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Perry the Platypus Pattern created by Emily Lucero Materials G hook Yarn colors (Red Heart Super Saver)-

tur ua! oran"e! dark bro#n! #hite $ bro#n sa%ety eyes (&$ mm) Stitch marker (' used a sa%ety pin) Stu%%in" Body- tur ua Rnd &( ) sc in mc ()) Rnd $( inc every sc (&*) Rnd +( inc every other sc ($,) Rnd ,( inc every +rd sc (+$) Rnd --&.( sc around (+$) Rnd $/( dec every +rd sc ($,) Rnd $&( dec every other sc (&*) Rnd $$( dec every sc ()) 0inishin"( Stu%% body completely1 2eave end o% yarn throu"h each sc o% round $$ and pull ti"ht to close1 3ie o%% and #eave remainin" yarn into the body1 Eyes- #hite (make t#o) * sc in mc! slip st to connect to %irst sc1 0inishin"( 4reak yarn! leavin" a len"th %or attachin" to body1 Push stem o% sa%ety eye throu"h the center #hole o% the rin" 5ust created1 6ttach the back to the other side! securin" the sa%ety eye to the #hite part1 3his #ill create a #hite rim around the bro#n eye1 6ttach to body bet#een *th and 7th round! about - stitches apart1

Hand- tur ua (make t#o) Rnd &( * sc in mc Rnd $( sl st in %irst sc! $ ch picot! sl st in ne9t sc! $ ch picot! sl st in ne9t sc! $ ch picot! sl st in ne9t t#o sc! sc! ch *! sc in $nd ch %rom hook! sc , do#n remainder o% ch! sl st to connect to ori"inal circle1 0inishin"( break yarn! leavin" a len"th %or attachin" to body1 2eave yarn throu"h #rist and up arm1 6ttach to body at same round as beak1 Feet- oran"e (make t#o) Rnd &( * sc in mc (*) Rnd $( inc around (&$) Rnd +( sl st in %irst sc! $ ch picot! sl st in ne9t sc! $ ch picot! sl st in ne9t sc! $ ch picot! sl st to %inish1 0inishin"( break yarn! leavin" a len"th o% yarn %or attachin" to body1 6ttach to bottom o% body #ith toes pokin" out1 Tail- oran"e Rnd &( * sc in mc (*) Rnd $( inc around (&$) Rnd +( inc every other sc (&)) Rnd ,( inc every +rd sc ($,) Rnd --*( sc around ($,) Rnd 7( dec every +rd sc (&)) Rnd )( dec every other sc (&$) Rnd .-&+( sc around (&$) 0inishin"( break yarn! leavin" a len"th to attach to body1 8o not stu%%1 6ttach to body in back so tail sits evenly on the "round1 Hat- dark bro#n Rnd &( * sc in mc (*) Rnd $( inc around (&$) Rnd +( inc every other sc (&)) Rnd ,( sc around in back loop only (&)) Rnd --*( sc around (&)) Rnd 7( inc around (+*) Rnd )( inc every other sc (-,) 0inishin"( break yarn and #eave in remainin"1 Since the hat is #here his persona lies (#ithout it he is the mindless! un%ocused! domesticated pet and #ith it he is 6"ent P)! ' le%t the hat unattached! that #ay he could be either character at anytime1 You can decide #hether or not to attach the hat permanently1

Beak- oran"e Rnd &( sc , in mc (,) Rnd $( inc around ()) Rnd +( inc every other sc (&$) Rnd ,( inc every +rd sc (&*) Rnd -( inc every ,th sc ($/) Rnd *( dec every ,th sc (&*) 0inishin"( break yarn! leavin" a len"th %or attachin" to body1 6ttach to %ace one round belo# the eyes1 8o not stu%%1

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