1 net4or5s 4ill be a(*ertise( out t1e inter2ace on t1e (istribute list T1is 78L onl/ allo4s 2or t1e 172 16 0 0<16 to be a(*ertise( out; so 10 0 0 0<- 4ill in(ee( be 2iltere( an( 4ill not be a(*ertise( to an/ u,stream routers QUESTION ,,3

"2 t1e ,rimar/ ,at1 goes (o4n; 41at 4ill !"#$P use to reac1 a (estination6 7 a(ministrati*e (istance ' a(*ertise( successor 8 successor + 2easible successor
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,,9

To create an NSS7 totall/ stubb/ area in 7rea 1; 41at comman(s s1oul( be con2igure( on t1e NSS7 7'$6 7 router ospf 1 area 1 nssa ' router ospf 1 area 1 nssa no-summary 8 router ospf 1 area 1 nssa no-redistribution + router ospf 1 area 1 nssa default-information originate ! router ospf 1 area 1 nssa default-information originate metric-type 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,40

.o4 is t1e con2iguration o2 a totall/ stubb/ area (i22erent 2rom t1at o2 a stub area6

T1e totall/ stubb/ area re:uires t1e no-summar/ comman( on t1e 7'$ T1e totall/ stubb/ area re:uires t1e totall/ stubb/ comman( on t1e 7'$ T1e no-summar/ comman( s1oul( be inclu(e( on all routers 4it1in t1e totall/ stubb/ area + T1e totall/ stubb/ comman( s1oul( be inclu(e( on all routers 4it1in t1e totall/ stubb/ area ! T1e totall/ stubb/ area re:uires t1e no-summar/ comman( on t1e 7S'$
7 ' 8 o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,41

01ic1 t1ree statements about con2iguring %SPF in a "P*6 net4or5 are true6 =81oose t1ree > 7 %SPF *ersion 2 4ill su,,ort "P*6 ' %SPF *ersion & 4ill su,,ort "P*6 8 Culti,le instances o2 %SPF 2or "P*6 can be run on a lin5 + Net4or5s must be e3,licitl/ con2igure( using t1e net4or5 comman( in router %SPF con2iguration mo(e ! "P*4 a((resses cannot be use( as t1e router "+ in %SPF 2or "P*6 F T1e inter2ace comman( i,*6 os,2 Z,rocess-i(G area Zarea-i(G is all t1at is re:uire( to enable %SPF 2or "P*6 on an inter2ace
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8F Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,42

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01ic1 t4o statements are true about t1e router con2iguration6 =81oose t4o > <output omitted> ipv6 unicast routing interface fastethernet 0/0 ip address ipv6 address 3ffe:b00:c18:1::3/127 7 T1is con2iguration allo4s a,,lications on t1e same segment to communicate *ia "P*4 or "P*6 ' T1is con2iguration is re2erre( to as a (ual-stac5 6to4 tunnel 8 T1is con2iguration is re2erre( to as a (ual stac5 + T1is con2iguration 4ill attem,t to route ,ac5ets using "P*4 2irst; an( i2 t1at 2ails; t1en "P*6
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,4,

01en im,lementing a 6to4 tunnel; 41ic1 "P*6 a((ress is t1e correct translation o2 t1e "P*4 a((ress 192 16- 99 16 7 c0a8:6301:2002::/48 ' 2002:c0a8:6301::/48 8 2002:c0a8:6301::/8 + 2002::/16
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,44

01ic1 t1ree ste,s are most 1el,2ul in *eri2/ing ,ro,er route re(istribution6 =81oose t1ree > 7 %n t1e routers not ,er2orming t1e route re(istribution; use t1e s1o4 i, route comman( to see i2 t1e re(istribute( routes s1o4 u, ' %n t1e 7S'$ router ,er2orming t1e route re(istribution; use t1e s1o4 i, ,rotocol comman( to *eri2/ t1e re(istribution con2igurations 8 %n t1e 7S'$ router ,er2orming t1e route re(istribution; use t1e s1o4 i, route comman( to *eri2/ t1at t1e ,ro,er routes 2rom eac1 routing ,rotocol are t1ere + %n t1e routers not ,er2orming t1e route re(istribution; use t1e s1o4 i, ,rotocols comman( to *eri2/ t1e routing in2ormation sources ! %n t1e routers not ,er2orming t1e route re(istribution; use t1e (ebug i, routing comman( to *eri2/ t1e routing u,(ates 2rom t1e 7S'$
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7'8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# "n or(er to *eri2/ ,ro,er route re(istribution; use t1e Es1o4 i, routeE comman( on all routers 4it1ing t1e net4or5; as 4ell as t1e 7'S$; to *eri2/ t1at t1e routes are ,ro,erl/ being a(*ertise( to all routers "n a((ition; issuing t1e Es1o4 i, ,rotocolE can be use( on t1e router ,er2orming t1e re(istribution to *eri2/ t1at routes are being re(istribute( into eac1 ot1er QUESTION ,4/

7 router is con2igure( 2or re(istribution to a(*ertise !"#$P routes into %SPF on a boun(ar/ router #i*en t1e con2iguration: router ospf 1 redistribute eigrp 1 metric 25 subnets 01at is t1e 2unction o2 t1e 2) ,arameter in t1e re(istribute comman(6 7 "t s,eci2ies t1e see( cost to be a,,lie( to t1e re(istribute( routes ' "t s,eci2ies t1e a(ministrati*e (istance on t1e re(istribute( routes 8 "t s,eci2ies t1e metric limit o2 2) subnets in eac1 %SPF route a(*ertisement + "t s,eci2ies a ne4 ,rocess-i( to inAect t1e !"#$P routes into %SPF
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation

Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,46

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $1 an( $2 belong to t1e $"P routing (omain t1at inclu(es t1e net4or5s 10 20 0 0<16 an( 10 21 0 0<16 $& an( $4 are ,er2orming t4o-4a/ route re(istribution bet4een %SPF an( $"P 7 net4or5 a(ministrator 1as (isco*ere( t1at $2 is recei*ing %SPF routes 2or t1e net4or5s 10 20 0 0<16 an( 10 21 0 0<16 an( a routing loo, 1as occurre( 01ic1 action 4ill correct t1is ,roblem6 7 7,,l/ an inboun( 78L to t1e $2 serial inter2ace ' 81ange t1e $"P a(ministrati*e (istance on $& to 110 8 8on2igure (istribute-lists on $& an( $4 + Set t1e %SPF (e2ault metric to 20 ! 81ange t1e %SPF a(ministrati*e (istance on $& to 110
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,42

%bser*e t1e e31ibit "2 t1e comman( *ariance & 4ere a((e( to $outer !; 41ic1 ,at1 or ,at1s 4oul( be c1osen to route tra22ic to net4or5 D6 7 !-'-7 ' !-'-7 an( !-8-7 8 !-8-7 an( !-+-7 + !-'-7; !-8-7 an( !-+-7
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

'ecause $outer+ is not a 2easible successor; !"#$P 4ill not select ,at1 !-+-7 2or loa( balancing

01ic1 t1ree statements are true regar(ing !"#$P6 =81oose t1ree > 7 '/ (e2ault; !"#$P ,er2orms auto-summari9ation across class2ul net4or5 boun(aries ' !"#$P uses an area 1ierarc1/ to increase net4or5 scalabilit/ 8 To s,ee(-u, con*ergence; !"#$P attem,ts to maintain a successor an( 2easible successor ,at1 2or eac1 (estination + !"#$P uses 1ellos to establis1 neig1bor relations1i,s ! '/ (e2ault; !"#$P uses t1e +iA5stra algorit1m to (etermine t1e best ,at1 to a (estination net4or5 base( on ban(4i(t1 an( (ela/
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,49

'ase( on t1e P1$& s1o4 i, bg, out,ut; 41ic1 statement is true6

T1e best ,at1 to reac1 t1e 192 16- 11 0 ,re2i3 is *ia 10 200 200 11 T1e best ,at1 to reac1 t1e 192 16- 11 0 ,re2i3 is *ia 10 200 200 12 T1e best ,at1 to reac1 t1e 192 16- 11 0 ,re2i3 is *ia bot1 10 200 200 11 an( 10 200 200 12R '#P 4ill automaticall/ loa( balance bet4een t1e t4o + T1e 192 16- 11 0 an( 192 16- 12 0 ,re2i3es 4ere learne( *ia !'#P 2rom t1e 10 200 200 11 an( 10 200 200 12 !'#P neig1bors
7 ' 8 o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# 40$ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e best ,at1 to an/ gi*en (estination is note( b/ t1e IGI in t1e "P '#P table "n t1is case; t1e best ,at1 to 192 16- 11 0 is *ia ne3t 1o, 10 200 200 12 (ue to t1e 2act t1at t1e 4eig1t is 1ig1er =101> t1an t1e ,at1 *ia t1e alternati*e ne3t 1o, 0eig1t is a 8isco ,ro,rietar/ met1o( 2or ,at1 (etermination an( t1e 4eig1t *alue is use( abo*e all ot1er *alues 0it1in a router; t1e ,at1 4it1 t1e 1ig1est 4eig1t 4ill be ,re2erre(

01ic1 comman( s1oul( be a((e( to $T' un(er router bg, 100 to allo4 onl/ t1e e3ternal %SPF routes to be re(istribute( to $T86 7 redistribute ospf 1 ' redistribute ospf 1 match external 1 8 redistribute ospf 1 match external 2 + redistribute ospf 1 match external 1 external 2
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,/1

01ic1 t4o statements are !"#$P c1aracteristics6 =81oose t4o > 7 B,(ates are sent as multicast ' B,(ates are sent as broa(cast 8 Cetric *alues are re,resente( in a &2-bit 2ormat 2or granularit/ + LS7s are sent to a(Aacent neig1bors
o!!ect Ans"e!# 78 Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,/2

$outer ! is con2igure( 4it1 t1e !"#$P *ariance 2 comman( 01at ,at1 4ill $outer ! ta5e to reac1 $outer 76 7 onl/ !-+-7 ' onl/ !-'-7 8 onl/ !-8-7 + bot1 !-'-7 an( !-8-7 ! bot1 !-'-7 an( !-+-7 F all a*ailable ,at1s
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# EI0($

Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# 7 *ariance o2 2 4oul( cause t1e router to use t4o ,at1s; so an/ ,at1 u, to a metric o2 2032U40 4ill be use( QUESTION ,/,

7 net4or5 a(ministrator recentl/ re(istribute( $"P routes into an %SPF (omain .o4e*er; t1e a(ministrator 4ants to con2igure t1e net4or5 so t1at instea( o2 &2 e3ternal t/,e-) LS7s 2loo(ing into t1e %SPF net4or5; t1ere is onl/ one 01at must t1e a(ministrator (o to accom,lis1 t1is6 7 8on2igure summari9ation on $1 4it1 area 1 range ' 8on2igure summari9ation on $1 4it1 summary-address 8 8on2igure area 1 as a stub area 4it1 area 1 stub + 8on2igure area 1 as a NSS7 area 4it1 area 1 stub nssa
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,/4

$e2er to t1e e31ibit $outers $2; $&; $4; an( $) 1a*e %SPF enable( 01at s1oul( be con2igure( on t1e routers in area 1 to ensure t1at all (e2ault summar/ routes an( re(istribute( !"#$P routes 4ill be 2or4ar(e( 2rom $6 to area 1; an( onl/ a (e2ault route 2or all ot1er %SPF routes 4ill be 2or4ar(e( 2rom $) to area 1 7 R5(config-router)# area 1 stub R6(config-router)# area 1 stub ' R5(config-router)# area 1 stub no-summary R6(config-router)# area 1 stub 8 R5(config-router)# area 1 nssa R6(config-router)# area 1 nssa + R5(config-router)# area 1 nssa no-summary R6(config-router)# area 1 nssa
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,//

$e2er to t1e e31ibit "2 $1 is con2igure( 2or 6to4 tunneling; 41at 4ill t1e ,re2i3 o2 its "P*6 net4or5 be6 7 1723:1100:1::/48 ' FFFF:AC1F:6401::/16 8 AC1F:6401::/32 + 2002:AC1F:6401::/48 ! 3FFE:AC1F:6401::/32
o!!ect Ans"e!# + Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#


01at is t1e e22ect o2 t1e distribute-list comman( in t1e $1 con2iguration6 hostname R1 ! router rip version 2 network distribute-list 10 in Serial0 ! access-list 10 permit Select t1e best res,onse 7 $1 4ill ,ermit onl/ t1e 10 0 0 0<24 route in t1e $2 $"P u,(ates ' $1 4ill not 2ilter an/ routes because t1ere is no e3act ,re2i3 matc1 8 $1 4ill 2ilter t1e 10 1 0 0<24 an( t1e 172 24 1 0<24 routes 2rom t1e $2 $"P u,(ates + $1 4ill 2ilter onl/ t1e 172 24 1 0<24 route 2rom t1e $2 $"P u,(ates
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (edist!i1*tion Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

T1e comman( K(istribute-list 10 in Serial0N 4ill create an incoming (istribute list 2or inter2ace serial 0 an( re2ers to access list 10 So it 4ill ,ermit routing u,(ates 2rom 10 0 3 3 net4or5 41ile ot1er entries =in t1is case t1e 10 1 0 0<24 an( 172 24 1 0<24 net4or5s> 4ill be 2iltere( out 2rom t1e routing u,(ate recei*e( on inter2ace S0

"n or(er to summari9e all routes 2rom area 0 to area 1; 41at must be con2igure( on t1e router6
Select t1e best res,onse 7 area 0 range ' area 1 range 8 area 1 range + area 0 range o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,/3

$e2er to t1e e31ibit T1e 6to4 o*erla/ tunnel con2iguration 1as been a,,lie( on eac1 router to Aoin isolate( "P*6 net4or5s o*er a "P*4 net4or5 01ic1 statements regar(ing t1e 6to4 o*erla/ tunnel is true6 R1#show running-config R2#show runningconfig interface Loopback0 interface Loopback0 ip address ip address ! !

interface Tunnel0 interface Tunnel0 ipv6 unnumbered Ethernet0/1 ipv6 unnumbered Ethernet0/1 tunnel source Loopback0 tunnel source Loopback0 tunnel mode ipv6 6to4 tunnel mode ipv6 6to4 ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 interface Ethernet0/0 ip address ip address ! ! interface Etherenet0/1 interface Etherenet0/1 ipv6 address 2002:4065:4001:1::/64 eui-64 ipv6 address 2002:4065:4101:1::/64 eui-64 ! ! ipv6 route 2002::/16 Tunnel0 ipv6 route 2002::/16 Tunnel0 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e least signi2icant &2 bits in t1e a((ress re2erence( b/ t1e ipv6 route 2002::/16 Tunnel0 comman( 4ill corres,on( to t1e inter2ace !0<0 "P*4 a((ress ' T1e least signi2icant &2 bits in t1e a((ress re2erence( b/ t1e ipv6 route 2002::/16 Tunnel0 comman( 4ill corres,on( to t1e "P*4 a((ress assigne( to t1e tunnel source 8 T1e con2iguration is in*ali( since t1e tunnel source comman( must be con2igure( 4it1 an "P*6 a((ress + T1is is actuall/ a con2iguration e3am,le o2 an "P*4-com,atible tunnel an( not a 6to4 tunnel ! T1is is actuall/ a con2iguration e3am,le o2 an "S7T7P o*erla/ tunnel an( not a 6to4 tunnel
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# I$%6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

6to4 tunnels use "P*6 a((resses t1at concatenate 2002::<16 4it1 t1e &2-bit "P*4 a((ress o2 t1e e(ge router; creating a 4--bit ,re2i3 T1e tunnel inter2ace on $1 1as an "P*6 ,re2i3 o2 2002:406):4001:1::<64; 41ere 406):4001 is t1e 1e3a(ecimal e:ui*alent o2 64 101 64 1; t1e "P*4 a((ress o2 its inter2ace in t1e "P*4 net4or5 T1e tunnel inter2ace on $2 1as an "P*6 ,re2i3 o2 2002:406):4101:1::<64; 41ere 406):4101 is t1e 1e3a(ecimal e:ui*alent o2 64 101 6) 1; t1e "P*4 a((ress o2 its inter2ace in t1e "P*4 net4or5

01en $1 recei*es a ,ac5et 4it1 "P*6 (estination a((ress o2 2002:406):4101:1:: =2rom t1e le2t "P*6 net4or5; 2or e3am,le> $1 4ill: Q Ta5e t1e "P*6 (estination a((ress o2 t1at ,ac5et =2002:406):4101:1::> an( con*ert it into an "P*4 a((ress "n t1is case; t1e "P*4 a((ress is 40 6) 41 01 in 1e3a; 41ic1 is 64 101 6) 1 in (ecimal 2ormat Q $1 enca,sulates t1e "P*6 ,ac5et in an "P*4 ,ac5et 4it1 a (estination a((ress o2 64 101 6) 1R t1e ,ac5et is route( normall/ t1roug1 t1e "P*4 net4or5 to $2 Q $2 recei*es t1e "P*4 ,ac5et; (eca,sulates an( routes it normall/ to its 2inal "P*6 (estination

$e2er to t1e e3i1ibit 01at 1a,,ens 41en t1e router sto,s recei*ing a(*ertisements 2or t1e 10 1 2 0<24 net4or56 Router#show ip route C is directly connected, Serial2 D [90/10597472] via, 00:23:24, Serial1 D is a summary, 00:23:20, Null0 C is directly connected, Serial1 S is directly connected, Ethernet0 Select t1e best res,onse 7 T1e summar/ route 4ill be remo*e( 2rom t1e table ' T1e more s,eci2ic routes 4ill be a(*ertise( 2rom t1e table 8 T1e summar/ route 4ill remain in t1e table + 10 1 2 0<24 4ill still be a(*ertise( but ,ac5ets (estine( 2or it 4ill be (ro,,e( 41en t1e/ reac1 t1is router
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,60

01en a route recei*es an LS7 =4it1in an LSB>; it (oes not (o 41ic1 o2 t1e 2ollo4ing6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 i2 t1e LS7 entr/ (oes not alrea(/ e3ist;t1e router a((s t1e entr/ to its LS+'; sen(s bac5 an LS7c5; 2loo(s t1e in2ormation to ot1er routes;runs SPF;an( u,(ates its routing table ' i2 t1e entr/ alrea(/ e3ists an( t1e recei*e( LS7 1as t1e same se:uence number; t1e router o*er4rites t1e in2ormation in t1e LS+' 4it1 t1e ne4 LS7 entr/ 8 i2 t1e entr/ alrea(/ e3ists but t1e LS7 inclu(es ne4er in2ormation =it 1as a 1ig1er se:uence number>; t1e router a((s t1e entr/ to its LS+'; sen(s bac5 an LS7c5;

2loo(s t1e in2ormation to ot1er routers; runs SPF; an( u,(ates its routing table + i2 t1e entr/ altea(/ e3ists but t1e LS7 inclu(es ol(er in2ormation; it sen(s an LSB to t1e sen(er 4it1 its ne4er in2ormation
o!!ect Ans"e!# ' Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,61

01ic1 t1ree !"#$P routes 4ill be installe( 2or t1e 172 17 & 12-<2) an( 172 17 2 0<24 net4or5s6 =81oose t1ree> Core1#show ip eigrp all-links IP EIGRP Topology table for AS(65001)/ID( Codes:P-Passive, A-Active, U-Update, Q-Query, R-Reply, rreply Status, s-sia Status P, 2 successors, FD is 30720, semo 9 via (30720/28160), FastEtehrnet0/1 via (30720/28160), FastEtehrnet0/3 P, 1 successors, FD is 156160, semo 16 via (156160/128256), FastEtehrnet0/3 via (157720/155160), FastEtehrnet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 1 via Connected FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 20514560, semo 15 via (20514560/205122000), FastEtehrnet0/2 via (20516120/20513560), FastEtehrnet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 2 via Connected FastEthernet0/2 P, 1 successors, FD is 30720, semo 8 via (30720/28160), FastEtehrnet0/1 via (33280/30720), FastEtehrnet0/3 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 3 via Connected FastEthernet0/3 Core1# Select t1e best res,onse 7 [90/28160] via 172.17.1 2, 01:26:35, FastEthernet0/2 ' [90/30720] via, 01:26:35. FastEthemet0/3 8 [90/30720] via, 01:26:35. FastEthernet0/1 + [90/30720] via, 02:10:11, FastEthernet0/1 ! [90/28160] via, 02:10:11. FastEthernet0/1 F [90/33280] via, 02:10:11. FastEthernet0/3
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8+ Section# EI0($ Exp&anation


First in(icate t1e ,ositions o2 t1ese net4or5s: Net4or5 172 17 & 12-<2) 1as 2 successors; t1ere2ore t1e t4o ,at1s belo4 are bot1 successors Net4or5 172 17 2 0<24 1as onl/ 1 successor; t1ere2ore t1e ,at1 lies rig1t un(er it is t1e successor

01ic1 t1ree net4or5s is t1e router at 172 17 10 2 (irectl/ connecte( to6 =81oose t1ree> Core#1show ip eigrp topology all-links IP EIGRP Topology table for AS(65001)/ID( Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R Reply, r - reply Status, s - sia Status P, 2 successors, FD is 30720, semo 9 via (30720/28160), FastEthernet0/1 via (30720/28160), FastEthernet0/3 P, 1 successors, FD is 156160, semo 16 via (156160/128256), FastEthernet0/3 via (157720/155160), FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 seccussors, FD is 28160, semo 1 via Connected, FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 20514560, semo 15 via (20514560/205122000), FastEthernet0/2 via (20516120/20513560), FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 seccussors, FD is 28160, semo 2 via Connected, FastEthernet0/2 P, 1 successors, FD is 30720, semo 8 via (30720/28160), FastEthernet0/1 via (33280/30720), FastEthernet0/3 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 3 via Connected, FastEthernet0/3 Select t1e & best res,onses 7 ' 8 + ! F
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8!F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

First; 4e s1oul( notice about t1e entr/ in t1e orange bo3; it s1o4s t1at t1e net4or5 172 17 10 0<24 is (irectl/ connecte( 4it1 t1is router an( 1as a F+ o2 2-160 So 4e can guess t1e net4or5s t1at (irectl/ connecte( 4it1 router at 172 17 10 2 4ill be s1o4n 4it1

an 7+ o2 2-160 From t1at; 4e 2in( out & net4or5s 41ic1 are (irectl/ connecte( to t1e router at 172 17 10 2 =t1e/ are green un(erline(> T1e net4or5 172 17 10 0<24 is surel/ (irectl/ connecte( to t1e router at 172 17 10 2 =in 2act it is t1e net4or5 t1at lin5s t1e router at 172 17 10 2 4it1 8ore1 router>

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 'ig'i(s "ncor,orate( is a 4orl(4i(e auction ,ro*i(er T1e net4or5 uses !"#$P as its routing ,rotocol t1roug1out t1e cor,oration T1e net4or5 a(ministrator (oes not un(erstan( t1e con*ergence o2 !"#$P Bsing t1e out,ut o2 t1e show ip eigrp topology all-links comman(; ans4er t1e a(ministrator?s :uestions Core#1show ip eigrp topology all-links IP EIGRP Topology table for AS(65001)/ID( Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R Reply, r - reply Status, s - sia Status P, 2 successors, FD is 30720, semo 9 via (30720/28160), FastEthernet0/1 via (30720/28160), FastEthernet0/3 P, 1 successors, FD is 156160, semo 16 via (156160/128256), FastEthernet0/3 via (157720/155160), FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 1 via Connected, FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 20514560, semo 15 via (20514560/205122000), FastEthernet0/2 via (20516120/20513560), FastEthernet0/1 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 2 via Connected, FastEthernet0/2 P, 1 successors, FD is 30720, semo 8 via (30720/28160), FastEthernet0/1 via (33280/30720), FastEthernet0/3 P, 1 successors, FD is 28160, semo 3 via Connected, FastEthernet0/3 01ic1 t4o net4or5s (oes t1e 8ore1 (e*ice 1a*e 2easible successors 2or6 =81oose t4o> Select t1e 2 best res,onses 7 ' 8 + ! F
o!!ect Ans"e!# 7F Section# EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

To un(erstan( t1e out,ut o2 t1e Ks1o4 i, eigr, to,olog/ all-lin5s comman(L comman(; let?s anal/9e an entr/ =4e c1oose t1e secon( entr/ because it is better 2or (emonstration t1an t1e 2irst one> T1e 2irst line tells us t1ere is onl/ 1 s*ccesso! 2or t1e ,at1 to 10 140 0 0<24 net4or5 but t1ere are 2 lines belo4 So 4e can (e(uce t1at one line is use( 2or successor an( t1e ot1er is use( 2or anot1er route to t1at net4or5 !ac1 o2 t1ese t4o lines 1as 2 ,arameters: t1e 2irst one =K1)6160N or K1)7720N> is t1e Feasible +istance =F+> an( t1e secon( =K12-2)6N or K1))160N> is t1e 7(*ertise( +istance =7+> o2 t1at route T1e ne3t t1ing 4e 4ant to 5no4 is: i2 t1e route *ia 172 17 10 2 =t1e last line> 4oul( become t1e 2easible successor 2or t1e 10 140 0 0<24 net4or5 To 2igure out; 4e 1a*e to com,are t1e 7(*ertise( +istance o2 t1at route 4it1 t1e Feasible +istance o2 t1e successor?s route; i2 7+ Z F+ t1en it 4ill become t1e 2easible successor "n t1is case; because 7+ =1))160> Z F+ =1)6160> so it 4ill become t1e 2easible successor T1ere2ore 4e can conclu(e t1e net4or5 10 140 0 0<24 1as 1 2easible successor 72ter un(erstan(ing t1e out,ut; let?s 1a*e a loo5 at t1e entire out,ut: 'ecause t1e :uestion as5s about 2easible successor so 4e Aust nee( to 2ocus on entries 41ic1 1a*e more ,at1s t1an t1e number o2 successor "n t1is case; 4e 2in( & entries t1at are in blue bo3es because t1e/ 1a*e onl/ 1 successor but 1as 2 ,at1s; so t1e last ,at1 can be t1e 2easible successor '/ com,aring t1e *alue o2 7+ =o2 t1at route> 4it1 t1e F+ =o2 successor?s route> 4e 2igure out t1ere are 2 entries 4ill 1a*e t1e 2easible successor: t1e 2irst an( t1e secon( entr/ T1e t1ir( entr/ 1as 7+ U F+ =&0720> so 4e eliminate it

T1e com,an/ an( t1e com,an/ net4or5 1a*e bot1 been gro4ing ra,i(l/ Culti,le a((s; mo*es an( c1anges 1a*e been a,,lie( to t1e net4or5 @our boss 1as as5e( /ou to troubles1oot a recent %SPF s/nc1roni9ation ,roblem t1at 1as arisen T1ere 1a*e been s/nc1roni9ation ,roblems at se,arate locations in t1e %SPF area 0 T1ere 1a*e been re,orte( lin5 2ailures (uring t1e ra,i( gro4t1 o2 t1e com,an/ net4or5 @ou are re:uire( to resol*e t1e %SPF ,roblem %SPF must be able to con*erge 41en t1e net4or5 c1anges $e2er to t1e in2ormation abo*e to ans4er t1e 2ollo4ing :uestion !3amine t1e 2ollo4ing e3cer,t 2rom t1e Es1o4 i, os,2E comman( on +1:

Area BACKBONE (0) Number of interfaces in the this area is 1 Area has no authentication SPF algorithm last executed 00:00:31.280 ago SPF algorithm executed 5 times Area ranges are Number of LSA 13. Checksum Sum 0x16F0FD Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0000000 Number of DCbitless LSA 0 Number of indication LSA 0 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0 Flood list length 0 Area 16 Number of interfaces in this area is 2 Area has message digest authentication SPF algorithm last executed 00:00:34.928 ago SPF algorithm executed 7 times Area ranges are Number of LSA 5. Checksum Sum 0x02FCD3 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0000000 Number of DCbitless LSA 0 Number of indication LSA 0 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0 Flood list length 0 'ase( on t1e in2ormation s1o4n abo*e; 41at is most li5el/ causing t1e (i22erent missing routes t1roug1out t1e net4or56 Select t1e best res,onse 7 7rea 16 is con2igure( 4it1 aut1entication ' 7rea 16 1as been con2igure( to use t1e same inter2aces as 7rea 0 8 7rea 0 an( 7rea &2 1a*e been con2igure( 4it1 mismatc1e( LS7 numbers + 7rea 16 1as been con2igure( as a total stub net4or5 ! 7rea 16 1as been con2igure( as a stub net4or5 F 7rea 0 is (iscontiguous # None o2 t1e abo*e
o!!ect Ans"e!# F Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e to,olog/; 4e see +1 1as 2 inter2aces belong to 7rea 0; t1at are inter2aces Fa0<1 M Fa0<2 but t1e out,ut sa/s t1ere is onl/ one inter2ace in 7rea 0 =Number o2 inter2aces in t1e t1is area is 1> T1ere2ore 4e can (e(uce t1at a lin5 in area 0 4as (o4n an( area 0 is (iscontiguous

T1e com,an/ an( t1e com,an/ net4or5 1a*e bot1 been gro4ing ra,i(l/ Culti,le a((s; mo*es an( c1anges 1a*e been a,,lie( to t1e net4or5 @our boss 1as as5e( /ou to troubles1oot a recent %SPF s/nc1roni9ation ,roblem t1at 1as arisen

T1ere 1a*e been s/nc1roni9ation ,roblems at se,arate locations in t1e %SPF area 0 T1ere 1a*e been re,orte( lin5 2ailures (uring t1e ra,i( gro4t1 o2 t1e com,an/ net4or5 @ou are re:uire( to resol*e t1e %SPF ,roblem %SPF must be able to con*erge 41en t1e net4or5 c1anges $e2er to t1e in2ormation abo*e to ans4er t1e 2ollo4ing :uestion 01ic1 con2iguration comman( on +1 =4it1 a similar comman( on +2> 4ill ,ro*i(e an imme(iate solution to t1e missing route ,roblem6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 no area 16 stub ' no area 16 authentication message-digest 8 area 16 virtual-link + area 16 virtual-link ! no area 16 stub no-summary F network area 16 # None o2 t1e abo*e
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

To 2i3 t1is ,roblem imme(iatel/ 4it1out c1anging t1e to,olog/ 4e nee( to create *irtual lin5 bet4een +1 M +2

T1e com,an/ an( t1e com,an/ net4or5 1a*e bot1 been gro4ing ra,i(l/ Culti,le a((s; mo*es an( c1anges 1a*e been a,,lie( to t1e net4or5 @our boss 1as as5e( /ou to troubles1oot a recent %SPF s/nc1roni9ation ,roblem t1at 1as arisen T1ere 1a*e been s/nc1roni9ation ,roblems at se,arate locations in t1e %SPF area 0 T1ere 1a*e been re,orte( lin5 2ailures (uring t1e ra,i( gro4t1 o2 t1e com,an/ net4or5 @ou are re:uire( to resol*e t1e %SPF ,roblem %SPF must be able to con*erge 41en t1e net4or5 c1anges $e2er to t1e in2ormation abo*e to ans4er t1e 2ollo4ing :uestion T1e log o2 +1 re,orts t1e 2ollo4ing: %LINEPTOTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down %LINK-3-UPDOWN interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down %OSPF-5-ADJCHG Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/1 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Interface down or detached T1is e*ent 4as antici,ate( (ue to maintenanceR 1o4e*er; it resulte( in e3cessi*e lost

routes 01ic1 route s1oul( be t1e onl/ one remo*e( 2rom t1e routing tables o2 t1e routers6 Select t1e best res,onse 7 - 1-7 17) -2<&2 ' 10 1&- 4& 0<&0 8 10 206 1-0 0<&0 + 4 249 11& )9<&2 ! 10 201 0 0<&0 F None o2 t1e abo*e
o!!ect Ans"e!# ! Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

From t1e log 4e learn t1at t1e lin5 o2 "nter2ace Fa0<1 1as been (o4n T1is lin5 belongs to net4or5 10 201 0 0<&0 so 4e Aust nee( to remo*e t1is route 2rom t1e routing table

T1e com,an/ an( t1e com,an/ net4or5 1a*e bot1 been gro4ing ra,i(l/ Culti,le a((s; mo*es an( c1anges 1a*e been a,,lie( to t1e net4or5 @our boss 1as as5e( /ou to troubles1oot a recent %SPF s/nc1roni9ation ,roblem t1at 1as arisen T1ere 1a*e been s/nc1roni9ation ,roblems at se,arate locations in t1e %SPF area 0 T1ere 1a*e been re,orte( lin5 2ailures (uring t1e ra,i( gro4t1 o2 t1e com,an/ net4or5 @ou are re:uire( to resol*e t1e %SPF ,roblem %SPF must be able to con*erge 41en t1e net4or5 c1anges $e2er to t1e in2ormation abo*e to ans4er t1e 2ollo4ing :uestion T1e $2 router 1as lost connecti*it/ to $1 T1e 2ollo4ing is $1s current route table: is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks O IA [110/21] via, 00:00:03, FastEthernet0/0 O IA [110/22] via, 00:00:03, FastEthernet0/0 O IA [110/21] via, 00:00:03, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 01ic1 e3,ecte( route is missing 2rom $1s route table base( on t1e to,olog/ (uring t1e maintenance ,erio(6I Select t1e best res,onse 7 O [110/2] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 ' O IA [110/3] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 8 O IA [110/3] via, 00:00:09,

FastEthernet0/0 + O IA [110/2] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 ! O IA [110/2] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 F O [110/3] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 # O [110/3] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 . O IA [110/3] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0
o!!ect Ans"e!# # Section# OS$. Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

"n t1e ,ast; " use( to c1oose ans4er F as t1e correct ans4er but t1e e3,lanation 2rom +%D&00& =commente( on No*ember 19t1; 2010> seems to be correct: K01ic1 e3,ecte( route is missing 2rom $1\s route table base( on t1e to,olog/ (uring t1e maintenance ,erio(6 DYY D % 10 206 1-0 0<&0 V110<&W *ia 10 1&- 4& 1; 00:00:09; Fast!t1ernet0<0 D % "7 10 206 1-0 0<&0 V110<&W *ia 10 1&- 4& 1; 00:00:09; Fast!t1ernet0<0 DYY @ou can see t1ere are 2 o,tions 2or t1e net4or5 bet4een +2 an( $2 %ne 4it1 K"7L an( one 4it1out % O %SPF; "7 O %SPF inter area 'e2ore lin5 2ailures bet4een +1 an( +2 t1e net4or5 10 206 1-0 0<&0 1as been a,,earing as Kintra areaL net4or5 in $1\s routing table 'ecause t1e/ 4ere in t1e same 7rea 0 So t1e correct ans4er s1oul( be D % 10 206 1-0 0<&0 V110<&W *ia 10 1&- 4& 1; 00:00:09; Fast!t1ernet0<0NL

01at is t1e best or(er 2or c1oosing t1e $outer-"+ in os,26 7 .ig1 loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress; 1ig1 ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress; $outer "+ comman( ' .ig1 loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress; $outer "+ comman(; 1ig1 ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress 8 $outer "+ comman(; 1ig1 loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress; 1ig1 ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress + $outer "+ comman(; 1ig1 ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress; 1ig1 loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress ! .ig1 ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress; 1ig1 loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress; $outer "+ comman( F .ig1 ,1/sical inter2ace a((ress; $outer "+ comman(; 1ig1 loo,bac5 inter2ace a((ress
o!!ect Ans"e!# 8 Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,69

01ic1 routing ,rotocol 4ill continue to recei*e an( ,rocess routing u,(ates 2rom neig1bors a2ter t1e ,assi*e-inter2ace router con2iguration comman( is entere(6 7 !"#$P ' $"P 8 %SPF + "S-"S
! $"P*2 o!!ect Ans"e!# '! Section# (o*tin+ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,20

$1 an( $2 are connecte( an( are running !"#$P on all t1eir inter2aces; $1 1as 2our inter2aces; 4it1 "P a((ress 172 16 1 1<24; 172 16 2 &<24;172 16 ) 1<24; an( 10 1 1 1<24 $2 1as t4o inter2aces; 4it1 "P a((ress 172 16 1 2<24 an( 192 16- 1 1<24 T1ere are ot1er routers in t1e net4or5 t1at are connecte( on eac1 o2 t1e inter2aces o2 t1ese t4o routers t1at are also running !"#$P 01ic1 summar/ routes (oes $1 generate automaticall/ =assuming auto-summari9ation is enable>6 =c1oose t4o> 7 192 16- 1 0<24 ' 10 0 0 0<8 172 16 1 0<22 + 172 16 0 0<16
o!!ect Ans"e!# '+ Section# 9i+ita& T*t - EI0($ Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,21

$e2er to t1e e31ibit 01at are t4o im,ortant 2acts in inter,reting t1e out,ut o2 t1e show ip pim interface comman(6 =81oose t4o > R1#show ip pim interface Address Interface Version/Mode Nbr Query DR Count Intvl Ethernet0 v2/Sparse-Dense 1 30 Ethernet1 v2/Sparse-Dense 1 30 Select t1e 2 best res,onses 7 Cultiaccess; multicast segments (o not elect a +$ ' Point-to-Point lin5s (o not (is,la/ +$ in2ormation 8 Cultiaccess segments elect a +$ base( on 1ig1est "P a((ress + Cultiaccess segments elect a +$ base( on lo4est "P a((ress ! T1e $P is onl/ seen in *ersion 2 o2 S,arse-+ense mo(e
o!!ect Ans"e!# '8 Section# 5none6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#


show ip pim interface: Bse t1is comman( to (is,la/ in2ormation about inter2aces con2igure( 2or P"C "n a((ition; /ou can use t1is comman( to *eri2/ t1at t1e correct P"C mo(e =(ense or s,arse> is con2igure( on t1e inter2ace; t1e neig1bor count is correct; an( t1e (esignate( router =+$> is correct =41ic1 is critical 2or P"C s,arse mo(e> Culti-access segments =suc1 as !t1ernet; To5en $ing; F++"> elect a +$ base( on 1ig1est "P a((ress Point-toPoint lin5s (o not (is,la/ +$ in2ormation $e2erence: 1tt,:<<444 cisco com<en<BS<tec1<t5-2-<tec1nologiesStec1Snote091-6a00-009& 221 s1tml

8lic5 t1e resources on t1e le2t t1at /ou nee( to create an im,lementation ,lan 2or an %SPF ,roAect an( (rag t1em to t1e target 9one on t1e rig1t
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2

8lic5 an( (rag t1e '#P attribute c1aracteri9ation on t1e le2t to t1e correct '#P attribute on t1e rig1t
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION ,

8lic5 an( +rag t1e associate( !"#$P 2unctionalit/ o1 t1e le2t to t1e corres,on(ing to,olog/ c1aractersitics on t1e rig1t
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 4

8lic5 t1e resources on t1e le2t t1at /ou nee( to create an im,lementation ,lan 2or an %SPF ,roAect an( (rag t1em to t1e target 9one on t1e rig1t
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION /

"P tunneling is a met1o( to enca,sulate "P (atagram 4it1in "P (atagrams; 41ic1 allo4s (atagrams inten(e( 2or one "P a((ress to be 4ra,,e( an( re(irecte( to anot1er "P a((ress P*6 ,ac5ets are enca,sulate( (irectl/ be1in( t1e "P*4 1ea(er +rag t1e 1ea(er 2iel(s to t1e a,,ro,riate ,laces:
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 6

7 *irtual ,ri*ate net4or5 =VPN> is a com,uter net4or5 t1at is la/ere( on t1e to, o2 an un(erl/ing com,uter net4or5 VPNs are o2 (i22erent tec1nologies; suc1 as Truste( VPNs; Secure VPNs; an( ./bri( VPNs; eac1 1a*ing (istinct re:uirements +rag t1e *arious VPN names to t1eir a,,ro,riate ,laces
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2 Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 3 Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 9

Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 10 Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 11 Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 12

s1o4 eigr, comman( an( relate( in2ormation

Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 1,

"P*4 to "P*6 Transition Cet1o(s

Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 14

Place t1e '#P comman(s to t1e ,ro,er locations

Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 1/

Place t1e '#P attributes in t1e correct or(er use( 2or (etermining a route
Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 16 Se&ect and $&ace# o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# 9!a+ and 9!op Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 12 +rag an( +ro, :uestion 7 o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 5none6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 13 +rag an( +ro, :uestion 7 o!!ect Ans"e!# 7 Section# 5none6 Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# Exam QUESTION 1 .ots,ot - !"#$P Ans"e!# 7F Exp&anation# To un(erstan( t1e out,ut o2 t1e ;s7o" ip ei+!p topo&o+= a&&-&in8s? comman(; let?s anal/9e an entr/ =4e c1oose t1e secon( entr/ because it is better 2or (emonstration t1an t1e 2irst one> T1e 2irst bo3 tells us t1ere is onl/ 1 successor 2or t1e ,at1 to 10 24 0 0<24 net4or5 but t1ere are 2 bo3es belo4 So 4e can (e(uce t1at one bo3 is use( 2or successor an( t1e ot1er is use( 2or anot1er route to t1at

net4or5 !ac1 o2 t1ese t4o bo3es 1as 2 ,arameters: t1e 2irst one =K1)6160N or K1)7720N> is t1e Feasible +istance =F+> an( t1e secon( =K12-2)6N or K1))160N> is t1e 7(*ertise( +istance =7+> o2 t1at route T1e ne3t t1ing 4e 4ant to 5no4 is: i2 t1e route *ia 172 1- 10 2 =1)7720<1))160> 4oul( become t1e 2easible successor 2or t1e 10 24 0 0<24 net4or5 To 2igure out; 4e 1a*e to com,are t1e 7(*ertise( +istance o2 t1at route 4it1 t1e Feasible +istance o2 t1e successor?s route; i2 7+ Z F+ t1en it 4ill become t1e 2easible successor "n t1is case; because 7+ =1))160> Z F+ =1)6160> so it 4ill become t1e 2easible successor T1ere2ore 4e can conclu(e t1e net4or5 10 24 0 0<24 1as 1 2easible successor 72ter un(erstan(ing t1e out,ut; let?s 1a*e a loo5 at t1e entire out,ut: 'ecause t1e :uestion as5s about 2easible successor so 4e Aust nee( to 2ocus on entries 41ic1 1a*e more ,at1s t1an t1e number o2 successor "n t1is case; 4e 2in( & entries t1at are in green bo3es because t1e/ 1a*e onl/ 1 successor but 1as 2 ,at1s; so t1e last ,at1 can be t1e 2easible successor '/ com,aring t1e *alue o2 7+ =o2 t1at route> 4it1 t1e F+ =o2 successor?s route> 4e 2igure out t1ere are 2 entries 4ill 1a*e t1e 2easible successor: t1e 2irst an( t1e secon( entr/ T1e t1ir( entr/ 1as 7+ U F+ =&0720> so 4e eliminate it Ans"e!# ' 8 + Exp&anation# First in(icate t1e ,ositions o2 t1ese net4or5s: Net4or5 172 1- & 12-<2) 1as 2 successors; t1ere2ore t1e t4o ,at1s belo4 are bot1 successors Net4or5 172 1- 2 0<24 1as onl/ 1 successor; t1ere2ore t1e ,at1 lies rig1t un(er it is t1e successor Ans"e!# 8 ! F Exp&anation# First; 4e s1oul( notice about t1e entr/ in t1e orange bo3; it s1o4s t1at t1e net4or5 172 1- 10 0<24 is (irectl/ connecte( 4it1 t1is router an( 1as a F+ o2 2-160 So 4e can guess t1e net4or5s t1at (irectl/ connecte( 4it1 router at 172 1- 10 2 4ill be s1o4n 4it1 an 7+ o2 2-160 From t1at; 4e 2in( out & net4or5s 41ic1 are (irectl/ connecte( to t1e router at 172 1- 10 2 =t1e/ are green un(erline(> T1e net4or5172 1- 10 0<24 is surel/ (irectl/ connecte( to t1e router at 172 1- 10 2 =in 2act it is t1e net4or5 t1at lin5s t1e router at 172 1- 10 2 4it1 S4itc11 router> 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# EI0($ :otspot Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2 %SPF .ots,ot1 "n real e3am; t1e/ onl/ 1a*e (i22erent "P a((resses; same :uestions 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!#

Section# OS$. :otspot Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION , %SPF .ots,ot2 EFirst Test; First PassE - 444 lea(2,ass com 142 8isco 642-902 !3am EFirst Test; First PassE - 444 lea(2,ass com 14& 8isco 642-902 !3am 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# OS$. :otspot Exp&anation Exam 9 QUESTION 1 L7' 1 - !"#$P Stub Ans"e! and Exp&anation# First 4e 1a*e to 2igure out 41/ $& an( $4 can not communicate 4it1 eac1 ot1er Bse t1e ;s7o" !*nnin+con)i+? comman( on router $& Notice t1at $& is con2igure( as a stub!ecei%e-on&=router T1e recei*e-onl/ 5e/4or( 4ill restrict t1e router 2rom s1aring an/ o2 its routes 4it1 an/ ot1er router in t1at !"#$P autonomous s/stem T1is 5e/4or( 4ill also ,re*ent an/ t/,e o2 route 2rom being sent T1ere2ore 4e 4ill remo*e t1is comman( an( re,lace it 4it1 t1e ei+!p st*1 comman(: R3#configure terminal R3(config)#router eigrp 123 R3(config-router)#no eigrp stub receive-only R3(config-router)#eigrp stub R3(config-router)#end No4 $& 4ill sen( u,(ates containing its connecte( an( summar/ routes to ot1er routers Notice t1at t1e ei+!p st*1comman( e:uals to t1eei+!p st*1 connecteds*mma!=because t1econnectedan( s*mma!=o,tions are enable( b/ (e2ault Ne3t 4e 4ill con2igure router $& so t1at it 1as onl/ 2 subnets o2 10 0 0 0 net4or5 Bse t1e s7o" ip !o*te comman( on $& to *ie4 its routing table R3#show ip route 'ecause 4e 4ant t1e routing table o2 $& onl/ 1a*e 2 subnets so 4e 1a*e to summar/ subnet4or5s at t1e inter2ace 41ic1 is connecte( 4it1 $&; t1e s0<0 inter2ace o2 $4 T1ere is one interesting t1ing about t1e out,ut o2 t1e s7o" ip !o*te s1o4n abo*e: t1e10.2.,.0'24; 41ic1 is a (irectl/ connecte( net4or5 o2 $& 0e can?t get ri( o2 it in t1e routing table no matter 41at tec1ni:ue 4e use to summar/ t1e net4or5s T1ere2ore; to ma5e t1e routing table o2 $& 1as onl/ 2 subnets 4e 1a*e to summar/ ot1er subnets into one subnet "n t1e out,ut i2 4e (on?t see t1e summar/ line =li5e 10 0 0 0<- is a summar/Y> t1en 4e s1oul( use t1e comman( i, summar/-a((ress eigr, 12& 10 2 0 0 2)) 2)) 0 0 so t1at all t1e ,ing can 4or5 4ell "n conclusion; 4e 4ill use t1eip s*mma!=-add!ess ei+!p 12, 2//.2//.0.0 at t1e inter2ace s0<0 o2 $4 to summar/ R4>enable

R4#configure terminal R4(config)#interface s0/0 R4(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 123 No4 4e Aum, bac5 to $& an( use t1es7o" ip !o*tecomman( to *eri2/ t1e e22ect; t1e out,ut is s1o4n belo4: ='ut ,lease notice t1at t1e i, a((resses an( t1e subnet mas5s in /our real e3am mig1t be (i22erent so /ou mig1t use (i22erent ones to sol*e t1is :uestion> 'ut in /our real e3am; i2 /ou see t1e line K10 0 0 0<- is a summar/;Y Null0N t1en /ou nee( to summar/ using t1e net4or5 10 0 0 0<- 4it1 t1e comman( K ip s*mma!=-add!ess ei+!p 12, 2//.0.0.0N T1is con2iguration is less o,timi9e t1an t1e 2irst but it summaries into 2 subnets as t1e :uestion re:uires Finall/ (onIt 2orget to use t1e cop= !*nnin+-con)i+ sta!t*p-con)i+ comman( on routers $& an( $4 to sa*e t1e con2igurations =Aust s5i, i2 it?s (oesn?t 4or5 > R4(config-if)# end R4# copy running-config startup-config 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# Sim*&ation Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 2 L7' 2 - Polic/ 'ase( $outing Lea(2,ass com 8om,an/ 1as t4o lin5s 41ic1 can ta5e it to t1e "nternet T1e com,an/ ,olic/ (eman(s t1at /ou use 4eb tra22ic to be 2or4ar(e( onl/ to Frame $ela/ lin5 an( ot1er tra22ic can go t1roug1 an/ lin5s t1at are a*ailable Bse '#P attributes to sol*e t1e re:ueste( action Ans"e! and Exp&anation# 7ll t1e .TTP tra22ic 2rom t1e !"#$P Net4or5 s1oul( go t1roug1 Frame $ela/ lin5 i2 a*ailable an( all t1e ot1er tra22ic s1oul( go t1roug1 eit1er lin5 T1e onl/ router /ou are able to a(ministrate is t1e 'or(er $outer; 2rom t1e !"#$P Net4or5 /ou ma/ onl/ sen( .TTP tra22ic 7s t1e ot1er ,eo,le mentione(; actuall/ it is not a '#P lab @ou are not able to e3ecute t1e comman( K !o*te! 1+p 6/001N 516 Access &ist t7at catc7es t7e :TT$ t!a))ic# BorderRouter#access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq www Note t1at t1e ser*er 4as not (irectl/ connecte( to t1e 'or(er $outer T1ere 4ere a lot o2 !"#$P routes on it "n t1e real e3am /ou (o not 5no4 t1e e3act "P a((ress o2 t1e ser*er in t1e !"#$P net4or5 so 4e 1a*e to use t1e source as Kan/L to catc1 all t1e source a((resses 526 (o*te map t7at sets t7e next 7op add!ess to 1e IS$1 and pe!mits t7e !est o) t7e t!a))ic# BorderRouter(config)# route-map pbr permit 10 BorderRouter(config-route-map)# match ip address 101 BorderRouter(config-route-map)# set ip next-hop BorderRouter(config-route-map)# exit BorderRouter(config)# route-map pbr permit 20 =Notice: t1e!o*te-map p1! pe!mit 20line allo4s ot1er tra22ic t1an .TTP to be route( %t1er4ise; ot1er tra22ic 4ill be (ro,,e(> 5,6 App&= t7e !o*te-map on t7e inte!)ace to t7e se!%e! in t7e EI0($ Net"o!8#

BorderRouter(config-route-map)#exit BorderRouter(config)#int fa0/0 BorderRouter(config-if)#ip policy route-map pbr BorderRouter(config-if)#exit BorderRouter(config)#exit 46 T7e!e is a ;:ost )o! Testin+?> c&ic8 on t7is 7ost to open a 1ox in "7ic7 t7e!e is a 1*tton named ;0ene!ate :TT$ t!a))ic?. &ic8 on t7is 1*tton to +ene!ate some ,ac5ets 2or .TTP tra22ic [um, bac5 to t1e 'or(er$outer an( t/,e t1e comman( ;s7o" !o*te-map?. BorderRouter#show route-map "n t1e out,ut /ou 4ill see t1e line KPolic/ routing matc1es: 9 ,ac5etsYL "t means t1at t1e routema, 4e con2igure( is 4or5ing ,ro,erl/ 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# Sim*&ation Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION , L7' & - %SPF Ans"e! and Exp&anation# First; 4e con2igure Portlan(Is S0<0 inter2ace so t1at it belongs to 7rea 1 So; 4e 1a*e to 2in( out 41ic1 subnet4or5 t1e "P a((ress 192 16- 4 )<&0 =t1e "P o2 inter2ace S0<0 o2 Portlan(> belongs to T1is a((ress belongs to a subnet4or5 41ic1 1as: Inc!ement# 4 =<&0 U 2)) 2)) 2)) 2)2 or 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100> Net"o!8 add!ess# 192 16- 4 4 =because 4 U 4 Q 1 an( 4 Z )> 4!oadcast add!ess# 192 16- 4 7 =because 7 U 4 P 4 - 1> ="t is not necessar/ to 2in( out t1e broa(cast a((ress but 4e s1oul( 5no4 it> T1e :uestion re:uires t1at onl/ Portlan(Is S0<0 an( "n(iana,olisIs S0<1 coul( be in 7rea 1; t1ere2ore 4e must use a 4il(car( o2 0 0 0 & =t1is 4il(car( is e:ui*alent 4it1 a subnet mas5 o2 <&0> so t1at t1ere are onl/ 2 "P a((resses can ,artici,ate in area 1 =t1e/ are 192 16- 4 ) M 192 16- 4 6> T1e 2ull comman( 4e use 1ere is net"o!8 0.0.0., a!ea 1 T1e :uestion also re:uires t1at E7rea 1 s1oul( not recei*e an/ e3ternal or inter-area routes =e3ce,t t1e (e2ault route>E $ecall t1at i2 4e (onIt 4ant t1e router to recei*e e3ternal routes; 4e 1a*e to sto, LS7 T/,e ) 7n( i2 4e (onIt 4ant to recei*e inter-area routes; 4e 1a*e to sto, LS7 T/,e & an( T/,e 4 T7e!e)o!e "e 7a%e to con)i+*!e a!ea 1 as a tota&&= st*11= a!ea For /our in2ormation; 1ere is t1e (e2inition o2 a totall/ stubb/ area: ETota&&= st*1 a!ea - T1is area (oes not acce,t summar/ LS7s 2rom ot1er areas =t/,es & or 4> or e3ternal summar/ LS7s =T/,e )> T/,es &;4 an( ) LS7s are re,lace( b/ t1e 7rea 'or(er $outer=7'$> 4it1 a (e2ault router Totall/ stubb/ areas ,rotect internal routers b/ minimi9ing t1e routing table an( summari9ing e*er/t1ing outsi(e t1e area 4it1 a (e2ault route E "n conclusion; 4e 1a*e to con2igure area 1 as a totall/ stubb/ area 0e (o t1at b/ con2iguring Portlan( as stub an( con2iguring "n(iana,olis =7'$ router> as a stub P Eno-summar/E su22i3

E on)i+*!e $o!t&and !o*te! as a st*1# Portland#configure terminal Portland(config)#router ospf 1 7llo4 net4or5 192 16- 4 4<&0 to Aoin 7rea 1; notice t1at /ou 1a*e to con*ert subnet mas5 into 4il(car( mas5: Portland(config-router)#network area 1 8on2igure Portlan( as a stub: Portland(config-router)#area 1 stub Portland(config-router)#end Portland#copy running-config startup-config E on)i+*!e Indianapo&is !o*te! as a Ftota&&= st*1F# Indianapolis#configure terminal Indianapolis(config)#router ospf 1 Indianapolis(config-router)#network area 1 Ca5e area 1 become a totall/ stubb/ area; notice t1at 4e can onl/ use t1is comman( on 7'$ router: Indianapolis(config-router)#area 1 stub no-summary Indianapolis(config-router)#end Indianapolis#copy running-config startup-config 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# Sim*&ation Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION 4 L7' 4 - "P*6 %SPF Virtual Lin5 S,ecial Note: To gain t1e ma3imum number o2 ,oints /ou must remo*e all incorrect or unnee(e( con2iguration statements relate( to t1is issue Ans"e! and Exp&anation# To troubles1oot t1e ,roblem; 2irst issue t1e s7o" !*nnin+-con)i+ on all o2 4 routers Pa/ more attention to t1e out,uts o2 routers $2 an( $& T1e out,ut o2 t1e Fs7o" !*nnin+-con)i+F comman( o2 $2: 7n( T1e out,ut o2 t1e Fs7o" !*nnin+-con)i+F comman( o2 $&: 0e 5ne4 t1at all areas in an %,en S1ortest Pat1 First =%SPF> autonomous s/stem must be ,1/sicall/ connecte( to t1e bac5bone area =7rea 0> "n some cases; 41ere t1is is not ,ossible; 4e can use a *irtual lin5 to connect to t1e bac5bone t1roug1 a non-bac5bone area T1e area t1roug1 41ic1 /ou con2igure t1e *irtual lin5 is 5no4n as a transit area "n t1is case; t1e area 11 4ill become t1e transit area T1ere2ore; routers $2 an( $& must be con2igure( 4it1 t1e a!ea Ga!ea idH %i!t*a&-&in8 Gnei+71o! !o*te!idH comman( P 8on2igure *irtual lin5 on $2 =2rom t1e 2irst out,ut abo*e; 4e learne( t1at t1e %SPF ,rocess "+ o2 $2 is 1>: R2>enable R2#configure terminal R2(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R2(config-rtr)#area 11 virtual-link Sa%e t7e con)i+*!ation# R2(config-rtr)#end R2#copy running-config startup-config

=Notice t1at 4e 1a*e to use neig1bor router-i( & & & &; not $2Is router-i( 2 2 2 2> P 8on2igure *irtual lin5 on $& =2rom t1e secon( out,ut abo*e; 4e learne( t1at t1e %SPF ,rocess "+ o2 $& is 1 an( 4e 1a*e to (isable t1e 4rong con2iguration o2 Earea )4 *irtual-lin5 4 4 4 4E>: R3>enable R3#configure terminal R3(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R3(config-rtr)#no area 54 virtual-link R3(config-rtr)#area 11 virtual-link Sa%e t7e con)i+*!ation# R3(config-rtr)#end R3#copy running-config startup-config @ou s1oul( c1ec5 t1e con2iguration o2 $4; too R4>enable R4#show running-config @ou 4ill see a 4rongl/ con2igure( *irtual-lin5 comman( To get 2ull mar5 4e 1a*e to (isable R4#configure terminal R4(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R4(config-router)#no area 54 virtual-link R4(config-router)#end 72ter 2inis1ing t1e con2iguration (onIt 2orget to ,ing bet4een $1 an( $4 to ma5e sure t1e/ 4or5 4ellX Note: "2 /ou 4ant to c1ec5 t1e routing in2ormation; use t1e s7o" ip%6 !o*te comman( ;not Es7o" ip !o*teE 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# Sim*&ation Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence# QUESTION / Lab ) - !"#$P %SPF $e(istribution Some in2ormation 2rom e31ibit =@ou 4ill see more in t1e real e3am>: $2 is an 7S'$ 2or !"#$P 100 an( %SPF 7$!7 24 $& is an 7S'$ 2or !"#$P 100 an( %SPF 7$!7 &4 Vnote: so t1ere are T0% se,arate areas on T0% se,arate 7S'$S t1us /ou nee( to (o re(istribution on $2 an( $& $1 is %NL@ in !"#$P 100; an( is T.! %NL@ router /ou can ,ing 2rom $4 1as a inter2ace t1at must be ,inge( 2rom $1 $4 is running %SPF an( 1as re(un(ant lin5 to !"#$P net4or5 o*er $& router Notice# @ou s1oul( ma5e a ,ing 2rom $1 to 172 16 1 100 net4or5 to ma5e sure e*er/t1ing is 4or5ing correctl/ Ans"e! and Exp&anation# First 4e nee( to 2in( out ) ,arameters ='an(4i(t1; +ela/; $eliabilit/; Loa(; CTB> o2 t1e s0<0<0 inter2ace =t1e inter2ace o2 $2 connecte( to $4> 2or re(istribution: R2#show interface s0/0/0 0rite (o4n t1ese ) ,arameters; notice t1at 4e 1a*e to (i*i(e t1e +ela/ b/ 10 because its metric unit is tens o2 microsecon( For e3am,le; 4e get 'an(4i(t1U1)44 Hbit; +ela/U20000 us; $eliabilit/U2)); Loa(U1; CTBU1)00 b/tes t1en 4e 4oul( re(istribute as 2ollo4s: R2#config terminal R2(config)#router ospf 1 R2(config-router)#redistribute eigrp 100 metric-type 1 subnets

R2(config-router)#exit R2(config)#router eigrp 100 R2(config-router)#redistribute ospf 1 metric 1544 2000 255 1 1500 =Notice: "n 2act; t1ese ,arameters are Aust use( 2or re2erence an( 4e can use ot1er ,arameters 4it1 no ,roblem 7lso; a can(i(ate sai( t1at t1e simulator (i(n?t acce,t t1e 'an(4i(t1 o2 1)44R in t1at case; 4e can use a lo4er *alue; li5e 12"2 t1e (ela/ is 20000us t1en 4e nee( to (i*i(e it b/ 10; t1at is 20000 < 10 U 2000> For $& 4e use t1e s1o4 inter2ace 2a0<0 to get ) ,arameters too R3#show interface fa0/0 For e3am,le 4e get 'an(4i(t1U10000 Hbit; +ela/U1000 us; $eliabilit/U2)); Loa(U1; CTBU1)00 b/tes R3#config terminal R3(config)#router ospf 1 R3(config-router)#redistribute eigrp 100 metric-type 1 subnets R3(config)#exit R3(config-router)#router eigrp 100 R3(config-router)#redistribute ospf 1 metric 10000 100 255 1 1500 Finall/ /ou s1oul( tr/ to Ks7o" ip !o*teL to see t1e 172 16 1 100 net4or5 =t1e net4or5 be1in( $4> in t1e routing table o2 $1 an( ma5e a ,ing 2rom $1 to t1is net4or5 Ca/be t1e Kcop= !*nnin+-con)i+ sta!t*p-con)i+L comman( 4ill not 4or5 in t1is lab so (on?t 4orr/; Aust s5i, it 7 ' 8 + o!!ect Ans"e!# Section# Sim*&ation Exp&anation Exp&anation'(e)e!ence#

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