Random Thoughts On Success, Wealth, Assimilation, Interest and Commitment by Robert Ing

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Random Thoughts on Success, Wealth, Assimilation, Interest and Commitment

By Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc, FInstMP (UK) Anyone can live the life they want and have the security they need to do this for the rest of their life. The problem is, when it comes to ambition, will and intelligence; the only three characteristics a person needs to be truly successful, all people are not created equal. It doesnt matter whether a person has very little savings, has a handicap, has dropped out of school or has suffered personal setbacks because if they possess the ambition, will and intelligence they will succeed. From cradle to grave most people are taught or assimilated into a life of being a follower, always at the benevolence of another. They are told that rather than to take responsibility and learn from their choices and actions, that if they mess up, its alright because they will be forgiven and should put it all behind them. In doing so, people subconsciously accept that is fine to try and if they mess up, all will be forgiven; thus on a subconscious level they are not really driven on the act of doing or I commit to but rather the act of trying or wanting to. People try when they are unsure if they can. People want when they feel they lack in their life. People do when they are sure they can achieve. People commit when they are secure in the knowledge of their ability and resources. Wealth, whether physical or intellectual is something many are taught to be evil and wicked. People are taught and believe the way to eternal enlightenment is to be of humble means; to live in a state of want and to feel guilty should they think of rising above their station. This is yet another subconscious message drummed into many from cradle to grave; mostly by those whose charitable organizations command billions. Whose leaders live as royalty through the perpetual subsidy of a tithe or tax on the assimilated multitude. All the while, the assimilated multitude are enslaved mentally; being subliminally bombarded by messages that instil personal inferiority, insecurity, paranoia and guilt. These messages are served daily in the form of creating want through a frivolous consumer-centric societal culture. The assimilated individual is misled to believe that in order to compensate for the lowly, weak and inferior creature that he or she is, who cannot possibly survive on their own without a benefactor whether it be a government or deity; that the only relief lies in the acquisition and pursuit of material goods in order to gain self and cultural acceptance.

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, magician of the mind, broadcaster and author. An internationally acclaimed forensic scientist, he has traveled the world on behalf of the interests of governments and major corporations. Dr. Ing has appeared on major North American broadcast news networks and is a syndicated author in both print and electronic media. For further information visit www.drroberting.com www.drroberting.co.uk

This is consumerism that places value on worthless, temporal, overvalued items. The very root of the myth that in order to be wealthy or of worth, one must have a quantity of material possessions. Those assimilated into this form of mental slavery feel an urgency to acquire things they cannot afford and thus are driven to go into debt, work long hours or even worse commit crime in order to have these items. When an individual is pre-occupied with this obsession they are easily controlled, manipulated and enslaved first in mind and then in body in creating wealth for someone else. As well, when in this state they are prone to poor personal judgment leading to bad decisions that affect their health and family. Enough is enough. There are people who possess the ambition, will and intellect to be successful in whatever they desire, but merely lack the opportunity. This is not unlike a fine musician, a prodigy without a concert hall in which to perform. In order to be successful you must be the adversary of your world; do not be a follower but be a responsible leader in your own life. Do not accept anything anyone tells you, including myself as truth but verify, research and prove it to yourself. All too many times people throughout history have taken too much on faith, popular belief or by saying to people prove it to me. You must take responsibility for yourself; prove it to yourself. In order to be successful, however you personally define it, you must first commit yourself to living each day of your life to the fullest and leading a full, accomplished life with the goal of following your own dreams and ambitions. There are many who are interested in a better life but there are only a small handful of individuals who are committed to having one. Interest requires a conscious effort to persist and prevail. An interested person is one who is curious but still subconsciously searching for more supportive information and an affirmation that he or she will be successful in this endeavour, regardless of what that may be. A committed person is one who having all the reassuring information they require on both a conscious and subconscious level goes forth and pursues their objective in a naturally instinctive manner, much like having a meal or leaving the house. You dont think, pause or analyze doing these, nor do you measure the time it may take to prepare or get ready to do so. You are committed to your objective and never consider the time it takes to prepare, or the setbacks such as traffic or other things you must face as your mind is not interested in the emotional or intellectual issues associated with these prerequisites but is committed to the achievement the end result.

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, magician of the mind, broadcaster and author. An internationally acclaimed forensic scientist, he has traveled the world on behalf of the interests of governments and major corporations. Dr. Ing has appeared on major North American broadcast news networks and is a syndicated author in both print and electronic media. For further information visit www.drroberting.com www.drroberting.co.uk

Having said this, there will always be situations to determine your commitment. True commitment knows no time restriction and is persistent until achievement is accomplished. However, interest (not that interest is a bad thing) typically comes with several self-imposed restrictions; time limitations, and a preset level of persistence before it runs its course or discouragement (without reassurance or fulfillment) is realized. Interest in achieving something is nice. Commitment to achieve is the key to real success. To your success, may you not only achieve what you need but always achieve your goals.

Copyright 2014 Dr Robert Ing www.drroberting.co.uk Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the article appears in its entirety, full credit is given to the author and a link or reference to the author's webpage www.drroberting.co.uk is provided.

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, magician of the mind, broadcaster and author. An internationally acclaimed forensic scientist, he has traveled the world on behalf of the interests of governments and major corporations. Dr. Ing has appeared on major North American broadcast news networks and is a syndicated author in both print and electronic media. For further information visit www.drroberting.com www.drroberting.co.uk

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