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Stangherlin 1

Salisbury High School

Honors English 11 Course Outline
RJ Stangherlin
SHS: 610.797.4107 EXT. 2120 Mobile: 484.505.0986
Skype: Rita.Jean.Stangherlin

What are Honors English 11 Course Objectives?

 To integrate best practices of academic literacy with
 technology applications;
 To facilitate students as teachers and learners using Web 2.0 tools to
create a PLC (Professional Learning Community);
 To teach students 21st century skills that enable and support them as
articulate, intelligent creators of written and oral communication in
conventional and digital media;
 To interpret text, subtext, context, and pretext in non-/traditional works;
 To prepare students for success in all their ventures, including PSSA and
P/SAT tests;
 To prepare students in academic and digital literacies for success as a
global citizens.

How do we learn?
 Web 2.0 Tools; Digital Media
 On-line / classroom conferencing
 Cooperative Learning
 Peer Editing
 Individual and Team Presentations
 Integrated Project
 Lecture

What is the Honors English 11 Approach?

 Linear, from Pre-History to World War II
 Academic Literacy / Technology Initiatives
 Essential Questions
 Interactive On-line Conferencing
 Classrooms without walls
 Integrating Academic Literacy with Technology Integration Initiatives
 Reading primary source historical texts as cultural artifacts
 Using literary criticism to rethink meaning
 PSSA and P/SAT Preparation

What do we study?
 Primary source historical texts
 Literary texts

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 Literary criticism
 Guns, Germs, and Steel

II. Writing
 Focuses on improving personal and effective responses under time
 Emphasizes simplifying complex informational writing in research-driven
 Enriches the art of argument in persuasive writing

III. Vocabulary and Grammar

 SAT vocabulary program
 Literary terms
 Contextual vocabulary
 Review of basic grammar, emphasizing skills essential to effective writing

IV. Speaking and Listening

 Academic Literacy initiatives
 Broadcast channels
 Class discussion
 Reading aloud
 Integrated Project presentations

What Should You Expect from Me?

 Respect, sensitivity, and support
 Risk taking and relevance
 Curricular technology integration
 Academic Challenge
 Ways to make lifelong learning fun

What Should I Expect from You?

 Your academic best
 Questions and Answers
 Report to class prepared for the day’s assignments; in seat before the bell
 Report to class with required materials
 Work on time; make up work submitted on time [digital and/or hard copy]

Homework, Absenteeism, and Make-Up Policy

 HOMEWORK is due on the date assigned
o failure to submit work on time results in a deduction on your
o work submitted later than 3 days after the due date results in a
exempt you from submitting work on time
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o If you have an early dismissal (athletic, academic, or personal),
your work is due on the day assigned
o Early dismissal does not give the student an “extra day” to
submit work
 Exception: an early dismissal because of UNEXPECTED
o You have the same number of days to make up work as the
number of days absent days plus 1
 If you are absent 3 days, your work is due on the 4th day
from your return to school
o You may (and should) contact me or the school (or both) for your
homework assignments
o When you return to school, if information that is not available
online is needed for you to complete your work, check the
WELCOME BACK folder for your work

 Most importantly, contact me if you have extenuating circumstances

How Can You Help Yourself?

 Own the responsibility to contact me or check my website
( for lesson plans when you
are absent
 Contact me [before school, before or after class, during study hall, prep
period, phone, e-mail] if you need help or special accommodations
 Rewrite essays during the first quarter [not available for essay tests;
rewrites are due one day after they are returned with original essay and
PSSA grading sheets; no reevaluation without original work and original
PSSA rubric]
 Peer Tutoring [see Guidance Department and/or me]

How Do I Grade?
 PSSA Rubric [writing and speaking]
 Academic Literacy Rubric
 Project-Specific Rubrics
 Points [not per cent]
 Jointly with faculty members when we are involved in interdisciplinary

Membership Affiliations:
 ISTE [International Society for Technology in Education]
 PAECT [Pennsylvania Association for Educational Communications and
 STAR DEN [Discovery Educator Network]
 KTI [Keystone Technology Integrators]
 NCTE [National Council of Teachers of English]

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 Diigo Educational Pioneer

Revised 1 September 2009

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