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Temple of Elemental Evil Monsters Above ground, Moathouse Wandering Monsters

Brigands AC 14 (leather armor + large wooden shield) War 1 CR At +1 D(1d8) Rat, Giant (small animal) S D 1! Co 1" #nt $ Wis 1$ Ch $ CR 1%4 &' $ #nit +1 S'd 1() Clim* 1() AC 1$ (+1 si+e, +1 de,) Bite +( melee (1d! -$) Balan.e +/ Clim* +14 &ide +1 0o1e Silentl2 +8 Disease (3, DC 1$ 4ort Sa1e D0G 'g5 6( Rat, Giant (medi7m) S 1" D 11 #nt $ Wis 1$ Co 1$ Ch $ CR &' d8+1 (() S'd $") Clim* $") AC 1$ (+$ nat7ral armor) Bite +! melee (1d!) #nit +" Balan.e +8 Clim* +1! &ide +14 0o1e Silentl2 + Disease (as a*o1e) 8i.9, Giant
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: A : Attac!s: Damage: "ace#$each: Special Attac!s: Saves: Abilities: S!ills: "eats: limate#Terrain: %rganisation: hallenge $ating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement: Small Animal $d8 (/ h')



Small Animal Small Animal !d8 (1! h') 4d8 (18 h') +6 (De, +!, #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e) (:t5 16 (De, +!, si+e +1, nat7ral +!) Bite +1 Bite +$ Bite +4 Bite 1d4;$ Bite 1d4;1 Bite 1d4 $:t5 *2 !:t5%(:t5 $:t5 *2 !:t5%(:t5 $:t5 *2 !:t5%(:t5 Blood drain, disease 4ort +!, Re: + , 4ort +!, Re: +6, 4ort +4, Re: +6, Will +! Will +! Will +4 Str 8, De, 1 , Con Str /, De, 1 , Con Str 1", De, 1 , Con 1", #nt ;, Wis ;, Cha 1", #nt ;, Wis ;, Cha 1", #nt ;, Wis ;, Cha ! ! ! &ide +(, <7m' +! &ide +(, <7m' +4 &ide +(, <7m' +( #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e, =ightning Re:le,es An2 :orest> 7ndergro7nd Swarm (!;1$) 1 $ $ ?one ?e7tral ;

Giant ti.9s are h7ge :orms o: the .ommon *loods7.9ing inse.t5


Giant ti.9s hide in the *ran.hes o: trees, or within hidden ni.hes on .a1ern walls and .eilings, waiting to dro' onto 7ns7s'e.ting 1i.tims5 8he2 atta.9 *2 @*itingA ; a.t7all2 a long, mo7th;li9e t7*e whi.h the2 insert into their targets5 &lood drain 'E(): #: a ti.9 s.ores a s7..ess:7l hit, it has s7n9 its mo7th;t7*e into its 1i.tim5 8he t7*e .a7ses some initial damage5 Ba.h ro7nd therea:ter, the ti.9 *egins to :eed, draining 1d 'oints o: damage thro7gh *lood drain 'er ro7nd, 7ntil it has drained an amo7nt eC7al to its own ma,im7m hit 'oint total, at whi.h 'oint it sim'l2 dro's o:: and attem'ts to s.7ttle awa25 8i.9s m7st *e se1erel2 *7rned, 9illed, or immersed in water to :or.e them o:: 'rior to satiation5 Disease 'E(): Some ("3 o: ti.9s are .arriers o: disease5 See the DMG pg. 75 :or 'ossi*le disease e,am'les5

Area 1D Eool
Giant :rogs (a1erage) &D $d1"+! #nit +1 S'd $") CR $ AC 1! (+! nat7ral) AtD 8ong7e +$ ranged *ite +$ melee or *ite + melee DamageD 8ong7e gra''le, *ite 1d +1 4a.e (), Rea.h 1") with tong7e S'e.ial atta.9sD im'ro1ed gra*, swallow whole Dar91ision ") Sa1es 4ort +6 Re: +! Will +" Str 14 De, 1! Con 18 #nt $ Wis / Cha S9ills &ide +( S'ot +$ &' 1!, 1" Giant :rogs(small) &D 1d8, #nit +", S'd 1() CR 1 AC 14 (+! nat7ral +1 si+e) At 8ong7e +! ranged *ite +! melee or *ite +6 melee D 1d! 4a.e () Rea.h () with tong7e S'e.ial atta.9sD im'ro1ed gra*, swallow whole (small .reat7res onl2), dar9 1ision ") Sa1es 4ort +( Re: +4 Will +" Str 1" De, 14 Con 18 #nt $ Wis / Ch S9ills hide + s'ot +$ &' 6, , 4, 4

Area *: To+er
0onstro7s S'ider, 0edi7m si+ed 1ermin #nit +!, !") mo1e, .lim* $") AC 14 (+! de,, +1 nat7ral) Bite +4 melee (d + 'oison) :a.e () SA 'oison, we* 4ort +4 Re: +! Will +" S 11 D 16 Co 1$ #nt - Wis 1" Ch $ Clim* +1$ &ide +1" <7m' +" S'ot +6

Area ,: &rigands
=eader 0ale &7man 4ighter $, CR $ &' 16, At +$ (1d or 1d8) Chainmail F =arge steel shield AC 16 (18 dodge) 4eatsD Wea'on 4o.7s (s'ear), Wea'on 4o.7s(longsword), Eoint *lan9 shot, dodge S9illsD <7m' +4 Swim +4 Clim* +$, S'ear F =ongsword, 0o1e $") WarriorsD At9 +1 (damage as wea'on) (CR ) S.ale mailD mo1e $"), leather mo1e !") Armor Wea'ons AC



S.alemail F large steel shield Eadded F wooden shield St7dded leather

=ongsword, :lail Sword, ! Ga1elins &al*erd

1 1! 1! 14 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$

6 !

=eather F large S'ear, handa,e wooden shield =eather Cross*ow, sword =eather =eather =eather Cross*ow, .l7* Cross*ow, ma.e &al*erd

( ( 4 4 !

Wea'on :o.7s (longsword), dodge Eoint *lan9 shot, wea'on :o.7s (long sword) Wea'on :o.7s (hal*erd), dodge Wea'on :o.7s (s'ear), r7n Eoint *lan9 shot, wea'on :o.7s(sword) Dodge, R7n Wea'on 4o.7s(.ross*ow), dodge Wea'on 4o.7s(hal*erd), r7n

Area -.
&7ge Hi'er CR ! &D 4, &' $!, 0o1e $"), Clim* $"), Swim $"), AC 1( (;$ si+e, +4 de,, +! nat7ral) At9D Bite +( melee (D 1d4 + 'oison, DC 1! - initial and se.ondar2 damage 1d .on), 4a.e 1(,1( .oiled, rea.h 1"), SAD Eoison, 4eats S.ent, 4ort +(, Re: +8, Will +$ S1", D 1/, Co 1!, #nt 1, Wis 1$, Cha $, Balan.e +1$, Clim* +1$, &ide +!, =isten +/, S'ot +/, Wea'on 4inesse (*2te)

Area -/
Giant Rats (1!)D S 1" D 11 #nt $ Wis 1$ Co 1$ Ch $ CR I &' d8+1 (() S'd $") Clim* $") AC 1$ (+$ nat7ral armor) Bite +! melee (1d!) #nit +" Balan.e +8 Clim* +1! &ide +14 0o1e Silentl2 + Disease (as a*o1e) &' 4,4,4,4,!,!,$,$,$,1,1,1,1

Area -0
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: A : Small Animal $d8 (/ h')



Small Animal Small Animal !d8 (1! h') 4d8 (18 h') +6 (De, +!, #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e) (:t5 16 (De, +!, si+e +1, nat7ral +!)

Attac!s: Damage: "ace#$each: Special Attac!s: Saves: Abilities: S!ills: "eats: limate#Terrain: %rganisation: hallenge $ating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement:

Bite +1 Bite 1d4;$ $:t5 *2 !:t5%(:t5

Bite +$ Bite +4 Bite 1d4;1 Bite 1d4 $:t5 *2 !:t5%(:t5 $:t5 *2 !:t5%(:t5 Blood drain, disease 4ort +!, Re: + , 4ort +!, Re: +6, 4ort +4, Re: +6, Will +! Will +! Will +4 Str 8, De, 1 , Con Str /, De, 1 , Con Str 1", De, 1 , Con 1", #nt ;, Wis ;, Cha 1", #nt ;, Wis ;, Cha 1", #nt ;, Wis ;, Cha ! ! ! &ide +(, <7m' +! &ide +(, <7m' +4 &ide +(, <7m' +( #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e, =ightning Re:le,es An2 :orest> 7ndergro7nd Swarm (!;1$) 1 $ $ ?one ?e7tral ;

Giant 8i.9 (lesser) &' 1/ (?o disease :or this ti.9) CR $ Giant ti.9s are h7ge :orms o: the .ommon *loods7.9ing inse.t5

Giant ti.9s hide in the *ran.hes o: trees, or within hidden ni.hes on .a1ern walls and .eilings, waiting to dro' onto 7ns7s'e.ting 1i.tims5 8he2 atta.9 *2 @*itingA ; a.t7all2 a long, mo7th;li9e t7*e whi.h the2 insert into their targets5 &lood drain 'E(): #: a ti.9 s.ores a s7..ess:7l hit, it has s7n9 its mo7th;t7*e into its 1i.tim5 8he t7*e .a7ses some initial damage5 Ba.h ro7nd therea:ter, the ti.9 *egins to :eed, draining 1d 'oints o: damage thro7gh *lood drain 'er ro7nd, 7ntil it has drained an amo7nt eC7al to its own ma,im7m hit 'oint total, at whi.h 'oint it sim'l2 dro's o:: and attem'ts to s.7ttle awa25 8i.9s m7st *e se1erel2 *7rned, 9illed, or immersed in water to :or.e them o:: 'rior to satiation5 Disease 'E(): Some ("3 o: ti.9s are .arriers o: disease5 See the Dungeonmasters Guide :or 'ossi*le disease e,am'les5

Area -, &arrac!s
Giant =i+ard , 0edi7m Si+ed Animal &D !d8+/ &' $( #nit +$ S'd !") Swim !") AC 1( Bite +( melee Bite 1d8+4 4a.e ()%()%() 4ort + Re: +( Will +$ S 16 D 1( Co 16 # $ W 1$ Ch $ Clim* +/ &ide +6 =isten +4 0o1e Silentl2 + S'ot +4

Dungeon 1evel Wandering Monsters

B7g Bears &D !d8+!, #nit +1, S'd !"), AC 16 (+1 de,, +! nat7ral, +$ leather, +1 small shield), Atta.9sD +4 melee (1d8+$), +! Ga1elin (d +$), 4a.e%Rea.h ()%()%(), SAD Dar91ision "), Sa1es 4ort +$, Re: +4, Will +1, S 1( D 1$ Co 1!, #nt 1", W 1", Ch /, Clim* +$, &ide +!, =isten +!, 0o1e Silentl2 + , S'ot +!, Alertness CR $ GnollD &D $d8+$, #nit +", S'd $"), AC 16 (+1 nat7ral, +4 s.ale, +$ large shield), At9s +! melee (d8+$), short*ow +1(d ), 4a.e ()%()%(), Dar91ision ") 4ort +4, Re: +", Will +", S 1(, D 1", Co 1!, #nt 8, W 11, Ch 8, =isten +!, S'ot +!, Eower Atta.9 CR 1 JgreD =arge Giant, &D 4d8+8, #nit -1, S'd !"), AC 1 (;1 si+e, ;1 de,, +( nat7ral, +! hide) At9 +8 melee ($d +6 great.l7*) +1 ranged ($d +( longs'ear), 4a.e ()%()%1") (1(; $") with longs'ear), 4ort + Re: +", Will +1, S $1, D 8, Co 1(, # W 1" Ch 6, Clim* +4, =isten +$, S'ot +$, Wea'on 4o.7s (great .l7*) CR $

Giant Rats S 1" D 11 #nt $ Wis 1$ Co 1$ Ch $ CR &' d8+1 (() S'd $") Clim* $") AC 1$ (+$ nat7ral armor) Bite +! melee (1d!) #nit +" Balan.e +8 Clim* +1! &ide +14 0o1e Silentl2 + Disease (as a*o1e) Kom*ie, 0edi7m si+ed, &D $d1$ +!, #nit -1, S'd !"), AC 11 (;1 de,, +$ nat7ral), At9s Slam +$ melee (1d +1), 4a.e ()%()%(), Lndead, 'artial a.tions onl2, 4ort +", Re: -1, Will +!, S 1!, D 8, Con - # - W 1" Ch 1, 8o7ghness, CR

Area 18
Green Slime are now tra's (CR 4) in !e5 See 'g5 116 in the D0G5 Damage $d 'er ro7nd against wood%metal, 1d tem'orar2 .on damage, Re:le, Sa1e DC 1( to a1oid5

Area $1
Kom*ies , 0edi7m si+ed, &D $d1$ +!, #nit -1, S'd !"), AC 11 (;1 de,, +$ nat7ral), At9s Slam +$ melee (1d +1), 4a.e ()%()%(), Lndead, 'artial a.tions onl2, 4ort +", Re: -1, Will +!, S 1!, D 8, Con - # - W 1" Ch 1, 8o7ghness, CR &' $(, $", 16, 11, 1$, 1(, $(, 1 , 16, 1(, 1 , 1!

Area $4
JgreD =arge Giant, &D 4d8+8, #nit -1, S'd !"), AC 1 (;1 si+e, ;1 de,, +( nat7ral, +! hide) At9 +8 melee ($d +6 great.l7*) +1 ranged ($d +( longs'ear), 4a.e ()%()%1") (1(; $") with longs'ear), 4ort + Re: +", Will +1, S $1, D 8, Co 1(, # W 1" Ch 6, Clim* +4, =isten +$, S'ot +$, Wea'on 4o.7s (great .l7*) CR $ &' $8

Area $6
B7g*ears &D !d8+!, #nit +1, S'd !"), AC 16 (+1 de,, +! nat7ral, +$ leather, +1 small shield), Atta.9sD +4 melee (1d8+$), +! Ga1elin (d +$), 4a.e%Rea.h ()%()%(), SAD Dar91ision "), Sa1es 4ort +$, Re: +4, Will +1, S 1( D 1$ Co 1!, #nt 1", W 1", Ch /, Clim* +$, &ide +!, =isten +!, 0o1e Silentl2 + , S'ot +!, Alertness CR $ &' 1/, 1 , 14, 1!, 1!, 11

Area $/
/ GnollsD &D $d8+$, #nit +", S'd $"), AC 16 (+1 nat7ral, +4 s.ale, +$ large shield), At9s +! melee (d8+$), short*ow +1(d ), 4a.e ()%()%(), Dar91ision ") 4ort +4, Re: +", Will +", S 1(, D 1", Co 1!, #nt 8, W 11, Ch 8, =isten +!, S'ot +!, Eower Atta.9 CR 1 &' 1 ,14, 1$, 1$, 1$, 11,11,11,/

Area !"

2iant ra3fish Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: A : Attac!s: Damage: "ace#$each: Saves: Abilities: S!ills: "eats: limate#Terrain: %rganisation: hallenge $ating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement: 4d8+4 ($$ h') +6 (De, +!, #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e) 1(:t5, swim !":t5 1( (De, +!, si+e ;1, nat7ral +!) $ .laws +( Claws $d +$ ( :t5 *2 8 :t5%( :t5 4ort +(, Re: +6, Will ;1 Str 14, De, 1 , Con 1$, #nt 1, Wis 1, Cha 4 &ide + , Swim +/ #m'ro1ed #nitiati1e, Wea'on 4inesse (.laws) 4reshwater Solitar2, 'air, or s.hool (1;4) ! ?one Alwa2s ?e7tral =arge (4;( &D), &7ge ( ;8 &D)

8hese strange .reat7res are :o7nd onl2 in :resh water5 8he2 mo1e slowl2 when wal9ing, *7t the2 .an swim with great ra'idit2 :or short 'eriods5

Giant .ra2:ish hide 7ntil 're2 .omes near, and then lea' o7t attem'ting to gain s7r'rise &' $6

Area !1
4 Gho7lsD &D $d1$, #nit +$ (de,), S'd !"), AC 14, Bite +! melee (1d + 'aral2sis)> +" $ .laws (1d! + 'aral2sis) 4a.e ()%()%(), SA Earal2sis, S'awn, Lndead, +$ t7rn resistan.e, 4orst +", Re: +$, Will +(, S 1!, D 1(, Co - # 1!, W 14, Ch 1 , Clim* + , Bs.a'e Artist +6, &ide +6, #nt7it Dire.tion +!, <7m' + , =isten +6, 0o1e Silentl2 +6, Sear.h + , S'ot +6, 4eats 07ltiatta.9, Wea'on 4inesse (*ite), Earal2sis DC 14, Bl1es imm7ne &' 1/, 1/, $$, $$

Area !!
G7ardsmen CR 1 AC 1 (s.alemail F large wooden shield), longsword, light .ross*ow, !" C7arrels, :eats, wea'on :o.7s (longsword), wea'on :o.7s(light .ross*ow), 'oint *lan9 shot Atta.9s +$ sword (1d8), +! ranged (1d8) &' 6, , (, (, 4, 4 S'd $"), 4ort +$, Re: +", Will +" Sergeant CR $ AC 16 (.hain F large steel shield), &' 18, At9 +$ morningstar (1d8%M$), +! warhammer 4eatsD Wea'on 4o.7s (warhammer), C7i.9draw, dodge, im'ro1ed initiati1e, 4ort +!, Re: +", Will +"

Area !4
=ie7tenant CR 4 4ighter 4 (&7man)

AC 1/ (&al: 'late + large steel shield), &' !1, 0o1e $") At +6 longsword (d8+$) or +8 long*ow (d8), or (+ , + with ra'id shot), also has handa,e and dagger (+6 or +(%+( :or o7t o: 'oint *lan9 range) S 1( # 1$ W 1" D 1( Co 16 Ch 6 4eatsD wea'on :o.7s(longsword), wea'on :o.7s(long*ow), 'oint *lan9 shot, ra'id shot, wea'on s'e.iali+ation(longsword), dodge

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