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Significance of the Papers Three competencies to be evaluated: Prioritisation; Decision Making; Delegation

The last group and the accounts are the most important for the state of the business. These are: Annexures (Sheets - !" Annexure An long term emplo ee has to be given a befitting !are"ell. A must attend

Annexure # This can be delegated to the Deput #eneral Manager$%&' Annexure ! (mportant but cannot spend "hole da in the conference. %ence has to be laterall delegated to )r.Managers in Marketing and %& especiall "rt to Anne*ure +.. Annexure $ A strike call, The future of the compan is at stake. %ave to immediatel attend and sort it out. A Phone ca%% -ou should immediatel ask our %.D$administration' to send across a )enior person from administration to look into the matter. Annexure & /ecause the training is important on the compan 0s future agenda1 ou should be there to give the opening address. Annexure ' /usiness !irst, This meeting should be attended

Annexure ( - Appraisal meeting "ill have to be postponed in the light of the pressing matters at hand. Annexure ) Annexure * To attend if ou are free23an be delegated to the %.D$%&' -ou can ask our retained la" er to take care of this

Annexure + - This interaction is a necessar focus. )o its best to address the ne" #4Ts


(mportant issue 1 must attend the meeting, (f there is nothing pressing1 must attend, (mportant,The session must be conducted, -es this meeting is important, Must happen.

Annexure # Annexure !Meeting -

IIn, Step :

5o" Divide on a date"ise basis i.e 66th167th 8 69th August17:6: and manage the time,,, #ood ;uck

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