Horse Gram: Scientific Name Description

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Horse Gram

First Source: Horse Gram is a kind of bean commonly used in many South Indian states. This plant is native to
different parts of India. The edible seeds are highly nutritious and areused for numerous culinary purposes. They also have some medicinal uses.

Scientific Name Description

The scientific name for these plants is Macrotyloma uniflorum.

Horse Gram grows as an annual plant with an attractive appearance. Here is a general description of this climbing plant: Stems: The stems are slightly hairy. Leaves: It has trifoliate leaves with each leaflet growing between 2.5 cm and 5 cm in breadth. The leaflets are oblong or lanceolate in shape. Flowers: Small yellow flowers grow in clusters from the leaf axils. The flowers are 1.3 cm to 2 cm long.

Picture 1 - Horse Gram Flower Pods: Their scimitar-shaped, compressed pods grow around 5 cm in length. Seeds: The large seeds can be round or slightly flattened in shape. They turn nearly black when dried.

Regional Names
They are known by various names in different Indian languages:

In Hindi: Kulthi In Bengali: Kulthikalai In Tamil: Kollu In Telugu: Ulavalu or Guggillu In Kannada: Hurule In Oriya: Kolatha In Gujrati: Kadthi Ni Dal

These plants are indigenous to the southeastern regions of India. They are also found in other parts of the world including Africa, Malaysia, Australia and the West Indies.


Picture 2 - Horse Gram

They are generally grown from the seeds. The plants can adapt to a wide range of soil types from granitic sands to heavy clays. Tropic and sub-tropic climates are ideal for their growth. They can tolerate saline soils with the preferred pH range being 6.0 to 7.5. Horse Gram plants can grow in dry areas. But, they prefer 500 mm to 2500 mm rainfall. These plants do not survive in frost and extremely cold weather. Harvesting of the seeds can be done both by hands and by using a harvester.

Nutritional Facts
Here is the nutritional fact for 100 gm of this legume:
Nutrients Energy Moisture Protein Fat Mineral Fiber Carbohydrates Calcium Phosphorous Amounts 321 Ecals 12 gm 22 gm 0 gm 3 gm 5 gm 57 gm 287 mg 311 mg


7 mg

Health Benefits
Various health benefits can be derived from these beans: It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating numerous health disorders including rheumatism, worm, conjunctivitis and piles. They have astringent and diuretic properties. The beams are beneficial for extracting phlegm. They are believed to be helpful for keeping the body warm during winter. Controlling fever is another health benefit of Horse Gram. The phenol content of the seeds helps to reduce excessive weight. They also help to lower cholesterol levels. According to some studies, the lipid extracts of Horse Gram are beneficial for treating peptic ulcer. It is also beneficial for reducing flatulence. These legumes help to control various menstrual problems. In India, Horse Gram is believed to be beneficial for treating kidney stones.

Edible Uses

Picture 3 - Horse Gram Plant

The edible legumes are used for preparing various dishes. They have some other uses as well.

Medicinal Uses

It is widely used in the Karnataka cuisine. In the Himalayan region, it is used as a major food source. The legumes are cooked in a saut pan to prepare a dish called Ras. A delicious dish is prepared by using Horse Grams along with tender radish leaves, coriander leaves, rai and spinach. It is also popularly used for making curries and soups. Various preparations of these beans are eaten with boiled rice and roti. In Maharashtra, it is used for making pithla, kulith usal and laddu.

Horse Gram water is prescribed for treating jaundice in Andhra Pradesh. This water is also used for relieving cough and cold.


Applying a paste of powdered Horse Gram along with some water on the skin helps to control boils and skin rashes.

Here are the names of some of the popular dishes prepared with this legume:

Horse Gram for Weight Loss

Eating plenty of Horse Gram helps in losing weight. One can also make a paste of sour buttermilk and 100 gm powdered Horse Gram and apply it on the main fat deposits of the body. It is important to massage the paste in upward strokes as it effectively reduces body fat.

Horse Gram Rasam Horse Gram And Coconut Paji Horse Gram Gravy Horse Gram Bendhi Kollu Chutney Horsegram Kurma Horse Gram Drink Horsegram Dosa Horse Gram Dal Horsegram Soup

Using Horse Gram during Pregnancy

Picture 4 - Horse Gram Image

It is beneficial for pregnant women as it helps to increase the bodys blood count. But, it is advisable to consult a physician if there are any adverse effects.

Side Effects
Following are some of the possible side effects of eating these legumes:

Interesting Facts

It can cause excessive bile production in case of over consumption. Plethora and tuberculosis patients should avoid eating Horse Gram.

Find out some interesting facts about it:


The Macrotyloma uniflorum plants can survive in extremely hot temperatures. These beans are commonly used as cattle feed in various parts of the world. In Kerala, Horse Gram is known as Muthira which sounds like kuthira, which means horse in Malayalam. This might be because the legumes are used forfeeding horses.

Here are some images of this wonderful edible bean.

Picture 5 - Horse Gram Picture

Picture 5 - Horse Gram Photo

Second Source:


Horse gram is sharp, bitter and hot. It is beneficial in cough breathing problem due to phlegms, flatulation, hicups, stones and fever. It also eliminates germs and worms. It causes impurities of bile and blood. It also causes inflammation and checks sweating.


1. Drinking semi liquid solution of horse gram powder cures flatulation. 2. If horse beans mixed with powdered dry ginger, asafoetida and "veed

salt" is taken it cures the pain of the stomach. 3. If it is used in food it cures disease of the stomach. 4. If the water in which horse gram had been soaked for the whole night (and is mashed in the same water in the morning) is taken daily, taken twice then it cures "stones". 5. The use of horse gram in the diet relieves the pain of dry piles. 6. Drinking the semi liquid mixture of powdered horse gram and powdered black pepper cures sore throat. 7. Its use in the diet is good for women as their menstruation is purified.


It is harmful for pregnant woman, or a person suffering from plethora or tuberculosis. It also causes the formation of excessive bile.

Raw horse gram good for diabetics


Third Source:

Horse gram is a very popular food in the northern hilly regions of India. Locally known as kulath it has many health benefits associated with it. Let us discuss about some of them in this article and find out why horse gram is becoming so popular all over the world. The plant of horsegram is known to show antioxidant, astringent and diuretic action. It has been found to be specially useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, diarrhea and hemorrhage. Horsegram plant has been also found useful in cases of bleeding during pregnancy, leucorrhea and menstrual disorders. People suffering from spleen enlargement, colic and weak liver can also benefit from this plants medicinal properties. People with kidney stones, hypertension, gall stones also benefit from its intake. Kulath or horse gram is rich in B-complex vitamins and protein. It is quite delicious to taste and at the same time highly nutritious. Hence it is a favorite food of a large number of people ranging from young to old. In India it is commonly prescribed in ayurvedic medicine for conditions like difficult breathing, cough, gastric problems, ulcers, worm infections and excessive perspiration. Some alternative medicine experts even consider horse gram as a good remedy to control joints pain. It can be also used as a natural health tonic. However horse gram is not considered adequate for people who have tuberculosis or women who are pregnant.

Uses Of Horse Gram As Medicine People who have gall or kidney stones can take horse gram by soaking a little quantity in glass of water for 8 to 10 hours. The soaked horse gram can be mashed up and consumed two times a day or the infusion can be taken again two times a day whichever way one likes. Horse gram is excellent food for those who are looking to loose some weight. Eating kulath regularly helps in getting rid of worm infections. It tones up the digestive system and prevents acidity and flatulence. For relief from cold take a small amount of horse gram boil it in water, filter and cool it. Mix it in a grinder with water and make a semi solid paste. Add pepper to this paste and drink for relief from cold, sore throat and cough.

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